#r: zelkov
acrosstimeandspace · 1 year
was playing more engage today and got to zelkov’s a support finally and ooogh i am being he’s so ❤️💕💞💖💘💝❤️
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cjcraziness · 1 year
FE OC Week - Day 5/6 - Joy/Supports @fe-oc-week
I'm a bit behind but I will get there eventually.
Name: Regulus
Other Details:
Regulus has Supports with 10 individuals, many having different focuses from explaining parts of his personality and upbringing to questioning his ideals and beliefs. His prejudice shows up more than once, he is a flawed being but he learns that his conduct and thoughts are wrong (if this is triggering in any way skip any support that means prejudice in its summery).
There are also more tame ones where he makes friends and does hobbies. These supports would be where Regulus finds most of his joy doing things he loves with those he appreciates or well loves.
As a character, Regulus is neurodivergent coded, he hyper-focuses, has fixations and often struggles with things and I hope throughout his supports this would be noticed or addressed and others learn this part about him.
Focus - Regulus’ convoluted plans and obsession with schedules. How they can sometimes be a hindrance and that to live in the moment. Alear learns why they are so important to him and they find a compromise.
(Below is the wake up events so I have done them instead of support dialogue)
Focus – Shared love of magic and experiments. Accidents happen. Lindon acts as a fatherly figure and explains things about this life and that Regulus reminds him of his children.
Lindon: "Let’s say we go back to the drawing board. Maybe a new hypothesis... Green didn’t work. How about pink, my boy?"
Regulus: "If anyone asks... I was in the Ring Room this afternoon. I certainly was not helping you try to change the colour of Elthunder... Or setting two trees on fire in the process."
L: "I won’t say a word if you don’t, young Regulus."
(Vandar chasing after them in the background)
R: "My Father never accepted the magic part of me... I don't know what he would say if he saw me now..."
L: "He would see a great Mage in the making... And if he wasn't proud of that fact then he is a fool."
Focus – Sharing opinions on Elusia, Sombron and King Hyacinth. Regulus giving his unwavering loyalty to Ivy and Elusia once the War is over.
Regulus: (talking very fast) "Princess Ivy. Princess Ivy... I am so happy and proud you are here with us. That the crown Princess dines to battle with such commoners and with rival nations. I got to fight by your side in the last battle. I cannot believe it..."
Ivy: "Regulus! It is Regulus, correct? I may be a Princess but in this Army I am just another soldier fighting this war. There are other Royalty amongst us."
R: "But you are the Princess of my country. Is there anything I can do to help? Or improve your stay. I could plan out your days and-"
I: "That's enough. Please. Treat me as you would any other. When you have calmed down and prepared to do as such, you can speak to me again."
R: "Ivy, I would like to talk to you, if I may?"
I: "Yes, Regulus?"
R: "My conduct was unfitting last we spoke. So, I would like to start again. I was over-excited. But I have had time to sit and think."
I: "Oh? Then you may."
R: "I am proud to be an Elusian. To have walked the streets of the Capital... But I worry there is so little left of the soul of our country. I wanted to talk to someone about it... I'm at a loss. I thought you may understand that."
I: "Oh... That is something I deeply think about. When the War is over how much of Elusia will be left. Will I even have any subjects to try to help after all this."
R: "If I may... I would like to help you rebuild. I have skills that could be useful... I want the country that accepted me to know I will do anything to help it."
I: "Then, I will rely on your help to see Elusia into a new dawn."
Focus – Discussing the need to always be busy. He helps make Zelkov a hobby schedule and organises his hobby sanctum. Zelkov and Regulus learn to respect one another and hang around Zelkov's sanctum.
Regulus: "I've noticed you always keep busy, Zelkov. Your name is usually one of the most present on the chore schedules... Yet, you don't seem the most helpful of individuals. You don't do it out the Goodness of your own heart... So, why is that?"
Zelkov: "My mind never sleeps. I keep busy, least my mind wanders into *dangerous* territory."
R: "Huh... That's kind of familiar. If I don't have my plans... My thoughts can get overwhelming. But you know you should schedule in sleep. I have a feeling you don't sleep much."
Z: "Sleep doesn't come *easy* to me... Maybe I should tell you the same thing. I do not believe you *schedule* yourself enough yourself."
R: "Maybe you're right... Maybe we both need to optimise our schedules to help ourselves."
R: "This place is amazing. So many things. So much to do... It's a little overwhelming honestly."
Z: "That is a word... I've never *thought* to describe it as."
R: "But would you mind terribly if I could organise it for you? At least a little bit?"
Z: "Would you damage or throw away my things?"
R: "No. 'Course not, Zelkov. This place should be treasured. I just think it needs a system."
Z: "Would it make you *happy* to do so?"
R: "Immensely."
Z: "Then you may."
Focus – Telling Regulus’ need to “lighten up” and take a moment for himself to not plan. They spend an evening causing none planned trouble.
Hortensia: "Hey Regulus. Why you so obsessed with all these organising things? You can't organise every second of your life!"
Regulus: "Ah, hello Princess Hortensia... Can I help you?"
H: "Yeah, by putting down the notebooks and schedules and living a li'l. You can't have all that ruling your life."
R: "Oh... I find they give structure and are helpful to myself and others. Say, maybe I could help you use your time more efficiently?"
H: "Ugh, no. I live my life minute by minute. I don't need a plan to tell me what to do next."
Focus – Gregory’s bad experiences of Elusia vs Regulus’ good ones and they both come to a compromise that there are good and bad things about their homeland.
Regulus: "Hey Gregory... Fellow Mage and Elusian. Look, we have so much in common. We should be friends!"
Gregory: "Ah! Ermm... Hello, Regulus... I don't really know if we do have that much in common."
R: "What? Really? I thought they were good building blocks. Do you not want to speak to me?"
G: "No, no. It's not that but you seem to like 'love' Elusia. But... It has not been kind to me. I don't think we have similar experiences, so..."
R: "Oh... If you don't mind, naybe you could tell me about the bad... And when the War is over I can help change Elusia for the better. I could tell you the good things it has done too? Maybe make you more proud of your Home."
G: "Huh... I donno. But it's worth a shot. Maybe... You could dail down the enthusiasm, it's making me a little nervous."
Focus – Discussion on magic and the need to always be better. Also, Brodia’s vs Elusia’s stance on magic. Regulus' experience with magic when he was younger. Regulus'' mild prejudice comes up again.
Regulus: "Competent with magic and Brodian. You must be a Noble."
Citrinne: "Yes, I am. What gave it away?"
R: "Commoners don't learn magic in Brodia. They don't get the privilege."
C: "I never thought about it that way... But I have met a few mages in the Army, so I think you may be wrong."
R: "Well, I was never given the choice when Brodia came knocking on my doorstop. I had to hide trying to learn magic. I bet you never had that problem!"
R: "Citrinne, that spell you did last battle... It was impressive. You got many out of a bad situation."
C: "Why thank you. Oh, it is you, Regulus. I thought I was just a 'privileged priss' that only got everything due to my status."
R: "Well... I can still recognise someone who has talent. I thought to give credit where credit is due."
C: "Hmm... I think we need a proper conversation. I need an apology from you and then maybe we can try this all again. If that apology is good enough I could even tell you how I came up with that spell."
R: "I... I misjudged you, Citrinne. I have noticed your insecurities in your position. That for a Brodian you feel weak. That is not true though. You are strong. And... I am so very sorry for my past words."
C: "You are much more perceptive than I thought you were. I accept your apology should you stay civil."
R: "That is all I ask."
Focus – Regulus' mistrust and prejudice of Brodia and it's Royal line. Alcryst helps him in a battle with the Corrupted and shows him he is just a normal person, and Regulus changes his mind.
Regulus: "Why are you trying to speak to me? Why even look at me? You’re a Prince of Brodia and I’m from a rival nation. I want nothing to do with you or your people."
Alcryst: "Oh... Sorry. I won’t look at you... Or talk, if you don't want me to. Would you rather you spoke to Diamant? He’s better at this stuff. What do you mean rival nation? I... I don’t know what you want. Sorry."
R: "Did you not hear...huh? Why are you apologising?"
A: "Because I’m obviously not good or powerful enough to be able to talk to you... So sorry. I don't meet your standards."
R: "I don’t understand you, Prince Alcryst."
R: (on the battlefield) "This is looking bad. Where did that Firenese knight go? I'm not getting out of this easily."
A: "Uh, Regulus, look out." (Shoots a Corrupted that got too close)
R: "Is that? Prince Alcryst, why are you helping me?"
A: "As you are someone in need. I did what I could, as little as that is."
R: "But I'm Elusian...?"
A: "That doesn't matter right now... We need to get out alive first."
R: (After battle) "You saved my life, Prince. I never thought a Brodian would help me."
A: "I did it as you're an ally, and you don't deserve to be killed just because you are from Elusia."
"You didn't kill my Father or invade my Home. Why would I... Well, hate you?"
R: "Because well... Wait? You don't hate me when I treated you poorly."
A: "No... I thought I must of done something to deserve it anyway."
R: "I wronged you... I am sorry, Alcryst. You didn't deserve my scorn. And you really shouldn''t sell yourself so short. That was a good shot out there. It saved my life."
A: "Oh... Thank you. It was, wasn't it?"
R: "Oh, yes. You should be proud of your skills."
Focus– Regulus helps Clanne implement a better schedule and talks about siblings. Mainly Framme’s very disorganised lifestyle. Framme shows up in the supports.
Regulus: "I have noticed that you, Clanne, are one of the most organised people on this island. However, your twin, is frankly terrible. You are polar opposites..."
C: "Haha, yeah. She gets distracted a lot. I pick up a lot of the slack."
R: "Hmm... You shouldn’t have to. I have an idea: What if we were to say... Try improve her productivity? Experiment a little: try some new schedules, give her some different tasks and test her progress. It would be less work for you and the others."
C: "I guess it couldn’t hurt. I have been really busy since Framme forgot to do some chores yesterday."
R: "Then it’s settled. Operation: 'Improve Framme’s Productivity' starts tomorrow! It’s a working title."
Focus – Regulus is sent to find a lost Boucheron. They discover a shared love of reading and start a book club.
Regulus: "Ah, Boucheron. There you are. Everyone has been looking for you."
Boucheron: "Oh... Hey there, Regulus. I got lost again."
R: "But we are simply a 5 minutes walk in that direction. You can see and hear us? How did you manage to get this lost?!"
B: "I’ve just never been very good with directions. I get lost really easily. I get lost on the Somniel still."
R: "You couldn’t find yourself out of a wet paper bag, could you, poor dear? Fine. I will make you a series of maps. We can’t have you getting lost every 5 minutes."
B: "Oh... (Sniffling) this bit of the story always gets me."
R: "Hey. Don't spoil it! I haven't read it before. Let me catch up. Your crying gives it away!"
B: "Oh no. I'm spoiling your fun. But the book is really good."
R: (laughing, affectionate) "Oh, you sensitive oaf. A few tears won't spoil the story but don't announce it. I want the intrigue. The surprise."
B: "Yeah. It's nice I get to share this with you. Alfred and Etie well, they don't sit still long enough to appreciate a good story."
R: "I'll always put some time aside for a good read and company. Don't you worry."
Wake-Up Events:
“Divine One, I’ve been added to your numerous waking up assistants... Sir Vander seems to have recruited the whole Army for the task. Surely it would be easier just to have a set select few.”
“Do you not think it’s inefficient as well? Oh, you weren’t listening... Well, we can table it for now. Good morning.”
Awakened Early – “You awakened easily now... Why do you even need someone to help you? I’ll leave you to it.”
“Ah, Divine Dragon. Time is wasting, you know? I have things to do myself. Oh, do wake up already!”
“Ah, there you are. I will take my leave then... Actually, would making you an improved schedule help? I can do that for you.”
Awakened Early – “Oh. You’ve awoken early? Perfect. Now stick to it.”
Divine One, I made that schedule you wanted?! Ah, still asleep I see. Maybe we need to develop a spell or something... Maybe to zap you at the appropiate time. It would save you needing a person to awaken you each day.”
“Ah, you do not look impressed with my wonderful idea. I’ll be leaving then...”
Awakened Early – “What do you think, a zappy wake up spell? No? I thought it was a good idea.”
“Divine One, I have been in your library and I must say it’s... Divine One? How are you asleep at this moment?”
“Napping will only affect your sleep schedule, you know. Now, about the library...”
Awakened Early – “Divine One, just daydreaming I see. Now.... I was on about the library... You have so many tombs and magical knowledge...”
“I’ve been thinking about what you said: That I cannot plan every single thing in my life. That no one can... It is correct, I know this... But I would like have my plans to fall back on nevertheless. For if the worst ever happens, I need structure or I'll... Nevermind.”
“Oh... You heard all that...? Well, I’m going to leave. Good morning, Divine Dragon.”
Awakened Early – “Hmm...? Was I saying something important? No, nothing to worry about. Now you are awake, I will take my leave.”
“You slept for so long and still you sleep alike the dead, unending yet peaceful... So silent. If you were to never awaken again. The world would crumble. My plans would crumble... We all would crumble.”
“Ah... You were listening all along? What a sneak, you are. No, no... I’m not going to elaberate. Good day.”
Awakened Early – “Good morning, Divine One. Forgive the commentry, I just feel today is an interesting day.”
Gift Dialogue:
(I very much enjoy writing dialogue or options that could be in the game so...)
Favourite – “Absolutely wonderful. How long have you spent planning this gift? Thank you, Divine One.” (Philosophy Book, Fairy-Tale Book)
Liked – “For me? Thank you, I will use it well.” (Utility knife, History of Elyos)
Disliked – “Such an distinguished gift... Better for someone else.” (Training weights, Spooky Scroll)
Manure – “What are your plans with that? I see no reason to have it... Wait? I do not want it!”
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childofaura · 2 years
So apparently THIS was along the lines of what Zelkov’s S-Support was supposed to say (credits to this Redditor whom I’ll link their translation work below):
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You FUCKING cowards, tell me why it was necessary to take out the romantic subtext?!
Why do that for ANY of the supports, even the legal ones?! And AGAIN, I’d have rather they kept in all the supports, even the weird and creepy ones. I hate this censorship.
Link to the Reddit page where this person posted their translations, they’re doing God’s work.
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acrosstimeandspace · 1 year
hi thank you all for coming to my zelkov spam so i can announce him as an official f/o ❤️
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