#queer platonic kismesitude
atomic-sludge · 11 months
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Top ten photos taken moments before disaster.
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macksartblock · 7 months
Could you explain the Homestuck chart please?
Yes I can but it will be a long one so buckle in lol
So explaining the makeup of this chart for those who have never learned about the quadrants or maybe need a refresher.
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First it’s important to note that A) the quadrants are from a violent alien society and are meant to reflect/balance that out B) the line between quadrants can often blur.
So if some things seem weird that’s probably why.
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Red rom focus on positive emotions while black rom focuses on the negative. Along with that, concupiscent quadrants prioritize passion/attraction while conciliatory quadrants prioritize soothing/comforting.
Matespritship (♥️) is the closest to a typical human romantic relationship. This is the lovey dovey corner. The one that’s all about passion and dates and affection yada yada. It’s also the one I am least interested in bc it’s the most familiar.
Kismesitude (♠️) is the opposing romance to Matespritship. It focuses on feelings of hatred and attraction, but for it to be a true pitch relationship, there must also be respect. Think of it as an intense rivalry. A kismesis is someone who pushes your buttons. Someone who constantly challenges you forward. They are the person you trust to vent your aggression out towards.
It is incredibly important to know that neither member will ever want their partner to be grievously hurt or killed. They genuinely care for one another.
Moirailigance (♦️) is a frequently misinterpreted relationship. Many people see it as the BFF corner, but it is much deeper than that. Think more similar to a queer platonic relationship. Moirails are each others safeguard. They care deeply for each others physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
This is the person you go to when you’re having a horrible day. This is the person who will drop everything to take care of you when sick. This is the person who’d lay their life down for you if someone threatened you.
It’s also often moirails will show affection through physical means (ex: hugging, holding hands, cuddling, chaste kisses in some dynamics).
Auspisticism (♣️) is often the most neglected romance. Despite this it is incredibly important. This quadrant involves three members. Typically a feuding pair and a mediator - known as the auspistice. This third party is the person who provides advice when the couple are struggling in their dynamic.
They will deescalate feuds that may be going to far. They will step in to prevent serious injury. They will calm the pair down, provide them with new perspectives on whatever’s troubling them.
TLDR: hearts are for lovers — spades are for rivals that kiss — diamonds are for soulmates who aren’t quite lovers and they prefer it that way — clubs are mediators.
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