monriatitans · 2 years
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QUOTE OF YESTERDAY Sunday, March 19, 2023
"Wind is the most skilled hairdresser! Find a windy weather and let your hair be shaped creatively!" - Mehmet Murat Ildan
The image was made with and shared via the Quotes Creator App to Instagram initially; check it out here! The quote choice was inspired by Oxford English Dictionary's Word of the Day (yesterday): philocomal.
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enigmasfloat · 11 years
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monriatitans · 2 years
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QUOTE OF YESTERDAY Sunday, February 26, 2023
"Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon." - G.K. Chesterton, Tremendous Trifles
The image was, initially, made with and shared via the Quotes Creator App to Instagram; check it out here! The quote choice was inspired by Oxford English Dictionary's Word of the Day (yesterday): buggart. Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
Watch MonriaTitans & WGS on Twitch and YouTube!
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monriatitans · 2 years
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QUOTE OF YESTERDAY Sunday, February 5, 2023
"Although watching footage and hearing news of these removals—including that of Penn’s statue of George Whitefield—may seem like something new, the practice of desecrating and destroying public monuments is one with a long history, extending back specifically to the Roman world and its practice of damnatio memoriae.
While the phrase damnatio memoriae—a 'condemnation of memory' in Latin—is modern in origin, it captures a broad range of actions posthumously taken by the Romans against former leaders and their reputations. Most prevalent during the Republican and Imperial periods, this tactic generally involved the defacement of all visual depictions and literary records of a condemned individual." - Mati Davis and Sara Chopra, Damnatio Memoriae: On Facing, Not Forgetting, Our Past
Image made with and shared via the Quotes Creator App! This was originally posted to Instagram, check it out here; everything posted to Instagram is shared to Tumblr! Quote choice inspired by Oxford English Dictionary's Word of the Day (yesterday): damnatio memoriae. Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube!
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monriatitans · 3 years
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QUOTE OF YESTERDAY Sat, December 18, 2021
"Zelda Knight writes diverse steamy and dark sci-fi and fantasy romance for all orientations.
Zelda Knight sells books by day at PRIDE BOOK CAFÉ, and writes sci-fi and fantasy romance at night. She’s also the publisher and editor-in-chief of AURELIA LEO, an independent Nebula Award-nominated press based in Louisville, Kentucky." - www.zeldaknight.com
See the original post on Instagram! Watch WGS on Twitch and YouTube!
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