But We’re Best Friends! || J.M.
Pairing: University Joe Mazzello! X University! Reader
Words: 6.1K
Warnings: suggestive themes, swearing
Gender: unspecified
Request: @queenscoolcat
“If you still need an idea maybe you could write something where Joe is in love with the reader but he thinks they don’t feel the same way until reader kiss him and he just melts and is speechless”
Synopsis: Joe pleads with you to audition for USC’s performance of Rocky Horror Picture show. Partly because he loves seeing you acting, but also partly because he has the biggest crush on you. Though, he doubts you would ever feel the same. You two have been best friends since your Freshman year in college! He would never want to jeopardize that! Would you?
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“You HAVE to audition!” Joe whines at you. You scrutinize the poster, the red lips and bloody font pop out at you immediately.
Rocky Horror Picture Show
“I don’t know, Joe. I don’t think that’s my… area of expertise.” You chuckle at his enthusiasm. His eyes widen at your words.
“What do you mean? You’re acting is amazing!” you bite back a genuine grin, your cheeks dusting a shade of red at his compliment. “I MEAN walking around in lingerie and being… sensual? Not really what I’m good at.” At this point Joe looks as if he was a kicked puppy in the rain.
“Please just at least audition with me! If you don’t get in, then at least you can say you tried, right?” he brings out his lower lip. How can you resist those big, brown, beautiful eyes. You press your lips together in thought.
You admit, it would be kinda fun to be in it- the costumes, the music, the general aesthetic were things you adore.  Plus, this is your last year at USC, may as well give it a shot, right? You already know Joe will get a lead role- he always does. You really appreciate him being supportive and telling you that you’ll get in. But the fear lingers of showing your body off in front of many people. You decide that it’s worth it, if it means getting into your favorite show, and, like he said, if you don’t land a role, at least you tried.
“Fine, but you’re going to help me with the audition! Payback for making me prepare something the day before.”
“Deal!” Joe exclaims. He takes the pen and fills in your name under one of the few time slots available- Saturday, 7:30 PM. You won’t be going together, but at least you know you’ll have his support.
That day after classes, you go to Joe’s flat and immediately begin updating resumes, working on songs, and dancing around like there’s no tomorrow. Joe puts on a dance for you that is somewhere between the Charleston and the Funky Chicken. You can’t help but break into a belly laugh. “I sincerely hope you don’t have a dancing role.” you snort and throw a pretzel at him from the bag slumped at your side. He feigns insult and puts his hand over his heart. He makes mock crying sounds, inducing another hearty laugh from you.
“Show me what you have, then!” you shake your head, smirking.
“It’s late, Joe, I should get back to my place.”  you turn to your side and start packing your backpack.
Joe cocks a brow at you, cracking a shit-eating grin.
“Backing away from the challenge, are you?”
“You know how my flatmate is about waking her up by coming home at “UNGODLY” hours of the night.” You zip up your bag, and Joe groans. Before you have time to get up, he slumps onto you, pinning you to the couch, knocking some of the wind out of you. “At least stay the night! They’re still gonna throw a fit either way.” he begs. You sigh, giving him an even “Okay, okay.” Still he doesn’t get off. You attempt to push him off, but he remains in his spot- total dead weight. You give up, seeing the futility of the situation and let him lay there for a while. However, as pins and needles begin poking at your legs, you ask Joe to get up. He apologizes and gets off you, offering a movie and to grab your extra clothes you keep in the event of nights like this. You nod, and he sets off to his room. On the way, he stops at his flatmate’s door and gives it a quick knock, realizing he didn’t exactly ask if you can stay. “Yeah?” his flatmate calls from inside. Joe enters to find his flatmate taking notes at his desk, face buried deep in a textbook. “Hey, sorry, but is it cool that (y/n) stays the night?” Joe asks. His flatmate looks up from his notes and turns to him.
“(y/n) practically lives here, so, sure?” Joe gives a guilty smile to him and ushers a “Thanks, Tom”. As he is about to close the door, Tom asks, “When are you gonna do it then, huh?” Joe looks back at him, brows knitted together.
“Do… what?”
Tom lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Ask (y/n) out, you idio-” “SHHHH” Joe comes back into the room and closes the door, shooting a glare at Tom.
“(y/n) can hear you!” he whispers urgently. Tom smirks and rolls his eyes, making Joe huff irritably.
“Sorry, jeez,” Tom sighs. “But seriously when are you going to do it. You make goo-goo eyes at (y/n) every time you two are in the same room.” Joe bites the inside of his cheek and shrugs. “I- I don’t know. We both have a lot going on between school and the show and-”
“Excuses, excuses. What is it about (y/n) that scares you? Cuz you act like a pussy every time I ask this.” Joe looks down sheepishly. “W- Well… (y/n) is just so...perfect and authentic and sweet….” he lists off the qualities he loves about you effortlessly. Though, he catches himself mid lecture on you and snaps himself out of his out trance.
“...but we’ve been friends way too long. I’d hate to ruin that, y’know? Besides, I highly doubt (y/n) would feel the same.”
At this point, Tom is almost ready to throw his psychology book at Joe. He rubs his temple before clapping his hands together and sitting back in his desk chair in mock therapy mode.
“Okay, then let’s weigh our scenarios. Hypothetically- just work with me here- you ask (y/n) out let’s say… after the show or some shit.” his roommate brings up his hand as puppets. Joe sits on the bed, folding his arms, ready to humor whatever silly thing his flatmate is about to do. “Oh, (y/n)! (y/n), you looked so gorgeous and sexy onstage I loooove you, will you go out with me?” he says in a spoofed version of Joe’s voice. Joe looks at Tom as if he’d grown a third head who continues nonetheless. “First scenario….” he changes into a version of your voice. “No, cuz I think of you as a brother! Besides, I think your roommate is much more handsome and-” “Okay, okay, I get it!” Joe lets out an exasperated sigh. Tom raises his brows and looks down. “Okay, second scenario- (y/n) says yes and you two date, fuck, marry, live happily ever after, so mote it be, blah blah blah.”
Joe pinches his nose and sighs. “Please, be serious.” he groans. Tom claps his hands together again and leans forward toward Joe, brows tightly knitted together. “Look, you love (y/n), right?”
Joe smiles to himself.
“More than I’d like to admit.” “You want to be more than friends?” “Well, yeah, but-”
“Has (y/n) ever left you for dumb shit before?”
“Well, no, but I-”
“Do you value your friendship more than a hypothetical relationship?”
“Of course I do! But I-”
“Worst case scenario is that (y/n) rejects you and you still remain friends. My point is, there’s nothing to lose! So please do yourself and (y/n) a favor and do it before we graduate next semester.”
Joe weighs his options further. Though he doesn’t want to admit it, Tom’s is right. He just nods, thanks Tom for his time and goes to grab your clothes and a movie. Once he comes back he finds you curled up on the couch texting. You look up at him, giving him a sweet smile, one that sends his stomach into loops.
“I was beginning to think you passed out on me.” you tell him. A blush creeps onto his lips. He presses his lips together and hands you your clothes. Come on, just ask already he wills himself. Still he doesn’t. You notice his hesitation and get up to grab your clothes from him. “Everything okay, Joe? You seem tense all of a sudden.” Say something!
“Uh- yeah, I’m good. Just… stressed about the audition I guess?” you let out a breath in amusement at his anxiety. It’s just like him to worry about an audition, even one you know he’ll land. “You’re gonna be great Joe- look at the acting gigs you’ve had, even when you were a kid!” you lay a hand on his arm, and his anxieties melt away. He doesn’t understand it- You have this ability to both make him weak in the knees, yet feel completely at peace all the time.
“Thanks, (y/n). You will too.” he says to you, his normal demeanor returning. You give him a quick hug and he reciprocates happily. As you part, you let out a yawn. Looking down at your phone, you realize how late it is. 3:27 AM
“I think we should get some sleep before tomorrow, eh? Thanks for helping me out.” you say, sleep already creeping into your voice. “No worries, what are friends for?” you nod and go into the bathroom to change into your extra clothes. Joe watches you leave for a moment before returning to his room. Once you change, you come into his room and settle in the bed beside him as you normally do when you stay over. Swiftly, your tiredness overtakes you and you fall asleep.
The next morning, you wake up before Joe, who is out like a light next to you. You smile at him, watching his chest rise and fall. After a moment, you creep out of bed, quietly gather your things, and head out the door and go back to your apartment. Once there, you begin rehearsing everything Joe helped you with last night. Luckily, your flatmate had already left for work, so you could sing loudly. You practice some of your dancing and manage to get to a place where you’re comfortable with the movements and have memorized your song. Looking at the clock, you realize you need to get to the arts building in about 2 hours. You figure that’s enough time to get a shower in and make yourself half-decent.
7:30 hits and you are waiting anxiously outside the door of the theater, resume held tightly under your arm. Most of your friends are auditioning the next day, so you are stuck with several people you don’t know well. You go over the choreography to your song mentally, taking deep breaths in the process. You get a text before you go in from Joe. You open your flip phone and look at the message. [Joe]
Hey! You’re going to do great tonight! Break a leg :) I’ll pick you up after if you want.
You smile down at your phone and reply back.
Sounds good! I’ll text you when I’m out. I’m thinkin fast food honestly.
Soon after you get a reply.
Sounds good. See you then!
You place your phone back into your pocket and continue going over your audition material. A few names are called before you. You grow fidgety with excitement as your name gets closer and closer.
“Next is Whimic. (l/n), you’re on standby.” the girl bringing people back calls out. You get up and move to the lobby. As people come out, you spot one of your friends finally. You couldn’t mistake that grunge-y girl if you tried. “Nicole! Hey! How was it?” you trot up to her giddily. Nicole smiles at you and gives you a hug. “Hey, honey. It was okay. Be prepared to do some weird shit after your song, though. I had to spell my name as if I was having an orgasm.” she snorts. You laugh as well.
“Yikes, alright, I’ll keep my mind open, I suppose. What role are you going for?”
“Hopefully Magenta, but we’ll see what happens. I gotta head out, though. Meg is gonna be pissed if I don’t get back in time for date night.” You chuckle and give her one more hug. “No worries! Fingers crossed for ya!” you separate and Nicole walks away. “You too, babe!” she calls back. Soon after, your name is called to come in. You follow the person that called you into the house and greet the director, tech assistant, and music director with a smile. You set your resume and head shot down on the table and go to the accompanist. You show them where you’re starting on the sheet music you hand them and then move to center stage. Once there you turn around, you take a deep breath in and out and begin your slate.
“Hello, my name is (f/n) (l/n), and I will be singing “Big Spender” by Shirly Bassey” the accompanist comes in with your music. Surprisingly, you are able to move in time, despite how nervous you are. Still you push through, and as the first few bars of singing come in, your anxieties begin to melt away. The stage is your home and you feel as if you’re the only one in the theater. You move around the stage with a newfound confidence as the director scribbles down some notes. As you finish the song you strut back downstage. “Hey, big spender” you jut your hips in time with the pianist.
“Spend, a little time, with me.” you move your hips to the end of the song, finishing with a wink and turning on your foot to walk back upstage. As the song finishes, you turn back around and bow your head. “Thank you.” you project. The director smiles at you and the three members all usher a thank you to you as well.
“Before you go,” the director calls to you as you grab your music from the accompanist. “Do you mind just screaming at the top of your lungs for us?”
You are slightly taken aback by the request, but you understand it is likely for the show.
“Uh- yeah sure.” you offer. The director nods and sits back.
“Whenever your ready.”
You take a deep breath and let out the loudest scream you could. It bounces off the back of the theater’s walls and almost pierces your own years. Though, the three audience members seem completely unfazed. “Thank you. That will be all.” they say.
“Thank you for your time.” you bow your head and leave.
Once outside, you text Joe that you’ve finished your audition. He texts back an ‘Okay!’ and pulls up not long after. You hop into the car, giving him a side-hug.
“How was it?” he asks you excitedly.
“Really good, actually! Thanks so much for making me audition, honestly.” A wide smile plasters itself onto his face. “I TOLD you! Now let’s get something to eat! I’m starving!” he turns on the radio for you, letting you choose whatever station you want. You flip to an oldies channel and “Bohemian Rhapsody” plays in the middle of Brian’s first solo. You both mimic the guitar sounds, giggling the whole time.
“You know, this is the first song I ever downloaded on Napster.” he says, turning down the volume to speak.
“You CRIMINAL!” you retort jokingly. He laughs at your remark and gives you a small shove. He turns the music back up, and you both come back in with the operatic section- terribly out of key, as one does. You lean over onto his shoulder as he drives, sending electricity through his body. He melts at your touch, though you don’t notice, still singing dramatically.
You both pull up to the fast food joint and head in. You order your food and sit down, chatting about the audition.
“Did they make you do anything weird?” he asks you.
“It wasn’t the worst, I just had to scream at the top of my lungs.” you shrug. “I’ll make sure I keep that in mind.” he giggles. You continue to tell him about what went on, Nicole’s story, and Joe listened closely the whole time. Watching you speak so animatedly is something he loves most about you. In truth, you can likely turn the most boring lecture into the most interesting for him, so long as you are excited about the topic.
Suddenly, your buzzer goes off to grab your dinner. You both go up together, grabbing your trays and drinks. As you sit back down, Joe’s phone rings.
“Hello?” he answers. “Hey, Joe! You have a minute?” his agent chirps through the phone.
“Uh- yeah, what’s up?” He looks at you nervously. You cock a brow at him and he mouths the word “Agent” to you. You nod and let him continue.
“We have a movie offer for you, but you need to take the next few months off to film if that’s okay!”
Joe’s heart falls a moment upon hearing that. This offer will help him further his acting career, but that would mean he wouldn’t be able to do Rocky Horror, assuming he gets in, which you assured him over and over that he would.
“Uh- I’m not able to check my planner at the moment. Am I able to call you back?” You both exchange gazes at each other as you take a sip of your drink.
“No problem, but the sooner the better! Talk to you soon!”
“Yeah… Talk to you soon.” Joe hangs up the phone and slips it back into his pocket, sighing. “What’s up, Joe?” you ask him. He looks at you, eyes full of guilt.
“So… That was my agent.” he starts out.
“Uh-huh?” “And they’re offering me a TV deal.” Your eyes light up. “That’s amazing Joe! Are you going to take it?”
His grimaces at you, causing the light to fade from your sunny demeanor.
“Well, if I do it means I can’t do the show, so I can’t do the show- let alone audition.” His heart breaks at the expression this induces from you.
“I- don’t have to take it, though! I’d love to do the show.” he rambles. You shake your head and take his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. The action soothes his surging mind slightly.
“You should take it, Joe. You want to do film more, anyway.” you assure him, though, Joe catches your voice faltering a bit. He bites his lip anxiously.
“I’ll…. I’ll think about it.” You nod at him with an almost unreadable expression. He can’t seem to figure out where your head's at, but, when he asks you, you tell him you just want to see him happy. You both continue eating, changing the subject to Joe’s relief and are back to your typical silly antics. After dinner, he drops you off at your flat, waiting until you’re inside before driving back to his place.
Once home, Joe drops his keys into the bowl aside the door and slumps down on the couch. The only sound is the whirring of the AC and the incessant clicking of Tom’s keyboard as he works furiously on an essay due at midnight at the kitchen counter in an otherwise silent flat. After a few moments, Joe looks up at him and sighs exasperatedly before going into his room. He shuts the door and changes into some fresh boxers and a white t-shirt to relax in. However, that’s the last thing he can do right now. Staring at the phone in his hand, he continues weighing his options in terms of the deal. He gets up and paces back and forth, trying to come to some conclusion. He knows He’d feel incredibly guilty if he didn’t audition tomorrow, but he knows you would too if he didn’t because of you. Finally, he huffs and opens up his phone to make the call.
“Joe! You’re gonna do great!” You assure him, helping him pull his luggage out of the trunk of your car. Joe pulls his other suitcase out and sets it down, letting out a breath as he does. You two are very early for his flight to New Hampshire to film The Hallow- nearly two hours before takeoff, but that’s LAX for you.
“I know, but I’m going to miss you.” he says with a sad smile. You look at him with a sympathetic expression on your face. You touch his arm gingerly, and Joe bites the inside of his cheek. It’s your softest touches and send Joe on high alert.
“I’m gonna miss you too, but, hey! Call me or text me when you can- oh! And I have something for you.” Joe’s eyes widen in shock.
Did you just confess?
“You- you do?” he says hesitantly. You chuckle at his words.
“Course I do! You think I’m going to send my best friend away without an early birthday gift since he’ll be gone? It’s in the back. I’ll grab it.” Joe snaps out of his trance. “O- Oh.” he deflates as you root around in your backseat. Under your coat, which you threw on top to hide the gift, is a small, green bag with ruffled paper in it. You bring it around back to Joe and hand it to him.
“I- I don’t know what to say.” he murmurs, thumbing over the colored bag. You grin at him and urge him to open it, giggling excitedly. Inside is a little white box with a locket inside with a shrunken down picture of you two from a Halloween party. You’re dressed as a dinosaur and Joe is in a makeshift Tim Murphey outfit. Joe is screaming as the dinosaur head on your costume “chomps” down on him. “It’s nothing much, but that way you have me wherever you go.” you tell him somewhat bashfully. Joe stares down at the photo, mouth slightly open.
“Thank you…” he finally says, though, his tone is more disappointed.
“Do you… not like it?” you ask him. His gaze snaps back at you, brows raised. “No- I do! I really do. Oh my god, (y/n) I love it! I just- No, it’s perfect. Thank you so much!” he wraps you in a big hug, squeezing you. Once you part you help him put it on, even if he will have to take it back off for security.
“Text me when you land, okay? Wanna make sure you get there safely!” you tell him. He nods, not trusting his tone anymore as a lump forms in his throat. “I will.” he pulls you into one more hug, this one longer than before. His eyes grow slightly misty as he pulls away and grabs his luggage to go into the terminal. “Thank you again for dropping me off, by the way.” “No problem! Now go catch your flight, dork!” you laugh. He nods with a smile before turning on his heel and heading in.
The following weeks, you two text nonstop, wracking up minutes like there’s no tomorrow. You tell him excitedly on the night the cast list comes out that you’ve been cast as a Transylvanian.
“That’s awesome! I told you you’d get in, didn’t I?” he tells you ecstatically on the other line. You grin at his enthusiasm.
“Nicole got in too! She’s going to play Magenta!” “She’s going to do great, but I think you may steal the show.” Joe chuckles. You scoff at him before following in his laughter. As the laughing dies down, there is a moment of silence between you two.
“Will you be back in time to see it?” you ask him. Joe thinks for a minute and checks the calendar.
“The premier is the 23rd of October… Opening night is, what, the 29th? Go through Halloween?” “Yessir.” you say. “Uhhh, I should be able to get back before then, depending on if they need me for press, but they probably won’t!” You practically squeal through the phone. “I’m so excited to see you again!” Joe bites back a smile, looking down at the floor.
“Me too, (y/n).”
“Please just don’t make fun of me onstage.” you joke. Joe scoffs at you. “Oh, have SOME faith in me! I’m not gonna make fun of you… much.” he laughs. “I gotta head to bed, though. They want me onset by 6 tomorrow morning.” You make a mock barf noise through the phone, making Joe laugh again. “I couldn’t agree more.” he snorts. “I’ll talk to you later then, movie star.”
“You too.”
“Goodnight. Love ya.”
Joe sighs happily. “Love you too.” The days crawl by without you. Joe finds the thing he looks forward to most is getting to text or call you when he can- not that shooting The Hallow isn’t fun- He loves everyone in the cast so much. He just misses you. He finds himself staring at the picture in the locket more than usual. His cast mates have teased him about it, which he brushes off playfully. They say he’s so lucky to have “a partner that cares enough to send something like that.”
“O- Oh we’re not- No we’re just friends.” he stammers, a rosy color dusting his cheeks.
“Really? The way you look at the locket made it seem like you two were a thing.”
He shakes his head rapidly. He knows you would never feel the same, though. He’s gone way too often for you two to be an item. Not to mention you’ve seen him at his absolutely worst, and he values being your friend more than anything else. But one can’t help but think…
As the opening night creeps up, hell week commences, meaning the stress is up as everyone scrambles for last minute, tech, blocking, and costuming. After a particularly long rehearsal you swing by Nicole’s place to watch the newly released The Hallow to decompress. The whole time, you are at the edge of your seat, watching Joe’s character with much intensity every time he comes on screen. As the credits roll through, you get up to help Nicole wash the popcorn bowls you two used.
“I think it needed more gore.” she says. “Nikki, it was fine! You’re such a horror snob!” you snort. Nicole shoves you playfully.
“Would you have me any other way?” she cocks a brow at you, opening her arms out.
“Shut up.” You spray her with sink water, earning a yelp from her. She laughs and squeezes the sponge, water hitting your upper body.
“Oh- Hey, is Joe gonna be back for the show?” she asks, coming down from her laughing fit. “I think so. He said it may not be until closing night, though.” you replies. She hums.
“Hope so! I bet he’s excited to see you, especially with how you open the show.” she waggles her eyebrows at you. You look at her confused.
“Whaddaya mean?” you say, finishing up drying a bowl and placing it back in the cabinet. Nicole turns toward you and leans on the counter.
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean’? He’s TOTALLY into you.”
“He… is?” Nicole scoffs at you. “Honey, he’s really not that subtle. He looks at you like how I look at a high-quality matte black lipstick!” she laughs. You smirk at her comparison. Though, looking back, you can’t help but realize she’s right.
Opening night hits and only a few things go wrong- mostly sound issues, but they’ve since been fixed. By closing night, you have grown much more comfortable showing your body in front of people by this point- call it literal exposure therapy. Closing night feels bittersweet as usual as you put on the rest of your makeup backstage. Nicole is beside you, finishing up her smudged liner before turning to you.
“How do I look?” she asks, striking a pose and fluffing her kinked up hair. You smile at her and give a thumbs up.
“Meg is gonna go crazy over this look.” you say. Nicole gives a triumphant grin. She pulls down her collar to reveal a small purple mark at the base of her neck, admiring her girlfriend’s work in the mirror. “I sent her pics during tech week. She already has.” she smirks. You roll your eyes at her, chuckling. You go into a changing room to put on a suit that Joe had lent you for the show and hat over your costume.
In the house, Joe takes his seat close to the stage where Transylvanians are supposed to sit a row in front of him. He waits excitedly for people to come out. The director and assistant stage manager come out, going through rules and initiating the virgin games. Tonight, virgins are split into teams and had to pass a dildo between their knees to teammates. Joe finds himself laughing quietly at the struggle. The team that wins are all given packets of mayonnaise as a prize. They all go back to their seats. The stage manager puts a chair center stage, and the show is about to begin. The lights dim and you step onstage, a spotlight hitting you. There are “whoops” and “hollers” by your friends in the audience. Joe smiles at you, even though you can’t see him with the light in your face. He can’t help but feel weirdly...warm inside seeing you in his suit. You pull it off very well, though. Not to mention how well you’re about to literally pull it off.
As the music begins playing, you begin to sway your hips. Already this catches Joe’s attention. You take off your hat and throw it to an audience member and run a hand sensually through your hair, really wanting to make a meal out of your last show. Slowly you untie the tie around your neck, rolling your head to one side. You slip off the fabric effortlessly and place it onto the chair. You face your back to the audience, still swaying as you unbutton your shirt. The fabric slipping down your arms at a pace that snails could beat. You sway your hips some more to the rhythm before you turn around, the only thing on your chest are nipple pasties shaped like the lips in the logo. Joe subconsciously licks his lips and throws his jacket over his lap, his cheeks growing more flushed than before. More “whoops” and “ow!”s emerge from your friends in the audience. Joe is paralyzed. He feels dirty watching this, but he can’t help but keep watching, eyeing your every movement. You shimmy out of your pants, revealing some rather skimpy black underwear and garters attached to fishnet stockings, and Joe clenches his jaw. As the song fades out, you strike a pose and blow a kiss to the audience. All your friends wolf whistle at you and yell your name. You bow and gather the clothes before you saunter backstage to put on a slightly less revealing set of lingerie on.
The show goes on without too many hiccups. You come back out with the rest of the Transylvanians for songs and dances. Once numbers finish, you find your spot in the audience. You all do your callbacks loudly. In quieter moments, you scan for Joe. Once you find him, you attempt to gauge his reaction. His gaze is fixed on the show, jaw clenched, expression unreadable. Huffing slightly, you turn back to the show. Obviously you aren’t going to get the reaction you’re looking for right now. However, Joe is not exactly paying too much attention to the show itself- the image of you strip teasing out of his suit is seared into his memory like a brand. Each time you’re onstage, though, his gaze is only on you. Your whole performance sends his mind reeling.
Intermission hits, and Joe immediately gets up to get some air, feeling slightly lightheaded by your performance. Meanwhile you sit backstage with the cast getting ready for the second act. People in the cast come up to you telling you how good you looked. You thank them profusely and then continue to make yourself as decent as one can for Rocky Horror at your table.
“You looked SO hot up there!” Nicole exclaims, hugging you from behind. You grin widely at her in the mirror and hug back. “Thanks, Nikki. You look hot all the time!” you giggle. She lets go of you and sits in the chair to your left. “I bet Joe had a nice view.” she says with a shit eating grin on her face. Your eyes widen and your face goes red. “Oh god… I forgot he was coming tonight!” you groan, throwing a hand to your face. Nicole chuckles and rubs your back.
“It’s okay, babe.”
Not long after, the ASM calls for you places, signalling that it is time for the second act. “Thank you places!” you and Nicole yell in unison before getting ready for the next scene.
The second act goes relatively smoothly, with the exception of someone forgetting their blocking. You take your spot back in the audience, feeling yourself easing back into the environment. At the end of the show, you all take your bows and the audience members either come up to meet the cast or head out, feeling… different. You and Nicole take a picture together and laugh with your group of friends who are gushing about how good both of you did. The post-show adrenaline courses through you as you laugh and gush back to them about preparing for that opening. You look away for a moment, gaze interlocking with a pair of familiar eyes, and you utter a gasp. Joe is smiling at you from across the house. Seeing that he has your attention, he begins to make his way over to you. You excuse yourself from your friends and shimmy your way through the crowd, meeting him halfway.
“Great job tonight!” he grins at you.
“Thanks, Joe! Oh my goodness I missed you!” you exclaim, throwing your hands around his neck. He hugs you back tightly.
Without thinking, and full of adrenaline from the show and seeing his face again, you kiss him on the lips. It catches him extremely off-guard. You pull back and step away from him bashfully upon realizing what you’ve done. Joe just stares at you like a deer in the headlights. You bite the inside of your cheek anxiously, unable to figure out his reaction.
“Sorry- uh. I- I don’t know what came over me.” you stammer out, your cheeks becoming extremely flushed. Suddenly a finger is under your chin and Joe is staring at you with the most loving, sappy gaze you’ve ever seen. “Can you uhm…. Do that again?” he begs. You lick your lips hesitantly and nod. You both lean in this time, Joe melting into you completely, forgetting there’s a crowd of people around you. He holds his arms securely around your back and yours make their way around his neck. You move your head slightly to deepen the kiss, earning a small groan from deep in Joe’s throat. Nicole gives you both a wolf whistle and you both pull back immediately into reality, faces beet red.
“Bout time!” she snorts at you two as she makes her way over.
“About time?” Joe echoes. You press your lips together shyly, and Nicole breaks into a laugh. “(y/n) would NOT stop talking about you the whole time you were gone, dude!”
“That so?” Joe looks at you with a newfound confidence. You grow warm under his gaze. Nicole snorts and nods.
“Seriously the amount of goo-goo eyes this one makes whenever you text is fucking RIDICULOUS.”
“Thank you, Nikki.” you say abruptly as you shoot Nicole a desperate plea to stop. She obliges, still choking back some laughter. “You coming to the cast party, by the way? It’s at my place this year. Joe can come too if he wants.” she winks.
You look at Joe and he looks back at you for the ultimate decision. You shrug and look back at Nicole. “I think I’m gonna skip out this time ‘round. Next show for sure.” you tell her. She feigns insult, though, she knows exactly what your plans are for tonight. “Whateverrrr,” she laughs. “You lovebirds have fun.” she says and gives you a hug. As you part you snake a hand around Joe’s middle, and he brings an arm over your shoulder.
“You too, Nikki.”
Nicole points a finger gun at you and walks off with Meg, leaving you and Joe together. “All the time, huh?” Joe smirks.
“Just help me grab my stuff.”
@littlemisscaptainfandom  A/N: I hope you liked it, Caro! Thanks for requesting!!!
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moviesbi · 6 years
Okay... Imagine how Joe shows you the video where he is eating the doughnut and you get all hot and bothered by it, but Joe is laugh “so fucking gross, isn’t it?” He jokes just as you close your legs trying to feel something, you try to hide it, but of course, Joe notice it which makes his cock harden a little just by the thought of you all wet for him “you like it, baby girl?” Joe asked cupping your chin so you would look at him, and you being a horny mess all you can do is nod -queenscoolcat
yes!! ok you nod but you are so embarrassed that video of him eating a fucking donut made you wet so your face turns beet red
“baby theres no need to be shy, let me take care of you” and snakes a hand between your legs to rub at your pussy over your jeans. you grip his wrist and lean your head back, gasping at the sensation. joe sinks to his knees and pulls you to the edge of the bed.
“what do you want from me hmm? use your words” he’s rubbing his palms up your thighs teasingly. “your mouth, joe please” and with that he practically rips your jeans off to attach himself to your core, tasting your wetness through your panties. you lay back against the mattress and grip joe’s hair, pulling him impossibly closer to your pussy.
“look at you baby girl, desperate and needy for me to do something” he runs a finger up your slit, collecting some of your wetness on his finger. you grind your hips up in search of his hand, but joe places his palm on your stomach while he removes the lace from your body.
joe eats you out with such passion and vigor that has you seeing literal stars with each orgasm. you have tears running from your eyes as your on the brink of your third orgasm. the noise of joe slurping at your pussy is obscene, making you repeat his name over again like a prayer. his teeth graze your clit while his hand roughly pinches your nipple. your eyes roll into the back of your head as your orgasm tears through your body; your shaking so much and joe has his arm thrown over your hips to keep you against the bed.
it isnt until after you’ve come down from your high that you notice the dark wet spot from him cumming in his jeans
thirsty thursday
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leemznho · 5 years
Confession: with Gwilym’s post I truly want to have a threesome with them 😪 wait! Joe can come too! -queenscoolcat
listen,,, i couldn’t agree with something more, my only issue is that i can’t decide whether or not i would want them to be gentle and praise and worship me, or call me a filthy slut and make me cry 
anon confessions 
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70srogertaylor · 5 years
First of all, I am offended that you thought no one would send the crush asks because you are fucking gorgeous and sweet! Second of all: if you wouldn’t receive any then I would be here spamming you with those -queenscoolcat
I lovE YOU SO MUCH😭😭😭💖
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instantezra · 5 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity! -queenscoolcat
carOOOOO bb thank u!!!
disney movies!!!
disney world (that counts separately i promise)
yellow eyeshadow looks
eating ice cream
raspberry sake sangria (im craving it tbh)
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rogahhtaylahh · 5 years
Now we are mutual! Thank you so much, love. You are so sweet -queenscoolcat
omg you’re welcome! 😊💕
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mazzello-joe · 4 years
mazzello-joe’s fic recs
hi all! i’m kinda new to the joe mazzello stan tumblr community, but i have been stalking yall’s fics for so long.. it’s truly an obsession. so i compiled a list of my favorite fics about joe and his characters, as well as some of my all time favorite authors! i’ll be editing this as i find more fics and authors that i become obsessed with! i hope you all enjoy <3
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last edited: 12/6/2020
☼ = contains smut
bold = all time fave
confident plus size reader by almightygwil
stress relief series by a-night-at-the-0pera ☼
baseball by almightygwil ☼
party for one by joemazzmatazz 
a night at the opera by a-night-at-the-0pera ☼
make you mine by almightygwil  ☼
drops of jupiter series by joemazzmatazz ☼
part two  ☼
new york, new york by almightygwil
shoot the moon by almightygwil ☼
agape (series) by joemazzmatazz ☼
first date by m0etenchandon ☼
do you remember by almightygwil ☼
handsy by joemazzmatazz ☼
burning desire by almightygwil ☼
spooning positions by mrbenhardy
drunk in love by mrbenhardy  ☼
in other words by a-night-at-the-0pera 
red carpet ready by a-night-at-the-0pera 
illicit affairs series by mistymazzello  ☼
college!joe mazzello x reader by mistymazzello
first time by m0etenchandon  ☼
i’ll be there in the front row by angrylizardjacket
sharped dress by angrylizardjacket (nonbinary/transmasc reader)
teenage fantasy by angrylizardjacket  ☼
like a rive runs by joemazzmatazz (death warning)
Aftercare by mrbenhardys  ☼
after party by queen-irl-af
countdown by writingfortoomanyfandoms 
oblivious by writingfortoomanyfandoms
pretty damn hot indeed by brianmay-be  ☼
a family friend by gwilymz  ☼
stood up, make love by illfoandillfie  ☼
you’re the one that i want by undraftedd
trampoline (dad!joe) by mrhoemazzello
waffles by queen-irl-af  ☼
first date(s) by borhap-au  ☼
we’ve all got that one friend by brianharoldmayjune  ☼
grease is the word by doubledeaky  ☼
lingerie by freddiesaysalright  ☼
having a lot of kids with joe by freddiesaysalright
worth the wait by rogerscupboard  ☼
act two, scene two by doing-all-write  ☼
action! by templeofthejam  ☼
good vibrations (series) by o-holynight  ☼
november cabin by mightfineblog  ☼
what would it take to think about me in any other way by slutforbritdick  ☼
new beginnings by slutforbritdick
study break by brianmay-be  ☼
legally required by spacedustmazzello  ☼
cold is the night series by ladyfogg  ☼
pegging pat by ursoself-satisfying
rough sex with pat murray by joemazzmatazz  ☼
summertime fun by queen-irl-af  ☼
relax by queen-irl-af (pat x vinnie x reader)  ☼
a girl on the field by queenscoolcat
signed, sealed, delivered (i’m yours) by fairytales-of-yesterday
down by the river side by writingfortoomanyfandoms
no one understands by borhap-au
far away christmas by queen-irl-af
dog tags by brian-roger-dearky-and-fred
love, miss nurse by acdeaky
can i call you darlin’? by fatbottomedgwil
part two by fatbottomedgwil
adult tim:
dinosaurs and donuts by infinitymars  ☼
albatross by fairytales-of-yesterday
my lonely days are through by fairytales-of-yesterday
take your time, do it right by doubledeaky  ☼
All Time Favorite Writers:
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acdeaky · 4 years
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hi all! it’s that time of year again and i thought it would be fun to create a christmas/winter/december writing challenge to end the year in a fun way (as we definitely need something to look forward to as we end this year). i’ve never done anything like this before, but i hope you all like this idea and want to get involved, too!
let’s get the ‘rules’ out of the way...
these prompts can be used in anyway you like, whether that’s fluff, angst or something more ✨spicy✨, you’re not limited to how you wish to interpret these prompts: let your imagination run wild!
you can either write a blurb or a whole length fic for these prompts (only if you have the time. writing 24 full length fics in about 7/8 weeks is a lot!) and the protanganist can be whoever you like, whether it’s a character or real life person
please post warnings and/or ratings for your work! this just helps others know the content of your writing before they read so they know it’s safe for them personally and as a minor/or 18+
i would recommend using the tag #acdeaky’sdecemberwritingchallenge and/or creating a masterlist with your completed works. i’d love to be able to look through the tag and see your writings/look at a masterlist during/after the challenge is over
without further ado, here are the prompts!
day 1 - building a fort
day 2 - cozy night in
day 3 - snow day 
day 4 - christmas shopping
day 5 - winter weekend away 
day 6 - christmas tree farm 
day 7 - making a gingerbread house
day 8 - decorating for christmas 
day 9 - baking a pie
day 10 - making hot chocolate 
day 11 - reading by the fire 
day 12 - christmas film night 
day 13 - a day while snowed in 
day 14 - visiting a winter market 
day 15 - drawing a hot bath 
day 16 - spontaneous night out 
day 17 - a walk in the snow 
day 18 - dancing to christmas music 
day 19 - christmas baking 
day 20 - wrapping presents 
day 21 - date night 
day 22 - meal with friends 
day 23 - gift exchange  
day 24 - christmas morning 
those who may want to participate/signal boost:
@teenagepeterpan @warriorteam1924 @spacedustmazzello @writingfortoomanyfandoms @blushmis @deakysgurl @mrpascals @tiffdawg @cthruthestars @almightygwil @forever-rogue @dindjarindiaries @aerynwrites @starryeyedstories @holbrook-boyd @pajamasecrets @vanthcobb @onceuponadetectivedemigod @crocodileniall @gryffindorwriter @caryled @goldhoran @killerqueenmachine @ohholyfanfics @siempre-pedro @versdan @boomerangbassist @noroger @someone-get-a-medic @mamaskillerqueen @ijustreallylovezebras @meddowsmoon @queenscoolcat @patmvrray @drtimmurphy @sohoneyspreadyourwings @1001-yellow-daffodils @painkiller80 @scarecrowmax @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @laedymoon @painandpleasure86 ​@bhxrdy
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Tagged by @queenscoolcat
rules: the last celeb you have saved on your phone is your quarantine buddy.
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I’m.... very ok with this
I tag @stuckonspidey because I have no other friends 😅
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moviesbi · 5 years
Angel, baby, cutsie, delightful, gem(I need to follow more people), heart, kinky - queenscoolcat
angel; do you have a nickname? some ppl on her call me tay but other than that, nope
baby; favorite color? pastel pink
cutsie; what makes you happy? music, movies, video games, making people laugh
delightful; concerts or museums? museums just cause its more practical lmao
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs? oof loads!! but a few are you @benhvrdys @hottestofspaces @mazzelloplots @joemhazzello and @anotheronebitesthedeaks
heart; silk or lace? lace!!
kinky; do you blush easily? no not really so congrats if u make me 😏
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leemznho · 5 years
11, 20, 25, 31 😘😘 -queenscoolcat
11. are you listening to music right now? i am! i just recently discovered a musical called six which is a modern retelling about the lives of the six wives of henry viii. it’s full of very early 2000′s sounding pop female power anthems and i have been listening to this album non stop for like a week now hjskshjs 
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? it’s not my favourite song, but just to keep with the theme in case anyone wants to listen to the six soundtrack for themselves, my personal favourites off it are no way, don’t lose ur head and get down!! 
25. role model i really look up to carrie fisher; she was such a beautiful, fiercely strong, hilarious and talented woman, who managed to overcome addiction and live an incredible life despite mental illness. she embraced everything that she was, all of her flaws, all of the mistakes she made and i admire that so much. i could talk about carrie for hours, i love and miss her so much, if you haven’t read her books i really recommend them!! 
31. 3 random facts 
as a child i used to collect those cardboard paint shade samples from hardware stores??? i don’t know why but it got to the point where my parents would threaten to ground me if they saw me with them because i had so. many. 
i have a lord of the rings tattoo on my left leg above my ankle. why? because i’m a fuckin’ nerd 
when i was 15 i used to write one direction fan fic and one time my english teacher submitted one of them to a competition and to make a long story very short one of my niall one shots has legitimately been PUBLISHED lmao
send me numbers!
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70srogertaylor · 5 years
FREEZE. Take a picture of what you are doing right now post it, and forward this to 5 mutuals! -queenscoolcat
Literally the same answer love I’m deadass doing nothing 😂💓 just scrolling through my dash on the couch yikes, but thanks for this one caro! ily💖
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instantezra · 5 years
Wowowowowow!!!!! I am shook with how pretty you are! And that captain marvel dress!!! Wow! So fucking shook -queenscoolcat
caro my h  E A R T
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naturallytom · 5 years
Ben Hardy/Joe Mazzello fic recs
I’ve been reading a shit ton of ben hardy/joe mazzello fics recently and I finally got around to making this post to appreciate the writers of said fics!!
*side note to these lovely writers; i follow mostly all of u on my main reading/scrolling blog!!*
@istheresomebodywhocanimagine II masterlist
@m0etenchandon II masterlist 
@jetsandbennie II masterlist 
@imaginesbyme II masterlist 
@writingfortoomanyfandoms II masterlist 
@queens-n-roses II masterlist 
@theonewiththefanfics II masterlist 
@benhardyisdaddy II masterlist 
@rogersbabyyy II masterlist 
@angrylizardjacket II masterlist 
@ohmygodimagines II masterlist 
@almightygwil II masterlist 
@mightyfineblog II masterlist 
@theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever II masterlist 
@whosgalileo II masterlist 
@queenscoolcat II masterlist 
@blushmis II masterlist 
@supersonicfreddie II masterlist 
@mrbenhardys II masterlist 
@queen-irl-af II masterlist 
@bensakindofmagic II masterlist
@hardzzellos II masterlist
@ohtheseboysilove II masterlist 
@brianprobablywill II masterlist 
@cherries-n-rocknroll II masterlist 
@frcmthefires II masterlist 
@redspecialty II masterlist 
@rogerscupboard II masterlist 
@hardforbenhardy II masterlist 
fics i have laying around in my likes;
spending joe’s birthday with him & falling asleep in joe’s arms by @borhap-au
my oh my (nsfw) by @hemmingsmendess
this blurb by @joemazzmatazz
nsfw alphabet: joe mazzello by @rogerina-yee-haw
fast learner (ben hardy) by @brian-roger-deaky-and-fred
dating joe mazzello headcanon by @lovermazzello
this blurb (nsfw) by @jetsandbennie
joe apologizing by @queen-irl-af
playing video games w/ ben by @hermajestyborhap
ben comforting you by @hermajestyborhap
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borhapparker · 5 years
burning hearts  |  firefighter!ben hardy x firefighter f!reader
summary: stumbling across a burning building, you come face to face with a very good looking firefighter, who not only takes your breath away, but manages to save you after a wannabe-hero stunt goes wrong.
a/n: the ending is sucky,, im so sorry,, but enjoy nonetheless!
masterlist  |  send me fic prompts/ideas
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‘Well, there goes an hour I will never get back’ you think to yourself as you walk out the restaurant, the coldness enveloping you as you adjust your jacket around you.
The date that your friend had set you up with could’ve gone better, seeing as the guy never showed up. She had told you that he was a good guy, someone she used to like and was never late. 
‘A gym freak too, c’mon Y/n, you’ll love him!’ she had said.
You pulled your phone from the back pocket of your jeans, opening up the messages with your friend before texting her four words you had engraved in your brain over the hour-wait. I told you so.
As you walked towards the direction of your house, you heard screaming, and.. a smell. A distinct odor wafted in your direction as you looked up, noticing people running towards something. Your curiosity got the better of you as you slipped your phone in your pocket, heading over in the direction you saw people running to.
Your eyes widened at the sight, the sudden warmth enveloping you as you gasped audibly. A fire had consumed most of the third and fourth floor of an apartment complex, as you looked around, noticing people pointing and on the phone. In the distance, you heard the sirens of a fire truck as you quickly ran across, asessing the damage the fire had done to the building.
In your mind, you knew what to do already. You had been prepared for this kind of thing, seeing as it has been your job for the past three years. The only reason you were in LA was for a transfer that was supposed to happen in two days, but seemed like destiny wanted it to happen tonight.
“Does anyone have a rag and a water bottle?” you asked around as everyone shook their heads, some too preoccupied to pay you any attention. The sirens were louder now, as you heard the screech of wheels before turning around, and spotting the firefighters quickly getting out of their truck, one grabbing the hose and another slipping on a mask. They turned to their captain, as you eyed one of the masks on the side of the engine, before running over and grabbing it.
“Hey! What are you-” you tuned out their voices as you slipped off your purse and slipped the mask over your face.
Without another word, you ran into the building, the screaming intensifying as the crowd watched you run into the burning building. Taking deep breaths, you ran up the stairs, before reaching a closed door. Hovering your hand over the knob to determine the level of the fire, you realized it was cold, as you gripped it and swung the door open, the smoke engulfing your line of vision. You moved quickly, running down the hall as you helped people to the door, instructing them to run downstairs and outside as quickly as possible.
A young woman, in her early twenties, had a rag placed over the head of her child as she almost fell running to the door, as you grabbed her arm and helped her. Someone took your place as you turned, noticing the familiar uniform of the captain.
“What are you doing? Get out of here!” he screamed at you as you shook your head, determination coursing through your veins as you helped them get the civilians out of the building.
A young boy shielded his eyes from the smoke, screaming out for his mom as you ran over to him, unstrapping the mask from your face before slipping it over his and pointing to the door. With the material of your blouse, you covered your mouth and nose, before helping them with the rest of civilians. The barks of a dog were heard in the distance as you ran, kicking down the door of an apartment as a puppy was hunched over on the other side. Your instincts kicked in, your arms wrapping around the body of the puppy before taking off int he opposite direction, holding the puppy close to your body as you ran downstairs and outside, the fire being contained by the firefighters.
Placing the puppy down, you took off again, helping everyone else as a mother turned to you, eyes wide in fear and tears streaming down her face. Her arms clutched yours as you turned to her.
“My daughter! She’s upstairs in her room! She’s deaf, and didn’t hear the alarm go off! Please help her!” you nodded as she told you the apartment number, “56B.”
Taking off up the stairs, you took two at a time, before covering your nose and mouth again. Looking at the placards on the doors, you got closer, as the smoke burned your eyes and blocked your vision.
49A, 50A, 51B, 52A, 52B, 53A, 54B, 55A, 55B, 56B
Heading to the door, you quickly kicked it down, noticing a little girl hunched over on the floor, covered in soot as you quickly tapped her. She looked up, coughing vigorously as you instructed her to cover her mouth and nose before you pushed her out the door and she ran.
Running around the apartment, you looked at the other rooms, making sure there was no one there as you started coughing.
The smoke had gotten into your lungs as you struggled to breathe, your brain going into autopilot as you tried to get out as quick as possible. Suddenly, a piece of wood from the ceiling came falling down as it blocked your exit. Your eyes widened in fear as you covered your mouth and coughed again.
It seemed like there was no way out, before you heard yelling.
LAFD! Is there anyone here?
You turned to the sound of the voice over the crackling of fire as you uncovered your mouth and screamed as loud as you could. Footsteps got closer as it got harder to breathe and you dropped to your knees.
At the entrance of the apartment, blue eyes scanned the perimeter, before he made his way inside, ax in hand and his partner behind him. Turning, he followed his instincts, his partner heading in the opposite direction and taking the ax with him.
His eyes scanned the room, before noticing a spot of color on the ground, a piece of wood in the way of him. Craning his neck, he noticed you, the girl who had stolen their mask, struggling to breathe as he called out to his partner.
“One more!”
His partner brought the ax down onto the piece of wood as it broke, before he made his way over, quickly picking you up in his arms and pressing your face against his jacket. He ran out of the apartment, his partner close behind as he headed to the stairwell, and outside.
His feet took him straight to the paramedics outside, as he placed her down in the ambulance, a nurse heading to her straight away and placing an oxygen mask over her mouth. 
He slipped off his mask and coughed, as another gave him a mask, breathing in the clean air into his lungs. His blue eyes scanned her, looking for anything that might indicate she was hurt as his gaze found nothing before he neared her. His footsteps alerted her as she looked up, hand on the mask against her mouth as she slightly smiled at him.
Pulling the mask from her face, she tried to speak as she coughed before placing it over her mouth and breathing in. “Thank you,” her voice came out muffled as he nodded in return.
His captain walked over, concern etched on his features as he looked at her with anger and confusion. “What the hell was that and who are you?”
She placed a finger up, as they waited for her. She breathed in and out before taking the mask off. “Are you Captain Lee?” she asked as he nodded, “Y/n Y/l/n, at your service.”
“You’re the firefighter who’s supposed to join us in two days?” he asked, as she nodded, placing the mask over her mouth once more. “Well, that was a hell of an introduction.”
Nodding, you kept breathing the clean oxygen as the firefighter by your side did the same.
“Y/n, you won’t be coming in till next week and that’s an order.” Captain Lee said as you nodded in confirmation, turning to the blue-eyed firefighter who had rescued you. “Oh, this is Ben Hardy. He’s part of the crew.”
He stuck his hand out as you shook it, smiling and nodding. “Thank you,” you coughed out as he smiled.
Both of you let go, as you sat down on the edge of the ambulance, Ben taking a seat next to you. He looked at you, as you leaned on his shoulder, the adrenaline spike dying down as your eyes slowly started to close. His arm went over your head and around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him as you absorbed the warmth his body was producing, all while inhaling clean oxygen, trying to get your lungs to work again.
Ben felt grateful to get the chance to hold an angel, even if said angel was covered in soot and trying to get her lungs to work again. He enjoyed the feeling of another body close to his, given as to how long he had been deprived of said feeing. Being a firefighter was never easy, knowing his job was dangerous and life-threatening was another reason he never gave himself time to enjoy the little things.
But with you in his arms, he pushed away those thoughts and let himself live for just a couple more minutes.
The team managed to soothe the flames, sparks of the fire slowly turning to embers as the water calmed the chaos. Yet, the burning in your heart remained, as long as Ben was by your side.
Fire has always been seen as something dangerous, risky, and sometimes even fueled to kill. Yet, fire also symbolized the energy given to someone courageously stepping towards transformation. Transformation, wether good or bad, can mean change.
And who knows, maybe change may be a good thing.
@supernaturalee @bens-hardy @spidergirlwanab @benhardyisdaddy @bennyblueberry @borhap-socials @bohemian-blasphomy @gwilymz @gwilyoubemine @borhap-professorsau @queenmercurys @queens-n-roses @queen-irl-af @queenscoolcat @alwaysbenhardysgirl @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @hardyzello @hardyscult​ 
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Officially hit 500 on here. Thank you for your support! I definitely wanna shoutout the few friends I have in this fandom!
@queenscoolcat You’re such a sweetheart and my first friend in the Queen fandom! I enjoy talking to you a lot, and I’m really happy we met!
@stuckonspidey I’ve looked up to your blog for a while. I am so happy I finally got to talk to you and become friends! Also it’s really nice to talk to you about Jewish headcanons honestly. It’s a lotta fun!
Also shoutout to the yeehaw anon whoever you are because you’re so kind and thoughtful sending messages! Thank you for messaging me!
I’m going to also be posting something about why I haven’t been writing as often because I really feel I owe an explanation for starting a series and then abandoning it for 3 months. I’m going to put a read more because it got kinda heavy.
Thank you guys for your support in my writing. Hopefully I will start again soon! Everything is still open with the exception of long fics as of right noe
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