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julienrouvel · 2 years ago
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Bienvenue sur ta nouvelle tablette chère nouvelle lampe quétaine.
✅ Réseaux sociaux : Instagram | Behance | Dribbble
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khaosophist · 4 months ago
It didn't die this time. Cringe. But who gives a fuck?
I am 'Quetaine', Cheesy. The context it's used in here means;
' Saying something romantic while being acutely aware it's landing well because the recipient is in denial about how lovey dovey they are cause they project a persona of gruffness. If that person wasn't so generally jaded, existentially depressed, edgy, and with an affinity for black and rainbows. They would be revealed for the basic bitch that they are.'
So yeah:
"I love you, Lyly.
You are the warmth in the darkness.
You are the colours in the light.
You are the growth of the seeds.
You are the bloom of flowers.
You are the air in song.
You are the ripeness of fruit.
You are the bite of The apple.
You are the wonder in chaos."
Fight me.
Hololive stuff barged into my feed.
I cannot stress enough how close I would have been to being obsessed with those streamers.
I know this because I would be interested in them even though I've never watched one stream.
Kiryu Coco was my favorite.
I'm feeling like I've got all this care bottled up just for Anime girls, and when I want to transmute that it just dies. But where did this attention come from?
I'm thinking of how 4chan changed my perspectives. The '3d pig digusting' aspect of this. The rampant misogyny 'Tits or gtfo.'. Why was I interested? All I'm getting is that I felt like I was in an in-group. This is really hard to write about because every time I think of those gluts in my life. I believe I shouldn't have what I have today. It doesn't matter that I changed. What matters is that I frequented such spaces in the first place. I think it didn't affect my social life much because of the idea of hiding one's power level. I had mixed the idea of Anime with 4chan, so I never expressed the kind of things that festered there. Eventually I developed enough interests to filter what I consulted. I don't remember how I found out about 4chan, but I can separate my past between newgrounds, and 4chan.
I remember going to newgrounds in elementary school. It wasn't blocked. Now , how the hell did I find the 18+ section? I went to play ganguro girls at the class computer while other guys were there. Went to a hot spring date...Totally normal. Nevermind the other kids were interested.
Anyways, I was a natural in navigating the internet, and computers, I mean, I found my brother's horrible, terrible stash. I say this in hindsight. All that interested me was the sex. Fuck, now I remember Immoral sisters was it? Just...I for sure know I'm not the same person anymore. God, maybe that's where the idea that one can consent to a rape because it feels good. But it's not like a fictional character has a choice in the first place...I don't remember the storyline in that hentai. I don't want to. But the images are vivid. Oh, fun! Now I remember Bible black. Yippee. I'm sure it didn't affect me. Nope, it's not like I had the means to understand what was going on. I'll write this again, what is up with all the Sexual assault in hentai? Did my brother even understand himself what the fuck he was watching? Why did he suck so much in hiding his porn. If a ten year old finds it in your computer, like...Encrypt it. SOMETHING!
Isn't it fun that he married a victim of SA. Does she even know the kind of shit he watched for years? I don't think he has ANY idea of what I know about him. It's not like I want to talk about it with him, because all I feel is blame, or want for an explanation. Blackmail as one's first hentai at...what...fucking...10?
Which leads me to what happened when I was seven. I was being babysat by my Godfather. Went to sleep. Got up during the night, aaaand, guess what was playing on the TV while my Godfather was on the computer? Guess 🤡☠️. She was laying on her hands and knees with high black boots. She had blonde hair. Hahahaha. How can adults suck so fucking much? Seven! SEVEN!
My wife saved me. She's everything. She believed that I could help myself, and that I could ask for her help. So I did. I opened up to her. I'm such at a better place, it's insane. She knows who I am, and who I want to be. I know not to make the same mistakes as them. I might make my own mistakes, but I hope my children will know to be better where they can, Like I do.
Have a tree. That's all for now.
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nothingexistsnever · 3 years ago
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driedclementine · 6 years ago
Et caché dans la pluie je voudrais rester, avec mes souvenirs qui ne veulent pas s’effacer.
Et je m’invente que tu vas pleurer aussi, mais c’est fini. C’est toi qui me le dis.
Mario Pelchat
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marygeekblog · 7 years ago
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Cactus club 💚 #plants #cactus #theonlyplantsicankeepalive #🌵 #minicactus #ikea #quetaine #decorations #unoriginalpost #instaplants #basicaf
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oliswiftie · 7 years ago
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I believe in fairytales but not with you 💭 #ChâteauFrontenac #Québeccity #architecture #oneday #quetaine (à Fairmont Le Château Frontenac)
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anaaa3579-blog · 8 years ago
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http4trine · 5 years ago
I know that today is my parents' birthday. I wanted to be a good girl and make them a little quetaine text but to be honest I do not remember how many years they love each other. The only thing I am convinced is that they are a huge source of inspiration for me. Nowadays it is rare a family united so I count myself more than lucky to have loving and caring parents like mine. I love you my old thanks for procreating my sister and myself. I enjoy every little moment that life gives me to see you love you. Im so proud of my perfect family. ❤️
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crabe · 7 years ago
J'envie toutes les personnes qui ont un matching tattoo c'est mon but dans la vie de trouver quelqu'un qui veut bien avoir un matching tattoo avec moi j'ai VRAIMENT besoin de ce niveau de quetaine
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lestudio1-bernardbujold · 6 years ago
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TOURISME MONTREAL ou l’art des mauvaises campagnes de promotion... Tourisme Montréal est présentement la vedette sur l’internet mais pour les mauvaises raisons! En effet, une nouvelle campagne publicitaire et une chanson jugée «quétaine » ont attiré l’attention des internautes qui se moquent du projet qui a coûté près de 400,000$. Pour sa part le chanteur dans le projet, un nouveau venu dans le milieu et inconnu auparavant, considère le projet comme la chance de sa vie et croit que sa carrière sera ainsi lancée vers de nouveaux sommets... L’important, comme disait la « célèbre » chanteuse Michèle Richard: « que ce soit en bien ou en mal, c’est d’en parler... » https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2019/01/06/une-publicite-quetaine-de-tourisme-montreal-fait-reagir
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melinalamontagne · 7 years ago
What love is
Love is not an emotion in itself, but several emotions compose it. Love, it is joy, but it is also sadness. Love, it is healing, but so there are broken hearts. Love, it is silence and communication. It is sometimes the courage and sometimes the cowardice. It is pain but well-being. Nostalgia, poetry, fear, lows and highs. It is smiles like tears, laughter like quarrels. Love makes us all a little quetaine. Love will always come on tiptoe to leave by slamming doors. Love will always be that one thing we never have enough and the one we do not give enough. But what is love? Love is the strongest, the most uncontrollable, the most beautiful and the most terrible that it is given to feel. To love...? I mean, we love our mother, we love our brothers, our friends and even our dog. But to love a person more than just a friend? How can our body and our heart come to have feelings of a totally different form of love, to the point of no longer being able to live without him? Love, it is to constantly have the impression of being worthless if he is not there. It is to forget ourselves and let that person impinge on us. Love, it is to look tirelessly to cross the glance of the other and also to try to flee it. It is to be insecure when we find ourselves in front of him, it is to completely lose our means and to stumble on the words. It is to let ourselves be transported by the depth of his incredible brown eyes, to dive in, then to finally lower ours. It is to not see anything around because love inevitably makes us blind. Love, it is to feel our heart beat terribly fast and some butterflies in the belly when we hear his name. It is to both sweat and shudder, to have sweaty and trembling hands when we see him from afar. It is to feel the entirety of our body weakening when he pass a little too closely. Love, it is to be filled with hope at the slightest word and gesture that he can feel the smallest flame for us. It is to feel capable in the moment, to give our life for his own. It is about wanting to seize every opportunity to see a smile illuminate his face, because, presumably, when he laughs, he is by far the most beautiful of the Earth. Love, it is to constantly worry of how the other is doing. It is to almost always pass the well-being of the other before ours. And yet, love is to fear for our own future if, unfortunately, he should leave us. It is to be mad with jealousy in the event that he can find an attraction in another girl because we basically know that we are not irreplaceable. Love, it is an inordinate fear of abandonment. It is to feel able to die of sorrow if he ever did not or stopped share our feelings. Love, it is closing our eyes every night and thinking about him. And it is to reopen them every morning by still thinking of him. It is sometimes not sleeping at all, because the reality is finally made more beautiful than our dreams. Love is not to support the "one lost, ten found", "you deserve better ..." or "you will find better", because we only want him so much. It is to say that never again we will love a boy as much as we loved him or that we will never be able to fall in love because it is so destructive. It is to feel amputated of a part of ourselves when, from one day to the next, he disappears of our life. Love, it is to feel so well ... and to be hurt so badly, all at once. It is to believe that it happens only once in a lifetime when, it seems, it happens many times and in different ways. After a break up, some will tell us to stubborn for his ex-lover, others that we must turn the page and open ourselves to other horizons. Lonely souls, happy in the household, lovers passionate, inconsolable of love ... Love is cruel, love is beautiful, love is strong, love remains fragile. Especially, unlike the sadness and joy, love is unprovable. Love is based on trust, loyalty and respect. But love need to be loved too.
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pissfab · 7 years ago
hmmmm i don’t really like the new trolls, their aesthetic is a bit “quetaine” 
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alexouexx-blog · 7 years ago
Fuck ta marde
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Bonjour bonjour, ceci n’est pas un texte quetaine, triste ou amoureux. C’est plutôt un message pour la personne qui essaye d’infiltrer ma vie privée. Je vais te demander de ne plus te connecter sur mon WhatsApp, d’arrêter de trouver un moyen pour t’infiltrer dans MA vie privé qui ne te regarde aucunement et de te trouver une vie au lieu de fouiller la mienne. J’espère que t’a aimé fouiller un…
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boutiquebod-blog · 7 years ago
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J’adore mon crayon ✏️ flamant rose #jaimetroplesflamantsroses #crayon #quetaine #jemassume #jaimelerose (à Sainte-Justine, Quebec)
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purplemal · 8 years ago
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#davidstea #tea #teapots #collection #quetaine #vintage #teaaddict
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bloguedunjour-blog · 9 years ago
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I can't promise to fix all of your problems but I can promise you won't face them all alone! 😍😘 #inlove #quetaine
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