sheerioswifties · 5 years
And also-
Okay so I'm having to jump offline again now and I'm not sure when I'll be back. Again please feel free to keep sending me updates on everything going on here! Also I'm totally going to do a write-up/review of the makeup in Miss Americana (y'all I'm BEYOND excited to see this gzgzzggzgdhdhdASYHSHSGZZG) and going forward, again once I've got Internet back, I want to do more writing posts. So first of all be warned that there may drop some random myterious short story pieces I've had drafted for a while, along with several additions to my "Chronic Illness Chronicles" and some important comments on some scary local and world events going on that need some signal boosting, etc. Plus I do want to do a weekly makeup discourse and then begin some.... drumroll please... Quest for Lover Fest™ series to prep for the Lover shows!!! (Definitely open to any and all suggestions for better names for the series. If you're wanting to get an idea what it would be about, check out my Rep Tour Prep™ series tag) all of this of course is admittedly very ambitious of me in my current state between my flaring, degrading health and everything (and PAIN especially) making it difficult for me to function at let alone actually write/ blog, so we will have to see what I'm able to do but these are my goals for this here blog right now and so I'm taking the temperature here to see what you all want/would like to see, so let me know! Send in makeup asks from the Miss Americana doc (or anything!), requests, feedback, suggestions etc. Thanks so much, I love you all, talk again soon! 💕
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