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dinhui · 7 months ago
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premamelody · 13 days ago
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Undertale Yellow: Surviving Death is an AU in which after reaching the end of many Neutral Route runs, Clover gains a weird sort of sixth sense from repetition. This time when they escape to Flowey's subconscious, instead of proceeding and being seen by Flowey, Clover begins to hide through the many corpses, eventually ending onto a completely new area of the deep part of Flowey's mind.
They encounter strong embodiments of emotions, memories and thought processes, three of which through a representation of guilt join Clover on their journey.
Broken and barely holding together their appearance, Clover has to regain their courage to face Flowey again at 5 points of Flowey's own motivation guarded by a reason for such high concentration of determination.
(Google Doc)
THE GANG 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
CLOVER the main focus. After so many runs, they begin to settle in for Clover. While they don't exactly remember what happened, they have a sort of wary premonition of what happened and have an unexplainable urge to avoid certain actions. Matter of fact the AU is kicked off by Clover feeling wary to move forwards down the subconscious corridor and taking chances in the corpse wall. In their current state they are melancholy and never happy. They are constantly full of dread and hurt and have found it hard to feel remotely comfortable around the teammates they gain, but it's better to have some company than none.
DESRIEL is the figment of regret yet hope. They've been broken down over the years but still remain somewhat in tact, waning by each reset. He is a part of the subconscious that Flowey doesn't like to acknowledge which is convenient and the only way Clover was able to get out of being detected. He is often brash and outwardly rude, refusing to soften up or show any sort of "weakness". Deeply he knows he's screwd up big time and understands he's terrible and has come to do anything to try to at least stop himself, helping Clover on their journey. They're a good magic user, specializing in fire.
MEROYAH represents guilt, mostly survivors guilt. They resemble Chara intentionally, the outfit of mourning represent the never leaving stain of their death being "partially his fault". If he would've just fought back as Chara wanted, they wouldn't be dead. Yet despite it all, he "survived". His own existence angers them, tying themselves to a home resembling the old Dreemur House as an endless reminder, picking out golden flowers from their garden. They at first fight against Clover, though succumb to their own guilt and decides to join as a new assertive way to make things right. They're very adept at plant magic.
SNUG revolves around unimportance, chance. They're as others would see them, a mindless animal lab project nothing more for a test. Something to be not treated as a being, but purely off nature alone. They appear deep in the mind, one formed like a laboratory as an accidentally release, rampaging beast who after a while of chasing everyone, is confronted directly and weakened enough to fall back. They join the group saving them from Foxtrots (see Mind Beings) as the latest and last team member.
Each area in the subconscious appears different based on an amalgamation of thought processes and memories all accumulating in "zones". Each major zone hosts a Pillar of Determination, the goal of which to find all 5.
Zone 1 (Wasteland, Desert, Hollow Rundown, Sorrow Monolith, Passageway, The Tornado)
Zone 2 (Boardwalk, TBN Town)
Zone 3 (TBN Forest, Home)
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6 (???)
Enemy Brigade
5 Guardians
Fighting - Using all the Determination they have, Clover shapes their own battle system in order to be able to fight back similar to the original but with an added surprise first attack if possible.
Resting - When brain eep everything dark so party rests so they aren't spotted traveling
Running Out of Time - Each encounter creates commotion and noise, making it not too difficult to grab Flowey's attention. For every encounter there's is a timer that when it runs out, Clover will be apprehended regardless of what they're doing.
(color coded if only one of the 4 main characters are present, otherwise remains a neutral color)
Desriel + Meroyah Doodle
Motive Curiosity Concepts
Clover & Team Relations
Dust Graveyard Idea
divide by zero
desriel & clover
Party Modern
cool doodl
your facade is breaking, honey
meroyah & snug yappost
meroyah & chamila doodle
ghost sheriff + desriel expression concepts
zone 1 + momopter concept
more desriel expression concepts
meroyah expression concepts
Playlist for NO reason 💥💥💥💥
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beautifult999 · 10 months ago
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symphoniclove · 1 year ago
Flo Rida - R.O.O.T.S (Fanmade Cover)
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tornbluefoamcouch · 2 years ago
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Artista: Flo Rida Álbum: R.O.O.T.S. (Route of overcoming the Struggle) Ano: 2009 Faixas/Tempo: 13/51min Estilo: Pop Rap/Pop Data de Execução: 20/06/2023 Nota: 3,9 Melhor Música: Right Round
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bestofmidi · 3 years ago
You spin my head right round, right round When you go down, when you go down, down You spin my head right round, right round When you go down, when you go down, down
original midi at https://freemidi.org/getter-12920
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soulushun-blog · 8 years ago
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upcoming E.P.
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holdenreviews · 6 years ago
Jump - Flo Rida feat. Nelly Furtado
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b-harper-stuff · 6 years ago
🌸 & 🌹
🌸 Which song makes you feel all warm inside?
There are so many! Jin's Epiphany is the most recent one, it means so much to me and it's so beautiful. For My Lover by Tracy Chapman is another one of my all-time favourites, it's precious.
🌹What's the first warm memory that comes into your mind:
Oo this may be a long one😂 Okay so a few years back, I wasn't feeling up to college and decided I wasn't going to my lessons (without telling my mam). I went to my nannans, sent her a text asking if she was awake and that I was outside. She came straight out and we had the loveliest day. She made me homemade chips in the frier, we put up and decorated a mini christmas tree while listening to Flo Rida R.O.O.T.S (still one of my favourite albums now because of this memory) and we planned how to not let my mam find out about how I'd skipped lessons. We described her as 'silly bugger nannan' and this day was exactly her being that, I laughed so much.
After she died, I told my mam this story and it made her laugh. The only thing I requested from her belongings after she died too was the Christmas tree and it's one if the best things I own.
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homagecollage · 5 years ago
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Music Birthday: Bruno Mars 🔊🎉Today, October 8, 1985 - Bruno Mars was born Peter Hernandez, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mars co-wrote ‘Right Round’ for Flo Rida’s sophomore set, “R.O.O.T.S.” Song reached the no. 1 spot on the US Hot 100, and earned 6x platinum certification from the Recording Industry Association of America.
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paper---airplane · 6 years ago
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jackisreallycool · 7 years ago
One of the first things I remember masturbating to is the cover of Flo Rida’s R.O.O.T.S. (Route of Overcoming The Struggle) album 😳
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gifttimerugby · 3 years ago
Greaux Rugby Show: Developing Rugby (part 2) ft Amelia Luciano, Farrah Douglas, Blaine Scully, Ram Eddings, Kyle & Tiana Granby
🚨 NEW EPISODE ALERT 🚨 Bringing another segment of Greaux Rugby Show's Developing Rugby (part 2) ft Amelia Luciano, Farrah Douglas, Blaine Scully, Ram Eddings, Kyle & Tiana Granby #rugby #podcast
Return with another segment of “Developing Rugby.” This week we’ll be featuring World Rugby referee, Amelia Luciano; Co-Founders of R.O.O.T.S Rugby, Kyle and Tiana Granby; head coach of Mount St. Mary’s Rugby, Farrah Douglas; Former USA Rugby Men’s Captain, Blaine Scully, and Ram Eddings, founder of the Grey wolves Rugby and head coach for Idaho State Rugby.  Rugby Outlet Mall 20% off all…
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forestal-ramblings · 4 years ago
I need to stop with the " 2000's nostalgia songs" playlists.
But that's kind of my formative years in music taste.
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pop-music-bc-blog · 7 years ago
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zzzlovergay · 5 years ago
Just added to my tracks on Spotify "Right Round" by Flo Rida https://ift.tt/1UL8mah
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