#queue confusion turn intense embarrassment when Johanna shows up
blaithnne · 2 years
Seeing Waddles’ sketchbook post and Kiki’s Lauren doodle comic in such close proximity made me think like god. If Kaisa and Johanna already have this sitcom ass confusion over Hilda IMAGINE the extra layer of Johanna having another daughter
Like, Kaisa is already mortified when she learns she inadvertently flirted/set up a date with Johanna’s daughter, and Johanna has a field day teasing her about it and ends up talking about Lauren a bit in the process and does so in such a way that Kaisa, understandably, assumes this is the same daughter she spoke about before.
Blue hair? Check.
Makes friends easily? Well she seemed to organise that date pretty quick so, check.
Always getting into wacky mishaps? she pretended to be her mother so she could set her up on a date, take the god damn check.
Bonus points if in attempt to make Johanna happy Kaisa tries to take a parental role with her daughter. Who is a grown woman
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