Clubmossclan’s legacy 
ClubmossClan was formed by MossPatch, a very seniory warrior, recruits nine farm cats into a clan after his best friend SpeckleDaisy died unexpectedly, and her last wish was for him to create a safe place. They share a border with BeeClan. 
In the thirteen years this clan thrived it dealt with many wars with BeeClan, rebellions, and murderers. Starclan’s attempt to aid the clans, and the favouritism the stars held, led to the clans tearing themselves apart. 
The greatest leader was QuickStar, who pulled the clan through many struggles. 
During a battle in which the clan was torn in two opposing groups, BerryClaw saved many cats and was made deputy and later led for two years as he tried to repair clan relations with BeeClan. 
BerryStar found two dead BeeClan cats, both of which were found in a badger den reeking of sickness. The medince cats couldn’t identify any specific sickness, and were so covered in lavender that the scent of the wolves was completely covered. 
He wanted the warriors to have a proper burial so he took them back and they buried them. The cats who buried them got sick, and it spread far faster than greencough. 
It wiped out the clans, leaving only a few cats in each clan. 
it originated in the cliffs clans, PineClan, BriarCla, SunClan, WhisperClan, AshClan, LilacClan, which all fell quickly while consumed with too much pride to help eachother.
BeeClan was the first to fall in the northern clans.
ClubmossClan fell last. The clan broke off into isolated groups, occupying three camps. 
In the abandoned camps, a body pile is seen. The bodies are unidentifiable, all rotted down to bones, torn apart and scattered by predators. 
Very few clan cats survived, and they decided the land was cursed. 
They left after BerryStar fell, all nine lives taken by sickness. He led the clans to a new territory, deeper into the forests and up the cliffs. 
The five clans 
The four grandchildren of QuickStar went on to make their own clans, each as leader.
SongTail formed QuickClan, which live in the mountains and are considered the most docile of all the clans. They are frequently killed by the rushing waters and rough terrain. 
WhiskerRapid stayed to lead ClubmossClan after the plague of greencough that wiped out almost all the clan. 
FadedRump went on to start TipClan. Sneered at and called the “blessed” clan, these cats face very little challenges in the lushest territory. 
CrowLily went on to start DownyClan. This clan is full of rivalries as they all fight to be the strongest. 
The remaining BeeClan cats formed TumbleClan under the guidance of the ClubmossClan cat TumbleEyes. This clan is being haunted by a large pike that lives in the deeply flooded plains after a riverbank burst years ago. 
Years ago, SongStar did something to drive the four clans apart, and now they do not speak of the original four. 
I start keeping track four years in (aka in new saves), after these four leaders have died. The “plague” was actually my save file deleting. 
Symptoms: wheezing, high body temperature, dizziness, sores appearing on joints, aches, previous scars tear open, foaming mouth, incredibly aggressive and attack anything that moves. Some say they appear undead, coughing blood 
Passed through: fluid (saliva, mostly) 
Treatment options: blazing star, borage, bright eye, chickweed, feverfew
Recovery status: 3/10 usually recover, with kittypets having the highest recovery rate 
Kittencough (Fading-kitten-syndrome) is frequent in these clans because of the tough territories. This would be normal if it weren’t for one thing: the paranoia of wolfcough returning, which leads to most kits suspected of having kittencough being killed in fear of it turning into wolfcough. 
this is the plague/history I have mentioned in a few of my previous profiles and most of my upcoming submissions, and is needed to read the story I’ll be posting soon. Sorry for the long post lol, I’m aware this is mostly me rambling. (tag list: @residents-of-the-darkforest @ambitiousauthor @liberhoe)
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Another option is wolf pack attack - @wills-woodland-warriors
what about both pack and plague? say the wolves carried a disease so that when they were finally gone, cats were STILL dying
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abunchofdingbats · 2 months
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Clan symbols for the fanfic I'm working on!
Top left - MeadowClan
Top right - CaveClan
Bottom left - QuickClan
Bottom right - StormClan
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Meet the clans: WolfsFootClan
Clan Name: WolfsFootClan 
- ClubmossClan was formed by MossPatch, a very seniory warrior, who recruits nine farm cats into a clan after his best friend SpeckleDaisy died unexpectedly, and her last wish was for him to create a safe place. After many years, a sickness called WolfCough spread through the clans and nearly eliminated them. ClubmossClan split off into four clans: TipClan, DownyClan, QuickClan, and ClubmossClan2. It took a few more years before the clans reunited and formed WolfsFootClan, a large clan of  around seventy strong. 
- Fallen Clowder
- Cicada’s Faction
- RippleClan
- 13 years in the cliffs territory, 5 in the in the valley territory as seperate clans, and 44 years in valley territory as a combined clan. 
Shaping Events: 
- Root’s rebellion, QuickStar’s legacy, the BeeClan war, WolfCough, CoyoteStar’s Revolution, WolfStar’s serial killer reign, and finally HollowStar’s Slaughter. 
Heroes and Villains: 
- in the new territory, QuickStar is viewed as the best leader and BerryStar is the clans savour during the plague. 
- WolfStar was the youngest leader in history. He turned on his clan, killing over 80 souls alongside his deputy GoldfishFur. 
- dense, shady forest with small ponds and underground tunnels. 
Climate zone: 
- cold winters below freezing, short hot summers. 
- predators: foxes, badgers, wolves, bears, raccoons, dogs, European northern pike.  
- prey: squirrel, voles, shrew, birds, frogs. 
- neutral: weasels, owls, muskrats 
- North-American plants and fungi. I know too much about plants and definitely should not be allowed to list all of them. 
Medicine and sicknesses: 
- your basic herbs, they make tinctures and wrap the herbs in leaf bundles. 
- WolfCough 
           Symptoms: wheezing, high body temperature, dizziness, sores appearing on joints, aches, previous scars tear open, foaming mouth, incredibly aggressive and attack anything that moves. Some say they appear undead, coughing blood. Passed through: fluid (saliva, mostly). Treatment options: blazing star, borage, bright eye, chickweed, feverfew. Recovery status: 3/10 usually recover, with kittypets having the highest recovery rate 
- Kittencough (Fading-kitten-syndrome) is frequent in these clans because of the tough territories. This would be normal if it weren’t for one thing: the paranoia of wolfcough returning, which leads to most kits suspected of having kittencough being killed in fear of it turning into wolfcough. 
Landmarks (new territory) 
- Bat Cave: a cave filled with bats and a sandy floor. Often used to train apprentices 
- Herb Field: a small secluded area that’s covered in herbs, making the clan abundant in medicine and supplies. 
- DownyClan’s old Border: the grass starts to get dryer around here, and the dirt gets more sandy. 
- Camp pond: a small pond next to the camp filled with Lilly pads, cattails, tadpoles and minnows. 
- Broken Maple: a maple tree towards the edge of the territory, bordering the other clans, that was struck through the centre by lightening. This is where they bury the bodies. The maple is in a small island circled by a thin stream of water. 
- Beyond the territory: unexplored lands 
Religious centers: 
- Broken-Maple burial ground. 
- StarQuartz Cave: a large cave filled with giant quartz pillars and spikes. 
- A sandy clearing with a badger cave for the leaders den, a root patch where the herbs are stored. The camp is protected by large, thick grasses that kits are forbidden from going near. There’s a dug-out den under a rock for the warriors. The apprentices sleep under a patch of folded over ferns. The leader stands on the large rock in the clearing. The nursery is a protected ring of brambles and vines. 
Clan Characteristics
- very strong, poor stamina. Thick legs and large ears. 
- mainly medium furred grey cats with green eyes, lots of rossette, point and smoke patterns. 
- kits are taught quickly what predators to ignore. Kits are taken care of by their parents or the whole clan depending on the parenting style of the parent(s). 
- kits are named after birth, but can be renamed by parents and leaders later on 
Custom Roles: 
Dencat - doesn’t participate in most warrior duties and stays in camp. Usually tasked with watching kits. 
Lore-keeper - they hold and pass down the stories of the clans 
Champion - an amazing warrior who will likely be chosen as deputy after the current deputy retires, becomes leader, or dies. 
Messenger: clans can only have two messengers at a time. They travel between clans and are allowed to cross borders and even hunt on other territories. They send messages and info between the clans and are forbidden from fighting. 
Collector: a fast and agile cat who fetched items in a pinch. Herbs, mossballs, hay, prey, trinkets and tools. They often are trackers, but mainly need to be fast. They have to pass a race to become a collector. 
FishWatchers: meant to keep an eye on the rivers, swamps and lakes to predict water level rising. They consider rain to be an omen of something, but all refuse to say what.
Gender Roles
- very fluid concept of gender and sexuality, Kittypets helped them come up with terms such as tolly, demitom/demimolly, and jacks  
Clan Culture
Code of Conduct: 
- the most important rules are to kill kits that show symptoms of WolfCough in fear of another plague. Aside from this, and kits in danger must be protected regardless of circumstances.
Process of law: 
- laws are decided by votes and strategical debates. Any cat can propose a rule to be considered. 
- most clans in this area operate on a “not-my-problem” system. They can mate with cats from other clans and groups freely, and if a cat brings home kits they are not required to say who the other parent is. Age differences between two years are looked down upon, and cats have to be 12 moons to take a mate. 
- The 12 moon ceremonies have a “trinket casting” to predict how they will do in their life. Pebbles, shards of glass, bones, sea glass, herb stems, twoleg items and skinned twigs are casted and each has its own specific meaning. 
- They mourn by placing the cats favourite prey item on the grave, and scattering seeds from their favourite plant onto the grave. 
- non-traditional, 1-3 part names
- Kits are named by their parents, and cats can request to change their names. 
- Certain names are forbidden, such as Root and much later, Wolf. 
- The dead— starclan, dark forest, Father Mallow, and the Crystal Path. 
- Father Mallow is a lilac-silver pixiebob tom with very bright indigo eyes who watches over the clans as a deity. As the patron saint of newborn kits and herbs, they protect kits from sickness. They represent rebirth, health, and curiosity. They’re heavily associated with ceremonies regarding kits, and are called on by the clan when a kit dies. 
- religion is kept as a belief that holds little values to clan decisions unless a prophecy is involved, and even then the clan is wary of self fulfilling prophecies. 
- New-Sprout Festival: honey is smeared on prey, herbs are replaced and flowers are scattered around camp. Plants are placed in the cats fur, and those who are able to sleep in the clearing under the first full moon of spring. 
- Mallow Moon: held on the last moon of leaffall, the clan collects mallow and spreads the seeds in their dens in hopes of welcoming Father Mallow to rest for the season so he can prepare for the next spring. Mallow are weaved into cats tails, and placed in a circle around the nursery. If a cat dies during mallow moon, they have a piece of mallow placed under their tongue so they can hopefully speak with Father Mallow while they pass through the Crystal Path. 
- starclan, the dark forest, and ghosts. All must be remembered by at least one cat, or their final resting place is undisturbed. 
- Father Mallow watches over the ghosts and leads them along the crystal path where they can choose to be reincarnated, sent to starclan, or made a ghost to wonder and protect the clan.  
- crystal path is a third form of afterlife, where the ghosts of cats who do not find a place in starclan or the dark forest, such as kittypets and loners. The crystal path is represented by the shimmers in water, and the Milky Way in the sky. 
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Dark Forest Resident: Nightstar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Nightflower, Quickclan’s Heartthrob
Gender: tom
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Songstar (mother), unnamed father, Tuftfur/star (brother), Blackspeckle (mate), Blossomrain, Gleambeam (daughters), Dryears, Fadedjump, Sootacorn (sons), Springshade (non binary kit), Hailfur (mate, formerly)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Tuftstar, Curlspeck, Scorchspeck, Mousepaw, Lowblossom (apprentices)
Clan: Quickclan
Rank: leader
Characteristics: kills by accident and in a panic, Quickstar’s great great grandson, compassionate, great fighter
Number of Victims: 1 (accidently)
Number of Murders: 1 (accidently)
Murder Method: drowning
Method of Harm: clawing, drowning, cracking skull open
Known Victims: Forestpelt
Victim Profile: Clanmate
Cause of Death: hypothermia, shock
Cautionary Tale: N/A
Nightflower raised his little brother himself after the incident. To the Clans, they had lost someone who drove the Clans apart. To them, they just lost a mother. Songstar was many things, but she was an amazing parent.
He supported his remaining family as much as he could.
He and his little brother were close as could be, and even into adulthood they shared a nest. Which was why when he started developing a crush on Spidertail, Tuftfur’s mate, he pushed his feelings aside and threw himself into his duties as deputy.
And he was a damn good one, as his brother would say. But when he was made leader, all he could fear was becoming like his mother.
He vowed to never fall into her footsteps, and made sure to remain close with his now-adult kits instead of pushing them aside in favour of work.
Nightstar and his mate, Hailfur, were happy. His whole family was happy.
Then Gleambeam and Hailfur died from spoilt prey.
So, he threw himself into his work again. He tried to keep Dryears from bothering his brother, and spent time with his kits one on one as much as he could.
Rumours spread that he valued his family over his Clan, and he felt awful to tell Tuftfur that he couldn’t fulfill his request to be deputy.
Spidertail was made deputy instead, and the next moons were rather peaceful. No one got hurt, and he even found a new love after Hailfur.
Blackspeckle always brought him flowers, and teased him constantly.
The two fell head over heels for eachother, and the Clan tried to nudge them together for a long time before they finally confessed.
Things were great, and he had grandkits now! His five grandkits were perfect. He watched them grow up as he led his Clan proudly, and tried to repair relations with the other Clans.
Then the cliffs collapsed, destroying trails and making them take more dangerous routes. Dayhare and Goldfur were washed away first, and Nightstar felt so guilty that every morning he woke up before the sun.
He walked the trails for the day, convinced that if someone were to fall it should be him.
One morning, the new warrior Forestpelt caught up to him, and asked if he could walk with him. They talked, and Forestpelt was very sweet to him. They laughed, and talked as the sun finally started to rise. Forestpelt started to slow down, and it was clear he was getting tired. Nightstar felt bad, and tried to steer them towards a shortcut.
Wet rocks tumbled away from their paws, and they fell into the rushing river below.
Nightstar was stunned for a moment, before trying to grab onto Forestpelt in desperation to stay together.
If they could have just stayed together a few moments longer they would have reached a rock where they could pull themselves up.
But instead, their combined weight caused them to hit the rocks, the crashing sound of the rapids covering the crack of Forestpelt’s skull.
Nightstar finally pulled them onto a small ledge, barely wide enough for one cat, and he was frozen in shock as the blood dripped from Forestpelt’s head. His body was limp, and they were both soaked to the bone. Nightstar let out a pained cry, trying to hold the waterlogged body up.
He let go, and squeezed his eyes shut as he heard Forestpelt’s body go over the small waterfall, no doubt landing on the jutting rocks below.
Nightstar passed out, his body exhausted, and died the the next day.
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Additional information:
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors​
--They would like you to PLEASE ask questions about this stupid boy.
--Night is considered very attractive by the Clans, and it’s up to you on whether Forestpelt was going to ask him out, or if he was planning to kill Nightstar.
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QuickStar’s family tree as of QuietClan moon 53!
The four grandchildren of QuickStar went on to make their own clans, each as leader.
SongTail formed QuickClan, which live in the mountains and are considered the most docile of all the clans.
WhiskerRapid stayed to lead ClubmossClan after the plague of greencough that wiped out almost all the clan.
FadedRump went on to start TipClan. 
CrowLily went on to start DownyClan.
Our journeys with these clans start four years after the fall of Clubmossclan. The “plague” was actually my save file deleting.
Years ago, SongStar did something to drive the four clans apart, and now they do not speak of the original four.
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Some notes: 
this will be a blog primarily about my warrior cat OC’s, but I might reblog canon warrior cats fanart sometimes. 
Feel free to ask for name suggestions for your OC’s! I have a concerningly long list 
id love questions about my characters! 
Lastly, please drink some water if you can 
Now, my original clans: 
PineClan (status unknown)
BriarClan, SunClan, WhisperClan, AshClan, LilacClan, HollowClan - all wiped out by my original sickness called WolfCough
ClubmossClan, DownyClan, TumbleClan, TipClan, QuickClan (clangen, wiped out by a group of serial killers)
learn more about them here:
my plant generator, crossposted on my side blog for randomness, @stray-mossballs-and-buckets
My “what did your hunting patrol bring back” warrior cats generator:
An updating list of all the mates and kits on @residents-of-the-darkforest-of-the-darkforest
Dark forest worldbuilding:
My characters:
ART BLOG: @stray-mossballs
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