pliablehead · 1 month
12, 17, 30
12. what’s some good advice you want to share? - i was thinking about this the other day in re: the ask that photoshop-pharaoh sent me about costumes, and what i want to say is: the best creative output I ever have, my best art/work, comes from when I go "wait a second, not only do I want to do this, I can see in my head exactly every bit of it and I know it inside and out" almost immediately. LIKE,, I'm not saying "ohhh you shouldn't have to Force art!! it should just come upon you oh so naturally via artistic inspiration and the Muse!!" because that is bullshit, but what it is is like,,, if there is something that you feel like you really GET and you HAVE, lean into that and trust that instinct, because 99% chance is, you're right, and when you go to do it it's going to be so fucking cool; invest your energies in the projects that give you that feeling rather than other ones that you're having to fight harder with
17. name 3 things that make you happy - • the local donut shop where I'm friendly with all the baristas and they give me the neighbor discount!! • my cat!!!!!!!!! and her perfect little speckled paws!!!! • having a Good Time With My Friends On Line!!!
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier? - getting silly messages from my friends about our stupid Guys We Like..... weh. and also the honey garlic cream cheese bun from the asian bakery near my work. and beverages
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hellkitepriest · 4 months
this is the chainmail Picture of Alex Robertshaw. Send this on to two people you know to have a lovely sleep
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pitchforkhead · 1 month
Got tagged by @ybep to do a picrew and share last listened song. Thank uuu <3
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I tag @qwertyfingers @veikkoalen @skullunter, no pressure :3c
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skullunter · 1 month
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eetarot · 6 months
The first official post.
I posted some preliminary work over on @qwertyfingers a few days ago, but I've decided to be organised for once and stick everything on it's own blog, so here's an intro post for organisational clarity. I'll be posting any and all updates about the project here, and that's all it'll be used for, to keep the streams from crossing.
What is this project?
I’m aiming to produce a full major arcana for a tarot, using themes, imagery, characters and places pulled from Everything Everything lyrics and odds and ends like interviews, song Q&As and so on.
Some major arcana cards have immediately evident analogues in EEs body of work. For example, The Empress is a ‘great mother’/'mother nature’ figure, protective and wrathful in turn, obvious parallels to Tin (The Manhole).
They will embrace me tonight as a A father and a son And I will carry homo sapiens through the night
Our Empress can be represented by the Fox, and potentially bring in some evolution imagery from Choice Mountain, Leave the Engine Room.
Judgement meanwhile is a representation of a rapture-like apocalyptic event that rewrites everything we know - which is heavily telegraphed in much Mountainhead but especially Wild Guess and The Witness.
Do you know what I saw? Nothing but endless fields of bodies swimming in the pit There was blinding light There were many eyes How could I know that? How could I know that? If I wasn’t there?
The role of Judgement in this deck will be played by this great accident in the pit. The exact visual it will take on is less apparent, but we have our basic inspiration already.
Other cards are more difficult. The Devil is hard precisely because there are almost too many options to draw from, but few prominent or recurrent enough to be the obvious choice. There are multiple places to draw lyrical inspiration for The Hermit from, but none of them provide any visual information. But this whole thing is a process and I’ll get there eventually.
Why are you doing this?
I had the initial idea for this project in 2021. I became really intrigued by tarots status as a sort of agreed-upon set of glyphs and stories shared across time and spent a lot of time researcing the different designs and meanings of cards throughout time. I don’t “believe” in the power of tarot any more than astrology (i.e. not at all), but I’m fascinated by the function of the imagery and art of the cards themselves.
During my reading I got to thinking about what I feel strongly enough about to consider creating a deck and I struck upon this. The first card I ever had a plan for was The High Priestess. Described as a sort of spiritual or social leader-by-example, a representative of the best of humanity and our collective knowledge. In a tounge-in-cheek way, that’s exactly what Come Alive Diana is about.
Her phantom head is thinking for all mankind I saw her portrait in the Mail Her phantom head was directing the holiest of hunts
I was immediately struck by the image of a spectral Diana cradling her own severed head in a pretty gruesome pastiche of the traditional depiction of the card, and haven’t been able to get the thought of it out of my mind since. It’s spiralled out of control since then.
So yeah. Mostly I’m doing this because it interests me on a purely artistic level, and because it’s a fun challenge to approach something really creative in a strangely scientific way. Like I’m dissecting and analysing a bunch of art I really enjoy and creating horrifying chimeras with the remains. I love it.
How will it all get done?
I’m a relatively experienced watercolour and gouache painter and illustrator, though I’ve never tackled a project this big before. The thing that scares me most is having to learn architectural drawings for at least two of the cards I have planned so far. But I look forward to it.
Right now I’m working on typing up all of the notes I have scattered between sketchbooks and notepads about my ideas for different things and making sure I know which areas need my attention most right now. Otherwise, I’m just vibing.
I welcome any questions or suggestions you might have in my ask box or messages! In an ideal world I’d like to complete all of the card artwork myself, but I have no pre-existing skill in graphic or product design and have no idea how to go about choosing a font or designing a card beyond the illustration and so if that’s something you do know about and would like to get involved please do.
Currently I have no plans of printing these up or making any overtures towards this being more than a casual passion project. My only experience with the professional art world is very informal local gallery shows and I don’t feel ready to change that!
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wychelm · 4 months
Ty @coolskeleton for da tag
5 fav songs rn:
1. Phil Ochs - When I'm Gone
2. The Mutton Birds - In My Room
3. Gillian Welch - Tennessee
4. Laura Marling - Blackberry Stone
5. Sharon Van Etten - You Shadow
Tbh I haven't really listened to music much since like December but these are my dabblings
Tagging @secretmessages1983 @qwertyfingers @etchingetchingetching @gasperyjacques
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hellkitepriest · 4 months
haters will say “having a dream where you’re flirting and playing pokémon with the guy whose son has the same name as you” is “worthy of some psychoanalysis” and to that i say: hey now i think that’s quite reductive
and then they will say “yeah but it was immediately followed by a dream that was awfully similar to how it would be when you got bullied at school, this isn’t one of your standard entirely baseless dreams” and to that i say:
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hellkitepriest · 6 months
you hate to see an unsuspecting guy get the lore dumped on him like this
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hellkitepriest · 22 days
Well, would you be able to beat Alex Robertshaw in a fight?
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i ADORE that two separate people want an answer on this. what an environment i have cultivated on tumblr dot com.
to answer your question, wonky, probably not due to him being a whole foot taller than me and seemingly decently strong. unfortunately. to answer @photoshop-pharaoh: having never been in a fight (this surprises people. @qwertyfingers told me the other week he was surprised i didn't get beaten up at school because "i have that energy" jdfsfgh) i have zero experience to back this up but on instinct i would utilise my lower centre of gravity and run into him really hard to tackle him or something or yknow just biting him
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hellkitepriest · 1 month
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interesting insight from @qwertyfingers into How I Am Perceived
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hellkitepriest · 2 months
remembering the moment at duncles when i muttered “muppet sex jams” at a quiet moment and @qwertyfingers laughed FAR too loud in a church
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hellkitepriest · 1 month
if everything everything were to cover a dutch uncles song which would you like for it to be/do you think would make the most sense. and same vice versa. and should members cross over between bands to make this happen
look i know i say this every time but this is an EXCELLENT question. much to think about......... POINT NUMERO UNO: i really want to watch alex robertshaw play the marimba, actually, now you've put the thought in my head. truly the anti-panto pete. i want them to do threads and for jon and alex to do the marimba thing together POINT NUMERO DOS: i think jeremy could do a lot with the big balloon bass riff. sexually speaking. POINT NUMERO TRES: babymaking. my actual answer i think might be poppin' because it's funky and it's fun and also i want jez and alex to yell READ MY MUPPET LIPS real loud. bonus points if someone constructs a muppet-jon and puppeteers him from just behind jez's amp
and vice versa: duncan 'sounds like he's about to cry on 90% of true entertainment' wallis could do a Lot with in birdsong but i fear there wouldn't be enough for the rest of em to do. i'm gonna say my computer because that's one that ee Don't do live and i AM mad about it and also. i just think
also: pete sené and henry broadhead as the two Background Guys of the bands swap places and nobody acknowledges it. thank you for coming to my ted talk
(i want to hear your answers to this OBVIOUSLY please i feel like you'll have thought about this a lot) (i also want to hear @qwertyfingers answers to this if he feels like it, as one of the only other Both Bands Likers)
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hellkitepriest · 5 months
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allow me to present a new paradigm as imagined by @qwertyfingers
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hellkitepriest · 2 months
sitting here in this cafe with dear tumblr mutual @qwertyfingers and no joke the playlist has probably been about 60% 1975 songs
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hellkitepriest · 6 months
alsoooo it was great to hang out with @qwertyfingers at these gigs i love tumblr dot com
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pitchforkhead · 6 days
Uhhh i feel so bad about not answering when I want to, but still, @ybep thanks for tagging ^_^
Do this quiz and this picrew
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I'm tagging @veikkoalen @qwertyfingers @photoshop-pharaoh @supyovalk (no pressure ofc) and anybody else seeing this <3
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