#q! slimariana
strawjamberry · 1 year
where is q! mariana pls i need her back
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handbarfs · 8 months
familia ... ?
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clowninin · 9 months
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Into the slime-verse
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qubitos · 11 months
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translations on point today
[edit] from left to right: hi baby, i will always be bisexual
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habeascorpseus · 1 year
"my bitch wife" ((affectionate) conflicted) (supportive) (comforting) (loving) (derogatory) (accepting of all flaws) (a promise)
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thanotaphobia · 11 months
ménage à quatre
or, missa runs into tina on the way to see phil. and pac. and mariana. and-
Missa thinks he’s decent at being sneaky.
He at least doesn’t knock things over. Their new and improved underground base is well-lit despite the dark stone that makes up its walls, and Missa skirts the farms and chairs and chests with ease. Getting out isn’t so simple, but he’s nearly there. It’s nighttime, and while most people don’t always sleep through the night in this place, it’s easier to hide under the cover of darkness. Easier to get away with things, to see people. Missa also knows if he runs into anyone who isn’t his team or Phil that he’s absolutely dying, so going out at night is a necessary risk. Risk, because mobs, but once he reaches the meeting spot in the woods he and Phil had talked about, then he’ll be okay.
He misses Phil. With every aching beat of his heart, he misses him.
Missa hadn’t known how strong his feelings had run until they’d been separated like this. It was physically painful, like love had wrapped tendrils around his heart and gut, squeezing every time Phil pops into his head. 
And so the occasional midnight rendezvous must happen. It has to happen, because otherwise Missa thinks he would die if he didn’t get to see his husband in a relatively safe, stress-free space.
Careful not to catch the attention of any of his teammates, Missa creeps through the base and watches every step. He doesn’t think they’d crucify him for it, but he doesn’t think they’d like it either. People have become different, and fast. Personalities have shifted and everyone, Missa thinks, has gotten a little more ruthless. Even Missa himself thinks it’s affecting him– although he tends to isolate instead of lash out. He’s frozen to death on beaches more than once, staring out at the ocean lost in thought until his eyes had clouded over and he’d woken up in their base with fingers stiff from cold. Others, though. BBH has a look in his eye every time Missa sees him, a look that makes him skirt around the man like he’s got the plague. 
It’s unsettling. He hates feeling uncomfortable in what’s supposed to be a safe place. He hates sneaking around like this when he should just be able to see his husband whenever he wants– he hates it. 
But it’s fine. He’s nearly out, anyway. He enters the darkest part of his exit, a long corridor, and hurries forward. Just another couple steps and–
All the air is forced out of his lungs, half from terror and half from the collision. He bounces backwards into the cold stone wall and shrieks, then shoves a hand over his own mouth to stifle the sound. Across from him, there’s a thud and someone gasps. Missa blinks into the dark.
“Missa?” Tina says after a second of silence. He takes into stock what just happened– a warm body bumping into his, shorter but strong, and the strong scent of tea leaves and cool soil in the air. Tina. Just Tina.
“Sorry,” Missa says out loud after a second, lowering his hand from his mouth. Tina laughs, and Missa can’t see her very well in the dark as he pushes himself up off the wall. “I didn’t mean to–”
“No, it’s okay!” Tina says. They’re both whispering, but even then each word sounds like a gunshot in the tunnel. It reverbs, echoing around them and twisting in the air like smoke. “I didn’t expect you– oh, man, I fell down and dropped my bag, can you–”
“Yeah, one second,” Missa says, getting her intent instantly and dropping to his knees to feel around for the knapsack. “You okay?”
“Fine, thanks!” Tina giggles, high and breathy. Missa’s hand knocks against fabric and he grasps it triumphantly. 
“Got it!” he says, raising his clenched fist into the air– only for it to come into contact with skin and bone, the crack echoing around them louder than their words had been.
Missa is almost impressed by how Pac doesn’t swear. He hears a thump as someone sits down, a soft hiss of breath, and then a long exhale.
“Oh my god,” Missa breathes, before he knows it’s Pac, “I’m so so sorry–”
“All good,” Pac grits out, and Tina gasps.
“Hey!” she says. “It’s like a party in here!”
“Are you bleeding?” Missa asks, and Pac mumbles an affirmative. The next thirty seconds is spent looking for a piece of cloth to hold to his nose, and they end up having to improvise with one of Tina’s shirt sleeves. “I’m so sorry,” Missa apologizes again. “Bro, bro, I swear I didn’t know you were there, I didn’t mean to, I was just getting Tina’s bag. I’m so sorry, man.”
“It’s dark,” Pac says, his voice slightly muffled and sounding as though he’s got a bad cold. “All good! All good, my friend.”
“What were you even doing down here?” Tina asks. She’s kneeling by Pac on the other side, and Missa has finally gotten used to the dark. They’re all mostly on the floor, staring around at one another– Missa can see the whites of their eyes, and that’s about it. It’s the strangest situation he’s been in for a while, honestly. 
“Well, I was trying to leave,” Pac says, sniffling once and grunting in pain. “But, ah– you were here first.”
“Wait,” Missa says, blinking as he realizes something. “Tina, why were you here–”
And then someone lights a torch, the spark and resulting flame causing all three of them to cover their eyes or cry out. Missa blinks back tears from the sudden brightness and glances back– standing a few feet away is Mariana, torch held up as he stares at the three of them with an indignant expression.
“The fuck are you bitches doing?” he asks loudly, and despite their various states of distress, Missa, Tina, and Pac shush him quickly. Mariana goes quiet, pressing his lips together before stalking forward and crouching beside them. In the torchlight, Missa can see the blood on Pac’s nose now, and winces. “Why did none of you have a torch?” Mariana asks.
Tina hums. “That probably would’ve been a good idea.”
“Why are you here?” Pac asks. “Did you hear us?”
“No,” Mariana scoffs. “But I should’ve. I was going to see Slime–” He clearly didn’t mean to say it– his eyes widen a fraction and he snaps his mouth shut quickly, staring at the three of them before clearing his throat. “I meant, I was going to kill Slime.”
“We all know what you did in the fountain,” Pac says, his voice nasally but dry. “You know?”
Tina breaks out into big, bubbly laughter, heaving for air between gasps of breaths. She giggles, high-pitched and frantic, and Missa can’t help but snort either, covering his face with one hand. He can see Mariana between the bars of his fingers, and the way his face goes a bright, brilliant red.
“Yeah, well–” Mariana only stutters for a moment, composing himself and snapping. “What are you three doing anyway?”
“I was going to see Bagi,” Tina practically wails. She’s on her back on the floor, hair spread like a halo around her, and Missa thinks it’s a miracle she hasn’t passed out from laughing yet. Pac is laughing too, still pinching his nose but grinning and cackling. Missa bites his lip, then drags his hands down his face and comes out with the truth.
“Phil,” he says, cursing his husband’s name into his palms. “Phil and I–”
“I won’t say who I was going to see,” Pac says proudly, and Tina stops laughing at that. She sits up and points a finger at him. 
“We all know about Fit, Pac! We know! Nothing is a secret!” Between her words she hiccups giggles. “This is so dumb, we’re all so dumb!”
Missa leans back against the stone wall of the tunnel and slumps, his knees slowly giving out until he’s sitting fully on the cold floor and staring at the rest of them slowly losing it. Tina and Pac are holding onto each other, giggling and rocking back and forth slightly, while Mariana is trying his hardest to look disgusted with them and notably failing to hide a smile. Missa lets out a breath and knocks his head back, covering his eyes with his elbow and snickering.
“Well, I’m going,” Mariana finally says, stepping over Missa’s outstretched legs and past Pac and Tina. He’s still got the torch in hand– the shadows against the wall stretch and warp with his movement, making the whole tunnel feel unsteady. He turns back. “I have a date to keep.”
“Oh gosh, so do I,” Tina gasps, finally getting a hold of herself and scrambling for her bag. Missa nudges it closer to her with one foot and she grins at him. “Thanks! Don’t want Bagi to be waiting up for me.”
“Have fun on your date,” Missa says, mouth a little dry. “Dates.”
“You too,” Tina chirps, standing up and slinging her bag over her back.
“Wait, I need to get up too,” Pac says, and he and Missa stand together, gripping each other’s shoulders and arms as they do. His nose has, for the most part, stopped bleeding.
“Sorry again,” Missa says apologetically. 
Pac grins and shakes his head. “No biggie.”
“Are you coming?” Mariana calls. The shadows have gotten longer and the light dimmer as he’d started walking away, but he waits now near the end of the tunnel, looking back at the three of them with mild irritation. “Or can I ditch you all yet?”
“Oh be quiet Mariana,” Tina says, catching up with him easily. They both wait for Missa and Pac, which makes something warm blossom in his chest where the cold has sat so easily the past few days. “We can go together now, as long as we stay away from Bad!”
“That would be not good,” Pac mutters, glancing back. Missa winces. 
“We’ve gotten this far,” he says.
“This far without waking the guard dog,” Tina says, and they all make their way the last little bit out into the faint light of the stars. Around them the air is cold and crisp, and it takes Missa’s breath away. For a minute they all stand there, taking in the sight of the moon glistening across the oil-slick sea, light refracting off the ice and snow and making the whole world a soft, delicate shade of blue. Even the light from Mariana’s torch doesn’t last, barely casting out onto the pockmarked and scarred beach ahead of them.
“Well,” Missa says, equipping some gloves. He doesn’t want to stand here for too long. He wants to see Phil. The ache is back, something about the sight in front of him and the people beside him making his heart ultra aware of Phil’s absence. He thinks of Phil, worrying about him being late; he thinks of Phil laughing when he hears what delayed him. “See you in the morning, guys.”
“Hey, Missa?” He glances over at Mariana, who sticks his torch down into the sand and shoves his hands into his pockets, nonchalant. “Do you want to go together? Might be easier. Mobs and stuff.”
“Oh, that’s a good idea! Pac, let’s go together!” Tina chirps, and Pac nods with a smile. She grabs his hand and he lets her.
“Sure,” Missa says, a little startled. “That’s– yeah, yeah. Okay.”
“Okay,” Mariana says. “Bye, guys.”
Pac and Tina wave as they deploy their separate boats, hopping in beside one another and parting into the cold, choppy sea. Mariana drives, Missa sitting passenger, and he stares out over the ocean as they leave their team base behind them in the cold. When he looks over at Mariana, the other man is staring out across the horizon in front of them, hands gripping the wheel of the boat and a strange look on his face. When he notices Missa looking, he glances over and catches his eye.
“What’s the matter?” Missa asks.
“Bad Boy Halo totally was watching us leave,” Mariana says, dead serious, and that is finally what sends Missa into hysterical laughter.
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kelwings · 1 year
"how did qslimeriana get together" qcharlie slipped this into qmariana's pocket
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sarcastictissy · 6 months
Or, a category I was hoping for in the awards xD
Unsure if Mike x Mine is Canon or fanon but she's included anyway bc I love her sm! <3
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starryclown11 · 12 days
Loustat 🤝 Slimariana
(MLM relationships that are extremely toxic (and involve lots of sex) but they can’t stay away from each other that poorly coparent an adopted daughter whose death (that is caused by one of the parents) shatters both of them leading to one going on a murderous rampage and the other to withdrawal but eventually they reconnect and are able to mourn her and the audience is left with not quite knowing where their relationship is gonna go next)
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strawjamberry · 1 year
(i jump around a lot sorry in advance. i just find q!mariana so tragic and i love her)
mariana is always viewed as the one in the wrong, which she gets, she’s made many mistakes, but everyone around her has started viewing her as the sum of her mistakes instead of her own person at this point. mariana also lost her daughter, but the island offers no sympathy. the expectations are way above mariana’s head and there’s no way he could live up to any of them, but that’s all anybody wants from him.
leaving and isolating himself is the only logical decision he can come up with. it’s the only thing that makes sense. she’s blamed and hated for this choice, but it’s not like they really wanted her around.
charlie was able to cope with gegg, who although was hated at the start, is now loved by everybody on the island. mariana doesn’t have that coping mechanism and she doesn’t even really have a support system anymore. even roier, somebody who was supposed to be his best friend, had started feeding into the rumors about him. charlie has the whole island, but mariana just has herself.
everybody knows slimariana as the toxic couple but still blame mariana for not wanting to stay for charlie’s sake. mariana takes the blame for all of their marital issues. slime pushes him away yet still expects mariana to solve all of his issues and just bear through it all. she’s supposedly at fault for ruining slime’s life yet she’s still expected to return and prioritize charlie while his own problems get pushed to the side.
people have become more sympathetic towards charlie, which is great, but with how much he slanders mariana, it’s been at her expense. people that mariana has never met before now have negative opinions of him. slime told baghera to hit mariana when she sees him, so everybody’s been developing a bad view of him and he’s not around to defend himself.
mariana is just viewed as charlie’s wife and juana’s failure of a mother despite actually having a great relationship with her. and i’d argue at times juanaflippa was more herself around mariana. he wasn’t the best mother by far, but he was not absent as people were led to believe.
mariana doesn’t know that he wasn’t at fault for juanaflippa’s death and the guilt has just been building inside of him, consuming his whole building. he can’t face the island without juanaflippa here. it would kill him to know about the glitch, and he doesn’t trust himself anymore after the accident
mariana isn’t even viewed as his own person at this point, the deaths of her daughter becoming the defining points of his life, all anybody thinks when they see him.
(off topic there’s this one fic where mariana is compared to la llorona and that idea just scratches something in the back of my brain i love it sm)
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handbarfs · 1 year
eggxile location is really beautiful
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clowninin · 1 year
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Uhhh silly slimeriana madoka magica au art? Slime is homura and Mariana is madoka
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justa-moth · 1 year
ok so ive literally never seen a single clip from the qsmp but ive seen so much shit abt slimerina and i had a stupid little hc/general thought that i would like to share with the masses
q!slime the kinda guy to go "yeah my BITCHASS WIFE." "yknow the ol' BALL N CHAIN" and then two seconds later proceed to turn around and hold said wife very lovingly
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habeascorpseus · 1 year
the thoughts im having rn about mariana make me feel like im a fucking disney villain like. poor mariana. poor unnoticed, unloved, uncared for mariana. doomed to fail every time he tries and doomed to be hated when he does whats best for everyone and stays away. does he ache, seeing his husband once again leave him to prioritize his own grief? does it hurt to know he's nobody's second choice? is he tired of his role always being reduced to the fuckup wife? is he tired of being forgotten? is he??? isn't he???
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tsukana · 10 months
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[q!Slimecicle and q!Mariana stand looking at q!juanaflippa, their minecraft egg. above them text translation says "And for the record, and for the record, you showed her how to fish. You showed her how to fish, Mariana. She's a vegan. She's a vegan. She's allergic to fish. She's allergic."]
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Carrying Capacity
It has shocked me to my core what these funny Minecraft men have done to me
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