#quastor valdemar x reader
vesuviancourtthirst · 5 years
Hello there! Can we get a Valdemar x an innocent nurse female reader NSFW Fanfic? I have this innocence kink that i need to feed, pretty please? 😢💕
Yesssss the sin has begun
i'm going with a scenario here, hope you'll like it ! It'll be my first fanfiction in english !
edit : I didnt see the rest of the ask lmao tumblr is awful
Working in the dungeons wasn't part of your job. You were simply a palace nurse, here to help the doctors take care of the sick and the wounded.
Most of the time, it was nothing hard, nothing tragic. You only had to pat a few nobles' backs to help them cough out the food they almost choked on, maybe offer a drink to guests who fainted after one of Lucio's dramatic parties.
But you wouldn't complain, you always did your job with a smile, happy to be able to help, feeling rewarded that you were useful. In the doctors' minds you were literal sunshine. Some nurses would always be grumpy and snap at patients. But not you. You truly loved to take care of them, and of course, everyone was grateful for your enthusiasm.
You loved to watch patients get out of the doctors' office, safe and feeling better. After all, you chose this job to help, and to save people's lives, eventually.
You always feared the possibility of one of your patient dying, but you'd reassure yourself by thinking that it was fine, Vesuvia was not a diseased city.
And then came the Red Plague. Thousands of Vesuvians were dying at its hands and you could do nothing. You were scared, you didn't want to let all of these people die without helping but at the same time you feared to watch them die. But when Count Lucio himself caught the plague, you had no choice. All of the medical personnel of the palace was required to work, to find a cure for him. Surgeons, doctors, apprentices... and nurses.
That is when you found yourself in the dungeons, long gloves on your arms, an apron tied to your waist and a mask to hide the putrid air of the dungeons. The smell was like Death itself was working with you. You were given the number of nurse 27. You've been told that it was because there were so many people that it was easier to use numbers. You didn't care about this, the only thing you cared about was seeing the patients, your patients, die.
But at the same time, this is where you met them. Quaestor Valdemar,your boss. You knew everyone was scared of them. Their green skin, their big, unblinking, red eyes and their razor-sharp teeth. And their headpiece. You once heard a doctor say she was sure they were hiding horns underneath. It seemed quite unprobable but the thought amused you.
You soon found yourself very intrigued by the Quaestor. You first thought that it was curiosity but you soon discovered that you were... quite attracted to them. They had nice, soft features, their skin seemed smooth and you had noticed the faint freckles on their cheeks. If it weren't for your dear patients ( who wouldn't stop screaming ) you wouldn't be able to unglue your eyes from their face. They were so pretty, always gleefully working. You wondered if it was because they were happy to know that they'd be able to find a cure to the plague. You never really noticed how their smile would grow wider when their patients' screaming increased in volume or when blood splattered a bit too much.
You thought you were subtle with your looks, but you really were not and soon, everyone knew you had a special interest in the feared Quaestor. They were all scared for you. You were way too cute and innocent ! Oh, what would they do to you if they noticed ? So, they tried to play as if they weren't aware of your little crush, hoping that Valdemar was to busy with their experiments to pay attention to you.
But they were not. And they had noticed you. You, and your loving looks. Oh, it has been so long since someone looked at them like that. They barely remembered it but people grew scared of them as soon as they became a demon. Which meant... roughly a thousand years ago.
Your affections amused them and they soon decided to try and test and a few things on you, simply to see how you'd react. They'd put their hand on you hip as they had to walk past you, they'd touch your shoulder, let their hand slide on the small of your back and sometimes they'd even wipe the blood off your face.
And you always reacted oh so lovingly. You'd squeak, blush, shiver, bite your lip, or you'd shoot them a look of embarrassment, cheeks red and heart beating wildly.
They loved this more than they cared to admit. It wasn't unusual for the people around them to have a quick pulse, but it was usually because of terror more than because of... love ?
Valdemar wasn't exactly sure if you loved them. They often wondered to themselves, how would it be if you actually did ? Would you confess your feelings to them ? You were the only one who didn't jerk away when they touched you with their cold hands. Had you thought about holding them ? Would you-
Valdemar stopped. They were thinking about you. More then they were thinking about their experiments, and more than they were thinking about the plague.
They realized they were pacing in their office, as they stared into the small mirror behind their desk, they saw that their pupils were dilated. They weren't stupid, they knew what this meant. They were obsessed with you, they cared about you and what you thought of them. It annoyed them but at the same time it made them feel... warm. Well, as warm as their cold body allowed them anyway.
They blinked. Once. They had thought of a plan. The next day, you'd be theirs . They busied themselves in their work, waiting for everything to fall into place.
The next morning came fast, you opened the door to the dungeons and walked down the stairs to the elevator. Your heart was already beating fast, you were excited to see the Quaestor. You sighed, feeling like a lovestruck highschooler.
You put the key into the door, and stepped into the small, creaking elevator when you heard a voice behind you.
" Would you mind if I got in with you? It is unfortunate, but it seems that I forgot my key. How careless of me, isn't it ? "
You whirled around, your cheeks bright red. In front of you stood Valdemar, their cat-like grin bigger than ever. You assured them that it was okay ( more than okay, you loved the idea ) and made as much room as you could so they'd fit in the elevator with you.
They walked in unbothered, as if everything was normal. In the small elevator, you were pressed against their chest, you could feel the cold from their body and you could feel them stare at you with their unblinking eyes. They soon reached behind you to push a button and the door shut itself while the metal device went down. You expected them to take their arm back but instead they allowed it to rest around you, their hand on your back. Surprised, you lifted you head to look at them, and before you even had the opportunity to open your mouth to ask what they were doing, they brought their hand to your face, their thumb brushing your lips. You froze, your heart hammering in you chest and your cheeks burning . What were they going to do ?
They chuckled, amused by your reaction and they leaned down to murmur your name to your ear. Oh, how sweet it sounded on their tongue. But, how did they know it ? Weren't you supposed to be just a number ?
" Congratulations, sweet nurse. You seem to have caught my... interest. Don't you think you should be rewarded for such an exploit ? " They said, as they took off their mask.
You blinked at them. Rewarded ? How ? What were they going to do ? Wait, had they just called you sweet ? And did the just said you had caught their interest ? Did they like you back ? You were starting to feel overwhelmed when you felt cool lips against yours.
Quaestor Valdemar was kissing you. After a second a frozen shock, you kissed them back, and they deepened the kiss, slipping their cold tongue in your mouth. You let out a small moan and pressed against them even more, if that was possible in the cramped elevator.
You felt their grin against your lips, pointy teeth stinging your bottom lip. You felt warm blood flood your mouth as they bit you. Their tongues lapped at it and you let out another moan. You felt their hand slowly leave your cheek and slide to your chest. They quickly slipped your top off and they roughly grabbed one of your breasts. You squealed, the contact cold and harsh. You weren't sure if you were ready yet for this. You never did something like that before and you never thought your first time would be in a small elevator with your boss in such conditions ! They took their mouth out of you, maybe to let you breath, and they laughed.
" Don't worry, little nurse. Today I will just make sure you're ready for what is about to come."
You blinked, not understanding and you squealed once again when their mouth found your nipple. They licked with their cold tongue and bit. Hard. You didn't have time to feel the blood drip down your chest, they were already licking it off as if it was some kind of sweet.
They swiftly slipped their hands under your skirts and in your panties, as if it was nothing. Your face felt like it was on fire, you opened you mouth to protest when you were cut off by a moan. Their gloved hand had found your clit and they started rubbing you in circle motions.
They grinned, showing their needle-like teeth .
" Well, sweet nurse, for someone so innocent you sure are wet, aren't you ? "
You gasped, half-offended, half out of pleasure. They dropped to their knees and they started licking. You never felt something like that before. It was... intense. They grabbed one of your thighs,for better access, and they squeezed it. Soon, you were nothing but a moaning mess. Begging for them To go faster, harder, to do more. You wanted nothing more than to feel them. They chuckled again, and they used their free hand to slip a finger inside of you. They crooked it like a vice and started rubbing against your sweet spot like an expert. It made sense, they were a doctor after all. In less than a minute, you threw your head back, letting out a way-too-loud moan and coming on their finger as they kept licking.
They slipped their finger out of you and stood up, kissing you and giving you a taste of yourself while rubbing your thigh. You were somewhat shocked at their display of affection. Maybe they weren't as cold as they were said to be. They quickly pulled your panties back up and pressed another kiss to your mouth. They pulled back, and as you were about to reach for them once more, you heard the 'ding' of the elevator. They swiftly put their mask on you and went into the dungeons as if nothing had happened, leaving you bright red with a dreamy look on your face and drenched panties. And probably a bite on the lip, from the sore feeling.
You reached for their mask and inhaled. It smelled like them.
Just as you were about to get out of the elevator you stopped,remembering what they said . Making sure you were ready for what was about to come ? What did it mea- Oh. There will be more.
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