beerselfie · 2 years
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#Repost @thehazysquid How do you celebrate a special occasion??? 🥳 @northparkbeerco celebrating their 6th birthday with an absolute bang! 💥 NPBC 6 TDH Hazy Quadruple IPA w/ Freestyle Nelson, Freestyle Codename Peacharine, Freestyle Kohia Nelson, Citra, Citra Cryo, Citra Incognito and Galaxy 13% 🤯🥳🤯 Ok team, this is off the charts. It’s creamy, juicy, deep, rich and warming with booze (no surprise at 13%!) Rarely a IIIIPA or higher achieved anything more than just a novelty gimmick but this on is an amazing beer. Only thing missing is to try their BBA Imperial stout for the 6th anniversary!🤎 Thought I’d pair it with a few chilli prawns on the barbie 🌶🦐 A fantastic beer and I hope to try more @northparkbeerco beers in Australia in the future! Thanks to @thefoongbear for sharing this one with me from 🇺🇸 Enjoyed out of the @denverandliely x @carwyncellars beer glass! 🍻 Cheers legends!🦑🍻 • • • • • #northparkbeerco #usabeer #usacraftbeer #americancraftbeer #sandiegobeer #sandiegocraftbeer #ipa #indiapaleale #iipa #tipa #qipa #strongbeer #hoppybeer #hazyipa #hazybeer #beerandbbq #shrimponthebarbie #beerselfie #denverandliely #bigbeer #goodbeer #drinkcraftbeer #beerselfie #drinkcraft #sdbeer #sdcraftbeer https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8pmWBJG5h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"Little fool, aren't you afraid of heights?"
Idk, I was suddenly missing them, and I wanted to draw this scene for ages. The only valid cliff dive in all danmei, tbh 🤷
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Me on my way to steal ur gf.
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auranova26 · 11 months
Hsien-Ko Design Notes and Inspiration
One thing about Cryas Darkstalkers is my desire to not only write and think of the characters differently based on official information and headcanon, but also try to redesign them to fit the world I imagine and their personalities in the mythos. Today, I want to talk about my process and notes regarding the official design of one of the main protagonists of Cryas Darkstalkers: Shao Hsien-Ko!
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Compared to her original version, she actually isn't too drastic of a change. Honestly, her original design is already really well done and awesome. However, I had some ideas and thoughts to make her stand out from the original. For the foundation I stuck with the design of her from Vampire Hunter/ Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge.
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If you were not aware, Hsien-Ko basically has two official designs. This version of her and the one from the official art for Darkstalkers Resurrection. I chose the Hunters design as I generally really love the overall idea of the qipao for this version of her. The DSR version goes for a qipao with two flaps, front and back. I am not a fan of that on top of the change to her hat where she has a bell on the top rather than a ball.
Now what about that necklace she wears? Probably the most notable feature of her, I actually do have an inspiration. The idea of the necklace stems from the story 'Monsters and the Secret of Immortality'.
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Hsien-Ko's overall design is interesting in that story as she is portrayed as much wilder and psychotic in her demeanor. But I also think aspects of the design are… well too busy. But among the design elements, the necklace caught my eye the most. In Cryas DS, to mirror the… well mirror that Mei-Ling has, Hsien-Ko wears the necklace that her mother wore as a physical memento of her on her journey to save her. The character on her necklace was changed to 邵 (shào), her family name in Cryas Darkstalkers. Now while in the main timeline it is 少 (shǎo), I already was too used to 邵 that I decided to stick with that pronunciation and way the character is written.
The two yellow strings that follow along the side of her breasts and torso were inspired by a piece of art I saw that showed an idea of strings on her qipao, granted they were much smaller elements. I would share the art, but honestly unless it is official art, my art, or art I commissioned, I would rather not share. Even with giving credit, it just wouldn't feel right. However, one piece I will share is this:
The way Casa drew Hsien-Ko here, specifically the way the strings were attached to her qipao were different compared to how I originally did it. I loved the idea and made that official to her.
What about the flower on the flap of her qipao, you may ask? Honestly, I never came across a design that inspired me, it was more so something involving the origins of Hsien-Ko's name in Chinese, 仙姑 (xiāngū). Her name derives from the Xian that is among the pantheon of the Eight Immortals of Chinese mythos, 何仙姑 (hé xiāngū). In tellings of the story, the Xian is said to hold a lotus flower and in general seems to have a strong association with the flower. Because I wanted to still add something more to Hsien-Ko without getting too extremely away from the core of her generally simple design, I thought it would be lovely to add a lotus flower design to her qipao. Not only pretty but tapping more into her Chinese roots. While her old hanfu and dudou have a more traditionally designed lotus flower, the one on her current garb is a more stylized take on the flower, courtesy of Mei-Ling.
Another minor detail, but one I wanted to still bring up. The story 'Lei-Lei (Hsien-Ko) Returns' by Takashi Mibu is another excellent anthology story centering around the Shao sisters. I love the general expressions they draw Hsien-Ko in, really showing off her fangs. But what I wanted to bring up is the trim on her qipao. You can see here that rather than be flat, it is made to have volume. Like a stuffed trim. I liked that and rolled with it.
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While initially I somewhat stuck to the general shape of Hsien-Ko's hairstyle in the main timeline, it evolved into something more wild and less rigid. As time went on, while the general idea of her hair fanning out reaching towards the length of her shoulders was still the same, the shape it took on was more claw and fang like. Wild you could say. While not exactly the same, these characters Daisy and Sabrina were ones to sort of plant the seed.
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The idea of describing it as wilder, I say I can still somewhat also point to 'Monsters and the Secrets of Immortality's design of Hsien-Ko for that.
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Because I genuinely get sick of Hsien-Ko being draw in such small/thin/…. well anime proportioned manner, I wanted to go back to what Vampire Hunter established in official art and her sprites in game: her muscles. Granted, I took it a step further as I altered the general shape of her body to be more muscular and wider build. One could say thicc, I prefer warrior build. I can point to three sources that I think of when I think of her body shape. Kratos from the modern God of War era, a sketch my friend @yourweebmystic made some time ago, and the way an artist who goes by the name Rayluaza draws the character Chi Chi. To show an idea of Rayluaza's way of drawing strong women, I'll share a commission I got from them of my Hsien-Ko. Honestly, Rayluaza did a perfect representation of what I believe for Hsien-Ko in Cryas Darkstalkers in terms of her body shape and build.
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That sums it up for Hsien-Ko, but there is more to her than her base state. Let's take a moment to talk about the design elements of another notable power of Hsien-Ko in Cryas Darkstalkers: Xié è De Yōngbào/Dark Embrace.
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The Dark Embrace Burst was based on something for one of my OCs in terms of a Burst they have of a similar name: Ebony Embrace. Now that individual is a single person, but Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling are two people who are closely connected. In essence, like as jiangshis, they are two halves of the idea of this whole Burst. Hsien-Ko is the wild, raw power of it. Her upper clothes tear away only because that is where the shadow attaches to her body when Mei-Ling attaches. The hat vanishes to help accentuate the wild look to her. Seeing her hair full on. The markings? An underlying thing about the Burst is its connection to the substance, Corriyami. Norocier, a Corrian, is a being that was born from the substance. In a way, it is a physical manifestation of those with this kind of Burst would look like if they were Corrian. Now the markings took on different ideas over time. Two sources I can fully acknowledge that helped to steer the course of the markings were these two pieces.
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The first is done by the artist tana_taka_3rder and the second is done by my friend @capyguava
A small detail, but still important to me. Initially, Hsien-Ko's eyes in the Burst were more so based on the idea of glowing eyes I saw with the likes of Anti Form and Rage Form Sora.
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However, when I saw this art that was made by Alejo, I then went with the idea that their general eye shapes stayed the same. When in most states of mind/ levels of emotion, they had lines to represent their iris. But when sufficiently enraged or in a high state of negative emotion, they disappear to give off a more intimidating appearance.
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While art tends to vary between artists about the eye color of Hsien-Ko officially, I stuck with Yellow. I feel the color contrasts well, even compliment her blue skin. Plus if you think about Chinese color theory and beliefs, one of the ideas is that yellow is symbolic with heroism. This is something very prominently used in the Kung Fu Panda series as the main protagonist Po is seen quite a lot with the color yellow. The villain of the first film, Tai Lung, had Yellow eyes. This went well where he felt like a wronged individual. A hero in his own mind. And many scenes with heroic moments or those of triumph feature the color a lot. So honestly, I think it stands Hsien-Ko sticks with that general idea as well due to her Chinese roots.
Oh, I should probably explain the ideas behind Hsien-Ko's human design. So of course I wanted her to look like a Qing woman of the 1730s-1740s since that is the time period she was alive. Skin tone and eye color were for the more typical tones that a Chinese individual could easily have. However compared to Mei-Ling and her mother, she has a bit more melanin to her.
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So fun fact, in reality there really wasn't any kind of uniform for a martial artist during those time periods… or even later on in history. They would generally fight in their day clothes. So, while pertaining to the general dress idea of the Qing period, I still wanted Hsien-Ko's clothes to still look comfortable and easy to move around in. The colors scheme just works for her since she has some association with those colors. And even in some sprite art for Hsien-Ko in VHunter, her qipao was red, so a nice nod. As for her hairstyle, that was inspired by the design I saw in the Tetsujin Drama doujin. I think it is a nice contrast to what would become a much wilder hairstyle that grew from her original style.
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Hopefully this gives you a good feel for the ideas I had behind redesigning Hsien-Ko. For any artist I credit, please check them out and show love to their art!
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andean-deer · 6 months
let’s get kinky 🔞
plz dont worry about getting your dialect wrong, every form of quechua is valid. this is written mainly in chawpi..
sorry but genitalia is not discussed here as kink goes often beyond that… fuck vanilla information for y’all.
Consent / Accept
basically “making conversation”. very important. synonymous with negotiation.
there’s so many different dynamics: masintin, yanantin, etcetera.
an example of a popular dynamic:
Dominant -> Atipaq
submissive -> kasukuq
D/s = A/k > Ati (Dom), kasu (Sub)
super nonspecific way to say clothing / attire
Safety Measures / Caution
examples include:
scissors -> k’utuna
safeword -> waqaychasqa shimi (reserved word)
backformation from the word wiswichay “to lubricate/ to grease”
neologism, head + space
also a neologism
Clean one’s dirty skin
a very specific word found in my Quechua Dictionary (Cusco)! But yeah, clean up.. PLEASE.
it’s important to get checked every once in a while especially if your kinks involve health risks & possible infection.
qali kay
STI -> yuquy unquykunatapas
condom -> ullu ishlampu (that’s not very inclusive lol)*
homebrewed alternatives that are inclusive -> ukun ishlampu (internal condom), hawan ishlampu (external condom)
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qipaocheongsam · 7 years
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Red Embroidered Phoenix Wedding Qun Kwa with Tassel Scarf
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joven-citrico · 2 years
Yo, Fan número 1 de la pareja nacional 💖
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beerselfie · 3 years
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#Repost • @buffalobeerguy Two won-ton soup containers of beer, please. #winchesterfiredepartment #winchesterfire #nerdsgonewild #beertography #juice #juicebomb #ipa #buffalostyle #craftbeer #dipa #tipa #sourbeer #gose #craftnotcrap #buffalobeer #instabeer #qipa #sessionipa #beerselfie https://www.instagram.com/p/CTr0wLcFETf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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therogueadventure · 5 years
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God damnit @anchoragebrewing , do you make anything that tastes bad? Straight 🔥🔥🔥 on everything! I REALLY need to get some of your barrel aged goodness! Plus your can art game is untouchable! Each one would make dope tattoos! Anchorage Brewing Star Dragon Quadruple IPA 11.4ABV 🔥 . . #anchoragebrewing #beer #ipa #stardragon #tavour #brew ##quadruplepaleale #qipa #brotherhoodofbrew #drinkupadventure https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnyblLFG6i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tgw40kdgtrs8
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theyre talkin shit 🤭
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shiro-rin · 3 years
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Адаптация названий сделана исключительно для своего развлечения. Так мило и смешно, очаровательная лёгкая комедия)) Советую) От автора Стратегии императора.
ВСЕ ПРАВА ПРИНАДЛЕЖАТ АВТОРУ И ИЗДАТЕЛЮ. Изображения предназначены только для личного использования. Исключительно для развлечения и шутки. Ничего более. Не надо обижаться. Никто не хотел никого обидеть. Для фона использованы бесплатные стоковые фотографии.  БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ СТОКОВЫЕ ФОТО. Внимание БЛ литература. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO THE AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER. Images are made for personal use only. This is fun and a joke. Nothing more. No need to be offended. Nobody wanted to hurt anyone. Free stock photos used for background. FREE STOCK PHOTOS. Attention BL literature.
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hopstersipswich · 3 years
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Soooo.. This weeks delivery is off the frikkin chain 🔗🚚 So much coming your way... But let's start with the @pollysbrewco Spectrum series.... IPA ✅😊 DIPA ✅✅😍 TIPA ✅✅✅🤩 QIPA ✅✅✅✅🙃 Holy Moses in a bread bin, now THAT is a set of beers! And if you buy the set you'll get a discount too! 👍 Keep you eyes on Untappd when they drop.... And if you can handle it, go look at our on deck section for what's landing this week 😳 #craftale #craftbeer #craftnotcrap #craftbeerlife #craftbeerlover #craftbeerfan #beersofinstagram #beerstagram #beerporn #beer #ale #hopsters #thesaints #ipswich #weareipswich #delivery #callme #callmemaybe #pollysbrew #spectrum (at Hopsters Ipswich) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN3GO-mjhIz/?igshid=z2hls2otbq1i
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andean-deer · 1 year
tag organization:
uywakuna (animals)
runakuna (people)
ayni (reciprocate)
qatu (shop! buy!)
achala (jewelry)
pacha [ varied meanings ]
1. pacha (earth,soil/ world) -> replace with patsa / allpa patra ? kay pacha : world, allpa : earth,dirt, soil
2. pacha (time, age, era) -> be more specific (ñawpa pacha -> the past, etc.) warmi pacha (feminine time.. when the earth is fertile and you can grow food)
3. pacha (spatial terms / environs / nature) -> wak’a pacha (sacred space, etc.)
4. pacha (place) -> possibly pachapi? pachaman? stuff like that…
5. pacha (weather) -> … pacha phuyu (fog)
the context and the affixes change how this word is interpreted.
i mainly use just pacha for time as that is my focus..
qipa pacha \ kunan pacha / ñawpa pacha
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checkmyshoes · 2 years
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Dry & Bitter (DK) - Goat Star // QIPA // 12.1% https://ift.tt/61NIyfY
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giaitritonghop123 · 4 years
Chuyển giới - 'kẻ quái dị'
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Trung QuốcJin Xing, vũ công, hiện làm người dẫn chương trình, mong muốn thành phụ nữ từ lúc 6 tuổi, phẫu thuật chuyển giới năm 1995 khi 28 tuổi.
Là người nổi tiếng và được mến mộ, cô vẫn gặp sự kỳ thị khi công khai danh tính.
Năm 2011, cô bị chính quyền địa phương cấm làm giám khảo chương trình tìm kiếm tài năng trên kênh truyền hình Chiết Giang. Các nhà chức trách vẫn chưa trả lời công khai về vấn đề này.
Cộng đồng người chuyển giới cũng gặp nhiều khó khăn. Theo Xiaomi, giám đốc China Sogie Youth Network, một tổ chức phi chính phủ có trụ sở tại Bắc Kinh, khó khăn lớn nhất là bạo hành gia đình khi cha mẹ không chấp nhận con mình là người chuyển giới.
Một nghiên cứu từ Trung tâm LGBT tại Bắc Kinh, năm 2017, cho thấy trong số 1.640 người được hỏi, chỉ có 6 người chưa từng trải qua bạo lực gia đình từ phụ huynh hoặc người giám hộ. Bạo lực gồm có đánh đập, giam giữ, hạn chế tài chính, bắt chữa bằng liệu pháp chuyển đổi, hoặc đuổi khỏi nhà.
Xiaomi tiết lộ thêm khó khăn người chuyển giới phải đối mặt là bắt nạt tại trường học, phân biệt đối xử tại nơi làm việc, kỳ thị trong y tế và các chính sách chung của chính phủ. Họ khó vượt qua phỏng vấn xin việc, chỉ có thể phẫu thuật chuyển giới sau khi được bệnh viện chẩn đoán rối loạn nhận dạng giới tính, và chỉ được thay đổi giới tính trên chứng minh thư sau khi phẫu thuật.
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Jin Xing, từng là vũ công và hiện là người dẫn chương trình truyền hình, một trong những nhân vật chuyển giới nổi tiếng ở Trung Quốc. Ảnh: SCMP
Năm 2015, Chao Xiaomi, người phụ nữ chuyển giới ở Bắc Kinh đã đưa vấn đề bất công của người chuyển giới ra công chúng, sau khi cô không thể sử dụng phòng tắm ở trung tâm thương mại.
Chao kể lại, lần đầu tiên, cô bị người trông coi nhà vệ sinh chặn lại tại cửa phòng tắm nam bởi cô mặc váy. Khi cô chuyển sang phòng nữ thì lại bị một nhân viên yêu cầu xem chứng minh thư. Sau khi nhìn giới tính nam trên thẻ, người này gọi cô là "đồ biến thái".
Kể từ đó, Chao lên tiếng về những rào cản người chuyển giới phải đối mặt. Năm 2016, cô chia sẻ trên chương trình tranh luận nổi tiếng của Trung Quốc có tên Qipa Shuo: "Rất nhiều người trong cộng đồng chuyển giới lo lắng, không chịu được áp lực tinh thần, dẫn đến trầm cảm và thậm chí tự tử".
Chao cho rằng những người thuộc tầng lớp cao hơn trong xã hội như Jin có thể chứng minh giá trị của bản thân và không ai dễ dàng hạ thấp họ. Nhưng với nhiều người chuyển giới khác, họ phải giấu danh tính để tránh công kích ác ý.
Các tổ chức phi chính phủ và nhà hoạt động đang thúc đẩy thay đổi nhận thức của công chúng cũng như giới chức, thông qua những vụ kiện và nghiên cứu nhấn mạnh khó khăn mà cộng đồng chuyển giới đối mặt.
Một trong những trường hợp nổi tiếng trước đó là Mr C, người tham gia vụ tranh chấp lao động chuyển giới đầu tiên ở Trung Quốc. Năm 2015, người đàn ông chuyển giới, Mr C bị sa thải khỏi trung tâm kiểm tra y tế Guiyang Ciming ở tây nam Trung Quốc bởi anh thích mặc trang phục nam và hình ảnh của anh không phù hợp với yêu cầu của công ty.
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Chan Xiaomi, người đấu tranh cho quyền chuyển giới ở Trung Quốc. Ảnh: SCMP
Anh đã tố cáo trung tâm và kiện lên tòa án. Năm 2016, tòa án yêu cầu trung tâm bồi thường tài chính bởi vi phạm luật lao động, và Mr C không phải chịu phân biệt đối xử. Kết quả có thể chưa thỏa đáng nhưng cộng đồng đã có hành động đẩy lùi từng bước những vụ việc bất lợi. Họ thành lập nhóm online để giải cứu các nạn nhân chuyển giới bị bạo hành.
Gần đây, cộng đồng đã báo cảnh sát về một thiếu niên chuyển giới bị gia đình bắt vào trại cải huấn để sửa chữa hành vi. Huang Xiaodi, tỉnh Giang Tô, sinh ra là bé trai, gia đình lừa cô vào học một trường ở Trùng Khánh để "chữa bệnh muốn thành con gái". Cô bị đánh đập, hai lần trốn thoát khỏi trường huấn luyện này.
Xiaomi cho biết những nỗ lực giúp đỡ người chuyển giới ở Trung Quốc khác như thiết lập đường dây nóng hỗ trợ y tế và tâm lý.
Chao cho biết, phần đông người Trung Quốc vẫn bảo lưu quan điểm giới tính hai chiều, thay vì một cái nhìn đa dạng hơn. Họ cho rằng người chuyển giới và người không rõ giới tính là "kẻ quái dị", cần được điều trị, nếu không sẽ gặp nhiều rắc rối và không thể hòa nhập.
Nguyễn Ngọc (Theo SCMP)
from Tin mới nhất - VnExpress RSS https://ift.tt/3m5SF01 via IFTTT
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beerselfie · 3 years
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#Repost @pale.ale.indian ・・・ IT’S FRIDAY AND I CANT WAIT TO UNWIND!! 🍺: Crack opened Murk Merchant - Quadruple IPA from @blackstackbrewing 👄: Insidiously dangerous, magnificently glorious QIPA. You can’t tell the high ABV. It’s better balanced than most beers and will sneak up on you just the way a beer should! Aroma and flavour of mango, orange, papaya(?) and pineapple. Can’t taste the bitterness. 5/5 to this absolute stunner of a beer! Thank you @hop.hunter.ren for sending over this gem only a few kitchens can brew! ♥️♥️♥️ Hops: IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Citra, Mosaic, Mosaic Cryo, Simcoe Cryo, Cashmere Cryo, HBC 692, Strata & Galaxy!! 12.5% ABV . . #craftbeerlife #craftbeerlover #girlswhodrinkbeer #girlswhodrinkcraftbeer #craftbeerwomen #craftbeers #craftbeerlove #beerstagram #happyhour #bollywood #craftbeerculture #craftbeernation #craftbeergirl #craftbeerstagram #craftbeerlovers #beerbabe #beerselfie #palealeindian #beerinfluencer #breweries #barstoolsmokeshow #boozebabes #craftbeerblogger #beerblogger #blogger #showerbeer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKpJguXLAsM/?igshid=jskmhzs0txxk
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