blavkcanary · 7 years
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gtkmm; [2/15] ships  → clary fray and isabelle lightwood
you have a new life now. you have me, and that’s not gonna change.
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♕ tmi femslash bingo ♕ clizzy + gold
"Clary, it'll be okay. We'll find him. I know we will."
Isabelle kisses the tears off of Clary's chin… cheeks... then eyelashes as the moon casts a dull light through the open backseat window of Clary's old Volkswagen. It mixes with the glow from a nearby streetlight and shimmers gold streaks onto Izzy's dark hair and casts shadows over her face.
It's been three weeks since Jace's disappearance. They're no closer to finding him than they were at the start. To make matters worse, the Clave cares more about Valentine and the Cup than about Jace himself. Everyone at the New York Institute is stressed, and everything is too much to handle. Long days turn into longer nights, and Clary is just glad that Alec still has Magnus, and that she has Izzy.
Clary doesn't know what they are, her and Isabelle. They spend nearly every night together, sometimes just talking, sometimes more. They're not dating, but the sex is too emotional for it to be reduced to hooking up. They really should DTR but with everything else going on, it's easier to just hide in each other's arms at night and pretend that nothing happened in the morning. Maybe they'll figure it out, maybe they won't.
Maybe they'll find Jace, maybe they won't.
Silence hangs in the darkness between the two of them, and Clary's gaze flickers down to her hands balled into fists in her lap. Isabelle follows her gaze and gingerly reaches out, coaxing Clary's smooth hands into her own, threading their fingers together. The moonlight dances gray-gold patterns over their knuckles.
"We all care about Jace, Clary. I'm worried, too, but worrying's not going to bring him back."
"I know."
"And in the meantime, we have to take care of ourselves... and each other."
Clary nods slowly. "I know."
Isabelle squeezes their clasped hands gently and pulls one hand out to touch Clary's face, thumb grazing her cheekbone. She traces the shell of her ear, tucking a few stray hairs behind it. Clary shivers as Isabelle's fingertips leave trails of fire on her skin. She moves her own hands to Isabelle's waist and tugs gently, inviting her into her lap. Isabelle smiles—god, her smile is like the moon—and complies, wrapping her arms around Clary's neck and pulling her close. Their faces gravitate together, lips finally touching. Clary sighs into the kiss, the tension melting from her shoulders. She tightens her grip around Isabelle's waist and closes her eyes.
They kiss for a long time in the dusty gold light, slow and sweet. Clary doesn't know where Jace is, but… she does know where Isabelle is. Isabelle's in her arms. Safe, warm. Grounding her. Protecting her. Reminding her of what she has instead of what's missing. Lately, it feels like the world has been crumbling around Clary's feet, but at least Isabelle makes it feel like it can be put back together again.
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tmifemslash · 8 years
thank you!
I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone that follows this blog! It’s only been active for around eight months, but there are already almost a thousand people following and I appreciate every single one of you!
In celebration of this milestone, I’d like your help in creating a fic rec list that will be posted once we pass one thousand followers! So, if you have a completed femslash fic that you read and loved, feel free to submit it here to have it inculded! More details beneath the cut!
Obviously, Clary/Isabelle is the most popular femslash ship in any of the Shadowhunters fandoms (the show especially), but I would love to include some other ships as well.
Please note that cis-swaps/genderbends/rule 63 is not accepted and will not be included in the list (So no fem!Malec or Clary/fem!Jace or anything along those lines will be included).
When submitting a fic, please include the following:
a link to the fic, whether that’s on AO3 or tumblr or wherever the fic is hosted
the title
a link to the author’s page
the pairing, indicated in alphabetical order by first names (so instead of saying heline, it would be AlineHelen)
any background pairings/characters
any warnings that might apply
a brief summary of the fic (or the summary that the author gave)
compliments for the fic (optional)
If you submit a fic off-anon, I will include your URL next to the fic that you submitted. If you don’t want me to do this, you can indicate it in your submission.
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