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This is my contribution for this fandom, and it was actually @florbe-triz idea (pretty accurate idea tbh) xD
tardé una banda porque no me decidía por la foto, tag yourself i’m obse helga
#Arataka Reigen#mp100#this was necesary y'know#Reigen why are you like this#we still love him#my edit#florbe-triz#quinceminutes
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Hola Ale, te dejo preguntas :D cotton candy, cinnamon and green tea!
Hola Celes!three places you want to travel to?: Me limitaré a países porque con lugares o ciudades me cuesta mucho, así que: UK (o inglaterra al menos), Japón e Italiahave you ever been confessed to?: como declarado? sí. Si es como confesar un secreto, es probable pero no me acuerdo de ninguno ahora.favorite flavors of ice cream?: Chocolate suizo Gracias por preguntar
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Of course I associate the Matsuno brothers with you, but mostly Jyushimatsu. I love how you draw him, I think you put some special love on him everytime
Awwwww!!!! You’re right about that, I gotta make sure the sunshine boy is the sunniest and the shiniest he can be hehe ( ^^)
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I thought I could organize freedom, how Scandinavian of me, you sussed it out, didn’t you?
Hunter - Björk
#Ken Kaneki#Tokyo Ghoul#Kaneki#everytime I hear this song I think of him so...#I've been reading too much TG#Björk#quote#my art#quinceminutes#fanart#pink#it's also based on a David Tennant pic lol#Ghoul
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I know I'm so late, but I wanted to make something for this amazing anime which helped me stay strong and give and receive love in so many ways 💕. These characters are always in my heart. Happy first anniversary babes!
#YoI#Viktuuri#Katsuki Yuuri#Viktor Nikiforov#Victor Nikiforov#lol I know I always write it wrong#it's on purpose btw#inktober#quick post#QuinceMinutes
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Destinos Enredados (Entwining Fates)- Capítulo 2
Como les conté en este post, estoy trabajando en la traducción de una fan fiction de rinsled05.
Gracias por leer! <3
#YoI#Yuri!!! On Ice#Hogwarts AU#fanfic#Victuuri#Otayuri#fanfic español#fanfic rec#HP AU#Katsuki Yuuri#Viktor Nikiforov#Yuri Plisetsky#Otabek Altin#Phichit Chulanont#rinsled05#cheapescape23#quinceminutes#Entwining Fates#AO3#Quidditch
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Quick Vitya before I get back to study. Music careers are a trap. Have a nice week, you who are reading this!
#Viktor Nikiforov#YoI#Vitya#send help here (?)#Yuri!!! on Ice#fan art#mine#QuinceMinutes#QuinceHours#pencil#of course I did this when I should have been studing harmony#but oh well#my art#Victor Nikiforov
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It is what it is
I’m just so happy with this season finale. I just couldn’t wait more, as usual since we’re talking about BBC Sherlock.
THANK YOU Moffat and Gatiss for creating such a love story, and by saying love I mean it in its deepest way. Love, after all, is what save us all, and it’ll always be. Because when I started to watch this series, I saw this man:
lonely, risking his own life just because he was bored and didn’t think that the world had something prepared for him. He couldn’t even remember he had a brother, a best friend who died because Mycroft didn’t even let him do that, to have a memory of what love really is. And then when John arrives we have the same brother remembering Sherlock that “caring is not an advantage” (and let me hate Mycroft just a bit for that, though I really like him). And now we have this:

With his family, as he said, happy with his little pretty life, surrounded by the love of his friends and taking care of them.
I know what we all expected... I don’t want anyone to misunderstand this, I’m a “Johnlock fan”, my heart is with them since I don’t conceive a world where they’re not canon (at least in the world that Moffat and Gatiss created). It’s just that... this end was perfect. I can live without a kiss, without marriage or anything, just because this, in my opinion, is real love, and no one can deny it. They’re living together, with their daughter (yes, because I don’t think this image of Sherlock playing with Rosie is a shitty uncle thing, just look at him, look at them!), solving cases, they’ve said everything to each other, and there’s no need to put a name to that relationship. It is what it is, they have told us.
You know, for me, in my life, I found that love is something you cannot name, something more powerful than anything, and we just can’t look at it directly. We just can feed it, with our passion, take care of it, with our actions everyday, but never get the “perfect” love, the romantic love is a lie. Love is not a simple date, a kiss or a present; it is desire, union, honesty. I don’t think they’re “just best friends”, but I also don’t think they’re “a couple”. Because they don’t need either. They just live their love as they can, letting it into their souls. That, I think, is the most beautiful and powerful action a human being can do for his own life, and the ones he loves. Sherlock let love in, we saw it, we saw the process. I don’t mind what they call it... Jesus, they don’t mind. And we have evidence of that, we heard that from them. They don’t have to have an annyversary, or a wedding, they just have to live together, doing what gives their lives sense. Just look at them and tell me you don’t see that, I dare you. Because is all that I see, and it’s not too little, it’s not meaningless, it’s not weak.
Sherlock could let go Moriarty, he could see who his brother really is, he found friends, he understood that we’re all just humans, even him, even John. And since we are, we must live with love and for it.
Everything, since the beggining, bring us to this. The final problem. And I’m just so happy of being part of it, watching here at home, this was awesome and I learned a lot. I just hope someday I can create something like this, something that reaches people’s hearts. Sherlock reached mine, so thank the world so much for that.
#Sherlock#spoilers#Sherlock spoilers#The final problem#Johnlock#my opinion#sorry for my shitty english btw#in spanish this would have been 20 pages long#quinceminutes
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Levi Ackerman phone wallpaper (1080p x 1920p)
So, I’ve been doing this because my little sister asked me to, and of course I need a new block screen for my phone. Levis for everyone! <3
PS: I’m the crazy Dot’s Lady (?).
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The moment when John talks to the Mary in his head and confess everything was, for me, so heartbreaking not only because of the characters but also for thinking about Martin and Amanda in the real life. I mean, I don’t know why they ended their relationship, I know they’re in good terms, but everything John said to her, that he wasn’t like she thought he was, that in the end it is what it is... It’s just so real and deep, for any couple. And even if they broken up, in general it’s so sad they (Mary and John; Amanda and Martin; any other couple you know) couldn’t find the way to make love work, by knowing that we, as human beings, never get to know completely other people, and that love is just that, trying all life to get to really know the other, despite we know it might be impossible.
(Also, this obviously killed me for personal reasons, but nevermind).
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• Happy birthday Billie Joe!
I actually wanted to make real and cute wallpapers, but my inspiration abandoned me and save these just with the little color edit sorry not sorry.
I just hope him the best as he’s still my idol since I was a little girl. Also my first crush <3. Thanks for your music and for inspiring me everyday to continue doing what I love!
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2, 3 and 30! :D
2. definitivamente Snape/Hermione. si no fuera por una buena amiga que hizo un fic maravilloso de ello, jamás hubiera caído de aquella forma.3. Conozco hartas raras pero no se me ocurre ninguna particularmente rara que yo shipee. lo siento ):
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I've just seen:
Lost Highway (1997), by David Lynch.
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-Southwind es un lugar muy peculiar. Cuando estás allí, parece tan real como cualquier sitio de este mundo y mejor que cualquier sitio de este mundo. Pero cuando estás aquí... -Se encogió de hombros con un además que a Lisey se le antojó triste-. No es más que un rayo de luna. Lisey recordó aquella noche tumbada en la cama de The Antlers con Scott, contemplando los esfuerzos de la luna por hacerse visible, escuchando su historia y pasado con él al otro lado. Esfumándose. -¿Cómo lo llamaba Scott? -inquirió Amanda. -Boo'ya Moon. -Bueno, no me había equivocado tanto. -No. -Creo que casi todos los niños tienen un lugar al que van cuando tienen miedo, se sienten solos o simplemente se aburren. Lo llaman el País del Nunca Jamás, el País de las Maravillas o Boo'ya Moon si tienen mucha imaginación y se lo inventan. La mayoría acaba olvidando ese lugar. Los de más talento, como Scott, ponen arneses a sus sueños y los convierten en caballos. -Tú también tenías mucho talento. Fuiste tú quien inventó Southwind, ¿no? Las niñas del pueblo jugaron a eso durante años. No me extrañaría que algunas niñas de Sabbatus Road todavía jugaran hoy en día. Amanda lanzó una carcajada y sacudió la cabeza. -La gente como yo no está hecha para pasar al otro lado. Mi imaginación sólo bastó para meterme en líos. -Manda, eso no es verdad... -Sí lo es -la atajó Amanda-. Los loqueros están llenos de personas como yo. En nuestro caso, nuestros sueños nos ponen el arnés a nosotros y nos fustigan con látigos suaves, oh, encantadores, y corremos y corremos, pero sin movernos del sitio..., porque el barco..., Lisey, las velas nunca se despliegan, y el barbo nunca leva el ancla... Lisey se arriesgó a mirarla de nuevo. Las lágrimas resbalaban por las mejillas de su hermana. Quizá nunca se derramaban lágrimas en aquellos bancos de piedra, pero sí, aquí formaban parte de la puñetera naturaleza humana.
La Historia de Lisey
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