dyke-yoonji · 8 years
For the ship thing: clizzy please
who hogs the duvet: I feel like Clary is quite the hogger. When she was younger she sometimes had sleepovers with Simon, which meant she had to toughten up her skin to keep her ass from freezing off during the night, so now she hass those preservation skills and Izzy has to pay the conseuences
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: both of them do it quite a lot, actually. It’s gotten to the point where clary might have just left the Institute to go to college or smth and she calls Izzy the moment she gets there like “oh hi, how are you doing? I haven’t heard from you in a while?” and everyone around them is drowning in soft
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Clary always is the best at crafting gifts and making things herself, but Izzy is actually very good at finding random shit that clary ends up loving
who gets up first in the morning: Izzy ten/ten. she has an internal clock thats always ticking and if you think that hair that beautiful comes naturally you’ve been mistaken.
who suggests new things in bed: Izzy. At the beginning Clary was kinda nervous about it, but eventually it gets easier. Plus Izzy is a very gentle lover and always makes sure to ask Clary what does she want to do and where does she want her etc
who cries at movies: Izzy insists that she doesn’t but Clary caught her sniffling during The Lion King. (”I said that I don’t cry easily, not that my heart is made of stone, Cl ar i ssa)
who gives unprompted massages: Isabelle Lightwood, fight me in this. From her physical therapy training to become a forensic pathologist she can tell when someone is unnaturally tensed, and whenever she sees Clary stressed or anything, she just gives her massages
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Izzy tries to, and she even prepares Clary soup from scratch made of love- that clary eats, bless her heart, which usually makes the situation sometimes worse. Clary is 10x worse when Izzy is sick, she goes theatrical af and she’s a drama queen. (”Your temperature raised, oh my god Izzy, we have to get a doctor” “Clary, thats what happens when you go under the duvet”)
who gets jealous easiest: neither? I feel like at the beginning, Clary was the worst jealous ever and Izzy came a close second, but once they got together they overcame it, really? they loved each other and just were secure in each other’s love too
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Clary will listen to everything from Disney songs to rap music, from Adele to some random death metal indie band
who collects something unusual: clary collects all kinds of brushes? hair brushes, paint brushes, make up brushes? every brush clary wants it
who takes the longest to get ready: Clary has her days, but it’s usually Izzy. As I said, iZZY’S HAIR TAKES TIME AND PATIENCE
who is the most tidy and organised: gotta say Izzy. Clary is not messy, but her art studio is an organised chaos, just like her mind
who gets most excited about the holidays: Clary, hands down. Izzy didn’t really do much holidays festivity because her mother wasn’t really into it, while Clary starts singing Mariah Carey the momoent the clock turns on 01/11
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i dont know, i feel like they exchange it every other time. But Izzy likes being the big spoon A Lot, okay, and Clary doesn’t mind it one bit when Izzy’s hair is under her neck
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: uhm have you met them? They are the most badass team together, but if they’re against each other? nobody is safe, its every man for himself, receipts are pulled, the trash talk is on fire, they show no mercy
who starts the most arguments: they don’t really fight about important things, but they will fight over the most random and insignificant stuff, like who used who’s hairbrush and ‘oh my god, Izzy, you have enough hair brushes why are yOU STEALING THE ONES FROM MY COLLECTIONS” “well sorry IF IM USING THEM FOR WHAT THEYRE MEANT INSTEAD OF LETTING THEM DIE UNFULFILLED”
who suggests that they buy a pet: clary just sees an animal on the streets and brings it home, and Izzy has a very hard time telling her no. (”Izzy why do you have a racoon in your living room?” “Alec I dare you to look into Clary’s eyes and tell her to get rid of it,,, I dare yoU!”)
what couple traditions they have: they have date night once a month every month and movie night every weekend. The first one was established by Clary, the second by Izzy 
what tv shows they watch together: They both really love musicals, so they adore The Get Down. also stuff like Criminals Minds and Brooklyn Nine Nine.
what other couple they hang out with: sometimes they hand out with Magnus and Alec, but especially love hanging out with Jace and Meliorn. Meliorn and Clary spend hours talking about flowers and plants and art. while Jace and Izzy watch them fondly
who made the first move: they don’t even remember, they started dating before knowing they were dating. Once Simon pointed out that Clary was going to be late for her date night with Izzy and Clary was like?? date?? and when she asked Izzy she’s like?? we’re dating?? if I knew i would have kissed you already??
who brings flowers home: clary adores flowers and brings home a lot, but for her birthday Izzy literally built her a greenhouse with tons of flowers, so Izzy wins this round
who is the best cook: look at me in the eyes and ask me again
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Sapphic Raffle Matches!
These are everyone’s matches for the Sapphic Raffle. All the usernames are bolded and in alphabetical order. To the right of your username are two of the people you were matched with. If you’d like, you could search down the list for the other two people who were matched with you.
I tried my best to make sure that I copied everyone’s username correctly, but if you notice that your username is spelled incorrectly please notify me of it so I can change it. I want to make sure everyone you were matched with / everyone who was matched with you can reach your blog successfully.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about the raffle, feel free to send me an ask. I’d love to hear everyone’s feedback! Whether you liked it or didn’t like it. And if I did this again in the future, what you think I should change.
Now, enough with my ramblings! Here are your matches:
abnormalee - vanillajuvenilia , bloodandrainbows addicted-to-bmth - xavierrena , coolfreeme adria121212 - echsng , thetruepremise alexis-the-toasty  - sebstanfan9222 , petrichor-draws alias-copper - gilleoni , certified-atte amb-positivity - whatevertotesyourgoat , bill-nya-the-science-fly amoryagape - coolfreeme , xavierrena bill-nya-the-science-fly - constantlyconfusedaf , squashytea bloodandrainbows - thetruepremise , findinggabi certified-atte - constantlyconfusedaf , hotter-than-the-rest constantlyconfusedaf - sebstanfan922 , helllloise coolfreeme - certified-atte , squashytea echsng - hotter-than-the-rest , thebitterbisexual feminstan - xx-rashay-xx , ladyflipside fieryrainshadow - helllloise , whatevertotesyourgoat findinggabi - getdamagedbecky , voidsofspaces forte-gay - justcasualfangirl , lizbian02 getdamagedbecky - quicklygenerousshark , fieryrainshadow gilleoni - bill-nya-the-science-fly , xx-rashay-xx helllloise - abnormalee , thecasualpasserby hopelessbubbles - echsng , quicklygenerousshark hotter-than-the-rest - addicted-to-bmth , only-fluff hpfanbihexual - hopelessbubbles , justcasualfangirl httpjedi - i-monbabe , seaoflittlefires i-monbabe - sunflowerteaa , addicted-to-bmth justcasualfangirl - abnormalee , ladyflipside ladyflipside - thegayarmada , alias-copper light-hearted-lesbian - thegayarmada , running-from-the-moon lizbian02 - getdamagedbecky , hpfanbihexual lunnetis - amoryagape , hopelessbubbles marshmallowsweetheart - sunflowerteaa , alexis-the-toasty only-fluff - i-monbabe , httpjedi petricohor-draws - voidsofspaces , smol-pan-bean quicklygenerousshark - seaoflittlefires , forte-gay running-from-the-moon - findinggabi , amoryagape seaoflittlefires - fieryrainshadow , light-hearted-lesbian sebstanfan922 - lunnetis , lizbian02 smol-pan-bean - hpfanbihexual , lizbian02 sunflowerteaa - petricohor-draws , only-fluff squashytea - amb-positivity , feminstan thebitterbisexual - marshmallowsweetheart , amb-positivity thecasualpasserby - forte-gay , smol-pan-bean thegayarmada - marshmallowsweetheart , httpjedi thetruepremise - thecasualpasserby , thebitterbisexual vanillajuvenilia - gilleoni , alexis-the-toasty voidsofspaces - alias-copper , lunnetis whatevertotesyourgoat - adria121212 , feminstan xavierrena - running-from-the-moon , adria121212 xx-rashay-xx - vanillajuvenilia , bloodandrainbows
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