#quite honestly i haven't made up what he looks like under that hoodie yet
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(31.03.2024) Happy Birthday, Makemake!
“Huh? My 'birthday'? I almost forgot what that was. But you know what I haven't forgotten? That someday you could visit me the way you visited Ceres and Pluto! I need to look my best that day. I'll be waiting!"
Makemake was first discovered on 31 March 2005. His nickname is "Easterbunny", as he was then discovered a few days after Easter. However this year, we celebrate his birthday right on Easter Sunday itself!
#art#Happy Easter!#solar system#gijinka#personification#space gijinka#makemake#dwarf planet#birthday art#promo art#heliosphere: under the sky#i'm aware he looks different than most. that's intended#he's supposed to look like a bunbun with huge eyes#quite honestly i haven't made up what he looks like under that hoodie yet#also i wouldn't really count on a makemake. haumea. or eris flyby anytime soon#but he's still hopeful that someday it will be feasible for us. probably in the far future
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What's this? A fic from me in the DSMP category because there was canon lore? In 2024?
I was watching or getting ready to watch someone else, I had my follower list open at least, and saw Jack was live and there was something about logging onto the server later in his title and wait what. I knew as soon as I updated some friends about said happenings, I muted the Discord channel I sent it in in case people wanted to talk more about it and maybe sent spoilers later, and I was on here very little because I knew even though I'm not 100% in the fandom anymore and certainly not a fan of all the members, I would like to see it for myself. So I watched the vod the next morning and oh my god.
I did not expect to get literal chills the moment he logged on and the first thing we saw was the bench. And I almost cried when we saw Las Nevadas. And I did cry a bit when we saw Tech's house. Regardless of how much I care about the streamers who were part of that as of late, I did at one point, very much so. This was something I did not expect, it was so nostalgic and emotional and actually warmed my heart a bit seeing so many fans come together during and after it happened. This was a really unexpected and lovely way to tie things up, I thought they kind of were already in all areas for me at least, but I think that this was a good way to finally properly say goodbye.
No warnings
1,438 words
Tommy was. Somewhere.
He wakes up he thinks, he opened his eyes at least, running a hand through his blonde curls.
He didn't think he was alone this time. Or well, he wasn't always, Tubbo was there sometimes, but this was a different sort of person feeling.
He typed into his communicator for the heck of it.
"Wh-where have you fucking been?"
Been here for years mate.
Made loads."
He was.
He was in Las Nevadas?
This whole time. This whole time?
Tommy stood at the top of the hill at the entrance of the faux desert and sure enough.
Someone with one blue and one red eye, a head of buzzed hair with a headset on top, a blue short sleeved hoodie, and camouflage pants stood at the bottom.
"Let me bless you, my boy, it's been too long."
He threw a couple of diamonds at the feet of younger, who probably looked just as puzzled as he felt.
"Jack. Seriously.
What happened?"
"What do you mean? I've just been here. Playing roulette."
This whole time? This whole time.
"Wanna know where I've been?
Come with me."
"Hold on, can't leave on a loss, gotta get that big win."
Jack came out eventually, and they walked out of Las Nevadas and along the Prime Path together, he has somewhere to show him.
"It's good to see you."
"You too, man."
"I've been here."
"Here? Under the bridge?"
"Out in the distance. That way.
I've got a house. It's nice."
"I haven't seen anyone for a loooooong time.
Well, maybe Tubbo, every now and again."
Tommy and Jack walked, or well, Tommy walked, and all the sudden Jack's voice became quieter and quieter somewhere behind rather than beside him.
"Me either, casino's been empty.
Honestly, I just steal money from the safe's to gamble with. I could take it all if I wanted, but the thrill keeps me in there.
Gambler's addiction, they call it. One day I'll win big. 99% of people quit before then.
But not me. I'll make it. It's been years, but, it's coming."
He turned his head to the boy with heterochromia behind him, blonde waves bouncing lightly.
"You're not very good at catching up, are you?"
"Just telling my story, man."
Jack said while he jogged to be once again beside him.
"Never thought I'd be around these parts again. I moved far from here to get away from it.
It brings back too much. Joy, fun, sadness, pain. Too much of all of it.
But it's nice to see a familiar face."
The path they took to get to their destination was familiar, and this time he knew it was safe as well as convenient, no one with a mask he had to worry about being on the other side, or worse yet, chase him.
A bridge of cobblestone among the dark red brick and close to unbearable heat, from one swirling purple transparent gateway surrounded by obsidian to another, and they were spot out onto a soft cold white blanket.
"I don't live around here."
"Oh. I thought that's where we were going?"
"No, god no. Do you know how long it took for me to get back here?
I come here a lot though"
A house, a cabin to be exact, sat the same as them in the nearby distance.
It was cream colored with chestnut colored accents, a matching wooden roof and front door, and a chimney that stood tall and sat bare, no plumes of smoke emitted which once came from it.
"Cool. It's quaint. I like it.
Maybe I'll bye it when I win big!"
Tommy looked to the older boy with two colored eyes beside him, opened his mouth but decided against saying anything, then opened it again to say something after all.
"This is Technoblade's house."
"Oh. Maybe I won't do that then."
"How long do you usually sit here like this?"
"As long as I need to.
Sometimes minutes. Sometimes hours."
There were areas of fences close by on the surrounding property, the occasional bray or bah or grunt echoed through the air, and sat in the otherwise quiet.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure. Hit me."
Tommy fidgeted with the fingers on one hand in his lap as he found the right words and considered them being actually spoken.
"Do you ever.
Like, despite all the war, and the fighting, and all the- well, all the mess- how much it sent me a fucking mess.
Do you ever miss it? Those days? The people? Or, well, the way they were. The way it all was."
Jack looked at him, something like softness in his features.
"Sure. It was all a bit much at times, and I'm not sure I'd wanna do it all again.
But I miss it sometimes. It was fun, really."
"Yeah, I don't think I'd do it all again either. But. I don't know, I've tried to move on. My little cottage far away, my humble paradise. But that trails a lot into my mind."
"I think it trails onto all of our minds sometimes, wherever we all are.
But we all have to move on, find our own destiny sometime."
"Okay. Phew. I'm glad it's not just me."
"Chasing the win keeps me happy.
I like who I am now, probably more than I was. But that doesn't mean he was bad."
"You like being a gambler? Over an incompetent fight loser?"
Jack laughed, soft and genuine, and Tommy fidgeted a bit harder.
"I guess they're not great options are they."
"Sorry, that was a bit harsh, I don't see many people."
"One of them means I might win someday, I was never gonna win back then."
His face held that expression again, soft, almost sad maybe.
"I've still got my one life. One canon life.
And I intend to use it the best way I can."
"What do you mean? How do you wanna use it?."
"You know. I've not got a clue.
But I'll figure that out later.
For now, I've got my cottage, and my new pet! Oh she's adorable. Mareep, she's a little sheep I caught.
But you know, things are okay for me.
Tubbo and his fucking bees I see also every now and then. He's doing pretty well for himself. Selling fucking honey."
"Oh, that's good. I thought he exploded when I blew up everything.
I can't actually die I don't think, so I never know whether these things are bad for everyone else or not."
"I guess being the president of L'Manberg teaches you a few logistical things, aye?
Not that either of us would know anything about that."
"I haven't seen anyone else besides Tubbo."
"Yeah, you two are hard to separate."
"Tell me about it."
"I think I like it that way for now though.
The quiet life."
"Quiet is nice. This is nice."
"It's good to see an old face though. I know I said it before, but it really is."
Tommy pushed himself up and off the snow beneath them, a couple joints popped, Jack did the same, they stayed standing with the cabin behind them.
"Well, I can't stay for long, I've gotta do things like feed Mareep."
"Yeah, I got some places to see, now that I'm out.
Haven't left there in a while, probably should go check on some things."
"Is there anything else you wanna ask me? I have no questions for you."
Jack looked like he might have something to say, but was going through the roster of words in his mind, carefully considering them.
"Are you happy?
I guess that's really all I'd care to know."
Tommy opened his mouth to respond, closed it, gave a whisper of a smile, ran one of his hands along his pant leg in a partial fidget and a partial way to rid himself of the cold, then opened it again.
"Getting there."
They both nodded gently.
"I'm glad."
"It's good to see you, Jack."
"It's good to see you too, Tommy."
"I hope you get that big win someday.
Oh, and hey. Don't let anyone bye this house."
"I won't."
"I might not see you again. But I hope to lhear about it if you win big."
That's okay. You will. I can deal with just knowing that you're happy."
Tommy held out a hand.
"So long J Money."
Jack shook it.
"Bye Big T."
They both looked to the cabin once more, gave a two finger salute, and went their separate ways along the snowy path.
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Kinda interested in the Jelly x human polycule one,,,,
Unfortunately, i didn't get to the polycule part yet 😔
It's more of a quick one-shot than a long thing like the MILGRAM or SCP fanfics; just some fluff and comfort, with a slimefolk.
I posted the unfinished first draft here previously, but honestly it's pretty bad ^^' (like, what does "I caught a quick glance of myself at the mirror the coat tail" mean??)
I still haven't touched it, but given I don't think I could a snippet that feels satisfactory without editing it a bit or having 2k words, so I edited it into a snippet and will probably port the edit into the story later™️
Anyway, here's a snippet of "A jelly game night with my BFs". (973 words)
“Ah… I’m finally home.” I thought, as I climbed the doorsteps. It was a tough day. The Friday rush is always so exhausting. Luckily, my boyfriend was waiting for me at home. I passed the door, and with a sigh, quickly dropped my bag to the floor. I will take care of that later, or maybe Sam will. I don’t know. I don’t really care. The music wandering in the house tipped me to Sam’s presence. He didn’t sneak to the grocery store without telling me, this time. Or maybe he did, and came back before I arrived. Well, whatever. I caught a quick glance of myself in the mirror in the entry and I looked… exhausted to say the least. My brown hair was a mess, my blue eyes were burdened with the outline of dark circles, and my tie was creasing, probably from the bus and from currently hunching. It took that effort to stand, so I decided against bending over or crouching to remove my dress shoes. I quickly wiped them on the mat, to at least alleviate whoever will have the courage to clean the floor tomorrow.
I entered the living room and sure enough, Samuel was playing a video game—the latest Zelda—on the TV. I got around the sofa and passed between him and the television. I didn’t feel like talking, honestly. He quickly looked my way, acknowledging my presence, but didn’t utter a word either. He’s pretty similar to me in that regard, he dislikes talking just after coming back from work, so he is pretty understanding when I don’t feel like it. I sat on the other end of the sofa and lied down, my head resting on the armrest and my shoes facing him, but not quite reaching his lap.
I looked at the TV, and… yeah, he wouldn’t be a popular streamer even if he tried. The game is interesting and nice to play, but watching people play is a different matter. I yawned and Sam took a quick glance away from the game, seeing my stretched out legs, before turning away, back to his game. He tapped on his lap with the back of his hand, still holding the joy-con. I figured that he was offering his lap for my feet, but seeing as he was fighting a boss, I had another idea. My face contorted into a smirk as I got up, despite attempting to hide my nefarious intent. I approached him and sat on his lap, facing away from the TV, and hugging him for stability. I twisted my legs around his waist to be more stable and avoid doing the split. I could feel his squishy torso deform under my hug and his legs under my weight. He groaned at the surprise embrace, trying to figure a way to see the game, while not condemning me to fall. After a bit of struggle, he finally put his head on my shoulder, incidentally filling my nose with his natural body scent akin to bleach and soap in spite of the smell of his unwashed hoodie (technically mine).
I focused back onto Sam, and I noticed he twisted his arms around my torso and pointed the joy-cons toward the TV. Hm… So he needs to aim? I waited a couple of seconds, hearing him press over several buttons, and make several movements, and started gently lifting my legs and lowering my arms, which perturbed his movements enough for him to gently groan, and to grow accommodated to those jitters to the point he suspect that’s all there is to it. And then… he pressed a button and moved slightly as if aiming. I made a big movement to break his aim. With the sound of an explosion came the game over jiggle. Sam’s face turned sour. “Dude…” His voice was high-pitched, almost like a teenager whose voice didn’t quite break. Make no mistake, he’s 23, and has a full-time job; remote allows him not to be seen. I doubt anyone would recruit a green guy, ha ha. I unrolled my legs and stood up before he could hug me back, which left him agape, and slightly embarrassed, his cheeks turning into a shade of yellowish-green for a moment. So easy to tease… I went back to my end of the sofa, and lied back down. He got up and went to fetch the Switch from its support, he switched the monitor back to the TV channels, which landed on the nature documentary channel. He pursed his lips and turned away, his cheeks once again changing taints. I love him. But it is a good choice. I wouldn’t mind watching that while I do a quick nap. Sam sat back down, Switch in hand, joy-cons connected to the screen, and looked at me, tapping his lap with a free hand. I raised an eyebrow. “Do you want my head on your lap?” I asked. He shrugged. He wasn’t very talkative since the transformation; he felt insecure about his voice. It was surprising, honestly, given he is fine with being green and all squishy, but having a high-pitched voice is bad? Regardless, I flipped around, and lied my head on his lap. The cushioning is perfect.
I could sometimes see his eyes twitch to the TV, as if he was both watching the documentary and playing the game. After a few minutes, probably the time to kill that boss and save, he turned the console down and put it on the table. He sighed. Then looked toward me. He slowly reached out to grab one of my hands, and started massaging it. That was unexpected, but so nice… I will be honest, I used to love pressing cat paw “beans”, but after experiencing his squishy gelatinous hands, I just can’t go back!
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