#query query query in the house
aritany · 4 months
just finalized the query package for my novel and i start querying again on monday??? who is ready to get absolutely Brutalized by the publishing industry with me this summer
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essektheylyss · 9 months
I'm going to finish writing the most existentially stressful grocery run TODAY. It's GOING TO HAPPEN.
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deadpanwalking · 6 months
In your opinion is there still space for new authors (that don’t write YA) in the publishing industry?
I'm guessing you mean the traditional publishing industry. I’d be a hypocrite if I told you to burn down the Big Five publishing houses that take up space in your head, but you gotta understand that in addition to the shit that’s always been wrong, there’s a now a huge labor issue on account of the buyouts and layoffs last year, not to mention that the recent layoffs in the journalism industry = less book coverage = less publicity = fewer sales = more layoffs of editorial staff.  The chances of you getting a fair shake with that crowd any time soon are not great. Mind you, this is provided you’ve already locked down a literary agent who either likes your shit or thinks it will sell (birth of first child<the purple 😎 on QueryTracker when you get Offered Representation).  In any case, if you’re pitching literary fiction, get acquainted with reputable small presses, micro-presses, and indie publishers—some take unsolicited manuscripts if you aren't repped.
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bee-barnes-author · 10 months
Got my first agent rejection today. Really trying to not let it ruin my confidence in this book.
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maple-leifarts · 3 months
I CANT PICK TWOOOO im very biased and id probably pick someone from the mcyt sphere imma just say charlie from heartstopper and nina from six of crows :] my twelfth picture is just this panel from aptau 😭
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and i personally havent interacted with a ghost but i wouldnt be surprised if they were real :D
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
friendo did you drink enough water last night/this morning? /nfta (not forced to answer)
Probably not, but that's just a general rule. And it's not on purpose, I'm just really bad at remembering to drink water. But I'm trying to work on it 👍
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giantologist · 1 year
Hello, professor. I have a question as to whether there are any instances of homophobia or transphobia amongst the giants, or if the are an all accepting race, like the witches of the Boiling Isles.
thank you
Certainly not!
Gender is different amongst giants. There are no gendered pronouns, no particular roles one can take in society that dictate sex difference, and love is love no matter what. Phenotypes between individuals can differ more frequently than in humans. Size is a different matter, with larger giants being seen as the stronger and more capable party, as with a sex-dominated society.
Additionally, Urt, the giantish God of life and death, changes sex with the seasons. Spring and summer are for feminine rebirth, autumn and winter posessing a masculine energy that I'm told is related to beards and their thermal properties. They are still a genderless entity regardless, which does place gender experimentation at the cultural forefront of a giant's identity.
Professor J Finch
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fire emblem query poll
i fucked up everyone. sorry bout that... i got a lot of fire emblem submissions!
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knifesxedge · 11 months
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amouramaryllis · 1 year
hey angel... do u want to have a nacho & low budget knock-off kids movies night, ya or nah?
૮ ⚆ﻌ⚆ა ▬ι==>
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lainra · 2 years
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Housing Commisions Open
In-game Names: Quartz Ao, Daimond Ao, Onyx Ao
Data Centres: Materia (Bismarck, Ravana) Primal (Famfrit)
Commission Status: Closed
Portfolio: carrd | tumblr | twitter | housing snap
Design Style: Anything except for eastern (open to adult venues)
Price: NYOP after completion. Don't overpay for some work you don't think is worth this, only after you're happy will you need to consider a price. No disputation at all, the amount you say is the amount I'll take. (gil)
Time: Depending on the side of your house, the resources required and the free time I have, it could take anywhere from about three days to a couple of weeks.
FC or personal: I am unable to do fc houses on Bismarck but can on Famfrit. Please notify me if your place is an fc house at the beginning of a commission.
Contact: Discord (found on my carrd), tumblr or in game.
Not on your world but still would still like to use my services? I am open to creating a new character on any world if you could provide a story + job skip. Afterwards, I would still need to finish Endwalker and level all craft and gatherers.
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Getting There...
I'm enjoying listening to Dean Koontz's Ticktock--one of my comps in my query letter (the competition or comparable works to my own, THE OURDERKIRK HOUSE). I'll be listening to the other two comps later this week. They're Stephen King's The Outsider, and Peter Straub's If You Could See Me Now. I love these authors and they have had a strong influence on what and how I write.
I have finished my 3-Act outline. I have crafted my 1-page query letter. All that's left are the 1-page synopsis and creating new doc files with the first 3 chapters, and the first 50 pages.
The outline--and I'm a confirmed pantser all my life--only took 3 days, with lots of procrastinating involved. So, I'm not as afraid of the 1-page synopsis now.
Still observing the Writers' Strike, though. So I'm taking my time getting my query/submission packet together. Once there's a resolution for us, I'm hitting the ground running.
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blackbirdffxiv · 1 year
🖼- does your muse have art in their home? and 🎆- how does your muse react to change? \o/
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🖼- does your muse have art in their home?
She does! Most of it is just either small paintings she either has done herself, was gifted to her, or was something she simply saw in the markets and thought it was pretty and she took it home. Ellie is the sort to constantly be redecorating so she has a hoard of paintings, tapestries, etc, hiding in her storage or even on her walls (if housing limits weren't a thing, no doubt her entire house would be COVERED in paintings).
🎆- how does your muse react to change? \o/
I have answered that question here, but thank you for asking anyways! ^.^
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bee-barnes-author · 10 months
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maple-leifarts · 10 days
uhhh the first thing that i can think of off the top of my head is that neil cicierega (lemon demon)’s sister helped make ducktales :3
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
bc wikipedia says cambodia was the last independent country to have color film (quote unquote in the 80s) but they HAD color film. they had it in the 60s, before the khmer rouge destroyed all the copies they could (although not all of them, bc be real) because it was a western invention. and i knew this vaguely because my mom had told me about all the colors and how beautiful it was, but like to SEE it realized. to look at their faces and realize that they were alive and i may not look like them but they could have been the people surrounding me. to see this silly classic romance movie clip or this little thing from another movie..... just THE LIFE. THERE WAS LIFE BEFORE IT ALL. and fuck it was so beautiful quil, they were all so beautiful, it was all just people. and there was the rock movement in the 70s inspired by elvis and bowie and all the classic rock greats that is also EXACTLY ITS OWN that u can find in bands like dengue fever and cambodian space project and i just found a documentary about the rock and roll in that era that i've been looking for since like 2021... just. and like. i was melancholy about it for a minute beause look at all these things i did not get to have but then also on the flip side now i get to learn about them and see all this joy and hold my own culture growing up in this specific place in america with these communities and it's just all this beautiful interconnectedness of culture and history and people being people. i will cry if i think about the movies more though.
Yeah! Like you can know something, but sometimes it doesn't really sink in or you don't fully process it. And then something makes you reflect on it and you become so so aware of just. humanity. and everything in the world
those people in the clips were real people. having fun, laughing, playing in the water. it's proof you can watch of the joy and life before the khmer rouge. the specific details of life and what they choose to include, to immortalize as best they can when they have the option
it's easy to feel isolated, I think? from the language, from the history, from the reality of it all. at least for me it is, at times. and its things like this that remind you that even as warped and twisted and things might've become, even though we can't go back and we're so different now, there's a connection there. you're connected to it, no matter how small
and there's so many feelings that come with that! the grief of seeing how much has been lost, how much has had to change, but the comfort and connection of rediscovery and what's still there. everything is so connected it's wild to think about and try to conceptualize the intersection of it all
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