#qiqi’s somewhere getting some cocogoat
versadies · 3 years
hello hello and congrats on 700 followers (seeing as you hit that milestone before I sent this in!) ❤️ from your 600 follower event prompt list, could I please request red roses + ganyu, where y/n is the one confessing, and separately monster w/ ganyu as well? thank you so much!! 🙏
SWEATER (drabble, songfic)
penpal: hope you like this!!
prompt: three || angst, in which one of you, an immortal, know that the other won’t be able to be with them forever.
sypnosis: although birthdays are supposed to be something to celebrate happily, you and ganyu knew that it was nothing but a sad reminder. 
warning/s: mentions of character death, talk of life, age and death, sad ganyu
note: i decided to put “xx” in the reader’s age because i was having a hard time deciding on whether or not i should put a specific age. anyways, enjoy the fic! 
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i know we’ll never grow old together
cause you’ll never grow old to me,
“happy birthday, love.” ganyu said softly, placing down your cake in front of you. “i hope you like this cake, i made it with your favorite flavor.”
your heart melted at the sight of the cake your lover made you. “oh my... thank you so much.” you immediately grabbed your fork and have a slice of the cake.
you hum in delight when you first taste the cake. “it’s really good.” 
she smiles gratefully, a blush is evident on her cheeks. “i’m glad.”
you’re the pink in my cheeks and i’m scared
‘cause that means i’m a little bit soft.
“the others will arrive during dinner,” ganyu explains. “traveler and his companion would visit to celebrate as well.”
you look up at your spouse with a surprised look on your face. “from snezhnaya?” 
ganyu nodded in response. “they’re going back here to discuss matters with rex- mister zhongli and for your birthday.”
“...i see.” 
the both of you stayed silent. 
but don’t beat yourself up, bonnie. 
it wasn’t just the sun that i was hiding from. 
“oh that reminds me,” ganyu excuses herself to go to another room, only to walk back with a box. “i uh, have a gift for you.” she said.
“the cake wasn’t the gift?” you ask with an amused smile. 
“no,” she with a smile. “here, try to open it. i want my gift to be your first to open.” she then places the gift on top of your lap. 
you slowly unwrap the gift and open it, only to see a sweater. 
“...love, i do hope that you didn’t forget about liyue being a hot nation.” you said jokingly, bringing out the sweater from the box and stare at it in awe. “i must say though, this sweater looks comfy.”
ganyu laughs. “well.. i honestly didn’t know what to give you since i already gave you everything until yaoyao suggested me to make a sweater.” 
your eyes widens in surprise. “you know how to knit?” 
“well,” she looks away shyly. “i may or may not have taken a few lessons from someone recently just for your gift.”
“what about your work-”
“i, uh.. multitasked.. but don’t worry about how much time i put, what matters is that you like it!” she says happily. 
before you could comment more, she interrupted. “i just want you to have something to hold on to whenever i’m away for work. i’m always busy with the qixing and... i don’t want you to feel so lonely.” she confess.
your eyes softens at her confession. “you don’t have to worry about me being lonely, ganyu. you know i’m happy to be with you and that you feel the same way with me.” you then place your hands on top of hers. “although you and i won’t last forever... i’m just happy that i got to be a part of your life and made you happy.”
ganyu couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. “oh, y/n..” she wraps her arms around you. “i’m happy that i get to be a part of your life, as well.” 
you hug her back with a relieved smile. “that’s good.”
suddenly you heard knocking by the front door. 
we were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live
and i’m still scared that i’m not good enough.
“ganyuuu!!! y/nn!! it’s us, aether and paimon!” paimon said from the other side of the door. 
the both of you part away from the hug. “i’ll get it.” ganyu said before heading down to the front door. 
as you watched your lover greeting your friends by the door, you couldn’t help but glance at the certain number of your cake.
“happy xxth birthday, y/n!” 
i’ve always felt like a monster, long before i was bit.
only seen as a monster, let’s just say i’m used to it.
“...happy birthday, y/n.” ganyu greeted, kneeling down in front of you with yet another cake. “sorry that i’m late.” 
she places a bouquet of glaze lilies and silk flowers beside your grave. “i was busy looking for the sweater. i didn’t notice that it was on your old room this whole time.” she explains with a sad smile. 
“the others will arrive here soon to greet you,” she added. “traveler... already found his sister at last so they’re away from teyvat. paimon will visit on their behalf.” 
she brings out the sweater from her bag, still staring at your grave intently. “i still have your favorite sweater. i made sure it’s clean and being taken care of.”
“our dear friends...” she takes a deep breath. “they have grown a lot. xiangling’s now the boss of wanmin restaurant, chongyun and xingqiu are still best friends as always.. xinyan is becoming more famous... mister zhongli and miss hu tao are still working and ningguang is still as strong as ever.”
and i grew tough ‘cause love it only hurt me back
but loving you is a good problem to have and i’m used to that but i could get used to this. 
as she continues to talk, ganyu finds herself hugging your sweater. 
“everyone grew so fast...” she whispers. “and i’m still the same.” 
she closes her eyes to prevent herself from crying. she didn’t want you to get sad over her overwhelmed tears.
ganyu knew that this was bound to happen in the early years of your relationship— she knew this every single day. from the adepti reminding her, the pity looks she sees in those who knew of her state, and from your sad look whenever your birthday comes to a close.
even though ganyu prepared herself for your death, it still hurts.
it hurts that she can’t follow where you went after your death. it hurts that she can’t just forget the memories you two made together. it hurts that you’re not the only one she’s going to lose from mortality. everything just hurts.
but she has to live on. for rex lapis, for you, and for all the people she cares for.
she clings onto your sweater tightly, smelling the scent that you used to have whenever she hugs you.
“i miss you… so so much.”
for the record i stole your sweater,
‘cause i just wanted you close to me.
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trendywaifus · 3 years
hiii!! first I just wanted to say happy holidays!! hope everything goes amazing! Second that I love your works sm, it’s a bit hard to find blogs that write for our beautiful genshin women :(
I was wondering if you could do one with qiqi, who has a older sibling figure who is an adeptus and they have kept each other company for a while? I thought it was a cute idea, please feel free to not do this and take your time! have a good day ^^
haha, thank you! happeh to hear you love my works! gotta appreciate our women, they deserve the love! happy holidays, your name is everything btw!
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— qiqi is such a sweet child!! you known her for a very long time as you, yourself, is an adeptus. even if she often forgets things fairly quickly and whatnot, which didn’t stop you! you’ll go out your way to give her company as the years go by. ngl, after discovering qiqi, you weren’t as lonely anymore.
— she makes sure to describe everything about you and all her encounters with you in her journals overtime. hell, half of the pages and books are mostly about you! she can just open up a random page and most likely see writing or a drawing of you and she’ll almost immediately remembers with a small smile on her face.
— she loves it when you stop by the pharmacy to see her and you’ll gift her a pack of coconut milk during her time at the front desk. when she’s out and about to do errands, there’s a chance where she’ll just search for you first! mindlessly roaming the streets of liyue or somewhere near the mountains until she spots you. when she asks if you could come with her to get some qinxgin flowers or anything she has to get, you’ll of course come along with her.
— you’d scoop her up securely in your arms and wander off to wherever y’all got to go. please take good care of her, don’t drop her 😔.
— best believe that y’all are going to be stretching with each other. it’ll not only benefit her, but ofc you as well! as an adeptus, you old asf so your old ass need to mfkn stretch anyways.
— qiqi likes to settle down on your lap while she’s updating her journal. you help her recall experiences whilst she scribbles and draw! you’ll have a big ass grin on your face when you see her turn to a page of a drawing of you and her sitting down on a hill peering down at a group of hillcurls dancing.
— sometimes, qiqi comes across a napping ganyu when she passes by a quiet area near liyue and she honestly thought it was the cocogoat resting. since she is a curious child at heart, she’ll want to have a closer look! noticing the strange horns, she’ll try to touch it and ganyu would snap awake to see qiqi kneeling down in front of her with a look of curiosity and amusement in her eyes. since qiqi forgets things easily, she forgets to not disturb ganyu whenever she sees her napping so something similar to this happens from time to time! ganyu considers you a good friend and knows that you have a strong connection with qiqi so she politely makes you aware of this during a convo.
— to solve the problem, you write down a lil note for the little zombie which says, “ beware of the cocogoat! “
you hand the small child the note you wrote down which also had a little drawing of ganyu. “ make sure to put this in your journal or have it on you so when you go out, you can see that! “ qiqi tilts her head, skimming over the note with a bored, but puzzled expression on her face. “ qiqi doesn’t understand—is the cocogoat bad? “
“ of course not little one, just the cocogoat does not like to be bothered while it’s alone resting! I wanted to give you this note so you wouldn’t accidentally disturb it! “
“ okay. qiqi understands. I will not disturb the cocogoat. “
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