majestativa · 2 years
Hiding the sun, hiding yourself, you are desire under the cover of darkness.
Raša Livada, The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry
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lookerweekly · 7 months
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Zašto možemo da kažemo da je “Još jedan dan” savršeno izbalansirano ostvarenje koje treba da postoji u našoj kinematografiji?
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love-n-purple · 1 year
David Albahari
Šta se desilo s nedeljom? Juče sam je celog dana tražio i nigde nisam mogao da je nađem. Nekad je, sećam se, svaka nedelja bila praznik, oblačila se bela košulja i prale se uši i vrat. Nedeljom se išlo na porodične ručkove posle kojih su svi dremali, razbacani po stanu kao nasukani kitovi, i tek bi nas miris crne kafe budio iz te omamljenosti. Ustajali smo polako, pažljivo, ništa nije smelo da bude brzo i naglo. Nedelja je bila dan sporosti, dan lenjosti, dan koji se provodio tako kao da mu ništa nije prethodilo ili kao da se ništa neće desiti posle njega.
„Nedelja – dan bez budućnosti“, napisao je u jednoj svojoj pesmi Raša Livada. Ne znam na šta je on mislio kada je napisao taj stih, ali to je za mene najlepši opis nedelje. One druge nedelje, kakva je nekada bila, a ne kakva je sada i kakva je bila kada sam juče izašao iz kuće.
Nekada nedeljom nisu radile radnje. U stvari, do deset se u nekim prodavnicama mogao kupiti hleb, mleko i pogačice, a bili su, takođe do deset, otvoreni i kiosci za prodaju štampe. Sve ostalo je bilo zatvoreno i uživalo u nedeljnom miru.
Na pijacu se išlo subotom. To je bio pravi dan za kupovinu paprika, lubenica i kajmaka. Nedeljom se odlazilo na pijacu samo u slučaju da vas je nešto sprečilo u subotu. Uostalom, nedeljna ponuda na pijaci je pružala bledu sliku u poređenju sa subotnjim obiljem.
Nedelja je bila dan za izlet. Penjali smo se na Avalu kao da osvajamo Mont Everest, a onda smo trčali nizbrdo sve dok se ne bismo umorili. Tada bismo izvadili kifle namazane buterom, tvrdo kuvana jaja, kriške „Zdenka“ sira i crvene jabuke.
Nedeljom je podnevni mir u dvorištu duže trajao. Nismo igrali fudbal, nismo udarali loptom u zid. Ćutali smo čak i dok smo igrali klikere. Tek kasnije popodne, kada se suton već prikradao preko neba, počinjali smo da govorimo glasnije i slobodnije, mada ni tada nisu naši glasovi odjekivali kao tokom drugih dana.
Nedelja je bila spor dan. Dan obnove. Dan kada su u celom gradu u podne složno zveckale kašike za supu, kada su ulice bile puste, a vozila gradskog saobraćaja prazna.
„Nedelja – dan bez budućnosti.“ Dan u kojem se zaboravljala prošlost i nije se mislilo na budućnost. Prošlost je bila užurbana subota, koju je trebalo što pre smetnuti sa uma; budućnost je dolazila sa ponedeljkom, strašnim danom, koji je predstavljao početak nove jednolične radne nedelje.
Nedelja je bila kao rajska bašta, dan između stvarnosti i snova. Dan u kojem je sve moglo da počne, a ništa nije moralo da se završi. Čardak ni na nebu ni na zemlji.
Međutim, kada sam juče izašao napolje, pomislio sam da je četvrtak, ili petak, ili bilo koji dan. Samo ne nedelja. Naime, sve radnje su bile otvorene: piljarnica, bakalnica, čak i apoteka.
Jedino banka nije radila. Međutim, to i ne očekujem od banke, jer banke svugde rade manje od svih drugih. Ako i banke počnu da rade nedeljom, biće to znak da uskoro dolazi propast sveta. (Nek propadne, nije šteta...)
Onda sam počeo da tražim nedelju. Zavirivao sam u razne zgrade, prošetao sam pored reke, pitao sam ljude koji su čekali na autobuskoj stanici, zatim mladiće i devojke sa slušalicama na ušima, ali niko nije znao da mi odgovori. Slegali su ramenima i gledali me pogledima koji su pokazivali da ne razumeju šta ih pitam, kao da je nedelja zaboravljen i mrtav jezik, razumljiv samo nekim lingvistima i arheolozima.
Lepa je nekad bila nedelja. Ujutru se duže spavalo, kasnije se doručkovalo i svako je smeo da odugovlači koliko god želi.
Nedeljom se išlo na fudbalske utakmice, zatim u šetnje pored reke, a onda, pred kraj dana, naručivale su se palačinke sa čokoladom i orasima. Veče se šunjalo preko neba, ali niko na to nije obraćao pažnju jer smo znali da je nedelja dan drugačiji od svih dana i da se, u stvari, nikada ne završava.
Ali onda se nešto desilo i nedelja je nestala. Ma šta mi radili, ma koliko pokušavali, ne uspevamo da je nađemo. Sakrila se negde, uvređena i zastrašena od mogućnosti da je neko natera da promeni ime. Naime, ako naziv nedelja potiče od reči „ne delati“, a svi se tog dana ponašaju kao da je u pitanju bilo koji dan i ne prestaju sa svojim delatnostima, onda nedelja nije nedelja i s pravom je pobegla. Otišla je negde gde se još uvek poštuje jednostavan nauk: šest dana radi, a sedmog se odmaraj, čitaj knjige, piši pesme, otiđi u prirodu, budi nešto drugo, nešto različito od onoga što si ostalih šest dana. Budi drugačiji tog dana da bi ostalih dana bio uvek isti. Uspori ritam. Nađi neku sporu pesmu i slušaj je celog dana. Uživaj u sporosti. Kaži: „Spor sam, priznajem, ali kada bih bio brži, ne bih znao da postojim.“
Da, krajnje je vreme da vratimo nedelju. Ako to uskoro ne učinimo, nikada je više nećemo videti. A život bez nedelje, odnosno, život bez dana odmora nije više život, već sumorni ringišpil koji se zaustavlja samo jednom – onda kada je kasno za sve.
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kristijan-antic · 1 day
Kroatien: Schiffsplünderung in der Raša-Bucht
BLOG | KROATIEN | NEWS 🇭🇷 kristijan-antic.com/blog Kroatien: Schiffsplünderung in der Raša-Bucht Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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mariacallous · 9 months
BELGRADE — Young people and students, switching between playing football and lively dancing at a street crossing at noon in Belgrade, might fool a bystander into thinking they are just out to have a good time.
Only their placards, and occasional chants, reveal they are blocking the street to protest against what they believe are rampant irregularities in Serbia’s Dec. 17 elections, which faced unusually sharp criticism from Brussels over the need for improvements in the voting process.
On Dec. 24, anti-riot police swooped on protesters who had converged on Belgrade’s city hall and had broken windows there, beating some of the demonstrators. Following those clashes, the demonstrations show no sign of slowing this week, with thousands of people demanding the release of dozens of fellow protesters they say are in custody.
Election monitors have raised serious questions about the way the election was conducted, in an EU candidate country where firebrand populist President Aleksandar Vučić is widely accused of undermining democratic standards, press freedoms and the independence of public institutions. After the vote, the EU said it had “concern that the electoral process requires tangible improvement and further reform” and called for an investigation into the irregularities.
On Tuesday night, protesters marched toward the Palace of Justice demanding the arrested protesters be released. “The only person who needs to be questioned in this building is Aleksandar Vučić, who went against the constitutional order by stealing the free will of the citizens,” said Nebojša Zelenović, an opposition leader. “All of this is being done to distract from the stolen elections.”
In a sign of the geostrategic implications of the protests against the ruling party, Moscow has weighed in, thanks to Vučić’s amicable relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia’s ambassador to Belgrade is playing the traditional card of suggesting that the post-election protests are being whipped up by the West, along the lines of a Ukrainian “Maidan” rising against an administration friendly to Russia.
Many of the fraud accusations hinge on inflated electoral rolls — including fake names and bussed-in voters — to manipulate the results in the mayoral race in Belgrade. Winning the capital goes well beyond symbolic importance for Vučić’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) as Belgrade is also an important power center where his cronies can win all important public contracts.
In a statement on Monday, Emilija Milenković, one of the students involved in the demonstrations, said the protesters’ main demand is that the list of voters in the country must be reviewed “in order to ensure that the electoral roll is clean.” The students have vowed they will “gradually radicalize” their activities, depending on the response they get from the country’s responsible institutions.
The SNS clinched 47 percent of the national parliament vote according to the central election commission, while the Serbia Against Violence opposition bloc achieved around 24 percent. This will enable Vučić to form a parliamentary majority. 
In Belgrade, however, the race has been a nail-biter, with SNS hovering at 39 percent and the opposition in close pursuit at around 34 percent, according to the city election commission.
Phantom voters
CRTA, one of the leading election observers in the country, is sounding the alarm over election fraud and insists the poll “failed to reflect the free will of voters.”
Raša Nedeljkov, program director at CRTA, exudes calm as he rattles off statistics on what could be Serbia’s most compromised election in recent history. This is in stark contrast to the portrayal of him as the man “trying to destabilize Serbia,” as Prime Minister Ana Brnabić did in a statement following the elections.
The organization observed widespread cases of “duplicate and inflated electoral rolls, voting without personal ID cards, presence of unauthorized third parties,” and other irregularities through their network of 3,000 observers. They made up a significant chunk of the over 5,000 observers that included international organizations such as the OSCE and the European Parliament, which also expressed concerns over the president’s outsize role in steering the democratic process and troubling practices at polling stations.
“The polling stations that have the biggest deviations, or the biggest increase in new voters in Belgrade, are the ones that saw a clear spike in votes for SNS,” Nedeljkov explained.
By law, all parties are required to collect 10,000 signatures in order to qualify to run in the elections. “Out of 14 options in the Belgrade elections, we documented that seven lists had falsified signatures, which is a criminal offense,” he continued.
Compounding the problems, only 66 out of the 174 municipalities conducted local elections. Monitors noted a troubling pattern where the residences of voters from non-participating municipalities were hastily altered just before the elections, artificially inflating voter lists in crucial battlegrounds like Belgrade.
Voters were also brought in from neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina, which boasts a significant Serb population who are dual citizens, to vote in the capital’s elections.
Nedeljkov also noted the ruling party was boosted with informal procedures — like the usual months-long process of confirming voter residencies and their eligibility to vote being overridden by dozens of people changing their addresses at once – replacing those explicitly defined by law.
“The fact that someone can carry out such a precise operation tells us that the system or institutional integrity for obtaining residencies and protecting the voter list has been breached,” he stressed.
SOS to Brussels
Critics of the elections, including Western observers, have been accused by Vučić of meddling in internal affairs. “This was the cleanest and fairest election we’ve had so far,” the president told journalists during a tour of the construction site of a viaduct near Vrbas. “Everyone knows that in Belgrade they don’t have any valid objections because they know that everything was clean … Like children, they are unable able to admit defeat.”
Vučić, who otherwise boasts a strong working relationship with the EU and respective member states, has leaned heavily on the support of the Russian ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, who claims intelligence confirms Western meddling in Serbia.
“The opposition launched protests which are encouraged and supported from outside,” he told Kremlin propaganda channel Russia 24. “He [Vučić] has irrefutable evidence that the incitement and support comes from the West,” Botsan-Kharchenko continued, claiming that this is because Serbia has refused to impose sanctions on Moscow following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
CRTA claims, however, its demands are simply in line with basic democratic principles — ones Serbia is expected to adhere to as an EU candidate country. In fact, they firmly believe the elections should not be repeated immediately.
“Repeating the elections, under these circumstances, would lead to the same situation we’re in now, or even worse,” explained Nedeljkov, insisting that an independent audit is necessary first.
For this, they might need help from the EU or other expert bodies.
“It’s absolutely essential for this issue to be internationalized, because the country does not have the capacity at this moment to solve this issue on its own through democratic means, since the authorities deny the existence of any problem,” he said.
One of the key leaders of the opposition, Marinika Tepić, launched a hunger strike soon after the recent elections were held and has been camped out in the building of the central election commission.
Her condition has since deteriorated, and the visibly frail Tepić insists that she will continue her protest until the international community responds to what is happening in the country.
“It’s also a test for the government, to prove whether they’re actually committed to the EU values and other values they promote,” Nedeljkov concluded.
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VOKER POBESNEO ZBOG EVROPSKOG PLANA ZA KIM! „Ovo je previše dobro za Srbe! Kako su ovo podržali SAD i EU?“
Šef nekadašnje verifikacione misije OEBS-a na KiM Vilijam Voker kaže da je zabrinut zbog evropskog plana o normalizaciji odnosa tzv. Kosova i Srbije. Foto: Printscreen On smatra da stvari za tzv. Kosovo idu u pogrešnom pravcu, prenosi Raša tudej Balkan pisanje „Politike“. „Izuzetno sam zabrinut zbog ovog predloga EU, koji ima podršku i SAD. Ne […]VOKER POBESNEO ZBOG EVROPSKOG PLANA ZA KIM! „Ovo…
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lavandin · 2 years
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The graffiti reads “THIS TOWN IS CROATIAN.”, with 2 spelling mistakes.
In reference to my previous post.
Raša, 10 April 2022 
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sprint95 · 7 years
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raša 2013 (j)
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vorvoros · 4 years
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Raša Todosijević, Nulla dies sine linea
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zanimljivaekonomija · 4 years
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Dodeljene “Zlatne značke” Kulturno prosvetne zajednice Srbije
Na sceni “Raša Plaović” Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu danas su dodeljene Zlatne značke za za dugogodišnji doprinos razvijanju kulturnih delatnosti – za nesebičan, predan i dugotrajan rad i stvaralački doprinos na širenju kulture naroda i narodnosti Republike Srbije. Ova priznanja po 45. put dodelila je Kulturno prosvetna zajednica Srbije. Ukupno su dodeljene 52 “Zlatne značke” istaknutim umetnicima, stvaraocima i kulturnim aktivistima iz Srbije i dijaspore. Žiri na čijem čelu je bio književnik Milovan Vitezović, odlučio je da među dobitnicima ove godine budu filmski reditelj Miloš Avramović, džez pijanista Bojan Zulfikarpašić, istoričar i glavni urdnik “Glasa Holmije” iz Berana Goran Kiković, novinar, publicista i književnik iz Niša Milorad Doderović, književnica, književni kritičar i novinarka Milica Kralj, novinar i publicista iz Beograda Draško Aćimović, vokalni solista Vesna Dimić i njen kolega Raša Pavlović,.. Za dugogodišnje pregalaštvo u kulturi “Zlatne značke” pripale su i književnici i direktorki Narodnog univerziteta u Vranju Gordani Dimitrijević, pesniku iz Čačka Milojku Kaloseroviću, muzičkoj urednici RT Vojvodine Mirjani Rastović, pesnikinji iz Sremske Mitrovice Željki Avrić, direktorki Kulturno obrazovnog centra Boljevac Emini Branković, književnici, pesnikinji i novinarki Božici Velousis, novinaru i voditelju iz Užica Nemanji Kovačeviću…
Zlatnu značku Kulturno-prosvetna zajednica Srbije dodeljuje od 1976. godine a ove godine u dodeli nagrade učešće je uzelo i Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije, kao i Uprava za dijasporu i Srbe u region, dok je pokrovitelj bilo Ministarstvo kulture i informisanja.
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majestativa · 2 years
And still, only you can surpass the Demoiselles d’Avignon, Pietas, Resurrections, the smile of the Madonna, Broadway Boogie-Woogie, The Parable of the Blind, triptych of the Garden of Earthly Delights, the three wise kings from the East, the bull of Altamira, the Green Fiddler, Guernica and Michelangelo, why not!
Raša Livada, The Horse Has Six Legs: An Anthology of Serbian Poetry
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lookerweekly · 5 months
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Predstava „Upotreba čoveka”, po romanu Aleksandra Tišme, u dramatizaciji Fedora Šilija i režiji Borisa Liješevića, gostovaće 30. aprila (20:30) na Sceni Raša Plaović“ Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu.
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drmonovski · 3 years
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"To nešto strašno mora da postoji u bajkama da deca, kad odrastu i kada se sretnu sa surovostima života, ne dobiju nervni slom. Tako budu pripremljena od malena na užasne scene." - Raša Popov (at Belgrade, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COfuF-CJ3J3_goNDuZ90VI1GoIj2FZGhCLfgWk0/?igshid=qtl8qg0mm670
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eaktionsshaytan · 7 years
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Raša Todosijević - Was Ist Kunst Marinela Kozelj - 1977, Performance, Wien.
https://www.facebook.com/E-Aktion-131615666987884/?ref=br_rs https://www.youtube.com/user/ShaytanApophis
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kristijan-antic · 5 months
Gestrandetes Schiff bei Raša macht Probleme
BLOG | KROATIEN | NEWS 🇭🇷 kristijan-antic.com/blog Gestrandetes Schiff bei Raša macht Probleme Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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izvitoperenavila · 4 years
Ne mogu detetu dati ime Radovan. Mazim stomak, ne brini nećeš biti Radovan. Ako te baš zanima šta fali Radovanu, fali mu daska ili dve u glavi. Možda mu ne fali ništa, možda je samo pogrešno skapirao ovaj svet gde najveći govnari postaju ćalci i guraju decu u kolicima nedeljom popodne po parku. Raša je iz druge priče. On je polomio ruku jer me je mrzelo da mu odgovaram na poruke. Raša je tanka granica između romantika i budale. On je lik koji je prepešačio pola grada da dođe da me vidi jer sam ga cimnula a busevi nisu išli. Lepo što si došao, drag si momak i posle deset minuta objavila da sam pijana i da idem da spavam, a on ostao na ulici pa se vraćao istu tu polovinu grada koju je deset minuta pre toga već prepešačio. Jedne noći sam mu rekla da me guši, a on kleknuo da me moli da ga ne ostavljam, pa Radovane, crni Radovane kako da te ne ostavljam ili ostavljam kad ni nismo zajedno. Onda me uhvatio u ruke i nosio okolo i molio da mu dam priliku. Radovane, prilike su tu da se na kraju useru pa zašto onda i da pokušavamo. Jbg Radovane, nisi ti za ovaj svet, a nisi bogami ni da dam sinu ime po tebi. Sinovi obično dobijaju imena nekih zbog kojih smo mi preletale gradove i zapostavljale obaveze. Tako ti je to u životu, dragi Radovane.
- I.K.
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