#rabbi loew gets the least engagement but i love him idc
corvidcrybaby · 7 months
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The old man heaved a tired sigh. The glow from his lantern glinted off his spectacles, concealing his eyes from view. He murmured a stream of unintelligible words under his breath as he waved his hand through the air in a placid but firm gesture. The mist dissipated in an instant. The attic, in all its archival glory, littered with books and papers and spent inkwells, was visible to the lost girl once more. With that, the apparent Rabbi set about taking stock of the young lady’s ailments. Leaning over her, he murmured something to Guard, who gingerly knelt once again, laying She Who Is Nobody onto the wooden floor, one hand supporting her between the shoulder blades. The old man removed his glasses and smiled at her, kneeling down such that he was eye level with her. He kept his distance, not wanting to alarm her any further than the others had already done a fine job of doing. Her heartbeat was deafening. That even he could hear it spoke volumes. The old man was no vampire, baruch HaShem, but he heard it all the same. This was a definite problem. “Hello, little one,” the old man whispered. “You’ve had a terrible night, haven’t you?”
I call this piece You Reposted in the Wrong Attic.
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