littlesimbird · 1 year
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Salsa Leveled Up!
Kassidy now has a full grown horse! All of her hard work as paid off.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Goodbye Cluckers
One of Kassidy's first chickens met with Death the other day.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Beige Wool
Kassidy has taken up cross stitching and used some of the left over wool from Pudding to make pretty designs.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Goodbye Pudding
Death came for Pudding in the early hours the next day. Kassidy was sad, but seeing Death give Pudding the best of pats, she knew he would be ok. Goodbye Pudding. You will be missed.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Pudding's Last Days
Kassidy spent as much time with her little lamb as she could. Knowing he was getting on in years, death would come for him soon. Salsa finally got around to accepting Pudding and they became friends.
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Pudding was also a fond member of the chicken groups as well. Pudding had a great life here on the farm.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Trash Guy
This random guy named Michael Bell, decided to run up and randomly go through Kassidy's garbage, spilling it everywhere! Pudding was about to eat some it, but Kassidy was able to get there in time. She gave Mr. Bell a few choice words over this mess.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Our Little Pudding
Kassidy got a sad notification today. Spending as much time with Pudding as she can. Maybe, just maybe, Pudding and Salsa can get along.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Kassidy was able to save up enough to purchase the milk cow Gertrude. Pudding and Gertrude became quick friends.
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More chickens were also added to the roost. The rooster is Nugget, followed by the hens, Brownie, Clickers, Cuckoo and Tart. There is also a new baby chick that just hatched not too long ago. We named it Chocobo lol.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Winter is here...
Kassidy was able to finally get a small shack built and start raising chickens! The roster took some getting use to. After the winter season (and some exercise) Kassidy finally lost the cake weight and welcomed a new baby chick to the coop. A shed was also constructed. I wonder what new friend Kassidy will get next.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Ian, the Ghost
Ok, so something a bit strange happened and we ended up straying just a bit from the farm life story to try and solve this mystery. Ian was one of the first sims Kassidy met. They became friends and chatted through Social Bunny. Then, all of the sudden, Ian was a ghost! I had to know what happened to him and how he died.
I looked up where he lived, and went to his house where his wife and family was. I found the grave stone and kept his spirted tethered to the world. Ok, I'll just log into this family and see the family tree and how he died, simple right? Wrong! I logged in, and Ian was completely moved out of the family. He wasn't anywhere. I checked the list of all the sims located in that save file, and he was no where to be found. (Even checked the "not in world" section).
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Hmm...ok I'll just get to know him and have him join up with Kassidy for a bit. I moved his tombstone to the ranch. He was given roommate status, and started cooking cakes obsessively (Kassidy got fat lol). But nothing, still couldn't see how he died. Apparently, he also already had a girl friend who kept coming around and interacting with Kassidy's animals. We did not like that at all!
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Ok, this is getting a bit too much and I hated that I was straying away from the story. It was just eating away at me, the mystery revolving around Ian's death. Ian ended up throwing a random party, and there were so many people around...it was stressful for Kassidy.
Finally I had enough. I quickly used cheats and merged him with my household. Saw that he died from laughter! What the heck...ok mystery solved. I then moved him back with his family so they could deal with his annoying self. Finally free of Ian, life on the farm resumed.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Buildings and Bullies
Kassidy was finally able to save up enough to get a slab of concrete installed along with a fridge and stove (no more running to town to use the public grills). Rivalry is still growing between Salsa and Pudding. Salsa continues to pee and poo around Pudding's sleeping spots. Pudding is not too happy about that.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Farm Life
Kassidy continues to bond with Salsa. Due to being poor, Kassidy sleeps under the stars with her companions. She also takes advantage of the weather as well. Sometimes, a little too much. Kassidy got struck by lightening. No more rain showers. She continues to take good care of her animals.
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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Horse Rescue
After working some odd jobs as a horse trainer, Kassidy was finally able to save up enough money to rescue a young filly named Salsa. She's friendly, free spirited, but also a bit fearful. She didn't get along with Pudding so well at first. (Edit, they still don't get along, but are tolerating each other)
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littlesimbird · 1 year
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New Rags to Riches story
Kassidy Maxwell is out to be the best horse rider ever! She's sold a few frogs and gems and was able to buy Pudding, the cute little cream colored lamb. She was able to finally buy a sleeping bag and an old wooden bath as well.
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