blueeyeswhitegirlcock · 2 months
google dot com psychoactive effects of tofu google dot com tofu opiate real? google dot com tofu bible verses
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bestofasbestos · 1 year
DAMN. I know our phones listen to us but i was setting up quickcrete and now I'm getting ads for quickcrete. like oh. they listen-LISTEN to us. I'm about to smash this thing.
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anipgarden · 1 year
Things to Do that Aren't Related to Growing Plants
This is my second post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
Some of us just don’t have much luck when it comes to growing plants. Some of us simply want to aim for other ways to help that don’t involve putting on gardening gloves. Maybe you've already got a garden, but you want to do more. No problem! There’s a couple of options you can look into that’ll help attract wildlife in your area without even having to bring out any shovels!
Provide a Water Source
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Oftentimes when I see ‘add a water source’ in informational articles about improving your backyard for wildlife, it’s almost always followed by an image of a gorgeous backyard pond with a waterfall and rock lining that looks expensive to set up, difficult to maintain, and overall just… not feasible for me. Arguably, not feasible for a lot of people. And that’s okay! There’s still ways to add water in your garden for all kinds of creatures to enjoy!
There’s tons of ways to create watering stations for insects like bees and butterflies. A self refilling dog bowl can work wonders! Add some stones into the receiving tray for insects to land on or use to climb out, and you’ve got a wonderful drinking spot for all kinds of insects! You can also fill a saucer or other dish with small stones and fill it, though it’ll likely need refilling daily or even several times a day during hot times. 
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I've seen people online use all kinds of things to make water features. Some go with terra-cotta pots, pebbles, and a cheap pump to get a small and simple fountain. Others use old tires, clay, and a hole in the ground to create an in-ground mini pond system. If all else fails, even a bucket or watertight box with a few plants in it can do the trick--though do be wary of mosquitoes if the water isn’t moving. In situations like these, a solar-powered fountain pump or bubbler are great for keeping the water moving while still making it a drinking option for wildlife (it not even more appealing for some)--and these items can be obtained fairly cheap online!
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Bird baths are an option as well--a classic way to provide for birds in your area, they can be easy to find online or in a gardening store! The only downside is that a good, quality bird bath can be pricey up-front. However, a nice stone bird bath should last a long time, be easy to clean and refill, and be enjoyed by many birds! I’ve also seen tutorials on how to make your own with quickcrete! Bird baths will be a welcome sight to birds, as they provide a space for them to drink and bathe to regulate the oils in their feathers for flight and insulation. Putting a stone in the middle will also help insects to escape if they fall in, and provide a place to perch so they can get their own drink. You’ll want to change the water and clean the baths regularly--as often as once a week, if you can manage it.
If possible, it’s highly encouraged to fill and refill water features with rainwater instead of tap water. Tap water is often treated, so instead of using hoses or indoor kitchen water, collecting some rainwater is a great alternative. Collecting rainwater can be as simple as leaving cups, bins, or pots outside for awhile.
Butterflies and other creatures will also drink from mud puddles. If you can maintain an area of damp soil mixed with a small amount of salt or wood ash, this can be fantastic for them! Some plants also excel at storing water within their leaves and flowers (bromeliads come to mind), making them an excellent habitat for amphibians as well as a drinking spot for insects and birds.
Bird Feeders and Bird Houses
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Some of the fancy, decorated bird feeders are expensive, but others can be pretty low-cost--I got my bird feeder from Lowe’s for around 10 dollars, and a big bag of birdseed was around another 10 dollars and has lasted several refills! If you don’t mind occasionally buying more birdseed, a single birdfeeder can do a lot to attract and support local birds! If you’re handy, have some spare wood, and have or can borrow some tools, you may even be able to find instructions online to make your own feeder. You may not even need wood to do so! Even hummingbird feeders, I’ve found, are quick to attract them, as long as you keep them stocked up on fresh sugar water in the spring and summer!
An important note with bird feeders is that you have to make sure you can clean them regularly. Otherwise, they may become a vector for disease, and we want to avoid causing harm whenever possible. Also keep an ear out and track if there’s known outbreaks of bird diseases in your area. If local birding societies and scientists are advising you take your birdfeeders down for awhile, by all means, do it!
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Bird houses are naturally paired with bird feeders as biodiversity promoters for backyard spaces, and it makes sense. Having bird houses suited to birds in your area promotes them to breed, raise their young, disperse seeds, and generally engage in your surrounding environment. Setting them up takes careful selection or construction, preparation, and some patience, but sooner or later you might get some little homemakers! Keep in mind, you will need to clean your birdhouses at least once a year (if not once per brood) to make sure they’re ready and safe for birds year after year--you wouldn’t want to promote disease and parasites, after all. But they could be a valuable option for your landscape, whether you purchase one or construct your own! 
Again, do make sure you're putting up the right kind of boxes for the right kinds of birds. Bluebird boxes are some I see sold most commonly, but in my area I believe they're not even all that common--a nesting box for cardinals or chickadees would be far more likely to see success here! And some birds don't even nest in boxes--robins and some other birds are more likely to use a nesting shelf, instead! Research what birds live in your area, take note of any you see around already, and pick a few target species to make homes for!
Solitary Bee Houses
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A bee house or bee hotel is a fantastic way to support the solitary bees in your area! For a few dollars and some annual cleaning, you can buy a solitary bee house from most big box nurseries. Alternatively, you can make one at home, with an array of materials you may already have lying around! You can even make them so that they’ll benefit all kinds of insects, and not necessarily just bees.
Though you don’t even necessarily have to break out the hammer and nails, buy a ton of bricks, or borrow a staple gun. Making homes for tunneling bees can be as simple as drilling holes in a log and erecting it, or drilling holes in stumps and dead trees on your property. You might even attract some woodpeckers by doing this!
Providing Nesting Area
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There are tons of different kinds of bees, and they all make different kinds of homes for themselves. Not all of them make big cavity hives like honey bees, or will utilize a solitary bee house. Bumblebees live in social hives underground, particularly in abandoned holes made by rodents--some others nest in abandoned bird nests, or cavities like hollow logs, spaces between rocks, compost piles, or unoccupied birdhouses. Borer, Ground, and Miner bees dig into bare, dry soil to create their nests. Sparsely-vegetated patches of soil in well-drained areas are great places to find them making their nests, so providing a similar habitat somewhere in the garden can encourage them to come! I do talk later in this document about mulching bare soil in a garden--however, leaving soil in sunny areas and south-facing slopes bare provides optimal ground nesting habitat. Some species prefer to nest at the base of plants, or loose sandy soil, or smooth-packed and flat bare ground. They’ve also been known to take advantage of soil piles, knocked over tree roots, wheel ruts in farm roads, baseball diamonds and golf course sand traps. You can create nesting ground by digging ditches or creating nesting mounds in well-drained, open, sunny areas with sandy or silty soil. However, artificially constructed ground nests may only have limited success. 
Providing Alternative Pollinator Foods
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Nectar and pollen aren’t the only foods sought out by some pollinators! Some species of butterflies are known to flock to overripe fruit or honey water, so setting these out can be an excellent way to provide food to wildlife. You may want to be cautious about how you set these out, otherwise it can help other wildlife, like ants or raccoons. Butterflies may also drop by to visit a sponge in a dish of lightly salted water. 
Bat Houses and Boxes
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Big or small, whether they support five bats or five hundred, making bat boxes and supporting local bats is a great way to boost biodiversity! Not only will they eat mosquitoes and other pest species, but you may also be able to use the guano (bat droppings) as fertilizer! Do be careful if you choose to do that though--I’ve never had the opportunity to, so do some research into how strong it is and use it accordingly.
Provide Passageway Points
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If you want your area to be more accessible for creatures that can’t fly or climb fences, allowing or creating access points can be an excellent way to give them a way in and out. Holes in the bottom of walls or fences can be sheltered with plants to allow animals through. 
In a somewhat similar manner, if you’re adding a water fixture, it’s important to provide animals a way to get into and out of the pond--no way in, and they can’t use the water. No way out, and they may drown. Creating a naturalistic ramp out of wood beams or sticks, or stepped platforms out of bricks, stones, or logs can do the trick. 
Get or Keep Logs and Brush Piles
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I’ve already mentioned logs a good handful of times so far in this post. To be used as access ramps, or as nesting areas for solitary bees. But they have value as much more than that! Logs on the ground provide shelter for all kinds of animals, especially depending on size--anything from mice, reptiles, and amphibians to things like turkey vultures and bears will use fallen logs as shelter. Inside of a decaying log, there’s a lot of humidity, so amphibians are big fans of them--meanwhile, the upper sides of them can be used as sunning platforms by things like lizards. Other animals can also use the insides of logs as nest sites and hiding places from predators too big to fit inside. Fungi, spiders, beetles, termites, ants, grubs, worms, snails, slugs, and likely much more can be found inside rotting logs, using the rotting wood as food sources or nesting places. They can then provide food for mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. They can also be regarded as a landmark or territory marker as wildlife get more familiar with your space.
So how do you get logs for cheap? Try Chip Drop! I talk about them more in a future post, but you can mark saying that you’d like logs in your drop, so they’ll give you any they have! In fact, you may even get a drop faster if you're willing to accept some logs. You may also be able to approach arborists you see working in your area and ask for logs. There may also be local online listings for people selling logs for cheap, or just trying to get rid of them. If there’s land development going on near you, you may be able to snag logs from trees they cut down to make space. Do keep in mind, you don’t need to have huge gigantic logs laying around your property to make an impact--even small logs can help a lot.
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If possible, creating and leaving brush piles on the edge of your property can be a great boost to biodiversity--even if you may not see the wildlife using it. They’ll provide shelter from weather and predators, and lower portions are cool and shady for creatures to avoid the hot sun. The upper layers can be used as perch sites and nest sites for song birds, while lower layers are resting sites for amphibians and reptiles, and escape sites for many mammals. As the material decays, they also attract insects, and as such they’ll attract insect-eating animals too. As more small animals find refuse in your brush pile, their predators will be attracted to them as well. Owls, hawks, foxes, and coyotes are known to visit brush piles to hunt. Making a brush pile can be as simple as piling branches and leaves into a mound, as big or as small as you want. You can even use tree stumps or old fence posts near the base, and keep stacking on plant trimmings and fallen branches. Do note that you don’t want to do this near anything like a fire pit.
Don't forget, with all of these, your mileage may vary for any variation of reasons, so don't worry if you can't take all of even any of these actions! Even just talking about them with other people may inspire someone else to put out a bat box, or leave a few logs out for wildlife!
That's the end of this post! My next post is gonna be about ways to get seeds and plants as cheaply as possible. For now, I hope this advice helps! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in!
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Growing your own fresh blackberries and raspberries is incredible...unless they get overgrown, thorny, and unmanageable. Use this DIY berry trellis design to help contain these cane crops and make sure you get HUGE harvests of these nutritious and delicious fruits.
00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Overview
00:34 - Build Design
01:01 - Cutting Posts
02:01 - Setting Posts
03:09 - Crossbeams
04:13 - Fastener Explanation
05:14 - Installing Fasteners
06:16 - Wiring Up
07:34 - Complete Build
2 ea 4x4'- 8' Common Redwood
1 ea 2x4'- 8' Common Redwwod
4 ea 5/16" x 3" Eye Bolt w/ Nut
4 ea 5/16" Washers
4 ea 5/16" Lock Washers
8 Screws or Bolts To Secure
2 ea 50lb Quickcrete
4 ea One Way Anchor Vise 12 Gauge
100' 12 Gauge Galvanized Wire
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Other links may be affiliate links as well, in which Epic Gardening earns a small commission for referring a sale.
→ Power Planter 12": https://bit.ly/3calE3q
→ Felco CP : https://bit.ly/3c6pP03
→ Felco Hawksbill Knife: https://bit.ly/3auTDmN
→ Wire Anchor Vice: https://amzn.to/3uKH6lT
→ 12 Gauge Wire: https://amzn.to/3aywmAd
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nncastle · 2 years
Hi, I hope you're having a good day! I was just wondering: how did you go about putting that huge, stone statue of Pan in your garden/land? Like, did you only have to put some concrete on the ground as a base and then get the statue, or is the process more involved? Thanks : ) Have a good one! (feel free to ignore this if you already posted about it btw)
This was a huge chore. The ordeal started when the statue arrived in an 18 wheeler that didn't fit in our driveway. It was raining that day and the driver decided it was a great idea to do a K turn on our lawn. I also had the flu. Long story short, the whole truck slid down the cliff and became stuck in the mud causing several thousand dollars worth of damage. Fast forward, the statue came out free from that whole debacle. We then tried everything at our disposal to hoist it including pulleys and NOTHING worked. Finally, my husband literally had to buy an engine hoist and prop it up and we managed to get it up so to speak after several days of trying. We ended up using towing cables and an engine hoist in the woods. Makes you wonder how the pyramids were built...aliens I think. The cement base was the easy part. We dug a hole and poured quickcrete. :D 
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safethaw · 9 months
Best Concrete Resurfacing Products Of 2023
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When it comes to enhancing the appearance and durability of your driveway, concrete resurfacing is a popular and effective solution. With time, driveways can show signs of wear, from cracks and chips to discoloration. Resurfacing provides an economical and environmentally friendly way to give old concrete a fresh new look without the need for complete replacement. But with so many concrete resurfacing products on the market, how do you choose the best one? Let's delve into the top products of 2023 to help you resurface your concrete driveway with confidence. Understanding The Need To Resurface Concrete Driveway Before diving into the top products, it's vital to grasp why resurfacing is crucial. Old, worn-out driveways can be unsightly and even hazardous. By opting to resurface, you not only enhance the visual appeal but also increase the lifespan of your driveway. Top Picks For Resurfacing Your Driveway - QuickCrete Re-Cap Resurfacer: A trusted name in the industry, QuickCrete offers a product that's perfect for those looking for a quick and reliable solution. Its advanced bonding formula ensures that the new surface sticks to the old concrete efficiently, reducing chances of future peeling or chipping. - Driveway Restore: As the name suggests, this product is specifically formulated for driveways. It provides a slip-resistant finish, which is crucial for safety, especially in wet conditions. Furthermore, it's durable against the frequent traffic of cars, making it a long-lasting solution. - EcoSurface Concrete Resurfacer: If you're environmentally conscious, this is the product for you. Made from recycled materials, EcoSurface not only gives a new look to your driveway but also helps reduce the carbon footprint. - PolyBlend Concrete Renewer: This product is known for its superior adhesive properties. With a mix of polymers and concrete, it offers a balance of flexibility and strength, ensuring the surface remains crack-free for longer. - UltraGuard Driveway Makeover: Designed with UV resistance, this resurfacer is perfect for areas exposed to intense sunlight. It ensures that the color remains consistent over time, giving your driveway a consistently fresh appearance. Key Considerations When Choosing A Product Consider the following to resurface concrete driveway: - Durability: The product should offer long-lasting results, capable of withstanding both weather conditions and vehicular traffic. - Finish: Different products offer different finishes, from smooth to textured. Choose one that matches your aesthetic preferences. - Eco-friendliness: With growing environmental concerns, opting for a product that's environmentally friendly can be a wise choice. - Cost: While it's essential to get a quality product, ensure it fits within your budget. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2uACuEGD4k Winter Care For Your Resurfaced Driveway To understand more about how to resurface concrete driveway, you'd want to ensure it remains in pristine condition. Traditional ice melting solutions like salt and some chemical-based ice melts can be corrosive and may damage the resurfaced concrete. To protect your investment, consider Safe Thaw, a chloride and toxin-free industrial-use ice melt. Safe Thaw's non-corrosive nature means it won't harm your industrial property, machinery, or risk any electrical mishaps. Plus, its concentrated formula ensures maximum effectiveness from season to season. Safe Thaw's patented technology, consisting of a modified crystalline amide core combined with a special glycol admixture and traction agents, makes it a top choice for those looking to protect their driveways during winter. Conclusion We hope now you have a better understanding of how to resurface concrete driveway.  2023 has brought a range of concrete resurfacing products to the market, each promising to breathe new life into worn-out driveways. While the choices are aplenty, it's crucial to pick one that aligns with your needs, be it durability, finish, or environmental considerations. And once you've given your driveway its much-needed makeover, ensure it remains in top shape with winter care products like Safe Thaw. Your driveway is more than just a path to your home—it's a reflection of your care and attention to detail. Make the right choices, and it will serve you well for years to come. Read the full article
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angryraptor13 · 1 year
Just sunk our new mailbox post, LOL
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The ground is too wet here for a post sunk in the ground to stay up, so we improvised! We used a 20 gallon Rubbermaid Brute garbage pail & a 50-lb bag of Quickcrete to set the post, then filled the rest with gravel.
This is the 2nd mailbox we've mounted this way. The previous mailbox rusted out & we couldn't remove it from the post to replace it, so we had to mount a whole new post. The old one lasted 15 years & the post & bucket were still fine.
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zuffedf · 1 year
Build Your Own Masonry Contractors Near Me Or Stone Mailbox
Have you ever wanted a Masonry Contractors Near Me mailbox? If you have then you're in the right place to learn how to build your very own brick mailbox or a stone mailbox. I will go over all the materials and tools needed to complete this project and approximate costs.
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I am going to go over the brick mailbox because it will be easier for you to complete. First you will need your design laid out, the simplest way to build your maibox is a 24 Inch square with a 16inch block pillar in the center. Next you will need to gather all your materials, you will need 3, 80 pound bags of Quickcrete, 16 8 inch block and 12 4 inch block and then roughly 200 brick of your choice. You will also need to pick out a good sturdy steel mailbox and a piece of sandstone that is 26 inches square and 4 inches thick for the top cap. The tools you will need are a good digging shovel, wheelbarrow, hoe, trowel, hammer, striking iron and and Nashville Masonry Services brush.
Step one, dig down 36 inches and 4 inches bigger than your mailbox base in the above example you would dig a hole that is 32 inches square. If you are on a street with underground utilities running along the street you are only going to be able to dig down no more than 12 inches, you will have to check with your utilities to find this out. Ideally though you should make it 36″ deep to clear the freeze line, especially if you live in the north.
Next prepare your footer by driving a grade stake down into the center of the hole 8″ off of the bottom, this will be the thickness or height of your footer. Now mix your quickcrete thoroughly and pour it into the hole till you just cover the grade stake, try to make footer as level as possible, it may be somewhat difficult especially since you will be reaching 3 feet into the ground. Now let your footer set up and return the next day to build your mailbox.
The next step in the process is to build the center block column our of the 8 inch block and 4 inch block. find the center of your footer, mark it and measure 8 inches each direction, this will be where your main column will set. After you have marked out your square mix your mortar and start laying block. Place two 8 inch side by side and try to make them as level as possible, first course is most important, if you can't get it level in the first course be sure that you are level and straight by the third, which should place you right at about 4 inches below ground level, now continue to lay your block up 5 more courses, be sure that these are straight and level. After you have laid these you need to install your brick ledge, you do this by using the 4 inch block. Place the block around the base of the column as close to the column as possible up just three courses which should place you at once again 4 inches below grade.
Now that your column and brick ledge are in place its time to install your brick. Run your brick on top of the brick ledge which should work to fit the brick perfectly. Be sure to switch bond every course to make sure you are left with a nice looking brick job. Every course check for level and plum to be sure that your mailbox is not leaning, and then strike your joints every 2 to 3 courses as well, so they dont get two hard on you. If you are installing brick correctly you should have 3 courses of brick to every course of block, so if you laid 4 courses above grade then you should end up with 15 courses of brick. to the top of the block column.
Now it is time to install your mailbox, take your mailbox out of its packaging and place it on top of your column and brick with the face of it facing the road, test open the door to be sure that the brick below is not interfering with the door. Your mailbox door should be resting approximately 1 to 2 inches off the face of the brick. Now continue to lay your brick up and past your mailbox, you will have to make cuts with a saw or with a hammer if you are skilled enough to do it. Be sure to fill mortar in around mailbox to lock it in place.
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gettothestabbing · 5 years
Left-wing terrorist group Antifa appear to have the ability to command Portland's streets at will. The authorities appear to have no interest in protecting the public from harm. 
 Andy Ngo's GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/protect-an...
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proficientbuilders · 6 years
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Very excited to try this all the literature points in the right direction. Tommorow we have eight 4x4x4 ft posts. Just a small fence with two simple gates. Cant wait to try the product. There is similar products called secure set. #sikafencepostmix #proficientbuildersllc #technologies we all love it as far as cost goes $95 #sikafencepostmix 8 pouches $80 #quickcrete 16 bags Video to come in the am. #homeimprovementproject #cedarfencing #steelgateframe #roguevalleyoregon #landscapedesigns https://www.instagram.com/p/BtR-xGzlLe1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ug0vqlovnwjm
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chutzpahhooplah · 4 years
look, i may just be a simple country bumpkin, a hayseed living right in the middle of banjo country and the bible belt’s punch holes,
i forgot where i was going with that, anyway wear your gd masks out in public there are so many old people out here tempting god and fate like a bunch of assholes :/
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librarychair · 2 years
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I repotted some of my plants into a couple of buckets that came from the quickcrete we used to repair the porch. Found some cotton mealy bugs, but killed them with alcohol. Pruned off all the branches my one jade plant (bottom left) made that went down over the side of the pot - that's what's on the table between pots, I'm going to let them dry a bit and, if I come across more potential pots, I'll propagate them. Jade plants are always making little jade babies. In fact the one in the top corner is a cutting from the one in the left corner.
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winter-fox-queen · 3 years
Summary:  Frankie wants to give you your dream vacation, but he’s not sure if it is worth the price.  
Warnings:  Female reader.  (He calls her his girl, and she wears a skirt in one scene.)  Angst.  No smut.  I thought I would finally write smut, this was going to be a very different story where they were AT the place already, but.  No.  Angst with a nice ending because I can't leave Frankie to suffer too long.
Thanks to @autumnleaves1991-blog -- you are awesome and this picture is lovely.  
1,870 words.
Frankie didn’t lie to you.  Not about this, at least.
Not really.  He was working extra, taking extra shifts.  Except for right now.  Right now, he was in a cabin in the middle of a state forest, one of the very few things he’d bought with the money.  A place to hide.  To be at peace.
It was not working. The money felt like a weight. Half of each share had gone to Redfly’s family.  Half had gone to each man.  He’d hoped for freedom.  This was anything but.
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I shouldn’t have hidden it in the cabin.  He once watched a TV show about Escobar, seen that one of the caches of money he’d hidden outside had gotten moldy.  So Frankie had gone into the cellar.  Dug up a section of the dirt floor.  Made a proper hiding place, kneeling in the dirt, mixing up quickcrete and placing stones until the cellar was paved in with stone pavers.  Three were loose.  Only one had a reinforced box with another box and a bunch of money that could change his life but he can’t even look you in the eye and explain that he has it.
So here he was, sitting on the weathered wood bench in front of the cabin you did not even know he owned, resting his cheek on his fist, looking at the cabin of his damned dreams like it was a haunted death trap from a B horror movie.
He signed, grabbed the magazine he’d dropped on the ground earlier, flipping it to an article you’d been sighing over when you thought he wasn’t looking.  The ultimate romantic getaway, with tiled pools and greenery and luxurious accommodations and candlelight dinners.  
“That’s pretty,” he’d said over your shoulder as you looked at the main picture of the article, a swimming pool tiled and beautiful – all Middle East and mysterious looking, making you think of romance and beauty.  
“I love it,”  you admit.  “I’d never get to go…but it is beautiful.  Have to win the lottery.”  She grinned at him.
He looked it up online, curious.  Frankie the pilot/mechanic couldn’t afford it.  Not even with extra shifts and only one beer on Fridays and watching every penny.
The other Frankie could.
So that was why he found himself in the cellar.  If you knew which paver it was to start from, and which direction to go, it was just a knight chess move, probably obvious and stupid, but he did not trust himself to remember any other way.  He pried it up carefully so not to scratch the stone and give away the hiding place.
He stared at the hole. The carefully wrapped money.  He fumbled for his phone, and by some miracle the call went through.
“Hey Frankie.”  Pope’s voice sounded tired, but warm.  Not quite there.
“If you really, really love someone, is it OK to lie to them?”
Pope didn’t think before he replied.  “Of course not.”
“If you really, really love someone and want to do something to make them happy, is it OK to lie about where you got the money for it?”
That stopped Pope. Pope, instead of being split focused was now, 100%, listening.  “Frankie…”
Frankie, waiting, crouching by the hidden safe, phone to one ear, other hand relaxed on his knee. Waiting.  Frankie was very good at waiting.
Pope sputtered a little, tried to think of what to say.  Finally. “Yeah, Frankie.  It’s OK.”
It’s what he wanted to hear but it wasn’t the truth and he knew it.  “I’ve never loved anyone like I love her.  I’ve never wanted anything in my life like I want her, want her happiness. But there’s this whole chunk of my life that she doesn’t even know about.  I look at this damned cabin and I think, she’d love it up here.  Her car broke down and she needed to buy a new one, and I could have bought her a fucking car so she wouldn’t have to worry about payments.”
“I know,”  Pope muttered, but Frankie is on a roll.  
“And the one damned thing I’ve ever seen her really, really want and it’s this damned vacation and I can give it to her.  I can fucking pay for it, but if she finds out how it’ll ruin everything.  She won’t be able to enjoy it.  The memory will be ruined.  I can’t fucking win.  What good is it, if I have this, and I can’t even use a little of it to make my girl happy?”
Pope, picking words, both because he’s not sure what to tell Franlie and because he is paranoid about anyone (doubtful) listening in.  “Maybe…maybe that is the good.  You can’t…make it better, right?  But you can…clean it.  Make good memories for your girl.  Do good things for the people you love.”  Pope sighed. “I can’t…I can’t bear it, either, you know?  I save it for a rainy day, but…”
“I didn’t think the guilt would last so long,”  Frankie said.
“Maybe I should tell her.”
A pause.  “I can’t think of any way to tell that story without things going to shit.”
“I don’t like lying to her.”
“No.”  Another pause.  “Please don’t tell her unless you know you can trust her.”
“She won’t blab.” Frankie glared at the phone.
“Don’t get insulted on her behalf.  Everyone you love could get hurt…including her.”
Guilt seized his heart so hard he wondered if he was going to have a heart attack, right there.
“You OK, man?”
“Yeah.  Yeah.”  He said through numb feeling lips.  “I’m ok.”
He slipped his phone in his pocket, reached in, and took what he thought he could use, and carefully hid everything again.
Then he got very devious.
You can put up to 15,000 on a prepaid Visa gift card.  He went to a place where people were smart enough not to ask questions, or even care. One of those places where you want to wash your clothes after you leave.
Then he called the resort. “Look, I have these friends…” he said, “I want to treat them, but they can’t know who I am…”  The prepaid card was as good as a credit card.
And then he went home, and waited for you to check your email.  Sweating.  
And, obscurely, jealous of himself.  Super fucking jealous of himself, the more he thought about it.  Like, he hated the mysterious benefactor who was about to make the love of his life so happy.
He wanted to be the one. Wanted your eyes to light up and know it was because he’d been able to provide for you, he’d been able to make this happen.  He closed his eyes and swallowed it.  It was stupid and selfish…what did it matter, who got the credit as long as you got this? As long as it made you happy? Frankie would be there, seeing your smile when you stood next to that glorious tiled pool, watch you dabble your toes shyly in the water, as if to ask, can I really have this?
And it did.
“Frankie!”  You came in, sat on his lap.  Your arms were warm around him, you made a soft and perfect armful as he wrapped himself around you, let your lips peck happy kisses all over his face.
“What is it, baby?”  
You pull back.  “You know.  The trip.”
Frankie raises his eyebrows, all innocence, starts to protest, but you silence him with another kiss.
“I know, baby, who loves me enough to put so much effort into planning things like this.  The surprise is nice, but you know I’m not dumb.” You toss aside his cap and run your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp gently, and Frankie sighs softly, his eyes shutting a little.  He opens them again when your hands cup his cheeks.  
You look very serious. And a little sad.  Which hits his Oh Shit button, hard.
“You didn’t have to go to all this effort, baby.  You really didn’t.”
“Well, I…”  he tried to think of something to say, but settled for, “I love you.  I love you so much, you don’t even…”
This earns him a kiss on the forehead.  Then you say, “I know how you got the money.” And his blood runs cold.  Before he could marshal some sort of reply, you continue, “Come on, Cat.  Long hours. Extra shifts?  I know that the people down at the field are not the most upstanding of people.  But…baby, it’s so dangerous.”
It doesn’t take him much to put the pieces together.  “You think I’m running drugs?”  It comes out as an incredulous squeak.
You nod.  “It makes sense.  This dream – literally a dream vacation – is not cheap.  And I never expected it.  You know that?  I enjoyed day dreaming about going with you because I love you and I want to take you all over the world…”  You sigh. “I just want to see the beautiful things of this world through your eyes.”
This time, Frankie does the silencing, with a gently thumb over your lips.  “Sweetheart, I didn’t…”
You kiss the pad of his thumb.  “You gonna try and tell me this money came on the up and up?  Baby, I know how much you make.”
You look at each other for a long moment.  You, work skirt hiked up so you can straddle his thighs, sitting closer to his knees,  Frankie, his hands gentle on your hips so you don’t fall.
“I could tell you,” he says, softly.  The words running underneath But I don’t want to and you might not like it.
You are sharp.  That’s one of the things he likes about you, how much you see.  It’s also one of the things that scares him the most.  Finally, “Are you in danger?”
Frankie shakes his head, once.  
“Is it…is it the reason why sometimes you get so sad?”
One nod.  A little smile.  He watches you digest this.  Make a decision.  
The delicate hands come up to frame his face again.  You look him right in the eyes.  “You are a good man.  I don’t know what happened, and maybe, someday, you can tell me.  But you are good and kind and I love you.”  And you kiss him again, this time so fiercely that his thinks it’s going to bruise, and he’s fine with that.
You lean back again.  “Humph.  Well. If you’d not already paid for it, I’d probably save the money to pay on the car.”
“No take backs.”  He grins despite himself.  
“Rats.”  You grin back.  Slide off his lap.  “Now to call Darla and see when I can take off, and then we are buying you a new swim suit.”  You bounce on your feet, then turn to go for your phone.
Frankie leans back against the cushions with a groan.  “I do not need…”
You peek around the doorframe.  “You are not going to a five star resort in purple swim trunks with catfish on them!”
“They were a present!” he calls after your retreating form, and grins at the ceiling.
It’s going to be alright, he thinks, feeling lighter.  It’s going to be alright.
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etakeh · 5 years
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reverseracism · 5 years
People really believe the concrete story? Cement cannot harden in sugar. A cop said "smells like wet concrete" and idiots ate it up trying to make it seem like an attempt on his life 💀💀💀
I saw in the comments saying that it caused a chemical burn cause it was quickcrete and I’m just like 😩😒
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cdjwilson1014 · 6 years
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#levelup #extraordinarylights #pole #quickcrete #concrete #patiolighting #bistrolighting (at Cypress, Texas)
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