murs · 2 years
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Réveil le mouton!
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sosehpad · 8 months
Choisir un Réveil Adapté pour les Personnes Âgées : Combiner Confort et Technologie
Découvrez comment choisir le réveil idéal pour les personnes âgées, combinant confort, accessibilité et technologie ! 🌅🕰️ #BienEtre #TechnologieAdaptée
La quête d’un réveil adapté pour les personnes âgées va bien au-delà de la simple fonction de réveil. C’est une question de confort, d’accessibilité et d’intégration dans le quotidien. Les personnes âgées ont des besoins spécifiques qui exigent des caractéristiques particulières pour leurs appareils. Ainsi, choisir le bon réveil peut grandement influencer leur routine quotidienne et leur…
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maddy-ferguson · 10 months
a thread by twitter user @tugunl about life in palestine i thought i would translate and share. it was posted in august, so "before october 7th". most of the pictures are screenshots of videos i couldn't include, i linked them at the start of each relevant paragraph. op was told that he shouldn't defend palestine and didn't know what he was talking about because he didn't live there. what he reported after spending over a month in palestine:
A few months ago, this person criticized me for defending Palestine without even having lived there. And it was true. So I went to live there. After spending more than a month there, here is the reality of Palestinian daily life:
First, this individual claimed that "Israelis have no right to go to Arab territories". This is completely untrue. Here is an example of an Israeli colony, established in the Palestinian Territory. There are several others. You can see Israeli settlers walking peacefully in Palestinian Territories. There are now several hundred thousand living there.
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Another example of a colony: In Hebron, Israelis live in the city center, right above Palestinians. But of course, you wouldn't want them to mix and live together: they put barbed wire to separate them. Above, Israelis, below, Palestinians.
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Pictured here are stones thrown by Israeli settlers at Palestinians.
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What's most telling in Palestine: cemeteries. This one opened in 2021, it is already full. In just two years, the cemetery was filled, including with a lot of children.
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The reality is Palestinians live in an open-air prison. They are surrounded by these walls, which lock them into territories reserved for them. More than 700 kilometers of walls. So no, Palestinians cannot "freely travel to Israel".
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They cannot even go to Jerusalem, unless they have a permit, which is difficult to obtain. Because yes, if you go to Jerusalem as a Palestinian without authorization, you will be arrested at this kind of military checkpoint. God only knows what happens next.
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These military checkpoints allow Israelis to control traffic in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the border between Israel and Palestine: All it takes is for one soldier to decide to close the barrier for everyone to be blocked. Thus, any Israeli soldier is superior to any Palestinian authority. All it takes is for the soldier to lower the barrier to trap the president of the Palestinian Authority behind this barrier. There are over 650 checkpoints of this kind.
Another thing you should know: Israel operates under a system of collective punishment. An attack committed against Tel Aviv? All roads in Palestine will be blocked to punish the population.
Palestinians obviously don't have the right to use roads reserved for Israelis. How can the military tell them apart? Thanks to their license plate. Israelis have a yellow plate, Palestinians have a white plate. An example of the disastrous consequences of the ban on Palestinian circulation: At a school, a young girl required medical attention. The ambulance had to wait 5 hours, the time needed to obtain Israeli authorization to travel on their roads.
Because of these restrictions, a journey that would take 15 minutes to complete if you were Israeli takes an hour if you are Palestinian.
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Colonies under construction. Guess who builds them? Palestinians. Of course, because it costs a lot less to employ Palestinians.
I infiltrated a colony. Settlers live very well there. Real estate is cheap since land is free (stolen by the state). It's very green, water is used for the grass and the plants there. In Palestinian territories, I didn't have water 4 days out of 7. Because yes, Israel monopolizes 83% of water resources and leaves only 17% to Palestinians, which of course is far from being enough.
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On the left, Tel Be'er Sheba, ghetto for Palestinians. Less than 1km from Omer. One of the poorest villages. On the right, Omer, 3rd best village to live in in Israel, also one of the richest villages (reserved for Israelis obviously).
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By the way, this is where the waste of Israeli settlers in the North ends up: in this river, which flows to the Palestinians in the South.
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This is an example of Palestinian (in this case, Bedouin) habitat destroyed by settlers. These destructions number in the thousands. Palestinians are losing their homes, which are then replaced by Israeli settlements.
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Israel implements a legal regime that makes settlers superior to Palestinians. So a Palestinian is considered an adult at 14 years old while an Israeli settler is considered an adult at 18. A 14-year-old Palestinian who commits a crime will face the punishment of an adult.
Here, near Al-Khalil (Hebron), 7-year-old Ryan Sliman died of a heart attack after being frightened by Israeli settlers who chased him.
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Palestinians are losing their lives in this fight for freedom and dignity. This Palestinian marked his flag with his blood before giving it his life.
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Bonus: if you're foreign and transiting through Israel, be aware that this country uses racial profiling to determine wether or not you're a threat to them. If you have a foreign-sounding first name, especially from Middle-Eastern and North African countries, or if you have a beard that makes you look too Muslim for them, you will undergo very thorough checks at the airport and a very long interrogation with sometimes personal questions, as well as a search of your electronic devices and of your luggage. I personally underwent an hour-long interrogation, with numerous questions, including:
Are you Muslim?
Why do you have a beard?
Where do you come from? What are your parents' first names?
Why do you have a visa from Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates?
Also note that the cost of living in Palestine is quite expensive, due in part to taxation. The products are doubly taxed: first by the settler state, Israel, but also by the Palestinian Authority.
You should also know that I have met Israelis who are formally anti-Zionist but who only have Israeli nationality and therefore cannot move to another country even though they wish to emigrate. I am not at all saying that this is the opinion of the majority of Israeli people, but I mean that not everyone is Zionist. Hence the importance of distinguishing them.
Last tweet added to the thread on October 18th:
Note: Currently, new large-scale clashes are occurring in the Gaza Strip, causing the deaths of many Palestinian civilians. This thread was written two months ago, well before these events. If the media today try to manipulate information, particularly in favor of an Israeli state that supposedly has “the right to defend itself”, what you see in the tweets above is the reality on the ground. Palestinians experience this all year round, from birth to death. The current context only reinforces all the horrors they are experiencing.
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concorp · 7 months
bonne journée des langues qsmpblr!
j'apprends le français pour trois mois. j'apprécie les corrections, je connais très peu de mots 😅
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perduedansmatete · 6 months
je viens de capter que je prends plus d’anxiolytiques pour dormir en ce moment car j’ai arrêté de rentrer tous les soirs en ayant bu du coup c’est bien mais en même temps c’est pas bien
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inthewindtunnel · 5 months
Minuit Phosphène
(Wake Me Up)
(Version Radio)
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lemondeabicyclette · 8 months
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Le monde est dangereux à vivre ! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire. Albert Einstein
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
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« Le PS a phagocyté le mouvement antiraciste dans les années 1990 pour se constituer une réserve de voix et n’a eu aucun scrupule à dégager tous ses fondateurs une fois l’OPA réalisée, je propose qu’on recommence »
Mais triple buse.
La marche pour l’égalité et contre le racisme était une véritable marche militante qui venait du peuple, et non de partis politiques. C’était aussi une marche pacifique, à la rencontre de tous les français et c’est ce qui a fait sa popularité.
Toutes les œillères du monde ne feront pas de cette orgie de destruction et de vols un acte militant « pour la justice » que vous pouvez récupérer.
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nicomrade · 1 year
jadore tes tags sur daily gaston tes opinions sont correctes merci d'être là
MAIS DE RIEN.. j'adore me réveiller et voir un extrait de gaston !! j'ai grandi en relisant les BDs en boucle, en plus les postes sont encore dans le fantasio arc qu'est juste mon préféré early gaston my absolute beloved.... merci de poster les gastons !! ^-^ une vrai icône anti-travail pro-joie de vivre
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rarougrougrou · 1 year
J’ai de nouveau un brainrot et 300 idées d’edit sur kaamelott c’est en train de me dévorer et en même temps ultra niche les idées que j’ai eues 
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klearilist · 2 years
m'en fous de comment de pourquoi mais aa donne flashback sallustius capito kv2 stp
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"jardin" de Pomme c'est... quelque chose ngl
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tantquelanuitdurera · 2 months
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creepypastafrenchblog · 2 months
On dit que certaines victimes de torture, durant cet acte, se retirent dans un monde fictif et fantastique dans lequel ils ne peuvent pas se réveiller. Dans cet état catatonique, la victime vit dans un monde totalement similaire au monde réel, sauf qu'elle n'est pas torturé.
Le seul moyen qu'elle à de réaliser qu'elle a besoin de se réveiller est un message trouvé dans son monde fantastique. Un message qui lui rappelle sa condition, et lui dit de se réveiller.
Même là, cela prend des mois pour qu'elle se sente prête à lisser derrière elle son monde de rêve et s'il te plaît réveille-toi!
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valentin10 · 3 months
Euro 2024 : L'Ukraine se réveille et s'offre la Slovaquie !
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bearbench-img · 4 months
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