#raccoon hybrid jackie
bookwormscififan · 2 months
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Jackie giving Phantom all the kisses after he returns from burning down the facility
From the last chapter of I Would Destroy Our World
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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siren07tucker · 4 years
Some ideas that I had! @petrichormeraki
 where are the kids!
First up it’s kind a hermit Tommy what is Tommy was a shapeshifter or changeling and when he gets adopted by Sam he starts using he’s creeper form more often usually how it works is that he hast to be near the mob so he can touch it and transform into it and Tommy sees this as a way to be closer to people. Anyway what if on Djali‘s birthday when they get the trident and our electrocuted that was when all of their repressed memories of being tortured and hunted rear their ugly head and it’s the first time Djali ever blew up on hermit craft and Doc doesn’t know how to deal with it because when he got all the robot bibs he decided for his health and safety to remove whatever makes him explode,,, so he calls an old friend who may or may not be the science buddy he went to talk to that fateful night when they first find kid anyway Sam comes with a creeper raccoon hybrid? Which is Tommy anyway Djali‘s OK and Sam and Tommy visit more and Djali loves their uncle Sam and cousin Tommy!
What if all the magical kids go to a magic school for a couple of months not because their parents can’t teach the magic but just to make new friends and during a lesson on souls everyone finds out that Aislin is a support soul and he starts getting bullied by teachers and students.  because of the prestige of the good times name all of scars kids go by 100  and for the same reason almost nobody knows what server all of the hermit kids are from, so the day Djali (there to learn Admin magic they’re not actually part of The students but instead kind of a teacher assistant so that way they can learn how to control large groups of people) finds out about everybody picking on their best friend instead of going hunting with their trident they sent  A lengthy letter describing what was going on asking that their father read it to all the hermits... and the look of the teachers and students faces as the near legendary admin of hermit craft and some of the hermits walk into their school! And to top it all off a visit from it good times descendent! Let’s just say that school did not recover from Dubs practically critiquing everything starting with The interior, and working his way up to mentioning that his son was a support soul in fact the only support soul in the whole school and before things could get physical scar had to swallow just a bit of his pride so that way he could prevent dubs from killing people...
 I had an idea for the things that Cleo and Joe simply can’t really understand about puppy hybrids they turn to Ren dog! And Jackie loved their uncle Ren! And he didn’t need to worry about roughhousing or play fighting! Things that he can do with his ma and Pa well he still can’t fight with ma and he could technically debate with pa!  and apparently werewolves can actually be calm down by having a pup with them! So once in a while every full moon Jackie an Ren have sleepovers!
 at some point both Cleo and Joe realize And excepted that Jackie would never actually grow up since he was dead but then one day Jackie fell over whining and crying The pain this coming from his body being ripped apart because his bones were  trying to grow?  but with a bit of wolf DNA and some of joe’s DNA they made Jackie some skin?  surprisingly it didn’t die it even grew brown fluffy fur.
 I guess you can kind of in for this from the first little thing? Basically after a week in hermit craft with some nice human decency Djali practically forgot or more like repressed every single memory before hermit craft the only time that shit comes out is during panic attacks therapy meetings for when they are face to face with a hunting party.
 The day that Zia was excepted by the hermits was win during some kind of  party where all the hermits were gathered in the shopping district  they were ambushed bye some thing or someone? The hermits are restrained and a Hels a Portal opens near everyone, and out walks a kid? That looked like hels night before any harm could happen to the hermits Zia ran out from her hiding place and shield with them, they basically they had a rap battle reminiscent of wells night Aunt Hells nights battle. It’s revealed that this was fractal the princess of Hells! And she was here to collect her trader sister! And even though Zia didn’t like it she pulled out her Stone sword and said that hermit craft was her home and she would defendant!  before their swords could strike Hells night intervened and before he could try two basically kidnap Zia X got in the way saying that Zia was under his protection!
Jackie doesn’t know if you likes the other kids, A part of him feels like he was being weird for not running up to them and being excited and that it’s normal for him to play with others but he honestly he’s terrified of the other kids they just make him anxious, it took him forever to actually talk to the older kids who are the most calmest. 
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
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Not an Animal
Character sheet for raccoon-hybrid Jackie!
I gave him vitiligo to explain the mask patches around his eyes, which I think make him beautiful (my aunt has vitiligo and she’s wonderful)
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
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It’s You
Little sketch of a scene from the new chapter of Hybrids and Humans, with Jackie making it out of the facility and seeing his reflection in the water for the first time.
Got some angst ideas for this AU, and Jackie seeing how different he is is one of them.
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 4 months
Hybrids and Humans, Chapter 7
Broken Rights
Previous Chapter
Read on AO3!
A/N: Take some angst.
Warnings: There is a short scene that handles some electroshock, so just a warning.
“Wait, I don’t understand.” The soldiers were silent as Jackie protested, grips tight on his arms as they practically dragged him down the stairs. “Please, at least let me call Phantom! It’s his house, he needs to know what’s going on!”
They lifted him over the table with no regard for the items on it, and Jackie flinched as his feet knocked a few ornaments onto the ground, hearing them smash against the floor. Dragging him through the shards, his feet trailed blood along the once-spotless hardwood, and Jackie fell limp in the soldiers’ arms as defeat swept over him.
“Tell me why you took me from my home,” Jackie’s voice was flat, head bowed as he sat in front of the sharply dressed man across the table. “I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I never hurt anyone, I was living my life.”
“Hybrids aren’t allowed in the town.” Jackie’s head snapped up at the curt response, anger flaring up in his chest as his eyes blazed. “You have your rights, but you can’t live amongst the society.”
“The fuck does that mean?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t speak to you if you use that language—”
“I wasn’t hurting anybody! I was simply living in a house – owned and paid by a human – and keeping out of danger! You took me from my fucking house and put me in here, and you’re trying to tell me I broke some—”
The man watched as Jackie collapsed onto the floor as a result of the soldier behind him injecting him with a syringe. With a short nod, Jackie was carried from the room and taken back to his cell, cuffed and chained to a wall to keep him from lashing out again.
The walls shook with the echoes of screams, scientists and soldiers alike covering their ears against the pained cries of the raccoon hybrid in the cell.
“Please! Please, stop! Why are you doing this?!” Inside the cell, Jackie screamed as shock after shock of electricity hit him, hair and fur unkempt as tears stained his cheeks. “Let me go! I’ll never come to the town again! I swear! Please!”
Behind two-way glass, the sharply dressed man crossed his arms, watching Jackie writhe before lifting his hand, motioning for the shocks to stop. As Jackie panted and shook, the man turned and walked away, waving his hand to return Jackie to his cell.
His eyes flashed as he watched people move past his cell, waiting until the lights turned off before scurrying to the door, picking at the lock with the small nail he’d snatched.
He held his breath as the lock clicked, waiting for signs someone heard him before slipping out of the cell, moving down the halls like a shadow. His hands were bruised from his time there, and his legs were stiff, but he made it to a fire exit and out the door in the blink of an eye.
The cool night air was refreshing on his face, and he paused for a moment to take several breaths, revelling in his momentary freedom. Catching himself, he hurried out of the facility, through a gap in the electrified fence, and into the thick woods beyond.
Collapsing against twigs and dead leaves, Jackie swallowed back gulps of air before looking around him, not recognising his surroundings. How far away was he? How long would it take to get back to Phantom? Would Phantom even remember him?
Slowly he managed to stand, moving to a bush and taking the berries from it. His ears swivelled at the sound of running water, and he moved toward it hesitantly. There was a creek, small with clear water, which Jackie used to clean himself and drink from before following it downstream in the hopes of finding the town.
Instead he found the creek ended at a small pool, in a meadowed clearing where the sun shone warmly on his skin. Falling to his knees in the soft grass, Jackie looked around with wide eyes trying to get his bearings.
He moved to the edge of the pool, cupping his hands to drink the water before looking at his reflection in the surface. His patches had grown in the time he was away, unruly and greasy hair falling into his eyes. The dye had long since faded, streaking the dark brown locks with a sickly green colour.
He held back a sob, hand going to his mouth as he gagged instead, turning to the side to empty his stomach, losing all strength to keep himself upright. His lungs burned as he breathed heavily, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before going back to the water and pausing when he saw another face in the surface.
“Are you alright?” The stranger’s voice was soft, concerned as they crouched beside him. “You look like death.” Another hybrid, this one with fox ears and tail, gently placing a gloved hand on his shoulder. Jackie cleared his throat before shaking his head slowly, lip trembling as his tears fell again. “Here, let me help you. I live not far from here, and I’ve got hot water for a bath and a change of clothes.”
“T-Thanks,” Jackie managed, letting the man help him to stand. “My name’s Jackie, by the way.” The fox nodded, leading Jackie out of the clearing with a kind face.
“I’m Mad.”
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 5 months
Hybrids and Humans, Chapter 1
Don't Forget to Lock the Doors
Read on AO3!
A/N: I may have been inadvertently convinced by @iamvegorott to start a fox Mad AU...
Everyone knew the stories. A genetics lab in a remote part of the country had a mishap with some experiments, flooding the surrounding town with a pungent grey mist that had some… strange effects on the citizens.
The policy against hats in schools was abolished when students began turning up with augmentations to their appearance, initially just animal ears among their hair, then devolving into tails and claws. Panic consumed the town, families breaking apart from differences in breed, and eventually a nation-wide quarantine was placed over the state to keep people away from these new hybrids.
That was over fifty years ago. The children affected had since grown up and had their own children, and slowly the segregation of the town fell through. The hybrids could live their lives, crossing state lines and being themselves, on the condition none of them ever experimented with genetic sciences again.
Mare whistled as he washed his hands, using the back of his wrist to nudge his glasses further up his nose. The afternoon sun shone through the kitchen window, casting everything in a soft orange glow, and Mare smiled as he thought about the fresh batch of bread he’d baked for himself and his brother.
Phantom enjoyed texture in his meals, preferring Mare’s poppyseed sourdough loaves over the traditional wholemeal bread, so Mare always made sure to bake him a loaf of sourdough. When Phantom got home from his outing, he’d probably make Mare some sweets as a token of gratitude, and the thought made Mare smile more.
Phantom wouldn’t be home for a few more days. He was out on a tour to find somewhere new for them to live, having grown tired of their small house at the edge of town facing the forest.
“Don’t forget to lock up,” Phantom had reminded Mare as he left, giving a pointed look at the back door, silently warning Mare of the hybrids that had been rumoured to live in the forest. The dangerous ones that people said were unafraid of letting their animal instincts take control.
Drying his hands, Mare calmly walked through the house to lock up, flicking the latch on the back door with a roll of his eyes. He was sure he could handle a rabid stranger showing up at his door, what with his certain “gifts”.
He was woken in the middle of the night by something scratching at the back door, the sound of nails against the wood making him sit upright. A cold chill had set in when night fell, causing Mare to stuff blankets and towels into every small gap in the walls and windows to keep the warmth inside, and curiosity got the better of him at the scratching on the door.
Climbing out of bed and tugging a blanket around his shoulders, Mare slowly crept down the stairs to the back door, peeping through the window to gauge what was there, but the dark covered everything. All he could see was a dark shape picking around the doorknob as if trying to dislodge it.
“It could just be a person,” Mare told himself as he wrapped his fingers around the doorknob, turning it and slowly opening the door.
A dark blur dashed past him before he’d gotten the door fully open, making a beeline for the smouldering fire and curling up close to it in attempts to get warm. After a couple blinks, Mare closed the door and turned around, gingerly heading toward the figure by the fire.
“Hello,” he ventured, making the shape out to seem human. Wrapped in a thick cloak, it was difficult to tell anything concrete, but the hands splayed out before the embers gave him a good clue. “It’s usually more polite to ask to be let inside before running in—”
“Sorry.” The voice was faint, weak, but certainly sounded human – not that Mare knew if the hybrids could speak – and the soft tone in the voice made Mare want to wrap his arms around this intruder and never let go.
“Well, I don’t really mind, honestly. I could rekindle this fire so you have more warmth, and you can stay the night,” Mare suggested, slowly moving to give his blanket to his guest. “My name is Mare, by the way. My twin isn’t here at the moment. He’s house hunting.”
The figure turned to look at Mare, hood falling from his head as he lifted it, and Mare started at the sight of two fuzzy fox ears sitting among the mop of brown hair. In the dim light of the dying fire, Mare could make out a pale face sprinkled with freckles and glossy eyes that seemed to reflect the orange of the embers.
“They call me Mad.”
Mare had never imagined coming face to face with one of the fabled hybrid humans before, but now he had a fox hybrid in his house, looking at him with grateful eyes, and he felt like his heart was going to pound out of his chest.
@brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 1 month
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Wanted to try some other line work for lil raccoon Jackie.
I like to think that after reuniting with Phantom, Jackie was a lil slimmer than he used to be, so his signature hoodie was very big on him.
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bookwormscififan · 1 month
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This image has been rolling around my head all day.
Raccoon Jackie trusting Phantom enough to sleep on his lap.
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 3 months
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It’ll Be Okay
Some PhantomHero hybrid AU comfort.
This page of my sketchbook shall be dedicated to the hybrid AU
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 14 days
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The twins took Mad and Jackie out to the clearing for a picnic, then got more interested in watching the hybrids playing.
Jackie’s happy to have a pack and a husband, and Mad’s happy to belong somewhere, and the twins love watching them.
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 3 months
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What Happened?
A hint at some angst from the next chapter of Hybrids and Humans…
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo
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bookwormscififan · 1 month
A Week of Warmth
Read on AO3!
Read the Hybrid AU
Accompanying art
A/N: Here's Mad in heat, with Mare there to take care of him.
Warnings: A whole lotta smut.
 The first thing Mad registered was how warm he was. Curled into Mare’s side with his tail resting over their hips, he kicked off his fuzzy socks and flipped onto his back, waking up slowly as he started feeling itchy all over, a persistent tickle under his skin that made him want to rip it all off.
That’s when it hit him. He squeezed his thighs together, feeling the tingling warmth around his hole as his hips bucked in search of relief, and he was grasping at Mare’s shirt before he even opened his eyes.
Mare woke up when Mad whined, heart pounding in fear he was having a nightmare, then he noticed how the fox was clinging to him, almost trying to get under his skin, and he lifted a hand to run through Mad’s sweat-damp hair.
“Starshine? Are you alright?” Mad’s response was a loud keen, rolling over to lay on top of Mare before grinding his hips down, and suddenly Mare was wide awake. “Mad, Mad, wait. Please—just look at me for a moment, alright?” His hands grasped at Mad’s hips, keeping him still as he looked into his eyes.
“Please, Mare…” Pupils blown so wide that his eyes seemed dark, Mad made small chittering sounds as Mare moved to sit up, trying in vain to rock his ass against Mare. “Mare, I need you, please…”
“Shit,” Mare hissed, digging his fingers into Mad’s hips to stop from bucking up against him. “Alright, alright, give me a moment. I’m going to find Phan, alright, love? I’ll be right back, I promise.” Gently laying Mad on the bed, Mare climbed out and left the room to find his brother.
He found Phantom sitting in the living room, eyes skimming a book with Jackie sleeping beside him, head in his lap. He looked up at the sound of Mare’s feet on the steps, tilting his head at Mare’s appearance.
“Phan, remember last month when Jackie had his…” Mare trailed off, cheeks flushing as he glanced at Jackie. “Um, I need some help. Mad’s got—Mad’s very—and I was hoping—”
“Mad’s in heat.” Phantom suppressed a smirk at Mare’s shocked face, running his fingers through Jackie’s hair as the raccoon shifted in his sleep. “Jackie noticed Mad was restless while he slept this morning and joined the dots. It’s like a pack instinct to know these things.”
“What do I do?” Mare asked, nervously pulling at the hem of his shirt.
“Whatever he needs you to do,” Phantom answered, looking down at Jackie with a soft smile. “And when Jackie wakes up, we’ll bring you water and snacks. Make sure you have wipes in the drawer, because he’s going to be ready for round two before you get to the bathroom.”
“First time’s always tiring,” Jackie mumbled, half awake with his head still in Phantom’s lap. “He’ll be very needy, so give him what he wants and make sure you take a break whenever he’s resting.”
Mare nodded his thanks before dashing back to his room, pausing in the doorway at the sight of Mad on his back on the bed, hand around his cock pumping it as he teased his own hole with his other hand. His clothes were tossed haphazardly from the bed, and his gloves were off, showing the scars on his wrists Mare had grown to adore.
Mad stopped when the door closed, looking over at Mare and letting out a desperate whine, spreading his legs as Mare moved closer to the bed. “Please…” he pleaded, watching Mare climb onto the bed and kneel between his legs.
“Mad, do you understand what’s happening?” Mare asked, resting his hands on Mad’s thighs, squeezing slightly as Mad nodded. “Are you aware of everything around you, and do you remember what to do if you want me to stop?” He waited as Mad processed his questions before lifting his hand to knock on the headboard. “Good.”
“Mare, I need you, please…” Mad whined again, licking his lips as Mare took both his wrists in one hand and pinned them above his head before leaning down to kiss him. “I-I want…” he trailed off as Mare pulled away, settling between his legs and pressing kisses to his hips.
“What do you want, darling?” Mare asked, massaging Mad’s thighs before running his tongue up his cock.
“Mare! Want-want you… want to-to mark you, make you mine,” Mad panted, gripping the pillow as Mare slowly sucked on the tip of his cock, getting further as Mad spoke. “I-I love you, Mare, I-you’re amazing…”
Mare hummed around Mad, swallowing more of him down before bobbing his head, running a hand up his side to hold onto him, keeping him as still as possible until Mad started to squirm. Patting Mad’s thigh, he relaxed his throat, listening to Mad’s moans as he came.
“I… ah…” Mad panted, barely able to get a word out, gasping as Mare pulled off him. “Mare, I need you—need you up here, please…” As soon as Mare crawled up his body, Mad pulled him down into a fierce kiss, licking into his mouth and moaning as he tasted himself on Mare’s tongue. “M-Mare, I-I… ‘m so warm, and I don’t know…”
“Have you ever been in heat before?” Mare asked, tilting his head to press his lips to Mad’s forehead, humming softly when the fox whimpered and shook his head. “Phan and Jackie have promised to help us out, alright? I’m gonna take care of you.”
“Mare…” Mad whined as Mare moved back down his body, kissing every inch of skin he could reach. “Mare, please—ah!” He squeaked as Mare lifted his hips up, kneading the flesh of his ass before pulling it apart and swiping his tongue over his hole.
“Yes?” Mare asked, popping his head up from between Mad’s legs with a smirk, diving back down when Mad nodded. He thrived on Mad’s moans, holding his hips up with one hand while trailing the other along his tail, feeling the slightly coarse hair intermingled with the softer strands Mad focused on grooming.
“M-Mare, please…” Mad whined, not sure what he was begging for, but then Mare tilted his hips and managed to make his tongue feel like it was going deeper into him, and all Mad could see was stars. One hand tangled into Mare’s hair while the other gripped the sheets, chest heaving as he caught his breath.
“You taste amazing,” Mare sighed, pulling away from Mad and setting his hips back onto the mattress. Leaning up to swallow Mad’s whine in a kiss, Mare pulled a bottle of lube from under his pillow, coating his fingers before circling one around Mad’s hole. “I want to hear your beautiful sounds,” he whispered against Mad’s lips, slowly pressing his finger into him.
“Mare…” Mad drew out his moan, arching his back toward Mare. He turned his head when Mare bit at his jaw, wriggling until he could drag his fangs over Mare’s neck, purring slightly as the human added another finger before biting down, making sure to leave a dark mark.
Mare shuddered as Mad bit into him, not deep enough to break the skin but deep enough to bruise, and he added a third finger without realising, pausing when Mad whined. Looking up Mad’s body, Mare took in the slow rise and fall of his chest, pale freckled skin complimented by his flush, eyes half-lidded as he looked at Mare.
“Mare?” Mad’s question was laced with confusion as Mare pulled his fingers out, tilting his head to watch Mare climb off the bed before struggling out of his own clothes, and Mad’s breath caught when he saw just how worked up Mare was. “M-Mare, please, need you—need you in me, please…”
“Shit, Mad,” Mare groaned, stroking himself a few times before climbing back onto the bed and positioning himself between Mad’s legs. “You really do have a way with words.” Holding Mad’s hip with one hand, he tangled his free fingers with Mad’s, pushing in slowly and leaning forward to swallow Mad’s moan.
After waiting for Mad to adjust, Mare started a slow pace, kissing down Mad’s neck and whispering praise into his ear, moving faster when the hybrid dragged the nails of his free hand down his back, leaving red lines. His legs hooked around Mare’s waist, encouraging him to push deeper, and he was moaning into Mare’s skin as he searched for areas to bite.
“M-Mare, close, please, please—” Mad bit down on Mare’s shoulder as he came, holding him close to prompt him to keep moving, keening high in his throat when Mare came inside him, filling him with warmth. Satiated for the moment, Mad purred softly as Mare pulled out, laying boneless on the bed to watch the human grab wipes from the bedside table.
“I-I think…” Mad panted, shifting so his tail wasn’t making him uncomfortable, “I think I’m good… for now.”
“I know, darling,” Mare smiled, wiping Mad down before scooping him up, nuzzling into his neck. “How about I run you a nice bath with lavender soap, and we just relax until you need me again?” When Mad nodded sleepily, Mare carried him into the bathroom, setting him on a stool before running the bath.
Mare set aside his book, reaching up to remove his glasses when Mad came out of the bathroom and sat on his thighs, hands on his shoulders before leaning in to kiss him deeply. His hands moved slowly to fiddle with the waistband of Mare’s boxers, sloppily trying to push them down while grinding against him, and he let out a frustrated whine before Mare gently took his hands in his.
“You need me again?” Mare asked, tracing the line of Mad’s ear with the tip of his nose, smiling at the shudder it earned him. “Alright, starshine. Lay back on the bed for me, and I’ll make you feel so good.” With Mad off his lap, Mare kicked off his boxers and rolled to hold himself above Mad, dancing a hand down his stomach before slipping his fingers between Mad’s legs.
“P-please, Mare, just-just do it. I can take it,” Mad begged, spreading his legs and clawing at Mare’s shoulders with a whine. “Y-you don’t need to-to open me, ‘m still good from earlier, just please—” He cut himself off with a breathy moan as Mare slowly pushed into him, having coated himself while Mad was babbling.
“You’re alright, Mad,” Mare whispered, setting a slow but deep pace and kissing Mad’s cheek when he whined in protest. “Your sounds are so beautiful, and I want to make this one last. Can you do that for me? Can you let this one last?” He smiled as Mad nodded, slipping a hand between them to stroke his own cock, moving his hips to meet Mare’s as he nibbled along Mare’s neck.
“M-Mare…” he gasped as he came, eyes rolling as Mare continued moving before stilling, pressing kisses to Mad’s face as he pulled out. “My Mare…” he mumbled with a giggle, reaching out to clumsily remove Mare’s glasses before setting them on the bedside table.
“C’mon, love,” Mare whispered, scooping Mad up despite his protests. “I’ve got to clean you up before you can go to sleep.” Carrying the fox into the bathroom, Mare set him on the edge of the tub before climbing in himself, running the water just enough to cover his lower half when he sat down.
Mare used a cloth to tenderly clean Mad’s mess off his stomach and hand, gently cleaning his hole before pausing, seeing that Mad was still a little interested after their session. He tilted his head before setting the cloth aside, running his hands along Mad’s thighs and leaving small bites as he went.
“Mare!” Mad’s hands tangled into Mare’s hair as he popped his cock into his mouth, bobbing his head without missing a beat. “I-I—how do you always feel so good?” he asked as his tail curled around the back of Mare’s head, cradling it as Mare relaxed his throat, allowing Mad to govern the speed of his movements.
Mare squeezed Mad’s thighs, pressing his thumbs into the twin bite marks just below the joint of his hips, and he hummed around Mad as he came in his mouth. Waiting until Mad came down from his high, Mare pulled off slowly before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, smirking at the blissed look on Mad’s face before cleaning himself and carrying Mad back to bed.
Mad squeaked as he stretched, sighing deeply before rolling onto his side and letting out a soft chitter when he noticed Mare wasn’t beside him.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Mad’s eyes flicked up to see Mare coming out of the bathroom, towel around his waist as he dried his hair, and Mad’s heart fluttered as he took in the dark marks scattered all over Mare’s body. “How do you feel?”
“Huh? Oh,” Mad blushed, turning away and slapping a hand over his tail. “I feel better. Like myself again, so I think it’s over. Thank you,” he whispered, looking up when Mare sat on the edge of the bed.
“Hey,” Mare cooed, brushing his thumb over Mad’s bottom lip as he held his chin. “I’d do anything for you, Mad. I love you, and I really enjoyed this week. Any chance I can get to pleasure you is a pleasure for me.”
“Do… do those hurt?” Mad asked to change the subject, reaching out to touch one of the marks on Mare’s chest, cheeks flushing as he felt how warm it was.
“Not a bit. I just never realised the marking was a thing, because…” he trailed off as he glanced aside, and Mad understood, leaning forward to catch Mare’s lips in a kiss. “Anyway, get yourself cleaned up, and we can go downstairs for breakfast, okay?”
“There they are,” Phantom stated as Mad and Mare descended the stairs, offering his brother a smile before standing to give Mad his spot on the couch. “Looks like you had fun. Mare, could I speak to you in the kitchen for a minute?”
“How do you feel, Maddy?” Jackie asked quietly as Mad curled into the couch beside him. “Did Mare look after you?” He handed Mad a small plate of fruit, smiling encouragingly when the fox looked at him.
“I-I feel fine,” he whispered, picking at the fruit before nibbling on some pieces of rockmelon. “It was… intense for the first few days, but Mare made sure I was happy the whole time. Is… is it the same for you? And why did it happen now?”
“Mostly,” Jackie answered, popping a strawberry into his mouth when it became clear Mad wouldn’t eat them. “Everyone’s different, though. For you, it probably happened now because it’s the first time you’ve felt safe with someone, and the first time you’ve found a life partner. Phan can probably explain it better.” He looked up as the twins re-entered the room with mugs of coffee, eyes darting to the marks on Mare’s neck before accepting his coffee from Phantom.
“I was talking to Mare about going into town to find some books on foxes,” Phantom started, sitting down on Jackie’s other side and watching as Mare sat at Mad’s feet. “I’d also like to ask you a few questions about your heat so that we can have information to review when it happens again.”
Jackie turned to press his face to Phantom’s chest, soft whimpers audible only to them with his ears folded back on his head. Mad watched Jackie with a tilted head, chittering quietly before Mare set a hand on his knee. He held a silent conversation with the human before turning back to Phantom and Jackie.
“I’ll help,” Mad said to Phantom after sharing a glance with Mare. “I’ll answer your questions, and I might even be able to find something that can help Jackie mark you without his fangs. My… other pack taught me a little about genetics.” He ducked his head when Jackie looked at him, picking at his tail before tapping Mare’s shoulder as a sign he wanted to leave.
Jackie watched the couple leave before turning to Phantom, tracing patterns onto his chest with a finger. “Do you think he can do that?” he whispered quietly, not meeting the human’s gaze. “Do you think he can help me mark you? Claim you as mine?”
“I don’t know, honey,” Phantom answered, wrapping his arms around Jackie to pull him into a hug. “But we can always hope.”
@iamvegorott @rattyboyisemo @brokentimewatch @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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bookwormscififan · 2 months
Rutting Around
Read on AO3!
Read Hybrids and Humans
Read I Would Destroy Our World
A/N: With the threat of the facility destroyed, Jackie's instincts begin to kick in.
Warnings: Smut. A whole lotta it.
“Phan…” Turning around, Phantom’s smile faded as he took in Jackie’s appearance, immediately getting up to hold the hybrid and pausing when Jackie whined.
“What’s wrong, honey? What happened? What do you need me to do?”
Jackie’s hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, pupils blown wide as he breathed shallowly, cheeks flushed red and ears folded slightly. He looked up at Phantom, hands tangling into his shirt as his knees buckled, and he tilted his head to peck Phantom’s lips.
“Bedroom. Please.”
Phantom helped Jackie to their room, setting him in the bed before standing to wait for more instructions, yelping softly when Jackie pulled him into the bed beside him. The hybrid’s skin was fever-hot, hands grasping at his body with a sense of desperation.
“What’s going on?”
“Fuck, y-you know animals have-have ruts, right?” Jackie struggled to get out, fumbling at his hoodie to remove it, sighing when Phantom helped him. “I-I get them, too, and it’s happening… right now.”
“Oh. Do you want me to help?” Instead of an answer, Jackie practically jumped Phantom, kissing him heatedly as he clawed at his clothes, eager to completely wreck the human for a week.
It was strange the things that returned when trauma gets defeated.
Jackie sat in bed humming quietly to himself as he flicked through some of Phantom’s books, disregarding the warm itch in his lower belly until it became persistent, then he lifted his head sharply, eyes wide. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he hurriedly tugged his jumper off before moving to the door.
“Phan?” he called, tilting his head as he waited for a response, concern fading into relief as Phantom climbed the stairs toward him.
“What’s up, honey?” Phantom asked, brow furrowed as he took in Jackie’s appearance. “Jackie, go sit in the bed.” Following the hybrid into the bedroom, Phantom closed the door and dug through his desk for his notebook.
“Phan…” Jackie whined, rocking his hips into empty air as he squirmed on the bed, heart pounding as he looked at Phantom. “Please…”
“Hold on, honey,” Phantom soothed, flipping through the book. “It’s been a while, and I need to make sure I’ve got the right conclusion.” Perching on the edge of the bed, he skimmed the entry in the notebook, tilting his head to give Jackie access to his neck.
Jackie has ruts like raccoons. Expect a week of hot and heavy touches, when he’ll be insatiable until he’s filled you to bursting. He also is incredibly soft during this week, and his purrs are the sweetest thing to hear after a rough time in the sheets.
Make sure to have water and food handy. Jackie said the ruts happen once a year for him, so there is time to prepare before the next one.
Recommended to keep a pack of wipes in the bedside drawer, because in the time it takes to go to the bathroom for a towel he’ll be needing another round.
“Jackie, when did you last have your rut?” Phantom asked, turning and resting his hands on Jackie’s thighs. He watched as the raccoon paused, face scrunching up as he tried to sift through clouded thoughts to remember.
“T-The last time was with you,” he gasped, dropping his head onto Phantom’s shoulder. “T-They didn’t come at the facility… stress, I think.” He keened when Phantom slid a hand up his side, rocking into the touch and whining when he couldn’t get pressure where he really needed it.
“Are you sure you’re alright with me helping you?” Pulling away, Phantom looked into Jackie’s eyes with concern, waiting for verbal consent. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me,” Jackie breathed, taking Phantom’s hands and lacing their fingers together. “You know me, you remember everything. I trust you, Phantom. Please, please help me.” His eyes darkened as he glanced at Phantom’s lips, and the human couldn’t find it in himself to resist.
“Let me just tell Mare what’s going on and get some water, then I’ll help you,” he said, giving Jackie a brief kiss before climbing out of the bed. “While I’m gone, get yourself ready. I’ll buy you new clothes if you rip these ones, just make yourself comfortable.”
“Mare, I need you to put your pants on and go into town for supplies,” Phantom said, knocking on Mare’s bedroom door while tapping his foot, anxious to get back to Jackie. “We’re going to need a lot of water and food. Jackie likes chocolate, so get a few packs of cookies, okay?” He waited as he heard rustling, rolling his eyes at Mad’s confused chattering from inside, then the door opened slightly.
“Why can’t you get the supplies?”
“I don’t have time to explain, Mare. I just need you to get enough supplies to last us the week, then I’ll tell you everything you need to know afterward.”
“I have to get back to Jackie. Remember: water, cookies, energy bars. Leave them at the door to my bedroom when you get back.” He turned and left before Mare could ask any more questions, ignoring Mad’s quiet calls from the room.
“Never thought I’d get to see this again,” Phantom commented as he returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind him and taking in the sight of Jackie naked on the bed, cock in hand and stroking it in time with the thrusts of his fingers in his ass. He paused to look at Phantom, eyes dark, before letting out an exaggerated moan.
“Phan…” he whined when Phantom grabbed his wrists, pulling his hands away from his cock and hole, before lubing his own fingers and slipping them into him, pressing a kiss to Jackie’s lips as he guided the raccoon onto his back.
“It’s alright, honey, I’ve got you,” Phantom whispered, wrapping a hand around Jackie’s cock and stroking it slowly, pressing kisses to his jaw as he added another finger, smiling at Jackie’s moan. “Now, love, do you want me to fuck you first, or do you want to fuck me?”
“Ngh, P-Phan, I-I want—” Jackie cut himself off with a groan as he came, covering his stomach in mess and squirming when Phantom kept moving his hand, weakly batting at the human to make him move away. “G-Give me a minute, then I wanna open you up nice and good, babe.”
“Mm, that sounds like a plan,” Phantom hummed, wiping his hands on a towel he’d plucked from the back of a chair on his way back before standing up, hands going to the buttons of his shirt. “How about I give you a show?”
When Jackie nodded, Phantom began to slowly sway his hips as he unbuttoned his shirt, making eye contact with Jackie while peeling his shirt off his shoulders, winking at the hungry look in Jackie’s eyes. Licking his lips, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants, pulling them down slowly to reveal the smooth skin of his lower stomach before turning around.
Jackie’s hitched breath as he pulled the sweats down over his ass was better than he expected, shimmying out of the pants the rest of the way before turning back to face Jackie, teasingly slowly pushing his boxers down and grinning as Jackie’s gaze got impossibly darker. Climbing onto the bed and into Jackie’s lap, Phantom ground his hips down a little before catching Jackie’s lips in a deep kiss, humming when Jackie’s hands kneaded at his ass.
“I’ve missed this,” Phantom sighed, threading his fingers into Jackie’s hair with one hand while nudging the bottle of lube into his hands with his other, lifting himself enough for Jackie to press a slick finger against him. “Missed being touched by you, missed your fingers, god, I missed you…”
Jackie breathed against the crook of Phantom’s neck, scraping his teeth against his pulse point and pausing as a slight wave of grief washed over him at the loss of his fangs. Shaking his head slightly, he gently pushed a finger into Phantom, sucking a dark mark into his throat as Phantom groaned, nails digging into his shoulders.
“You still taste the same,” Jackie said against Phantom’s skin, adding another finger and gently stretching the human. “Mine, my Phantom…” running his tongue across the mark he’d made, Jackie guided Phantom to lay back, pumping three fingers inside him before pulling them out slowly.
Phantom bit back a whine as he watched Jackie coat himself, squirming when the raccoon ran his hands up his thighs to grasp his hips and line himself up. As if on instinct, Phantom’s hands snapped to Jackie’s shoulders, digging his nails into the skin as Jackie slowly pushed in, sharing his groan until he bottomed out.
“S-So good, Jackie,” Phantom panted, watching the way Jackie’s pupils seemed to get larger at the praise, running his hands down Jackie’s back to massage the base of his tail as he leaned up to kiss him. “D-Don’t hold back, love, take what you need.”
A look of worry flashed across Jackie’s face, biting his lip before Phantom clenched around him, and suddenly his worries disappeared. Pulling almost all the way out, Jackie snapped his hips forward, heart thudding at Phantom’s loud moan that only served to spur him on, thrusting into him hard and fast and digging bruises into Phantom’s hips.
“Jackie, yes, yes, right there! That’s perfect, babe!” Phantom didn’t hold back his moans as Jackie pounded into him, making the bed creak from the force of his thrusts as he lifted a hand to entwine his fingers with Phantom’s. “God, you’re so good, Jackie…”
“Mine,” Jackie panted, nosing at the crook of Phantom’s neck before kissing there, soft whines sounding in the back of his throat as he ran non-existent fangs over the skin. “Mine. Forever, my Phan, mine, I love you…”
Phantom nodded wordlessly, holding back his own tears as Jackie slowed down, pressing his fingers against Jackie’s tail to urge him on, kissing at the sides of his head to soothe him. Pulling back just enough to tilt his head, Phantom pressed his lips to Jackie’s in a deep kiss, hoping to distract him.
“Yours, forever,” he whispered against Jackie’s lips, pressing their foreheads together as he came, arching his back slightly and humming as Jackie continued to thrust, kissing him again as he slowed his hips to a stop. “I’m always gonna love you, Jackie. I’m always gonna be yours.”
Jackie adjusted his grip on Phantom’s hips, giving him a concerned look before pulling out, pressing Phantom’s thighs together and slipping his cock between them. Leaning down to mouth at Phantom’s neck and chest again, he resumed his harsh pace, biting down on the human’s shoulder as he came with a groan.
Sated for the moment, Jackie slowly pulled out, pressing open mouthed kisses to every inch of Phantom’s skin he could reach. He used a wipe to clean Phantom, paying special attention to his hole as he checked for damage, then proceeded to kiss his hips and thighs, stopping to rest his cheek against Phantom’s hipbones, looking at him with exhausted yet loving eyes.
Phantom propped himself up on an elbow, running his fingers through Jackie’s hair and scratching behind his ears, offering him a tired smile. His bones hummed with a pleasant ache, combing fingers through the dark brown strands of hair on the man sleeping against his hip, looking at the expanse of patches across his back.
“Those are new,” he whispered, trailing his hand down the back of Jackie’s neck to trace around one of the patches, watching Jackie shift slightly under his touch. “Absolutely beautiful, though.”
Phantom opened his eyes slowly, looking over the chest he was resting his head on, laying on top of Jackie with his lower half straddling the raccoon’s hips, Jackie’s tail tickling his waist. It had been a few days since Jackie’s rut started, and he was starting to ease out of the worst of it.
“Hey,” Jackie’s voice was a low rumble, fingers combing through Phantom’s hair as he wriggled slightly under him, rutting his cock against his ass. “How are you feeling?” His eyes were a rich royal blue as Phantom looked at him, cheeks flushed with need yet still making sure he was alright, which made Phantom’s heart melt.
“I should be asking you that,” Phantom tapped a finger against Jackie’s nose with a smile. Still stretched from their earlier activities, he wasted no time in shifting his hips slightly so Jackie could slowly push inside him, eyes rolling with a groan. “It’s almost over, isn’t it?”
“We’ll probably be all done by tonight,” Jackie mumbled, gently rocking his hips to thrust slowly into Phantom, gripping his hips tightly. “I’ll be happy to have a shower after this is done. Wipes can only do so much.”
“I did offer to give you a sponge bath, but you rejected it.” Phantom’s jab lost its venom as Jackie angled his hips to make him see stars. “A shower does sound nice, though. Maybe I could wash your hair and brush your tail.”
Jackie pressed his lips to Phantom’s forehead, stilling as he came, whimpering as Phantom continued to roll his hips to chase his own end, collapsing on Jackie’s chest when he finished, ignoring the mess on their stomachs.
“I love you, Phantom,” Jackie sighed, pressing his thumb against the crook of Phantom’s neck, the spot where he’d bite him to claim him if he still had his fangs. “I’ve always loved you, even when they tried to make me hate you.”
“I know,” Phantom lifted his head enough to kiss Jackie’s lips, ducking his head onto his shoulder. “If anyone tries to take you from me again, I’ll kill them. I’m never letting you go.”
“You’ve got some explaining to do,” Mare hissed as Phantom left his room the next day, pushing his glasses up his nose and folding his arms. “You two haven’t left the room in almost a week, and I’m glad my room is far enough away to not hear your moans almost all day.”
“Jackie was in rut,” Phantom muttered, making a beeline down the stairs to the kitchen, knowing Mare would follow him. “Hybrids can have mating cycles like their animal counterparts, and Jackie’s returned because his body deemed it safe again.”
“Wait, what the hell are you talking about?”
“He’s not gonna get pregnant, nor am I, don’t worry about that,” Phantom chuckled as he made two mugs of coffee. “It’s just… a very good week once a year. I’ll be happy to help you when Mad’s kicks in.” With a smirk, he left Mare spluttering in the kitchen, sending Mad a wink as he passed him on the stairs.
Mad tilted his head, watching Phantom disappear into his room, before digging his toes into the ground, cheeks flushing as he finally registered what the twins had been talking about.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @rattyboyisemo @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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bookwormscififan · 2 months
I Would Destroy Our World, Chapter 10 [END]
I Would Destroy Our World to Keep You Safe
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Previous Chapter
A/N: You ever get so wrapped up in writing the finale you forget you didn't post chapter 9? Yeah, here's a double post for you.
Overlooking the sharpest precipice in the area, the facility was a solid concrete fortress. Barbed wire fences kept unwanted visitors out, with windows narrower than a finger. Grass died along the border of the facility, proof of the horrid environment, and the acrid smell of chemicals formed its own wall of foreboding.
Pipes out of the facility hung over the precipice, dumping waste into the chasm. There was once a village at the foot of the cliff, but years of waste dumping rendered the village abandoned, turning the tranquil area into a death chasm. The public had no idea what happened behind those gates; trusting when the government told them the hybrids were being detained for their safety.
Mare wrinkled his nose as he stepped through the underbrush, holding back a gag as the smell marked that they’d arrived.
“That’s not normal waste,” Phantom muttered, waving a hand in front of his nose as his mouth pulled down into a grimace. “That’s chemical and toxic waste. Anything in the line of that dump would be decimated.”
“Great,” Mare’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, cracking his knuckles before crouching at the edge of the woods. “As if we needed another reason to burn this place to the ground. Potentially destroying an entire community is far more of a reason.”
“There’s a weak point in the fence just there,” Phantom pointed as he spoke, crouching beside his brother with glowing fingertips. “It’s probably how Jackie got out, and it’s how we’re going to get in. We’ll distract the guard with an illusion, then push through the fence and into the facility without being caught.”
Mare nodded, lifting his hands and facing the guard, conjuring an illusion before making eye contact with Phantom. On his count, Mare sent a purple ball toward the guard, waiting a few seconds before the twins got up and headed for the fence.
Slipping through the fence, Phantom waved his hand to send a wave of flame toward the guards turned toward them, eyes trained on the window in front of them. With a nod to Mare, they smashed the glass and climbed in, snapping their fingers as alarms sounded within the facility.
“Remember the plan?” Phantom asked in a low voice, crouching slightly as he held his hands up. They were in what seemed like an intake room, walls lined with filing cabinets and a single desk in the centre of the room.
“Tap into their fears, magnify them, free the intakes,” Mare recited, cracking his neck before moving to the door. “Kill anyone who gets in my way, and lead anyone seeming to know Jackie to you.”
“I’ll meet you out front in an hour,” Phantom stated, taking a deep breath before dashing out of the room, waving his fingers and pushing people against walls as they began to scream.
“They’ll be home soon, right?” Mad asked as he looked through the canopy of trees to the stars dotting the inky sky, chittering quietly when Jackie pulled him into a hug.
“It’s a big facility, Maddy,” Jackie answered, resting his head against the fox’s to soothe him. “It’ll take a bit of time for them to destroy it. All we can do is wait. They’ll succeed, though. They’re stronger than we know.”
“They’re not going to get hurt, are they?” Mad’s voice trembled as he finally tore his gaze from the sky to look at Jackie, crystalline tears shining in his eyes. “What will we do if they get hurt?”
“They won’t get hurt,” Jackie assured him, masking his own worry with soft purrs. “They’ve been training for weeks, building up their skills and strength for this day. I can feel that in my heart, and I’m sure you can, too.”
Mad could. His cheeks flushed a little as he remembered the aftermath of every training session: Mare taking him to their room and kissing him senseless, grip bruising on his hips as he worked off the energy he’d built up using his magic. Curling into Jackie’s side, he started to match his purrs, pausing when they heard footsteps running through the trees.
Instead of Mare and Phantom entering the clearing, Mad and Jackie thanked the twins’ illusions for hiding them as groups of scientists ran past them, eyes wide with fear. Scattered mutterings of nightmares coming true assured the hybrids that Mare and Phantom’s plan was going well, and with a brief glance at each other, Jackie and Mad got up and stealthily made their way through the woods to the edge of the tree line so they could watch the grand finale.
Flames danced behind the twins as they stood in the foyer of the facility, towering over the sharply dressed man kneeling on the ground before them. Phantom’s eyes glowed a fierce red, fingers dusted crimson as he glared at their final victim.
“Whatever you want, just take it!” The man was pleading, avoiding Phantom’s gaze as he bargained for his life. “Don’t kill me, you already destroyed my life’s work! Just go!”
Mare stepped back as Phantom shook his hands, moving to crouch in front of the man. He placed two fingers under his chin, lifting his face to meet his eyes. An unsettling smile crept across his face as he saw the genuine fear in the man’s eyes.
“You took my heart from me, destroyed it, and changed him. You didn’t cut into him, but you did mess him up. And I would destroy the world to make sure that never happens again.” His voice was dangerously low as he spoke, dropping his hand and standing back up, eyes flashing before he curled his fingers into a fist and pulled his arm back.
The sickening snap of the man’s neck echoed through the building, louder than the crackling of the flames as they ate at the walls. Phantom watched the man collapse to the ground, shaking his hand from the force of his punch, then he turned to Mare with a nod.
“Let’s finish this. Burn this place to the ground.”
As the final hybrid intakes escaped the facility, Mare stepped toward the double doors leading to the experiment lab. Hovering above his hand was a purple ball of flame, dancing in sync with the tune he whistled before throwing it at the doors, watching as the pristine white paint peeled away.
He turned as he heard a crash, watching the west wing of the facility collapse around Phantom, standing among the rubble with glowing red hands and an almost sinister smile on his face. Dropping a fist to his side, Mare ignored the rumble of the lab beginning to explode as he headed for his brother, an entire conversation passing between their eyes before they moved to the front doors in sync.
Mad pulled Jackie into the bushes as the doors to the facility opened, holding the branches aside so they could see who walked out. His heart leapt as he caught a glimpse of the purple shirt Mare wore, ears pricking forward as rumbles sounded behind the twins.
The sky was painted red and purple with smoke trails, the air almost stifling with the scent of charcoal and rosin. The gates to the facility had melted, becoming charred piles of metal on the ground, and the hybrids watched as the twins stood atop the piles to face the building.
“Mare said they couldn’t practice this part around us,” Mad whispered, taking hold of Jackie’s hand as they watched the twins lift flaming fists. “Too dangerous or something.”
“They need to harness an ungodly amount of chaos magic to make it work,” Jackie replied, almost parroting something he’d heard Phantom talk about years ago. “Chaos magic is unpredictable, and without proper discipline it’s downright catastrophic. They planned to just harness the magic to burn the facility down, without needing to practice.”
Mad was about to answer, but then the twins swung their arms forward, and the facility became engulfed in burgundy flames, thunderous crackles and rumbles echoing through the woods. As the building burned to ash, the glow of the fire grew blindingly bright, forcing Mad and Jackie to cover their eyes, losing track of where the twins had gone.
 “Mare, get up.” Phantom’s voice was hoarse as he choked on smoke, shaking Mare’s shoulder and searching the rubble for his glasses. “Mare, we’ve got to get back to Mad and Jackie.”
“Did we do it?” Mare asked, clearing his throat and nodding when Phantom handed him his glasses, pushing them onto his face before scowling. “The lenses are broken. I can’t see shit through these.”
“You’re lying in the charred remains of the facility,” Phantom stated, waving a hand in front of Mare’s face, smiling when the glasses repaired themselves to stop Mare squinting. “Now come on, I’m buzzing with energy, and I want to see my raccoon.”
Helping Mare to his feet, he walked away from the ruins, heading into the woods and chuckling when he was suddenly tackled into a tight embrace and fierce kiss. Parting to catch his breath, Phantom saw Mad in Mare’s arms, giving him the same kisses that Jackie had just been giving him.
“You destroyed it!” Jackie cried, nuzzling into Phantom’s chest with soft purrs. “I knew you’d do it! Thank you,” he whispered, tangling his hands into Phantom’s shirt and purring louder when Phantom wrapped his arms around him.
“My champion,” Mad purred, curling into Mare’s embrace as if afraid that letting him go would mean Mare disappeared. “You saved us all.” His purrs turned into a surprised squeak when Mare lifted him up with his hands on the backs of his thighs, pushing him against the nearest tree to kiss him deeply.
“We need to get home, honey,” Phantom growled lowly into Jackie’s ear, smiling when the hybrid shivered in his hold. “I have a lot of energy to work off, and I’d rather not do that so close to my brother.”
“M-Mare, take me to the cabin,” Mad stammered, weakly pushing at Mare’s shoulders to stop his movements. “We’ll work off your energy at the cabin.” He whined then giggled as Mare pulled away, gathering him into his arms and speeding away through the trees.
“Thank you,” Jackie whispered again, falling into step beside Phantom as they headed home. “For not giving up. Thank you for saving me.”
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @rattyboyisemo @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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bookwormscififan · 2 months
I Would Destroy Our World, Chapter 9
Final Preparations
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Previous chapter
A/N: It's almost the end!
Warnings: Some light smut.
With their loves holding their arms, the twins made their way through the woods stealthily, bags of supplied over free shoulders as they hummed quietly to soothe the hybrids.
Phantom headed the procession, Jackie hugging his arm close while staying a few steps behind, chittering quietly as his ears turned to listen to the surroundings. Behind them, Mare kept a focus on the area, one hand held up in an almost claw, ready to summon fire if anything attacked. Holding his free hand close to his chest, Mad followed behind, ears twitching similarly to Jackie’s.
“We’re halfway through the woods,” Jackie whispered, the first coherent sound he had made in hours. “There’s a large oak tree coming up; you want to turn right there. We could camp there for the night and continue tomorrow.”
“Who wants to take a break?” Phantom asked, pausing as he waited for answers, nodding when he got a chorus of affirmatives. “Alright, Mare’s got the equipment for setting up sleeping areas, he can set them up when we get to the tree. If anyone finds any edible berries on the way, pick those up too.”
“Why do you stay with me?” Phantom looked up as Jackie spoke, eyes wide and head tilted before he put down his paintbrush and ushered the hybrid to sit in his lap, settling his hands along the dip in Jackie’s back.
“You’re amazing,” Phantom began, making eye contact with Jackie and smiling when the raccoon blushed. “You’re clever, and strong, brave yet still apprehensive where you need to. You’re the only person who would put up with me. And the sex is a bonus,” he added, sliding a hand down to squeeze Jackie’s ass, smirking when he squeaked.
“What are you painting?” Jackie asked, changing the subject and trying to turn around in Phantom’s hold, tail flicking sharply when he was held in place. “If I give you a kiss, will you let me see what you painted?”
“Sure.” Phantom smiled as Jackie leaned forward, pressing their lips together and sliding his tongue along Jackie’s bottom lip, nipping it slightly before slipping his tongue into Jackie’s mouth, humming as it caught on the edge of his fangs.
“Mm, painting,” Jackie mumbled, reluctantly pulling away and tapping Phantom’s hands so he could see the painting. “Is that… me?” He tilted his head as Phantom nibbled against the crook of his neck, eyes stuck on the painting in front of him.
Accented with rich reds and blues, green hair vibrant against the burgundy background, Phantom had indeed painted a portrait of Jackie, capturing his beauty in both his human and hybrid appearance. His ears seemed to leap off the canvas, looking so soft Jackie swore he could reach out and touch them.
“This is how I see you,” Phantom began, nosing at Jackie’s hoodie to reveal more skin. “Everything you see as a flaw is the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen. Your skin is a beautiful mosaic of tone, the patches making the pale parts shine. There’s always a bit of dye at the base of your ears because you never cover them properly.”
“And my eyes?” Jackie prompted, mind fogging up at the compliments as well as Phantom’s hands slipping under his hoodie to dip into his pants.
“Like someone captured a thousand sunny skies and trapped them inside your eyes,” Phantom answered, palming Jackie through his boxers as he nuzzled the sides of Jackie’s head where human ears would be, smiling as the raccoon shivered. “Deep as the ocean on the most perfect day, and swirling with the power of a hundred storms under the entrancing sheen.”
“P-Phan…” Jackie moaned as he came, pulling a face at the discomfort of his messy boxers. “Now I have to shower again.”
Rolling onto his side, Jackie let out a soft breath as he opened his eyes to see Phantom sleeping beside him, face peaceful with one hand placed just beside his pillow, as if reaching out for him. He lifted his left hand to rest on Phantom’s, looking at his ring finger and feeling a flutter in his chest as he saw the ring on his finger.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think he’d ever be engaged to Phantom, and yet he was here, in the woods, sleeping on a shared blanket with Phantom’s ring on his finger. His tail flicked slightly as joy filled him, and he had to bite his lip to hold back the small squeak of excitement threatening to come out.
“Jackie?” Turning around, Jackie’s face relaxed from fear as he made out Mad in the gloom, sitting up on the other side of the fire, fingers tangled with Mare’s fast asleep beside him. “Can’t sleep?”
“I keep worrying that I’m still dreaming,” Jackie whispered, only loud enough for their hybrid ears to catch. “I’m so scared I’ll wake up eventually, locked up in that facility, and that Phantom isn’t sleeping by my side.”
Gently disentangling his fingers from Mare’s hand, Mad crawled closer to the fire, looking into Jackie’s eyes as he tilted his head. Setting his hands on his lap, he offered Jackie a soft smile, collecting his thoughts before speaking.
“When my new pack adopted me, it took me months to believe I wasn’t dreaming. I’d refuse to sleep because I was afraid to open my eyes and still be hiding out in the woods. It’s going to take a while before you can confidently say that you’re free.” He blushed faintly as Jackie stared at him, eyes wide.
“How are you so wise?”
“I think sometimes life throws enough shit at you that you finally learn how to clean it up,” Mad answered softly, eyes shining gold in the dying firelight. “Having someone to listen to you helps, too. Mare’s been a lot of help.” Shuffling back, he took hold of Mare’s hand again, entwining their fingers and watching him sleep with a fond smile.
“What if Phan wakes up tomorrow morning and realises he doesn’t want to marry me?” Jackie whispered, looking down at the ring on his finger, heart thudding as he voiced his deepest fear. “What happens then?”
“He adores you,” Mad answered in a soothing tone, settling down beside Mare. “He was prepared to spend the rest of his life alone when he thought you were dead. He’s committed to you; doesn’t need a ring to prove that.” With a small nod, Mad closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaving Jackie to ponder their conversation before laying down beside Phantom again.
“I devoted my life to you the moment you let me into your house,” he whispered, kissing Phantom’s cheek before settling back to sleep.
Mare hummed quietly as he tilted his hand, watching the faint purple smoke tendril swirl between his fingers slowly. Straightening his fingers, he flicked the smoke forward, smiling when it solidified into a dart, lodging itself into the trunk of the tree a few feet away.
“Are you going to tell me why you needed these leaves now?” Mad asked as he approached Mare, arms laden with various types of leaves ranging from fresh to dried. He set them down beside Mare, plopping down behind them and looking at the human with bright eyes.
“Yes, darling, I can tell you now,” Mare answered, giving Mad a light peck on the cheek before picking up a leaf, twirling it between his fingers until it was thin as a needle, then blowing on it and flicking it away. “Observe.” Pointing, he watched the leaf-dart wedge into a tree before sparking, bursting into purple flames but not burning the tree.
“You didn’t burn the tree,” Mad commented, confused.
“I don’t want to destroy the tree,” Mare replied, motioning for Mad to follow him. “I’m aiming for a scare tactic, but also seeing if I can harm something specific.” Brushing away the ashes of the leaf, Mare pointed to the charred remains of a diseased patch in the bark, turning to smile at the fox as he let out a soft gasp of surprise.
“Mare works with decay,” Phantom stated, coming up behind the couple with Jackie following close beside him. “I tend to lean toward healing and placebo, but Mare’s always had a fascination with amplifying the process toward death.”
“Only with plants,” Mare defended, waving his hand over the charred patch and watching it disappear. “Because Phan wants to tear apart the facility for Jackie, I’m experimenting with fauna.”
The twins paused as Jackie moved between them to stand beside Mad, resting his forehead against the side of Mad’s head. Soft purrs sounded from the duo, and that’s when Mare noticed the faint dusting of purple on Mad’s fingers. With a sharp gasp, Mare grabbed Mad’s wrist to look at his fingertips, face paling as he gently blew at the colour.
“I’m alright,” Mad whispered, attempting to pull his hand back. “I grasped your sleeve while you were working with that leaf. They’re just a little tingly. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” He chittered quietly as Mare lifted his fingers to his lips, gently kissing the stains on the skin before moving his hand to hold Mad’s, entwining their fingers and smiling when Mad saw the stains had disappeared.
“My fingers brushed yours when I was sending away the diseased patch of tree,” Mare sighed. “I need to pay more attention. I don’t ever want to hurt you or put you in danger.”
“They’ll stay here while we get the facility,” Phantom crossed his arms as he spoke, directing the others back to the campfire. “I’ve set up an illusion so that anybody who escapes won’t see them. Once we’re done, Mare and I will come back here to meet you two, and we’ll head home after having a rest.”
“I want to watch,” Jackie protested, bumping his head against Phantom’s shoulder persistently and grinning when Mad did the same to Mare. “Can we make a camp a little closer?”
“Phan’s plan is better,” Mare interjected. “I’d prefer you stay a safe distance, considering we aren’t sure exactly what’s in the facility. We don’t know what the fallout of burning it down will be.”
“For once, I actually trust Mare,” Phantom chuckled, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. “Please, Jackie, stay here with Mad. We won’t take long, and you’ll know if something bad happens, alright?”
Reluctantly, Jackie nodded, letting Phantom guide him to sit by the fire. Picking at the dead skin trimming the patches on his hands, Jackie shared a look with Mad that said they wouldn’t sit back without being able to watch.
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @rattyboyisemo @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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bookwormscififan · 2 months
I Would Destroy Our World, Chapter 8
Committing to Comfort
Read on AO3!
Previous chapter
Concept art 1 and 2
A/N: Let Jackie be happy in this AU.
Jackie smiled as Phantom handed him a mug of coffee, holding it under his nose and breathing in deeply. He’d always loved the smell of coffee: it reminded him of happier times, of Phantom spluttering the first time he made a cup—
The sharp dressed man drank his coffee black, no sugar or milk. He would toss coffee grounds into Jackie’s cell, laughing as the hot sludge made him cower away. The clang of the ceramic mug against his cell bars echoed in his head, giving him an ache that made his eyes close—
Phantom’s coffee was always sweet, rich and echoed the love he put into making it. Jackie closed his eyes as he let the aroma flood his senses, remembering mornings curled up with his feet in Phantom’s lap as they laughed over mugs of coffee—
Coffee made at the facility was always bitter, the beans burnt beyond recognition. Opting for tea was no better, as the bags were beyond stale and the water always lukewarm. Jackie barely drank anything in fear of being poisoned, throat feeling dry after therapy—
“Jackie.” He blinked at the sound of his name, seeing Phantom leaning in front of him, looking into his eyes with a hand on his cheek, thumb brushing away tears he didn’t realise were falling. “We lost you for a moment there.”
“Sorry,” Jackie mumbled, sipping his coffee before handing it to Phantom. “I got lost in memories. Can I… can I sit close to you for this?” His cheeks flushed a little as he asked, sighing in relief when Phantom nodded, taking his mug and leading him to sit in the armchair by his side.
“As I was saying,” Phantom continued, adjusting his position when Jackie crawled to curl in his lap, gently placing an arm around the hybrid’s back. “We’ve got to start figuring out the plan for destroying the facility. Jackie helped me find their location, all that’s left is deciding when to do this.”
“When was the last time you trained?” Mare asked, absently toying with the hair on Mad’s tail. “I know our illusions don’t take a lot of training, but we would need a good plan to ensure the illusions work.”
“I practice while Jackie’s asleep,” Phantom answered, handing Jackie his mug with his free hand, not taking his eyes off the hybrid until he nodded at him. “Trying to make the room into something more familiar to Jackie, but they’re not quite right, and I always end up tearing it down before he wakes up.”
“And you want to get the facility on a larger scale?” Mare clarified, concerned face softening when Mad rubbed his head under his chin. “Gonna need you to try illusions a little bigger than your bedroom. We’ll try making Mad and Jackie see the forest in the living room later.”
“You’ve been trying to make your room familiar?” Jackie asked quietly, resting his cheek on Phantom’s shoulder as he looked at him. “W-Why?” His voice cracked, eyes tearing up as he fiddled with the button on Phantom’s shirt.
“Because I love you,” Phantom’s voice was genuine, running his hand through Jackie’s bangs to reveal his eyes. “I thought it would help your healing a little more if you had things you remember.”
“Back on topic,” Mare interrupted, tightening his hold around Mad’s waist when the fox made soft chittering sounds of protest. “I think we should try morning practices. I still have troubles controlling the fire whenever I’m emotionally charged, so I’m willing to bet the same for you.”
“I can handle my fire control,” Phantom muttered, tone defensive as he rolled a flame across the backs of his fingers. “We can try the illusions, but my control is usually motivated by Jackie by my side.”
“That’s my point!” Mare took several deep breaths when Mad purred at him, pressing his nose against the top of his head before continuing. “I won’t put them in danger. I don’t want them anywhere near the gates of the facility, so we’re going to need another motivator to keep our control in check.”
“I’m sure thinking about what they did to Jackie’s mind is enough for me,” Phantom scoffed, rolling his eyes when Jackie nosed at his jaw. “Fine. We’ll practice after lunch, find something to motivate the control, and figure out the illusion.”
“Good.” Mare adjusted Mad in his lap as he got ready to stand. “We’ll destroy the facility in two weeks. Start brainstorming your illusions, I’ll see you in a few hours.” Not waiting for an answer, he carried Mad upstairs to his room.
Phantom watched him go before sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose as Jackie nuzzled against his neck. Blinking a couple of times, he offered the raccoon a soft smile, tilting his head to press their foreheads together.
“Do you want to make up some sandwiches, and we can go for a walk in the woods?” he asked quietly, pressing a kiss to Jackie’s nose when he made an affirming sound. “We can have lunch by the stream, dip our toes in the water.”
“I love you,” Jackie whispered, ducking down to kiss Phantom properly before climbing out of his lap and heading for the kitchen.
“What’s a guy like you doing living out in the city?” Phantom asked, laying on his back beside Jackie in the grass on the outskirts of town, watching the clouds pass in the sky. “Not that I’m complaining, I just haven’t seen many like you outside the woods.”
“I don’t know,” Jackie answered, rolling onto his side and resting his chin on his fist on Phantom’s chest, smiling when the human gently threaded his fingers through his hair. “It started out by looking for food, I guess. Then it was curiosity about you, and I just kind of stayed.”
“Would you ever go back?”
“To the woods? I don’t know, Phan. I like it here, I like the bustle of the city, but I don’t think I’d like it as much if I hadn’t met you.” He chuckled when Phantom tickled his side, dropping his head to rest against Phantom’s neck. “And I doubt anyone would want to—ah!”
“No doubting,” Phantom laughed, having pulled Jackie to lay on top of him, legs either side of his hips. “If you want to go back to the woods, I’d build you a house out there and live with you forever.”
“You’re being dramatic.” Jackie rolled his eyes but made no move to get off Phantom.
“Dramatic? Me? No, dramatic would be me saying I would die to see you happy and safe, seeing the way your eyes shine when you smile. I want to die knowing you were safe.”
“Penny for your thoughts?” Phantom’s voice broke Jackie out of his thoughts, turning to see the human offering him a sandwich as they sat beside the stream.
“Remember when we went cloud watching?” Jackie asked, biting into his sandwich before looking back at Phantom. “Would you still build a place for us to live in the woods, away from people?”
“I would,” Phantom answered, offering Jackie a smile as he set his sandwich aside. “I’d drop everything and build you the best home you could ever want in the woods if you asked. I would kill to see you safe.”
“Can I ask a question?” When Phantom nodded, Jackie lifted a hand hesitantly to touch the bump under Phantom’s shirt, glancing at the cord around his neck. “Why are you wearing a ring around your neck?”
“The day you were taken,” Phantom began, pulling the ring out so Jackie could hold it. “I was going to propose. I was going to ask you to be mine, marry me, stay with me forever. I was going to offer to move out of the city with you, live in the woods and survive on rodents we trapped.”
“Do you still want that?” Jackie’s voice wobbled, his eyes damp with tears as he looked at Phantom. His fingers fiddled with the cord holding the ring around Phantom’s neck, and Phantom carefully pulled it over his head so Jackie wouldn’t accidentally choke him. “Do you still want to marry me?”
“More than anything. I want to call you my husband, protect you with my life. Why? Do you want that?” Phantom froze when Jackie leaned forward to kiss him deeply, slipping the ring onto his finger before pressing his cheek to Phantom’s.
“I do,” he whispered, breath hitching when Phantom turned to catch him in a kiss, pouring years of emotion into the press of his lips against Jackie’s. “I want nothing more than that.”
Phantom’s fingers tangled in Jackie’s hoodie, pulling him impossibly close as he kissed him with a fierceness he’d deny later, revelling in the small sounds Jackie made as he grasped at Phantom’s shoulders. Pulling the hybrid into his lap, Phantom moved one hand down to press against the dip in Jackie’s back, holding him close as he pressed kisses along Jackie’s jaw.
“I could die right now, and I’d be grateful,” Jackie mumbled, tangling his fingers in Phantom’s hair as the human sucked a dark mark into the juncture of his neck. “I would thank whatever force was out there for giving me this—” He paused as he looked around, gasping softly and tugging on Phantom’s hair to get his attention.
The field around them was ablaze in rose-coloured flame, translucent walls surrounding them covered in photographs from their time together. Beneath Jackie, the grass was a dusty red, unbelievably soft and glowing with red embers. The tips of Phantom’s fingers were dusted berry-red, eyes glowing red slightly as he looked around the area. As Phantom steadied his breathing, he waved his hand, dissolving the illusion to return the setting back to normal.
“I think you found your motivator,” Jackie chuckled, staying on the grass as Phantom gently cleaned him up, purring softly. “You need to come back to me so we can get married and live away from the town.”
“Oh, I’d marry you anytime,” Phantom responded, pulling Jackie to curl in his lap, brushing his fingers through his hair. “The second I come back from burning that facility, I’m going to lay you in bed and remind you of every part I love about you.”
@iamvegorott @brokentimewatch @rattyboyisemo @dungeon-dragons-dragons
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