#rAiNb aLsO aLLudeD tO jSaS beiNg oVeR
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just-shapes-and-sweaters · 2 years ago
Hello, this is Icyangel. You people may remember me as "Peppi". I am still Sparkys girlfriend, but to getting to the point, Me and Sparky have seen this post.
Sparky is needing a moment to decide, but I do have a lot of words. I will unblock you on discord and here. Message me if you need my discord.
rAiNb, feeL freE tO reSpOnD tOo, bUt sinCe I haVen'T maDe a reSpOnSe yeT, I'd liKe tO maKe a prOpeR apoLogY
I'm stiLL veRy sOrrY fOr hUrtiNg spArKy, aS tHeY weRe a geNuiNe frieNd aNd soMeoNe tHaT loOkeD uP tO mE, aNd I'vE beeN beAtiNg mYseLf uP fOr iT sinCe, I eVeN pUt oFF dOiNg tHe apoLogY beCauSe I feLt sO gUiLtY I feLL iNtO a hOrriD spiRaL abOuT iT, bUt I dOn'T wAnT tO rUn aWaY frOm iT aNymoRe. I'm sOrrY, aNd I meAn iT wHoLeheArtedLy
wAy baCk wHeN, I wAs giVeN "eVidenCe" "prOviNg" spArKy wAs iN tHe wrOnG bUt I reaLiZe nOw iT wAs mOsT liKeLy fAbriCateD, aNd wHiLe iT dOeSn'T eXcuSe wHaT hAppeNeD, I tHouGhT I wAs iN tHe riGhT, iN sHunniNg a peRsOn tHaT wAs buLLyiNg peOpLe, bUt I eNdeD uP beiNg tHe buLLy iN tHe eNd
I wAs a nAiVe aNd yOuNgeR veRsiOn oF mYseLf tHat hAd tOo muCh oF a senSe oF juStiCe, wAs eMotiOnaLLy streSseD leAdiNg tO iNstAbiLitY, aNd I huRt peOpLe oVeR iT
I've goNe tO tHeRapY oVeR iT aLL aNd haVe medS nOw aNd I'vE beeN muLLinG iT oVeR
I dOn'T neeD yOu, oR aNyoNe eLsE I'vE huRt tO fOrgiVe mE, I kNoW tHe tHiNgS I sAiD muSt haVe, aNd liKeLy stiLL dO, stiNg
bUt I juSt wAnT tO geNuiNeLy apoLogiZe beCauSe I neVeR meAnT tO huRt aN innOceNt bYstAndeR, a cLoSe frieNd, soMeoNe I appreCiAteD a loT, aNd iT suCkS
I cAn neVeR uNdO tHoSe yeArS aNd wHaT hAppeNeD, aNd sO I wAnT tO gO fOrwArD beiNg a betteR veRsiOn oF mYseLf, aNd eVeN iF I'm nOt fOrgiVeN (wHiCh I cOmpLeteLy uNdeRstAnD) I aM apoLogiZiNg iN tHe hOpE tHaT, iF notHiNg eLsE, it'LL giVe yOu, aNd eVeRyoNe affeCteD, a seNsE oF cLoSuRe
I dOn'T wAnT aNyoNe tO huRt aNymoRe beCauSe oF soMe dUmB tHiNgS I sAiD aS a teeNaGeR, sO leT mE kNoW iF I cAn dO aNytHiNg tO leSseN tHe huRt I'vE cAuSeD yOu, spArKy aNd iCy
- mOd veL
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