great0ld0nes-a · 4 years
“ people say, in that bright light, it’s splendor but my shadow rather grows even bigger, swallows me, and becomes a monster “ (from mary)
The tall man seemed to be unaware of or perhaps ignoring her presence altogether. His back was turned in the dark to her, his silhouette a mass of hair and ill-fitting clothes. In this dark, cave-like corridor, he stood at the dead end. Trapped by her.
At first, it would seem the Order had outsmarted him. He was, of course, their living weapon, who bunged up both his English and Japanese plenty enough. All brawns and no brain, right? Their tank and meat shield.
Well, maybe it was time to show he was more than that. And rather than Shelley trapping him in with her, she was trapped with him.
Step by step, he turned to face her.
You talk about shadows, he thought, but you know nothing of them. When they appear in the dark with no light to cast them, and drag you down through what you thought was solid ground, now those are shadows. You have not seen the neverending void, dark yet overwhelming with a characteristic pallor of nothingness. You have not seen the plateaus of Leng that only through word-of-mouth inspired Man's vision of hell - only with the worst parts left out. You're lucky that to this day you knew nothing but mortality.
But those words, even in just his mind were uttered as R'lyehian - something he assumed she wouldn't comprehend. So as his eyes became deep pools of black and his neck began to twist, he said what he knew she would.
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"If that's...a shadow to you...then you know nothing of darkness."
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@pxntomime​ said:                                                                
✆ (from agatha to mary, please?)
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[[ Agatha >>> Mary ]]
06:47am - Good Morning Mary, I hope you slept well? 06:47am - Oh. I’m sorry I didn’t notice the time 06:49am - Call me once you’re awake but feel free to catch a few more hours of sleep. There is something I wish to discuss but there is no hurry. Sleep well.
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blxnkpxges · 4 years
Snicket is pouring over the notebook in his hands, some kind of case assignment no doubt. He’d considered asking Miss Alcott about it but, well, everyone always knew what that woman would say about anything. Not to mention he already could figure out the worst case scenario on his own. He didn’t need her anxious fretting in his ears. Especially since this wasn’t strictly guild business. 
He sighed, gently touching each of the photographs taped into the notebook once more. It never hurt to get multiple looks, after all. The future was ever fluid and changing.  Maybe this time he would see something else.
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After a moment he stopped, and shook his head. He closed his notebook and tucked it neatly into his bag before knocking on the door in front of him.
“Mary? Are you in?”
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@pxntomime​ said:
"It's been a while, Mr. Taylor." Zora hummed as she raised the glass to her lips. Her smile was genuine, happy to see someone that'd made a stranger of himself in the few years since they've seen each other--though, communication went both ways, she was certainly at fault, too. "How have you been? ... And Ella?" Random Ask - Always Welcomed!
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“It’s been forever”  He took a small sip from his own drink. Honestly, he hadn’t expected to run into an old face but he felt rather excited to have done so. So much had changed over the last few years and he knew Ella would be rather excited to meet with old friends, “Mr Taylor? Isn’t that a little too formal though? How come Ella jumps straight to first name terms?”, he pouted, his usual playful nature evidently still there, “I’m the same boring self - Ella though has been living the high life. Hating every moment of it of course...” Shifting the topic away from himself was something he almost didn’t notice he did these days. It was as though it was simply an automatic response to anything personal that may come his way.  “How're things been with you? Up to anything interesting?”
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kxramczov · 5 years
@pxntomime​ asked ‘ if that’s what a hero is i’m glad i’m not one anymore. ’ for William.
Ask Meme: Growling Suggestion || Status: Accepting
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“Ah but do you not miss how the public viewed you with rose tinted glasses?” Humor laced his tone, if just to hide the disgust for the supposed hero as a the man in question walked around the entire building as if he were a king, and not some drunk with far to much respect.
In truth, Fyodor was more than ready to discretely end the man’s life then and there. The only thing stopping him was how almost every other person seemed to flock to the object of their scorn. Women and men begging for the pompous fool’s attention as if they were chasing a high.
“But I must admit it is a rather vulgar thing to subjected to.”
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alternxs · 4 years
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@pxntomime​ asked “3, 12, 19, 20, 21 25. that way you can answer one as each >:)”
Muse speaks about the mun (part 2) || Status: Accepting What I Have
3. What irritates the mun? 
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“The better question is what doesn’t irritate her? I believe I once heard an American phrase ‘i don't have pet peeves i have whole kennels of irritation’. Especially when it comes to her work she can be something of an irritable person, she has such a bad tendency to get agitated at dogs acting like dogs and blaming it on poor ownership. Granted she has worked with many dogs that were abandoned like Dazai abandoned his own rabid dog just because they grew inconvenient.”
12. Does the mun like talking to people? Or are they shy?
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“She is definitely on the shy side, though according to her she also has tendencies where she just doesn’t want to talk to people and would rather be off playing video games or indulging in whatever new project she has.”
19. What song does the mun think fixes them and what does the muse think? What song does the muse think fits the mun and why?
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“She isn’t much of one to find that songs fit her like most people do, but if I were asked it would be the Chihuahua song from the Beverly Hills Chihuahua. She has an obsession with them after all and she is as big as one, besides she has the energy to fit the song!”
20. Does the mun what to learn a different language?
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“She might want to if she wasn’t leery of most online teachers and wasn’t so lazy.”
21. If the mun could move to a different country would they and why?
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“She requested a rain check on answering this to do several months of research before she gave her answer on the matter.”
25. What makes the mun happy?
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“According to her quite a few things, she really enjoys taking pictures of her dogs and animals, she says she also seems to enjoy gardening even though she isn’t good at it, and spending so much of her time on this website seems to also make her happy.”
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blindvigilance · 9 years
@pxntomime  Continued from H E R E
He could hear the buttons slipping the little holes, that’s how he knew, that and the rustle of fabric was a big giveaway.  He doesn’t bother to share his secrets though, laughing at the hesitation until his chest hurts and he’s wheezing.
“Hey!” He snorts, catching the shirt as it’s thrown at him, but prete- nding to let it hit him in the face, “I don’t think the entertainment is supposed to throw their attire at you.  Then again, I’ve never been to a strip joint.”
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great0ld0nes-a · 4 years
“ even truth becomes lies. even lie becomes truth “ (from zora)
Philosophical conversations were not uncommon in the Guild. But with Lovecraft those were usually left alone. The aeons-old creature wearing a human face tended to behave simply, partly out of illusion and partly just not wanting to become too intertwined with the mortals that didn't worship him.
But now, he supposed, he could be a little lenient.
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"And...what if they are never talked about?"
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@pxntomime​ said:                                                                
# (from mori to komachi?)
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
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 [[ Mori >>>> Komachi ]]
3.45pm - Elise just drew the cutest little thing! I have to show it to you! 3.46pm - [Pic Attached] - I think the one with no head is either you or if you squint really hard maybe me? 3.50pm - Isn’t it adoreable! 3.55pm - Oh I need you to come to the office - almost forgot!
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kxramczov · 5 years
@pxntomime​ asked ‘ sometimes people have to get hurt for me to get what i want. ’ for Mary.
Ask Meme: Growling Suggestion || Status: Accepting
A good man would be put off by that. If he were the man that he pretended to be at fancy parties he got forced into attending he would never be able to respect anyone that would say such things. 
But he was not a good man, and he was damned to hell, so therefor he had to admit he at the very least respected her honesty.
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“Fair enough, but careful of those you harm, for humans have very long lasting memory when it comes to those have wronged them.”
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alternxs · 4 years
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@pxntomime​ asked “be men, or be more than men.” Mary to Gogol
starters from the 1818 novel by mary shelley, FRANKENSTEIN || Status: Accepting
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“That sounds well and good and all... buuuuuuuut...” he was totally confused. Still the conversation had been going so interesting up until now so he didn’t want to end it looking like a fool without meaning to. “What exactly is ‘more than men’?”
Did she refer to some god like he often heard Dos-kun citing whenever the opportunity arose to speak about the god he followed so devoutly.
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[text]: well good news you'll have two people to glare at you once you get here. [text]: see you soon
      [text: Иван] she’s asking for booze in return
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kxramczov · 4 years
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@pxntomime​ asked “Mary twisted her lips this way then that, fumbling to find the appropriate words to protest... or appreciate... what Fyodor had done to her parents' study. He must have noticed she was avoiding. How couldn't he, with how she passed by it every day without so much as opening the door a single time. It was the room her father died in; a room she was determined to leave closed but... "Fedy..." She caught herself. "Fyodor." Mary straightened and exhaled deeply, "You didn't have to do this." 
Unprompted Ask || Status: Accepting
Truth be told he had been somewhat worried it would upset her when he had first taken this task up, and the concern lingered long until he asked her to join him. He hadn’t really gone out of his way to change to much, simply tidied up things here and there, removed the dust, done more little things, and only moved things in a way that might make it easier for her to use.
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“It was no trouble, if I am a guest in your home surely I must earn my stay somehow.” 
If he were being completely honest with her, that wasn’t the main reason he started on the little ‘project’. More he noticed that she avoided it and while he doubted his efforts would yield her much good he found himself with far too much time and in need of something more to do than be a burden on her.
“Besides I almost feared I had ruined it for you. It just seemed so...” abandoned, forsaken by god, dusty, “unused.”
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peaceificarchive · 9 years
                         Send me hearts and I’ll talk about people
Okay so let me talk about @pxntomime for a moment. It’s not been tooo long since we first met, but I seriously don’t know what I’d do without Adrian at this point. Jack is such an amazing character, his personality shows in everything Adrian writes, it’s just so consistent and real. There’s never a post where I stop to wonder what I’m even reading - it’s always /Jack/, it’s always Adrian’s style of writing and I love that so much. 
More importantly, though, Adrian is just an incredible person. He is so kind and I always feel super good after we talked. He’s just an incredible person and I’m so happy that we met. He is sweet and loving but also doesn’t hesitate to stand up for what he believes in. He’s funny and easily one of the best people I know. It’s just super easy to talk to Adrian. I don’t think he realizes what a fantastic person he is, but “You don’t know how beautiful you are and that’s what makes you beautiful.” 
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