#quinn is kinda quirky
dustandshadows-if · 9 months
12 for Quinn post mc's "death"??? 👀
12. Do they have any self-destructive habits? quinn becomes incredibly obsessive with finding out what happened. Like to the point where it's unhealthy. Their family and Farrah are incredibly worried but Quinn doesn't tell them anything
quinns family watching them actually lose their mind and then say that they're fine
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send-me-a-puffalope · 7 months
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houndfaker · 8 months
so far in terms of character writing in reload…i don’t know how to explain this but like it feels like the writing can be very tryhardy in emphasizing certain character traits and that leads to flanderization (most notable in aki’s case, but also noticeable in like…aigis and mitsuru) but also there are instances where it feels Right and Needed as compared to the original text? idk does this make sense
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but-a-humble-goon · 1 year
It's kinda starting to get under my skin the amount of adaptations like Birds of Prey or Harley Quinn TAS that present Joker as just kind of a bad inattentive boyfriend to Harley. As if the worst he did while they were together was forget their anniversaries or make her feel underappreciated. Let's be real clear, the Joker is an abusive (in every imaginable sense of the word) monster who hurts Harley for his own sick amusement and spent years breaking her down emotionally, reducing her to a broken shell of a person so he could remake her in his own image. Harley Quinn suffers from severe abusive codependency. Though I suppose it's asking too much that we acknowledge that because god forbid she ever be allowed to be anything besides a quirky girlboss, that mass market ain't gonna appeal to itself is it?
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
is it true that logan had a crush on zoey? I read it on the fandom wiki
There was an implied mutual attraction in the show, but I think they dropped that idea around season 3, maybe season 2 (thankfully)
I don't think Logan's crush on Zoey was ever that serious, I think he just found her attractive and wanted to make out with her, same way he wanted to make out with most girls. He grew to like her as a friend later on, and the make out jokes never felt like he meant them since then.
I really believe he fell for Quinn on season 3, so he completely got over any left over attraction for Zoey by then. And she also seemed to drop that as well, way earlier. The fact that they both annoyed the shit out of each other probably helped get rid of it.
You didn't ask about Quinn but I'm gonna talk about Quinn
Before their kiss, Logan described Quinn as "smart, pretty and kinda fun". Those things could apply to Zoey too, so why didn't he fell for Zoey instead? Well he might have said only those things, but those were not the only reasons he fell for Quinn. She's much more than that.
Quinn also annoyed him and challenged him, like Zoey, but he ended up falling for her still (dare I say, because of it). Quinn had other attributes that attracted him, I think Quinn's weirdness/quirkiness and personality played at hand for why he feel for her but not Zoey. Like Erin and Matt mention recently mentioned Quogan have more in common than people think. I think their shared interest in science was something that drew Logan in, despite himself. They're also both romantics, again, despite himself. They have mad chemistry, something that just comes naturally with couples, and something that wasn't really there with Zoey.
She's different from Zoey on many things, and I believe Logan loved every single one of those differences.
Quinn is kinder and less self-centered than Zoey. She doesn't make every issue her problem, yk? and she is actually a pretty sweet girl.
She's not self righteous like Zoey, something that often causes Logan and Zoey's fights (even tho he kinda is also, in a way that he always thinks he's right too) Oh, actually that last part just made me realize another reason why Logan and Zoey never developed feeling*.
Quinn is always willing to help her friends, when asked, unlike Zoey who simply inserts herself in the situation and give advices without asking first.
Quinn took revenge on Logan as well, but I don't think she ever went as far as Zoey had, like in Anger Management, for example.
Quinn is not as judgy as Zoey either, probably bc of the fact that she's an outcast tbh.
Zoey has a serious communication problem, connected to her self righteousness, where if she feels wronged, she never let the other person explain themselves (it's mostly Chase), while Quinn makes things less complicated and expresses those things (like when they were laughing behind her back and she told them it hurted her, bc she expected it from Logan but she thought of them as her friends, no one made a move to apologize or talk so she left). Basically both Quinn and Zoey are confrontational, but in completely different ways.
*What I realized, is that Zoey and Logan have a lot in common too. Like how they both want to be in charge at all times and have troubles accepting their wrong doing. The things they have in common are their flaws, while with Quinn, they have their better parts in common. I don't wanna bring Dana into this, but I believe this would have been the case for her and Logan too if she had stayed. So, I guess Quogan would still had been endgame (now I kinda want a fic where while Quinn was with Mark, Logan had a messy relationship with Dana, Quogan is still endgame at the end, I think it'd be more dramatic and make Logan also experience what's like to have a healthy relationship after coming out of an unhealthy one)
One could argue that Logan's attraction to Quinn's less dominating qualities and attitudes in comparison to Zoey could be attributed to his sexism and his own dominating personality at the time, but then again, Quinn is a dominating girl too, we see that in her relationship with Mark, so I don't think it's only that, I think at the end, it was more about Quinn's healthier way of dealing with things drew him in. He really needed someone that was at his level on that aspect but would match him and work with him for the better instead of someone who made things worse.
Logan and Quinn balance each other and bring the best in the other. Logan and Zoey, despite their moments of friendship, bring out the worst. They're too similar to like each other while Quinn is has the right amount of similarities and differences to make their relationship work and generate an attraction that later turned into love.
Now he's not only too in love with his wife to still harbor a crush on her, he also doesn't seem to like Zoey very much.
TL;DR: kinda but it wasn't that deep, Zoey and him weren't compatible like that.
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Hey there! You said to message you about what we're reading, and I felt like chatting about that (hopefully you won't mind). I really love hearing your thoughts on various books.
I've been reading the Rokesby series by Julia Quinn (Bridgerton prequels) which I am really having fun with. I'm also reading The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig, Darling by K. Ancrum, Impossible by Nancy Werlin, The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams, The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson, and An Unexpected Earl by Anna Harrington (second of a series called Lords of the Armory) As you can tell, I am really bad at picking just one book at a time!
What are you reading at the moment?
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Please come here to talk about books with me whenever. I promise absolutely never mind. And gosh, do you have a lot of things to talk about! I am impressed, honestly. I would never be able to keep all those plots and storylines straight!
I'm a strictly one-book-at-a-time kinda lady. Which is not great for the number of books on my Kindle, actually. Because I have this horrible habit of just downloading them, so I don't forget that I want to read them, and then I wind up with, like, 15 books on there, and I make Justin pick a number as to what I read next or give him a general idea of what the genre is and make him pick from that.
I am horrible at making decisions, you see.
As to what I've been reading recently, I've been a bit all over the place. I mean, there's been kissing in.... all of them, but the type of kissing varies. Some of my recent ones ,though:
the last in a series where someone on this football team falls in love with some quirky™ girl, and the sports descriptions are only kind of incorrect
a historical romance that was truly TOP TIER where the main characters used to flirt in their first season, but then she got married because her father was going to die and he wanted her protected™ but the guy was an unfeeling, uninterested jerk and then he died and now his sister is threatening to take her children away and so she needs to prove there's a responsible male presence in the home, so she and her lawyer!brother devise a scheme to fake an engagement, and who is the perfect candidate for this fake arrangement than her former flirting partner who is now a decided rake and in need of funds???
a set of short stories set in the daevabad verse, which is a fantasy trilogy i read last year and LOVED, but it is INTENSE and the world building is vast and i'm still not sure i understood the first book at all, but the stories were gorgeous and some of them made me cry
the sequel to a modern-day supernatural book that has witches and demons and werewolves and everyone falls in love and i liked the first one way more
another sequel, but this one is part of a series that's a spinoff of a different series and is focused on this one candian family and they own a ranch and everyone is decidedly emotionally stunted and needs heaps of therapy but they fall in love really well and kiss even better and the last one was my favorite because they were idiots! and pining for years! and the dude played hockey
If you can't tell, I've been traveling a lot. And spending a lot of time on team buses. And planes. And, so, I read. When I'm not making more Instagram reels.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
I love that Quinn’s kids kinda of all have like traditional names and Luke’s kids have like newer popular names and then there’s jack who’s kids sound like their from an 80s hair band lol
Jack and Mom are just quirky like that!
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The Grey Wolves Series: Prince of Wolves
A review
I would like to preface this review with the fact that when I first read this series in highschool, I hyperfixated on it for several months. I was 15. I still believed myself to be cishet. Quite a bit has changed since then.......and now that I think about that was 9 years ago. Fucking hell.
This series is. Not good. I dont know much about Quinn Loftis' life (tho she did follow me on Twitter when I still had twitter) but from what I could gather is that shes a stay at home mom and very Christian. Not so Christian that she was anti Harry Potter. Im likely going to keep a twilight and Harry Potter reference counter as I reread this series.
This review will likely be a bit disjointed. I have never written a second draft for anything in my life and I dont plan to start now. This is mostly for fun and I likely have adhd and struggle to articulate my thoughts so. Fuck it.
From what I remember of this series there is. A lot going on. The first couple of books follow Jacquelyn and Fane. The next couple focus on one of Jacquelyn's best friends, Jen, and her love interest, Decebel. The next two on their third friend Sally and her love interest Colin. I'm actually pretty interested to see how much I actually remember of these books. All 3 girls are very much the stereotypical YA novel protagonist.
Unfortunately this series frequently uses the word g*psy for one of its supernatural types. As I wouldnt class these characters as Romani, I will be referring to them as "healers" after their initial introduction as I dont want to have to constantly type out g*psy and they ARE healers. (As far as I can remember, Sally is not Romani (and yes, spoiler alert, Sally is a healer), tho she IS one of the few, if not the only POC in this series. So....not great, Quinn).
I'll likely only review the first 6 or 7 books (I don't remember how many of them I got through exactly but definitely the first 6), tho according to Google there are now EIGHTEEN books in this series. I know she also had a spin off series about healers (I think I read part of the first book of that series). But holy shit. 18. Thats a lot of fuckin books for there being almost no fandom when the series was still at 10 books. She may not be a great writer but shes got passion and drive I'll give her that. And that's not even counting the spin off series. Of which there are 5 books. Or the 4 unrelated series she did before Grey Wolves. Goddamn shes been busy.
Im writing all of this BEFORE rereading the first book. But some reviews give a first impression which i cannot do as I read these books for the first time almost a decade ago. Also I kinda wanna see if I can summarize the books before I read them to see how much I remember, cuz again, this is for fun and testing my memory has always been fun for me (I used to be able to recite the entire plot of the 39 clues series from memory and I would do so often).
Book One. Prince of Wolves.
Jacquelyn *last name redacted as I cant remember it* is a 17 (almost 18) year old girl about to go into her senior year of highschool. She lives in a small town in Texas with her single mom. Her dad walked out before she was born (or slightly after) and she doesn't know much about him. Her mom is *quirky*. She has two best friends named Jen and Sally. Jen is loud and vulgar and sarcastic while Sally is quiet and shy.
The neighbors across the street from Jacque are going to be hosting a foreign exchange student from romania this year. Jacque finds herself instantly drawn to this tall foreign boy with dark hair and "piercing blue eyes" and after making eye contact with him, begins to hear a voice in her head that she is SURE is his voice despite having never heard him talk before. Spoiler alert: she is correct!
The begin communicating through this psychic connection frequently. He teaches her how to shut him out so he's not hearing her every thought. He informs her that she is a werewolf!!! Or at the very least, half werewolf!!! They are True Mates™️, which is why they are able to communicate telepathically!!!
She goes into her yard to sun bathe and Fane gets Big Mad™️ as her True Mate™️ markings are on display which is a Big No No for werewolves. She doesn't know what the fuck hes talking about. She goes inside to discover what appears to be a tattoo on her (....side? I think? Perhaps on her back).
Jacque has MANY sleepovers at her house with jen and Sally to talk to them about all of these developments.
She eventually tells her mom and discovers!!! Her dad is a werewolf!!! But her mom is not so she and him couldn't have been True Mates™️ and its slightly hinted that he left because he found his True Mate™️ so even though he loved her, he could not stay away from his mate.
Jacque starts having dead animals left outside her house. At first she thinks its Fane doing a weird wolfy courting thing and gets understandably upset by this. Fane confirms that while it IS a wolfy courting thing, HE is not the culprit!
Apparently there is a pack in the area!!! And one of the wolves in this pack is interested in Jacquelyn!!! And Fane is intruding on their territory!!! And the alpha of the pack (a man in his mid to late 20s) is challenging Fane for his mate!!! The challenge is to the death!!! But don't worry!!! Fane is calling in his parents and their pack to help him handle this situation and keep Jacquelyn safe if he loses!!!
At this point they inform the family that fane is living with about what is going on. They are surprisingly chill about the whole thing. Even with having several of Fane's pack members stay with them. Theyre Very Cool People.
We meet Fane's parents. Vasile and Mina (I actually did look up Vasile's name as I kept wanting to call him Vlad and I knew THAT wasn't right)
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
I hope Haumea's voice gets less grating with time because good god she's fucking annoying to me and it's only been one episode of her speaking
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Hello! I wonder if you can do headcanons of Atsushi in a relationship with a sweet and friendly reader with a flirty side? They also love dressing up and can be really weird/inappropriate/quirky at times. Sometimes melodramatic and stubborn too but with a heart of gold. Thank you so much if you decide to do this. 🌹✨
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Atsushi with a Melodramatic s/o
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Atsushi x fem!Reader
A/n: i gotta say,we have so many Atsushi stans here XD ! i mean most of my requests are for Atsushi.it kinda gets hard cause i have to come up with new stuff each time,but thats alright. here you go love :)
Poor Atsushi.everyone around him is all weird,but he still cant get used to it.and its the same for you.
i think your personality really fits an Agent who works in the ADA,so lets say you are one.
so you joined the ADA a few month after Atsushi.the first time you met him,Dazai tried to flirt with you which was something normal;but what made Atsushi shocked was that you told Dazai "im not a big fan of double suicides,but if i was gonna do one,it would be with this handsome kitty cat here"
Dazai laughed at Atsushis reaction,which was blushing and telling you "um...w-what? me?"
you find him really cute,strong and charming and you cant believe how much he looks down on himself.i mean c'mon! the guy has saved yokohama (and the whole world in some cases) several times and still hates himself.
youre really weird to him,but not in a bad way.youre an unpredictable,strong woman who kicks the enemys ass on the battlefield,and is really sweet and emotional with her loved ones.
i mean youre the perfect example for the word "moody".
loves your outfits and how creative you get when it comes to your style.he really wants you to help him choose his clothes too,but is shy to ask.
although sometimes its weird to him.like that one time you came to work dressed as Harley Quinn and got yelled at by Kunikida.
you love messing with him.you always flirted with him when you were just coworkers which made him really embarassed and blush,but it got worst when you started dating.
he loves it though.the fact that you only flirt with him means that youre only interested in him,which makes him really happy.
everyone else ships you two in the agency.Yosano always makes nasty comments about you two.
Atsushi is soooo protective over you.its just that youre way too attractive and he doesnt wanna lose you at all.
even Dazai noticed this,so he stopped asking you to commit suicide with him.
your stubbornness really makes him worried and kinda angry sometimes,like that one time you were baking a cake and were doing it the wrong way.Atsushi tried to warn you but nope! theres no way you listen to others and ask them for help.
you ended up burning your hands while getting the cake out of the oven and made o mess outa the kitchen, of course.
you love it when he flirts back,which is really,really rare.
you love hugging him while sleeping.sometimes you get to be the big spoon because you wanna show him how much you love him,and he really apreciates it
some nights hes the big spoon though.
kisses you on your forhead when youre sleep
youre really sensetive when it comes to food.one time you made Chazuke and Atsushi ate it all.he didnt leave anything for you,which made you furious.
what the hell am i supposed to eat now? how dare you eat my beloved food!
he was scared. Lmao. He didnt know how glutton you were XD
he made it up to you with buying you icecream the next day.
you love and adore your handsome boyfriend.
"come here,kitty kitty kitty,its smooching time!"
boy is touch starved,so make sure to take care of him properly.
Sorry if this is short,and hope you like it baby :)
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kepnerandavery · 2 years
So last year I read the Smythe-Smith and Rokesby series by Julia Quinn, and I wanted to write a little (spoiler-free) review of sorts for people that are thinking of reading them to occupy them until the release of the next season of Bridgerton.
First of all, I wanna mention that like with all of the Bridgerton books, you don't have to read these books in order or read the all preceding books in either of these series to understand what’s going on in whichever book you choose to read. All of the characters, their connection to each other, and the important events that took place in the previous books that affects the story are mentioned in each book.
The Rokesby series
1. Because of Miss Bridgerton (6/10)
This book is based on a famous trope that a lot of people enjoy. The characters are compatible and the story is somewhat romantic. Is it a masterpiece? No. Do I regret reading it? Also, No. It just isn't the kind of story that you can immerse yourself in because it wasn't a deeply romantic story, but it was still pretty enjoyable.
2. The Girl With The Make-Believe Husband (10/10)
Omg. I can not say enough good things about this book. This book has everything. Romance, humour, suspense, you name it, it's there. The characters are flawed and beautifully written. The male protagonist is like Michael Stirling on steroids. The story is so endearing, and it's also the first story that takes place in a setting that's drastically different from every other book written by Julia Quinn (that I have read so far). The subject matter is a bit heavy, but it's honestly my favourite historical romance book. I highly recommend this one.
3. The Other Miss Bridgerton (8/10)
This one is kinda tricky. I didn't love it but I really liked it. It has the most easy-going/witty male protagonist out of the four books. He cracked me up on several occasions. All of the boys in this series are very gentlemanly, and he is no different. This story also takes place in a setting that isn't typically seen in Julia Quinn's other books, so that was pretty refreshing as well.
4. First Comes Scandal (5/10)
Okay. I know that a lot of people love this book and it's male protagonist. But this story was so bland to me. It lacked direction and meaning. The characters weren't necessarily bad, but their dynamic didn't resonate with me. I expected so much more from this book, and it could've been so much more. For me, the first half of the book was a lot more readable than the second half.
The Smythe-Smith quartet
1. Just Like Heaven (7/10)
This is a classic love story. It wasn't anything grand or deep. But it was still romantic and pretty cute. I liked the story, and the two main characters were well suited for each other and the main protagonist was pretty unique and respectful, so that was a big plus. All in all it's worth reading.
2. A Night Like This (6/10)
Okay, this book was kind of a hit and miss for me. I liked the male protagonist cause he was pretty sassy, but the dynamic between him and the female protagonist was more erotic than romantic lol. I wasn't bored while reading it because the story was well paced. But this book was missing some little nuances that could've made it better.
3. The Sum of All Kisses (9/10)
This is the best book in this series. The male protagonist is a gem of a human being. He's so sarcastic and quirky. The story between the couple is so different and beautiful. It's sort of a different spin on another famous trope, so it was unlike any other historical romance I've read. It's a great read.
4. The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (4/10)
I'm being brutally honest here. If you have anything, and I mean anything better to do, do not read this book. It's a colossal waste of time. I was constantly feeling bad for the female lead of this book the entire time I was reading this. There are some moments in the book that didn't anger/bore me to death, but it took so much energy to finish this.
PS: These are my opinions and you don't have to agree with me at all :)
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
Can you rank the Bridgerton books from best to worst and why? Thank you!
For sure!
1. When He Was Wicked—The only thing I really don’t like is the fact that Michael spent time away in India, and all allusions to that. Otherwise, I kinda think it’s great? I love the forbidden, the pining, the very clear sexual tension between Michael and Francesca prior to John’s death but her valid love for John. It’s easily the most sexual Bridgerton book, and I think that was a great, tough thing for Francesca to have to face…. Her romantic love for John and Michael was equal but frankly Michael lit her fire in a very different way from John sexually. They’re also just the hottest Bridgerton hero and heroine. Francesca is more sexually adventurous than a typical Bridgerton heroine, Michael is an excellent seducer. And it’s Scottish! I love that it’s Scottish.
2. The Viscount Who Loved Me—A great romcom, excellent banter, Quinn at her funniest. There’s well done growth between the leads, Edwina and Mary are excellent supporting characters, it’s just a lot of fun. I will always respect JQ for writing the bee scene and going for it. It’s really similar in quality to WHWW but has a very different, much less angsty vibe, and it’s not nearly as hot. (Though I do love “it’s never been so good”, though I doubt that will make it to the show :/.)
3. It’s In His Kiss—A cute little academic adventure book with treasure hunting vibes. I liked Gareth and felt bad for him and his backstory. His connection to Lady Danbury was nice. Hyacinth is a cute heroine. I’ve gotta ding Quinn for reusing a dialogue joke from WHWW (“Michael no or Michael yes?”/“Gareth no or Gareth yes?”) but whatever. It’s fine.
4. Romancing Mr. Bridgerton—Friends to lovers is one of my least favorite tropes and I think it’s bullshit that Penelope loses weight before Colin notices her. But I like the scene where he sucks on her tits in a carriage and is then like WE MUST WED AT ONCE. It’s not an offensive book. It’s fine if you like low stakes.
5. The Duke and I—Controversial opinion…. But as bad as the rape scene is, this is actually otherwise a kind of cute romcom. Daphne is honestly dumb as a box of rocks, but I can appreciate that. I enjoy a cold lord, so Simon is fun for me. I like the beginning a lot. Everything post rape scene is either disturbing in the context of that scene, or kind of boring. The resolution is underwhelming.
6. On The Way to The Wedding—Sorry to this man. This book is so boring, I barely remember what happened in it. Lucy seems nice, Gregory seems nice, I just have literally no idea why I should care about either of them. It really reads like JQ was ready to move on.
7. To Sir Phil(l?)ip, With Love—This fucking book. So I’m not an epistolary novel girl, that trope just isn’t my jam…. But I could’ve gotten past that. I like Eloise. I like the idea of her impetuously going to marry some random. But SP is such a boring, gross blob of a man. So he likes…. Plants. Fine, whatever. He can’t hold a conversation. Fine, whatever. He has kids he basically just wants a mother for. Okay…. And then we get all this insight into how his poor depressed wife was a real bummer and he did in fact have sex with her while she just laid there and it grossed him out but he still did it. LMAO!!!! HARD PASS. But Eloise—free spirited Eloise—becomes his wife and his kids’ new mommy because of a few quirky incidents? No thanks. There’s just something so disturbing about how this Sound of Music plot happens with so little real agency from Eloise, aside from her initial decision. SP didn’t tell her about his kids and is so uncommunicative after, and if they had chemistry I’d get it but good God, this man just seems to care about his plants. It’s honestly a downer of a book. I want her to get outta there.
An Offer From A Gentleman—This one is also boring, but it’s boring and gross, so it gets out beneath the other two above it. As I’ve said before, Sophie has no personality outside of Cinderella trope. She is basically just there for Benedict, who also has little personality outside of “sad he doesn’t have a personality” to fall in love with. Benedict refuses to marry her because reasons, even though he has no title, no need of money because he’s on Anthony’s dime, and a loving family who will accept whatever he does. She refuses to sleep with him despite his pressure, until she does. There’s this kind of weird shit I don’t like about her as his servant, probably because she’s been servile all her life. And again, it’s so boring. I can take boring, and I can take messy, but I can’t take boring and messy.
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welcome-to-the-cafe · 3 years
THE Suicide Squad (2021)
This blockbuster action flick was a lot better than the previous. By previous I mean:
1) the previous movie I saw (Snake Eyes)
2) the previous DCEU movie (Justice League, or was it WW1984? doesn't matter, it was better than both of them, though I watched neither)
3) the previous Suicide Squad (2016)
I have many praises for this movie, so out of convenience, I will completely omit them unless I cannot resist.
My main concern with the movie is more or less tied to the whole premise. The Suicide Squad is supposedly a team of supervillains; awful people forced to complete a mission that is grey at best, just plain supervillainy at worst, and always kinda fucked up. Definitely entertaining watching colorful menagerie of baddies butt heads and bust heads! However...
This is a major blockbuster film, and they are mostly all portrayed as sympathetic quirky heroes here. Leader Bloodsport has a child, and was traumatized as a kid, and has a fatherly relation with Ratcatcher 2. Ratcatcher 2 never did anything wrong really, is nice to everyone especially King Shark, so is completely sympathetic. King Shark is the cute near-human team pet, the Groot equivalent. Polka Dot Man is depressed and has anxiety from child abuse, but is nice really so is completely sympathetic. Rick Flagg is a soldier with a strong moral code. Peacekeeper is the exception, which is why he is the villain. Harley Quinn is bloodthirsty and insane, but she's a feminist and she kills dictators and still tries to do the right thing; she is undoubtedly just a superhero at this point.
So you have a team of villains who are basically fucked up heroes. And who do they kill? Hundreds and hundreds of rather normal people of color. In various creative, gruesome ways. This is pretty much played for laughs. Multiple men are eaten headfirst. A couple are dismembered screaming. Some are shot through their eyes by a deadly wrist slingshot thing. A dude's brain is sliced off. Speared by javelin. Exploded from inside. Electrocuted by fan. Blowdarted. Ripped in fucking half by the cute shark man. These people are dying brutally are a joke, a spectacle.
The massacre of a bunch of "good guys" is played for laughs. Yes the joke is that our heroes are fucked up killers who murder first and realize their mistake after, but the subtle message is: the victims don't really matter. The movie goes a little out of it's way to make the enemy soldiers seem human; you can see their faces, you have female soldiers, soldiers who look scared and look brave tactical, soldiers with offices and family pictures, etc etc. And they are butchered all the same, which really insults these almost humanized villains even further.
Even noncombatant POC casualties are...casual. The starfishes grabs their face and then RIP; they are now bad guys who can only be put down. This is a mechanic that I know is divorced from the comics; in the comics, Starro spawn can be removed from faces (the justice league got infected at one point), giving uninfected allies the challenge of subduing their friends without harming them (too much). However, in this movie, the victims are dead on infection. This serves three practical purposes: 1) gore shock value of a Starro victim 2) reinforce enemy factions' evil 3) make fighting the victims uncomplicated. We don't need to spare any sympathy for the infected Latina in purple tanktop and sandals that Bloodsport just headshot point-blank. She's dead anyways, this was was mercy killing.
The main characters are "villains", but they are the heroes of the story. The people they kill are therefore the bad guys, who deserve it, are just fodder, or forgettable oopsies. This is what I'd like to call the hero opposition rule.
The lampshade meta joke is this is how American imperialism treats people of color. But the movie itself furthers the contempt for foreign lives that is supposedly lampooning. Fans can use this angle to defend the movie, but they miss the point: the act of showing casual murder against a people is to dehumanize them. This is the same point I should have emphasized in Snake Eyes, that even in a movie with Asian leads set in Asia, the mass-murder of Asian men reinforces dehumanity to the audience. It would have been better for The Suicide Squad to follow it's predecessor in having a faceless monstrous army, one that's entirely fictional and so inconsequential to dehumanize.
This is specifically a problem for POC and not white people in the West, because white people are the dominant sociopolitical racial group here. But that goes into media representation, and that's not for here/now.
I liked The Suicide Squad. It was fun, and I know a lot of other people liked it. I feel like I ripped open a nice house's drywall to expose a mold problem. People won't be happy.
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riceisgood123 · 3 years
What instrument I think each Glee character would play cuz I was a band kid not a choir kid
Finn- Trumpet
Starting off we've got Finn on the trumpet. I don't even think this one needs much explaining, he reeks jock trumpet energy, plus he's talented musically so he'd be a natural first chair.
Rachel- first chair flute/piccolo
Come on this one was obvious. Rachel would have been taking private lessons since she was 5 and been playing since she was 3. Obviously she gravitates towards the piccolo because everything's a solo and it's loud loud loud! And as much as everyone thinks her nonstop practicing is annoying... damn is she good.
Mercedes- second chair flute
If you ask Mr. Schue, Mercedes is tied for first with Rachel, but Rachel would never admit it. And whenever the opportunity arises for her to challenge Rachel for a solo you bet she's taking it. Mercedes has tone. While Rachel may be a better player technically, Mercedes sounds like heaven. Her vibrato could kill. Mr. Schue once offered her to play piccolo on a song, but she politely declined, giving it to Rachel, cuz hell to the no was she gonna play piccolo.
Kurt- third chair flute
Not only does Kurt fit the part for the token male flute player, but his voice is also like a silver bell which fits perfectly for him to play flute. Of course he's salty he rarely ever gets to play a solo, let alone play a solo during a concert, but he gets to sit next to Mercedes and hear her play everyday so it kinda makes up for it. He also 100% brings ear plugs to class and uses them whenever Rachel plays piccolo.
Artie- Saxophone
Artie sings like a saxophone sounds. And that's a compliment! He sounds beautiful, smooth and articulate. Plus when I look at him I can practically see a saxophone in his hands. He'd be that really technical and precise player, but when he plays in the lower register. Ooh, smooth like butter.
Tina- clarinet/flute
When Tina sings its so soft and sweet and gentle and with her shy attitude in the earlier seasons she fits the clarinet role really well. In later seasons when she becomes more outspoken and confident I feel like she could switch over to flute.
Puck- Percussion
Do I even have to explain?
Quinn- clarinet
Similar to Tina, Quinn's singing voice is soft and sweet. Perfect clarinet range.
Santana- Saxophone
I struggled the hardest trying to figure out what Santana would play. She wouldn't be a flute player, no she's too rough, and she wouldn't be a clarinet player, they're too soft. But then it hit me, with her smooth and sultry voice she'd totally play saxophone. And boy would she bring the house down.
Brittany- trombone
Clueless trombone energy, Brittany would be the person in class who'd raise their hand and ask what measure they were on only to find out she'd been playing the wrong piece.
Mike- trombone
Physically exertive instrument, similar to dancing.
Blaine- trumpet
Another obvious one, Blaine would have been first chair at Dalton and when he transferred to McKinley, he'd be tied for first with Finn. With a voice that demands attention, Blaine would be a natural trumpet player. Finn would be a little jealous at first. but eventually have mutual respect for each other and have no issue divvying up solos between the two.
Sam- French horn
You're gonna look at Sam and tell me he wouldn't be a French horn player? With all the jokes, the impressions, the being a stripper for a little bit there, Sam is the epitome of a French horn player.
Sugar- oboe
An inexperienced oboe player sounds a lot like Sugar... or Sugar sounds a lot like an inexperienced oboe player.
Rory- bassoon
He sound like one. Also quirky. sorry rory.
Jesse- trombone
Big showy trombone player. He'd be sliding all over the place, he'd have that sweet smooth tone.
Joe- euphonium
I just have a feeling. Open to suggestions on this one.
Lauren- clarinet
Okay so maybe this one's kinda stereotypical but... last chair clarinet player who fakes their way through the year pretending to play.
Will- director, saxophone primary
You're gonna watch this man perform 'tell me something good' and then tell me he wouldn't?? play saxophone???
Next gen-
Unique- flute
Kitty- flute
She could also potentially be the new piccolo player after Rachel is gone, but I feel like she'd be... more out of tune...
Marley- clarinet
I know what you're thinking, why isn't Marley a flute player? And well, with the parameters I've set with the characters I've already picked as flute players, they all tend to be sort of divas. And sweet sweet Marley is way too nice for that.
Ryder- trumpet
Jake- trumpet
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palpietine-1 · 4 years
What if Reginald had managed to adopt Lila
So, my mind’s been buzzing with this idea of an AU where Lila grows up as a member of the original Umbrella Academy.
For starters, in Canon, we don’t know if Reginald had managed to even track down Lila when she was born or not. And, if he did, it’s obvious that her parents rejected his offer and decided to raise her by themselves - which didn’t go as planned, but anyway.
So, let’s say he had located Lila, and let’s say he had convinced her parents to let him adopt her. Thus, she becomes number 8. What changes?
I think Reginald would suppress her powers, just like he did with Vanya. I mean, he was too scared of Vanya’s ability to control sound to create energy. Can you just imagine how he’d react to Lila being able to copy every ability? So, he gives both Vanya and Lila the ��you’re just ordinary’ treatment.
Growing up,I like to imagine that Lila would still have her quirky, confident and kinda crazy attitude. She and Vanya would be total opposites growing up; Vanya would be introverted and just focus on her violin, while Lila would be dedicated to pranks and making a mess. Though she would also be sad that she doesn’t get to go on missions like the other children. Basically, Lila uses sarcasm and a careless attitude to compensate for the fact she grew up being told all the time she wasn’t special.
Now, as for Lila and Diego... I honestly doubt Diego would like Lila. Diego used to dislike Vanya when they were children and even as adults. He’d probably have the same feelings for Lila this time around. As for Lila’s feelings for Diego, I think she’d just be sassy and sarcastic towards him and prank him a lot. Also, I doubt they’d have romantic feelings for each other. And, even if they did, it’d probably be either something they’d never admit towards each other, or go the same route as Luther and Alison’s romance; a coping mechanism that never becomes something serious.
I have this feeling that, because Lila would treat Diego this way, Luther would like Lila and they’d hang out to make a fool out of Diego. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? So, they become good friends actually! I also think Klaus and Lila would hang out a lot. They both seem to not give a damn about anything, but deep down they’re extremely hurt.
After leaving the Umbrella Academy, I have this feeling that she’d be a criminal with an attitude that resembles Harley Quinn. She’d be breaking into rich mansions and banks and museums. Kind of a way to prove to Reggie that she’s special and capable of being a criminal, since he never thought she’d be good enough to be a hero. It’d also be a contrast to Diego, who became a vigilante to prove to Reggie he could be a hero.
Furthermore, I think that Vanya wouldn’t feel as lonely as she does in the show. She’d have another sibling who’s ordinary like her. I’m sure she and Lila would be close and help each other through everything. I can even imagine the sisters leaving the house together and living together, at least for a while. I wonder if that means Vanya wouldn’t have written that book or wouldn’t have turned villainous in the first season, but I’m not sure.
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an introduction / vienna marks
Name: Vienna Adelaide Marks
Nickname(s): Vi, Vivi
Sexuality: pan
Pronouns: she/her
Career: working at Bronwynn’s bakery until she can find something else
Family: Lukas Marks (father), Christina Marks (mother), Angelina Marks (younger sister), Quinn Ora (lou’s oc, cousin)
Honorary Family: the Atwoods and the Centerville Skate Collective
Friends: the Atwood brothers, Dovie Finley (lou’s oc), Angus Beak
Love Interest: Ryder Atwood
Character Personality/Background: Vienna moved from Atlanta, GA to Riverdale, GA looking for a change of pace. She lives with her cousin, Quinn, until she can get a place of her own. Bronwynn offered her a job at the bakery. Vienna is kind and very chill. Kinda quirky. Gamer girl. Loves to dance. Would never say no to a party. Very witty. Cares deeply about her friends.
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