thorneyes · 5 months
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sae-mian · 5 months
Q'ndai and Nira for the character impressions meme! (this is @thorneyes btw)
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'Um, I-i... Uh...'
Truly, truly unfair. Q'ndai is the type to have Nira'sae's heart aflutter and their cheeks warm on looks alone-- though should they get past the stammering and the fumbling, I think they'd find him rather interesting. A puzzle to figure out, truths to discover, if they were brave enough to try.
(As if they're ever brave enough to try.)
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
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tyhezokhazzi · 8 months
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Valentione's pictures of Khazzi and his boyfriend, Q'ndai (@thorneyes)
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thorneyes · 10 months
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thorneyes · 10 months
3 + 6 for roh, 8 for q'ndai 👀
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3. Do they wear jumpers (sweaters)? If so do they fit perfectly or are they baggy?
Rohesia starts by wordlessly holding up the trailing edge of her sleeve, indicating the loose belted coat that she's wearing. "Somethin' pulled over? Nah. If I'm workin' I need somethin' tight, but I'd rather not wear somethin' I need to pull off over my head." She rolls her right shoulder. "Raisin' my shoulder was such a pain f'r a while... an' then I never got back int' the habit. If I'm not in a coat, then it's too hot f'r that - an' I'd just be in a shirt."
6. What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
"Cozy, specifically?" Rohesia says, running her fingers over the edge of one sleeve. "Nothin' special, I figure. Tea and a spot on a couch before th' fireplace. Don't even need th' fireplace in my spot in Mor Dhona, if I'm there... it's got th' kitchens or somethin' next to it, the west wall's always warm. Considerin' how cold it gets back in the cliffs... think I lucked out on that one."
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8. Does your OC wear pyjamas to bed? Do they have a favourite set?
The question has Q'ndai throwing his head back with a cackle of delight. "Can you imagine? Maybe decorated in little cactuars? I think I'd have to steal 'em off of Sparkler, though, and then he'd kill me."
((Thanks for the prompts! From the Warm and Cozy asks! ))
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thorneyes · 11 months
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Since it was part of my last answer, taking an opportunity to talk about Q'ndai and nicknames! He's got an obnoxious habit of calling everyone he meets by one, and constantly refusing to use their actual names - if he's doing that, he actually really dislikes the person in question. It causes confusion, but he refuses to stop, and particularly enjoys being 'clever' with his choices.
An assorted list of names he uses for people he knows ;
Thorneyes - self-explanatory, though now it sounds like he's a bit more formal with Roh than anyone else with her taking it as a surname. Not untrue, with how estranged their relationship has become.
Sparkler - his not-boyfriend definitely-boyfriend, thus chosen for @tyhezokhazzi showing what he describes as 'spark' when they first met.
Quicksilver - He calls Khazzi's dad this solely to piss him off.
Glacier - Silver River, a passed mentor of his. Called to tease her for being stern/cold, and a play on her name.
Switchback - what he calls Roh's gf (@izbizzle's Alia), both because she's expressed a propensity for climbing, and because her history with Garlemald.
(Thank you for the rambling opportunity! )
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thorneyes · 11 months
“Soooo,” Q’ndai drawls, as he sidles up to Thorneyes’ desk. 
Roh gives him a look filled with such wariness that it sends him immediately ten turns into the past, bolstering his grin. He leans against the table, bracing a hand against it as he does. 
“Rohesia Thorneyes, huh?” 
He gets a front-row seat to Roh’s face flooding red. 
“I had t’ use somethin’. What was I supposed t’ say? Some name I don’t remember?” 
He does remember. He remembers that very first name Thorneyes told him, back when they were still figuring out trust. He remembers the others that followed, too. He remembers when she learned how to glare and mean it. How she learned to be mad at the world, not scared of it. He remembered saying it, the first time. “You’re mean as all hells, Thorneyes! You’ll scare them all away with that frown! Let me do it.” 
Even when he forgot little things, over the years, he never forgot the exact pitch of that glare. 
“Good,” he says, tapping her elbow with his, grinning wider when she elbows him back harder. “It suits you.” ['Thorneyes' isn't Roh's family name - she adopted it as an adult, after leaving Ala Mhigo for Mor Dhona. As mentioned above, it's adopted because of the nickname Rohesia used to have from Q'ndai, given because of her green eyes and her tendency to glare - and because he thought it was funny, considering her first name.
Thank you for the rambling opportunity! ]
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thorneyes · 1 year
For the injuries prompt: Do they have a favorite story to tell, true or false, about those scars?
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Q'ndai's grin shows a bit of tooth. "Did you know, if you slice the right bits of a Magitek Reaper, you can get them to blow up when they fire?" He says. "Because I did. Though I figured I had more time before they did..."
(thanks for the question! From the Injury Asks)
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thorneyes · 2 years
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Q’ndai on his way to fuck up the moogle relationship test by running ahead of his boyfriend
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thorneyes · 1 year
What is your favourite thing about your OC or OCs? Is there something about them of which you are particularly proud?
Thanks for the ask! From the OC creation questions.
My favorite thing about OCs in general when it comes to RP is getting the chance to make them grow and develop! That's oftentimes within their backstory, but I love getting a chance to make it happen through RP too, when I can start to play around with their themes and motivations by putting them in Situations.
With Rohesia, her core motivation when I first started playing her was sheer survival - making it day to day. She was deeply and self-protectively cynical. But she's also someone who deeply needs attachments to the people around her and who can't help forming them. It's both a necessary and tragic trait in a healer, and I have so much fun seeing how making connections with other characters develops that, how much she learns from them. Some of the cynicism gets stripped away, she started to think about plans for the future, she rediscovered her sense of humor. She's still figuring out that she has a chance to decide her own fate now, and what that means - that she might not have to fight for every little thing. But she still in her heart wants the fight, just a little bit.
Q'ndai and Cindrelle have both had less chances for development, especially since I tend to go through the process of finding the character through RP. But with Q'ndai his relentless desire to seem cheerful and amused, to talk around the truth when it's clearly not working for him, is an endless source of amusement to me when sending him up to people who could theoretically be his allies, that he inevitably makes things so much harder on himself than he needed to.
And with Cindrelle it's really at the beginning - but I love her concept a lot and I love the way little hints of her personality are peeking through her blank front already. She accidentally asked someone for romance novel recommendations the other day, and turned the "Well how did you like them" conversation afterwards into a history lesson. And then talked about curses for an hour, lol
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thorneyes · 1 year
29. What kind of activities, interests, and hobbies do they have? What significance and impact do these have in their lives, both positive and negative?
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"Used to be climbing," Q'ndai says. "Hard not to learn, living in the thick of the canyons. And climbing the buildings in Ala Mhigo was a fun way to get around. Confused the hells out of... well, everyone." His habitual grin flickers slightly, as he pats a leg against his left thigh. "Not so much any more. Not that I don't do it, but one-legged climbing? Tricky. Not something you want to be doing in a pinch."
"Nowadays I get by with whittling. Passes the time, I've already got the knives...and at least at the end of it you've got pretty enough kindling. Don't keep 'em, though." He grins, crookedly. "Not that anyone can usually figure out what I'm trying to make."
(Thanks for the ask! From the 42 Character development questions!)
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thorneyes · 1 year
2: Something you’ve started to realize about yourself?
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Q'ndai grins, his dagger flashing as he spins it around his fingers. "Don't tell Sparkler or Thorneyes, but... I'm thinking of quitting. The rogue vagabond lifestyle is starting to seem more my style."
(thanks for the ask! From the dig deeper prompts. Still taking these.)
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thorneyes · 1 year
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answering this on the character blog! thanks for the ask @sparkyandsnarky​
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“Oh, they’re stuffy as all hells, but it’s a bit like putting on a disguise, playing the part. Can’t say I’m as fancy as some, though - my poor little Resistance budget can’t handle a new party every moon,” Q’ndai says, waving a hand at his leather armor. “Guess I could get Sparkler in on it, though... seems like his type of thing, the dressing up.”
(from this headcanon meme.)
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thorneyes · 1 year
atoll: if your muse could go anywhere, without any restrictions whatsoever, where would they go? why would they go there? (For Q'ndai)
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"Anywhere at all, hm?~" Q'ndai hums, leaning back on his hands. His tufted tail flicks idly at his side. "Would be interesting to to somewhere hardly anyone's gone in ages, wouldn't it? Meracydia, I think - don't you?"
((Thanks for the ask! from the colorful headcanons questions.))
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thorneyes · 1 year
🌬  Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind: What or who, do you believe is worth saving? 
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"Oh, if we're being philosophical about it..." Q'ndai grins, pulling out a dagger to test the edge with a thumb. "We're all rotten, right? Probably no one is worthy. Won't stop us, though. Through destruction, the strong remain? Something like that. That's what those Monks of the Fist would say, anyroad."
((Thanks! From the Studio Ghibli ask game))
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thorneyes · 1 year
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
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"Ahhh, I'd say take a guess - but Ala Mhigo swings hot and cold, day to night!" Q'ndai gestures towards the sky, flicking an ear. "I'd have to say heat, though - " he grins, " - just to prove I'm still a Seeker, somewhere in my shriveled little heart."
((Thanks for the ask! From the random headcanon q's.))
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