#r6 achlys
infinitewhore · 1 year
Do dumb things win stupid prizes
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An A/U where NH never left rainbow and Achlys and gorgon never joined the military.(@poisonedtruth)
Just saying i know nothing abt russia so this is kinda a made up museum lol
"What do you know about her?" Zero asked as he held up a picture of a girl, "She's a General's Daughter, General Gromov. Why?" Confusion lingered on the face of the oldest Russian, "She has been assassinating People of high value" Zero pointed to a town in Russia "St. Petersburg is her next target located." Tachanka leaned back into his chair placing his legs onto the debriefing table, and because it's my town you came to me." He chuckled slightly, "To all of you. She is no easy target, The Army has been after her for too long. This is an unofficial Mission None knows except Harry, Ash, Nøkk, and us"
" if we catch her?"
"You bring her here. To us, Nøkk will be sent with you. She knows what to do." Zero pressed around on the tablet he held, " a museum. There will be a gala and I want you three inside. Glaz will be stationed on the building to the North, Kapkan will place traps around the VIP room, Tachanka will be inside with the VIP as one of his guards, and Fuze you're with Tachanka. Nøkk will try to find out where and when She will arrive and wander around the building."
Tachanka stands up with a groan, "When will we be going"
"How soon do you want to be back home?" Zero looked at the tablet he held.
"You Ready Gorg?" Achlys asked as she Fixed a drink, "Mate, I'm always ready" she adjusted her scope with a smirk, "Got a view of the target.. and oh shit.." they lifted their head from the scope, "We got a problem, Rainbows here." She spoke through their coms to the Russian, "Блядь.. how many?" She gave the man his drink and continued cleaning the bar, "Four on sight and a sniper, spotted him being dropped off on a building to the North." She looked to her scope to the Operatives entering the building, "Right, Take care of him last. I want his mates dead first if needed."
"Sure thing boss, I'll keep an eye out for ya" the other giggled, "Love.. you know how i hate hearing you call me that right?" Achlys shook her head with a smile, "You know I'm just teasin ya"
"I Know, now focus My sweet serpent"
While cleaning, she didn't notice the men approaching her, "Four shots of vodka and a mint julep sweetheart." The man who spoke was non other than Kevin McNeely. a Well known Businessman in America. A corrupt man is what he was, as many others, "Of course! Would you like to pay or open a tab?" A forced smile covered her face, "Cash." His Bodyguard spoke with a Thick Russian accent, "Alright, take a seat as I fix you're drink Sir." She nodded and turned her back to the man to take a bottle of bourbon and vodka, Mixing the cocktail she places the glass in front of the Man with a lemon on the side of the glass. Next, she poured the vodka shots and did the same, "That would be 35 dollars, sir." As achlys reached out to give him the bill, the bodyguard grabbed it out of her hand. "Call me Kev darling" He said as he drank from his glass, "I will kill that cunt" gorgon said with an obvious frown. Achlys just giggled.
"Moving VIP to his Suite." Tachanka said, "Copy that. Still haven't found the girl" Nøkk said as she moved through the halls, "Nothing suspicious on my radar" Kapkan said, " I have an uneasy feeling guys I won't lie" Glaz said as he scanned through the windows, Nøkk agreed. "Just continue keeping watch, Report anything suspicious immediately," Tachanka said. "You boys have a thick Russian accent. Where are you from exactly." Kevin asked Tachanka and fuze who looked unphased by his attempt at small talk, "Not Talkative, hm?" Kevin sat down in his suites office chair that had a big window behind him, "coming up" Kapkan said, "When you arrive place you're EDD" Tachanka spoke as he stood next to the door with fuze. "I'll keep roaming. And whatever happens, catch. The. Girl" Nøkk spoke.
"Hey, Mike! Can you cover at the front? I need to get some food, I'm starving, " Achlys said to her coworker, "Sure, make sure you're back before they notice you're gone, boss, " he said and took Achlys old spot. As She made her way to the lockers to change, she asked her lover, "You have the charge placed in the Powerbox?" Opening her locker to retrieve a smaller version of gorgons venom play and her Balaclava, a hum leaves gorgons lips and achlys nods at that. putting the mask on. Making her way up to the VIP suite with a Cart filled with Alcohol And Candy, she knocks on the door, Tachanka opens it. "Hi! I'm just here to bring sweets and drinks up!" Tachanka looked at her before placing a hand on the cart."We'll take the car -" "Let the women in! " Kevin said with a wave of his hand, and Tachanka let go. "Hey, sweetheart, Watcha got there, hm?" Kevin eyed the woman as she pushed the cart in the room, "I have some vodka, a few pre-made cocktails, Russian chocolate, and a few other sweets" Achlys Smiled at the Man, "Would you like me to pour you some whiskey Kev?" Of course, the sickening pervert smile. "Sure. What's up with the mask?" He said as he propped his head on his hands, "There's a masquerade ball going on downstairs, and The Boss wanted us to wear these. " She points at the mask. And kev nodded, While pouring Kev A drink, she spilled some of the whiskey, "Im so so sorry!" She panicked and wiped the spill with a rag that hung from her belt, wiping her wet hands on her pants. She pressed the button for the power box. "C'mere darling!" Kev said, grabbing achlys her arm and pulling her close. Leading her behind his desk, "It's me! dont shoot!" Kapkan yelled from outside the door as he slowly opened it. "Nøkk! Do you have any idea where the target is?" Tachanka asked over the comms, "No, Im still searching, " she said, her voice calm. Not like the others. "Glaz you?"No. Tachanka, how many people are supposed to be in the room?" Glas asked his voice low, "Five. Why?" As tachanka asked the other male, the light turned on, "Check the VIP!" Nøkk said through the comms as she came running up to the Suite, Tachanka walked over to the desk, peering behind it only to find a dead VIP and No Worker. "VIP dead. We failed." Tachanka said with a sigh.
"Tachanka, The VIP's bag! Is it still there?"
"The Bag has a tracker in it, if they didn't remove it i can find them!"
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"Did they transfer the agreed-upon amount?" Achlys asked as she sat in their haven, "Uh yeah, We got the money Darlin" Gorgon said to their lover before placing her phone down, "What's in that bag anyway? Doesn't seem all that 'mportant to me?" She leaned on the table closer to Achlys whos searching the bag thoroughly, "Aha! Нашел хорошие вещи!" Achlys lifted two plastic bags out of the handbag, "Ugly thing" gorgon mumbled. "This my dear! Is the gooood shit" Achlys said with a smile as she opened one of the plastic bags, "Smell it" Achlys held the open bag to gorgons face who took a deep breath, "Is that?-" "Cannabis? Fuck yeah, Was probably expensive too. shit smells too good to be cheap" Achlys smiled, "And the other bags good ol' Cocaine!" Achlys lifted the other bag, "Put. That. Shite. Away." Gorgon said a death stare drilling through Achlys, "Alright! Calm down любовь!" Achlys threw the bag to the ground far away and pecked her Lover on the forehead, "We good?" Achlys caressed her cheek, Admiring her lover who leans into her touch. "Sure, if I get the good side of the bed tonight" Gorgon Cuckled, "Fine. Проклятье"
"Want a joint?" Achlys asked as she shook the bag up and down, "Sure Darlin" gorgon stood up from the table to lie down in their shared bed While achlys Rolled a joint, "Sooo Still crushing On That Singaporean Military dude?" Achlys giggled, "Ya still haven't forgotten that one?" Gorgon groaned with a smile as Her lover Lied down beside her, "Nope! He was kinda cute tho won't lie!" Achlys Said before Taking a drag of the now lit joint and passing it to Gorgon, "Sure he was But different work settings and all you know is wouldn't work out" gorgon Let out a sigh the smoke lingering in the air before disappearing, " Either way I'm Happy with Ya. Wouldn't trade that for nothin'" gorgon smiled and gave the Russian the joint, "Yeah Suree~" Achlys teased running a hand up and down gorgons side. " I ain't a liar babe" gorgon chuckled moving a strand of hair behind Achly's ear, as She took a drag from the joint. "How do you always manage to look so fucking hot hm?" Achlys said with a smile, her eyes fixated on the ones of the Australian. Pushing Gorgons shoulder softly to signal for her to turn on her back, Achlys Climbed onto her lap. Her hands tracing gorgons body, the joint thrown and disregarded onto the other plastic bag. Burning into the Bag, burning the substance inside it. The fumes lingerd in the air as the Two were caught in a makeout session.
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"Glaz, Eyes on Target building?" "Affirmative Nøkk, no Movement inside." Glaz Zoomed in, watching for any movement, "Kap, Tachanka, Fuze You're with me." Nøkk said as she moved closer to the door, Kapkan and Tachanka following close behind. Leaning against the wall next to the door Nøkk signals For Kapkan to Break down the door and he does, Only to stop as soon as he entered the house, "Gorgon Look! A Butterfly!!!" Achly's pointed to a fly as she sat cross-legged on the desk, And gorgon on The bed. "That's a Cricket Hello?!" Gorgon flung her hands in the air, "Nøkk. They are High. Like Really High." Kapkan said with a slight smirk, "I can see that Kap, Grab em" Nøkk pointed at them before kapkan and fuze went up to each one, "Your mask looks hot!" Achlys threw her hand at Fuze's Mask to which he just Cuckled, "Спасибо" Fuze grabbed achlys her arm, "Lets go" Nøkk turned her back walking away as kapkan and Fuze Tragged the two Away.
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Achlys and gorgon giggled their life away in the back seat, swaying from one side to the other with their upper bodies. "We're going on a trip in our Favorite rocking ship! Маленький Эйнштейн, поднимись на борт, приготовься исследовать " (Little einstein, climb on board get ready to explore) Achlys sung while Gorgon leaned her head onto Achlys, falling asleep right away. "Пять, четыре, три-.." "What are you counting down for?" Kap looked at Achlys from the Rear View mirror, "Два.. один"
The car stops, rolling out its speed before stopping in the middle of the road. Stepping out of the car, fuze goes to check the engine to find nothing wrong with it. Walking back to sit in the backseat of the car, fuze stops. His brows furrowed as he watched how Tachanka held achlys close while the three of them slept, "Sasha" Kap said loud enough to sir the Russian awake, "Извинения"(Apologies) Tachanka moved pushing the two girls off him. Continuing the ride, Achlys spoke up, "The car broke down because you were in the middle of nowhere. It's common for cars to break down for a bit in these woods, especially electro cars." She snuggled closer to her lover as the car was cold. "How would you know?" Nøkk asked, but her question was ignored.
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"Why did you kill him." His hands slammed down onto the desk, her hands tied down to it with cuffs. "Why should I tell you, hm?"
"Why shouldn't you tell me?"
"Why dont you let me go?"
A sigh left his lips, obviously frustrated as this would go nowhere. Both girls held silent for the last hour. How long will they last?
"Let Grim take over, They'll be talking in no time" kali said, impatient with Rainbows way. "We can't torture her. Again, her father is a general. Even if she's a criminal, we still have orders." Ash pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, "Yes, but we can torture her little girlfriend," Grim said. Signaling with his hands to the green haird woman through the CCTV, "After all we won't hurt the his Daughter but get her to talk."
Achlys watched as They dragged gorgon in the room, sitting her in a metal chair with car batteries on each side. "Gorg! you good gorgeous?" Achlys yelled, a worrying look being held in her eyes, "im fine, luv" gorgon smiled at her.
"You either talk now or 'Gorg' will get hurt. Badly."
Achlys laughed at that, "You wouldn't." A man with a German flag on his shoulder lowerd to his knees to attach the wires to the metal chair, "You can't." "Oh yeah? Why's that"
"Becausd my father will kill you, you may not be torturing me physically. But you are mentally." Achlys smiled, a knowing look on her face that they had no other options except wait. "Grab her and move her back to her room." The old man in front of her signaled to the German, who followed his orders immediately. As soon as gorgon and the german left the room, Achlys leaned back in her chair, "Whats you're name sir?" She asked. "You call me Zero, little lady."
"You know zero? Kev, he had a bounty on his head," She said, scanning over her fingernails, picking on the skin that irritated her. Zero is now watching her with intruige, "Of course murder is bad, I agree with that." Achlys chuckled, leaning back in her chair as best as she could, "But.. how would you feel knowing you had the chance to stop bad man but didn't?" Her posture calm, but her eyes held anger. "A bad man you say, What'd he do." Zero leaned on the table, his head tipped to the side to get a better look at the woman before him. She laughed "Oh the list is long, alright." She lifts her hand, starting to count with her fingers, each thing she said. "Human trafficking, money laundering." She stops talking, thinking for a while until a smile creeps onto her face, "And extortion!" Zero nodded, "Why didn't you call police and instead decided to murder him?"
"Pschh," she waved her hand dismissively. "I wouldn't call it murder! I'd call it helping the people! And the police were aware of his doings, just like your spetznas men." Zero raised an eyebrow at that, "Shu, Maxi, Tima, and Alex! They knew, but since they decided not to say anything to you or the higher up, none happened." Achlys stood up, her hand free from the chains, "Its sad too, you know? You people are Rainbow, the people supposed to protect 'em" Zero backed away. "Dont worry, I won't hurt you! Im not a bad dude,more of a vigilante if anything." She sat back down, kicking her legs onto the table, "Let's make a deal, yeah? Me and gorg stay 'ere for a while. Help you and your teletubbies with the bad guys for a year. After that, we're free to go if we wanna. Soundin' good?" Zero looked at her, a sigh leaving his lips, "you'll call your whole gang here, and I'll talk to my superior." He places a phone onto the table and walks out towards harrys office.
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Chaos reborn
Smth small
"Isn't using you're real name as a code name boring?" The woman asked as she tinkered with her gear, "Never gave it much thought. Why?" He tilted his head like a confused pup, "Well I use Samka as it means 'doe' or 'female' and my glasses do let me look like a doe with big eyes" she chuckles, "Well what could my name be? I'm loud, my device steals people's air to kill them! I don't kno-"
"How about Chaos?" She suggested, placing down her tools to look at the older male, "hm Chaos? Ya sure?" Atlas's eyes move to the device on the table, "Da, it'd fit you a lot друг"(Friend)he nodded slowly, "Sure, I like it. Makes me fell like I want to cause Chaos" he let a smirk find its way on his face and Achlys giggled at that, "Well.. cause Chaos somewhere else please" she placed a hand on his chest to push him off the table, letting him fall off backward. His spine collided with the ground, "Tispe" he cursed in Norsk as she laughed, "идиот" (idiot).
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infinitewhore · 1 year
Tagged by the lovely @eclecticwildflowers to do this lovely piccrew
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Achlys | Tor | Kai
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Hmm What a suprise.
"Is it true? And is he Alive?"
Doc Skipped over Her files, One Caught his eye.
A Man with the same Surname and a year older. He shouldn't be snooping but this is Interesting, after all he's her brother.
"You did what? " Her face contorted into that of annoyance, "Right, before you get mad at me. I want you to look at this." Gustave slid the file over the table to The Russian standing at the end of his desk. Her eyes skid over the top of the file, "Marco Gromov... Who is this?" Her voice lowered to that of a whisper, her head lifted to look at doc, "open the file." She does as told, reading over the file. "We have.. the same father.. is- is he my-?"
You're half-brother? Yes" he folded his hands on his lap, "Is this true? And is he alive?" Her eyes held a worry, "Yes"
A sigh left her mouth, "He's situated on a different base" his eyes averted to his PC Screen, "Can you get into contact with him? I- I need- No have to meet him" her hand grabbed the file and she left his office in a hurry.
[1]"Любовь моя, что не так?"Tachanka leaned his head on her shoulder wrapping his arms around her waist as she stood in the kitchen cooking. [2]" у меня есть брат я о нем не знала но фамилия у нас одинаковая" She leaned against the counter top, "You're Worried, hmm?" Her lover carresed her sides slowly pulling her away from the kitchen and onto the couch, "sit, ill finishe the food and then we'll get a few cuddle sessions in Da?" She nodded at him as he left, leaving her on the couch to watch something on the TV.
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infinitewhore · 2 years
OC Questionnaire
Tagged by the lovely@poisonedtruth
Tagging: whoever wants to do this rlly
Relationship status:
In a relationship
Favorite color:
Blood red, royal purple
Song stuck in their head:
Ты и Я By Xcho
Last thing they searched:
"Best Neon red hair dye"
Current time:
Last thing they read:
Hair dye Reviews
Last book they enjoyed reading:
Lost boy by christina Henry
Favorite thing to cook/bake:
Favorite thing to do in their free time:
Learn other languages
Most niche dislike:
Others Telling her to talk less and be less ecstatic
Opinion on circuses:
Hatred. Hates them so much.
Do they have a good sense of direction:
On the field yes.
In private she confuses her right from her left a little too much and needs a navigation system to get around outside of base.
0 notes
infinitewhore · 2 years
What are maybe 5 languages you're oc speeks fluently or is learning
Cuz languages are really intresting and i wanna know :D
Achlys:Russian, German, Uzbek, Spanish, learning french
Ecre: Spanish, Greek, Arabic, Norwegian, Swedish, learning dutch
Arca: Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish Arabic, Learning Norwegian
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infinitewhore · 2 years
I know a few people might want to read abt Achlys wedding but uhm
See I'd really like to write it but i cant im unable to write it correctly as i dont know much about weddings and stuff im really sorry but i might just not write it?
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Is She Still His If he Betrays her?
<Achlys x Fuze AU>
It being timurs birthday, Tachanka Had asked harry to host a party. With fairly enough Alcohol to get Everyone blackout drunk, a few russian treats and a few outside friends of harry or others. The Spetsnaz being Proud Alcoholics at partys was well known under thier coworkers. Achlys hated every second of it, Tachanka was to drunk for her liking, not wanting to ruin the fun tho she didn't stop him. So while he was somewhere doing something, she sat down near Shurat and Mute the only two of the who aren't drunk yet.
As she sat with the two men she saw Tachanka walk up to a women, Grabbing her by the waist, he kissed her. Achlys heart broke at the sight, tears threatened to fall. Fuze noticed her discomfort, following her eyes as to where she was looking, seeing the same sight. Tachanka shoving his tongue down a Strangers throat, it Disgusted him. how could he break her heart? Who does he think he is! As anger build up in Fuze, Achlys just ran out crying. as soon as he noticed, Fuze following behind. The feeling of anger disappeared,⁵ now only feeling the need to comfort the woman.
He grabbed her arm making her turn towards him, "Let me go Shurat" her voice broke, her makeup being ruined by the tears streaming down her face. He pulled her into a comforting hug, his left arm being wrapped around her waist as the other held her head against his chest, Letting her sob against him. "Let it all out" was the only thing he said before the younger woman broke out into a sobbbing mess in his arms. Minutes pass as she started to calm down, Thanking him she was about to leave. He wouldnt let her go now, "how far along are you Achlys?" She looked at him in a confusing manner, "9 months. The doc said due date is july 7" she leaned against him, "you know thats in 3 day's" concern filled his voice, she nodded, "I'll manage without Alexsandr" she smiled at the man towering over her, "Are you sure?" Fuze looked at her clearly for the first time, How the blue in her eyes shined in the moonlight with sadness, her cherry pink lips.
He kneelt before her, holding her hand in his as he carefully leaned his forehead against the bump on her stomach, "Ахлис, я обещаю, что с этого момента я буду хорошо заботиться о вас обоих."(achlys, I promise that from now on I will take care of you both), her breath hitched as he removed his head from the bump, standing up from the floor. Her hands find place on his chest, as he stands infront of her. His hand finding a place to rest on her cheek, wiping away the tears she had left, "A принцесса doesn't cry"(princess) he smiled at her, "They hold thier head up high. So head up принцесса" he kissed her forehead as her hand moved above the one on his cheek,"спасибо Шурат"(thank you shurat) she whisperd, Her lips stood out to him in this moment, wanting nothing else expect to smash his own against her in a loving manner. To him it was still to soon, she saw how her Fiance made out with another woman, as if she would-
His thoughts were cut of by Achlys kissing him, he returned the kiss, "you know, you two fit better then her and Alex" spoke mute who was standing infront of them with his hands resting on his hips. As he walked up to them both he whisperd, "Name it Mark would ya?" He chuckled, as he turned his heel and left.
"Shurat, could i maybe stay in your room? I dont want to see Alexsandr" she leaned her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he wrapped his hands around her waist again, "Of course Achlys, you know the awnser would Always be yes" he kissed the top of her head as they swayed to the music coming from the inside of the building. Fuze had a smile on his face as he placed a finger under her chin lifting her head to look at him, "lets ditch, hm?" She gave him a peck on the lips, "sure, shu" he let out a groan, "you know i hate that Nickname", Achlys giggled, "Whatever you say shu"
Fuze helped her into his car, closing the door for her, "Did Alex ever help you into the car?" He sat down in the driver seat closing the door and starting the car, "Sometimes" she chuckled, "Only if he was driving" Fuze placed a hand on her thigh, stroking her skin. Achlys Phone started to ring, ruining the moment. "Hes calling isnt he?" He asked, with a sigh she awnserd "yeah, he texted me a few minutes ago. But i was to busy with you to notice" she smiled as she picked up the phone, "Yes?" Tachankas voice was loud and full of worry about her. It sounded as if hes holding a speach through the phone. Achlys waiting till hes done to hang up without saying another word. Tears pricking at her eyes again. Fuzes grip on her thigh tighten a bit, as to remind her of his presence, "Remember what i said at the party? A princess d-" he was cut of by a giggle from achlys, "doesn't cry, i know" she smiled at him, "it's just. Everything came crashing down in just a few seconds. We were about to have a family together shurat. I cant raise him on my own.." Her voice broke once again as she looked down to her bump, "and you wont" his voice was firm, Achlys lifted her head to look at the man next to her, "What?" Slowing down the car as they almost reached the base, "I'll help you. As i said earlier" he chuckled, "But you will not name that kid mark, yeah?" She laughed as she stepped out of the car. "Sasha it is then" he let out a small laugh, "out of spite?" He looked at her with a grin on his face as he lead her inside base to his room, "out of spite" she nodded with a grin.
The clicking of Her Heels could be heard throughout the corridors, "these heels are killing me!" She whined, "what if you take them off? And put on my shoes instead" he offerd with a smile, "whitout socks?"
"take mine" she giggled, "you'll be barefoot shurat" while she was busy speaking he already took of his shoes and socks, "give me those heels" he held out his hand to her, so she gave him her heels, "Thank you Shurat." He placed his hand on her neck pulling her in to place a kiss on her hairline. He bowed down, slowly grabbing her foot by the ankle to slip the sock and then the shoe on, repeating the same with her other foot. She gave him a puzzled look as to why he did that, "What? A pregnant woman shouldnt bow down to put on shoes when a man's here to do it!" He winked at her, he grabbed her hand linking his fingers with hers, "lets go the dorms aren't far now".
Achlys Took fuze's shoes off once they entered the dorm, fuze lead Achlys to his room, "do you want to change clothes? Should i bring some from your room?" He took of his blazer, searching his closet for something more comfortable, "Could i borrow a hoodie from you maybe? If thats okay of course!" She sat on his bed waiting. After rummaging through the closet he threw her a purple hoodie, "Im going downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink okay?" She nodded at him as he left the room leave her to change into his hoddie and lay down in the bed.
Yelling from the kitchen awoke her from her slumber, moving down the stairs Achlys could make out Two mame voices yelling at eachother in russian.
"Иди на хуй!"(Fuck you)
"Just Fucking go to bed already Sasha!" Fuze yelled at the older, obviously drunk man. "Нет! позволь мне поговорить с ней"(No! let me talk to her), "she doesn't want to talk to you." He said in annoyance, "Why!" Tachanka leaned aginst the kitchen counter for support as to not fall over, "Maybe just maybe because you shoved your tongue down another womans throat at the party?" Fuze was done dealing with tachankas shit, turning to the other russian males who stood near the door listening to the whole argument he spoke, "Your party, your problem" he turned his back to them walking up the stairs to see achlys standing there, "Comon." Grabbing her hand he dragged her back up the stairs to his room.
"Sooo what happend?" He finally asked sitting down on the bed next to Achlys, "Well obviously he's drunk and mad you took me back to base" she ran a hand through his hair, "I'll deal with him tomorrow." She leaned her head against his shoulder, давай спать сейчас"(lets sleep now).
Fuze woke up to someone shaking him, "Shurat wake up!" He groaned looking at the bedside table, the alarm clock reading 2:30 , "My water broke you asshole so wake up!"
"Sir, you can see her now" a nurse woke Fuze whos sitting in the waiting area, "Is she and the baby okay?" He shot up from his seat in worry, "Yes. The birth went perfect, a healthy baby boy congratulations" she held out her hand for him to shake but he just rubbed the back of his neck and spoke with a Chuckle, "Im not the father" the nurse nodded and with that lead him to Achlys hospital room. "Hey" his soft voice filled the room, "Hey, fucker had to come early" she looks at the baby for a second, then at fuze "Want to hold him?" exhaustion was written all over Achlys face, "i dont know if thats a good idea." The Uzbek rubbed his neck, "Please?" She plead, even if the thought of holding a child was scary to Fuze he agreed. Lifting the baby from achlys hands he fell in love with the beautiful baby boy he held, even if it had Tachankas features. Fuze knew he'll try to be the best father figure he can for this child. And time passes like a bullet. The kids almost 19 months old now, Fuze suggested achlys brought the kid to base since she wouldn't leave it with a babysitter. She agreed and drove with the kid and fuze to rainbows base.
"Ah Achlys how's yous been?" Said sledge wrapping his arms around achlys, "I've been great. But there is someone I'd like for everyone to meet." The cafeteria went quite and sledge moved away so achlys had enough space. She turned her back towards the room, when she turned around she revealed her child. "Dios mío.." mira stood up and sprints towards achlys, "This the cutest niño I've gotten to meet!" She poked his stomach getting him to giggle, "Whats his name?!" Mira's head lifted from the baby to look at achlys, "His name's sasha. Say hi sasha" achlys grabbed his hand, waving at mira. "You must be tierd. I'll let you sit down" mira let out a small chuckle and retreated to her place.
Fuze and achlys joined the spetsnaz table, "Shurat could you hold him so i can take a bite out of my food?" She looks at the uzbek who's sitting in between her and Tachanka, "hm? sure" she slowly lifts the kid into fuze's lap and starts esting her food. Not long after fuze started holding the kid, he started babbling. Sasha held out both his hands towards fuze, "Pa-pap!"
The table went quite until Tachanka spoke up, "Did- did that child just call you 'papa'?" Now the whole cafeteria went quite after hearing Tachankas statement. "I- Uhm.... Yeah?" Fuze said, "Is that a Problem Alexsandr?" Achlys stepped in the convo looking at Tachanka, "yes! Thats my kid!"
" 'Your kid?' You may be the biological father, but you are Not! That kids Dad, shurat will raise him, And be his Father. Your 'father' title disappeared when you chose to kiss that bitch at the party!" She raised Her voice at the older male, "Achlys baby, darling. I was drunk, i-"
"Dont give me that bullshit Alex!" She now yelled at him, "Y'know what? Im done. Sasha darling were leaving." Achlys grabbed her son from fuze's arms carrying him out. Fuze wanted to go after her but a hand around his arm stopped him. "бля мудак" Tachanka punched fuze, a hit straight to his nose. And another to shurats stomach. Tachanka started to beat fuze up until Montagne and sledge pulled him off. Doc and lion immediately were by fuze's side looking over him, "Saif i need you to carry him to the medbay, mon amie" doc spoke to the older male whom happily agreed, Oryx picked up fuze and carried him to the medbay.
"Nothing to bad Achlys" doc hugged the russian woman, "just full of bruises" lion added to the convo, "Ruining the moment like always flament" Achlys smiled as she let go of doc to visit fuze, "Oh and Achlys before i forget, I'd like to speak to you after you've visited Kessikbayev" Achlys nodded at the Medik and left for Fuze's room.
"How are you feeling?" She asked worry filling her voice, "Nothing i can't handle, Подсолнух(sunflower)" he held her hand, moving it to his face to press a kiss to it. Giggles were heard from Achlys and fuze as Jackal enterd the medbay with sasha on his shoulders, "He'll definitely will like to climb" he Chuckled, making his way to Achlys. "I see he took a liking to you huh?" She asked the Spanish insomniac, he just nodded As achlys took Sasha from him, "im sorry if he caused you any trouble Ryad" she smiled at him, "That kids Adorable so its fine." A smile Went to his tierd face before he exited the medbay with a small 'Bye'.
"You rest a bit more, I'll be back soon to get you home." She said pressing a kiss to Fuze's forehead before leaving Fuze and Sasha in the room.
"Gustave?" She spoke, walking through the halls. "In my Office!" He yelled back as she made her way there, "So what's up? What do you need?" She Questioned, giving Doc a Smile.
"Its About Nighthaven."
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infinitewhore · 3 years
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infinitewhore · 2 years
A Shaved off Pink.
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Mentioned: Achlys 'Samka' Gromov, Samuel 'zero' Leo Fisher, Lilith 'Nightbird' Nightingale. (@illmetbymoonlight )
My phones screen lit up and i checked my phone, Achlys texted me Asking if we could meet up at her and Tachankas shared room. As i asked her why she just responded with, "can't tell you over phone, soo come over"
"What do you need?" Lilith asked the russian. Achlys just giggled as she pulled out a box of pink hair dye, "Sooo... When's Zero back from his mission?" She said looking at Lilith who now also had a grin on her face.
"We have to do this as soon as he falls asleep though, as thats when he sleeps the tightest. Surprisingly." Lilith whisperd over to achlys who now was sitting on liliths couch. The girls watched a Movie, waiting for thier victim to return home.
Zero unlocked the door to liliths dorm, Spotting the two women asleep on the couch leaning against eachother. He shrugged and walked to the bedroom, ready to fall asleep as soon as he hit the soft mattress.
Achlys shook Lilith awake, Placing a finger infront of her lips to keep her quite. Achlys got the box of dye from her bag and sneak with Lilith to the bathroom to prepare the dye. "Think he'll wake up?" Achlys whisperd to Lilith, "No, he feels save around me so i think he'll sleep like a rock." Responded Lilith gaining a nod from the russian. A few minutes pass and they move towards the bedroom.
Lilith holds the bowl that contains the dye as Achlys applies it on zeros whitening beard as fast as possible without Awakening him. Achlys eye's widen, "We have to wash it out though?" She whisper yelled, Lilith waved her and dissmisingly, "He'll take a shower after waking up." Achlys nodded and continued applying the dye.
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Hours later zero stormes into the cafeteria, "Who was it!" He yelled, standing at the doorway of the now silent cafeteria. Thatcher let out a giggle as he looked at zero who's beard is a bright pink. Achly's and Lilith who were sitting on the other end of the cafeteria kept as quite as they could until achlys let out a Wheeze, getting lilith to start laughing.
"You Two are absolutely Dead."
"Fuck" was the only thing achlys said before she stood up and ran out of the cafeteria through the other entrance, lilith following after her. Both being chased by none other than sam Fisher himself. After a solid 40 minutes pass of Zero chasing the girls through base, Achlys ended up hiding behind tachanka to protect her, and lilith had to face zeros wrath later.
Zero wanted to shave his beard but ended up leaving it, and the two girls got a good laugh for the next few weeks.
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Tagged bt @illmetbymoonlight to do this lovely piccrew
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Tagging @lethal-justice @vampsquerade @faunawoodsart everyone else who'd like to do this
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infinitewhore · 2 years
I want to write HC abt my oc's and canon r6s/ dbd characters :/
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infinitewhore · 2 years
All our ocs together
i just thought it'd be cute to do this lol
@illmetbymoonlight, @faunawoodsart, @lethal-justice,
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Villain A/U
Summery: Achls facing her old companions
Warnings:i would say none but yeah?
Mentions oc gorgon (@lethal-justice ) ALOT.
Shes like main protag lmao
Flashbacks are going to apear like dis
'Thoughts apear like this'
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"Stay where you are and put your hands behind you're head. Now!" Yelled lion holding a gun towards the person standing at the window, "take you're hood off" Gorgon stood next to lion ready to take the shot if necessary.
"Im sure you dont want that"
"Take. It. Off." Venom spat out of gorgons mouth, "you wanted this" the person said as they lowered the hood that kept thier identity secret.
"Bonjur, Mon amie!" Achlys laughed at gorgons distress, "Didn't expect this now did you?" Achlys looked her in the eye as she smirked, Gorgons gun lowerd slightly, "Achlys, why?" Lion came closer to gorgon, trying to comfort her slightly,
"Val Val!" Achlys ran towards gorgon, "Achlys d-" gorgon was cut off by Achlys jumping onto her, tackling her. A groan of pain escaped gorgons lip, "hiiiii Valerie, Мой друг how did the mission go??" Achlys hugged gorgon burying her head in gorgons chest, "Achlys you dick head get you're face out of my tits!" Gorgon pushed achlys off her, "And yes you damn little bugger, the mission went well" gorgon Chuckled, "achlys what are you- " a flash blinded gorgon before she could continue, "This is going to be our best memory!" Said achlys holding her phone up with a picture of them both.
"Our best memory" whisperd gorgon to herself, "Achlys Why?!" She yelled at the younger woman. Achlys stood still, turning her back towards gorgon and lion, "Arisha is dead, she was killed by a one of my fathers men." Achlys put her hood back on, looking out of the window, "Arish-" Lion was about to ask but he was cut of by Achlys, "mine and Saschas child, Our daughter." Achlys lowerd her head. "Achlys.. i know it hurts but we can help find and arrest him, Nighthaven can help you" gorgon took a step forward, "Rainbow too Achlys. So please go away from the edge so we can help you" lion's voice was shaking.
"Oli!" Achlys yelled through laughter, "S-Stop tickling me!" Her laughter filled the room, "Why should i? You need to get a few laughters out! The last time you laughed was a week ago, where you weren'tas pregnant as now!" He chuckled, "I Ha-Hate you!" Tears rolled down her cheeks as she continued laughing, "No you dont Mon Amie!"
"Im sorry Val Val, and im sorry Oli. But Achlys and Samka are dead. Its Acheron now." Acheron spoke as she turned around, facing Gorgon and Lion before she Let herself fall backwards off the building, "Achlys!" Gorgon screamed as she ran to the ledge looking out the window to see... Nothing, "Olivier, Sh-Shes gone?" She retracted from the ledge as lion went to check for himself, "Guess we Have a new Enemy.." he whisperd to himself as he turned away from the ledge to pick up gorgon and leave the building.
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"She Jumped" Said lion as he stood before ash. with All eyes on him, "Olivier, Who jumped?" Asked ash, lion looked at the floor "Achlys she-"
"Acheron, Jumped of the building," gorgon spoke cutting off lion, "Acheron?" Ash looked at gorgon who was walking up to ash and lion, "she wants us to call her Acheron now" gorgon took one of lions hand in hers, "Well wheres her body? If she Jumped then there should've been a body?" Ash tilted her head slightly, like a confused dog, "Thats the thing, There was No body." Spoke gorgon taking a deep breath, "We looked everywhere before we came back, it's like she made it look like she jumped but didn't." Gorgon looked at the floor trying to compose her emotions, "What if she was secure to the roof of the building with ropes?" Ash spoke looking at gorgon, "Like those window cleaners of Skyscrapers?" Lion looked at ash who nodded, "either way we have to catch, and secure her before she hurts anybody" Ash turned her back to gorgon and lion, "Catch and secure?" Gorgon spoke as she lifted her view from the floor to Ash, Stabbing daggers through her, "You're talking about her like shes some terrorists or some Normal Criminal!" Gorgon was rage filled, "She is Gorgon, She-"
"She most Definitely Is Not some Criminal! Shes a Women Who went through immense pain! Shes Hurting, She needs our help and support not some Prison Eliza!" Gorgon Yelled, she was furious, "Look, i know she was you're-"
"Is" gorgon cut her off, And ash let out a sigh, "Is your friend but she threatened you, aimed a gun at you. And if it wasn't you talking to her we know for a fact she would've shot." Said ash pinching the bride of her nose, "Well you obviously dont know her because she would not have shot anyone. Achlys loves her comrades" Gorgon walked up to ash, "you're just jealous of her, Aren't you?" Venom spat out of gorgons mouth, "Calm down Nighthaven pup." Ash spoke with a slight smirk that was immediately knocked off by a strong punch by gorgon, directed to Ash's nose. Causing a huge comotion between operatives , "Mon soleil, calm down" lion hugged gorgon from behind trying to calm her down while she and ash exchanged insults. "Вы оба заткнитесь" tachanka yelled and everyone stopped doing what they were, "just go back to you're Headquarters." Tachanka spoke, he didn't sound as energetic and happy as he does normally, for the first time he sounds.. Tired.
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"Mon soleil, that wasnt Necessary"said lion sitting down on thier bed as gorgon went into the bathrom, locking the door, "If you're going to cry gorgon then please let me hug and comfort you, Mon chéri" lion knocked on the door, speaking to gorgon.
"You dont have to deal with this alone" said lion as he hugged her in thier bed, "I know Olivier. Im just worried with what they'll do if they find her. I dont trust ash. Atleast not anymore" said gorgon hiding her face in lions chest, "she'll be fine" he said, "If we find her first!" Said gorgon her head shooting up with wide eyes, "And we know for a fact where shes going!" Gorgon stood up, packing her stuff, "Go get The rest off GIGN, SASR and SAS maybe even the Germans would help." Gorgon stopped packing, turning to face lion waving her hand in his face, "Ju-just go on and ask around, ill meet you in the garage!" She said, as he walked out.
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"Right, so you think she-"
"I Know that Achl- Acheron, is going after her father." Gorgon spoke, cutting of Thatcher, "How are ye so sure kiddo?" Asked Gridlock putting a hand on her hip, "Her father is the reason Arisha is dead." Said lion awnsering for gorgon as she got her bike ready. "Oi if it means i get away from Eliza im goin" spoke mozzi shrugging with his shoulders as he got onto his bike. "What is the plan?" Spoke jäger, still polishing his helmet and glasses, "Me and Goose go after her by bike. while you, jäger, thatcher, sledge, Montage, rook and Bandit block off the road with cars" said gorgon as she braided her hair, "What are we supposed to do?" Mute was only doing this because of Achlys saving him.
"For a Brit you're a bit to serious Mark!" Giggled achlys as she was shooting at white masks, covering mute,"is that a insult?" He chuckled,"nope. Its a FACT" she bowed down into cover to re-load,"Thanks Achlys." Mute spoke as he tied off his wound,"For saving you? Thats my job. And well committing legal murder" she laughed as she got up to shoot again, earning a chuckle from mark.
"Ah right. You, Doc, tori, blitz and lion get into a separate car from the others so you can follow achlys if we lose her got it?" She put on her Balaclava, then her helmet, "you guys good with that?" Gorgon got onto her bike looking towards her friends, while most nodded, thatcher didnt, "something wrong old man?" She got anoyed at his behavior, "Nah alls fine, just be careful ya bugger" he Chuckled and followed with the rest who went to get ready.
"Lets hope you're plan works mon chéri" spoke lion as he kissed the top of gorgons helmet, "Yeah.."
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"сучка блять" Acheron(achlys) was being chased by mozzie and gorgon on thier bikes. Acheron took a left turn, but a few feet ahead of her was a road block. 'сучка!' She stopped her bike in the middle of the road, "Dead end Pal!" Yelled mozzie as he stopped a few feet behind her. "Theres no escape now" gorgon took off her helmet, "Achlys, We can help!!" Gorgon yelled. Achlys just laughed. "Whats so funny?" Questioned thatcher who existed his vehicle. "A russian always has a escape plan." Was the last thing achlys said before she disappeared into a big smoke cloud, "We cannot lose her!" Yelled gorgon as she ran into the smoke cloud to look for achlys. After 5 minutes the smoke cleard out but achlys was nowhere to be found. 'Its like she dissappears into thin air, hows that possible..' Thought gorgon, as she got back onto her bike, "The so called mission is called off. Lets just go home" spoke gorgon driving off into the distance on her bike.
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infinitewhore · 2 years
Thanks to @lethal-justice reblogging this post i chose to do it. With ofc thier help cuz im to stoopid to do shit alone lmao.
Welp have fun with ACHANKA!
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infinitewhore · 2 years
@faunawoodsart @lethal-justice @illmetbymoonlight FUN FACT
Achlys in the mermaid a/u is smaller then the rest because she is a small jelly fish,
Like she isn't 3 cm tall but shes a bit smaller then the rest lol
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