#quick lore drops
askamykruber · 2 years
Can I ask more about the story. We’re you there amy when you first met the puppets whee we n they came to life. What changed owens perspective on things. Was it hard to get the puppets to trust either of you
(Phantom: Sure thing, annon. Sorry for the delay, mom came over. I still got a few asks more, I'm taking some time to answer one since it would be the longest)
Alrighty, honey!
I was actually there before the puppets came to life. Long before meeting my dear Owy, I had a little gig of my own in a ventriloquist show for both young and adult audiences. It wasn't like a huge thing, but it did help me get some skills into gettin' to puppeteer. I took some shifts and helped around some puppeteers, that's how I met Jake-y pops, who mentioned he was puppeteerin' for some new show.
Now, I was a bit hesitant to jump in a studio and become part of the crew like I am to this day. I remember dear late Mr. Henson asking me if I wanted to be part of the Henson company, but I decided to decline since I knew that wasn't my place (I was content as a ventriloquist)
Dear ol' Jimmy was very kind and I was welcome any time to the studio.
Well, some time after I was doin' one of my late night shows. Crackin' up some jokes, and singin' whatever tune the folks requested. That night I saw a peculiar man staring at me with fascination. He was sittin' next to a familiar face I recognized, which was Jake-y of course. I didn't know he was with Owey at that time, but I recognized him as a puppeteer.
Well, his eyes were focused on the mechanic of Mr. Wellington (my puppet at that time) and how I controlled it. It's hard to explain, but it's a puppeteer thing.
Anyhow, after the show I decided to say hi to Jake-y and his friend. He introduced him as Owen Gubberson, and I immediately recognized him from that "Mortimer's Handeemen show" that was about to premier. We talked about puppets, our techniques, and I explained to him the basics of ventriloquism. We got along pretty well and he invited me to visit the studio some day, thus our little friendship started
"Mom, didn't you guys fell in love at first sight?"
Scouty, hon. We did get along but it took up some time to get to like each other.
"That's weird, because Joel said-"
Don't ya have homework to do?
"Well yeah but-"
Well, If I were you, I'd rather do my homework than to face Riley's wrath
Where was I? oh yeah, Owey and I became good friends and I helped him a lot durin' the show's run. We made a pretty good team, and I advise him along with helpin' him with some puppeeterin'. I did consider joinin' on the team, but I found myself a good sponsor on Mr. Samuel Burlington for my shows. It was an offer too good to ignore.
Owy did take it well since I made it clear I was unsure about joinin' large teams officially. We did keep in touch and occasionally went into dates.
Then *sighs* the Rachel Breadstone cancelled the show. Owen and I had a pretty big argument after that and I left to get some time to reflect and process the situation.
Then I find out that the puppets are alive, and decided to help Owen stop them in the civil way. I did answer that question in another ask, but I'll add that Owey started to reflect more on who he was becoming and he decided to make things right with Mortimer.
The puppets did seem to trust him more than me. They did recognize me as one of the puppeteers, they were distant at first, but some started to lower down their guard when they saw my closure with Owy.
It was harder for me to get their trust than Owy's, but I'm glad they now know I would never do them any harm, specially considering I helped Owy convince Mr. Burlington to sponsor his show (under certain agreements)
Now, we are all working together as the show is slowly going back to its glorious days
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a chaos emerald is a powerful object which holds the key to ultimate power, when in the right hands, they can be used for good, but when in the wrong hands….
now i want you to imagine an “overblot” as a type of super transformation. a super transformation aided by the use of a chaos emerald, an an excessive build up of negative emotions. its easy for those inexperienced with chaos energy to be overcome by its powers..
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kids these days just dont know how to respect ancient artifacts 💔
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queenimmadolla · 1 month
nah, she was for real forced to attack and bring her loving parents into the upside down mess, and essentially kill them. i know that must have been agony for her, to have to watch and be unable to save them.
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blackbat09 · 11 months
hey how come in all the "season 3's ocean monument megabase makes xB guardian-coded" stuff i've seen almost nobody mention that it was apparently
checks notes
a temple to a two-headed guardian god that demanded sacrifice for better drop rates which xB encouraged fellow hermits to partake of when they came out to visit. why has that not been discussed more.
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galaxylover06 · 1 year
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Yellows my favorite color..
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Usually, my one shots are better than this but I had like 15 or so mins to get stuff down
So, I couldn't look at refs for composition or anythin 😔
Also! Don't mind the terrible writing for this!
(Also, could ya tell that I was more on the demi-romantic side of things when starting LAD IW?)
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black-salt-cage · 2 months
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
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zahra-hydris · 13 days
I actually got enough time yesterday to run daewen through the descent so it's really just the final cory battle and trespasser and she's ready
but now i'm considering doing jaws of hakkon even though I'd told myself I'd skip it this run...
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devilledeggz · 13 days
part ii
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'it's been 5 years, how bad could it be? you're not a kid anymore. they can't hurt you anymore. you'll be fine.'
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vialae · 1 month
I feel like a pretty major part of Kaidos lore that I don’t think I ever mentioned is that Irina (his adoptive sister pre-temple) is like. Still alive.
She was away with a friend when Kaidos was taken by the Urge the first time around and killed his parents. After doing that, he fled and so all Irina heard was that her parents were slaughtered and her little brother had disappeared. Of course, she simply assumed a kidnapping over anything else.
She looked for him for ages, but then eventually left Baldur’s Gate to try and search beyond the city since she didn’t actually want to come to terms with the possibility of her entire family being gone.
30ish years later and she still has no new leads, so has by now stopped looking and instead lives up in Waterdeep and will travel down to Baldur’s Gate on the anniversary of her parents’ death + brother’s disappearance.
If she ever had the misfortune of crossing paths with Kaidos again, I doubt she would recognise him anymore anyway.
If she did somehow recognise him, I think Gortash would be GIGA interested in interrogating her about what he was like pre-temple and just generally picking at her brain (literally and not).
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ashadowcalledkei · 11 months
So ... QSMP Purgatory huh ...
I had too many thoughts last night to fit in the tags of other people's posts, so I just chucked it all into a draft and polished it up today. Who knows how it'll go from here, everything could change in an instant, but as it stood at the end of yesterday, well ...
It was interesting, because the challenge they were given can be overcome in a way that doesn't follow the eye's wishes. 'Can', being the key word. They've clearly been set up to turn on each other with intent to break the bonds that made them strong. Especially with couples and close friends being split apart like that. They've made it hard for teams to cooperate. However, compromises, workarounds, and cooperation could ensure that the chance of ultimate failure and losing the eggs is minimized. Sharing information, making unified plans, trying to find the cursed team, or find the exit, or find the eggs.
The team I thought most likely to think that way and try new things to get around the system was team red. After all, they did think outside the box with how to get resources and overcome their built in limitations. Why not take that further and think their way out of the situation as a whole? But being hunted for sport while your competition mostly leaves each other alone doesn't exactly allow for that kind of lateral thinking.
So they broke. Understandable.
It was actually so demoralizing watching that happen before it spiraled so far that it twisted around on itself and became utterly hilarious instead. Screaming and singing and dancing around the death pit and the ashes of their own bodies? Fascinating. The surprise lore drops around the 'house' which is only a floor? Fantastic. Funny and oddly touching as they started spilling secrets, no judgements just shocked laughs and a numbed acceptance, to each other in the ruin of what they once tried to build. They 1000% deserve to just go crazy. Do it kings, build that village, become npcs.
(Quick side-bar ... guys, don't you find it odd that our three confirmed avians, Baghera, Jaiden, and Phil, are all on this one team? And two of the three 'odd' tickets, with the only other one being Q himself? It's just strange, it seems significant in a way I can't put my finger on.)
But also. The admin team has done a great job placing clues that all point to blue being the cursed team which Must Not Lose. Great job there, it's a fun little puzzle and just because it looks like people have solved it already doesn't take away from that. We might even be wrong about it, but I hope not, because a good puzzle should be solvable. So ... it's probably team blue. And with certain members of team blue going murder mode and terrorizing team red till they shattered, giving up on points or standings or winning ... that potentially locks it in for them for the rest of the event.
If team red isn't playing by those rules anymore they aren't a threat. And team blue only needs to not be last for the eggs to be saved. Right? Well, done deal. Blue and green can go at it for clout unbothered by red and the threat of true failure. The event might has well have been 1 day. The rest of these two weeks won't matter beyond the lingering effects of personal actions if we truly are going with this format being the majority of the event (and if red truly has been beaten into a pulp).
And honestly ... I'm glad. I'm glad they locked it in. I'm glad team red was so crushed and demoralized that they broke down into madness. Because this is more fun.
Now it's possible that after some sleep red will decide to actually try again .... out-skilled and out-gunned with half their team perma-mia ... or that they'll end up getting member shifted over to make them an actual threat ... but I hope not!
I watch this roleplay server for the stories and drama and comedy. And for the truly beautiful way it has woven together people from different countries and cultures into a close knit group of friends. For the bond forged through joy and terror and loss that made some of these strangers into family. I don't want two whole weeks of sweaty pvp and grinding! Sounds boring. (To say nothing of the jarring tone shift and how it'll change character dynamics after as the memories and guilt and knowledge of how quickly and brutally some of them turned on each other linger.) But you'd best believe I'll tune in to see what these already traumatized people who cracked to pieces do next!
So don't re-balance it admins. Let it ride and let team red do whatever the fuck they want. They earned it. They put in their time being tryhards and it didn't work so fuck it all let's just have fun. Let's go npc madness village! Or whatever new chaos comes next, I'm sure they'll come up with something sufficiently scuffed. Few things are as intriguing and mildly-terrifying as Charlie Slimecicle with 'a plan'.
Go team blue to win the event. Go team red to keep the server fun.
And just as a quick addition ... Charlie summed it all up best. "We were put here to tear each other and ourselves apart ... " "When you guys finally come to your senses ... maybe it'll take a day, maybe it'll take two, but it won't take two weeks. And when you realize what this place is taking from you, you come find us."
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dreamyprinx · 2 years
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am working on redesigning my oc Cashmere’s heart (it’s kept in a door on their chest)
✧ reblogs are appreciated ✧ | ♡ buy me a kofi ♡ | ☾ commission info ☽
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darewolfdq · 1 year
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kyngsnake · 1 year
updated my carrd to focus on my original works, there's still a fallout-specific carrd since i still love making fallout content and always will, but. shrug. trying to rework some things
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quinnick · 2 years
Your boy is finally crocheting again!
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mxgicthot · 1 year
Random lore : Samaira and Haleth are the same creature but got there in different ways 
Samaira had the whole "women scorned turns into vengeful monster" arc. Which is one of the ways a woman is said to turn into a daayan or a churel - if she was killed and became a vengeful spirit. (I've also seen this version been used in media a lot) 
Anyways Samaira adapted better to her new abilities and was in control of herself from the beginning, she embraced it. 
Haleth was a little more complicated, she was "tricked" into it by making a deal with an entity she didn't understand. (also I like to think of these entities as morally grey, they have no real malice, they simply are) They were trying to "empower" her but gave her more than she could handle and now she's extremely unstable...
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