#questions for the critters
incognitopolls · 9 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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critter-covenant · 5 months
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Class is in session!
Idea inspired from this that I've been meaning to draw for the past few days
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soaring-trash · 11 months
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@rebloggingcrart she does look good in an oversized sweater doesn’t she 😇
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*Imogen is burnt to a crisp*
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ominouspuff · 6 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Tagged by @omaano
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It’s uh
It’s Wolffe and Plo “Coon”
last line was adding my signature for posting, but before that it was the flat color on the Wolfpack pile.
No-pressure invite to @gaeasun and @frostbitebakery
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tamagoneko · 6 months
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probably a good thing he doesn't remember this conversation
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aeb-art · 8 months
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hey uhh what's up with them?
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nightseeye · 7 months
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Dogged of the days + plus a relatable lil buddy!
Also that piloted!dogday by itself:
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lavendersartistry · 2 months
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Space Riders / Coffee Spies - @onyxonline
Eve redesign.
All yall enjoy her, she just slaying
Thanks to @novalizinpeace for making a reference of her redesign from way back:
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Unwatermarked version is for discord only and with mutuals, sorry fam
now to contemplate Koi🏃💨
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fandom-queen1450 · 5 months
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I have no words as to why I drew this...I just did 😶 au and characters by @eggritos
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bowelfly · 5 months
Favourite bug and favourite non-bug?
the answer to both questions is my lovely and cool partner to whom i am legally wedded as of last week :]
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lorablackmane · 7 months
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It's time for ghosts y'all!! I wanted to make this post once I finished a chapter or 2 of my AU's fic, but I've talked about these lil fuckers so much w/ Teal in the past month I figured it might be best to make a post b4 that so ppl aren't confused in the future.
The premise of this AU is after the night after the King is defeated, everyone is celebrating! ...Until odd things start to appear in the House. A giant bloodsplatter in the Death Corridor and a trail of blood leading from it to the King's room. A shattered shelf and knocked over pot missing it's contents in the kitchen. A frozen body near the storage room.
One by one, ghosts created from the breaking points of Siffrin's wish start to appear, and they're here to stay! For better... or for worse.
Below is how each ghost was made, their wishcraft's scent (I put too much thought into this info so I'm adding it), and a bit about them!
(Cw for the ghost's stories below: death, suicide, allergy attack)
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The Stoned - Created in Act 1 - Smells like Copper and Sugar
(This one will get a proper ref later bc this doesn't fully capture him)
Despite their looks, The Stoned is the calmest out of all of them, even though their death was one of the most painful. It happened so quickly and also messed up enough that the Wishcraft couldn't fix most of their body after the boulder disappears... so he can't feel pain anymore. He can't really feel much honestly there's... there isn't many nerves to feel with anymore. The additional lack of bones is a detriment to their ability to move, making them have to crawl around and continuously shift so they won't lose their balance until they get items like crutches and a wheelchair to help.
The Stoned doesn't know the horrors of the House and so are innocent in a way even Bonnie isn't. They never even it made it to the second half of the first floor! So a lot of the things the others talk about fly over their head. The others don't leave them out of talks about the House though! ...Not that the Stoned... really speaks - but it's the thought that counts!! They have their buddy to speak for them, anyway.
Just like how Loop's Wishcraft made their body unique, each ghost has their own lil quirk due to the Wishcraft that powers their bodies. The Stoned has the oddest one: due to their lack of most their bones their body is almost completely powered by Wishcraft that is activated by the air he breathes in. Because of this, he can actually almost flatten himself by releasing all the air inside themself, and will stay that way until he breathes back in. He can't move like that, but it does sometimes come in handy - by releasing some instead of all the air they can make themself slightly more compact to get into tight places!
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The Silent - Created in Act 2 - Smells like Saltwater Taffy
The Silent is a fearful one, they remember the pain the House offers but cannot feel it. They only truly remember up to Bonnie accidentally pushing them, however they know so much more. Each time Siffrin touched a tear he gave them the memories of that run, but to the Silent it was less like a memory and more like watching a play. Detached from themself... yet the fear is there. They aren't like Stone who only remembers his death, they know the blessing was a curse wrapped in a pretty bow and the thought that what they see is only a fragment of the loops Siffrin went through... it makes them retreat into themself, especially bc they see their existence as unneeded bc well... Siffrin already exists. They don't need another to bother them.
It's much easier to stay put, to let them become one with the House as the tears intended. They don't need to breathe, to eat, or anything really so it's quite easy for them to do so! For them to just... exist. Hiding in plain sight, like the books hidden on shelves of the House written in their mother tongue. So this is where they stay, until one day maybe people can hear them speak once more. They do occasionally move, mostly when they hear that the Housemaiden's need the area they're in, but only when they're certain no one is looking.
When it comes to fight, flight, or freeze they choose freeze every time... which isn't helped by the quirk of their body's Wishcraft. The Silent can freeze anything up to the size of a medium bowl if they hold it for long enough. The Unseen will sometimes use this to pull pranks on people who upset them, stealing their umbrellas and placing them in The Silent's hold. They find this very petty... but they don't like moving bc a Housemaiden might see them and it is funny so they don't stop the two from doing so.
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The Unseen(Left) - Created in Act 3 - Smells like Candied Pineapples
The left one is similar in personality to the Stoned as when they were created Siffrin knews that something was wrong, but still had hope that things were okay. They are an odd one: they see their accidental death as nothing in the grand scheme of things considering how many deaths already happened before them. If anything, he sees his death as a vital piece of showing their love to their family oddly enough! His memory is spotty, but the answer to Bonnie's question is forever engraved upon their skin so none of them will ever forget (even if most cannot see them anymore except outta the corner of their eye). There is a great sorrow in them though, after meeting their counterpart and discovering that there was so much pain afterwards - that like them this fact is engraved into their counterpart... but they'll stay with them, and maybe... they can bring some joy back to the right.
They help keep their counterpart's pranks in check, as unlike the right left remembers how fragile people are and doesn't see them as actors or dolls. Most of the pranks they plan are leaving lil letters with terrible puns around the House. Like you go into the bathroom, there's a letter tied to the handle of the sink. You open it and it says something like, "water you doin, handsome?" Stupid stuff like that, that makes them feel like the funnyjokespunperson they were before everything. A way to reclaim what the loops took from them both.
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The Lonely - Created in Act 3 - Smells of Sugar and Moldy Cloth
This ghost is the culmination of so, so many fragments Siffrin left in between those walls. For a long time they did not remember anything besides the motions to get to the King, yet they could never defeat him. They couldn't survive his major attack, no matter what they did. It feels like at one point he could though... wasn't there a way? It isn't until the ghost event that they remember what they lost and while it felt absolute euphoria in that moment, after that the loneliness became soul crushing. The hunger for someone, anyone to be with them hurt so much! ...It made them remember why they forgot their family the first time.
The Lonely's quirk unlike most of the others isn't seared on their skin. No, the Lonely's ability is actually only really useful for dealing with The Unseen - anytime one of the others is in danger or about to do something dangerous they sense it. The Vengeful is constantly ringing this mental alarm, but it can't do anything to help due to it constantly moving so they don't even try with them. The Unseen though, it is often seen dragging them by the ears before they do something like unleash a barrel full of marbles in a hallway.
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The Vengeful - Created in Act 4 - Smells of Steel, Salt, and Sugar
It is the culmination of the King's cruelty and Siffrin's agony, a beast made of anger, pain, and sorrow in equal measures. It hates the King both bc Siffrin did and bc it sees him at fault for it's creation as it doesn't know of Wishcraft as it was created right on the line between 3 and 4. That is why it tore his right hand off and stole the gauntlet upon it - a punishment for the action that created it and a trophy for it to wear as proof that, even after such a horrid deed, he didn't win. It runs away from the House and it's former family because of this memory - it cannot confront the people it feels it failed even with the knowledge they survived, that it's sin wasn't permanent. In it's eyes it will always exist. It's eye will sometimes gleam with the same shade as the one that appeared when the world was breaking!
The Vengeful is the only ghost no one is completely sure the location of due to it throwing itself out of the first available window after completing it's mission. It mostly stays in forests or caverns where it can easily hide, only going near towns if someone reminds it of the King. Once it has dealt with said person however it views it needs to, mostly by scaring them, it returns to it's current hiding spot. The Vengeful is a lonely one, but it's not ready to be near people for long periods of time. It's afraid that due to how it was created it'll bring bad luck to those it spends too much time with - how couldn't it? It was created from a person trapped in the middle of an hourglass until they drowned in the golden sands and by a man who saw his will as absolute, who caused so much agony. One day, though, it'll realize that isn't true... but it'll be quite a while.
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The Unseen(Right) - Created in Act 4 - Smells like Steel and Sugar
This one is the closest in personality to Loop. It mocks even though it has no voice, they play with the people around it to remind themself they're real. Without the left the right Unseen would be much more dangerous as it is so desensitized to death they have forgotten what is actually dangerous and so some of their mischief has to be tempered by the left one to avoid killing those around them. For a very long time they view others, besides left, as merely actors in a similar vein as Loop, only referring to others via titles if it needs to interact with anyone and left doesn't control the writing pen. As time passes this trait slowly disappears, as the days show more changes like rain upon the rooftops or snow in the gardens, things it long forgot.
Together with their counterpart The Unseen are the ones who were left behind through actions seen as small, but were greater than thought. The ones who cannot be seen without drastically changing the views of ones most loved by the person they once were. And so they stay hidden from sight by their own Wishcraft... but that is a lonely way to live they discovered. The two of them alone cannot satiate their need 4 company. And so they do little things that are easily noticed so they can be seen without breaking their rule: walking around with open, stolen umbrellas or pulling little pranks.
Most Housemaiden's don't talk to them, because they never get an answer they assume they don't like talking. This isn't the case though they cannot tell them that... neither can speak. The left's throat is closed up and the right's is... well u can probably guess why theirs wouldn't work even if they had a mouth to speak with. The Lonely though does speak to them often - it has a chalkboard in the room it lives in inside the House for them to write lil questions or answers on.
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incognitopolls · 10 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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soriastrider · 1 year
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commuting sucks
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soaring-trash · 6 months
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You guys ever wonder if and when the pull will get too strong for Imogen? Because i do. Constantly.
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roxiereed · 6 months
How many Roxies are in this blog land anyways?
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Roxie says . . . "Just me! I'm the the one and only, the real deal!"
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"There's no more Roxies!"
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"I would know if there was any, honestly!"
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"Like- Look at me!"
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"I'm very hard to miss, don't you think?"
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smiling-circus-au · 7 months
hi!!! i love this au so much!! if this is a large question feel free to not do art but what is everyones favorite dish that piggy makes? and whats piggys favorite dish to make?
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"Well, since all of you asked so nicely..~ I will share this sacred information with you!" "Dogday's is Beef Stew!" "Crafty loves anything including carrots, but I believe her favorite dish could be Pan Fried Carrots!" "Hoppy eats a lot, but very healthy! She loves a good Steak Salad, extra large portion!" "Bubba is vegan, so I always make separate stuff for him. He isn't picky... But maybe Fruit Salads?" "Kickin' is by far the pickiest. He mostly eats foods with Chia Seeds, since that's his favorite thing." "Bobby likes Fish a lot! Doesn't really have a preference over which." "And Catnap... He's a tricky one. He eats anything Meat related, but sometimes leaves the veggies aside. Only sometimes though, there isn't really a pattern... I think he does it to annoy me, honestly." "And me? My favorite food is... Anything! I love any and all foods!... And as for favorite to cook?... Don't tell this to anyone, but I like baking more than cooking. If the rest knew this, they would beg to eat sweets for any and all meals... I can't allow that!"
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