#queen nanari
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atwas-gaming · 19 days ago
I started Love Nikki years ago, but played off and on. Finally nearing the end of Chapter 15 and... wow, the story got heavy.
So I decided to back up and start figuring out all the lore I never bothered to piece together before, because I thought it was just a casual styling game with a cute story (I was wrong). Sadly, I can't figure out how to rewatch the prologue in the game, but I found videos of it on YT. (Note to self: it's called "Queen's Shadow" or "Shadow Queen.")
King Sayet died in 672. His descendants fought over 3 treasures he left behind. A 9-day-long styling contest was held in Roertedam to stop war from breaking out. The Master Stylists all lost, and the 2 finalists were Princess Elle of Pigeon and a pink-haired girl called "Hostess L" (who I think could be Nikki as a time traveller... I've played a few chapters of Shining, as well, that's why I'm thinking time travel). Princess Elle won 2 treasures, while Hostess L won the 3rd and disappeared.
Princess Elle was known as the "Reincarnated Goddess" (if they've said the name of the goddess, I don't remember and didn't see it in Queen's Shadow). In 676, Princess Elle ascended the throne and became the Iron and Blood Queen. She founded the Iron Rose Legion to steal designs and clothing.
Cut to a scene of Nanari, Queen of Lilith (who's just a ghost or hologram or something) telling Nikki she brought her to Miraland to stop some kind of catastrophe (the destruction of the world mentioned in Shining?). Momo says his great-great-grandfather told legends of a parallel world that settles arguments through styling competitions. (Also, I just realized, if time travel IS involved, that wasn't Momo's ancestor telling this story, but Momo himself... Anyway...) Nanari gives Nikki a pretty dress and shoes, and we meet the Gifties, who do all the styling judging in this world. As far as I can tell, Gifties don't appear in Shining or Infinity... sad. Maybe they just looked different and I didn't recognize them.
Anyhoo. I plan to reread the 1st 14 chapters and catalogue my findings for my own understanding.
PLEASE, DON'T SPOIL ME!!! It's come to my attention that the Nikki games can have tons of twists and turns. I only just a learned about the extent of the blood curse in Chapter 15, that's why I'm refreshing myself on this- there had to have been explanations about it before that I didn't pay attention to.
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megaera-of-pigeon · 2 years ago
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the-backwards-eel · 3 months ago
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When I first read this, I thought that the “failed attempt” that was referenced was the previous part featuring Noir because I thought that her and Neva were the same person.
But then I thought that it might be talking about Neva’s story in Universe Tide the part about her first mission after becoming a kindred where she goes apeshit which I didn’t think at first because I thought this story was set around the present.
Then I thought that “She’s been with Her Highness for two more years...” meant that Neva had been working for Nanari two years longer than Noir.
Neva began working at the palace when she was six after her mission, so if this story was set a little after that and she’d already been working for Nanari for two years, that means that Neva was at the very least four when she was recruited by Nanari.
Four. 4. She became an assassin and could take down grown adults at four.
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nikkigameslore · 3 months ago
Im probably missing something but its late and i am sleepy so must trust that i got at least most of the important bits.
A Newbies guide to the 7 nations
Disclaimer- I put the infinity nikki nations in here but we dont know a whole lot about them just yet. It is mostly used as a reference point since it isnt known how much the previous two games will influence Infinity just yet. styles arent really a hard rule but more what the nation is known for and what is most prominent in that nation. Also tried to put a bit of history for each one as well.
ALSO this isn't including events like the 7 day war/blood curse etc. Its just the nations.
Ninir/Lilith/Heartcraft Kingdom - fairytail styles and lolita aesthetic, very cute and whimsical fashion.in love nikki Lilith nation is ruled by King Royce, younger brother to Queen Nanari who brought Nikki to Miraland. Her disapearance is speculated to be the cause of soldiers. As well as Nidhogg who was appointed as prime minister to handle political affairs due to her sickly health. Lilith was founded by peace lovog designed from Cloud and Pigeon who were tired of war, they came together in the ruins of Ninir and rebuilt the city making it a neutral nation for artists and stylists.
Later the name of the nation changed from Ninir to Lilith in order to honor the queen who was beloved of her people. In Shining Nikki Ninir Kingdom is ruled by Queen Lilith who is said to be the most beatiful in the nation. She is sweet, kind and tolerant She is a devout believer in an old legend that states when the full moon is at its peak the time is great for making wishes. Her style influenced the people greatly and became a part of what made the nation stand out
Cloud/Linlang Empire -think like ancient eastern/imperial styles. Usually very elegant styles, kimonos, qipao etc. Cloud is one of the oldest nations ruled by an Emporer and (in LN)has four noble families or clans in positions of the government which are given control over each geographicapart: Yue (West), Bai (East), Zhu (South), and Ming (North). The royal court is located in the Cloud Capital which is in Eastern Cloud. The Tower of Zen was built after an old King Saint Cloud met an oracle in his dreams who told him to build a tower to the heavens. It took decades to build and is said that only an accomplished king and queen could ascend the and reach the heavens. For this reason it is believed that the king and queen are reincarnated from the dragon and phoenix that appear above the tower. There is also a history that says in ancient times two sister guarded the day and night. Bixiao (day) and Chixiao (night) and could only meet during an eclipse. As humans grew more war-hungry so too did Chixiao and she tore her sister into the four wills of war. Bixiao then sealed Chixiao in a circle within the clouds and fell asleep, hoping the blood of the emporer could awaken them again one day. in Shining Nikki the worship of Cang River influenced the traditional fashion of Cloud.
North/Empire of Light - we are going to war and we are going to look hot and sexy while doing so. Knights and soldiers with swords and guns, North is a cold kingdom and has a lot of uniforms, capes, and coats in its style. in love nikki North is a kingdom ruled by King Ryan and is permeated with war and bloodshed. From a young age student attend military school to become warriors and beig part of the military is a point of pride. North does not have a religion and only believe in themselves and the strength of their own person. Notably the Nameless Chivalric Order was established here, a legend that appears only in times of war in order to fight for the peace of North. It is said they guard the secret key to ending the Blood Curse. League Tyr was also established here by Nidhogg (from Lilith) with other powerful warlords. Nidhogg used this league to lead an attack on Cloud City despite King Ryan disagreeing and asking other nations to help stop them. in Shining Nikki the people use their fashion more as protection from the cold weather but also to expose the brutality of war and draw attention to regaining peace. In this time is tradition for parents to take their kids bear hunting, traditionally done with bows they replaced it with shotguns after the war.
Apple/Starhail Federation - very modern and fashion forward. From evening gowns to ripped jeans, almost anything you might see on a red carpet. Apple Federation was once a colony of Pigeon Kingdomo and thus their styles tend to have a lot of overlap. Apple gained independence after a youth named Welton rebelled. There was a war that lasted four days (known as the War of Independance) and after Apple declared itself a nation. The Apple Federation Apparel Group, founded by Helz, became one of the most influential pillars of the government and politcs as well as Mercury Bank. Becuase of this, Apple Federation sided with League Tyr in the war betweeen League Tyr and Cloud. However the Apple Government and Apple Federation Apparel Group opposed this and sided with North, Cloud, and Lilith.
Wasteland/Terrra Alliance - bohemian fashion, desert wear, sort of sterotypically 'exotic' vibes. Generally has a lot of focus on accessories such as bracelets and headdresses. Wasteland is made of many different tribes and was isolated from the mainland for a long period of time, so the people maintain an original and tribal way of life. They use knots to keep record of history and tribes hold their own ceremonies each year to gain greater ability in designing. (side note: a lot of players pointed out that Wasteland seems racist it was a full discussion in many of the servers I played in and was brought up to the developers, this is also part of why we see different skin tones now.)
Pigeon/Twinmoon Kingdom - its kind of similar to Apple but dial it back a few decades. Princessy almost, as well as a lot of elven styles with a focus on nature themed outfits. Pigeon is a nation with many diverse people including humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes (and Kindred which the best i can sum up is vampire elves and only seem to exist in LN). IT was founded by the King of Light Elves Ludwig. After Mercury assassinated the late king August his daughter Ophelia rose to power and became Queen. Though she does not hold much real power as the government was mostly controlled by old aristocrats and Mercury himself. in LN it is ruled by Queen Elle, who founded the Iron Rose Stylists Legion, after the Light Elves lost the ability to rule through the Theft of the Holy Crystal. Though many people in Pigeon love her, Elle is feared by many outside of her own kingdom. Pigeon is a deeply religious nation who believe that God watches over them daily.
Ruin/Whaleport - probably the one that stands out the most. Sci-fi, AI and futuristic wear. Ruin is the most mysterious and least known of the nations. in LN it is ruled by an AI known as Queen Berta/Beta (previously known as the Shimmer) and was built on the ruins of the "Lone Whale" shipyard. They have no relations with other nations and (with one exception) no citizens are found on the mainland. It is said their technology is so advanced that if used in war they could destroy the world. in Shining Nikki Glow was "born" to find a way to save humanity. Glow is multiple and communicates with herself calling out again and again to the gods but hearing only herslef in answer. In some she is an AI and in some an android, one of her plans includes The Whale and The Star Sea.
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ilovenikkisfashion · 1 year ago
Winter is the Season of Sewing
I just realized my pun! "Sewing"... "Snowing"...
As the days get shorter and the temperature chills, something inside me yells out, "time to knit and sew and dress up all fluffy and cute!" I can only imagine something influenced me, and it may have been a particular mobile game...
In college, the sessions between classes granted me some free time, so I decided to check out a game who's ads kept popping up on my YouTube videos - Love Nikki.
The ads were not at all what the game actually turned out to be. In fact, the ads were quite shocking - I remember the main character with pink hair, Nikki, and another young lady with silver hair, later known in the actual story as Kimi, were fighting over a shared male love interest as well as other ads that made it appear there was a "dating-sim" element, which there was not. Here's an example of an ad (I never personally saw this one, but it is a good example): https://youtube.com/shorts/H3t_r2Y_d6U?si=msTisoOq8IE82X17
If you're interested in comically bad and misleading advertisements, here's a reddit forum I found. None of the ads spark any memories unfortunately, but I may be misremembering, or the ads I saw were before someone started archiving them. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveNikki/comments/9gnksq/love_nikki_ads/
The game is absolutely adorable and pure compared to the ads! It's such a shame that the marketing studio used shock and strange situations to promote the game, but it did get me to try it out of morbid curiosity...
You play as Nikki, a pink-haired human girl who was sent to the magically world of Miraland where you battle through styling! You start the game through a styling battle tutorial with Queen Nanari, the one who brought Nikki and her cape-wearing talking cat, Momo, to this universe. The queen did not explain why she brought the duo to Miraland, only that they would understand in due time. Nikki meets several characters throughout her journey who guide her through the different cities and kingdoms. Each chapter has about a dozen or so stage missions for you to complete through styling battles against NPC opponents. At each stage, there were currency and clothing item drops, which you could use in future styling battles or collect and use to craft new pieces that were worth more styling points.
There were 10 main style categories clothing and accessories could be labeled under, each piece having only 1 or 2 styles: Gorgeous, Elegant, Sexy, Mature, Lively, Pure, Cute, Simple, Cool and Warm. Each stage required a certain number of points towards certain categories, and you would receive a rank from "F" to "S" depending on your success. There were also 5 buttons along the bottom of the screen during the battle for you to gain additional points or to debuff or sabotage the opponent, and they could do the same to you.
My favorite aspect of the game were the different locations and culturally influenced clothing. The Apple Federation was definitely based off of the United States of America. According to the Wiki page, Welton, the founder of the Apple Federation, fought against colonist rule, and the nation is home to a diversity of people as it is immigrant-friendly. I believe the name either comes from New York City, "The Big Apple," because Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty being the most iconic symbols of liberty, freedom, and refuge for immigrants, or it could come from the notion of George Washington having chopped his father's apple (or cherry) tree as a child and praised by his father for being honest about his misdeed - I can't remember where this came from; it was like a tale passed around in elementary school, but it was apparently true.
I could go on about each nation, but I'll quickly summarize their style and real-life inspiration/influence:
Apple Federation: simple and modern styles; North American / United States inspired
Lilith Kingdom: cute and fairytale-inspired styles; very much European, most notably Greece (Wintermount), Italy (Cicia), Austria (Hayden), and Denmark, Norway, or Sweden (Hela Vi)
Cloud Empire: gorgeous and elegant styles; divided into four regions as follows: Northern Cloud (with snowfall in the mountains that divide the Cloud Empire and the North Kingdom, populated by yaks and snow leopards, this sounds like Mongolia to the north of China), Southern Cloud (the wiki listed Silvery Embroidery as an example of the style, which is reminiscent of the Miao ethnic group in Southern China, known for their elaborate silver headpieces), Western Cloud (based on the wiki description of being a land of "dancers and fortunetellers", the game is stereotyping Romani people, especially with the mention of the region having "a history of bandits", and Eastern Cloud (where the capital lies, and the Imperial Palace appears to be based off the Forbidden City in Beijing)
North Kingdom: a militant and sexy style, particularly for women; assuming this is Russia given that it borders Cloud Empire to the south, and is a nation of snow and bloodshed from in-fighting. There is also a viking/Norse-inspired city, so it this kingdom encompasses the entire Arctic North.
Republic of Wasteland: "tribal and aboriginal style"; they've lumped together different tribes and ancient cultures that are polytheistic in this region- ancient Egyptian (Wind Sand and Pale Morrow), Central Asia (Windvale), and North American Natives (Pota), the latter of which makes no sense given it's obvious inspiration
Ruin Island: sci-fi, futuristic style; this has no particular geographical influence
This was a longer ramble than I was expecting! The point I'm trying to make is that this game, because I started playing it in the winter time, I now associate winter with styling and fashion. I've even made my own form for sewing projects!
My fiancé introduced me to Obsidian, a unique note-taking software that I am currently using to plan my sewing and styling journey! First I'm starting off with understanding what designs flatter me the most. I've gathered all my information from this person I've seen pop up on Pinterest during my research: Gabrielle Arruda. The diagrams are very informative and easy to read.
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I have divided different articles of clothing and accessories into folders. Once I've got everything researched, I'll pop into the Nikki's Info Wiki and gather each piece that fits these categories.
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For anything that may not be my style, I could always make it for someone else!
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I am looking to make all of the clothing out of natural materials: wool, cotton, linen, etc., as I try to keep away from unnecessary plastics while designing a timeless wardrobe.
I'm excited to share this journey! My biggest wish is to have a fulfilling life where I can create, and this blog will be my journal.
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rose022 · 2 months ago
i literally have no idea how to explain most since im just a more casual fan.
plot: a girl named nikki gets transported to miraland with her cat? momo (he can already talk, not a miraland thing) by queen nanari, who wishes to save miraland (iirc, its been a while since i reread the first chapter). because of a blood curse which makes it so anyone who enacts violence on another will get hurt tenfold in return, the world has become focused on styling. disagreements are solved with styling, people with better outfits have more power, etc.
theres a group of people who do not like the blood curse and are trying to get rid of it. thats not found out until later. actually i dont remember why nikki goes from place to place originally but she meets bobo, and many others. she clashes with iron rose stylist legion who are stealing designs, sent by queen elle of lilith(?)
theres also a civil war in North. thats where the people who wanna get rid of the blood curse are from. at one point, during volume one chapter 15, one of nikkis friends who has been journeying with her, Lunar, dies in battle with Nidhogg of league tyr (people getting rid of blood curse). me and my sister cried back in like 2019 reading that. i still dont understand how he lived
reviewing my tags, theres a hell event where bobo essentially gets possesed. she had left nikki after lunars death but idk they were lesbians abt it. i forget how and why but shes possessed and nikki saves her.
the girl burning alive is in sn which i havent gotten far in actually. the time loops are also revelaed in sn. shining nikki is 600 years prior to ln. in it, there is an ai (?) called Glow who has sort of diaries of nikki's that detail her timelines in ln trying to save miraland. i dont actually know how the world ends but she went through anout 100,000 years worth of attempts iirc. at one point momo woke up to the timelines too. the exact amount of time is unknown as at some point the resets stop being logged.
elle became queen when she was a kid. i dont remember why but that seems to have happened before in that kingdom. also theres elves i really want to mention that.
mmmm thats a good bit of stuff
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since ur also asking, heres my tags
this raises more questions than it answers SVSJSGKZVXVK
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dress-up-bestie · 3 years ago
I’m not a huge fan of “the big good turns out to be the big bad” reveal sometimes but I do prefer that over Nanari being revealed to be possessed by an evil puppet.
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sorry-corridor · 2 years ago
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Ever on and on
I continue circling
With nothing but my hate
In a carousel of agony
'Til slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing
And suddenly I see that I can't
Break free
Here’s a possessed Nanari drawing that took way longer than I thought. Originally it was supposed to be for day one of Nikkitober, but obviously that didn’t happen. I really like how it turned out and I hope you do too!
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merlin-plays-ln · 2 years ago
i love the stupidity of this but if we're going by typical persona roles, i feel like Marina and Aeon would be Nikki's (wildcard) attendants. Potentially leonid as igor?
anyways proposed confidants:
0. Fool - Nanari / Leonid
I. Magician - Momo
II. Priestess - Kimi / Helz
III. Empress - Ace / ???
IV. Emperor - Chloris / Mercury
V. Hierophant - Orlando / Lolory
VI. Lovers - Bobo / The Player
VII. Chariot - Yue Qianshang / Vivian
VIII. Justice - Nidhogg / Loen
IX. Hermit - Fu su / Yexiao
X. Fortune - Starlet / Qin Yi
XI. Strength - Queen Elle / Zoey
XII. Hanged Man - Louie / ???
XIII. Death - Lunar / Ashley
XIV. Temperance - Sofia / Lolory
XV. Devil - Mela / Qin Yi
XVI. Tower - Neva / Caprico
XVII. Star - ??? / yuka + Jax
XVIII. Moon - Royce / Joy
XIX. Sun - Yvette / ???
I can't decide if Bobo should be Lovers or Star for LN 🤔the rest for LN I'm pretty sure on.
I'm unsure on Empress, Hanged Man, and Sun for SN
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Welcome to the Barbecue Room.
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eremulade · 3 years ago
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lnlore · 4 years ago
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Queen Nanari's default sprite
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the-backwards-eel · 2 years ago
Pt.2 of my last post
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6. Nanari and lilyth
- sick queens (literally)
- Also nanaris kingdom is literally called the lilith kingdom
- Its spelt differently but still
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7. Lunar and maria
- epitomes of grace and elegance
- but will protect if they have to
- likes birds (especially blue ones)
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8. Joe brownie and curtis
- grey hair
- men in suits
- companions of women heirs in suits (kimi and prez)
- get hit on by women
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9. Shade and whitney
- white hair
- came back from the dead
- can fight
- looks like theyre allergic to colour
- look cold on outside but warm on inside
- wait why do they actually look the same
- except whitney has 2 eyes
- and shade doesnt have stripes on his face
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10. Orlando and curtis
- men in suits
- men with glasses
- can fight
- lowkey have something going on with previous white haired boys
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dreamfy · 4 years ago
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Nanari ~
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megaera-of-pigeon · 5 years ago
wow could you tell more about Nanari's manipulation of Bobo and Neva please?
Oh definitely! Spoilers for information not on our server ahead, of course!
The Bobo one is actually not very spoilery, if you’re caught up on her dreamweavers. That “Lord” she and Noah serve, who’s been telling her to follow around and deceive Nikki, has kidnapped and done something nefarious to Bobo’s mother, and is having Noah follow Bobo around to and pretend to help her look for answers when he’s just trying to lead her away from suspecting the Lord? Yeah, “Lord” is almost definitly Nanari. (That’s why everything has been so mysterious surrounding her it’s not Royce!!! He’s not evil!)
The Neva stuff comes up in that Tree of Memories hell event that I wanted instead of SoS but whatever. It’s been awhile since I read the summary of Neva’s suit lore, but apprently Nanari arranged for smol child Neva to be cursed with some weird thing that turned her into a pseudo vampire, which is why she she has trouble in the sunlight (and possibly relates to the scars on her back mentioned in the WFSM story regarding her), and then had smol Neva become Royce’s bodyguard. I’m not clear on why, but I may have just forgotten. Anyway yeah Nanari gave Neva a weird vampire curse as a very young child (like 7 or so) and then made her serve her family so that’s great. I think the story from ToM ends with her and Royce finding a way to uncurse her and then she decides to leave service to Royce and go see the world which she’s been unable to do so that’s very nice.
Anyway Neva and Bobo could have a lot to talk about... help each other recover from this.... and then teaming up to defeat her... ya know. It could be great.
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yunikina · 6 years ago
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here's a shitpost
sprites by @ms-loki-loves-nikki !!
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nikkiandmomo · 7 years ago
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Heart Knight
Loyal Guard - "I pledge my loyalty to Queen Nanari, for today and all days to come, I will serve as the queen's bodyguard"
Heart Knight - Heart Knight Eruca and prince's bodyguard Neva have different personalities. However they get along well.
Guardian Will - Her will is as solid as steel. The loyalty and perseverance protect the country in peace and prosperity.
Sweet Knight - "The bow is justice! As knight of Lilith Kingdom, how can I not have bows decorated on my clothes?"
Token of Knight - Eruca's teacher got this sword for knight glory in an expedition.
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