#quinlan x myles
ironhoshi · 3 years
An au of an au? Yes, I think I will.
He bounced on his heels while he held the door open, anxious to get inside.  Quin was practically hanging off him while they both watched the group of Mandalorians leave the diner. That wasn't exactly strange, Obi-Wan thought, but it was odd. Normally when he visited Dex, well, those bounty hunters weren't there. Was it because they had snuck out of the Temple for late night pancakes? They usually visited earlier in the day. Quin had convinced him easily enough. Doughy things were his weakness. The texture of the soft discs of dough were like a cloud in his mouth. He liked to imagine about what they might taste like, but he knew he would never come close to the actual flavor in his mind.
Siri swore up and down pancakes tasted like happy memories, but she always said that with a strange twinkle in her eye. Garen merely shrugged when asked and said pancakes weren't his thing. 
A most unhelpful couple.
"You think that armor holds a lot of memories?" Quinlan breathed against his ear. Obi-Wan snorted and caught a helmet turn slightly towards them. Oh, kark, had they heard that? He promptly circled his fingers around Quin's wrist to stop him from reaching out. They didn't need to cause a scene. He only breathed easily when the Mandalorians were further down the walkway. He finally dropped his friend's wrist once he was positive the other wasn't going to run after the Mandalorians like a youngling chasing after Master Yoda's floppy ears.
"Come on, let's go see Dex." 
And see Dex they did. His back cracked loudly in the usual hug, but he found himself smiling anyway. 
Dex and his diner was always a comfort.
"Sit! Both of you. I have some new spices I want to try. Might as well waste them on you boys," Dex said in a half teasing tone. They did as ordered, all grins and excited energy. They hadn't been caught by a Knight yet! This might be an actual successful sneak out for once. Though, Obi-Wan figured Feemor would show up about the time their food arrived. He had a nasty habit of stealing food right off his plate before forcing them back to the Temple.
He'd worry about that when it happened.
Obi-Wan thanked Flo when she set some drinks down in front of them. "The usual, honey. Let me know if you need anything else!" 
Quin took a large swig of his drink and then sighed. Obi couldn't help snickering. Finding a soulmate was rare, Quin was chasing after a dream that would never happen. Siri and Garen were an anomaly. He saluted his friend with his own drink before taking a swig. 
Blaster fire- warm sunlight- the soil underneath his feet- something comforting- He promptly spit the mouthful of drink out right into his friend's face. Quin yelled horror. 
"What the frip, Obes?"
Oh, dear. He could taste and no one else was in the diner besides Dex and Quin… Well, that wasn't good. They were going to have to hunt Mandalorians. He groaned as he dropped his face into his hands.
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the-white-queen001 · 4 years
Just thought I'd post this on here since I forgot when I wrote it. This is my Yoda Time Travel AU
I hope you read and enjoy 😊
This is another AU thats mostly crack and will have angst sprinkled in.
Jaster Mereel/Plo Koon
Jango Fett/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Myles the Mandalorian/Quinlan Vos
Silas the Mandalorian/Shaak Ti
Kal Skirata/Female OC
Enjoy 😁
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catsnkooks · 4 years
keep lying (to me) ch. 2: the touch
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Jango Fett
summary: The Jedi Council has heard rumors of a Sith working closely with Mandalorians. They send newly knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos to the heart Mandalore to investigate these rumors. Infiltrating Mandalorian society is harder than expected, especially if said society hates you because of a centuries-long conflict. But that’s nothing a little secret romance won’t fix. 
word count: 1.4k
rating: t
warnings: obi being a flirty lil shit, some cuss words
a/n: i rlly do love them. much love to the jangobi discord for helping me through this
previous chapter, next chapter
Obi-Wan sat down beside Quinlan in the dim cantina and slid the datastick over to him. “There. Anything you could ever want to know about Mandalorian contact with Force users.”
Quin grinned and slid a drink to Obi in return. “I knew you could do it.” He plugged the datastick into his holopad and began filtering the information Obi-Wan gave him.
“Successful, boys?”
Obi-Wan looked up when Katrin approached their table, grinning and taking a swig of his drink. The alcohol burned pleasantly down his throat. “Of course. I'm always successful.”
Oche plopped down in the seat beside him. “Funny, that’s not what I remember happening last time,” she teased, her dark eyes twinkling.
Obi-Wan scoffed. “That was just one time.”
“Uh huh.”
Keep reading
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ironhoshi · 3 years
"And when do we get to see your lovers?"
His jaw clenched slightly, but he didn't rise to the clear bait.
"They are in some meeting right now....and the rest of the day." Best to just go with the flow, not protest. Protesting the lovers comment would only lead to more teasing. Obi-Wan motioned for Aayla to follow him as he talked. "They are expecting us all for dinner. I must warn you," he glanced at Quin, "they will most likely pay more attention to Aayla than you." A small hand grabbed his suddenly, causing him to blink in surprise. He glanced down at the girl and was greeted with a warm smile. That wasn't exactly what he had meant with his hand motion, but it was fine. He had wanted to show her the rest of the room, which could wait just a moment. There was plenty of time to show her her new home. He smiled down at her. Maybe she'd like to visit the library or the garden next?
Actually, he realized, he had no idea what she liked.
Quin had never mentioned.
"That's fine. Aayla deserves to be spoiled, despite what the old folks think." Old folks? Oh, he must mean the Council. Obi-Wan's lips twitched with amusement. So disrespectful and warranted.
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ironhoshi · 3 years
"I see you managed to return without problem," he finally said to the Jetii at the table. He forced his gaze towards the man, trying to stop his obvious staring at Ben. Quin merely gave a shrug and a smirk. That knowing look let him know he had been caught ogling. Well, that was fine, he wasn't ashamed.
"He gave Master Windu a massive headache," Aayla piped up helpfully. Jango wasn't sure why that was important information, but Ben got the strangest little smirk on his face, clearly pleased.
"But it got you as my Padawan early, didn't it?" Quinlan pointed his spork at the young Twi'lek. She merely made a face at him and leaned hard into Ben's side. Possessive. The man blinked in confusion, but promptly put his arm around her. Jango stole a glance with Myles and did nothing to hide his victorious grin. Ben would be an excellent buir.
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ironhoshi · 3 years
"I'm here. I just…it was quiet," he finally said awkwardly. "And I guess I missed you." Then it happened. A distant sound. A faraway honk that he knew had escaped from Jango slipped through the call. His eyes widened. "...Myles."
"Yes, cyar'ika?" Forced innocence. He could picture the amused look on Myles' face perfectly.
"...are you in a meeting?"
Laughter was his response.
He did the only logical thing, he disconnected the call. How many people had heard his faint confession of loneliness? That was beyond embarrassing. Hopefully, it was just Jango, but judging from the time of day, well, it had probably been a roomful of advisors. Great. What was wrong with him? He slumped against the counter, head buried in his arms, and wondered if maybe he was coming down with something. That would explain why he felt so off, right? That thought plagued him until he returned home at the end of the day. It wasn’t until he was standing in the doorway of the Mand’alor’s bedroom that he really realized what he had thought of this place. He pressed a hand against the doorframe while he covered his face with his other hand. Gaze unfocused.
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ironhoshi · 4 years
How had he aligned himself with two of the most dramatic people he had ever met? They were exhausting! Though, to be honest, he cared for them both deeply.
"Maybe you should ground him? Tell him he can't join in the drinks later," Quin finally suggested. Hondo actually paused and then burst out laughing. Yes, it had certainly ended poorly.
Correction. He no longer cared for Quinlan Fake Last Name Ohnaka.
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ironhoshi · 3 years
"I demand this dance," Satine's voice cut in. Obi-Wan jerked, face turning to stare at her with wide eyes. He hadn't expected her to step in, hadn’t even sensed her walk up to them. Bo-Katan made a sound of annoyance, but let go of her grip on him. He could only stand there slightly stunned while the woman he framed grabbed his hand for a dance.
"You know," he said with forced politeness, "most people ask."
"As if you care for manners," Satine retorted before taking the lead. His lips quirked to the side. There was no point hiding his amused smirk, after all, he really didn't care when it came to her. "I know what you did...and I despise you, but-" He could sense the uncertainty welling up inside of her. He didn't feel the least bit bad about the stunt with the questionably acquired goods he dumped in her pockets, not when she vented her uncertainty by digging a heel into the toe of his boot? Well, he found himself wishing he had done more to frame her. He winced and flashed her a smile of teeth. He was going to make her pay.
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ironhoshi · 3 years
For the ask Myles/Quinlan
Oh my goodness. Okay. So.
This is something I am leaning towards... and is there a lot of it out there?
What made you ship it?
The snark. The quick quips. The way Myles could totally make Quin eat the floor and Quin would like it.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Idk. I need to learn more. Is there a pamphlet? Am I really going to need to finish this WIP where they are soulmates? Do I finish my Goose'alor where I somehow seem to have that?
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Tell me the opinions on this ship! I didn't do the homework!!! Does it even have a ship name? Idk. I think Quin would happily call Myles 'daddy' and I cannot believe I wrote that. Pls forgive me
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ironhoshi · 4 years
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"Several ancient texts have vanished from a dig site, along with a most peculiar plant. We were notified the pirates that had stolen them had landed somewhere in this vicinity."
And that was when Ben burst out laughing. Jango merely sighed and had to wonder where the charming botanist had the items hidden. Hadn't a strange potted arrived with him when he had been forcibly moved into the palace?
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ironhoshi · 4 years
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"You did what," he hissed out.
"I said while you've been playing prince, I convinced Jinn to make a visit to the Mand'alor. He is going to request an audience," Quinlan repeated calmly while flicking water off his knee. Obi-Wan regretted not spitting the water in his friend's amused face.
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ironhoshi · 4 years
Did I almost forgot to put this here? Yes, yes I did.
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"Hey," his friend said softly. "It wasn't all you. I punched him too." Obi-Wan's lips twitched with an almost smile. The visual of that gloved fist slamming into Qui-Gon's face did help sooth something inside of him. He was also pleased Quin felt less tremulous in the Force, the vines of darkness easing away from both of them. "And...I should have warned you Chun was here. I'm sorry, I sort of repressed what a real sleemo he was. I realized my mistake when you started yelling."
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ironhoshi · 4 years
(3 chapters in a day is not the norm...)
“Quin,” he hissed in annoyance as his friend made a decent amount of noise. “Stop it.”
Quinlan paused in yanking yet another closet door open and cast a look at him. “Oh, come on, I’ve never been in a palace like this! You came out of your room last night like an angry nexu. How can I not want to explore this new living space that has you all riled up? Sith spit, you have like four whole rooms here! What are you going to do with all this space?”
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catsnkooks · 4 years
keep lying (to me)
Jango Fett x Obi-Wan Kenobi
summary: The Jedi Council has heard rumors of a Sith working closely with Mandalorians. They send newly knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos to the heart Mandalore to investigate these rumors. Infiltrating Mandalorian society is harder than expected, especially if said society hates you because of a centuries-long conflict. But that's nothing a little secret romance won't fix.
word count: 1.2k
rating: t bc jango and myles had filthy mouths
warnings: cursing, obi-wan being the dramatic little shit he is
a/n: what’s one more wip :)))) thanks to those in the jangobi discord for encouragement
next chapter
“This is Agent Hot Pants. Baby Slut, do you read me?”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, pressing his lips together to keep from laughing. He glanced around to make sure no one on the busy street heard his comm. “Quin, there is no reason for these ridiculous code names.”
“Sure there is! We can’t have anyone recognizing the great and famous Obi-Wan Kenobi!”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes again, ducking into an alleyway so he could more discreetly talk on his comm. You kill one Sith Lord and your friends won’t ever let you live it down.
“I thought I was Baby Slut,” came Katrin’s voice crackling over the comm.
“No, no, you’re Nice Ass,” Quinlan continued. “And Oche is If I Had to Pick a Girl.”
“Well, you’re right this time.”
Keep Reading
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ironhoshi · 3 years
“Good?” A grin full of teeth and a nod was the response. “Alright, young one, what else shall we look at before we train for our upcoming prank?”
“The cloud candy!”
He glanced over his shoulder and frowned. The what? Their escort tapped a gloved hand to his shoulder before motioning towards a bright cart where someone was crafting candy that did resemble clouds in a sunset. Ah, sugar. Great. Aayla was going to be brimming with energy after that.
“Cloud candy it is,” he remarked before straightening. He pressed a hand to his lower back and made a note to request for someone to spar with him later. He felt oddly stiff for some reason. “Thank you, by the way.” His voice was pitched low, but the helmet on the nameless Mandalorian inclined in acknowledgment. He really was going to need to learn that person’s name.
Hours later, and far too much sugar later, they both peered over the edge of the ledge, Aayla practically vibrating from excitement or from mass sugar consumption.
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ironhoshi · 4 years
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“Half the day,” Jango called from somewhere else. Obi-Wan blinked and rolled his head to try and find the location of the Mand’alor. “Your Jetii is currently stuck in your suite.” Well, that certainly woke him up and he sat up like the bed had bitten him suddenly. They knew Quinlan was a Jedi! Myles snorted and reached out to tug at the back of his hair. The feeling was distracting, but he still somehow managed to reach up and rub his eyes. The last struggling remnants of sleep fell away at the motion. He needed to focus, needed to defend his friend.
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