#quinn dream daddy
A monster made of clay
Um hi, this sucks and I’m losing my mind over it, so I’m gonna post whatever the fuck this is anyway because I’m not a coward. English is not my first language and you can tell. Open to criticism, but please don't be mean lol
Robert x Dadsona
Dadsona: Hector Amanti.
enjoy (or don’t idk)
pss pss every dumb mistake you can find, take it on grammarly. that bitch is so useful so useless I hate it
It was weird. Really weird. Why did it have that shape? Why was it so long? Why was it so big?
"Robert, my very dear friend, I hope you'll pardon me for asking in such manners, but what the fuck are you doing?"
"Language, Hector. Language. You'd not want to scandalize a poor little innocent boy like me, would you?" Hector raised an eyebrow, still eyeing the weird statue.
"I would never. It's not like said poor little innocent boy is creating a giant di-"
"You lack artistic vision", he replied, interrupting the younger man. Hector clutched his chest dramatically, pretending to be mortally wounded.
The memory of him, Damien, Joseph and Hugo at the museum was still very present. He was a changed man after that: he finally understood art after many years of his relatively long but actually short life. Everything, everything, in art - and it didn't matter from where and when a piece was - revolved around butts. That's how it was. That's how it should have been. Amen to butts, one of Mother Nature's most lovely creations.
"Lacking artistic vision? Moi? That's it, cruel world. I'm ready to go." Hector hurriedly touched his throat as if he was suffocating, one hand still on his chest to stop the imaginary bleeding. Robert went back to smooth the surface of his, ehm, anatomically bizarre work.
"There has to be someone funnier than the other between us, and I happen to know who is who." Robert didn't bat an eye, apparently focused on his project.  
"Hghkk... Robert, I'm dying." The other man exhaled hard through his nose, annoyed by the distraction from his masterpiece. He was trying to create a vein with a stick for the fourth time in ten minutes. Hector stopped his theatrics then and rolled his eyes, bored by the minimal reaction. He blew a lock of curly hair away from his face, his own hands covered in green clay.
They both had stains here and there because they kept trying to make the other fuck up. Hector had to completely start again whatever he was trying to do at least three times, Robert just two. That vein not coming out right had absolutely nothing to do with Hector.
"I don't find clowns funny" was his calm reply, a second later. Hector gasped, pretending to be hurt.
"You bitch!" he whispered, getting closer to Robert with an exaggerated angry face. 
When Robert eventually appeared to give him attention, he stuck his tongue out at him and went back to his work with a raised chin.
"You don't deserve me. I'm gonna stop talking to you."
"Thank God, finally. Another word and I was going to toss this at you", joked Robert, showing the enormous dick of clay he had been working on the whole time. Hector laughed at the vision, though when the handsome older man went to fake-throw the thing, Hector almost fell out of his chair, attempting to dodge it. At that vision, it was Robert's turn to laugh, trying to hit a giggling Hector with his clay dick. 
He, Mary and Robert had become a good trio with time, they always met for drinks essentially every weekend. Sometimes one of the other dads was invited too, but it was mostly the three of them. Mind you, Hector had some veeeery embarrassing moments he’d like to bury in the back of his mind, but with the two he also created some of the best memories in his life.
Yet, this week Mary and Joseph were out of town visiting her parents with their children.
For the first time in a while, it would have been just Hector and Robert. 
When Hector heard the news, his heart skipped a few beats. It felt nice, knowing it was just the two of them for once. Really nice. And also extremely fucking stressful.
There was no need to make things weird, right? It wasn’t even the first time they hung out alone. Deep breaths, no touching, and acting like an adult would have done the trick. He was awkard already on his own, no need to overthink it and make things worse for the both of them.
So, Hector tried his best to search for something relaxing or at least, um, not too weird? 
Hector had found the course by accident, wasting precious time of his life that would've never come back - basically, he was scrolling on the internet - when puff! There was this small announcement on the online news of their town: it was a sculpting class that, coincidently, started on their usual 'drinking' night. It could have been fun, different from their typical nights at the bar, especially considering that Robert had stopped drinking months ago anyways. 
He proposed the idea, already waiting for a no, when Robert pleasantly surprised him. Hector half suspected it was because they had more than enough time to hunt cryptids later since the class wouldn't have ended too late.
And there they were now, fighting like kids who happened to be waaayyy too old.
When Robert shoved the gigantic clay dick near his face again, Hector, laughing hysterically, grabbed the upper half and attempted to move it away. Robert, grinning like an idiot, tried to make him lose his grip by pulling that monstrosity towards him holding the lower half. With the poor thing being pushed hard in two different directions, the dick tore in the middle, and both the men fell out of their seats. Two very explosive laughs echoed around the big room, capturing everyone's attention.
Hector was the first to be back on his feet, while Robert sat up, still holding the rest of his creation.  The curly-haired man fixed the glasses on his nose and went to help the bearded man with a smile.
Hector was pretty sure he had a dick-shaped spot of clay on the back of his t-shirt. He held his hand out to help Robert get up, but a mischievous grin suspiciously appeared on the older man's face. He suddenly pulled his wrist, testing his balance, trying to make him tumble. Hector miraculously resisted.
"Hah!" exulted Hector, actually helping a chuckling Robert to stand on his feet now.
He had already fallen for Robert, it was unnecessary to fall on him too.
When Robert's deep brown eyes were finally on his same level, if not a bit higher, they met Hector's gaze with an amused warmth. Robert was still smiling and the younger man couldn't help but reciprocate with enthusiasm. 
Everything was warmer with Robert. From the rays of the sun to the heat in his cheekbones when he looked at him a second too much, or even to whatever charge of electricity he could feel buzzing in his fingertips when they happened to be so close that their hands could touch; not to mention the boiling liquid in his chest when Robert allowed himself to show how tired he was, and how vulnerable, delicate and hard his new approach to his mental health and addiction was to maintain.
Those were times when he told Hector stories about his life, his daughter, and (very rarely) even his wife. Hector, in exchange, confessed his own struggles, his fight against depression, and his social anxiety. He offered comfort in grieving those who they had both lost and reassurance about how good he was doing.  
They also shared the good parts, the happy memories. They revealed themselves to the other, piece by piece.
Hector was simply honoured that Robert had learned to trust him so much. Sure, he still tried to sneak in some bullshit one way or another, but by now he had learned to call his bluffs.
They had learnt to know each other and, at this point, they seemed to be joined at the hips. There was a special bond between them, one Hector would have treasured with his whole being. 
It didn't matter that he had to fight the urge, always more often, to kiss him senselessly. Hector made a promise that day, and he intended to respect it, even 'til his last dying breath.
Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but yeah, he had a lot of patience and didn't make promises lightly, so...
Besides, things were great. Hector was genuinely proud of how far Robert had come. He'd been there on some of Robert's most difficult nights, and seeing him like that made him even prouder of how he was now.
Still looking at him, Hector noticed how much more relaxed he appeared. There weren't those deep, dark circles anymore, his eyes shined a bit more of their own light, and he was taking care of his hair and beard more. He seemed happier, too. He had a better relationship with his daughter, their monthly calls slowly turned weekly, and by now they called or texted each other almost daily.
He dared to glance down, where he met Robert's soft smile again. Hector was very satisfied with himself: he was the one who put that smile on those very, very kissable lips. Robert was happy because of him. They were a bit chapped, but Hector never gave a flying fuck about those things. As if such small detail could have stopped him from totally devouring him, body and soul, never letting him go and-- ah, for fuck's sake. Hector, stop right now. 
"Hey, you two! Are you done acting like middle schoolers? I'm talking here!" Hector jumped out of his skin, having honestly forgotten where they were. A man with a red sweatshirt and sunglasses was clearly scowling at them, even if Hector couldn't see his eyes.
"Who the fuck wears sunglasses inside?" 
"The moon probably hits too hard for him." Robert snickered at that and Hector felt like he won a prize. 
"Since you're being so active, why don't you show the class what you made?" the tutor continued, heading to their table. The problem was that after a few steps closer, he recognised the duo. Hector also had the same realization, freezing in horror.
Robert, instead, was more than ready.
"Hey, I know you! You were-"
"Listen here, dude", started Robert in a low voice, to be heard just by the two of them, "we are doing a very important job here, we are undercover. Tell people to turn their attention elsewhere immediately." The tour guide-art teacher looked around angsty at the worried tone, noticing how everyone was watching them. He gulped and cleared his voice.
"Just get back to your work y'all." Robert gave him a grateful look while Hector let out a sigh of relief, immediately on with the plan. When someone had a best friend like Robert, one had to learn how to improvise quickly. 
"Good. But now our positions might be compromised", said the older man, his face turned towards Hector, seeming tense. Hector sighed again. 
"It's not said the last word. We could still be able to continue with our plans." Robert didn't look too convinced. Hector tried to reassure him by placing a hand on his arm - and felt the muscles bulge under the leather jacket - but before he could speak, the third man lowered his head, whispering his worries so fast that he almost resulted uncomprehensible.
"Is everything alright? Am I in danger? Should I end the class now? I don't want to die this way! Wait, no, maybe I do. Do I? Am I s-" Robert quietly shushed him, stopping his bumbling. The tour guide, poor soul, practically smelled of anxiety. He squeezed himself into his old sweatshirt with a shiver.
"First, you need to stay calm. You are the one in charge here. If you are nervous, people will detect it, and you might create more trouble." The other man nodded, his shoulders still too tense
“Yeah dude, be the alpha we know you are” added Hector, feeling bad for the guy.  At the words, the man in sunglasses straightened his back, with a bit more confidence. Robert kicked him under the table, Hector hit him back with a moan of pain.
"It would be better if you stayed away from us", Hector said again, without getting hit in the process.
"Second, we just need you to keep doing what you are doing. Watch the others, tell people what they should be doing and how to do it, stuff like that." The art teacher-tour guide... didn't he also work as a quiz host? seemed a bit unsure of himself, though he nodded again.
"We are trying to monitor the whole room, it's not as easy as it looks. It would be a huge help if no one disturbs either of us. Subtly. We don't need to get attention." What was his name? Quinn? He listened attentively to his words before hugging himself.
“But, uh, why are you here? What is your mission?” Robert clicked his tongue at that. Hector rested his forearms on the workbench, in a conspiratory tone.
“We can’t reveal anything, it’s for your own good” murmured the curly-haired man, tucking a curl behind his ear and staining his cheekbone green.
“B-but I’m the alpha, I need to know if-”
“All you need to know”, interrupted Robert, rolling his eyes, “is that you shouldn’t play too much with this material.” A flash of pure panic crossed the teacher’s face.
“We have been testing it the whole time, it’s very bizarre” revealed his partner in crime.
“I-I have no idea where this is from, it was already here! I-” Hector gently gestured for him to lower his voice.
“Just pretend nothing is happening, we’ll take care of the rest” ordered Robert, with a spooky look in his eyes, one of a man who was ready to go on a battle. Hector loved this type of theatrics.
"I'll do my best to let you go under the radar." He was going to say something else, probably wondering if to give them an earful since they probably were the loudest angle in the room. Hector was aware of that, at least. He couldn't see his eyes, he was still wearing sunglasses (why? Just why?), but the frown he was reading on his face didn't please either of the fake-ass-ghost-hunters.
"If you see us behaving like idiots..." began the younger idiot in question, "... just know that it's part of the plan. We can't act like we are constantly studying people, it'd be too suspicious", ended Robert, throwing a glance at the man on his side. Hector immediately caught it.
"Obviously. Duh." Their tutor for the night smacked his hand on his forehead at their words. He bit his lip, unsure, and lowered his head.
"I, uh, would thank you but... ehm, I forgot your names..." he admitted shyly, shoving his hands in his pocket, his black lens shining under the white lights.
"You have forgotten them?" Hector asked, sounding truly hurt. 
"You know what? Maybe it's better this way" intervened Robert, apparently trying to console Hector. 
"Tell people you don't know us and we've never met", commanded Robert gravely, a serious look on his face. The teacher threw them a glance from over his glasses. He opened his mouth, thought better of it, then simply turned around and left, going back to his station. 
Hector bit his lip, trying not to laugh. He elbowed Robert gently.
"What even was my name that night?"
"Fuck me if I could remember", Robert simply stated, immediately working to create a new dick, even bigger than the one he previously made. Hector looked sympathetically at the cute, little panda he had shaped.
I'm gonna call it Po.
It didn't take much more time for the class to end. Hector gave Po to Robert as gift a few minutes later, already knowing the poor guy would get lost in the woods. He liked it though, and that was enough.
Surprisingly, it wasn't Po the one they had to let go, but Greenzilla (the name Robert chose for his mastodontic work), when Hector, a proud coward, took it to protect them from God knows what. 
He had to make the rational choice of throwing it at something hiding in the trees. Because there was something in the trees, right? Right, Robert?
They both started running back to the car, scared shitless, and cracked up from the adrenaline rush once on the road.
Sure, Hector had to listen to Robert scolding him when things calmed down - he had spent so much time on Greenzilla, and now he was just gone. They had a moment of silence, to commemorate the friend they failed so soon - but it was worth it. The whole night had been worth it.
And for Robert? He'd have thrown as many gigantic dicks as needed, if not more.
Hector went to sleep with a warm laugh still in his mind.
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Quinn from Dream Daddy. He's such a manfailure I love him.
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kaekae444 · 6 months
me core!!!
(i have a problem)
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stalkerish · 21 days
if glee was still on they would have an episode where everyone fails to get tickets to the eras tour so the glee club puts on The Eras Tour (Glee Club Version)
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zarophod · 3 months
this is so quizmaster quinn coded
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ts-virgil-angst · 2 years
just found my old live blog. it was so much fun and i wish i could do it again
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chriss-slut · 4 months
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~ Dom!Chris X sub!fem!reader ~
Synopsis: Your friends slip up who's your favorite character, but also your fantasy kink.
warning: SMUT!! rough unprotected sex, petnames, degradation kink, daddy kink, cursing, and a lot of stuff that i can't even remeber anymore lol
A/N: this is kinda MY fantasy kink so.. 😀 btw if there's any spelling mistakes, im sorry, i didnt have time to check it :)
I have always been, in some way, a big fan of Harley Quinn (if not obsessed). I discovered her when i was around 12 years old, when Suicide Squad came out. Everything about her inspired me. Whether it was her behavior, intelligence, madness, or eccentricity, deep down, I dreamed of being like her, of being as sexy and alluring.
As I grew older, my passion for her became something I no longer showcased, simply out of fear of being judged by others. I was now 20 years old, and it seemed weird, even boring, to others to see me in the same costume at every dress-up party.
When I met Chris, I never really talked to him about this little obsession I had, mainly out of fear that he would find it strange.
Up until now, everything had been going well between us, and I didn't find it important. He didn't need to know more about this subject.
I was at home with Chris and my two best friends. We had planned to spend the afternoon together so they could meet, especially since our relationship had just become official.
Everything was going well until Julia started talking about what I was trying to keep secret:
"Oh, by the way, are you still coming tomorrow night?" Julia asked me, completely changing the subject while munching on her chips.
"Tomorrow night?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah, to Noah's costume party, like every year, Y/N!" she said in a "duh" tone, rolling her eyes.
"Um... I forgot. Honestly, I don't think so. Chris and I had planned to spend the evening together, so it's going to be difficult for me," I said, trying to find a plausible excuse to avoid further questions.
"What??!" she exclaimed, looking disappointed.
"You can come with him, and that way, you can get to know us a bit more, Chris!" added my other friend Stella, turning to my boyfriend with a big smile, and the others nodded in agreement.
"That would be nice," Chris replied with a shrug.
"See? Come on, you're coming. I don't really plan to give you a choice. We go every year, there's no way you're skipping it this time!" Julia added.
"I don't have a costume anyway, and I'm exhausted right now. It's going to be a no from me, guys, sorry," I said, trying to sound genuinely disappointed.
"You're such a liar. Are you going to make me believe you don't have a costume when you spend all your time dressing up as Harley Quinn at every opportunity?" she said, laughing.
My eye widen and i start blushing a bit. Chris turned to me, and i look at Julia with a face that says "Please, just shut your mouth."
"Oh, because, yes, I suppose you already know, but your girlfriend is completely obsessed with Harley Quinn. It's like she's totally in love with her!" Julia said to Chris, giggling.
"Julia! oh my god!" I said, embarrassed, now trying to hide my face in my hands.
"She's not wrong," Stella added. What a bunch of traitors.
"You never told me about this?" Chris said, confused, while I stood there, dying of embarrassment at the thought that the girls might make things worse.
"What, you mean she never bored you with her Harley Quinn obsession? I'm sure her biggest kink would be sleeping with you dressed as her!" Julia said without any restraint, and this time it was too much for me.
"Julia!! What the fuck is wrong with you!" I said, getting angry.
"Wow, calm down, I was just joking," she said, frowning.
Stella's mouth was wide open, and Chris looked like he didn't know where to put himself.
"You guys should go home. 'm tired, I need to rest," I said to escape the situation.
"What, seriously? You're going to be mad at me for this? Y/N!" I heard Julia shout as I left the room.
I went up to my room and shut the door behind me. My reaction was probably over the top, but I didn't want Chris to know about this. She had no right to humiliate me like that in front of him. I bury my face in my pillow and try to think about something else.
After a few minutes, I heard some knocks on my door.
"Julia, go away! I don't want to talk to you!" I shouted from my bed.
I heard the door open anyway, so I turned around to tell her to leave, but to my surprise, it was Chris.
"I'm not Julia, sorry to break it to you," he said, trying to make me laugh.
"It's not funny," I said, rolling my eyes before sitting up on my bed.
"Can I come in?" he asked.
"You're already inside anyway..." I speak, shrugging
"Are you mad at me or Julia? I don't understand anymore," he said, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.
"Sorry," I replied, biting my lip, and he came to sit next to me.
"The girls left and asked me to tell you they really want you to be there tomorrow night," he said, placing his hand on the small of my back, and I sighed.
"Listen, I'd be very happy to go with you. I don't mind. We can always come back together and spend time alone after the party, but I don't want you to fight with your friends because of me," he said, and I turned my head towards him.
"That's not why I fought with them, Chris," I said, looking back at the floor.
"Then what was it about?" he asked.
"It's something stupid. I don't really want to talk about it!" I said, feeling the embarrassment return.
"Come on, tell me. I'm not going to judge you," he said, shaking his head.
"No!" I said, avoiding his gaze.
"Is it because of what she said about your obsession with Harley Quinn?" he asked.
"I'm not obsessed with her!" I said, getting angry.
“And that’s not what I implied. I was just repeating her words!” he responded immediately.
I sighed, realizing it was becoming ridiculous to keep this hidden from him any longer.
“Yes…” I said softly.
“Why did it upset you so much?” he asked.
“Because I was afraid she’d say more, and you’d find it weird!” I sighed.
“Why would I find it weird?” he said, gently rubbing my back.
“I don’t know…” I said, shrugging.
“I don’t find you weird, Y/N. You have every right to be a fan of any fictional character if it makes you happy. I really like Harley Quinn, too. You could have told me; I would have been happy to talk about it with you, baby,” he said, smiling.
My eyes sparkle as i hear him say that and i immediately look at him again. “Really?” I said, looking at him with admiration. I truly have a wonderful boyfriend.
“You know what, why don’t you dress up as Harley Quinn, and I’ll be your Joker? That way, you won’t miss the party, and I get to spend time with you and your friends,” he suggested, standing up.
I smiled at him, leaned to hug him tightly, and nodded.
“And when we get back from the party, I’d be happy to fuck you in your costume to fulfill your kink,” he whispered in my ear, playfully smacking my ass.
“Chris, she made that part up!!” I said, blushing deeply.
“Too bad, I was really down for that part,” he said, laughing.
i laugh too, still embarrassed, and i stand up, going to the bathroom.
it's now the next day, almost 8pm, and I'm with my boyfriend arriving at my place. We just left the mall, where we went to buy a Joker costume to him.
i open my front door and we both run towards my room, since we're kinda late.
"dress up in there while i do it in the bathroom, okay?? i want it to be a surprise for you!" i say sweetly, quickly pecking Chris' lips before heading to the bathroom.
after an hour or so, i knock on the bathroom door so i can have Chris' attention and i shout from inside "Are you done??"
"Uh... I've been done for 20 minutes, Y/N." he says from my bedroom.
I burst out laughing for a bit and then i open the door, making a little pose for Chris, showing my costume.
Chris' jaw drops as soon as i open the door. He stands up and stay froze, staring at me.
i giggle softly and go over him, resting my hands in his chest "What'chu think?" i speak, in a slightly higher-pinched voice, trying to recreate Harley's voice.
Chris' jaw just drops more after hear me, he stays froze for a few more moments until he finally speaks. "wow... you look... wow!"
I giggle "you liked it?"
"Liked it? I just fell in love with you all over again!" he says, now hugging me tightly and lifting me from the ground.
I laugh cute and hug him back, tightly. "I'm so happy you liked it!"
Chris buries is face on the crook of my neck, sucking it softly. "There was no way for me to not like it. you look so hot." he whisper before kissing my neck.
I moan softly and move my hand to caress his hair. "thank you, baby..." i speak before pulling away and look at him. "You talking about me when you look like THAT is crazy!"
He grins at me "thank you, sweetheart! Lets go to that party, then?"
"Yeaaah!!" i yell happily, jumping.
He chuckles at my jump and grabs his stuff. We walk out of my house, going to the party.
After a while, we arrive at Noah's house. A lot of people outside of it, all dress up as various characters and monsters. I lead Chris into the party and after a few seconds, Julia and Stella run up to us.
"HEY, GIIIRL!!" Stella yells, happy to see me, as she hugs me from the side.
"Hey, guys!!" Julia shouts at us both, still a bit scared of me being mad at her.
"Hii!" Chris says at them, waving with a smile.
"Hi, girls! Love your costume!" I speak at Stella. She nods with a smile "Thank you! You look amazing yourself, but I'm used to see it already,"
I laugh softly, not really happy about her comment but i brush it off. "You look good too, Ju!" I speak at Julia.
She smiles at me "Thank you! You too, as always... Can i ask you something?" Julia says, with a soft expression. "Yeah, sure!" i say back.
"Uh... i just wanted to know if you're still mad at me for yesterday... I've been thinking about it all night and, I'm sorry..." She speaks softly.
I smile reassuringly "It's okay... I'm sorry too! I shouldn't have become so mad at you..."
She smiles softy and nods "It's okay, i guess we both screwed up!"
"Yeah, but its alright!" i lean to hug her as she does the same.
Suddenly, Stella speaks, loudly. "So, let's party?!?" We all yell "yess!" and that way, the party begins!
After hours, me and Chris are going back to my place, tired from dancing and jumping all night.
I open my front door and Chris holds the door for me to enter, smacking my ass playfully as i pass through him.
"Let's to the room. Now." He speaks in a soft but demanding way, which makes me a bit confused but i obey.
Once we get into my room, Chris closes the door behind him and quickly presses me in it, causing me to gasp softly.
"Remember what i told you yesterday??" Chris speaks, his hands caressing my sides.
"U-uh... y-yeah..?" i speak, slightly nervous, since Chris looks so hot and in a rough mood right now.
He smirks and attacks my lips in a hungry kiss. We both make out for a while. As we're still kissing, he puts his hands under my ass and picks me up from the floor, taking me to bed, where he throws me on.
He crawls on top of me and says, looking down at me "You look so damn hot right now. You have no idea how much i had to control myself to not drag you to a bathroom and fuck you right there." He leans and starts kissing my neck, intensively.
I moan in response and i wrap my arms and legs around him, pulling his body closer to mine.
"Tell me, what do you want me to do with you, Puddin'" Chris whispers, making me freeze for a second. Him calling Joker's nickname to Harley made me see stars... and made me wet.
"i-i want you to fuck me..." i say softly.
"huh? i didn't hear you, baby." he says, now lifting his head to look at me.
"i-i want you to fuck me, Chris. Please!" i whine, already desperate.
Chris smirks at me "Good girl" he says before leaning to kiss me again.
While we kiss, he takes off my Harley Quinn Jacket and toss it to the side. He gives wet kisses down my face to my collarbone, where he stays as he takes off my boots.
"mmh, you're so hot, babygirl~" he mumbles as he kisses me.
i moan softly in response, my hands now trying to take his jacket off, which he helps me with.
After a while kissing, he's now in just his jeans as i still have almost the full costume on.
He grabs my jaw tightly and speaks, firmly "you gonna do justice to your costume and act like a little slut f'me?"
I look up at him with puppy eyes and nod. He smirks and whispers "Good girl~" He moves two of his fingers that was on my jaw and slide it into my mouth, pressing it on my tongue.
"Fuck, you look so good like this... oh, imma fuck you so so good today~" He speaks, in a sensual tone.
I moan against his fingers, swirling my tongue around it.
He then takes his fingers off my mouth with a bop and attacks my lips again, then going down to my neck as his hands go under my shirt, caressing my chest over my bra. He lifts my shirt and move his hands to my back, unbuckling my bra and taking it off, without taking off my Harley Quinn shirt.
He then leans and suck my nipples, which makes me moan "mmh Chris...please, i need you..."
Chris lets out a soft chuckle and grabs my jaw again, harshly, making me look at him "I'm the one in control, got it?" he says in a demanding tone. i just nod, looking up at him.
He nods back and start kissing and sucking my breasts again, now going down my stomach, until he reaches my red and blue tight shorts.
"i gotta take this off, it drove me crazy all night." he speaks, now pulling it down, letting me in my fishnet tights, my thongs and my Harley shirt. He looks down at me and bite his lip. Chris caress my thighs and spreads them, softly passing his hand in my clothed pussy, making me whimper. "Chris, Please..."
"Did you not hear me when i said i was in control??" he speaks in a serious tone "I'll do whatever i want with you, understand?"
I sigh softly and nod. "Good." he speaks before slapping my inner thigh hardly, earning a loud moan from me.
"God, you're so good to spank!" he says, slapping my other inner thigh hardly, i moan loud again.
"Turn around f'me, ma" he speaks to me and i immediately do it. He smirk down, looking at my ass, half covered with my square tights and he spanks my ass, strongly. i cry loud, burying my face in my pillow.
He grabs a fist of my hair and pull my head back, for me to look at him. "Don't wanna mess that make up yet, do ya?" i shake my head, whining from the pain in my scalp. He throws my head on the pillow again, now with my head to the side. He slaps my ass again, and again, and again, making me whine in pain, but also in pleasure.
The last time he slaps my ass, he spanks between my ass cheeks, making me moan loud. He lets out a soft chuckle from my reaction and says "Looks like someone likes to be spanked, isn't that truth?" i whine in response and he slaps the same place again, now gripping my hair again. "answer me. with words." he speaks firmly and demanding. "y-yeah, i do... i-... i l-like it..." i speak, whiny. He lets go of my hair and whispers in my ear "you're so pathetic, aren't you? Look at you, looking like a real whore f'me"
He slaps my ass again and turns me around one more time. He digs his fingers in my square tights, right between my legs, and he stretch it out, ripping it over my pussy. He looks at my sexy thong and he looks at me with a smirk. "is this for me?" I nod softly. He slaps my clothed pussy, making me whine loud, with a smirk. "Be ready, i think you'll need to~" he says to me, before ripping my thong and tossing it to the side.
Seeing him ripping my clothes always make me more turned on, seeing his arms muscles flex gives me butterflies.
He slides his finger through my wet slit and he says "so wet for me. such a little slut for liking me treating you like this." He pushes one finger in my hole, making me moan a bit. He keeps with it in, not moving, and he looks at me. "Look at you... I'd take a photo of you just to show everyone how much of a slut you are... looking so good just for me."
Suddenly, Chris pulls his finger out and slam three fingers into me, making me moan. He starts fingering me roughly, hardly and fast.
"O-oh Chris! fuck!" i moan, leaning my head back from the intense pleasure.
He, then, stops again, making me moan frustrated. "All fours. Now." he speaks demanding and i do it, my ass now almost at his face.
Chris slaps my ass and caress my wet cunt. "so beautiful like this, puddin'... so perfect~"
I whine softly in response and he stands up, unbelting his pants. He grabs his belt and hit the bed hardly with it. "If you do something i didn't tell you to, you'll pay for it. Got it?" i nod frantically.
He pulls down his pants and take them off, tossing it to the pile of clothes on the floor. He grips my hips and pull me to the edge of the bed, so he can fuck me while standing up. He grabs both my ponytails and pull my head back. "You gonne be a good girl and not cum for me until i say it, alright? Don't leave this position and don't scream too loud until i let you, alright?" He speaks in a firm and demanding tone.
"Yeah..." i speak softly. "Yeah, what?" Chris says, pulling even more my hair. "Y-yes, daddy..." i whine. Chris slaps my ass and throw my head forward "Good girl~".
Chris rubs his clother hard dick against my wet pussy, making me moan softly. "You're so wet you're making my boxers soaked. slut!" He pulls his boxers down and slams into me, making me scream loud. He lean over my back and slaps his hand on my mouth, pulling it back harshly. "What didn't you understand about not. screaming.?" I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut, and speak against his mouth "i'm sorry..."
Chris lets out a breathy mockingly laugh and takes his hand off my mouth, my head falling down harshly. "fucking pathetic." Chris mutters, now pulling slowly out of me. i whine at the sensation and then moan loud, trying hard not to scream, when he slams into me again.
Chris moves one hand to under my shirt, squeezing my breast, and the other to my hip, now starting to thrust in and out of my cunt.
I moan as he fucks me, slowly. "Chris, please..."
Chris stops middle-way and says demanding "First off, I'm not giving you want you want. second, you're not calling me that."
I whine softly "S-sorry, daddy..." Chris slaps my ass again and start thrusting into me again, still slowly.
After a while, i give up on moaning and i stay quiet. My head down with my eyes squeezed shut. Chris notices that and start going faster, hitting my g-point every time he pushes into me. i moan and i lean down to rest on my elbows, my back arched and my ass higher.
Chris slaps my ass again and groans lowly. "mmh, baby~ why are you so hot and perfect? looking like a real slut like this, while your pussy clenches around me. fuck!" He starts punding harder, slapping my ass a few more times.
I moan deep, trying to not be loud though. Chris keeps pounding into me until my cunt starts clenching too much around his cock. He stops and speaks "You ain't cummin' now, bitch. You know what happens if you do." and starts fucking me hard again. i start moaning louder, trying my hardest to not cum. I whine "p-puddin'... p-please... i-i can't..."
Chris slaps my ass the hardest he can and says, roughly "No. You're not cummin, Y/N. Or should i call you..." he leans over me, putting his mouth right behing my ear "Harley?".
I can feel the knot in my stomach almost exploding ad he whispers that to me. I can't believe I'm finally realizing this fantasy.
He feels my pussy clenching more around him as he says that and he laughs, smacking my ass again. "oh, you liked it, dont you? you want me to call you Harley? Is that it?"
i nod frantically, barely able to speak at this point. "Words." Chris says roughly, pouding into me roughly.
"o-oh.. y-yeah, d-daddy! p-please, c-call me t-that! o-oh, fuck, its so g-good! p-please!" i whine slightly loud, tears forming in my eyes already.
Chris smirks and start fucking me harder and faster. "fuck, ma! s-such a fucking slut! such a whore f'me!" he says, groaning. I'm so glad i told Chris i liked being degrated! I'm wetter than i was supposed to.
i keep moaning loudly "d-daddy, please! i-i need to cum! p-please lemme cum!" i whine.
Suddenly, Chris pulls out and turn me around, so we're now in missionary.
Chris slams into me again and puts his hand around my neck, hard enough to hurt but not for me to be breathless. "If you gonna cum, I'll see you cum. Gotta see that pretty face with that pretty make up all messed up." He puts his hand on my face and slides it down, messing even more my Harley Quinn makeup.
He, then, slides two fingers into my mouth the deepest he can, fucking my mouth as he fucks my cunt. He starts pounding roughly again, making me scream against him fingers, also gagging a bit.
My eyes starts rolling back with tears, just as my back arching and hips jerking up, feeling myself really close to the edge.
"Look at you. All fucked up like a whore. You really became Harley Quinn, didn't you? That hot bitch. I bet you wanna fuck every guy of the city, don'chu? fuck, puddin'. you're so fucking beautiful." Chris speaks between groans as he pounds into me. i start moaning even louder as i feel myself not being able to hold my orgasm anymore. My cunt clenching around Chris' cock just makes him groan and moan more.
"Cum. Cum f'me, Harley. C'mon, babygirl, cum for daddy~" Chris whispers in my ear. That gives me the final push and i finally cum in his cock. Not a simple orgasm, though. All of this roleplay and dirty talk made me cum hard and squirt all over Chris, which makes him cum inside of me and collapse on top of me.
We both panting hard and shaking. We stay there for a while and then Chris pulls out, laying next to me.
"You did so good f'me, Harl..." He speaks softly, caressing my cheek
"y-you too, puddin'..." i say softly, still panting.
Chris leans and kissed my lips, a long peck. When he pulls away, he looks down at me, admiring me. "Why didn't you tell me this before? This was the best sex I've done in my life..."
i smile softly at him and speak softly, now turning to face him, "I'm sorry for that... if i get another kink, I'll promise to tell ya!"
i hope you liked it! pls comment what you think, I'd appreciate it! :) xoxo
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
now here’s a thought: jonathan crane being seduced by one of his patients
I WAS SERIOUSLY THINKING ABOUT THIS LIKE A JOKER/HARLEY QUINN MOMENT!! aaaand that's how it turned into basically a whole ass oneshot, oops
hook, line, and sinker - 1.6k words
warnings: manipulation, sexual themes/groping (18+ only please), fluff but with a dark-ish twist
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"Sometimes I think you're the only one who understands me," you admitted shyly, biting your lip and looking down at the tile floor beneath you.
He leaned in a little closer, resting his arms on the table between you. "You know," he replied, his voice softer than you'd ever heard it though not quite a whisper yet, "sometimes I feel the same way."
You smiled as you looked up at him again, finding a new brightness in his eyes. "Really?" you beamed.
"Yeah," he agreed, laughing, "I really enjoy our little talks. I mean, sometimes I can't believe I'm getting paid to see you."
Giggling a little, you remembered the first time he let his guard down with you, just a bit; for weeks he'd easily dodged any personal questions, clearly knowing it was a slippery slope to countertransference and an inappropriate relationship. Unfortunately for him and everyone who had insisted that Arkham was the only facility you'd never be able to escape from, you knew from the beginning that you could use him.
You could smell it on him: that deep, overwhelming loneliness. You were far too familiar with it yourself to miss it in someone else. Sure, he kept it hidden under layer after layer of intelligence, professionalism, faked normalcy-- but it was there, and it was calling out for someone else to truly see him. You saw him from the second he walked in that armored door, back when they still kept you in the jacket; now, months later, you'd convinced him you weren't a threat and that he was the one in control of these sessions.
The other facilities, with their inspiration murals and their bean bag chairs, they were a breeze to break out of. You knew that Arkham Supermax was going to be an entirely new challenge, but you'd been preparing since the beginning. Each week with Dr. Crane, you got him to be a little naughtier for you-- first it was as simple as convincing him to let your sessions go long, leaving everyone else waiting as you poured your soul out for an extra half hour. Convincing him that you needed him, that only he could help you. Then it was the praise-- you're changing my life, I've had so many shrinks and you're the first that really listened, you're so incredible-- all that shit he'd probably been craving since his daddy didn't hug him enough or something.
Once you'd given him some compliments, he returned one to you: you made up some sob story about your low self-esteem just to get him to admit that you were attractive, and you took the compliment with a coy little thank you, Dr. Crane... that's high praise coming from you.
Then it was contraband, just little stuff. He snagged you an extra serving of dessert on your birthday; he brought you a copy of your favorite book, as a reward for increasingly good behavior. Sometimes you thought about just asking him straight-up for a metal file or few paperclips, but that would be risky-- you could throw away all your work if you jumped the gun too soon.
Then there was the journal... you knew, no matter how much he swore he wouldn't, that he was going to read that fucking journal. You couldn't be sure if that was always the plan, or if it was just a temptation he would eventually surrender to, but you wrote all these fucked up little fantasies in that journal and imagined how he'd have to loosen his tie when he read them.
Back in January: Dr. Crane keeps asking about my nightmares, I couldn't possibly admit that I've started having sexual dreams about him...
And then there was the entry from March: I didn't mean to upset him yesterday but he snapped at me when I was talking about my anger-- he said I wasn't taking accountability-- and when he got stern with me I felt myself getting wet, is that bad?
And the best one yet, just a few days ago: Dear diary, I swore I wouldn't tell anyone what he told me, so I won't even tell you-- but I'll just say that when Jonathan showed me his mask, I fell totally in love with him. People are always hiding who they really are, but he knows me, and now I know him, too. I know I should feel guilty, but I don't. I know we're meant for each other.
Your heart was racing as you realized it might all pay off tonight. Listening to his rambling rants about fear and society and humanity, journaling about your 'crush' like a schoolgirl, making doe-eyes at him during sessions-- it was all about to happen, you had him in your pocket.
"Sometimes, I..." he began again, looking down at your hands shackled to the table, "I think about seeing you more. When I'm not even here, I mean..."
You pretended to be surprised by that. "Really? I mean... do you think about just talking to me, or...?"
He smiled a little, his face turning a bit pinker. "Do you think about us doing more than just talking?" he turned the question on you instead.
"Doctor, I--"
You had to fight off a smirk; you reached forward across the table, jingling the chains that held you down, but they were just long enough to reach to his hands. You gently brushed your fingers over his, hearing him sigh as he opened his hand for you to place your hand in. You ran your middle finger delicately in a line along his palm, and he shuddered a bit. Hook, line, and sinker. "Jonathan," you started again in a low purr, "I think about so much more than talking."
"Do you ever think about... about if we could be together...?" he pressed, closing his grip to hold your hand. After this long of a seduction, you couldn't deny that touching him in such an innocuous way was getting you a little hot. Just because you were manipulating him didn't mean you were completely faking an attraction, he was sexy-- and gullible. You liked that in a man.
Trying to look conflicted, you glanced away. "I try not to imagine that," you explained, "it's... it's not possible, with me in here. I'm fine with this, if this is all I can get-- seeing you three times a week for our sessions, telling you things I never thought I'd tell anyone. I can be okay with that. Just knowing you feel even a fraction of what I do is like-- it's like-- I don't even know how to describe it. It's amazing."
Leaning in even more, he reached up and held your face-- tenderly, reverently-- and you shut your eyes as you leaned into his touch. "I wish I was as unselfish as you," he replied, "but I need more-- I need to really be with you."
You brought your hand up to hold his, jerking the chain a bit. "I need-- I need you, too," you mumbled. "Please, Jonathan," you begged in a whisper as you opened your eyes to meet his wanting gaze, "I wanna be yours."
He sat up and leaned over the table in a split second, kissing you hard; you had to tilt your head back to accommodate the height difference as you were still sitting, and it made it even easier for him to hold your head like they used to in those old Hollywood movies-- the ones they showed here on Thursday nights, but you weren't allowed to go because you 'didn't integrate well with the general population' or whatever.
As he kissed you, hungry but relatively reserved, it was you that took it further: carefully running your tongue over his lips, opening your mouth for him to claim, having to hold back a grin when he moaned softly against you. "Touch me," you begged him in a rare moment of reprieve from the kiss, "please-- I've wanted you to for so long--"
He groaned a little as his hand slid down to your chest, opening one button of your uniform jumpsuit; he kissed your neck as he dipped his hand inside, groping your chest underneath the fabric. Your hips naturally rocked forward in the metal chair, your deprived body desperate to be filled after almost a year of forced celibacy in this prison. "Fuck," he mumbled against your skin, tweaking a nipple between his fingers, "you know we can't-- not here--"
"I know," you purred, only barely able to reach his shoulder with your hands chained-- otherwise you'd be running your fingers through his hair, holding on to his neck, pulling him closer. "But I need you-- I don't think I've ever needed anything this much..."
He shook his head; "Me either," he admitted.
"I need to feel you inside me."
He growled, grip tightening on your breast, and you smiled proudly. "I can't just leave you here," he realized, like it was his idea. "We need to be together-- outside of this place."
"I'll go anywhere with you," you promised him.
Pulling back and looking into your eyes, he brought both his hands to your face, brushing your hair aside quickly. "If I do this for you... you have to promise me. You have to be mine."
"Can you really do that?" you wondered. "Get me out?"
"I'll find a way," he assured, "I'll do anything."
You smiled up at his determined expression, flashing your best big-wet-needy eyes at him. "Jonathan," you cooed, "I'm already yours."
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goldfades · 4 months
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evangeline's 2.5k fic rec list + celly information !!
before we get into it, i wanted to get a little sentimental because hitting this amount of followers has always been a dream of mine. i made this blog in august of 2023, in hopes of creating a family whom i can talk to and just... be around. and i did just that!
i love every single one of those 2,500 of you, full heartedly and so genuinely. i may not have interacted with every single one of you, but you are all part of my family here and i really, really do 🫶🏼
if you came for hockey or for women's basketball, i don't care i just love you. you're the best, thank you for supporting me and for making my life so much better and more rewarding!
and to my wonderful moots who always make me feel so loved, I LOVE & SUPPORT YOU SO DAMN MUCH!!!!! it is indescribable how much i love you so much 🩷. every single one of you make me feel so grateful and loved, thank you 🫶🏼
take a shot every time i say "love" in this message... you're gonna be blackout drunk...
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bold is nsfw! minors dni!
⟡ jack hughes ⟡
➜ who's afraid of little old me? @babydollmarauders
➜ i'm no goddess @drysdalesv
⟡ quinn hughes ⟡
➜ a view to remember @sweetestdesire
⟡ luke hughes ⟡
➜ goodbye too soon @sc0tters
⟡ trevor zegras ⟡
➜ just a kiss @sweetestdesire
⟡ paige bueckers ⟡
➜ seven [series] @iminlovewithpaigebueckers
➜ sometimes home is a person @iminlovewithpaigebueckers
➜ fuck the hurt right outta you @makethemhoesmad
➜ false god @makethemhoesmad
➜ sneaky link w chemistry series @arlertwhore
➜ gf headcanons @euphternal
➜ baby daddy @caitlinbueckers
➜ are you done yet? @girlokwhatever
➜ marks of my love @girlokwhatever
➜ overstim @bueckersstrap
➜ imgonnagetyouback @leilanihours
➜ the ask [series] @sweetbans29
➜ throw away [series] @bueckersstrap
⟡ azzi fudd ⟡
➜ if you think i'm pretty @makethemhoesmad
➜ i need you @makethemhoesmad
➜ gf headcanons @paigebueckersmommy
➜ gf headcanons @pbueckerslover
➜ strap @kamii-2
⟡ kk arnold ⟡
➜ gf headcanons @paigebueckersmommy
➜ gf headcanons @mokassong
➜ lunch @luvzpagie
➜ glitter gloss @luvzpagie
➜ caught @mokassong
➜ locker of petals @patscorner
⟡ nika muhl ⟡
➜ grillz @paigebueckersmommy
➜ gf headcanons @paigebueckersmommy
➜ everything @leilanihours
➜ lunch @jareaul0ver
➜ so high school @jareaul0ver
➜ courtside @lovinpelova
➜ domestic headcanons @mayghosts
⟡ caitlin clark ⟡
➜ fuck it [series?] @caitlinbueckers
➜ so high school @leilanihours
➜ dress @leilanihours
➜ be here @sweetbans29
➜ friendship bracelet @sweetbans29
➜ protector @sweetbans29
⟡ kate martin ⟡
➜ good girl @makethemhoesmad
➜ uh oh @girlokwhatever
➜ gold rush @leilanihours
⟡ emily engstler ⟡
➜ make you feel good @girlokwhatever
➜ end of beginnings @girlokwhatever
➜ coach emily headcanons @euphternal
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[this celebration is not happening as of right now (may 27), it will be active on friday! please do not send anything until friday!!!! thank you, my loves!!!!]
all requests need to be send with a prompt to make it easier for me! any prompt is okay (whether you made it up or found it online, it's okay!) here is a list of prompts if you can't think of any! also make sure to be specific which exact prompt you want, i would prefer you to copy and paste it!
angsty prompt list #1
angsty prompt list #2
fluffy prompt list #1
fluffy prompt list #2
smutty prompt list #1
smutty prompt list #2
🍀 send this & i will write a short fluffy blurb for you!
🌪️ send this & i will write a short angsty blurb for you!
🥭 send this & i will write a short smutty blurb for you!
🥧 send this & a scenario you've been thinking about, and i'll write some headcanons and/or a blurb!
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again, thank you to everyone who has ever supported me in any way, shape or form! i love you so fucking much like genuinely, BUT ANYWAYSSS!!!!!!!!
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Behind Bars….Again
Series Masterlist
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Summary: Ever since Sam went to college, Dean has been having a hard time. Drinking, gambling, driving recklessly, the works. If it weren't for Y/N covering his ass everytime and bailing him out everytime, he would've been tossed in jail by now. Or worse yet, John and F/N would've dealt with it.
Y/N is 19, Dean is 23, Sam is 19 years old but is away at college)
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
(Ps. I imagine Xander as Drew Van Acker. He played Jason DiLaurentis in Pretty Little Liars)
Lake Preston, South Dakota
•November 2002:
Dean had been arrested and he called the only person he knew he could count on to get him out. After practically demanding his phone call from the officers who were all too familiar with him, he was whispering into the phone pleadingly,
"Y/N, you don't understand, you have to get me out of here!" he whispers into the phone as a police officer looks on suspiciously. Dean just smiles innocently and waits for her answer.
"Fine but you owe me something!" She answers annoyed.
"I swear, I'm gonna kill this asshat one day" Y/N grumbles to herself as she slides on her fuzzy pink bunny slippers and her robe, not bothering to change from her pajamas because right now that was the least of her worries. Sam had run off to college a little over a year ago, meanwhile Dean was taking it especially hard.
She misses her best friend too but Dean has been getting into trouble a lot lately. And it's beginning to worry her.
Dean waits patiently in the police station's holding cell, fiddling with a paperclip he somehow managed to find. Every now and then a police officer walks by, eyeing him suspiciously before continuing on their way.
As Dean hears footsteps approaching, he perks up, hoping it's y/n.
Y/N creeped down the stairs to see her dad passed out on the couch, half-cradling a bottle of Jack in his lap, the tv still on showing late night informercials.
John went on a hunt alone and F/N stayed back for god knows what reason, she had a feeling it was to keep an eye on her. Which irritated her even more, his breathing down her neck is starting to get to her and she's sick and tired.
You'd think, for someone who was willing to send his 14 year old daughter out on her first hunt with the Winchester boys, he wouldn't be such a pain in the ass. A couple of teenagers taking down a Wendigo on their own? The man is beyond a hypocrite.
Since her dad got plastered the night before, she knew he wouldn't be up until the next evening. So before she left, she made sure to gently take the bottle out of his hands, making sure not to wake him up. Before laying him on his side, she then unfolded the blanket on the single couch and threw it over him.
"Sweet dreams, daddy. Love you" She whispered before laying a gentle kiss on her fathers forehead. He stirred a bit but remained asleep. As much as he fucking annoys her, she loves her old man.
Y/N grabbed her wallet from the kitchen table before lightly creeping out of the kitchen and out the back door. Thankfully, Dean left his Baby at the house before he went out drinking since John gave it to him.
When he went on the hunt, he borrowed her fathers truck. She didn't want to take Quinn in risk of waking f/n up.
The Impala drives through town, passing various shops and buildings before coming to a stop in front of the police station. She made sure to pass and pick up a burger, fries and milkshake for Dean, knowing that he was probably starving. The greasy diner food sat in the backseat along with the takeaway-milkshake in the cup holder.
She finally made it to the station, pulling into the lot before putting the car in park.
Y/N pushes open the police station doors and walked inside, her fuzzy bunny slippers making a slight shuffling noise against the linoleum floor. She made her way to the receptionist, flashing her a sweet smile. "Hi, I'm here to bail out a Winchester. Dean Winchester."
The receptionist glances up at her, raising an eyebrow at the fuzzy bunny slippers y/n sported before checking her computer screen. After a moment, she looks back up at her"
"Ah, Mr. Winchester. He's in holding cell three," she says, gesturing towards an aisle of cells behind her. Her eyes landed on Dean who was playing with a paper clip. Deans drunken smile brightened upon seeing her by the receptionist's desk, flashing y/n a cheeky grin and lifts a hand in a wave hello.
"Great, how much for the bail?" She asked, beginning to dig into her purse but her jaw dropped at the response. The receptionist glances at the information on her screen again before replying, "The bail is set at $500." Y/N glares over at Dean before looking back at the receptionist.
She didn't have that kind of cash in her, and she didn't think to take her father's fraud credit card.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
"Did he kill someone?! 5 hundred bucks???" She exclaims at the preposterous amount. The receptionist shakes her head, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "No, no. It's a bail for public disturbance. Your friend caused quite the scene. And it's not his first time in here."
Dean just shrugs innocently from his cell, feigning innocence. "Hey, it's not my fault they can't handle a little fun." Y/N's rage filled eyes snap over to him, a firm finger pointed in his direction.
"You shut your mouth, Winchester. I'll deal with you later" She grits her teeth at him. Dean holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. Can't I have a little bit of fun every now and then?" he grins, clearly enjoying riling her up.
The receptionist watches the exchange with some amusement, raising an eyebrow at her interaction with Dean. Y/N flipped him off, mouthing 'You're dead meat' before turning back to the receptionist with a tight smile. "That still doesn't amount over the fact that it's $500." She crossed her arms over tank-top clap chest before politely asking,
"Can I speak to the arresting officer??" The receptionist nodded, "That would be Officer Thompson" She stated before picking up the phone and dials a number, her eyes drifting to Y/N's bunny slippers again. The name rang a bell in her head. After a moment, she speaks into the phone, explaining that she wanted to talk to the officer who arrested Dean.
"Thompson?" Y/N asks, the receptionist nodded in confirmation before she internally groaned, the one Thompson she knew was Alexander Thompson. Her ex boyfriend from high school when they went to Sioux Falls High in the late 90s before Bobby's falling out with their dads.
They dated for no more than 6 months before parting ways. They surprisingly ended on good terms, however. Both deciding that they wouldn't be able to make it work due to y/n lying and telling him she wanted to go to California to study and Xander wanted to stay in Sioux Falls to join the force right out of high-school.
She assumed he transferred to the Preston Lake department, if it were him.
The truth was the nature of the family business, it pained her to leave but she had to tough it out. In her mind, it's her fault for getting attached to someone. Knowing they they weren't gonna stay there for long.
It also got to her because he was the first person she ever felt a connection with, her first real relationship. They lost their virginities to one another, that's connection no one could come between.
To his knowledge, she's probably back 'home' for Christmas break but that's the furtherest thing from the truth.
"You can go see him in the bullpen, desk 19" The receptionist told her, y/n muttered a low "Thanks", before shuffling her bunny coated feet over to the bullpen. There he was, sat filling out paper work.
Officer Thompson looks up from his paperwork and spots Y/N approaching, a surprised expression on his face. "Hey, y/n/n," he says, setting down his pen. "How can I help you? You wanted to speak with me?" he asks, eyeing her curiously.
Dean, watching from his cell, grumbles something under his breath as he sees Thompson.
"Hey, Xander. I don't mean to yell but $500?!"
Alexander Thompson smiled softly, his heart swelling when she called him "Xander," an old nickname she gave him when they were dating. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
"Listen, I had to set the bail high. Your friend here was making a scene and causing a disturbance. Got into a bar fight, broke a bottle over a man's head. He's gonna need stitches but he'll live. Plus, he resisted arrest," he explains, gesturing to Dean in the cell behind them near the receptionist desk.
"Come on man, you know how he is. And you know I can't afford $500" Y/N says exasperatedly. Thompson rubs his neck, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I know, I know, but protocol is protocol. And your friend hasn't exactly been cooperative."
He glances over at Dean, who is now whistling and twirling the paperclip he was playing with earlier. Y/N's eyes flickered back over to Dean. She groaned at the man child infront of her. "Please, I've never asked you for anything Xander" She pleaded with him.
Thompson sighs heavily, his resolve weakening at the look on Y/N's face.
"You're right, you know how to get to me," he mutters, shaking his head. "But this is a one time thing, got it? I can't let him off easy next time he gets arrested."
"I'm asking you as a friend, and nothing more." She stated him. Thompson rubs his face, considering y/n's plea. He looks over at Dean, who grins widely at her knowingly.
"Fine," he says finally. "I'll lower the bail to $50. But this is a one time deal, understood? And if he gets arrested again, I won't be so lenient." Thompson agrees, but firmly states as he got up from his chair.
"Thank you!" Y/N exclaimed in relief, thanking him gratefully before giving him a hug. "I promise, he won't" She assures him. Thompson is surprised by the hug, initially stiffening before graciously returning it.
He melted into her touch, "Yeah, yeah," he mutters, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Just make sure he stays out of trouble."
Dean watches the scene from his cell, rolling his eyes.
"I'll see you around" She said sweetly before walking over to the receptionist and handing her the money.
Thompson watches Y/N walked away, a mix of disappointment and lingering affections on his face.
The receptionist takes the money and starts processing the paperwork to release Dean. After a few minutes, she calls out, "You can release Mr. Winchester now."
A police officer unlocks the cell and Dean steps out, a smug grin on his face. "Thanks for bailing me out, princess," he teases.
She narrows her eyes at him before snatching him by his ear and dragging him out of the station. Dean protests loudly as she dragged him by the ear out of the police station, a few officers watching the scene with amused grins.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he hisses, trying to pry her hand off his ear. "Dammit, ease up on the grip!" She pinched harder before letting go. "You dumbass!" She exclaimed in frustration before smacking his chest.
Dean winces as she pinched his ear even harder before finally letting go. He rubs his chest where y/n slapped him, a pout on his face.
"Alright, alright, I get it! I messed up, alright?" He glances at her fuzzy bunny slippers and grins. "And what's with the slippers? Couldn't leave fuzzy at home" He snorts. "1. Leave fuzzy out of this" She stated firmly, pointing a finger at him while he had a cheeky grin plastered across his face.
"2. Why slap to his chest did slap you slap have slap to slap go slap and slap get slap arrested! slap slap slap" She smacked him with each syllable, he didn't dare protest before he knew this time, he was wrong.
"What the hell is the matter with you, charming?! This is the 4th time! If John and dad knew, they'd have our fucking heads!" Y/N exclaims lowly with a warning tone.
Dean winces with each slap, trying to shield himself with his arms.
"Hey, hey, hey! Stop slapping me!" he protested, trying to keep a straight face. "I didn't mean to get arrested, okay? It just sort of happened..."
He glances at y/n again, taking in her grumpy expression and the fuzzy slippers. "And seriously, the slippers? Don't you have some real shoes?" He raised an eyebrow.
Dean holds up his hands in surrender, trying to avoid another slap.
"Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten arrested. But seriously, the slippers? They make you look like a bunny."
This earn him another smack but this time across the head.
Dean winces again, rubbing his head where she slapped him. "Ow! Hey, quit hitting me, princess!" he protested, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
He glanced at the fuzzy slippers again, a smirk spreading across his face. "But seriously, those things are ridiculous. You look like a character from a children's cartoon."
"Jesus..." Y/N huffed, rubbing her temples. "Just get in the car" She grumbled. "Fine, fine" he says, a hint of resignation in his tone. "But can you seriously stop hitting me now?"
"Shut up before I hit you again" She quipped up before jumping into the drivers seat of the Impala and starting the ignition. Dean still stood where he was. An amused grin on his face, his hands buried in his pockets.
She was worried about him, she cared deeply. So deeply that she tucked her tail between her legs and pleaded with her ex boyfriend to lower to bail so he didn't have to spend the night in jail and have their dads find out. He appreciated it. He admittingly felt a little jealous when she hugged Xander but he shoved it to the back of his mind.
The honk of the Impala's horn snapped Dean out of his daydream, "GET IN BEFORE I RUN YOUR ASS OVER!" Y/N yelled through the drivers side window.
Dean jumps at the sudden shouting, quickly climbing into the passenger seat of the Impala and buckling his seatbelt. "Alright, alright! I'm in! Damn sweetheart, you don't have to threaten me with violence."
"Oh, just like you did that guy in the bar?" She retorted, referring to his reason for getting hauled in cuffs as she put Baby in reverse. Dean rolls his eyes. "That guy had it coming. He was being an ass," he retorts, wincing as he realizes he's about to get reprimanded.
"And I already said I was sorry about getting arrested. Thank you for bailing me out, princess but I didn't mean to cause such a scene." Dean shrugged, thanking her for her kindness. He knew she'd come get it, also expecting to get reprimanded.
"Yeah well you did. I just had a very awkward conversation with my ex, thanks to you." She grumbled, pulling onto the road. Dean raises an eyebrow at her mention of her ex. "Oh, the cop from before? That Thompson guy, right? I remember you guys dated for a while last year." Dean rolled his eyes, a burning feeling appearing in his chest at the thought of Y/N and Alexander.
"Before you start to mock me, no we're not getting back together" Y/N chimed, knowing how Dean was around her boyfriends. He'd either mock and tease her about them or blatantly dislike them. In this case, it was both when it came to Xander.
Dean smirks at her statement. "Oh really? Then why was he giving you that sad, lovesick puppy look when I walked out? Seemed like there was still something there." He teased, masking the burning feeling with a smirk.
"Shut up" Y/N rolled her eyes, pulling into the freeway, just a couple miles from the house. Dean chuckles, enjoying teasing her. "Oh, come on. You can't fool me. I know a lovesick loser when I see one. And that Thompson guy fit the bill perfectly."
"Speaking from experience?" She retorted back with a smirk. Dean's smirk faltered slightly at her remark. "Hey, hey, hey. That's not fair," he protested, a hint of defensiveness in his tone. "I'm not lovesick. I just enjoy the ladies, that's all. No strings attached." Dean defended with a shrug.
"Mhhhmmm" Y/N rolled her eyes, keeping it trained on the road as they drove back to the house. Dean leaned back in the passenger seat, his arms crossed over his chest.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked sarcastically, noticing the doubt in her expression. But it was anything but doubt, "You don't believe me?"
"No, I do" She stated before grimacing in disgust, "I just don't wanna imagine it" Y/N gagged, shaking her head. A similar burning feeling appearing in her chest at the thought of Dean with someone else.
"What? Don't wanna hear about my conquests with many ladies?" Dean teased, a wicked smirk painted in his lips at Y/N's clearly disgusted face.
"I will crash this car. Do not test me." She puts her finger up warningly. Dean holds his hands up in surrender, a chuckling. "Alright, alright. Don't bring Baby into this. I'll lay off. No more talk about my conquests. Sorry for ruffling your feathers."
"Good" She huffed, both hands on the wheel as swerved into the left lane, before bending the corner to the dirt road the house was two miles in.
She then remember the food she had for him, "Oh, here I almost forgot" She reached to the backseat, picking up the brown bag with food with her left hand. She handed it to him and when Deans eyes landed on the greased bag, his heart softened. "You- you got me food?"A smile tugged at his lips, "Yeah, I thought you'd be hungry" She shrugged before pointing a finger at him.
"That doesn't mean your off the hook. Now eat. There's a milkshake there for you" She pointed to the cup holder, occupied with her milkshake and his.
Lord, thank you. Dean thinks to himself.
His heart swelled in his chest as he dug into the bag, taking out the burger and unwrapping it. He instantly dove it, but not before offering y/n a bite, which she declined since she had eaten before bed. "You want some fries then?" He asked her with a mouthful of food, "Yeah, sure" She nodded, he then took out one of the fries from the bag and put it out to feed her.
She snorted at the gesture but accepted it graciously with her mouth, she chewed on the salty chip contently as Dean dove back into his burger.
Dean grins drunkenly at this, happy she didn't just snatch it out of his hand and fed herself finding her grumpy demeanor from earlier amusing. "You know, you're cute when you're mad" he teases, reaching over to poke Y/N's cheek lightly.
"Yeah, and you're an idiot when you're drunk, charming" She snorted, gently smacking away his finger that was pressed into her cheek.
Dean feigns hurt, holding his hand to his chest dramatically as he let out an exaggerated gasp.
Y/N rolled her eyes at this, trying to bite back her smile.
"Hey, now you're just insulting me," he protests with a mouthful of food, unable to keep the grin off his face. "I'm not always an idiot when drunk. Just most of the time."
He gives Y/N a cheeky smile before glancing out the window at the passing scenery.
She couldn't help but chuckle at this, "That you are, charming. That you are" She laughed as she pulled up in-front of the house. Putting the car in park, Dean had finally finished his burger and milkshake, tossing the discarded contents in the paper bag.
"Before we go in, I need to talk to you" She stated seriously, turning to him in the drivers seat.
Dean frowns slightly, sensing the seriousness in her tone. "Okay. What's up?" he asks, turning to face Y/N in the passenger seat.
She took a deep breath before beginning. "I know since Sam left for college it's been bugging you. And I get it, I do. I miss him like crazy, but you're getting yourself into trouble. You need to be careful because if our dads find out, we could get in a lot of trouble and that's worse than having the police in our ass" She lectures.
Understanding how much it bothered Dean now that Sam was away at college but also in a warning way that it would not end nicely if John and F/N found out.
Dean grits his teeth, clearly not thrilled about being lectured.
"I can handle myself, princess," he retorts, his defensiveness kicking in. "I don't need you to tell me how to deal with my feelings. I'm a grown ass man, not a child."
He crosses his arms over his chest, looking out the window broodingly.
"Charming..." She sighs exasperated. "I'm not trying to tell you how to deal with your feelings. I'm your friend and I'm gonna be honest, you're saying you're a grown ass man. That you are but you're crossing your arms at me and acting like a child" She points out with brutal honesty.
Dean scowls at her comment but deep down, he knows Y/N's right. He was clearly annoyed at being called out on his behavior. He was acting childish, but he wasn't going to admit that.
"I'm not acting like a child," he protests, even though his body language says otherwise. "I'm just... frustrated, okay? I miss Sam too, and it sucks that he's off at college having a blast while we're stuck here with our dads always on our asses." He grumbles in frustration, shaking his head.
"I get it, sweetie. I do" She says gently, using her pointer finger and thumb to turn his face by his chin to her. "But I'm always here if you wanna talk. It's better to do that then get arrested and in trouble"
Dean huffs, grudgingly meeting her gaze deep down, her words hit a nerve. He knows shes right, but he can't bring himself to admit it. He's too damn stubborn.
"I don't need to talk," he mutters gruffly. "I can handle my own problems. I don't need your help."
Her face hardened, he was being stubborn as always. She didn't want to just give up because he never gave up on her, he always had her back and she always had his along with Sam's. But the man was arrogant, he needed some tough love. And that's what he's gonna get.
"Alright, then how bout. Next time you call me in jail, I'll leave you to rot for the night and let John pick you up.....That is, if he does" She spat angrily, leaving the keys in the ignition before jumping out of the car. Feet padding heavily towards the porch.
She tightened her grip on her robe from the chilly air.
Dean's eyes widened at her words, a mix of anger, disappointment, and disbelief flashing across his face. He was not expecting that reaction. He was used to her usually coddling him and being understanding. But this time it was different.
"Wait, wait, wait!" He called out, scrambling out of the car to follow her. "Hey, come on, princess. You don't mean that!"
She turned to him, arms crossed over her chest. "No, I do. Because that's what you wanted right? Me to leave you alone, here you go!" She grumbled back lowly, fishing her house keys out of her pocket.
Dean's heart sank a bit at her response, realizing he had gone too far this time. He hated it when she was mad at him, especially when he was the one who caused it.
"No, that's not what I meant," he protested, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just... I just don't want to be lectured at, okay? I can handle myself. I'm not some kid you need to look out for."
"I'm your friend, Dean. I'm care about you. We've always had each others backs, what's the issue now?" She says exasperated, a bit hurt but she swallowed it down.
Dean hesitates for a moment, swallowing the lump in his throat. He didn't want to admit it, but she was right. They had always had each others' backs, no matter what.
"I... I don't know," he mutters, looking down at his shoes. "I guess I just feel lost without Sam here. I miss him, and I've been taking it out on you. I'm sorry, princess." He finally admitted, her heart softened.
"I'll try and do better, I promise" He sighed, his head dropping with shame. "That's all I wanted to hear, charming." She smiled softly, glad her tough love got the truth out of him.
Reaching over to hug him, Dean lets out a small sigh of relief, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. As he returned the hug, "Thanks" he says softly, squeezing her tightly whilst caressing her hair. "Sorry for being such a dick tonight. I didn't mean to take out my frustrations on you." He apologized.
"We're family. It ain't supposed to be perfect" She chuckled, her arms around his midsection. Dean chuckles, his arms wrapping around her shoulders as he pulled her closer. He agrees, resting his chin on top of her head as a fond smile crept onto his face. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered, pulling away from the hug to look at her. "Family."
"Come on, let's go. It's cold out. Dads passed out on the couch plastered. I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa" She whispered as she opened the door, checking to make sure her father was still passed out.
Authors Note: This one has been sitting in drafts for the longest time. So why the hell not post it, huh? I've mentioned before but the book isn't really gonna be in order much it's gonna have a few time skips Eg, it'll go from them being kids, to adults, to teens, back to kids etc. But I'll fix it up when it's completed and put it in order you will understand.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
Lol, hope everyone liked!🫶
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theemporium · 1 year
Quinn Request:
Quinn and reader are neighbours in the same building, quinn’s a single dad to a 3 year old boy (with a nanny to watch over), and the son befriends reader. Inevitably, Quinn and reader fall into sweet sweet love!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
When you had moved into the apartment complex, you hadn’t expected the young toddler next door to completely capture your heart.
However, that was exactly what Theodore Hughes managed to do. 
He was a bubbly, young boy who had more energy than any child you had ever seen before. He was unbelievably sweet and thoughtful, despite his young age. And above all else, he was one of the cutest kids you had ever seen with a head of dark curls and big green eyes that sucked you in. 
You had met him a few weeks after you moved in after bumping into Theo and his nanny—a kind, older woman you assumed was his grandmother at the time—after you had accidentally locked yourself out of the building complex when you dropped your keys in the lobby in a rush. They were sweet enough to help you in, and small Theo talked your ear off until you realised that you were now twenty minutes late and apologised for your sudden exit.
But one meeting with the young boy turned into many more as you started crossing paths, and in turn started to care for the young boy almost like he was a child under your responsibility. 
He told you all about his life. He told you about how he loved his dad, and how his dad was the best hockey player in the world. He told you how his dad sometimes had to travel away for weeks at a time which meant Maggie would have to come and take care of him. He told you every single detail about his life from his favourite colour to what he dreamed of the night before, and it made you swoon. You never really wanted kids, but something about Theodore Hughes made you rethink your own decisions. 
It wasn’t until a few months after the first meeting that you met Quinn, and you were about fucked from that moment on. 
He was gorgeous. He was gorgeous and a little grumpy, but an absolute softie when it came to his son. And that was all you really needed to see before your heart almost exploded in your chest. 
And he had heard more than enough about you from his son. Theo would never shut up about the pretty neighbour, about how you gave him sweets and sometimes joined him and Maggie in the park, about how he desperately wanted Quinn to meet his friend too. 
Quinn never ever really considered himself bad around girls. He was never one to boast, but he thought he did fairly well with them. Or at least, he thought as much until he was face-to-face with you and felt like he had forgotten every single word in English to ever exist.
“You ever gonna ask her out?” 
Quinn shot his brother a look, ignoring the way he was grinning on the other side of the phone before he turned his attention back to the dinner he was cooking. 
“I will,” he said after a few moments of silence, only to hear Jack snort in response.
“You say that every time.”
“And I mean it every time,” he shot back.
“Daddy goes pink in the face when he sees her!” Theo suddenly spoke up from his spot beside Quinn, his arms curled around his father’s legs.
“Is that right, bud?”
“Uncle Jack, you should see him—”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Quinn grumbled, his eyes narrowing at his younger brother on the screen who was still laughing at him. “You’re turning my own son against me.”
“Maybe Theo needs to ask her out for you.” 
And it was a passing comment made by Jack just to irk Quinn further, just to tease and piss him off that little bit more. But Theo took it as an order, he took it as a mission.
That was how you came in from a late shift, bone-tired and ready for bed, only to see Theo wandering around the lobby aimlessly. More importantly, he was all alone.
“Theo?” You murmured as it took your brain a few seconds to really take in the sight in front of you. “Oh my god, Theo!” 
The boy turned around to look at you, a wide toothy smile spreading across his face. “You’re here!”
“What–” You dropped to your knees in front of the boy, hands on his shoulders as you glanced over him to make sure he was okay. “What are you doing down here alone? Where’s Maggie? Where’s your dad?” 
Theo just shrugged. “I wanna see you.”
“Theo,” you murmured in a stern but soft voice. “Sweetheart, you can’t run off alone like that. People are probably worried about you.”
His cheeks burned but he gave you a sheepish smile. “Can you take me back to my dad?”
You nodded as you opened your arms, quickly picking the boy up before making your way to the elevator. “Why were you looking for me?”
“I wanted to ask you a very important question,” Theo announced as he wrapped his arms around your neck. 
“Oh really?” You raised your brows, trying to bite back your grin as the elevator doors opened. You stepped out as you began to make your way down the corridor to Quinn’s flat. “And what question is that?”
His eyes twinkled with mischief. “You’ll see.” 
You frowned, opening your mouth to say something but you were quickly cut off by the door swinging open.
Quinn’s shoulders instantly dropped in relief when he saw Theo in your arms and he didn’t even care that you were still holding him as he wound his arms around his son. “Oh my god,” he breathed out. “Thank god you’re okay.”
Your face softened a little at the interaction. “He was wandering down in the lobby.”
Quinn pulled back, his brows furrowed together. “How—forget that, why?” 
“I needed to ask an important question,” Theo told his father like that should have explained enough.
Quinn blinked. “What?”
However, Theo ignored his father as he turned to look at you again. “Are you free on Wednesday?” 
You raised your brows in surprise by the question, not expecting that out of everything the young boy could have asked. “Uh, yeah. It’s my day off.”
Quinn watched his son closely. “Buddy, you’re not free on Wednesday. Grandma and Grandpa are coming up to see you, remember?” 
“Yeah, but you’re free, Daddy,” Theo answered simply. 
Your lips parted as realisation hit you. You didn’t even fight the young boy as he wiggled out of your arms and quickly ran back into the apartment, past his father as he was giggling away to himself. Your eyes met Quinn’s and you could see a light blush spread across his cheeks.
“I think your son just asked me out for you,” you mused. 
“About that—” he started but you quickly cut him off.
“I know a great Italian place,” you blurted out, your chest tightening with nerves. “Wanna check it out with me?”
Quinn blinked before a shy smile grew on his face. “I…yeah. Yeah, I would.” 
“It’s a date,” you said with a nod.
“It’s a date,” Quinn repeated, his grin a little wider this time.
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luvhughes43 · 2 years
cuddles | quinn hughes x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: i NEED more quinn fluff esp dad!quinn it's really getting to me 😮‍💨
word count: 0.5k
“Dada?” your two year old daughter asked as soon as she woke up from her nap.
“Baby, daddys out with uncle Jack and Luke on the boat, he’ll be back soon!” you whispered reassuringly to her as she tried pushing her hair out of her face. “Dada back soon?” your daughter repeats and you just nodded saying, “yes baby dada be back soon”.
Your daughter kept asking for Quinn, and knowing she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep without her dads cuddles, you took her outside to wait on the back deck. 
Soon enough, you saw the boys pulling up to the dock. Your daughter was all babbles and giggles as soon as she spotted her dad stepping off the boat. She quickly sat down at the edge of the deck steps scooting the rest of the way down the stairs. 
“DADA!” she squealed toddling into Quinns outstretched arms. “Hi baby,” Quinn coos, picking her up off the ground and holding her tightly. You could hear her giggles all the way up from your spot on the deck as Quinn started kissing her cheeks. 
“How was your nap?” Quinn asked and your daughter started babbling loudly, as if she was trying to explain some complex dream. “Yeah? That good huh” Quinn chuckled, smiling down at his precious daughter in his arms. 
“Aye there’s my girl!” Jack called out as soon as he caught sight of the little girl in Quinns arms.
“Unca Jack!!” Your girl screamed in delight as her uncle Jack took her out of Quinns arms and began to spin her around. “Wuke wuke!” she screeched out as soon as the spinning stopped. 
Luke walked up to his brothers and the little girl made grabby hands for him. Luke scooped the girl out of his brother's arms and ruffled her hair. “What are the plans for the rest of the day?” he asked his brothers but was quickly interrupted by a small voice shouting “ice cream! Ice cream!” causing all three boys to laugh.
“Whatever you want kid” Jack said, moving to ruffle his niece's hair just as Luke had done moments before. 
After some ice cream, everyone was back out on the deck watching the sunset. Your daughter sat in Jack’s lap, leaning into his chest as her eyes kept fluttering shut. “You getting sleepy?” Jack asked the little girl who nodded and rubbed at her eyes tiredly.
“I go to dada now?” she asked, looking up at her uncle. 
“But I want to cuddle!” Jack jokingly pouted at the little girl, causing her to frown. “Dadas better unca Jack!” she said as if Jack should have known that his brother was way better at cuddling.
Jack just laughed out an okay as he passed your daughter back over to Quinn. “She said you're better than me at cuddling” he pouted again for dramatic effect.
Quinn wrapped his daughter up in his arms and rocked her back and forth, “what can I say? She loves her dad”. Quinn smiled down at his daughter as she started snoring softly in his arms.
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ghostfacd · 1 year
it’s not what he’s made for | quinn hughes
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summary; in which you have to accept the fact that quinn hughes will never change and that’s just who he is.
pairing; quinn hughes x fem!reader (platonic jack x reader and luke x reader)
genre; angst, no happy ending, reader has daddy issues, quinn is a pretty shitty person in this (sorry quinnier, love u!)
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Quinn Hughes didn’t like you. And you had no idea why.
You had always been Jack’s best friend, ever since the eighth grade when he accidentally tripped you and promised you ice cream if you stopped crying.
Their lake house was nothing new to you; in fact, you’d probably gone a thousand times, an experience other girls could only dream about. You were able to become close to Ellen and Jim, who had found you cute and adorable, glad you were their middle son’s best friend.
Luke, who was younger than you, always looked up to you as his big sister, and every Hughes seem to love you except Quinn.
“You know he’s just grumpy, right?” Jack whispers as he takes a seat next to you on the kitchen stool.
He knew about your feelings towards Quinn, being grossed out at first when you told him that you had liked his older brother. But, you were his best friend, and seeing you so sad over his own brother also broke his heart.
It wasn’t until the day your first serious boyfriend broke up with you that Quinn showed you sympathy. He was an asshole but not that much of an asshole—or so you thought.
You had cried your entire heart out on the lake-house’s dock, body shaking as you tried to steady your breaths. It was just so when Quinn needed a little breather from his brothers, stumbling outside with a cup of iced water in his hand.
He saw your body shake with your head in your hands and connected the dots right away.
“Hey, you okay?” Stupid question, Quinn thinks as soon as he says it out loud.
“No,” you mumble quietly, wiping away your tears. Even with bloodshot eyes and a clogged nose, Quinn thought you looked pretty.
“Was it Adam?”
He knew about your first boyfriend. Jack had complained about this “Adam” as soon as you two started dating. According to Jack, Adam was a self conceited jackass who didn’t deserve you or your time. Quinn only shrugged at the time, not really caring about you or whatever relationship you were in.
“Yeah,” you whisper quietly. The name of your ex makes you cringe. “I was an idiot for dating him.”
“No,” Quinn sets down his cup of iced water, “he was an idiot for treating you that way. Jack told me in the past, you don’t deserve any of that, and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve you.”
For a moment, it was as if you and Quinn had a connection, one that sparked hope in your heart. He was finally showing you kindness and sympathy, something that you had only wished for in the past.
“Thank you Quinn,” you sniffle, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiled softly, an image that will forever root itself in your memory. The only thing you could think of at that moment was how much of a nice smile Quinn Hughes had.
Over the next few days, Quinn and you had become closer, a bond that wasn’t going unseen by Jack or Luke. They had both noticed you weren’t that sad over Adam anymore—and that the older Hughes actually smiled from time to time.
Just as you’re up on your feet again, your father had called you, scolding you about God knows what and calling you all sorts of names.
You thought as soon as you graduated high school, your father would’ve dropped whatever act he was doing, but clearly he was still very adamant on ruining your life. You couldn’t remember how many times you cried because of him.
“Is it him again?” Luke asks, taking a seat next to you on the couch. He saw your sadness the entire day, not sure if he should comfort you or not.
After all, you were the older one, and it was always you comforting him, not the other way around. Luke was still pretty much an awkward child, but he wanted to help you in any way he could.
He knew how your father was. They all knew. Since you were Jack’s best friend, you often came over the house in tears because of what your dad had said.
“Yeah,” you say, trying your best to smile for Luke. “It’s nothing, really.”
“You don’t always have to be strong in front of me,” Luke whispers. “You are not what your father says you are, okay Y/N? You are so much more than that.”
Nodding slowly, you lean into Luke’s chest. He automatically wraps his arm around you, rubbing your arm to let you know he was there.
Quinn watches from the kitchen with a sour taste. In his eyes, you weren’t getting comforted by Luke after crying your eyes out. No—in his eyes, you were getting with his little brother of all people, and God, Quinn hated you for doing so. He hated you for being so annoyingly perfect—he hated that you were always closer to his little brothers. He hated the fact that you were in Luke’s arms instead of his. He hated it.
The next weekend, Umich was hosting its annual senior dance. Your friends had all practically begged you to leave your dorm, saying how you needed to let yourself free for a night. You didn’t really care for the dance, wanting to focus on your business homework instead but of course, your friends weren’t taking no for an answer.
They told you that they had set you up with a date. You shyly decline, saying you already had someone in mind.
That someone being your best friend’s older brother.
Although he was distant these past few days, you shrug it off as Quinn being Quinn. He was always well kept to himself, so it wasn’t anything new.
“Hey Quinn,” you say as you walk into the kitchen. The older Hughes was busying himself with making toast and jam, and had only acknowledge you with a nod of his head.
“I was wondering.. if you’d like to come with me to Umich’s senior dance? It’s just an event hosted by them every year—super fun, lots of drinks, I’d love it if you could—”
“Like a date?” Quinn raises his eyebrows, quickly cutting to the point.
“Well, I guess you can say it’s a date—”
“I’m good Y/N.”
The coldness of his voice makes your heart sink. Oh God, this was such a bad idea. Why would you ask him? Why why why why?
“Oh okay, forget I even asked then,” you laugh nervously, trying hard not to gulp at Quinn.
Quinn only chuckles, his eyebrows furrowing as his gaze turns into something you can’t quite distinguish.
“You.. you didn’t really think I would like you, did you?”
His words make your chest tighten.
“I mean cmon Y/N seriously? What made you think I would ever love you?” Quinn’s voice gets louder. “Cause I wouldn’t—even if I could.”
You wish the ground would just swallow you whole at that moment. It was already bad that Quinn had rejected you, but now he was claiming he would never love you?
“What the fuck Quinn?” The voice of Luke pulls you out of your trance, his face filled with anger. “Why the fuck would you say that Quinn?”
“Of course you would jump to her defense!” Quinn scowls. “Whatever, I don’t care for this, alright? Leave me the hell alone.”
You feel your heart break for the third time this month, eyes filling with tears yet again.
“What is wrong with him?” Luke mumbles to himself, in shock that his brother would say that to you.
He slowly turns his gaze to you, eyes softening at your broken figure. It hurt him to see a girl he considered his older sister so heartbroken over his own brother.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Luke says into your hair as he hugs you tightly.
“It’s not your fault Luke,” you cry, “I should’ve known. He would never like me. He was just being nice.”
“Hey, stop,” Luke pulls away, looking directly into your eyes. “He’s an idiot if he can’t see how much of an amazing person you are, okay? A big fucking idiot. Don’t beat yourself up over Quinn, he’s not worth any of your tears.”
Luke sighs as he watches your chest rise and fall with each sob. “This whole relationship thing? It’s not what he’s made for.”
“You cannot beat yourself up over a guy who cannot commit Y/N,” Luke whispers. “You’ll find so much better Quinn, I can promise you that.”
But all you wanted was Quinn. Luke was right, even if he was all you wanted, he could never be yours—for Quinn Hughes was not made for relationships, and he was certainly not made for you.
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agaypanic · 8 months
Hey :) I was wondering if since it’s a leap year you would maybe write a oneshot or blurb or smth with James Maguire x reader (maybe like Quinn!reader from your series??) where she proposes on the 29th of February bc it’s a tradition that comes from Ireland?? I just think it would be so cute bc he just totally wouldn’t see it coming and I’ve never seen anyone do it in a fic before
Leap Day (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: You, the girls, and James are now well into your twenties. Life is perfect, except for one little thing that’s been on your mind. After taking with your friends about it, you figure you should take matters into your own hands.
A/N: won’t put it on my series masterlist, but this could be seen as an epilogue of sorts to the fella series (even tho it’s not finished yet lol) but obvi it can be read as its own thing. Also im american so sorry for any terminology and such i get wrong. reader, james, and the girls are obvi aged up
If you had told your younger self that you and your friends ended up staying in Derry after finishing school, she would’ve thought you lost your mind. All she thought about was graduating and leaving home, traveling the world, and escaping her pain-in-the-ass sister Erin and somewhat crazy family.
But if she saw the life you had now, she’d probably understand. Because you had everything you truly wanted.
You had a nice little job close to your flat where you managed a bookstore. It was a quaint shop that became a frequent stop for some of the local teenagers. Erin also stopped by every now and then to boast about what she had already read.
When you weren’t working, you were with your friends. You were a bit more tame than you were in your adolescence, but that all usually went out the window when Michelle got a drink or two in her. Which happened often.
But the best part of your day was when you’d go home to see your boyfriend of many years, the love of your life, James Maguire.
“So, what’s goin’ on with you and him, anyway?” Michelle asked as she messily poured everyone a glass of wine. Every now and then, you and the girls got together for a night to get drunk and catch each other up on anything that happened since the last time you’d gotten together. For some reason, you and James were a bit of a hot topic tonight.
“What d’ya mean, Michelle? You know what’s going on with us.” You laughed, taking your wine glass from her.
“I mean, when are the two of you getting hitched? Has he even popped the question to ya?”
“Believe me, Michelle, you’d all be the first to know if we got engaged.” You said a bit glumly, downing your drink and waving your glass around for Michelle’s attention to fill it again.
“He still hasn’t asked you?” Clare asked with an incredulous look. From the start, she had been a big supporter of your and James’ relationship. If it was up to her, you’d probably have a few kids and a house in the countryside by now. “You’ve been going out since we were sixteen! And you just turned twenty-five a few months ago, didn’t you?”
“Yup.” You responded, popping the ‘p.’ “Nine years and no ring.” You held your bare hand up to prove your point. “But I don’t mind too much. As long as we’re together, that’s really what matters.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.” Clare cooed.
“It’s shit.” Michelle countered.
“Michelle’s right, Y/n,” Erin said, grabbing a crisp from the bowl in the middle of the table. “You’ve been waiting for James to propose since we finished at Our Lady Immaculate; admit it.”
“Have not!” You laughed at the absurdity of your sister’s sentence, but the looks everyone gave you made it die down. “Okay, maybe a little. But not seriously! It was just like a dream, you know? Like Erin thinking she’ll get published or Granda thinking Ma will actually divorce Daddy.” 
Everyone giggled, except for Erin, who was grumbling about your little jab.
“Be serious, Y/n!” Clare laughed, patting your hand. “You’ve been waiting for him to ask for a long while.”
You looked down at your glass, swirling the wine around with a sigh. 
“Maybe a bit.” You answered quietly. It hadn’t really nagged at you too much until recently. After all, you had been together for almost a decade, and everyone else around you seemed to be getting engaged or married. You loved James; truly, you did. But it felt like you were missing out a little. “But I’m fine with waiting.”
“The question is, Y/n, how long are you gonna have to wait until he actually does it?” Erin asked, leaning forward to stare at you. You shrugged, not really knowing the answer and not really wanting to respond.
“You might as well ask him, Y/n!” Your cousin Orla said with a grin. She was always an optimist. “He might just be scared you’ll say no!”
“You know, now that you say it, that’s probably why he hasn’t asked yet,” Michelle said, taking a sip from her wine glass that had been filled more graciously than anyone else’s. “After all, James is a pussy.”
“Don’t call my fella a pussy, Michelle!” You reprimanded, yet you still laughed along with everyone else.
“I can call my cousin what I want. And the fact is that he’s a pussy!”
“You know, that’s not a bad idea, really,” Clare said when everyone’s chuckles had died down. She gasped. “This is a leap year! You could ask him on the twenty-ninth!”
“That’s next week, Clare.” You said a bit nervously. Of course, you’d marry James in a heartbeat. But the thought of proposing, especially so soon, made you a bit sick to the stomach. Now you realize why James probably hasn’t asked you yet.
“It’s either next week or another four years, Y/n,” Michelle said with a teasing smile.
You gulped, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. As you thought about it, you had to admit that it wasn’t really a bad idea. Sure, you had less than an ideal amount of time to plan everything out. But you could probably get something small but nice together.
“Okay… Who’s going ring shopping with me?” The girls squealed at your question, getting up to surround you in a drunken group hug.
It was the twenty-ninth, and you were a nervous wreck. The ring weighed heavy in your pocket as you paced around your dining room. Dinner was sitting waiting on the table, and you were playing your little speech of love over and over in your head. All you needed was James, who should be home soon. But as the minutes ticked by, you wished the clock would freeze so you could have more time to prepare for this.
“Darling, I’m home!” James called out as he opened the door, and you realized you were out of time. You skipped out to the front hall to greet your boyfriend.
“Hi, Jamie.” You cooed, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek before stepping away so he could hang up his coat. 
“Sorry I’m a bit late, needed to finish some things at the office.” 
“Oh, that’s okay, hun.” You waved your hands, both to dismiss his unneeded apology and to get rid of some nervous energy.
James gave you a quick peck before walking off to the bedroom to change, leaving you to overthink a bit more. You wanted tonight to be perfect. James deserved nothing less than that.
To pass the time, you grabbed a candle and placed it in the middle of the small table, finding a lighter to light the wick.
“It’s so nice to be home,” James murmured as he walked over to you, arms slinking around you to pull you close to his chest. He buried his face into your neck, leaving a kiss or two before taking a deep breath. “Dinner smells good.”
“Thank you, Jamie.” You turned your head to kiss his cheek before pulling away from him. The two of you sat down and started putting food on your plates.
You talked about anything and everything, James leading most of the conversation, which you were grateful for. You felt that if you had to talk too much, you’d either stutter too much or end up spoiling your surprise. James held your hand most of the time, playing with your fingers absentmindedly as he talked about something amusing that happened at work.
Eventually, your plates were clear and your cups were empty. James was finishing up a story about something a few of his lads had done while they were all watching some sports game you didn’t know much about. You knew that now was your time.
“Jamie?” He hummed, perking up at the sound of his name. 
“Yes, love?”
“I love you.” You didn’t really know how else to start.
“I love you, too, N/n,” James said, smiling as he squeezed your hand.
You took a deep breath, about to give the speech that you’d been preparing in your head.
“I’ve known that you were the one for me since we were fifth years. Probably since I first saw you at the bus stop. That’s probably crazy, knowing something like that so early and so young… But it’s true.” You laughed, thumb sweeping over his knuckles. “These have been the best years of my life, being with you. And it might be a bit selfish of me, but I want more of them.”
“Y/n…” James whispered, tilting his head. “What are you saying, darling?”
“We have a bit of a tradition here.” You say, wiggling your hand from James’ grasp and standing up. “Ladies’ Privilege, Bachelor’s Day, whatever you fancy calling it. Where on Leap Day, girls can propose to their fella.” You stuck your hand in your pocket, fiddling with the ring. “And seeing how it’s Leap Day now, and I have a ring and all, I guess there’s just one last thing to ask.”
James’ expression turned even more stunned when you got down on one knee, now holding the silver band up in front of him. 
“Will you marry me, Jamie?”
In the few seconds of silence after that question, you could feel your heartbeat in your ears. He looked at you stunned, and you desperately wanted to know what was going through his mind. How long would you have to kneel on the ground for him to give you an answer?
But then he smiled brightly, and all your worry slipped away.
“Of course, I’ll marry you!” James slipped out of his chair to join you on the floor and grabbed your face, giving you a long and deep kiss. You gripped his curls in your free hand, the other resting on his shoulder. When he pulled away, he let out an airy laugh. “I never thought I’d be the one being proposed to.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” You giggled with him as you slipped the band onto his ring finger. “Happy Leap Day.”
“Happy Leap Day, indeed,” James said before kissing you again.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
The Littlest Hughes☆—
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Welcome to my Quinn!dad au
This is gonna be used as the master list where I will post all of the links to updates/requests/blurbs/new chapters/insta edits
Everything will also be posted under the #thelittlesthughesau!!
This au will follow the life of Quinn Hughes and Honey (Reader/Mama Hughes), as they navigate parenthood and raising their three kids within the Hughes family.
Requests are always open!!
☆ my fav thoughts (the rest are under the #thelittlesthughes!!)
Honey's University Era Meet the Littlest Hughes (all three kids) Meet the supporting cast (important characters in the universe) The Littlest Hughes House Uncle Jack and Luke thoughts (Made pre-Maeve) Introduction/ timeline (Made pre-Maeve) Soft Dad!Quinn thoughts Captain ceremony Quinn's OT Goal Hayden's birth — Continued The blossoming of Lexi and Honey's friendship Warren and Quinn after the Canucks are eliminated in round 2 (2024 Playoffs) Hayden has a nightmare Quinn can't make it to Hayden's Daddy Daughter dance Honey's 43 tattoo — Quinn is obsessed Meeting Maeve! Honey's decision on Maeve's Godfather's Some kids lore Hayden comes out to her parents — Hayden comes out to her Uncle's A little more discussion of Hayden and her sexuality!! Warren deals with the Media
☆ fics/blurbs
When Honey falls in love (Rowan's Version) Heaven on earth Say yes to heaven An unexpected surprise What to expect when you're expecting Stop your worrying Oh Captain, my Captain Family dinners and childhood dreams Jingle Bells Summer's Embrace Vegas Nights Late-night fights — continued Life at the lake: Romantic getaways Sunburns and scrapped knees Ms. Innocent He’s precious The Greatest Two's company, three's a crowd Deck the Halls Rocky Mountain High My sweet boy Never Grow Up (Rowan's Version) From Eden
☆ instagram edits/ mood boards
Introducing Mr & Mrs Hughes Proud Wife Happy birthday Q How the Hughes brothers would wish Honey a happy birthday!! Most Wonderful Time of the Year The Battle of the 43s Honey Takes on the Dice & Ice Gala All-Star Week: Draft day Welcome baby Hayd Playoffs: Games 1 Round 1 Happy Mothers Day Thank you Vancouver Vegas Baby Happy Father's Day my love Daddy daughter day Life at the lake: a series of photos Life at the lake: summer of love Trick or treat Business Awards The Newest Addition
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