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maskerat · 28 days ago
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I've made a clay charm necklace of a character from my analog horror. sometimes one should be a little bit autistic about their own media as well.
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alphynix · 1 month ago
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Angelosaurus dolani was an early synapsid, part of the caseid family and closely related to the more well-known Cotylorhynchus.
Living in what is now Texas, USA during the mid-Permian, about 270 million years ago, it's only known from partial skeletal remains but was probably around 3m long (~10').
Like other large herbivorous caseids it would have had a tiny head with proportionally big nostrils, a short neck, a large barrel-shaped body accommodating a voluminous gut, a long tail, and strong sprawling limbs. But compared to its relatives Angelosaurus was particularly bulky, with shorter thicker heavily-muscled limbs and stubbier digits ending in broad hoof-like claws.
In closely related caseids the presence of teeth on the roof of the mouth and a well-developed hyoid apparatus suggests these animals had big tough tongues, which may have been used to mash mouthfuls of plant matter against the palatal teeth to partially break it up before swallowing.
Based on skin impressions from other early synapsids, Angelosaurus probably had crocodilian-like scutes on some parts of its body – likely on its underside and tail, and maybe also on the top of the head as indicated by the pitted bone texture of caseid skulls – but whether the rest of its skin was scaly or naked and glandular is currently unknown.
In recent years there have also been some proposals that large caseids may have had a semiaquatic hippo-like ecology, but this idea is controversial.
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Olson, Everett C., and James R. Beerbower. "The San Angelo formation, Permian of Texas, and its vertebrates." The Journal of Geology 61.5 (1953): 389-423. https://doi.org/10.1086/626109
Reisz, Robert R., Diane Scott, and Sean P. Modesto. "Cranial anatomy of the caseid synapsid Cotylorhynchus romeri, a large terrestrial herbivore from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma, USA." Frontiers in Earth Science 10 (2022): 847560. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.847560
Romano, Marco, Neil Brocklehurst, and Jörg Fröbisch. "The postcranial skeleton of Ennatosaurus tecton (Synapsida, Caseidae)." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16.13 (2018): 1097-1122. https://doi.org/10.1080/14772019.2017.1367729
Werneburg, Ralf, et al. "A new caseid synapsid from the Permian (Guadalupian) of the Lodève basin (Occitanie, France)." Palaeovertebrata 45.2 (2022). http://dx.doi.org/10.18563/pv.45.2.e2
Wikipedia contributors. “Angelosaurus” Wikipedia, 30 Nov. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelosaurus
Wikipedia contributors. “Caseidae” Wikipedia, 19 Dec. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caseidae
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dailyanarchistposts · 9 months ago
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Footnotes, 151 - 200
[151] See Post, Afrikanische Jurisprudenz, Oldenburg, 1887. Münzinger, Ueber das Recht und Sitten der Bogos, Winterthur” 1859; Casalis, Les Bassoutos, Paris, 1859; Maclean, Kafir Laws and Customs, Mount Coke, 1858, etc.
[152] Waitz, iii. 423 seq.
[153] Post’s Studien zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Familien Rechts Oldenburg, 1889, pp. 270 seq.
[154] Powell, Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnography, Washington, 1881, quoted in Post’s Studien, p. 290; Bastian’s Inselgruppen in Oceanien, 1883, p. 88.
[155] De Stuers, quoted by Waitz, v. 141.
[156] W. Arnold, in his Wanderungen und Ansiedelungen der deutschen Stämme, p. 431, even maintains that one-half of the now arable area in middle Germany must have been reclaimed from the sixth to the ninth century. Nitzsch (Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, Leipzig, 1883, vol. i.) shares the same opinion.
[157] Leo and Botta, Histoire d’Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i., p. 37.
[158] The composition for the stealing of a simple knife was 15 solidii and of the iron parts of a mill, 45 solidii (See on this subject Lamprecht’s Wirthschaft und Recht der Franken in Raumer’s Historisches Taschenbuch, 1883, p. 52.) According to the Riparian law, the sword, the spear, and the iron armor of a warrior attained the value of at least twenty-five cows, or two years of a freeman’s labor. A cuirass alone was valued in the Salic law (Desmichels, quoted by Michelet) at as much as thirty-six bushels of wheat.
[159] The chief wealth of the chieftains, for a long time, was in their personal domains peopled partly with prisoner slaves, but chiefly in the above way. On the origin of property see Inama Sternegg’s Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutschland, in Schmoller’s Forschungen, Bd. I., 1878; F. Dahn’s Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Völker, Berlin, 1881; Maurer’s Dorfverfassung; Guizot’s Essais sur l’histoire de France; Maine’s Village Community; Botta’s Histoire d’Italie; Seebohm, Vinogradov, J. R. Green, etc.
[160] See Sir Henry Maine’s International Law, London, 1888.
[161] Ancient Laws of Ireland, Introduction; E. Nys, Études de droit international, t. i., 1896, pp. 86 seq. Among the Ossetes the arbiters from three oldest villages enjoy a special reputation (M. Kovalevsky’s Modern Custom and Old Law, Moscow, 1886, ii. 217, Russian).
[162] It is permissible to think that this conception (related to the conception of tanistry) played an important part in the life of the period; but research has not yet been directed that way.
[163] It was distinctly stated in the charter of St. Quentin of the year 1002 that the ransom for houses which had to be demolished for crimes went for the city walls. The same destination was given to the Ungeld in German cities. At Pskov the cathedral was the bank for the fines, and from this fund money was taken for the wails.
[164] Sohm, Fränkische Rechts- und Gerichtsverfassung, p. 23; also Nitzsch, Geschechte des deutschen Volkes, i. 78.
[165] See the excellent remarks on this subject in Augustin Thierry’s Lettres sur l’histoire de France. 7th Letter. The barbarian translations of parts of the Bible are extremely instructive on this point.
[166] Thirty-six times more than a noble, according to the Anglo-Saxon law. In the code of Rothari the slaying of a king is, however, punished by death; but (apart from Roman influence) this new disposition was introduced (in 646) in the Lombardian law — as remarked by Leo and Botta — to cover the king from blood revenge. The king being at that time the executioner of his own sentences (as the tribe formerly was of its own sentences), he had to be protected by a special disposition, the more so as several Lombardian kings before Rothari had been slain in succession (Leo and Botta, l.c., i. 66–90).
[167] Kaufmann, Deutsche Geschichte, Bd. I. “Die Germanen der Urzeit,” p. 133.
[168] Dr. F. Dahn, Urgeschichte der germanischen und romanischen Völker, Berlin, 1881, Bd. I. 96.
[169] If I thus follow the views long since advocated by Maurer (Geschichte der Städteverfassung in Deutschland, Erlangen, 1869), it is because he has fully proved the uninterrupted evolution from the village community to the medieval city, and that his views alone can explain the universality of the communal movement. Savigny and Eichhorn and their followers have certainly proved that the traditions of the Roman municipia had never totally disappeared. But they took no account of the village community period which the barbarians lived through before they had any cities. The fact is, that whenever mankind made a new start in civilization, in Greece, Rome, or middle Europe, it passed through the same stages — the tribe, the village community, the free city, the state — each one naturally evolving out of the preceding stage. Of course, the experience of each preceding civilization was never lost. Greece (itself influenced by Eastern civilizations) influenced Rome, and Rome influenced our civilization; but each of them begin from the same beginning — the tribe. And just as we cannot say that our states are continuations of the Roman state, so also can we not say that the mediæval cities of Europe (including Scandinavia and Russia) were a continuation of the Roman cities. They were a continuation of the barbarian village community, influenced to a certain extent by the traditions of the Roman towns.
[170] M. Kovalevsky, Modern Customs and Ancient Laws of Russia (Ilchester Lectures, London, 1891, Lecture 4).
[171] A considerable amount of research had to be done before this character of the so-called udyelnyi period was properly established by the works of Byelaeff (Tales from Russian History), Kostomaroff (The Beginnings of Autocracy in Russia), and especially Professor Sergievich (The Vyeche and the Prince). The English reader may find some information about this period in the just-named work of M. Kovalevsky, in Rambaud’s History of Russia, and, in a short summary, in the article “Russia” of the last edition of Chambers’s Encyclopædia.
[172] Ferrari, Histoire des r��volutions d’Italie, i. 257; Kallsen, Die deutschen Städte im Mittelalter, Bd. I. (Halle, 1891).
[173] See the excellent remarks of Mr. G.L. Gomme as regards the folkmote of London (The Literature of Local Institutions, London, 1886, p. 76). It must, however, be remarked that in royal cities the folkmote never attained the independence which it assumed elsewhere. It is even certain that Moscow and Paris were chosen by the kings and the Church as the cradles of the future royal authority in the State, because they did not possess the tradition of folkmotes accustomed to act as sovereign in all matters.
[174] A. Luchaire, Les Communes françaises; also Kluckohn, Geschichte des Gottesfrieden, 1857. L. Sémichon (La paix et la trève de Dieu, 2 vols., Paris, 1869) has tried to represent the communal movement as issued from that institution. In reality, the treuga Dei, like the league started under Louis le Gros for the defense against both the robberies of the nobles and the Norman invasions, was a thoroughly popular movement. The only historian who mentions this last league — that is, Vitalis — describes it as a “popular community” (“Considérations sur l’histoire de France,” in vol. iv. of Aug. Thierry’s Œuvres, Paris, 1868, p. 191 and note).
[175] Ferrari, i. 152, 263, etc.
[176] Perrens, Histoire de Florence, i. 188; Ferrari, l.c., i. 283.
[177] Aug. Thierry, Essai sur l’histoire du Tiers État, Paris, 1875, p. 414, note.
[178] F. Rocquain, “La Renaissance au XIIe siècle,” in Études sur l’histoire de France, Paris, 1875, pp. 55–117.
[179] N. Kostomaroff, “The Rationalists of the Twelfth Century,” in his Monographies and Researches (Russian).
[180] Very interesting facts relative to the universality of guilds will be found in “Two Thousand Years of Guild Life,” by Rev. J. M. Lambert, Hull, 1891. On the Georgian amkari, see S. Eghiazarov, Gorodskiye Tsekhi (“Organization of Transcaucasian Amkari”), in Memoirs of the Caucasian Geographical Society, xiv. 2, 1891.
[181] J.D. Wunderer’s “Reisebericht” in Fichard’s Frankfurter Archiv, ii. 245; quoted by Janssen, Geschichte des deutschen Volkes, i. 355.
[182] Dr. Leonard Ennen, Der Dom zu Köln, Historische Einleitung, Köln, 1871, pp. 46, 50.
[183] See previous chapter.
[184] Kofod Ancher, Om gamle Danske Gilder og deres Undergâng, Copenhagen, 1785. Statutes of a Knu guild.
[185] Upon the position of women in guilds, see Miss Toulmin Smith’s introductory remarks to the English Guilds of her father. One of the Cambridge statutes (p. 281) of the year 1503 is quite positive in the following sentence: “Thys statute is made by the comyne assent of all the bretherne and sisterne of alhallowe yelde.”
[186] In mediæval times, only secret aggression was treated as a murder. Blood-revenge in broad daylight was justice; and slaying in a quarrel was not murder, once the aggressor showed his willingness to repent and to repair the wrong he had done. Deep traces of this distinction still exist in modern criminal law, especially in Russia.
[187] Kofod Ancher, l.c. This old booklet contains much that has been lost sight of by later explorers.
[188] They played an important part in the revolts of the serfs, and were therefore prohibited several times in succession in the second half of the ninth century. Of course, the king’s prohibitions remained a dead letter.
[189] The mediæval Italian painters were also organized in guilds, which became at a later epoch Academies of art. If the Italian art of those times is impressed with so much individuality that we distinguish, even now, between the different schools of Padua, Bassano, Treviso, Verona, and so on, although all these cities were under the sway of Venice, this was due — J. Paul Richter remarks — to the fact that the painters of each city belonged to a separate guild, friendly with the guilds of other towns, but leading a separate existence. The oldest guild-statute known is that of Verona, dating from 1303, but evidently copied from some much older statute. “Fraternal assistance in necessity of whatever kind,” “hospitality towards strangers, when passing through the town, as thus information may be obtained about matters which one may like to learn,” and “obligation of offering comfort in case of debility” are among the obligations of the members (Nineteenth Century, Nov. 1890, and Aug. 1892).
[190] The chief works on the artels are named in the article “Russia” of the Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th edition, p. 84.
[191] See, for instance, the texts of the Cambridge guilds given by Toulmin Smith (English Guilds, London, 1870, pp. 274–276), from which it appears that the “generall and principall day” was the “eleccioun day;” or, Ch. M. Clode’s The Early History of the Guild of the Merchant Taylors, London, 1888, i. 45; and so on. For the renewal of allegiance, see the Jómsviking saga, mentioned in Pappenheim’s Altdänische Schutzgilden, Breslau, 1885, p. 67. It appears very probable that when the guilds began to be prosecuted, many of them inscribed in their statutes the meal day only, or their pious duties, and only alluded to the judicial function of the guild in vague words; but this function did not disappear till a very much later time. The question, “Who will be my judge?” has no meaning now, since the State has appropriated for its bureaucracy the organization of justice; but it was of primordial importance in mediæval times, the more so as self-jurisdiction meant self-administration. It must also be remarked that the translation of the Saxon and Danish “guild-bretheren,” or “brodre,” by the Latin convivii must also have contributed to the above confusion.
[192] See the excellent remarks upon the frith guild by J.R. Green and Mrs. Green in The Conquest of England, London, 1883, pp. 229–230.
[193] See Appendix X.
[194] Recueil des ordonnances des rois de France, t. xii. 562; quoted by Aug. Thierry in Considérations sur l’histoire de France, p. 196, ed. 12mo.
[195] A. Luchaire, Les Communes françaises, pp, 45–46.
[196] Guilbert de Nogent, De vita sua, quoted by Luchaire, l.c., p. 14.
[197] Lebret, Histoire de Venise, i. 393; also Marin, quoted by Leo and Botta in Histoire de l’Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i 500.
[198] Dr. W. Arnold, Verfassungsgeschichte der deutschen Freistädte, 1854, Bd. ii. 227 seq.; Ennen, Geschichte der Stadt Koeln, Bd. i. 228–229; also the documents published by Ennen and Eckert.
[199] Conquest of England, 1883, p. 453.
[200] Byelaeff, Russian History, vols. ii. and iii.
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compneuropapers · 2 years ago
Interesting Papers for Week 26, 2023
Saturation of visual responses explains size tuning in rat collicular neurons. Baranauskas, G., Rysevaite‐Kyguoliene, K., Sabeckis, I., & Pauza, D. H. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(2), 285–309.
Reconstruction of sparse recurrent connectivity and inputs from the nonlinear dynamics of neuronal networks. Barranca, V. J. (2023). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 51(1), 43–58.
Population codes enable learning from few examples by shaping inductive bias. Bordelon, B., & Pehlevan, C. (2022). eLife, 11, e78606.
Cerebro-cerebellar networks facilitate learning through feedback decoupling. Boven, E., Pemberton, J., Chadderton, P., Apps, R., & Costa, R. P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 51.
The role of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in creating cognitive maps. Costa, K. M., Scholz, R., Lloyd, K., Moreno-Castilla, P., Gardner, M. P. H., Dayan, P., & Schoenbaum, G. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26, 107–115.
Functional geometry of the cortex encodes dimensions of consciousness. Huang, Z., Mashour, G. A., & Hudetz, A. G. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 72.
Optimal Control Costs of Brain State Transitions in Linear Stochastic Systems. Kamiya, S., Kawakita, G., Sasai, S., Kitazono, J., & Oizumi, M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(2), 270–281.
Do cognitive and physical effort costs affect choice behavior similarly? Lim, L. X., Fansher, M., & Hélie, S. (2023). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 112, 102727.
Deciphering functional roles of synaptic plasticity and intrinsic neural firing in developing mouse visual cortex layer IV microcircuit. Liu, S., & Li, Y. (2023). Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 51(1), 23–42.
Arithmetic value representation for hierarchical behavior composition. Makino, H. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26, 140–149.
Altered integration of excitatory inputs onto the basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in a mouse model of Fragile X syndrome. Mitchell, D. E., Miranda-Rottmann, S., Blanchard, M., & Araya, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2208963120.
Introducing the Dendrify framework for incorporating dendrites to spiking neural networks. Pagkalos, M., Chavlis, S., & Poirazi, P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 131.
A statistical foundation for derived attention. Paskewitz, S., & Jones, M. (2023). Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 112, 102728.
Rapid synaptic and gamma rhythm signature of mouse critical period plasticity. Quast, K. B., Reh, R. K., Caiati, M. D., Kopell, N., McCarthy, M. M., & Hensch, T. K. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2123182120.
Lingering Neural Representations of Past Task Features Adversely Affect Future Behavior. Rangel, B. O., Hazeltine, E., & Wessel, J. R. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(2), 282–292.
Evidence for entropy maximisation in human free choice behaviour. Rens, N., Lancia, G. L., Eluchans, M., Schwartenbeck, P., Cunnington, R., & Pezzulo, G. (2023). Cognition, 232, 105328.
Choice selective inhibition drives stability and competition in decision circuits. Roach, J. P., Churchland, A. K., & Engel, T. A. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 147.
Information-processing dynamics in neural networks of macaque cerebral cortex reflect cognitive state and behavior. Varley, T. F., Sporns, O., Schaffelhofer, S., Scherberger, H., & Dann, B. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2207677120.
Transformation of acoustic information to sensory decision variables in the parietal cortex. Yao, J. D., Zemlianova, K. O., Hocker, D. L., Savin, C., Constantinople, C. M., Chung, S., & Sanes, D. H. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(2), e2212120120.
Hippocampal spatial representations exhibit a hyperbolic geometry that expands with experience. Zhang, H., Rich, P. D., Lee, A. K., & Sharpee, T. O. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26, 131–139.
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toiletology · 6 months ago
GOD = 17
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G O D = 17 G = 7 O = 15 (6) D = 4
"Toilet God" = 107 (Ordinal)
17 is in the shape of a door, and the way you enter heaven.
17 sets of chromosomes in the apple.
1/7 = 0.1428571428571429 is the signal or frequency of God and how you escape the matrix. You won't understand how to use this number until you get closer to completing your quest. The final test is different for everyone, so I couldn't say exactly what the answer to your final test will be.
Something interesting when calculating the 17 Hz harmonic overtones. The 3rd is 68 Hz, 6th is 119 Hz, 9th is 170 Hz just numbers I talk about frequently here on this blog. 68 = cube, 119 (9/11 IXXI M over the W), and the 17.
When you input 1.7 Hz as the the fundamental the 9th overtone is 17 Hz.
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In regards to the Speed of light 299,792,458 m/s (meters per second) 299 reduced = 2, 792 reduced = 9, 458 reduced = 8 or 298/289 298 > 2/98 = 49 The same number you get when you multiply 17x17. G = 7 O = 6 D = 4 = 17 The Speed of Sound 343 m/s Can be broken down to 1 as well (3+4+3), 289 reduces down to 1 as well. or 3+7 or three sevens 777. Interestingly 289 = 1117 343 = 1117 Are you ready to become a lightspeed champion?
English is the ultimate language for understanding God. But but English didn't exist till recently... ya damn GOON... Of course it existed long before this planet...
The letter M = 4 lines or 11:11 only 3 letters have 4 lines, ME/WE. Time is the way out of the MATRIX or the clue that it exist (Snake eyes/cat eyes).
AAAA open wide AHHHHHHH, the Wizard of AAAAHHHHZ. There is a fundamental tone or frequency to GOD. Of course its not just based on SOUND, it is SOUL. The 1/7 is complex, but there is a lot of truth in the 17. The FATHER gave me the knowledge of the 17 on 1/7. My mom happened to leave for Poland that exact day to do a charitable mission with the Peace Corps helping with the Ukraine crisis along the border.
"The Church of Toiletology" = 117 (Reduction) "The Church of Toiletology" = 270 (Ordinal) "The Church of Toiletology" = 98 (Septenary)
117 = Master Chief from the video game Halos #, 117 > 11x7 = 77 or two sevens/49. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_Chief_(Halo)
98 = 49x2 for the 98 degrees of heaven/hell the 6 sides and 8 corners of a cube.
1 = AH/@ or Apple
7 = Fundamental law of the universe, 7 notes, 7 chakras, 7 colors of the rainbow, lucky number 7.
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7 is the letter G = Curves (female) + Angles (male), the letter B/D/J/P/Q/R/U/ also have curves + angles or 7 additional letters or 8 total letters or the 1 + 7.
God ultimately is the number 8 (1+7) or ate the apple (17 sets of chromosomes in an apple) 6 and the 9 are the same number just upside down, one downwards and one upwards.
69 or the yin yang symbol or a quantum entangled photon.
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kitwallace · 2 years ago
An aperiodic tiling discovery
Much excitement last week with the publication by David Smith, Joseph Myers, Craig Kaplan and Chaim Goodman-Strauss of their discovery of a single tile which tiles aperiodically. Not only that but it does not need any supplementary rules, as Penrose's dart/kite pair do, to ensure aperiodicity. Christian Lawson-Perfect wrote about the story in aPeriodical. Later: There is now an excellent online talk by Craig and Chaim on the discovery and its proof hosted by the National Museum of Mathematics in New York.
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The shape was discovered by David Smith, a hobbyist geometer. There is a wealth of research in David's blog, which starts with the declaration "I am not a mathematician but I do like shapes, interesting symmetry, polyhedra, tessellations and geometric patterns. " Skimming though it, one can see the deep exporation of shapes which makes his discovery seem almost inevitable. I plan to read more of his blog for inspiration. Well done ye, David!
The mathematical work of proving that the tile is aperiodic is a masterful exercise, clearly explained. A truly inspiring collaboration between a tinkerer, acedemic mathematicians and computer scientists.
Naturally I had a look at this with my OpenSCAD tiling tools.
tl:dr: A customizer on Thingiverse.allows both kinds of tiles in normal or mirror forms and all intermediate tiles to be printed or laser-cut.
I began by defining the perimeter as a sequence of sides each defined by side length and interior angle taken from the diagram, where we see up of 16 right triangular segments ( 8 kites) of adjacent hexagons. In this formulation, r is the long side of the triangle, a and b the other sides.
function hat_peri(r) = // r is the radius of the base hexagon // returns perimeter as a sequence of [side length,internal angle]    let (a = r * sin(60), b = r*cos(60) )    [[b,180],[b,120],[b,270],[a,120],[a,90],[b,120],[b,270],[a,120],     [a,90],[b,240],[b,90],[a,240],[a,90],[b,120]];
The first two sides form a straight line but for the purposes of tiling are distinct edges.
The perimeter is converted to a sequence of points using turtle-like geometry:
function peri_to_points(peri,pos=[0,0],dir=0,i=0) =     i == len(peri)       ? [pos]       : let(side = peri[i])         let (distance = side[0])         let (newpos = pos + distance* [cos(dir), sin(dir)])         let (angle = side[1])         let (newdir = dir + (180 - angle))         concat([pos],peri_to_points(peri,newpos,newdir,i+1))      ;
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Tiling with this shape requires the use of the mirror image of the base tile:
function reverse(l) = [for (i=[1:len(l)]) l[len(l)-i]];
function mirror_peri(q) = let(p=reverse(q)) [for (i=[0:len(p)-1]) [p[ (i - 1 + len(p) ) %len(p)].x,p[i].y] ];
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[This is a bit of a pity. Penrose's tiles are symmetric so the question doesnt arise but the search continues for a monotiling which does not require the use of reflections.]
My library of OpenSCAD functions supports the creation of tilings by defining a sequence of edge-to-edge placements. ATM this list is created manually. Each line specifies the alignment of one of the base tiles and edge to a tile and edge in the assembly.
hat_assembly_6 = [ [[0,0]] ,[[0,0],[0,1]] ,[[0,5],[0,2]] ,[[0,3],[0,4]] ,[[0,13],[0,6]] ,[[1,1],[0,9]] ,[[0,7],[0,12]] ];
module hat_tile_6(d) { p = hat_peri (10,d); t=peri_to_points(p); m=peri_to_points(mirror(p)); unit=group_tiles([t,m],hat_assembly_6); fill_tiles(unit,["red","green","blue","yellow","pink","black","coral"]); }
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Parametric tiles
More amazingly still, this tile turns out to be one of a family of aperiodic tiles, which in the limit are simple periodic tiles. They are beautifully animated here. The parametric perimeter description enables all members of this family to be constructed:
function hat_peri_family(r,d) = // r is the radius of the base hexagon
// d is the angle which varies from 0 to 90 // returns perimeter as a sequence of [side,internal angle] let (a = r * sin(d), b = r * cos(d) ) [[b,180],[b,120],[b,270],[a,120],[a,90],[b,120],[b,270],[a,120], [a,90],[b,240],[b,90],[a,240],[a,90],[b,120]]);
At the limits , the tiles tesselate:
d=0 (nicknamed the comet)
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d=90 (nicknamed the chevron)
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All the tiles inbetween are aperiodic:
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The Turtle
David also discovered a second tile he called the turtle. Defined as a perimeter, this also has 14 sides and is a family of tiles:
function turtle_peri(r,d) = // r is the radius of the base hexagon // returns perimeter as a sequence of [side,internal angle] let (a = r * sin(d), b = r * cos(d) ) [[a,240],[a,90],[b,240],[b,90],[a,120],[a,180],[a,120],[a,270],[b,120],[b,90],[a,120],[a,270],[b,120],[b,90]];
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The periodic endpoints d=0 and d=90 are the same as for the hat.
This is a small section of a tiling in David's blog:
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No mirroed tiles in this example.
turtle_assembly_6 = [ [[0,0]] ,[[0,12],[0,13]] ,[[0,13],[0,2]] ,[[0,5],[0,6]] ,[[0,4],[0,7]] ,[[0,5],[0,10]] ,[[0,10],[0,11]] ];
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To do
I'd like to add a couple of the suggested decorations.
A big task is to automate the tile placement to construct an assembly. Craig's software does this so I dont expect it to be easy! The approach I'd like to explore (perhaps it's the obvious appraoch?) is to start with the perimeter description of the base tile and extend this as each tile is added. The next tile can be placed by matching a subsequence of the tile perimeter to a subsequence of the expanding perimeter. Bit complicated to ensure that such a match will result in a fit especially with concave shapes.
Veritasium has a nice youtube on the background to aperiodic tiling
Jaap Scherphuis created the PolyForm Puzzle software which was used by David in his explorations.
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landwriter · 2 years ago
As you ask, the relevant bit re: Bottom (who is shown as this implies to be a talented speaker, another thing Shakespeare often does with characters who the audience wouldn't expect to be educated)
"In terms of the verse form Bottom uses, again rhyme is used to highlight the formal occasion of his speeches – because it rhymes so persistently and so repetitively, it is stylistically bracketed off from the surrounding dialogue. The first part of his speech (ll.266-69) takes the form of a four-line quatrain rhyming Abab in iambic pentameter. But the second part of his speech (ll.270-80) moves into very short, chiming lines where rhyme in effect overwhelms all other stylistic features. As Holland notes, Bottom uses a version of the ‘“eight and six”’ metre Quince mentions earlier (in Shakespeare, 2008, p. 246); I can show you what this means by relineating part of this passage:
    But stay, O spite! But mark, poor knight,
        What dreadful dole is here?
    Eyes do you see? How can it be?
        O dainty duck, O dear!
The form used here is once again one of the most popular poetic forms of the Elizabethan period, where an eight-syllable line, usually with four stresses, is followed by a six-syllable line, usually with three stresses. Thus in the first ‘line’ above, you get a very predictable iambic sing-song: ‘But stay, O spite! But mark, poor knight’. Shakespeare’s audiences would have been familiar with this form from both popular ballads and the psalms which they sang in church."
[Brown, R. D. (2020) Shakespeare’s language]
Absolutely fucking fascinating tbh.
oooooh thank you cecil!
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perfblogbyperfgirl · 2 years ago
♡ 270 ♡
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sponsored by MIWAS • [REVERIE] • Bonnie • ROULY • Tentacio • nyaru
〜 • 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜, 𝚑𝚊𝚒𝚛, 𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚜 • 〜
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alphabet-statistician · 1 year ago
This post has 270 letters. 270 are a…z, and 0 are bonus letters. Of 26 letters, 2 are missing. (q, z) The most common letter is i, appearing 27 times.
i - 27 (10.00%) +2.65% Blog; +3.00% English a - 25 (9.26%) +1.06% Blog; +1.06% English t - 23 (8.52%) -0.70% Blog; -0.58% English e - 22 (8.15%) -3.39% Blog; -4.55% English n - 21 (7.78%) +1.14% Blog; +1.08% English r - 20 (7.41%) +1.97% Blog; +1.41% English d - 17 (6.30%) +2.59% Blog; +2.00% English o - 17 (6.30%) -1.61% Blog; -1.20% English m - 14 (5.19%) +2.47% Blog; +2.79% English s - 14 (5.19%) -0.86% Blog; -1.11% English h - 12 (4.44%) -0.35% Blog; -1.66% English f - 8 (2.96%) +0.92% Blog; +0.76% English b - 7 (2.59%) +0.68% Blog; +1.09% English u - 7 (2.59%) -0.92% Blog; -0.21% English y - 7 (2.59%) +0.05% Blog; +0.59% English g - 6 (2.22%) -0.23% Blog; +0.22% English c - 4 (1.48%) -1.18% Blog; -1.32% English l - 4 (1.48%) -2.89% Blog; -2.52% English p - 3 (1.11%) -0.88% Blog; -0.79% English v - 3 (1.11%) +0.07% Blog; +0.13% English w - 3 (1.11%) -0.85% Blog; -1.29% English x - 3 (1.11%) +0.91% Blog; +0.96% English k - 2 (0.74%) -0.64% Blog; -0.03% English j - 1 (0.37%) +0.18% Blog; +0.22% English
reblog,most common: i,missing letters,letter count: 250-499,has j,
bro my dad “went to dinner” at my favorite mexican restaraunt and said he’d bring me home a burrito and it’s fucking 9pm
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actu-juridique · 2 months ago
France, Conseil d'État, 9ème - 10ème chambres réunies, 29 novembre 2024, 494063
https://justifiable.fr/?p=2041 https://justifiable.fr/?p=2041 #10ème #9ème #chambres #Conseil #dÉtat #France #novembre #réunies Vu la procédure suivante : Le préfet du Nord a demandé au tribunal administratif de Lille d’annuler l’élection de Mme G… A… au conseil municipal de la commune de Douchy-les-Mines (Nord) et de proclamer M. C… H… élu à ce conseil municipal. Par un jugement n° 2402148 du 23 avril 2024, ce tribunal a rejeté sa demande. Par une ordonnance n° 24DA00792 du 6 mai 2024, la présidente de la cour administrative d’appel de Douai a transmis au Conseil d’Etat, en application de l’article R. 351-2 du code de justice administrative, la requête d’appel, enregistrée au greffe de cette cour le 24 avril 2024, formée par M. H… contre ce jugement. Par cette requête et un mémoire en réplique, enregistré au secrétariat du contentieux du Conseil d’Etat le 10 juin 2024, M. H… demande au Conseil d’Etat : 1°) d’annuler ce jugement ; 2°) d’annuler l’élection de Mme A… au conseil municipal de la commune de Douchy-les-Mines ; 3°) de le proclamer élu au conseil municipal de cette commune ; 4°) de mettre à la charge de Mme A… la somme de 3 500 euros au titre de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative. Vu les autres pièces du dossier ; Vu : – le code électoral ; – le code général des collectivités territoriales ; – le code de justice administrative ; Après avoir entendu en séance publique : – le rapport de M. Lionel Ferreira, maître des requêtes, – les conclusions de Mme Céline Guibé, rapporteure publique ; La parole ayant été donnée, après les conclusions, à la SCP Rocheteau, Uzan-Sarano et Goulet, avocat de M. H…, et à la SCP Boulloche, Colin, Stoclet et associés, avocat de la commune de Douchy-les-Mines ; Considérant ce qui suit : 1. Il résulte de l’instruction qu’à l’issue des opérations électorales qui se sont déroulées le 15 mars 2020 pour le renouvellement du conseil municipal de la commune de Douchy-les-Mines (Nord), commune de plus de 1 000 habitants, la liste conduite par M. F… I…,  » Douchy au cœur avec passion « , a obtenu vingt-sept sièges sur les trente-trois que compte ce conseil. A la suite de la démission de Mmes K… L… et Florence Carboulet, ont été appelées à siéger au conseil municipal Mme D… J…, vingt-huitième inscrite sur cette liste, et, compte tenu de la démission de M. E… B…, vingt-neuvième inscrit, Mme G… A…, trentième inscrite sur la même liste. La proclamation de leur désignation a été rendue publique par la mention de leur nom dans le tableau du conseil municipal de Douchy-les-Mines établi le 16 février 2024, notifié au préfet du Nord le 19 février 2024. Par un jugement du 23 avril 2024, le tribunal administratif de Lille a rejeté le déféré du préfet du Nord tendant à l’annulation de la désignation de Mme A… en qualité de conseillère municipale et à ce que soit prononcée l’élection de M. C… H…, trente-et-unième inscrit sur la liste. 2. D’une part, l’article L. 2121-4 du code général des collectivités territoriales prévoit que la démission d’un membre du conseil municipal  » est définitive dès sa réception par le maire, qui en informe immédiatement le représentant de l’Etat dans le département « . Aux termes du premier alinéa de l’article L. 270 du code électoral :  » Le candidat venant sur une liste immédiatement après le dernier élu est appelé à remplacer le conseiller municipal élu sur cette liste dont le siège devient vacant pour quelque cause que ce soit (…) « . La désignation faite en application de ces dispositions résulte de la proclamation du candidat, rendue publique par la mention de son nom dans le tableau du conseil municipal. 3. D’autre part, aux termes de l’avant-dernier alinéa de l’article L. 231 du code électoral :  » Les agents salariés communaux ne peuvent être élus au conseil municipal de la commune qui les emploie (…) « . 4. Il résulte de l’instruction que le maire de la commune de Douchy-les-Mines a été informé le 9 janvier 2024 de la démission de M. B…. La désignation de sa remplaçante, Mme A…, est intervenue le 16 février 2024, date d’établissement du tableau du conseil municipal comprenant son nom. Il résulte en outre de l’instruction que si Mme A… était, le 9 janvier 2024, salariée de la commune de Douchy-les-Mines, elle ne l’était plus à la date de la proclamation de sa désignation comme conseillère municipale, rendue publique par la mention de son nom dans le tableau du conseil municipal établi le 16 février 2024, à la suite de sa mutation à la communauté d’agglomération de la Porte du Hainaut à compter du 1er février 2024. Il s’ensuit que Mme A… n’était pas atteinte par l’inéligibilité édictée par les dispositions de l’article L. 231 du code électoral citées au point précédent. 5. Il résulte de ce qui précède que, sans qu’il soit besoin de se prononcer sur sa recevabilité, la requête de M. H… ne peut qu’être rejetée, de même, en tout état de cause, que les conclusions du préfet du Nord. 6. Les dispositions de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative font obstacle, d’une part, à ce que soit mise à la charge de Mme A…, qui n’est pas la partie perdante dans la présente instance, la somme que demande M. H… au titre de frais exposés et non compris dans les dépens et, d’autre part, à ce que la commune de Douchy-les-Mines, qui n’est présente qu’en tant qu’observateur et n’a pas la qualité de partie au litige, puisse obtenir une somme au même titre. En outre, il n’y a pas lieu, dans les circonstances de l’espèce, de faire droit aux conclusions présentées par Mme A… au titre des mêmes dispositions. D E C I D E : ————– Article 1er : La requête de M. H… et les conclusions du préfet du Nord sont rejetées. Article 2 : Les conclusions présentées par la commune de Douchy-les-Mines et par Mme A… au titre de l’article L. 761-1 du code de justice administrative sont rejetées. Article 3 : La présente décision sera notifiée à M. C… H…, à Mme G… A… et au ministre de l’intérieur. Copie en sera adressée à la commune de Douchy-les-Mines. Délibéré à l’issue de la séance du 13 novembre 2024 où siégeaient : M. Jacques-Henri Stahl, président adjoint de la section du contentieux, présidant ; M. Bertrand Dacosta, Mme Anne Egerszegi, présidents de chambre ; M. Nicolas Polge, M. Vincent Daumas, M. Olivier Yeznikian, Mme Rozen Noguellou, conseillers d’Etat, M. Jérôme Goldenberg, conseiller d’Etat en service extraordinaire et M. Lionel Ferreira, maître des requêtes-rapporteur. Rendu le 29 novembre 2024. Le président : Signé : M. Jacques-Henri Stahl Le rapporteur : Signé : M. Lionel Ferreira La secrétaire : Signé : Mme Fehmida Ghulam La République mande et ordonne au ministre de l’intérieur en ce qui le concerne ou à tous commissaires de justice à ce requis en ce qui concerne les voies de droit commun contre les parties privées, de pourvoir à l’exécution de la présente décision. Pour expédition conforme, Pour la secrétaire du contentieux, par délégation : Source link JUSTIFIABLE : Indexation des Jurisprudences depuis le 1er novembre 2024 JUSTIFIABLE enrichit son offre en indexant désormais les différentes jurisprudences publiées depuis le 1er novembre 2024. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité couvre les décisions rendues par les juridictions françaises, offrant un accès rapide et structuré à une base de données constamment mise à jour. Ce service vise à faciliter la recherche juridique et à garantir aux professionnels du droit, étudiants, et particuliers un accès clair et précis à l’évolution des décisions judiciaires en France. Explorez dès maintenant cette catégorie et restez informés des derniers développements juridiques.
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maskerat · 1 month ago
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◆ The O.E.R. Archive
a poster for an analog horror story I'm working on - these are one of the main characters.
I will try my best to get the first video done by the end of December!
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pmsticaret · 3 months ago
Ankara Ostim’de bulunan şirketimiz, Carraro, ZF, DANA ve diğer iş makinaları yedek parçalarının satışında öncüdür. Türkiye ve dünyada birçok müşteri tarafından tercih edilen firmamız, orijinal ve OEM parçaları hızlı ve sorunsuz bir şekilde temin etmektedir. Carraro ve ZF OEM yedek parçaları konusunda uzman olan ekibimiz, diferansiyel ve şanzıman parçalarında geniş bilgi birikimine sahiptir. Carraro OEM parçalar, orijinal parçalarla aynı kalitede olup, %50 daha uygun fiyatlıdır. Yedek parça ihtiyaçlarınız için web sitemizden veya sosyal medya hesaplarımızdan bize ulaşabilirsiniz.
Carraro Pul (4)
PMSC003-281 , 028502 , PMSC058-623 , 028225 , 126.59*3.53/O-RING/FKM/90SHORE , 6195557M1 , 58516 , 28181 , S0642665 , 15186831 , 033022 , 831508 , ER046924 , 107.5*3.53/O-RING , 3A20382 , 52023 , 6000106884 , 42T-22-H0P88 , 6194480M1 , 6914450 , Y00333 , 0052630 , 28515 , 6000146626 , 593329 , 44.12*2.62/O-RING/FKM/75SHORE , 0.900.0553.3 , ER049911 , 81870317 , K 965267 , 181141A1 , VOE11709285 , 8033555 , A2230494 , 28126 , ER028256 , 11709068 , 33-744-609 , 3A20133 , ER028230 , 42*2.5/O-RING/NBR/80SHORE , 20E-14-K1290 , 831241 , PMSC017-464 , VOE11709349 , PMSC001-225 , 57378 , 211-6735 , 028520 , 930123 , A028560 , 7000052 , PMSC046-079 , PMSC001-270 , 33029 , 141937 , 199-0660-P.O.24234 , 68429. , LL7160414 , PMSC043-417 , 57382 , 28683 , Z101715 , 0.900.0089.5 , 028561 , PMSC028-688 , 830268 , F0330744 , 83957929 , 028508 , CA0028576 , 20K-14-31990 , 028557 , 6*2/O-RING/FPM/VİTON , 28500 , 022707 , 87705552 , 8035172 , 42.52*2.62/O-RING , 20K-23-31960 , 040036 , 0.900.0552.7 , 8F-6230 , PMSC045-929 , PP9157103 , 57496 , 23,52*1,78/O-RING , 465*4/O-RING/NB/70SHORE , PMSC016-112 , 46729 , 28628 , PMSC052-426 , PMSC007-544 , 327799 , 1990659 - P/O 20041 , PMSC002-682 , 2017396 , VA028158 , 536550 , 141938 , PMSC028-551 , ER046599 , CA0143837 , 2264389 , A028514 , 6000133012 , 9147-4136 , 503454 , 150*3/O-RING/NB/70SHORE , 153326318 , 57658 , PMSC028-616 , 830292 , 241.2.016 , 881012893 , 100511-06Q , RWA8026 , Y01110 , 046924 , PMSC060-110 , ER028161 , 6193364M1 , C144932 , CA028604 , 75710-4 , 327293 , 15.54*2.62/O-RING/VİTON/90SHORE , PMSC031-072 , PMSC016-098 , 20K-14-32290 , 81527.4 , VA262785 , PMSC046-044 , ER028511 , 20.22*3.53/O-RING , RI-660417 , 244.0.604 , Y00819 , 190493A1 , PMSC001-220 , ER028451 , 5194223 , 28574 , 49677 , 09217042 , PMSC016-478 , 20G-22-31340 , 6000128515 , FRA-0200028161 , PMSC028-677 , 101791-SAA , 7000098 , 057382 , PMSC001-229 , L99462 , 22761 , 101801 , PP9157122 , ER033029 , 9823358 , M93088.3 , 057378 , 107.67*1.78/O-RING , 028613 , A028113 , 28451 , 34060610 , 74.61*3.53 , RI-661814 , 830860 , 28540 , 028123 , 07.0711.0100 , 230-8963/HESO052296 , 101799 , ER028119 , 170*3/O-RING/NB/70SHORE , 28132 , PMSC046-086 , 028647 , PMSC031-085 , 028209 , 320-7363/GEUG75397 , 28110 , 145842 , PMSC046-057 , 10906324 , 028543 , 28210 , 6000128117 , 006501747C1 , ER048595 , 28514 , TP-10275 , 28127 , 830279 , 0.900.0552.2 , 11716795 , 090005533 , 28579 , 00112389U1 , 830286 , 87701310 , 549253 , Y00332 , 1-33-741-614 , 327635 , 20K2331760 , VOE11709491 , 57380 , L99473 , 6000128130 , 46735 , 6195685M1 , 86027204 , 499-970 , R 2930468 , 0.900.0554.4 , 6000128522 , PMSC043-566 , 327-4151 , RI-660430 , 706817A1 , 179.6*3.4/QUAD-RING/75 SHORE/VİTON/BROWN , 91474068 , U20230496 , 5.23*2.62/O-RING/NBR/75SHORE , 93 0280 , 058507 , 0.900.0089.8 , 109245 , 47382650 , 46924 , 119674 , 83983544 , 58.42*2.62/O-RING , 11988593 , 6000128131 , 0.900.0583.3 , PMSC011-544 , 142*3/O-RING/FKM/80SHORE , 91474151 , 63.17*2.62/O-RING , 3C028161 , PMSC016-059 , 707110225 , VA046566 , RI660171 , D147183 , 872432 , 229-5056/HESO19367 , VA046599 , 023411 , LL-7160-275 , 2900481 , 028210 , PMSC016-056 , 6194720M1 , FRA-0200028117 , 033477 , 830187 , 800150460900 , 7003276 , 320-7376-GEUG080670 , PMSC001-650 , 390229 , 828507 , 175*3/O-RING/NB/80SHORE , 8035219 , PMSC058-662 , PMSC013-791 , 028484 , 100*4.5/O-RING/NBR/90SHORE. , 7000090 , PMSC057-572 , 23408 , 133756 , 181149A1 , 58.74*3.53/O-RING , VA028508 , 3A20702 , PMSC020-173 , 327487 , 262638 , 6000128171 , K261826 , RI-661771 , 125885 , PMSC045-570 , 028551 , 210-0932 , 172026409 , 020829R1 , 19099 , 86027215 , 831531 , 033027 , PMSC015-690 , RI-660528 , PMSC046-007 , 147311 , 175156 , 057644 , PMSC013-097 , VA028124 , PMSC046-189 , 235*1.5/O-RING/NBR/70SHORE , PMSC013-617 , 22789 , 305152A1 , 262905 , F03/30783 , R113982
0 notes
speedywonderlandtrash · 3 months ago
Last minute final preparation : Class nine (9) math
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Last minute math final preparation
  গণিত সময় : ৩ ঘণ্টা                           নবম শ্রেণি                        পূর্ণমান : ১০০ ক বিভাগ : নৈর্ব্যক্তিক (২৫ নম্বর) বহুনির্বাচনি প্রশ্ন : (সঠিক উত্তরটি খাতায় লিখ)                             ১ × ১৫ = ১৫ ১.  Fibonacci ছিলেন ----   (ক) গণিতবিদ                                    (খ) পরিসংখ্যানবিদ                                           (গ) পদার্থবিদ                                      (ঘ) রসায়নবিদ ২. n সংখ্যক স্বাভাবিক সংখ্যার যোগফল কত? (ক)                      (খ)             (গ)                 (ঘ) ৩.        একটি অনুক্রমের সাধারণ পদ হলে, দ্বিতীয় পদ কত?             (ক)      (খ)             (গ)       (ঘ) ৪.         সূচকের ভিত্তি ও log এর ভিত্তি ----- i. একই                     ii. সমান                       iii. ভিন্ন             নিচের কোনটি সঠিক?  (ক) i ও ii               (খ) iiও iii             (গ) i ও iii             (ঘ) i, ii ও iii ৫.         কী শর্তে n এর সকল মানের জন্য সর্বদা ধনাত্মক হয়?  (ক) b > 0               (খ) b ৬.        = নিচের কোনটি?             (ক)                (খ)             (গ)                            (ঘ) ৭.         নিচের কোন বিন্দুটি xঅক্ষের উপর অবস্থিত?        (ক) (2, 0)         (খ) (- 3, 5)                 (গ) (0, 3)                    (ঘ) (- 2, - 2) নবম শ্রেণি গণিত বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার চুড়ান্ত প্রস্তুতি ৮.  দুই চলকবিশিষ্ট সরল সহসমীকরণের সমাধান পদ্ধতি প্রধাানত কয়টি? (ক) 2                (খ) 3                (গ) 4                  (ঘ) 5             নিচের তথ্যের আলোকে ৯ ও ১০ নং প্রশ্নের উত্তর দাও :
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৯. BC এর মান কত?         (ক) 9 সেমি           (খ) 29 সেমি            (গ) 39 সেমি            (ঘ) 49 সেমি ১০. sin ∠BAC এর মান কত?                   (ক)                        (খ)             (গ)                       (ঘ) ১১.       17 সেমি, 8 সেমি ও 15 সেমি বাহুত্রয় দ্বারা সমকোণী ত্রিভুজ গঠন করলে এর অতিভুজ কত সেমি হবে?                 (ক) 8               (খ) 13               (গ) 17                  (ঘ) 23 ১২.       দেয়াল ঘড়ির কাঁটাগুলো নিচের কোনটি অতিক্রম করে?             (ক) রৈখিক দূরত্ব                                (খ) লম্ব দূরত্ব                                                         (গ) কৌণিক দূরত্ব                            (ঘ) সমান্তরাল দূরত্ব ১৩.      একটি পূর্ণ ঘূর্ণনকে ৩৬০ দ্বারা ভাগ করলে যে কৌণিক দূরত্ব হয় তাকে কী বলে?             (ক) 1´ (মিনিট)                                              (খ) 10 (ডিগ্রী)                                            (গ) 1´´  (সেকেন্ড)                                         (ঘ) 1c (রেডিয়ান) ১৪.       মুশফিকের 10 টি ম্যাচের রান : 56, 30, 26, 37, 78, 65, 28, 48, 54, 16। তার রানের মধ্যক কত?                     (ক) 72.5               (খ) 42.5             (গ) 70               (ঘ) 77.5 ১৫.       গত বছর সর্বনিম্ন তাপমাত্রা ছিল 11°  সে. এবং তাপমাত্রার পরিসর ছিল 33° সে.। গত বছর সর্বোচ্চ তাপমাত্রা কত ছিল?             (ক) 42°               (খ) 32°              (গ) 35°             (ঘ) 44° এককথায় উত্তর দাও :                                                  ১ × ১০ = ১০ ১৬.      n - তম পদ, = 1 হলে, অনুক্রমটি কোন ধরনের? ১৭.       0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...... ধারাটির দশম পদ কত? ১৮.       এর সূত্রটি লেখ। ১৯.       হলে, a = b এর ক্ষেত্রে শর্ত কী? ২০.       লেখচিত্রে সরল সহসমীকরণের প্রত্যেকটি লেখ কী প্রকাশ করে? ২১.       সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের ভূমি ও উচ্চতা কিসের সাপেক্ষে নামকরণ করা হয়? ২২.       কোন কোণের পরিমাপ নির্দিষ্ট/সীমাবদ্ধ নয়? ২৩.      আদর্শ অবস্থানে (15, 0) বিন্দুর সাপেক্ষে tan θ = কত? ২৪.       কেন্দ্রীয় মান থেকে উপাত্তের অন্যান্য মানগুলোর ব্যবধানক�� কী বলা হয়? ২৫.       পরিমিত ব্যবধানকে কী দ্বারা প্রকাশ করা হয়? খ বিভাগ : সংক্ষিপ্ত ও রচনামূলক (৭৫ নম্বর) ১।         নিচের প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর দাও :                                     ২ × ১৩ = ২৬ (ক)      কোনো সমান্তর অনুক্রমের পঞ্চম পদ 16 এবং নবম পদ 28 হলে প্রথম পদ ও সাধারণ অন্তর নির্ণয় করো। (খ)       কোনো ধারার প্রথম n সংখ্যক পদের সমষ্টি n(n + 1)।  ধারাটির 10 টি পদের সমষ্টি কত? (গ)       , ... ... অনুক্রমটির সাধারণ পদ নির্ণয় করো। (ঘ) = হলে, x এর মান নির্ণয় করো। (ঙ)      দেখাও যে, 5 মাত্রার ভূমিকম্পের চেয়ে 8 মাত্রার ভূমিকম্প 1000 গুণ শক্তিশালী। (চ)       x + y = p + q এবং সমীকরণের সমাধানযোগ্যতা যাচাই করো। (ছ)       সমীকরণের মূলের প্রকৃতি নির্ণয় করো এবং সমাধান করো। (জ)      D ABC সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের ÐB = 90°,  AC = 13 সেমি, BC = 12 সেমি এবং ÐBAC = q হলে, sin q এর মান বের করো। (ঝ)      cot 90° . tan 0° . sec 30° . csc 60° এর মান কত? (ঞ)     270° কে রেডিয়ানে প্রকাশ করো। (ট)       P(1, - ) বিন্দুকে (r, q) এর মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ করো। (ঠ)       48, 70, 58, 40, 43, 55, 63, 46, 56, 44 তথ্যরাশির পরিসর নির্ণয় করো। (ড)      50, 60, 45, 35, 75, 85, 90 তথ্যসারির গাণিতিক গড় 62.86 হলে, গড় ব্যবধান নির্ণয় করো। রচনামূলক প্রশ্ন (দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর) : (১০টি থেকে ৭টি প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিতে হবে। প্রতিটি প্রশ্নের মান ৭)                                                                ৭ × ৭ = ৪৯ ২।         নিচের ধারা দুটি লক্ষ করো :         (i) 1 - 3 + 9 - 27 + .....  এবং (ii) 54 + 18 + 6 + ... +  (ক)     (i) নং ধারাটির প্রথম 7 টি পদের সমষ্টি নির্ণয় করো।                       ৩ (খ)       (ii) নং ধারাটির সমষ্টি নির্ণয় করো।                                                  ৪ ৩।        আনিকা ও মিম দুই বোন। তাদের মা-বাবা ১০ দিনের জন্য দুটি ভিন্ন পদ্ধতিতে তাদের দুই জনকে হাত খরচ দেওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়। প্রথম দিন অনিকা ও মিম উভয়কেই 2 টাকা করে দেওয়া হয়। অনিকাকে পরবর্তী দিন পূর্ববর্তী দিনের দ্বিগুণ পরিমান টাকা দেওয়া হয় এবং মিমকে পরবর্তী দিন পূর্ববর্তী দিনের চেয়ে 2 টাকা করে বেশি দেওয়া হয়। (ক)      পঞ্চম দিন আনিকা ও মিম এর প্রাপ্ত হাত খরচের মধ্যে কার টাকার পরিমান বেশি হবে তা নির্ণয় করো।                                                                              ৩ (খ)       প্রথম দশ দিনের প্রাপ্ত মোট হাত খরচ মিম-এর তুলনায় আনিকা 18 গুণ অপেক্ষা বেশি পেলো কিনা তা যাচাই করো।                                               ৪ ৪।   এবং (ক)      M = 128 হলে, p এর মান নির্ণয় করো।                                             ৩ (খ)       q = 3 হলে, L এর মান কত?                                                               ৪ ৫।         একটি মোটরসাইকেল থেকে নির্গত শব্দের তীব্রতা প্রতি বর্গমিটারে W। একটি অটোরিক্সা থেকে 60 ডেসিবেল শব্দ এবং একটি রিক্সা থেকে 50 ডেসিবেল শব্দ নির্গত হয়। (ক)      মোটরসাইকেল থেকে কত ডেসিবেল শব্দ নির্গত হয়?                         ২ (খ)       অটোরিক্সা থেকে প্রতি বর্গমিটারে নির্গত শব্দের তীব্রতা কত?            ২ (গ)       অটোরিক্সা ও রিক্সার মধ্যে শব্দের তীব্রতার তুলনা করো।                    ৩ ৬।        কনা একদিন একটি বৃক্ষমেলা হতে 410 টাকায় 5 টি পেয়ারা গাছের চারা ও 4 টি লেবু গাছের চারা কিনলো। রাজু একই দরে 400 টাকায় 4 টি পেয়ারা গাছের চারা ও 5 টি লেবু গাছের চারা কিনলো। প্রতিটি লেবু গাছের চারার দাম প্রতিটি পেয়ারা গাছের চারার দাম অপেক্ষা 10 টাকা কম। (ক)      প্রদত্ত তথ্যের সমীকরণজোট গঠন করো।                                             ১ (খ)       ‘ক’ হতে প্রাপ্ত সমীকরণজোটটি আড়গুণন পদ্ধতিতে সমাধান করো। ৩ (গ)       ‘ক’ হতে প্রাপ্ত সমীকরণজোটটি অপনয়ন পদ্ধতিতে সমাধান করো।  ৩ ৭।         একজন ফল বিক্রেতা প্রতিটি আম 20 টাকা এবং প্রতিটি কলা 10 টাকা দরে 1000 টাকা দিয়ে ফলগুলো ক্রয় করল। এবার প্রতিটি আম ও কলায় 2 টাকা লাভে সেগুলো বিক্রয় করে সে মোট 120 টাকা লাভ করলো। (ক)      তথ্য অনুযায়ী দুইটি সমীকরণ তৈরি করো।                                         ৩ (খ)       ফল বিক্রেতা কয়টি আম ও কয়টি কলা কিনেছিলো?                        ৪ ৮।         একজন শিক্ষার্থী একটি মিনারের সামনে P স্থানে দাঁড়িয়েছিলো। P স্থান থেকে মিনারের চূড়ার উন্নতি কোণ 300 । মিনারের দিকে P থেকে ছ স্থানে 50 মিটার এগিয়ে গেলে মিনারের চূড়ার উন্নতি কোণ 450 হয়। (ক)      তথ্যগুলোকে চিত্রের মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ করো।                                         ৩ (খ)       মিনারের উচ্চতা নির্ণয় করো।                                                               ৪ ৯।         নয়ন তার পরিবারের সাথে নিজেদের গাড়িতে ঢাকা থেকে কক্সবাজার বেরাতে গেলো। তাদের গাড়ির চাকার ব্যাসার্ধ 0.6  মিটার এবং পৃথিবীর ব্যাসার্ধ 6440 কি.মি.। (ক)      যদি ঢাকা ও কক্সবাজার পৃথিবীর কেন্দ্রে 20 কোণ উৎপন্ন করে তবে তাদের মধ্যবর্তী দূরত্ব নির্ণয় করো।                                                                                   ৩ (খ)       ঢাকা হতে কক্সবাজার যেতে মোট দূরত্ব অতিক্রম করতে তাদের গাড়ির চাকা কতবার ঘুরবে?                                                                                            ৪ ১০।       সাকিবের আট ম্যাচের সংগৃহীত রান নিম্নরূপ : 72, 55, 100, 67, 82, 40, 76, 80|  (ক)     সাকিবের রানের গড় নির্ণয় করো।                                                      ২ (খ)       দেখাও যে, সাকিবের রানের মধ্যক, গড় রান অপেক্ষা বেশি।          ২ (গ)       মধ্যক থেকে গড় ব্যবধান নির্ণয় করো।                                            ৩ ১১।       দুইজন ব্যাটসম্যানের ৬টি ম্যাচের রানের তথ্য নিম্নরূপ : তামিমের রান 45 75 100 25 65 55 সৌম্যের রান 102 20 85 35 10 35    (ক)     দুইজন ব্যাটসম্যানের রানের বিস্তার নির্ণয় করো।                                  ২ (খ)       ব্যাটসম্যান তামিমের রানের গড়, মধ্যক ও প্রচুরক নির্ণয় করো।         ২ (গ)       ব্যাটসম্যান তামিমের রানের গড়, মধ্যক ও প্রচুরক হতে গড় ব্যবধান নির্ণয় করো।                                                                                                                    ৩ Read the full article
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jadhavpropmart · 7 months ago
Discover Luxurious Living at Godrej Five Gardens Matunga
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Matunga is one of Mumbai's most sought-after neighborhoods. Renowned for its lush greenery and serene ambiance, it offers an unparalleled living experience. Among its standout residential options is Godrej Five Gardens, a property that redefines luxury and comfort.
Exquisite 3BHK Flats by Godrej Group
Godrej Group, a name synonymous with excellence, presents the exquisite 3BHK flats in Matunga. These flats are meticulously designed to provide spacious living areas, state-of-the-art amenities, and breathtaking views. Each unit reflects the group's commitment to quality and sophistication.
Unmatched Amenities at Godrej Five Gardens
Living at Godrej Five Gardens means enjoying an array of top-tier amenities. Residents have access to a fully-equipped gym, a refreshing swimming pool, and beautifully landscaped gardens. There's also a dedicated children's play area and a multi-purpose hall for events and gatherings.
Prime Location and Connectivity
The strategic location of Godrej Five Gardens offers excellent connectivity. It is close to major commercial hubs, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. The proximity to Matunga Railway Station and key roads ensures seamless travel across Mumbai.
Asalpha Metro Station: Approximately 6 km away.
International Airport: Just 7.6 km from the location.
Shivaji Park and Mahim: Relaxation spots within 1.18 km and 550 m, respectively.
IES KG & Balodyan School (650 m)
Raja Shivaji Vidya Sankul (600 m)
Don Bosco International School (1 km)
Maru Hospital (270 m)
Swami Samarth (1.7 km)
Smt S R Mehta & Sir K P Cardiac Institute (2.7 km)
A Lifestyle of Elegance and Convenience
Choosing a home at Godrej Five Gardens Matunga is choosing a lifestyle of elegance and convenience. The modern design, combined with thoughtful layouts, ensures every need is met. The security features and on-site management further enhance the living experience.
Invest in a Premium Lifestyle
Investing in a 3BHK flat at Godrej Five Gardens is not just about buying property; it's about embracing a premium lifestyle. The combination of luxury, comfort, and convenience makes it an ideal choice for discerning homebuyers.
In summary, Godrej Five Gardens Property in Matunga offers an unparalleled living experience with its luxurious 3BHK flats, world-class amenities, and prime location. It's an investment in quality living, ensuring a perfect balance of elegance and convenience.
For more details visit our site:  https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-kanjurmarg/
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rehanpropnest · 1 year ago
Godrej Five Gardens: Elevating Your Lifestyle in Matunga with 3BHK Flats
Real estate enthusiasts and homebuyers alike are constantly on the lookout for that perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and a strategic location. In the bustling city of Mumbai, Godrej Group has emerged as a key player, redefining the landscape of residential living. One of their noteworthy projects, Godrej Five Gardens in Matunga, stands as a testament to their commitment to excellence.
Godrej Five Gardens: A Haven in Matunga
Nestled in the heart of Matunga, Godrej Five Gardens is a residential marvel that combines modern living with the tranquility of nature. Matunga, known for its cultural richness and educational institutions, has become a hotspot for property investment. Godrej Five Gardens capitalizes on this, offering a serene oasis amidst the urban chaos.
Exploring 3BHK Flats in Matunga
The demand for 3BHK Flat in Matunga has been steadily rising, and Godrej Properties Limited has embraced this trend with their thoughtfully designed residences. These flats not only cater to the spacious living needs of families but also integrate contemporary amenities for a holistic lifestyle.
Godrej Properties in Matunga: A Legacy of Excellence
With a rich history in Matunga, Godrej Properties Limited has earned its stripes as a reliable and innovative real estate developer. Their commitment to quality, transparency, and customer satisfaction has established them as a trusted name in the industry.
Amenities and Green Spaces
24X7 Water Supply
Children's play area
Indoor Games
Jogging Track
Swimming Pool
IES KG & Balodyan School (650 m)
Raja Shivaji Vidya Sankul (600 m)
Don Bosco International School (1 km)
Maru Hospital (270 m)
Smt S R Mehta & Sir K P Cardiac Institute (2.7 km)
Malls/Market Places
Star Mall (1.3 km)
My Jio store (1.7 km)
Dadar Departmental store (1.7 km)
Godrej Properties Limited: Sustainability Initiatives
Properties in Matunga an era where sustainability is paramount, Godrej Properties Limited stands out with its eco-friendly initiatives. From energy-efficient designs to green building practices, they contribute to a greener and healthier future.
Matunga: A Neighborhood Overview
Beyond the confines of Godrej Five Gardens, Matunga offers a vibrant neighborhood. Educational institutions, cultural landmarks, and recreational spots make it an ideal place to call home.
In conclusion, Godrej Properties Limited's foray into Matunga, especially with Godrej Five Gardens, is a game-changer for those seeking a harmonious blend of modern living and natural tranquility. The commitment to excellence, sustainable practices, and customer satisfaction positions Godrej Properties as a frontrunner in the real estate landscape.
For more information visit our website: https://www.propmart.co/properties/godrej-five-gardens/
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mitivy · 2 years ago
CAS NO.613-29-6 High quality N,N-Dibutylaniline supplier in China /High quality/Best price/DA 90 DAYS
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Quick Details Product name: N,N-DIBUTYLANILINE CAS:613-29-6 Molecular formula:C14H23N Molecular weight:205.34 EINECS No.:210-335-6 Appearance: white-off solid or colorless liquid Other names:Dibutylaniline;N,N-dibutylaniline;N-Phenyldibutylamine;N,N-Dibutylbenzenamine; n,n-dibutyl-benzenamin;N,N-Dibutyl-N-phenylamine;Aniline, N,N-dibutyl-;Dibutylamine, N-phenyl-;Benzenamine, N,N-dibutyl- Purity:≥99% Brand:MIT -IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD Density: 0.906g/mLat 25°C(lit.) Melting point: -32 °C Boiling point: 269-270°C (lit.) Flash point: >230°F Water-soluble: Insoluble in water Vapor pressure: 0.00529mmHg at 25°C Refractive index: n20/D 1.518(lit.) Acidity coefficient: 6.28±0.20 (Predicted) Port: any port in china Packing: 25kgs/fiber drum or 200kgs/UN drum, according to the clients requirement Storage: Store in dry, dark and ventilated place. Transportation: by sea or by air payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment. Application Use for Pharmaceutical/pesticide intermediate Superiority 1.supply sample 2.the packing can be according the customers` requirment 3.any inquiries will be replied within 24 hours 4.we provide commerical invoice, packing list, bill of loading, coa , health certificate and origin certificate. if your markets have any special requirements, let us know. 5.factory price. 6.prompt delivery. we have good cooperation with many professional forwarders, we can send the products to you once you confirm the order. 7.we can accept various payment methods, l/c, t/t, d/a, d/p, o/a, paypal, western union etc., and we cooperate with sinosure many years. Anyway ,if you need any chemicals from China ,MIT -IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD can help you. Company Information MIT-IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD is a manufacturer and exporter of fine chemical dyes & pharmaceutical intermediates in China. Mainly produce aniline series products ,chlorine series products,and epoxy curing agent We are a  company full of vitality. The company has a group of energetic, well-trained employees and strong technical research and development capabilities. We specialize in the production, development and sales of API intermediates, fine chemicals and plant extracts. Relying on advanced equipment and strict management, adhere to the business philosophy of "openness, tolerance, innovation, and sharing" to create a win-win cooperationplatform.Everything comes from innovation, it is our philosophy ! If you are interested in getting more quotations, please add WHATSAPP:0086-13805212761 or E-MAIL:[email protected] Main products MIT-IVYINDUSTRYCO.,LTDMit-Ivy is a well-known fine chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturer with strong R&D support in China. Mainly involved Aniline, Chlorine products. Payment:DA 60 DAYS TEL:008619961957599   E-MAIL:[email protected] 产品 Product CAS   N-甲基间甲苯胺 N-Methyl-M-Methylaniline 696-44-6 N-羟乙基苯胺 N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-Aniline 122-98-5 N-乙基对甲苯胺 N-ethyl-p-toluidine 622-57-1 N,N-二甲基邻甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-o-toluidine 609-72-3 N-甲基邻甲苯胺 N-Methyl-o-methylaniline 611-21-2 N,N-二乙基对甲苯胺 N,N-Diethyl-p-toluidine 613-48-9 N,N-二乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluidine 91-67-8 N-氰乙基-N-羟乙基间甲苯胺 N-cyanoethyl-n-hydroxyethyl-m-toluidine 119-95-9 N-乙基间甲苯胺 N-ethyl-m-toluidine 102-27-2 N-氰乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-cyanoethyl-n-hydroxyethyl aniline 92-64-8 N-乙基邻甲苯胺 N-ethyl-o-toluidine 94-68-8   N,N-二羟乙基对甲苯胺 N,N-dihydroxyethyl-p-toluidine   .3077-12-1   N,N-二乙基苯胺 N,N-diethyl aniline 91-66-7 N-丁基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-butyl-n-hydroxy aniline 3046-94-4 N-乙基-N-氰乙基间甲苯胺 N-ethyl-n-cyanoethyl-m-toluidine 148-69-6 N-丁基-N-氰乙基苯胺 N-butyl-n-cyano aniline   61852-40-2 N-甲基- N-羟乙基苯胺 N-methyl-n-hydroxyetjyl aniline   93-90-3 N,N-二丁基苯胺 N,N-dibutyl aniline 613-29-6 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-n-cyanoethyl aniline   148-87-8 N-正丁基苯胺 N-Phenyl-N-butyl aniline 1126-78-9   N-乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-n-hydroxyethyl aniline 92-50-2 N-乙基-N-苄基间甲苯胺 N-ethyl-n-benzyl-m-toluidine 119-94-8 N-甲基-N-苄基苯胺 N-methyl-n-benzyl aniline 614-30-2 N-异丙基苯胺 N-isopropy aniline   768-52-5   N-乙基-N-苄基苯胺 N-ethyl-n-benzyl aniline 92-59-1 N-环已基苯胺 N-Cyclohexylaniline 1821-36-9   N,N-二甲基间甲苯胺 N,N,3-trimethyl- Dimethyl-m-toluidine   121-72-2   N-甲基甲酰苯胺 N-Methylformanilide 93-61-8   N-甲基-N-羟乙基对甲苯胺 N-(2-HYDROXYETHYL)-N-METHYL-4-TOLUIDINE 2842-44-6 N,N-二甲基对甲苯胺 N,N,4-trimethyl-;dimethyl-4-toluidine; Dimethyl-p-toluidine 99-97-8   N-甲基对甲苯胺 N-Methyl-p-toluidine   623-08-5 N,N-二甲基苯胺 N,N-dimethyl aniline 121-69-7 N,N-二羟乙基苯胺 N,N-dihydroxyethyl aniline 120-07-0 N-乙基-N-羟乙基间甲苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-Hydroxyethyl-M-Toluidine 91-88-3   N,N-二羟乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-dihydroxyethyl-m-toluidine   91-99-6   N-乙基苯胺 N-ethyl aniline 103-69-5   N-甲基苯胺 N-methyl aniline 100-61-8 N-甲基对甲苯胺 4-Methyl-N-methylaniline 623-08-5 N-甲基-N-羟乙基苯胺   2-(N-Methylanilino)ethanol 93-90-3 N,N-二甲基对苯二胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-P-PHENYLENEDIAMINE 99-98-9 3-(甲氨基)甲苯 3-(Methylamino)toluene 696-44-6 N,N-二异丙醇对甲苯胺 DIPROPOXY-P-TOLUIDINE 38668-48-3 N,N-二乙基邻甲苯胺 N,N-DIETHYL-O-TOLUIDINE 606-46-2 N-甲基对硝基苯胺 N-Methyl-4-nitroaniline 100-15-2 N,N-二苄基苯胺 N,N-DIBENZYLANILINE 91-73-6 N-苯基乙醇胺 2-Anilinoethanol 122-98-5 N-苄基苯胺 N-Phenylbenzylamine 103-32-2 N-羟乙基间甲苯胺 N-2-HYDROXYETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 102-41-0 N-乙基N氯乙基间甲苯胺 N-ETHYL-N-CHLOROETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 22564-43-8   N,N-二乙基-4-氨基-2-甲基苯甲醛 4-Diethylamino-2-methylbenzaldehyde 92-14-8 间甲苯胺 M-Toluidine  MT 108-44-1 1,4-二溴-2,5-二碘苯 1,4-DIBROMO-2,5-DIIODOBENZENE 63262-06-6 N,N-二羟乙基对苯二胺硫酸盐 N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine sulphate 54381-16-7 N-乙基-N-苄基-4-氨基苯甲醛 4-(N-Ethyl-N-benzyl)amino-benzoaldehyde 67676-47-5 N,N-二乙基-4-氨基苯甲醛 4-Diethylaminobenzaldehyde 120-21-8 对二甲胺基苯甲醛 p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 100-10-7 2-氨基噻唑 2-Aminothiazole 96-50-4 对甲苯胺 P-Toluidine  PT 106-49-0 N,N-双(2-羟基丙基)苯胺 N,N-BIS(2-HYDROXYPROPYL)ANILINE 3077-13-2 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 3-Ethylanilinopropiononitrile 148-87-8 N-乙基-N-(3'-磺酸苄基)苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-benzylaniline-3'-sulfonic acid 101-11-1 邻苯甲酰苯甲酸甲酯 Methyl 2-benzoylbenzoate 606-28-0 对羟基苯甲酸甲酯 Methylparaben 99-76-3 十四酸异丙酯 Isopropyl myristate 110-27-0 棕榈酸异丙酯 Isopropyl palmitate 142-91-6 邻甲苯胺 O-Toluidine  OT 95-53-4 4-甲基-N-苯基苯胺 N-PHENYL-P-TOLUIDINE 620-84-8 N,N-二甲基苄胺 N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine  BDMA 103-83-3 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺   N,N-Dimethylformamide  DMF .68-12-2 N-甲基甲酰胺 N,N-Dimethylformamidedimethyl acetal  (DMF-DMA) 4637-24-5 N,N-二甲基乙酰胺 N,N-Dimethylacetamide   DMAC 127-19-5 N,N-二乙基间甲苯甲酰胺 避蚊胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide    DEET 134-62-3 N,N-二乙基羟胺 N,N-Diethylhydroxylamine  DEHA 3710-84-7 N,N-二甲基-间甲基苯胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 121-72-2 N-甲基二苯胺 N-Methyldiphenylamine 552-82-9 N,N-二氰乙基苯胺 N,N-Dicyanoethylaniline 1555-66-4 N-乙基-2-硝基苯胺 N-Ethyl-2-Nitro-Benzenamine 10112-15-9 N-(2-羟乙基)乙二胺 AEEA 111-41-1 二乙烯三胺(DETA) Diethylenetriamine  DETA 111-40-0 三乙烯二胺 Triethylenediamine 280-57-9 三乙烯四胺 TriethylenetetramineTETA 112-24-3 四乙烯五胺 TEPA 112-57-2 间二氯苯 1,3-Dichlorobenzene   MDCB 541-73-1 间二三氟甲苯 1,3-Bis(trifluoromethyl)-benzene 402-31-3 粉末丁腈橡胶 MITIVY33-1(POLYMER/ADHESIVE COMPOUNDING) 9003-18-3 十六烷基氯化吡啶 Cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate 6004-24-6 对氯甲苯 4-Chlorotoluene 106-43-4 无水硫酸钠 SODIUM SULFATE 15124-09-1 碱性嫩黄 Auramine O 2465-27-2 偶氮二异丁腈 2,2'-Azobis(2-methylpropionitrile) 78-67-1 Read the full article
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