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fourfoldfires 1 year ago
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did i post these here? idk now i have.
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jaradeborelandfriends 6 months ago
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Quinfort and Valan
There needs to be more love for these two
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galianbeast 2 years ago
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old quinfort/valan stuff. they were so gay and transgender to me.
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bakuzen-xiv 6 months ago
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Thinking about this guy and his Great Serpent again
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pangolinheart 2 years ago
I rarely write things, and even more rarely post them anywhere, but here's a silly little drabble I wrote eons ago when I was playing through Shadowbringers! I had posted it anyway so I guess I'll share it here too. Enjoy!
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut!
he is a deeply strange unlittle man who is audhd af just by looking at him, but alas i must give evidence besides "it's like his auuraaaa, maaaan". He is extremely skilled at his craft (prophecy), and not just by his own perception, but is considered something of an eccentric ditz by even his best friend (how many adhd people have had "interesting" used in a Not Great fashion on them by dear friends, i ask you). we see him acting recklessly on impulses fairly often in his questline as well, especially for things that are related to his interest in Ronkan history, which he is also extremely verbose about (i say like he isn't pretty chatty in general, a very adhd trait (as we can see by this form i'm filling)). his animations are also very loud/bombastic, and while those aren't specific to him (they're generic ones for guys of his race) they do add to his adhd flare when combined with the rest, and the emotes chosen in his scenes are often physically louder ones. His relationship with his friend Valan adds to this, because it gives the impression that Quinfort has always been like this rather than it being a new thing, including the impulsive/eccentric/offputting behaviors.
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khepri-sunscale 2 years ago
Au Ra August 8: NPC
Khepri paid a visit to the First to visit one of his favorite duos, Quinfort and Valan. 馃悕馃挍
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sezja 2 years ago
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"I think they should kiss. I think that'd solve their problems."
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humblemooncat 2 months ago
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Great White Serpent acquired, and my first thought was "I need to show him to Quinfort immediately"
He would be so happy to see the lil guy. ;v;
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quarterdollar 2 years ago
ronitt ffxiv is so sweet, the sweetest baby boy in the entire world, so sweet that i will suffer through ffxiv鈥檚 crafting system just for him
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islebeescene 2 years ago
Valan: Is that the Great Serpent of Ronka in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
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plounce 2 years ago
these are UNVOICED npcs. so ryne/gaia, sadu/cirina, and sicard/emmanellain are disqualified. we are looking at C-LISTERS AND LOWER!
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ffxivxd 6 months ago
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18 year old Quinfort is known as an outspoken and impulsive young Drahn. Given his gifts in the arcane arts, he's training to become a priest and thus was susceptible to mysterious visions. One such vision was about the Great Serpent of Ronka.
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galianbeast 2 years ago
origin of this pixel art i posted before that i just posted without context cuz i'm saur quirky
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thinking about when i had a quinfort alt
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bakuzen-xiv 11 months ago
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Sorry Valan, your bf can't hear you over the whispers of the Great Serpent of Ronka
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aotopmha 7 months ago
In celebration of spoiler embargo lifting I want to talk about probably my favourite dungeon in Dawntrail so far and how it examplifies the shift in dungeon design while also being really cool narratively.
This dungeon is Tender Valley.
First, I think this might be one of the few dungeons in the game I absolutely love all of the bosses from on a gameplay level.
Barreltender flexing between attacks is super fun, but almost all of his attacks being broadening AoE effects makes him a really fun dance. You have just enough time to react to them.
I think the exploding cactusses are the hardest to dodge because the safe spot is so specific and fairly small, but you never have too much downtime and always have to pay attention somewhat.
It's a great example of bosses being more engaging, rather than necessarily "harder" and I think a great fresh take on a classic Final Fantasy enemy.
Anthracite, on the other hand, has a really interesting dance that you need to read your environment for solving.
There are the obvious big AoE bombs, but there are also two different shapes of holes that lead to the labyrithine sewer system.
If a bomb falls into the round opening on one side, the attack will go through the round openings on one side of the arena.
If the bomb falls into the square hole on the other side, the attack will go through the square holes you can see on the other side of the arena.
It took me a bit to figure out there were two different shapes, but combining this with the base AoE can make for a little more involved dance, since, once again, you can't sit still for long.
This boss is a great example of also testing your environmental awareness in a little more of an inventive way than maybe some other encounters.
As you move towards the third boss, the environment changes and enemies styled after the Skydeep Cenote.
Or are they?
And then there's an interesting mob situation where you enter a room, which the mob essentially uses to attack with lasers while you have to use the walls in the room to dodge them.
But just like with Skydeep Cenote, the reference point is now pretty obvious.
This is strangely similar to some of the mobs and contraptions in Qitana Ravel.
And who else is the final boss, but the Greatest Serpent of Ron-Tural!
Yes, Tural!
I has such a grin on my face when I saw it.
It's a great punchline if you've done at least even the starting part of the questline in Rak'tika with Quinfort and his dreams suddenly fit perfectly within lore. He just had dreams of The Source.
It's like a perfect capstone to that questline.
I suspected the Ronkan connection the moment I saw Y'Shtola with those tablets in the trailer, but considering the Ronkan principles of "history being learned, not remembered" and in turn their similarity of the Yok Huy's principles of "we die when we are forgotten", it all falls into place in a great way.
Very smooth ties here. Now that we have this setup all nicely established, I wonder what else they plan to do with it.
It's "minor" enough on its own that it can just stay as a fun bit to further confirm Source/Shard connections, but I feel like Ronkans and the Yok Huy just might have some more important lore stuff coming.
We have the Shard travel plot line with Unukalhai and Cyella and the 13th and Ryne and Gaia also still truly looking to restore the First.
I'm curious if Rak'tika might just become extremely important regarding these plots now since we have this clear connection.
But this also is an optional dungeon.
We'll see.
To finish off talking about the dungeon itself, though, The Greatest Serpent of Ron-, I mean Tural, combines the two aspects of engagement of the previous two bosses.
You have the reactive aspects with reading the Bouncy Council (great name) and the various AoEs and the environmental aspect with Greatest Labyrith, where you have to find the correct path of arrows out of the maze.
I think there are varying solutions for the maze, but I'm not entirely sure. It's another great call back to Rak'tika, though.
I enjoyed the puzzle solo duties a bunch and I still think they're some of the more cool and unique ones from the game.
It's a very specific kind of "great" to me.
Some are really great at specifically gameplay/story integration (Amaurot, Dead Ends), some have really great set pieces/bosses (Matoya's Relict, Bardam's Mettle) and some just combine some really cool important "side" lore elements with great bosses (The Twinning).
Tender Valley feels like a Twinning moment to me where technically it is all "side" stuff, but not really because it is still connected to pretty important big picture stuff.
I'm curious what they'll do with it. And honestly okay with the answer is "nothing much", but I also don't buy it wouldn't have more importance in some way.
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