#qimir likes to sew
peanutwoman · 2 months
Gremlin Thoughts
Can I just say that outfit Osha was wearing was probably meant for Mae... And it fit Osha perfectly... Now I have thoughts of Qimir trying to figure out Mae's size to either buy the outfit or make it. And, him just wondering if the color and fabric is to his liking. Also thinking how that outfit doesn't suit Mae at all, because her own original outfit was cunty enough.
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darthmaclunkey · 2 months
I love how the acolyte fandom have all collectively decided that osha and qimir are just awkwardly sharing that island with plagueis now. like the galaxy’s ultimate unlikely neighbours scenario. it’s like a sitcom setup for real. you could write a whole season of just the three of them navigating neighbourhood on that little island. imagine plagueis popping over to borrow a cup of sugar. imagine osha having to tell The Sith Lord Of All Time Darth Plagueis The Wise to turn down his music.
personally, I’m a “darth plagueis is really good at sewing, probably competed on galactic project runway, and made osha’s new outfit” truther
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bearpillowmonster · 2 months
I actually think the Acolyte could work in theory should they have done things a little differently. For starters not dedicate whole episodes to flashbacks, fix the order of things so have maybe the first episode be them as children and then have brief segments throughout maybe. They already showcase echoes of the scenes, just show brief glimpses or supposed visions, which will also help with your pacing of the long shots of walking down halls and stuff. It's kind of silly having every character listen to the same events.
Keep the twists away, you don't need that many when so many are right there. Getting rid of the flashback episodes should remedy this by a thick margin because we're not figuring out Sol killed their mom and then have half an episode dedicated to trying to convince Osha that Sol killed their mom, just do it all right there. Will make somewhat more sense for Torbin even if it's still a little lame because by the time they get to giving you reasons, you've more or less forgotten him.
Making Mae's point of view more relevant should make the actual relationship a little more tragic. I like the "I didn't do it" narrative but they intended to make you sympathize with her when she's been spotty all along, just show us her point of view first and it'll show us a twisted perception of things then show her meeting Osha again passing to Oshas point of view. Basically, reverse it so that we have Mae on our side first and then once we have the two sides, we be the judge. Use Mae to antagonize Sol, redeem him with Osha and antagonize the witches. Come to an agreement in the end.
Believe it or not, I don't have much qualm with Qimir's story so he can stay where, when and how he is, whatever. Just sew the seeds that it's going to be covered up (and make it a little more secretive rather than every jedi knowing) earlier. There's obviously more that can be fixed but I think order of events is really important and is half of what I didn't like with the show.
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