helreginn · 8 days
@pxnxply asked: @thegreatstrongbow
“Give me your belongings and you won’t get hurt. Sound fair?”
Hel, who had been otherwise distracted, slowly dragged her eyes across the horizon to meet first Andróg's eye and then lowered to the knife pointed noticeably at her neck. Her smile unfurled slowly before she looked at his face again.
The words she spoke were honey toned, but a smart man would hear the threat just barely dripping off every soft spoken syllable, "Oh, very fair." She nodded slow, "But you see.. my belongings are attatched. I would have to disrobe to grant your their possession. I...I could not. You would have to turn around..."
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ofthevanyar · 4 months
❛  how could you say something like that to me?  ❜ (Rogrog)
"How could you do something like that to me?"
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bouncingbeleg · 2 years
"Elf." The watch was quiet tonight. "I have a question. Why the shoes?" (Andróg)
"My shoes?" Beleg looked down, angling his shoe to catch the firelight. Pride crept into his tone, hands on hips. "I made them myself, you like?"
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anthxlogy · 5 months
❰❰ DYING ❱❱ sender finds the receiver near death (reverse) (Amroth and Nimrodel)
It was a beautiful day, the sort where the sky is a particular shade of blue, and the leaves of the trees are a stunning contrast.
Nimrodel cautiously approached the ellon half laying against a tree in the clearing near her home. Was this some sort of trap? She slowly stepped closer, dagger in hand.
When she got closer she realized that this ellon was not - could not - be a threat. A large gash in his tunic indicated a gash in his torso. She dropped the dagger and rushed over.
"Friend," she briefly touched his cheek to get his attention. "What is your name? Where have you come from?"
At the very least she could try to send word to his next of kin when he died.
As she spoke, she tore from the bottom of her dress, trying to fashion some kind of bandage. Just enough to keep him from bleeding out before she could get him back to her home.
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nandekano · 9 months
"I fear we will end before the Ice." They had seen the smoke, yes, and the flames, but even now it seemed like the snow and ice went on forever. As Nande warmed his hands, Duilin managed a grateful smile. "It is hard to have hope; I fear... we do not know what we will find when we reach other side. What if we have traded the Ice for greater peril?" He shook his head, "Ah, but you give me hope, my friend. If you can see an end, then so can I." #nandekano#😢😢😢#ic; duilin
"I have to have hope my old friend. I have to believe this torment will be over soon." After finishing getting the blood moving in Duilin's hands once more, Nande gently slipped his own gloves onto them.
Meeting Duilin's gaze seriously, he allowed the other elf a brief moment to see past the mask he wore for all to see. "If I don't keep my spirits up, if I fall into despair, I just feel like something bad will happen. I feel ... Angry more than anything."
He shrugged then, tucking his hands under his arms to keep them warm. "I can't explain it. Maybe anger is better than hope or despair. Anger seems to keep me moving forward. I will see our people brought to safety."
He sighed then, huddling in closer to Duilin's side to share their collected warmth. "That, or I will die trying to make it so."
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of-doriath · 1 year
'What will they say about me when the histories are written?' (Beren @pxnxply)
"I think they will say you had the loveliest smile."
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silvercrowned · 2 years
🔥 from Amroth
“Your majesty,” Celebrían rose and gracefully curtseyed when King Amroth approached. “How kind of you to accept my Fathers invitation.”
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greycloakedking · 1 year
Melian places a flower on top of his head and steals a kiss.
Thingol pressed close, raising up on his toes to prolong the kiss. She smelled as sweet as the flowers.
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legendariium · 1 year
[EAT] Sender brings receiver food while they're focused on another task. (Beren and Dior)
Dior had been meditating outside for two hours now. He’d come to accept that he couldn’t make sense of the vision he had, one of swans and flying ships. The peredhel did succeed in getting lost in the sensations of the forest around him, though. Despite Dior’s trance, his softly pointed ears still managed to pick up the sound of approaching footsteps. He knew without looking that they belonged to his father.
It was the scent more than anything that made Dior whip around, an almost childlike delight in his eyes. For a moment, all thoughts of his visions were forgotten.
“Is that naneth’s cinnamon bread? Please tell me it’s her cinnamon bread..”
{ @pxnxply }
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helreginn · 26 days
"I cannot ask that of you." Ilúvatar had his designs; in taking this mortal form, Melian had resigned herself to being part of them, creation and not creator - the audience, not the performer. She knew it was forbidden for the ainur to entangle themselves in the fates of the Children. Yet... "You would put yourself at such risk for her. For them. And yet I could not even tell you where they are. Morgoth has blinded me." @pxnxply @thegreatstrongbow
"Then.. Then do not ask it." The hand that wasn't laid over Melian's forearm reached up to softly caress her cheek, "I will go of my own volition."
Hel leaned forward, pressing her forehead to Melian's. Her eyes fell shut on a sigh that lingered in quiet. Bravery was not her strong suit. It took effort. Even just to figure out what it was that she was afraid of..
"If he wills it, I will find them. I will bring them home. And if I cannot.. I can at least slow down the rest."
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ofthevanyar · 1 year
❛ We have royal wombs, you and I. The childbed is our battlefield. ❜ (Idril, pick a verse)
"I think an actual battlefield would be less exhausting," Amarië said wryly, fanning herself. Summer was the worst time to be pregnant.
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bouncingbeleg · 1 year
“There was something whispering in the wind…” (Androg)
"Whispering?" Beleg asked, head tilting and ears twitching to catch whatever sounds Andróg had heard. "I hear nothing now... what did it say?"
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anthxlogy · 8 months
"What if they kissed?" (Ioreth and Talion)
“Talion, Talion,” Ioreth set her basket down and gripped the iron bars. She should not have been in there - it wasn’t fair.
All of her pleadings to her Father had fallen on deaf ears. Even admitting Talion was her husband had only angered him more. The bars were just wide enough for her to lean forward to kiss him.
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sashaofravenlock · 2 years
Continued from X
"I am not in the business of kidnapping." Andróg scowled, eyeing her nervously, unsure where this situation was going, but not liking any of the potential outcomes in his mind. "Leave me alone."
“Yet the people you run with do,” a wicked smile dashed across her face as the rope binding her wrists smoldered, despite the lack of a heat source, and dropped away. She cackled at his request and looked him straight in the eye. “No, I don’t think I will.”
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nandekano · 9 months
[ BONFIRE WARD ] Sender and reciever have been traversing a deep, dark wood as the clock strikes midnight at midwinter. The veil is at its thinnest, and the undead walk. Now reciever and sender must huddle up and keep watch over their fire through-out the night - for if it's snuffed, untold horrors await. (Duilin)
Nande shifted closer to Duilin before swooping out his great heavy cloak. The dark of the ice had always been bitter, but on this night it seemed even more so. There was a cold smell of death and despair in the frigid air.
"Huddle close my friend." he said through gritted teeth. "This night is going to be worse than all the others already past." He drew the heavy cloak hood up over both of them, letting the cold skin of their cheeks press together for added warmth.
"We can take turns tending the fire." His voice, normally warm and teasing was short and bitten out from his effort to not let his teeth chatter together. Already they had lost Turu's wife, and his two elder brothers huddled close together in grief and warmth, protecting the youngest among them.
"Are you comfortable enough?" he asked, turning slightly to look Duilin over for a moment. "I believe, if also bring your cloak about us both we can trap the air between us. It should be enough to warm us."
He smiled somewhat wearily, "At least, if not warm, it can keep us both from freezing."
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of-doriath · 2 years
“I didn’t think you could look more beautiful.” (Beren)
Lúthien smiled at him through the vanity mirror, carefully ignoring the gold ring on his hand.
“Do you like it? It’s a new gown.”
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