#pwyl; mistletoe manor
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Mistletoe Manor: The Epilogues Part 4 (Final)
Genre: 1900′s AU/Romance
Pairings: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong x OCs
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to re-visit our magical world of Mistletoe Manor. The series left off on a bit of a cliffhanger, so we really had no choice! We hope you enjoy this extra look into the lives of Cassie, Evie, Joey, and all their friends and family.
Thank you for joining us for this series.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 // 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 || Epilogues: 1 | 2 // 3 | 4
Stepping outside only to almost fall when Taeyong went rushing by her, calling out apologies along the way, Lydia glanced around herself before looking over to the man now smiling at her. She pointed in the direction of the hasty footman. “Should I ask?”
“No, he is perfectly fine. Or will be,” Seo Joon assured, coming forth to place his arms around Lydia’s waist. Whilst her eyes did pop a little at his gesture, and her head moved to take in all that surrounded them, she did not step away from the embrace either.
“You can only have this for a moment; I actually stepped outside to find someone.”
“Lady Cassandra, by chance?”
Lydia’s lips curled up as she nestled into Seo Joon’s arms. “How do you know everything on my mind?”
“Well, to be fair, I did see my Lady heading down to the field to play with Miss Daisy not long ago so it wasn’t all that hard to piece together the mystery of whom you were in search for.” Seo Joon then pouted. “However, I had hoped it was me.”
“That will have to wait for much later,” Lydia lamented, and she soaked up the moment further before stepping aside. “I feel I am needed by Cassie today.”
Lydia’s suspicions had begun to mount just before the wedding. After serving the Hawthornes for as long as she had, and further knowing she was one of Cassie’s closest and dearest friends, Lydia could tell when she was off. She probably knew more about the eldest daughter of the house than Cassie did of herself and it had worried Lydia of the emotional struggles she seemed to be facing.
And it had her anxious to know if what she was assuming was right or not.
“I will see you later,” Lydia confirmed, stepping up on her toes to brush her lips over Seo Joon’s cheek, the pressing matter of finding Cassie now sending her off across the courtyard towards where Seo Joon had mentioned. Whilst she did not run, her gait quickened the closer she got to the area. And then she came to a stop altogether, watching on from under the trees.
Daisy, Joey’s daughter, was running around flying a kite that her father had constructed earlier in the day. With Joey and Brian off on a walk together, Cassie had offered to take care of their daughter for the afternoon, so Lydia had heard from Grace.
Cassie soon joined in with Daisy’s energy, laughing as they both ran about the field, watching the kite soar higher towards the heavens. Lydia smiled, wishing she somehow could capture the moment for Daehyun to see. She was certain he would be as fond of it as Lydia was.
However, Cassie soon stopped, her hands both moving to her forehead and stomach respectively. Dashing across the field, Lydia reached out for her friend. “My Lady, are you faint?!”
“Yes, just a bit,” Cassie breathed, dropping her hand from her head to take the one her lady’s maid offered her. Lydia gently guided her down to the ground, ensuring Cassie was comfortable before sitting next to her.
Daisy came running over as well, looking on curiously. “Shall I fly it alone now?”
“If you could, my love. I will be up as soon as I feel better!” Cassie called energetically; however, Lydia could see the fatigue in her friend’s face.
“You will do nothing of the sort; you need your bed more than anything.”
“The fresh air is doing me good,” Cassie retorted, her gaze unyielding from the child dashing around. “She reminds me of Joey so much. Is it not uncanny that this child was born by another and yet could fool anyone that she was Joey’s child entirely?”
“Some children come to find their truest family in ways as Daisy has.”
“I envy Joey a great deal with how easy it has been for her to become a mother. Why, for all the impractical sides of my sister, she is remarkable with Daisy. I’ve never seen her so attentive in my entire life.”
“Your sisters learned from your guidance all these years.”
Cassie shook her head. “No, her maternal instinct was there all along. She’s lucky.”
“Why, are you worried you are not nearly as ready?” Lydia asked, watching as Cassie’s focus finally found hers. So, her suspicion was correct. Lydia clasped her hands around Cassie’s and shook it repeatedly. “Why suffer in silence?!”
“When I finally realised that I was with child, it was far too close to Evie’s wedding. It was a time all about her; I couldn’t just announce it then.”
“Still, you have Daehyun, you have me! Why not share your news with us?”
“I worried so much about it all. I can’t be that far along and I was plagued with the mindset of what if the child and I do not mix? I couldn’t fathom telling Daehyun until I was sure.”
“And you’re certain now?”
Cassie nodded. “I feel her, as strange as that may sound. I can tell she is there and growing every day.”
“She?” Lydia repeated with a smile, nudging her friend. “Well, if it is to go anything such as yourself, another daughter would be fitting in this household.”
“I wouldn’t know what to do with anything else,” Cassie agreed with a gentle laugh. “All I have known are sisters my entire life. However, if I were to have a son as handsome as his father, I would be absolutely besotted.”
Lydia grinned, shaking Cassie’s arm again. “Oh, you must tell him!”
“I will. I should.” Cassie’s smile faded, falling perplexed once more. “He will be happy, of course.”
“Do you believe he doesn’t want a child yet?”
“There was some talk recently between his family. They were going to ask of his return for some months to his home. He seems concerned about his father’s health. It’s all very poor timing.”
“No, you mustn’t think like this. How often have you put everyone before yourself, Cassandra?” A small smile formed on her friend’s lips. “You only ever call me that when you plan on scolding me.”
“Then listen to me carefully,” Lydia announced, shifting so she was in front of Cassie. “This is wonderful news. Your sisters have both gotten married and the next generation is growing healthily within you. Mistletoe Manor will be filled with joyous cries in the near future. And you, my dear, are the one who will be at the forefront of it all. It is now about you. Please stop concerning yourself of what everyone else is doing, and focus on what your body is trying to achieve.”
“Mother will go into overdrive, surely,” Cassie breathed, looking rather aghast. The pair then giggled together before Cassie moved to hug Lydia tightly. “You will be at my side, won’t you? I don’t know how else I will get through all these emotions of mine.”
“Oh Cassie, there’s no place I would rather be.”
It had taken a lot more effort than Anna expected to convince Taeyong to leave the manor with her the next morning. Whilst he had not been standoffish towards her, he was definitely silent and that left her unsure of what to say or do for the first time since meeting him. And so, she spent most of the walk darting her attention to his face often, wondering if she stared enough at the man, he would somehow give her answers to why she felt this uneasy around him. She continued to stare at him as they walked along the path towards the lake, blinking rapidly when he finally caught her doing so. She smiled. “I was admiring the view.”
“Does it compel you to like it?”
“Very much so,” she confirmed, and Taeyong smiled gently, swinging the basket he held onto a little more freely.
After their dispute in the cellar, Anna had struggled to deal with the emotions that overwhelmed her. Of course, she knew the man to be more of a dreamer than she, however, she had not once allowed herself to contemplate that he had a world inside his mind that involved her in it. Even after all the months of endless bickering and then the kissing in corridors and closets to make up for it, it all felt surreal to her.
She wasn’t used to having someone to call her own.
When they finally reached the lake, Anna had to blink several times for it to come into view, her thoughts pressing down on her vision otherwise. Taeyong had already set up the blanket he had under his arm and placed the basket down upon it.
He was too efficient, she decided.
“Will you take a seat?” he offered and she nodded, accepting the hand he offered to help her down before sitting next to her. The shared meal was quiet, awkward even. Anna had so much to tell him, that she knew was overdue in being spoken of, and yet the words sat too far back in her mouth, unable to leave it.
She feared his response more than anything.
Taeyong cleared his throat after he was done eating and attempted another of his smiles. That didn’t even reach his eyes, she noticed sadly, picking at the bread left within her lap.
“Anna, I must apologise for the other day,” he stated and she frowned, watching as the wall he had up seemed to crumble in front of her. “You see, it was wrong of me to-”
“No, you listen, please. Just this once. I have been working up the courage thus far and if I do not say my piece, I wonder if I will lose it entirely,” Taeyong breathed out, wringing his hands together. “I got carried away. My feelings for you, whilst vast, may be burdensome and-”
“No, they are not,” she cut in a second time and Taeyong whined.
“Will you let me finish?!”
“I do not wish to hear an apology. There is nothing to apologise for.”
“Well, I happen to think differently about the matter!”
“I have no one aside from you, Taeyong,” she blurted out, darting her vulnerable gaze down before he caught it. “I was abandoned at a young age and all I have done with my life has been on the back of my hard efforts. I have never relied on anyone to help me and I dislike when people do.”
“That does explain a lot,” he mentioned simply and Anna smiled.
“Having you like me and then experiencing this feeling within my chest over you, it hasn’t come easy. Some days I feel as if you are a dream and one day I will wake up and you will no longer exist at all.”
“The feeling you experience is called love.”
“Is it?”
He nodded. “If it is the same as what I hold for you, then yes. It’s love.”
“Love scares me. Frankly, you scare me.”
“The feeling is mutual,” he replied and Anna groaned.
“I am trying to be serious.”
“And I am listening, honestly.”
“I told myself I would never marry. I never needed it, wanted it. Lord, I could do with a whole lot more in life than a husband.” Taeyong’s smile faded and Anna reached out to make sure he would not frown instead. She inhaled a shaky breath. “You might be the most intolerable man I have ever met-”
“That was my line when I confessed to you,” Taeyong pointed out cheekily and Anna rolled her eyes.
“However, do know that you are the only man I will ever want. I trust that you will be there to hold my hand even when I do not wish for it.”
“If I am holding your hand, then…”
Anna nodded, leaning in to kiss him softly. “I will marry you when the time is right.”
“You will?”
“I expect a proposal, though not with petals all over the floor again.”
Taeyong grinned. “I have other ideas.”
“There is no stopping you, is there?” she grumbled, though inwardly, she was excited. Anna felt as if she had finally found someone who she wanted to keep, someone who she would eventually call her own.
Looking up at the large doors before him, Daehyun thought back to the time he had first entered this room. He was determined to see Cassie that fateful evening, ready to confess all about his love for her. She had surprised him with as much endearment and from that moment on, Daehyun was convinced he would never face another moment of doubt over his love for his wife.
However, lately she had pulled away, detached herself from his loving embrace and he was at a complete loss of what to do.
Nodding firmly in his decision, he pushed open the door to the library and stepped inside, startling the entangled pair on the very spot he had once sat that evening with Cassie. Daehyun coughed a little and turned to give the newlyweds their privacy to find some decency. He knew it all very well, the bountiful passion and insatiable touch that came from having someone as his own. Still, he couldn’t help but smirk at the concept of finding his usually very reserved, astute best friend in such a predicament.
“This is rather awkward.”
“Hardly, I understand it very well my friend,” Daehyun shot back amusedly, listening as the shuffling about subsided. “I am certain when you move on to your home that you will find yourself grow bored of losing such risky opportunities.”
“Shall I leave you both to it?” Evie breathed, evidently flushed even if Daehyun still had his back to her.
Finally, he turned, shaking his head and approached the couple. “Please, I ask for your assistance instead.”
“With what?” Yongguk questioned, examining Daehyun’s face for the answer.
“It is about my wife,” he started, letting out a long sigh and rubbed at his face. “She has been rather secretive lately about how she feels and even if I ask her outright, she avoids me.”
“She seems to be internalising something indeed,” Evie replied, nodding softly. “I passed her by earlier and she covered her mouth and ran off when I asked…”
“Asked?” both men repeated, Evie’s eyebrows joining together as she thought over what the issue might be. Evie shook her head to dismiss further explanation.
“Do you think she is upset with me because we did not join hands naturally for love but an arranged marriage? I am sure you both know how fond I am of Cassie-”
“I spent many a month with you, my friend. There is no one on this Earth who loves their wife as much as you do.” Evie glanced up at her new husband and Yongguk smiled sweetly. “Apart from us, of course.”
“Of course,” she giggled, beaming with satisfaction.
Their evident bliss only dampened Daehyun’s mood further. “I miss this. I miss that she would cherish every moment together. I am certain it is around the wedding. It must have brought back ill memories from her own experience.”
Evie lowered her head. “She was rather unhappy at the time, even if she did not admit it outwardly. She has always felt obligated as the eldest to fulfil some sense of a duty to this family. I never understood why. She is rather opinionated and full of wonderful ideas that so often never come out when they should.”
“Do you think I should propose again? This time, full of my love for her?”
“Another wedding?” Yongguk wondered, looking towards Evie who seemed to light up.
“There has already been one and rather, I would just appreciate doing it all over intimately. With Cassie and our closest of family.”
“How romantic!” Evie gushed, nodding in answer. “Shall we help you propose before we set off for our new home?”
“Would you? You both leave next week, do we have enough time?”
“Surely all you need is a moment alone with her, how hard can that be?”
Evie shook her head at Yongguk’s simple answer, reaching forward to take Daehyun’s hand. “I will help you! She will cry, I am certain of it!”
“Well, I do not wish for her to cry, she did an awful lot of that recently,” he admitted sheepishly and Yongguk smirked.
“No, happily of course! Please, after all the help she gave me with my wedding, I want to do this before I leave. Both Joey and I have left her to the manor house now. It would be magical to see her off this way.”
“Then shall we begin to plan it out?!” Daehyun enthused and Evie nodded eagerly.
“I feel I just lost my wife already,” Yongguk stated with a sigh, however it wasn’t long until he too was helping with the plans.
And finally, two days later, everything was prepared. To say Daehyun was nervous was an understatement. He hadn’t slept a wink the night before and was thankful that lately Cassie had been fatigued with her condition, watching her sleep beside him soundly all night long. He couldn’t wait to uplift her mood with what he hoped would be the best gesture of his love for her yet.
Still, much as he had been on his wedding day, he was entirely worried he would mess things up.
“I will bring her to you as soon as we find her,” Evie told him, giving a warm squeeze to his shoulder. “Joey is off doing just that right now.”
Of course, it wasn’t long until the plan had become a family affair, both sisters weighing in on how Daehyun should propose again until both Brian and Yongguk had pulled them aside and told him to do what felt strongly within his heart.
All Daehyun wanted to do was express his endless adoration for Cassie.
Nodding in response as his tongue felt too dry to speak with, Daehyun departed for his spot in the garden, smiling nervously at Grace and Jaehyun who were waiting under the trees nearby.
He worked on swallowing slowly, breathing in and out, and chanting the words over in his mind that he wished to utter.
And when he thought all was a lost cause and was about to call it off, he spotted the three sisters walking together towards him, Joey and Evie pointing him out and dashing away from Cassie’s side. Walking the rest of the distance to him alone, Cassie frowned.
“Why do I feel as though I am being left in the dark by something?”
“My dear, would you like to sit?” Daehyun offered and then shook his head, waving a hand to dismiss that thought. “Actually, please stay standing.”
“Whatever is the matter?” she pressed, her eyes filling with concern.
Daehyun scolded himself inwardly to pull himself together. “I noticed lately how you have been and it has prompted me to change that.”
“Oh darling, I need to talk to you about that.”
Nodding quickly, Daehyun took her hands in his shaking ones and smiled. “I have no idea why I am nervous right now.”
“Has something terrible happened?”
“No, something wonderful has happened to me. You see, I know we both spoke our feelings out when we met again at Christmas, and I do still believe that you love me just as much as you did then. But I must confess, it has troubled me for some time that it hasn’t been spoken between us from the start.”
“I admit I am not following you.”
“I love you. I love everything about you, from the way that you laugh and that little stern expression you pull when you are annoyed. I adore how the light shines in your eyes when you’re deliriously happy. I admire your ability to care for so many people genuinely and how honest you can be with me even if the subject is most difficult.”
Cassie burst into tears then, trying to pull her hands out of his. “I haven’t been as honest as I usually am.”
“We will face moments where it is hard to express ourselves but-”
“Daehyun, I am sorry to cut you off right here, but I really must talk with you.”
“Right now?” She nodded. “Cassandra, I am in the middle of proposing, albeit very laboriously, to you again.”
“You… what did you just say?”
“I wished to try and cheer you up because I was certain you were feeling miserable over the-”
“I am not unhappy, I assure you!” she exclaimed, shaking her head as the tears continued to fall.
“But… I was so sure-”
“I am simply dealing with much greater news and it has taken a toll on me.” Glancing at the others in the distance, Cassie then stepped closer to him, her eyes wide with emotion.
“What, what news?”
“I am with child,” she confessed quietly, chewing on her bottom lip as she waited for his response.
“You’re… pregnant?” he breathed, his gaze falling to her waist as she started to nod repeatedly. “You’re pregnant?!”
“Cassie’s what?!” Joey screamed, rushing forward as Daehyun scooped her up in his arms, swirling them around as his world grew brighter.
Daehyun hadn’t once stopped to think that this would be the reason and yet, now that he thought about it, everything fell into place. He couldn’t even hear the voices around him all congratulating the pair once he set Cassie back on her feet, the jostling dull as he merely stared back at his wife. Cassie held his gaze intensely until she started to laugh, pushing herself forward into his open embrace.
The news of her pregnancy travelled fast and Mistletoe Manor was thrust into further celebration. Although Cassie was relieved to share the news with those she loved, she was already weary from the endless visits to check up on her condition from her mother especially. She loved her terribly and knew she meant well, but it had been such a whirlwind that she was grateful for the quiet moments where she could feign needing rest and everyone would leave her immediately.
Except for Daehyun, that is.
“Do you think our child will have your hair colour or mine?” he wondered as they lay together in bed, his hand running up and down her arm gently. “What about my eyes or yours?”
“I hope they have my hair and your eyes.”
“Why? Your eyes are the loveliest I have ever seen!”
Cassie turned to face her husband and smiled at him. “Still, your eyes are warm and endlessly deep. I always get caught up in staring at them.”
“Then you mustn’t blink once whilst you do,” he teased, brushing the hair away from her face affectionately. “I love you.”
“And I love you. I cannot believe you thought I was miserable all because of how we started!”
Daehyun pointed at her sternly. “You left me with little understanding of how you felt, what was I meant to think?”
“I adore that you went to propose again.”
“And I would do it all over again to ensure you know I love you every single day.”
“Our child will be spoiled by that love of yours,” she countered and Daehyun grinned, kissing her temples softly.
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“No, I guess there are far worse things to face.”
“Such as Evie leaving later today?”
Cassie sighed heavily. Although she was excited about her sister’s new home, she had to admit that it did sadden her to be apart like this. Of course, she could write to her sister often and Evie and Yongguk assured they would return for the birth of her firstborn. It wasn’t like Joey leaving home, however. At least, Cassie could visit her whenever she pleased. Evie would be a great distance away.
Sitting up, Cassie patted Daehyun’s arm lightly. “I wish to go spend time with her.”
“Then let me help you get ready to do so.”
“I can still dress myself! Contrary to all belief; I am not yet incapable in my current state.”
“I know, but at least allow me the opportunity to,” he murmured, leaving kisses upon her neck lovingly.
It took longer than she anticipated, but Cassie eventually ended up walking outside with a sister on either side of her. Joey giggled. “It’s just like the old times.”
“How many walks do you think we have taken around this property?” Evie asked and Cassie smiled.
“Enough for our footprints to forever remain embedded in it.”
“Let us not be sombre, it’s not as if we won’t see each other again!”
Evie nodded. “Joey is right. I already have plans for my return. And when everything is settled, I am looking forward to hosting you all at my new home.”
“I hear it is even larger than Mistletoe Manor,” Cassie breathed and Evie looked a little faint.
“All I know is that Yongguk will never be too far from my side and so it won’t ever feel imposing.”
“That and he promised you a library all for yourself, did he not?” Joey pointed out gleefully, in which Evie beamed over immediately. “You won’t even know what the rest of the house looks like.”
“Regardless of where we all live, do know each of you always has a home here.”
“Oh, Cassie, don’t cry!”
“It’s the pregnancy, nothing sentimental, I promise!”
“If she continues to cry, I will begin blubbering before I even leave the house,” Evie whined and Joey reached hastily to wipe away the tears on Cassie’s cheeks.
“Honestly! If I ever fall pregnant, I hope I don’t shed a single tear!”
Shooting a watery smile at her youngest sibling, Cassie nudged her. “You won’t know until you are with child.”
“Admittedly, I cried the first night I held Daisy in my arms.”
“Stop it, I don’t want to imagine little versions of Yongguk running around just yet,” Evie implored and the other two squealed, teasing their sister immensely for the idea.
They continued to laugh and cry, mostly on Cassie’s behalf, all the way up until Evie was hugging them goodbye in the courtyard.
“Do write to me as soon as you arrive.”
“Tell us everything!” Joey added on, waving to her sister as Evie climbed into the car beside her husband. The remaining sisters held each other until she was finally out of sight and then Joey kissed Cassie fondly on her cheek, calling for Seo Joon to see if he would give her a ride home in time for dinner.
Surprisingly, standing alone after both her sisters were gone no longer frightened Cassie. She was excited for each of their new journeys. She also knew that no matter where they were, Mistletoe Manor would always welcome them back each time.
Looking up at her home that she was so fond of, Cassie reached for her stomach and held it affectionately.
“It looks like we have a lot ahead of us, little one,” she murmured before stepping inside and shutting the front door behind her.
Cassie knew there would be many more doors to open ahead of them all.
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Mistletoe Manor: The Epilogues Part 3
Genre: 1900′s AU/Romance
Pairings: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong x OCs
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to re-visit our magical world of Mistletoe Manor. The series left off on a bit of a cliffhanger, so we really had no choice! We hope you enjoy this extra look into the lives of Cassie, Evie, Joey, and all their friends and family.
The final part will be shared tomorrow at 6pm EST/ 10am NZST.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 // 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 || Epilogues: 1 | 2 // 3 | 4
It was a wedding unlike any other.
Although Cassie had attended many celebrations over her years – weddings aplenty – she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed for Evie’s big day. Before leaving for the church she had shed some tears, mopped up by Lydia as she readied her for the special day. And she was emotional once more upon entering the chapel, attempting to pull herself together.
Cassie had been married in the same place over a year ago and honestly, she was certain she hadn’t been this affected at the time.
Or at least, this sentimental.
Still, Cassie was exceptionally proud that Evie had not only come out of her shell, perhaps one that she and her family had kept upon her for far too long, and found someone who made her heart soar towards his enough to take such a big step forward. Over the year of marriage to her husband Daehyun, there had been a whole lot of uncertainty for Cassie. She was relieved that Evie would never face such worries, and if anything, she was a little envious that her sister got the dream she had always wanted for herself.
To marry for love.
However, as Daehyun stood across from her during the ceremony, Cassie could not imagine a better husband for herself.
Nor could she have planned a more wonderful wedding for Yongguk and Evie over the last few months.
There had been a concern that their shy personalities might lead to some stuttered vows or awkward moments, and yet Evie had made a beautiful and confident bride. Cassie could tell her sister was committed to the love she felt for the Earl, and Yongguk shared a similar passion, the pair visibly showcasing their avid love for one another for all to witness.
And when they were finally wedded, the tears began again.
Cassie wondered if all she would do today was cry.
“If anyone did not know any better, Cassie, they would think you were in mourning with how many tears you have shed!” Joey exclaimed once they had sent the newlyweds off back to Mistletoe Manor where the reception would resume the celebrations. Joey reached to dab under her older sister’s eyes. “Surely there is no need for these overflowing emotions of yours. You’re not even the mother of the bride. Mother has held it together far better than you have.”
“Perhaps I cried for more than one of my sisters,” Cassie replied pointedly, giving the youngest Hawthorne, now Kang, a knowing gaze.
Joey, however, was unaffected. “I am glad you and your tears were not with me on that day.”
“I am fond of your Brian, do know this,” Cassie continued, easing her approach. “Still, I had no idea what it would be like to see my sisters married, and so close to one another as well.”
“Does it bother you?”
“The fact that Daehyun was an arranged suitor whilst Evie and I-”
“I thought it did,” Cassie admitted, smiling softly, nodding to one of the guests as they called out her name in farewell. “But even you know that what comes after marriage is by far superior to an exhausting day like today.”
“Again, my vows were exchanged faster than this.” Joey then grinned wickedly. “What was exhausting was-”
“Hold your tongue, Josephine; we are in a place where such details should not be heard by all!” Cassie cut in hastily, and her sister laughed heartily.
“My improper thoughts will remain concealed, do not worry. Though, I must go find my husband and child – I do fancy saying that is still very new and overwhelming to me!” Joey’s eyes lit up at the mentioning of her adopted daughter Daisy and Cassie felt herself grow anxious by the maternal look in Joey’s gaze. Joey then turned impatient, tugging lightly on her sister’s hand. “Will you come with me?”
“It is the duty of the best man to stay behind to pay the clergyman is it not?” Cassie pointed to Daehyun waiting for the rest of the bridal party and guests to dissipate. “Go find your family, I will wait for mine.”
“Do try to stop the tears!” Joey called as she dashed off, running into the arms of her waiting husband and then reaching to affectionately take hold of Daisy’s hand, the trio heading out across the road to take the next awaiting car for travel back to the manor.
It was growing hard now to deal with the conflicting thoughts and feelings within and Cassie sighed heavily, placing a hand over her chest and willed herself to calm down. She remained inside her thoughts for some time until arms slipped around her, her husband nuzzling into her neck tenderly.
“You waited for me?”
“Of course, it’s what a wife should do,” she confirmed, spinning around lightly and smiling up at her husband. “Is everything sorted?”
“Yes, however, are you alright my love? You look rather exhausted.”
“Watching your sister be married off is rather wonderful but incredibly tiresome, admittedly.”
“Tiresome? I thought it was a well-paced ceremony.”
“Yes, you’re right,” she said weakly, blinking back her pesky emotions once more.
Daehyun frowned. “Are you certain you’re alright?”
“Quite alright,” Cassie confirmed, taking his hand in hers and swinging it lightly. “Though I suppose Mother will wonder of my whereabouts and so we really should hurry back to the manor.”
“Are you hungry?” Daehyun guessed and Cassie grinned.
“Famished, if I’m honest. I forgot to eat earlier, I was far too nervous hoping everything would go exactly as planned.”
“It’s almost as if you were getting married again,” Daehyun pointed out, glancing back at the chapel they both stepped out of. “Do you ever think back to our wedding day?”
“I almost threw up before putting on my dress,” Cassie confessed and Daehyun’s hearty laughter warmed her heart. “Fancy that.”
“I believe I tried to plan out twenty different ways to tell you how I felt that day and instead I failed to deliver my message appropriately. Our wedding day was not anything like today, now was it?”
“No, you’re quite right. It was completely different.”
“I hope since my return, those anxious moments have long passed, however,” Daehyun stated, searching Cassie’s eyes. She knew he could tell she was not being entirely honest with her feelings and quickly diverted her gaze, returning it when she had formed a smile.
“Neither Joey nor Evie have had the pleasure of yearning for someone they cannot easily see, nor were courted through romantic letters as I was. My nerves over our union have long passed, darling.”
Still, despite her words, Cassie hadn’t quite convinced her husband otherwise. She would need to find time after the festivities were over to let it be known why she was reacting the way she was.
She could only hope his response would give her clarity on what her own was.
It was refreshing to see Evie so openly besotted with her husband. As Grace watched her cousin laugh fondly at something Yongguk murmured into her ear, she couldn’t help compare their love story to that of a fairytale.
Evie had found her prince and would be whisked off to live in her new palace, so to speak.
Turning to look in the direction of her youngest cousin, Joey was dancing happily with Daisy, whilst Brian watched on. Even if she had worried over her cousin's safe return, Grace had known that Brian would take great care of her. If anything, she did not know a greater match than Brian was of Joey’s vivacious personality.
And before she could seek out her oldest friend and the head of the Hawthorne girls, Grace's gaze fell upon someone else. Smiling, she took the outstretched drink as Jaehyun stepped forward to her side.
It was ironic to think he had been the one concerned this morning about his coming to the wedding, and also over his suit. In her eyes, Jaehyun was by far the most appealing human within the grand hall right now. Though, with all the kisses they had shared thus far upon her visit to Mistletoe Manor, Grace was highly biased.
“My Lady, I feel you might dry up if your hands remain empty for long,” he announced, as he settled the drink within her hand.
“Ever the gentleman.”
Jaehyun nodded. “I do have a reputation to uphold.”
“And what have you of such reputation?” Grace breathed as Jaehyun shifted closer.
“Well, I hear I once charmed a lady walking with her cousin by my gardens.”
“To be fair, it was before I even saw your gardens,” she disputed and Jaehyun grinned, holding out his hand all the same.
“Shall we go outside now? As much as I am enjoying the celebrations, I feel rather stuffy in here.”
Grace giggles. “In here or in a suit?”
“Both,” Jaehyun admitted, and Grace placed her hand in his, following him outside and onto the terrace. They walked in comfortable silence, sharing giddy smiles as they departed the celebrations for something a little more peaceful.
The gardens now were in full bloom, and it was beautiful, both in sight and aroma.
Grace looked up at her lover and snuggled into his side. “You have done a marvellous job tending to the flowers. I’ve never seen it bloom so wonderfully before in all my years of visiting Mistletoe Manor.”
“All they needed was a bit of coaxing and a kind hand thereafter.”
“Much as we did?”
“Are we growing together?” Jaehyun mused, glancing down at her fondly before nodding. “What would you refer to us as, my poetic love?”
“Saplings,” Grace immediately responded and Jaehyun’s brows knitted together. Stopping to take a seat on a stone bench, Grace waited until Jaehyun sat next to her before she continued. “We are but mere little shoots sticking bravely out of the soil in search for such gentle coaxing and kind hands as you mentioned before.”
“We have yet to bloom?”
“Oh yes! Why, our love is only new, is it not?”
“It is almost of the same age as Evie and the Earl’s, and look at where they are now,” Jaehyun replied softly, his hand coming up to pop a couple of the buttons on his shirt open, loosening the tightness around his neck.
He was nervous over the uncertainty of their status.
Grace did agree with him, of course. In fact, since they had become acquainted before her cousin and Yongguk had, their budding romance could have very well transformed with nuptials by now as well.
However, and at no fault of Evie’s decision, Grace wanted to wait. She wanted to experience the way her love bloomed this spring with Jaehyun. She longed for the heart of summer to warm her and Jaehyun’s journey further. Fall and winter would arrive thereafter, and by then she was certain that all four seasons spent together would end in blissful matrimony. It wasn’t that Grace did not believe that she and Jaehyun were a perfect fit for one another; rather, she had always taken her time. She wanted to savour the flirting, the chaste kisses, and the endless hours spent around the sun speaking of anything and everything. She wanted to explore her youth, what left of it, before she returned home to her family with a husband and gained the title of proprietor.
Grace wished to be in full bloom when that time came, and right now was thrilled to be nothing more than a little sapling.
Jaehyun exhaled a deep breath. “I have worried, you know.”
“That I would not match up to that of your cousins’ husbands. I know you see me for who I am, and I adore you for that, Grace. But your cousins are married to Earls-”
“And a valet turned teacher, which are both rather respectful positions, much like that of a gardener,” she pointed out quickly and Jaehyun nodded thoughtfully. Turning to him, she reached to cup his cheek. “If it were not for your steadfastness towards saving the festival last year and your compassion for nature, what would we have in this world? You make everything you touch beautiful.”
Slipping his hand over hers, Jaehyun tilted his head. “Not you, however. That is a gift the Gods have already blessed you with. These hands do nothing to make you any prettier.”
“They do. Inside here.” Pointing to her chest, Grace then moved their linked hands to the place above her beating heart. “With your kind hands and gentle coaxing, I will grow further than a sapling. And I hope to do the very same for you, Jaehyun.”
“Oh, how I do love you,” he replied ardently and leaned in closer. “Would it be improper if I kissed you right now?”
“Must you ask every time?”
Jaehyun nodded before brushing his lips over hers, softer than the breeze that swirled her hair around them. And yet it reached deeply into her chest, stealing yet another part of her heart that she already believed was fully his.
When they separated, Grace laid her head upon Jaehyun’s shoulder, staring at the garden bed before her. She noticed new life peeking out from under the soil and grinned. “At our home, we have fields that are entirely empty. What will you fill them with when our time to go there comes?”
“Do they not just pop up on their own?”
Jaehyun hummed. “Someone had to encourage them how to go into places they once were not.”
“Have I encouraged you to go places you never thought of?”
“That you have.”
“Are summers really as exciting here as I have heard of?” Grace asked suddenly, her thoughts returning to her whispered comments with Evie over the delightful scenery her cousin was adamant Grace needed to witness firsthand.
Jaehyun frowned. “Well, they are rather hot.”
“I look forward to it then.”
“You won’t return to your own home before then?”
Grace shook her head. “No, I feel I will be needed over the coming months. With Evie and Joey both gone, Cassie will definitely need the company.”
“Is that an excuse?” Jaehyun wondered and Grace shrugged nonchalantly.
“It very may well be.”
“I hope Cassie does require a lot of your company then.”
“Not all of it, I have much to share with you,” she replied with a giggle and then gazed up at him.
Jaehyun ran his thumb lightly over her mouth. “I will marry you, one day.”
“One day,” she echoed, content that for now, her focus would be left to enjoy the present, knowing that the future would be just as sweet, if not sweeter by the time they both reached it.
With every wedding, there was always the cleanup that came after. And with all hands needed around the manor to ensure that everything returned to where it once was housed after the reception, Taeyong found himself working from dawn to dusk the very next day. Lord Hawthorne assured that when everything was done, the staff would be allocated an entire free day in token of his gratitude and that had spurred Taeyong on.
All he could think about was spending more time with Anna outside of the home. It wasn’t very often that they did such a thing, and now that spring was here, he wanted to go for a picnic with her.
Anna, however, seemed moodier than ever.
“Honestly!” she exclaimed, picking up yet another stack of the fine china to return to the cellar. “I must say, these people sure know how to throw a grand party every month or so!”
“It was nice though, and Evie seems rather beside herself now that she’s married.”
“I guess for her, there would have been a great deal to learn about last night.”
“And what would you know of that?” Taeyong wondered, glancing at her devilish expression. He groaned. “I fear you and Joey may be akin in many ways.”
“You should fear it. I might be as reckless as my Lady once was.”
“Towards me, I hope.”
Anna stopped collecting the dishes from the trolley and darted over to his side, placing a fond hand upon his chest as she reached up to his peck his lips. “Who else would it be?”
“So you do want to marry me,” Taeyong breathed, and then stammered incoherently as his cheeks reddened. Anna’s hand fell away and he clamped his eyes shut. “T-That was not a proposal!”
“I should hope not!”
“No, as you would expect, I have something much bet—wait, you hope not?!”
“What is that of any use to a housemaid? Marriage is something that is between those like the Hawthorne’s. They benefit from the connections made. Nothing will change my status from a housemaid, and certainly no marriage could do such a thing!”
“There is a whole lot more to it than that, do you not think?”
Anna shook her head and moved back to her task. “Unless I found myself in a position of that with a man who had land and money, I do not see how it would affect me at all.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“Oh but I am.”
Taeyong deflated. He had hoped for a bit more of a romantic response from Anna, especially since he fully intended in making an honest woman out of her. He had already begun saving for their future, a modest life where he saw children enter the picture not long after their vows. For some reason, he had believed Anna would be on the same page.
And so it concerned him greatly that she was not.
His silence brought Anna back over to his side. “Are you quite alright?”
“No?” she repeated, searching his face and then narrowed her gaze. “You are offended.”
“But why?”
“Because I wish to be wedded one day! I want the world to know you are the woman I choose to be with forever! And you shoot it down simply because it will not lift your status in any way. I feel differently!”
“I see.”
Taeyong huffed, shaking his head rapidly as he finished packing away the cutlery. “I don’t think you do at all.”
“I never desired that we needed a piece of paper to say that I am yours and you are mine.”
“A piece of… you know what? I think I might go help Seo Joon outside. After all, I am merely a footman, that is my status here, is it not?!”
Turning on his heel, Taeyong left the cellar immediately, unstopping until he was outside, heaving in deep breaths.
Seo Joon looked up from his task outside and tilted his head to the side. “Are you alright, Taeyong?”
“Splendid! Just wonderful!” he announced dramatically and kicked at the gravel. He was aware he was acting out foolishly and balled his fists up in attempts to calm down.
The chauffeur was soon as his side. “Is this in response to Anna?”
“Isn’t it always?”
“Well, she is the only person I happen to know who bothers you as much as you do her,” Seo Joon agreed with a chuckle and Taeyong’s shoulders slumped. “Oh, has she bothered you too much?”
“Perhaps it was my own words that bothered me more. I expected something of her that I never once asked if she wanted.”
“And her fiery response was to shut you down?”
Taeyong nodded and then looked the man more hopefully. “Do you know what I can do to make it up to her?”
Part 4
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Series Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
#kwritersworldnet#pwyl; mistletoe manor#mistletoe manor#b.a.p fiction#nct fiction#daehyun fiction#daehyun fluff#jaehyun fiction#jaehyun fluff#taeyong fiction#taeyong fluff#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff
45 notes
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Mistletoe Manor - Part 1

Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
With an estate title of Mistletoe Manor, it was evidently expected that Christmas was the most eventful time of the year. Although the leaves had only just begun to fall now that the summer sunshine had moved on, preparations for the end of the year were well underway. Staff were buffing up the finest silver, examining the most expensive china and preparing long in advance the types of food that would be served over the entire month of celebration. Mistletoe Manor was home to Lord Hawthorne, his wife and three daughters, Cassandra, Evie and Josephine, all in whom helped with the running of the township below.
The celebrations would last for a month, and with the annual winter festival to also prepare for, it seemed there was an increased flurry of events for everyone.
Except there was one member of the family who wasn’t quite ready to celebrate Christmas again.
Last year had been the first time Cassandra Hawthorne had felt overwhelmed by the festivities. Not only did she participate in organising the entire winter festival, but Christmas had even more guests than usual to entertain as she was to be married come the start of the New Year to Earl Daehyun. Along with his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Steerbury, Daehyun had travelled to stay with the Hawthorne’s. It hadn’t been nearly enough time to learn much of the man she was betrothed to and she had spent most of their stay just reminding herself to keep breathing when it all felt too much.
“Cassie, why are holed up in a corner here?” Josephine questioned, looking down at her eldest sister in confusion. “You’re being quiet, whatever is the matter? The most wonderful time of the year is almost upon us and we have so much to do!”
Some days, Cassie wished to live a much simpler life. Although she had faced her own set of hardships with her status, she longed for a journey much different than this. Her hand gripped at the letter she had read for the fifth time since receiving it yesterday, and the subtle movement caught her youngest sister’s attention.
“Have you heard from your husband again?”
“I have.”
“And when will he be back from his expedition?” she inquired, her gaze softening when Cassie didn’t immediately respond. “He will be back in time for Christmas, won’t he?”
“I do not know, Joey,” Cassie answered, her voice shaking ever so slightly. She attempted to smile, heaving herself up out of her chair. There was plenty of time left to dwell over Daehyun’s return. Taking the hand of her sister, she gestured to the exit of the parlour room. “Come, did you not say we have much to do?”

If anyone had told Cassie that this time last year she would be anxiously awaiting the return of her husband, she would have thought them as mad. Her parents had only wanted what was best for their daughters, and although all three girls were raised to strive for their own goals in life, an arranged marriage could be likely for any of them. It was a trend during these times, true love being left for fairytales. Of course, there were exceptions to every rule and had Cassie been actively looking for a suitor, perhaps they would have left her to her own devices.
Marrying the Earl looked wonderful on paper. As a business transaction, both families unifying together was prosperous. It would bring more revenue each year to Mistletoe Manor, which would help fund the ongoing agricultural woes the farmers were having with their crops.
Within the affluent circles, it would lend Cassie a lot of power as well. Daehyun was known to support a lot of communities, and that would put her at the forefront of organising events in their name.
And yet all the good that came with marrying Daehyun meant Cassie would give up her quest for true love. It was foolish really, to desire to fall in love with her choice in a husband. She had dreamed ever since she was a little girl that the man she married would love her wholeheartedly. She hoped for sincerest confessions and whispered intimate moments where love blossomed even in the harshest of winters.
Whilst Daehyun was very agreeable, she barely knew him before becoming his wife. And when she would have been expected to move into her new home, Daehyun had been given orders by the King to join his expedition for almost a year. Back then, Cassie had been grateful for this sudden change whilst everyone else lamented.
“How will your marriage even begin if your husband is overseas? Had we known, I wouldn’t have agreed to this!”
“Mother, it’s fine. Daehyun will return and then we can get properly acquainted. I’m not aged yet either so there is plenty of time for us,” Cassie assured with a smile that felt too reckless for a newlywed. She should have been more forlorn, worried about the distance put between them so quickly.
Cassie was relieved to not have to play wife to a man she barely knew five facts about, and all in which she had learned as information from others.
“Still, waiting for an entire year before you consummate the marriage feels a bit-”
“Prudent?” Josephine offered, trying to keep a straight face as she half-heartedly worked on a cross-stitch across the room. She soon abandoned it with her growing glee, looking towards her other sister reading a book. “Evie, you’re awfully quiet over this. What do you think of Cassie’s situation?”
“It’s only a year apart.”
“So much can happen within even a month!” their mother exclaimed and Evie sighed, returning her attention to the book. “What if he finds himself lonely and takes a-”
“Mother!” Cassie implored and the woman lifted her handkerchief to her mouth dramatically. The eldest daughter moved over to take her hand in her grip. “I promise I will fulfil all that is expected of me in due time. Please, stop fussing when it was only just a week ago where you were complaining about my departure from the manor. Surely, this is a good delay, yes?”
“She’s right; you were a blubbering mess. Isn’t that so, Evie?” Joey pointed out with a laugh and Evie barely nodded in acknowledgement.
Cassie couldn’t hide the pleased expression upon her face at the sudden change in her predicament at all. Choosing to continue on at Mistletoe Manor until her husband returned had definitely eased her worries upon hearing of the news the night of her wedding. She had feared living in some large estate all by herself, except that of the staff, and she wouldn’t even have the ability to take her lady maid Lydia with her either. Here, she could continue her studies and improve her merits before wistfully leaving the place she had known as her home for all of her life.
Another year of freedom felt deliciously wonderful.

As the wintry air warmed with the calling of spring however, Cassie was not as exuberant about her situation. She had started to entertain many thoughts of what her life would truly be like when she moved into Daehyun’s grand estate. He had seemed every part of a gentleman whenever she had crossed paths with him during his stay, and the brief moments she spent alone with him had been less awkward than she expected. However, she longed to have a better understanding of her husband and how she could best support him. Cassie had no desire to be an accessory to Daehyun’s accolades; a wife who did her best to silently promote her husband never suited her. And yet, she didn’t know whether Daehyun would care to hear of her thoughts. Even if it weren’t a marriage built on love, she at least hoped to compliment her husband to the best of her abilities.
This newfound worry led to many sleepless nights and fitful dreams in where she found they had nothing in common, or worse, barely spoke two words at one another. Had she signed herself up for a lifetime of misery, looking the part of a well-groomed wife and daughter of such a prestigious family, but inwardly dying from lack of fulfilment? These thoughts plagued her day and night and soon she fell ill, concerning all those within Mistletoe Manor.
“My Lady, it’s not like you to be this weak,” Lydia condoned as she placed a damp cloth to her fevered skin, cooling upon contact. “Whatever has worked you into such a state?”
“I’ll be fine, Lydia.”
“And I know that you will be,” Lydia agreed, despite her grim expression. “Yet, I don’t fancy being the one to tell your husband either. He’ll worry over you.”
“Will he?” Cassie whispered, blinking back her emotions.
“He looked enamoured by you, My Lady, why would his wish for such a beautiful bride to fall this ill?”
“I hope you are right,” Cassie murmured, closing her eyes and wishing for the return of her willpower. Right now, she was weighed down with too many doubts to even know where to begin to solve them.
Her answer came two days later, thankfully a day after her fever breaking. She had heard Taeyong’s voice long before she had even laid eyes upon the footman. Usually, it would be up to Percy to deliver mail in person to any of the family members, and so when she noticed the way in which her childhood friend had rushed inside, she knew he would get a scolding later for ignoring protocol.
Still, Cassie was intrigued, especially when Taeyong held out the letter in a breathless state. “Why, it must be important if you ran throughout the house to locate me.”
Ignoring her teasing, Taeyong thrust the letter forward repeatedly. “Surely, a letter from your husband should ease your lonesome heart, My Lady.”
“From my husband?” Cassie echoed, barely acknowledging Taeyong’s farewell as she sat down in the closest chair, pulling out the letter hastily.
As she read over his words, her smile grew. Daehyun came across as nervous in his letter; he even stated it at one point, mid-sentence. Cassie found his little additions to his sentences endearing and as soon as she reached the end of the letter full of questions and a promise to provide for her as her husband, she gathered up the pieces of paper and then hurried to quarters, picking up her pen and putting it to paper immediately.
Letters travelled back and forth regularly between them, their uneasy beginnings soon bringing forth great laughter and a sense of understanding. Daehyun wrote fantastical tales of his journey and he equally held no qualms in divulging his feelings. It didn’t take Cassie long to shyly reply with her own, with each letter received, her heart would thud in her chest more erratically and she would send off a piece of it along with her response. Daehyun’s sentiments, even sent as far away as he was from Cassie were sincere.
He wanted to fall in love with his wife and from how their written relationship had transpired so far, Cassie was certain this could be a reality for them both. She would often lay awake rereading their correspondence, clutching at moments where her heart felt as if it would burst out from her chest with how much his words affected her.
But that was all she had so far, words. Would being in one another’s company after the expedition feel as intimate as writing to Daehyun did currently? Would he utter his feelings as earnestly as his pen wrote them? A new wave of emotions had risen within the eldest Hawthorne daughter, and she hadn’t expected any of it.

Plans for the winter festival were well underway. For the village of Mistletoe Manor, this festival meant everything. It not only rewarded all who had worked hard year-round in their livelihoods, it also signalled the beginning of Christmas. On the twenty-fifth of November, the festive lights would be lit around the Christmas marketplace and the Hawthorne’s would announce the start of the magical month ahead.
It was important to Cassie to ensure everything went according to plan, especially since her father had handed over the responsibility of running the event to Cassie and her sisters last year.
After helping Josephine and Evie earlier until supper was served, Cassie had forgotten about Daehyun’s latest letter. Perhaps, she had filed it away in her head and heart for that time, knowing it wouldn’t serve her to be distracted whilst busy making plans. Her cousin Grace would be arriving within the week to help with the festivities and before bed, she had managed to ensure all was set up in the room she would use before retiring to her own.
It was after Lydia had left her to her own devices when Cassie finally moved back to her desk where she had left the correspondence from Daehyun, her eyes falling to the last page as she chewed on the bottom of her lip. With a sigh, she moved towards her bed and climbed under the covers, hopeful that her mood would brighten enough to reply tomorrow.
I fear the King wishes to extend his tour out here and we may not return until the flowers bloom. My love, please know I am trying everything to get back in time for Christmas. I know how much this time of year means to you, and since spending last year in your company, I long to be there again for this year’s festivities.
Until I am truly yours,
Part 2
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
#kwritersworldnet#pwyl; mistletoe manor#b.a.p imagines#b.a.p scenarios#b.a.p fiction#b.a.p fanfic#b.a.p fluff#b.a.p au#daehyun imagines#daehyun scenarios#daehyun fiction#daehyun fanfic#daehyun fluff#daehyun au#b.a.p#daehyun#park seo joon fiction#young k fiction#youngguk fiction#jaehyun fiction#taeyong fiction#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#a noona-clock and prettywordsyouleft collab
143 notes
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Mistletoe Manor - Part 2

Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Grace always loved her winter stay at Mistletoe Manor. She had gone every year since she was young, and being the only child within her family, having the three Hawthorne sisters to play with eased her yearning for siblings of her own. She and Cassie were close in age and thus bonded more naturally than she had with her younger cousins, though she equally held them close when she stepped out of the car that wound around the entryway to the manor.
“Oh Grace, I’m so glad you are here!” Evie exclaimed and whilst Grace chuckled, she was surprised by her avid greeting.
Josephine moved in with a knowing smile. “She’s been waiting by the window for you all morning, much have I. Though our reasons differ. Evie is hopeful you come with a new book or two from the city.”
“That I have indeed,” Grace announced and the middle sister grinned brightly. As the shy and somewhat overlooked Hawthorne girl, Grace had a soft spot for whenever she was blessed with a genuine smile from Evie.
She turned back to the youngest upon her arm. “And what is it you have to tell me?”
“How expectant, cousin. I haven’t even gotten you through the door and you are waiting for my firsthand gossip.”
“Considering Cassie is nowhere in sight to greet me, I assume she will be of topic?”
Joey grinned. “You know me too well.”
“And so do I,” the eldest announced once they were within the grand entrance of the manor. Grace smiled widely as her dearest friend stepped forward to embrace her tightly. When back at arm’s length, Cassie shot her sister a playful smirk. “She plans to tell you all about my woes.”
“Well, if you haven’t yet sent word of them, perhaps she should have already.”
“You’re here now; I can easily fill you in myself.”
“Always ruining my fun,” Joey breathed as the others giggled together. “Still, let me be the storyteller for our events with the festival thus far. It’s the least you can allow me to speak of!” Once settled in after her trip, and sharing lunch with the family, Grace was immediately thrown into festival tasks with the sisters. They planned out the stall layout for the market and worked on accepting proposals the townspeople had sent in for the event. It was well into the night after stopping for supper when Grace was reminded that she had not heard any of Cassie’s troubles.
“You haven’t even been here a day,” Cassie quipped as they walked along the hallway towards their rooms. She smiled at her cousin. “Can’t it wait until tomorrow? How about a walk on the grounds before coming inside to do more preparation in the morning? I will share it all with you then.”
Grace nodded, giving Cassie a kiss goodnight on her cheek. “I will hold you to it!”

And so, the very next morning after breakfast was seen to and both ladies were ready for the day, they stepped out together, Cassie hooking her arm through Grace’s, patting her forearm affectionately with her hand. “It’s lovely out.”
“Winter is not quite with us yet, you’re right.”
“Come, I wish to show you the changes we made to the back gardens.”
As they made their way around the estate, Grace and Cassie chatted about the happenings over the past few months they yet hadn’t spoken about on the telephone or through letters. The conversation stayed light for some time, Grace knowing her cousin was skirting around her issues. She would allow her to until she was ready to speak of them, knowing Cassie often needed time to process her wording.
Though, when Cassie finally started to open up, Grace’s attention had fallen short. Waving her free hand dismissively at Cassie, Grace gripped onto her lower arm. “C-Cassie?”
“I was finally telling you, and – oh.”
They stood watching the proceedings ahead of them in the field, the young man lining the log up before bringing his axe down upon it. Beads of sweat ran down his face, indicating he had been long at work; much did the pile of chopped wood to the side. Grace couldn’t help the way her mouth fell ajar at the performance before her and it wasn’t until Cassie giggled that she broke away from her reverie.
Which was timely since her laughter had travelled towards the labourer. He glanced up at them and put down his axe as a smile broadly widened out his lips.
Oh my.
“Jaehyun, it’s so nice to see you today. Is the weather good enough for it?” Cassie greeted, now not so subtlety dragging Grace along beside her. Whilst she had managed to snap out of her daze, Grace didn’t wish to get any closer to the gorgeous man.
At least, not right now.
“My Lady! It’s a lovely time to go for a stroll. And with a friend, nonetheless,” he replied, turning to Grace and bowing politely. She found herself curtseying numbly and Cassie stifled another laugh.
“Jaehyun, this is my fondest cousin, Grace. I’ll see to it that you give her a tour of the gardens tomorrow, will that suit?”
Jaehyun glanced between them both and then nodded happily enough. “It’d be a pleasure. Miss Grace, would you like to meet me after breakfast?”
“I – uh, well. Yes, that would be wonderful.”
“Jaehyun is the newest gardener here. I was going to show you his amazing work in the back gardens myself, but I feel it would be better to learn more from the master himself.”
“I wouldn’t stretch it as far as that, My Lady, but I welcome your praise all the same,” he replied with a chuckle and Grace couldn’t help but smile in return.
She should have expected a handsome face would accompany such charming words as well.
“Shall we continue on our walk, cousin?” Cassie prompted and when she looked to the woman at her side, Grace could see how much she was gleaming with delight. It was a Hawthorne trait and Grace groaned inwardly. She could only hope Joey wouldn’t catch wind of this.

The following morning, Grace was a bundle of nerves. She had chastised Cassie all the way back to the estate house, her cousin’s laughter piercing through her annoyance until she couldn’t help but laugh herself. There was no humour within her this morning, however. Smoothing out her dress for the umpteenth time, she flinched when she saw movement behind her in the mirror.
“Are you alright, cousin?”
“I… could be better,” she answered, smiling exasperatedly, her reflection concerning her. If this was how she appeared now without even seeing Jaehyun, how would she possibly face him today and keep composed?
Evie grinned, rubbing at Grace’s upper arms gently. Cassie had let it be known the reason for Grace’s disappearance from this morning’s schedule and Joey’s teasing was still fresh in her mind. Grace knew that Evie would be much gentler in her approach. “Do you like him?”
“Well, I don’t even know him. Aside from that he’s rather talented with an axe.”
“You missed out on the summer here, cousin. It got so hot and he would often take-”
“I’ll not go if you continue in fear I might faint.”
Evie giggled. “So you do like him then.”
“He’s easy on the eyes, yes.”
“Hm, he’s not bad. Without a shirt on-”
Wringing her hands together as she walked outside, Grace tried to walk straight and proud. She wasn’t normally this affected by men; she had no desire yet to follow in Cassie’s footsteps down any aisle. Thankfully, she had more than enough to inherit from her family estate and there was no pressure to find anyone to share that with either. Further, although she enjoyed love stories almost as avidly as Evie did, Grace hadn’t ever entertained the idea that she could step into one.
An affluent woman and a gardener was definitely not one she had read, admittedly.
“Good morning!” Jaehyun greeted and she jolted with fright, the man rushing over to silently give his apologies.
Grace awkwardly laughed it off. “I’m fine, good morning.”
“Shall we go take a look then? I’m afraid there are not many flowers blooming as such but-”
“I like autumn colours,” she interjected and Jaehyun nodded, smiling again.
“So do I.”
As Jaehyun led Grace around the garden, she found herself relaxing into his company. He definitely knew a lot and she was fascinated by how easily he spoke of it to her as well. Jaehyun was comfortable to be around, and it showed when they began to converse about their personal lives too.
“I beg my pardon, I shouldn’t have talked about myself like that,” Jaehyun told Grace as they took a seat upon the bench in the middle of the back garden.
Grace shook her head. “It’s quite alright. I find it interesting talking with you.”
“Can we talk together more often then?” he asked earnestly, and then scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I uh, I enjoyed your company today, is all.”
“I’d be more than delighted to.”

Whenever Grace could, in between working with her cousins or the numerous outings they took, she would go out to find Jaehyun, satisfied to sit and write in her journal as he tended to the land. And whenever he would take a break, he would come over and sit beside her, trying to read what she had written down.
“I’m curious, will you ever share what you scribble down in here?”
“I most certainly do not scribble.”
“What’s that then?” he wondered and she glanced down at her book in confusion, gasping when he took it out of her hands and leapt to his feet. Scrambling up after him, she chased him around the field, shrieking when he would flick through the pages.
“It’s private! Jaehyun!”
He suddenly stopped, which Grace wasn’t quite ready for, colliding into his side with a soft thud. Although his face was already flushed from running, his cheeks deepened in colour as he glanced down at her. “You wrote a poem about me?”
“I –”
“No one has ever written about me before,” he murmured, his gaze casting back to the paper. “It’s beautiful.”
“There’s another,” she boldly told him, reaching up to take the book from his hand and flipped several pages over. Jaehyun scanned the cursive quietly as Grace chewed on her bottom lip anxiously. This poem was her favourite she had penned this year. It was full of hope for a future she had come to envision over the past month here at Mistletoe Manor. November had finally arrived, bringing forth the beginnings of festive cheer. And she hoped she would have a hand to hold within her own when the festival kicked off at the end of it.
“Grace,” he breathed, blinking slowly.
“Yes, Jaehyun?”
“Would it be improper if I kissed you right now?” he asked, turning his head just enough that it allowed her the opportunity to stretch up and position her lips in front of his. It flustered him and she giggled, somewhat breathlessly herself as her heart hammered in her chest. Jaehyun sucked in an unsteady breath. “Can I?”
“Yes,” she managed right as his mouth melded with hers, pressing softly into her. They stood there joined for what felt like all afternoon, smiling against each other, hands linking together once her journal was safely put away in her pocket.
As Jaehyun walked her back to the manor, hand in hand, he let out a soft sigh. “Will this be accepted by everyone?”
“Not everyone, but if you’re worried my cousins will be dismayed that I have fallen trap for your charms, then you can stop now. They have been rather persistent in telling me of their thoughts of you.”
“All agreeable, I hope,” he replied with a smile and then tilted his head a little. “And my charms? Why, I’m just a mere gardener. You are the one who enchanted me, Grace.”
“Is that so? I think it might have been your axe that started this all.”
Grace shook her head, laughing lightly. “It’s nothing. But I hope this Christmas we’ll be able to announce we’re something.”
“May Christmas come sooner than planned then.”
Part 3
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
#kwritersworldnet#pwyl; mistletoe manor#pwyl; christmas#nct#nct imagines#nct scenarios#nct fiction#nct fanfic#nct fluff#nct au#jung jaehyun#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun scenarios#jaehyun fiction#jaehyun fanfic#jaehyun fluff#jaehyun au#park seo joon fiction#young k fiction#taeyong fiction#daehyun fiction#yongguk fiction#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff
71 notes
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Mistletoe Manor - Part 4

Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
The requirements in the manor after the mishap at the Winter Festival meant a lot of the staff were now working two roles. For the sake of meeting the deadline, it made sense that this was happening and a lot of the villagers were also teaming up with the staff and Hawthorne family to make it work.
It was suddenly rather quiet in Mistletoe Manor, and this suited Taeyong just fine. He had been tasked to stay on with Percy, the butler, knowing between the two of them, the house would maintain its excellence in standing.
But that wasn’t without a little assistance from Taeyong himself.
“What do you think you’re doing?!”
Looking up from the banister Taeyong was polishing, he noticed Anna standing there. He smirked, going back to the task at hand. “Is it in your repertoire to leave such streaks? The Hawthorne’s use these stairs on the daily. I would be utterly aghast if I were them to see such a mess.”
“Su-such a mess?!” Anna echoed, shoving him aside to inspect the railing. She then turned to him, pointedly. “You’re teasing me!”
“I’m afraid not, I have merely masked your errors. Don’t you have bedding to change?” Taeyong mentioned and Anna placed her hands on her hips, making it impossible for him to keep his humour to himself. He chuckled smugly. “Will taking purchase in your sides make those hands work any faster?”
“Might I remind you, Taeyong, of your own role within this house?”
He nodded, proudly. “I am at the service of the Hawthorne’s needs.”
“You’re a footman. Not a maid.”
“I’d hope not, could you imagine me prancing around here in your outfit? It would make a sight for sore eyes!”
“Just because Percy took you under his wing since you’re too afraid of hard work out at the marketplace-”
“Now, hold up just a second-”
“Does not mean you come up in here and boss me around!”
“When did I?” he retorted, throwing down the cloth onto the banister. “I was merely minding my own business until you stuck your nose-”
“My nose?! What is so wrong with my nose?!” Anna argued, her face now glowing hot as she shoved it closer to his. Taeyong tightened his tie in order to compose himself.
They were always like this. Many referred to them as the cat and mouse of this house, their bickering constantly heard down every hallway. Even the owners of the residence were humoured by the pair, though Taeyong found Anna to be the most intolerable woman in this county.
And having her stand this close to him made him entirely uncomfortable. Jarringly stepping back, he missed his footing, stumbling down a few stairs before landing on his bottom.
Anna giggled. “Yes, now that suits you just fine. The stumbling idiot. Back to my bedding, isn’t that right?”

Throughout the day, Taeyong continued to have endless mishaps whenever he crossed paths with the maid. Anna was just as frustrated with him, glaring at him as she dropped a stack of folded towels when he had come past her carrying out the dirty laundry. She had dusted the drapes right into his line of cleaning the windows and Taeyong had stepped in her pile of cinders she removed from the parlour’s hearth.
It was chaotic and yet, as he fell back upon his bed that evening, he couldn’t help but laugh.
It had been a good day.
When the next day arrived, he was tasked with helping Anna clean the grand dining hall. After the festival began, guests would soon arrive for Christmas at the manor and more meals would be held within this room. It would need to be spotless now so they could set up for the first large meal of the holidays.
“You do the left side and I’ll do the right,” Anna instructed and Taeyong blew out an air of annoyance, moving forward towards the centre of the room instead. “Are you not listening to me? As one of the head maids in this house, I should be respected!”
“Why should I show respect to someone who belittles me at any chance she gets?”
“You’re impossible!”
“At least you know my own sentiments towards you,” Taeyong agreed, clearing off the table so he could climb on top of it.
Anna gasped. “Get down from there right this instant! You do not put your feet on a table!”
“Pray tell, how do we clean the chandelier then?” he asked bitterly, and she gestured him down, slapping at his ankle until he hopped down.
And then she groaned. “You will not breathe a word of this to anyone else.”
“Word of what?”
“Crouch down so I can climb aboard your shoulders.”
“Surely standing on the table-”
“Not where the affluent sit! If they hadn’t taken the ladders to the site I would use them, now crouch down!”
“Do not blame me if I cannot hold your weight for long!”
“Perhaps you should do some more physical exercise to build up your strength then for I am not heavy.”
“Say that to someone who is not holding your entire weight upon his shoulders,” Taeyong griped and Anna sighed heavily before getting to work. For several minutes it was fine, Taeyong readjusting her when his position tired. She was almost done with one side when he began to struggle. “How much longer?”
“You can’t even handle five minutes?”
“It’s been longer than ten.”
“Even Percy could hold me longer than you.”
“Next time ask him to do so then.”
Anna glanced down at him. “Could you stand still, I’m trying to reach up to the highest part here!”
“Then hurry up and do it.”
Anna stretched further, her legs that were dangling around his waist, shifting with her lean. It threw their balance off and Taeyong doubled in half towards the table, managing to just get his hands behind her hand and back to brace her fall as he landed on top of her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Anna breathed, her eyes wide and searching his. Taeyong was stunned entirely, all his strength leaving him the longer he stared back.
And then it happened all too quickly, their lips meeting midway in a fevered kiss. It was unexpected and yet he groaned, taking more of her within his mouth until he grew breathless.
Once his lips fell away from hers, he snapped up straight, letting her fall out of his arms onto the table with a soft thud and put distance between them. “You kissed me!”
“I am certain it wasn’t just my lips working alone there, Taeyong,” she retorted, her tone too airy to be full of contempt as usual. He shot her a frazzled look, falling captive in her gaze again until the door suddenly opened.
Taeyong jolted so much that he stumbled to the ground. Percy looked at him and then smiled. “I forgot you would need this hook. It pulls down the chandeliers so you can clean them accordingly. Oh, are we quite alright in here? You both appear rather distressed. I do hope you are getting along for once.”
When the butler left the room, they scrambled to their feet, going in opposite directions to clean hastily.

On his way into the servants’ kitchen later that evening for a snack, he sighed heavily when he found Josephine sitting across from Maggie, the cook of the house. “Again, Joey?”
“My Lady, you mean!” she corrected and he rolled his eyes.
“If you come down here, then must I refer to you with any title?”
“I trust that you will not tell Mother on me for my visit,” the youngest Hawthorne requested and Taeyong merely shrugged. “Taeyong!”
“I might go to Lord Hawthorne instead.”
“You wouldn’t dare do such a wicked thing!”
“Don’t mind him, pet, he’s in a mood.”
“Whatever for?” Joey asked, looking at the man beside her. “Are you ill? Are you vexed by the happenings in the house right now?”
“Vexed, I like that word,” the cook exclaimed as she worked on the eggs she was scrambling.
“Don’t mind me, I’m processing.”
“You and Cassie are too alike. And you saw what happened there. She worked herself into a state. Tell me, as your friend I am here to assist you.”
“As a friend?” he echoed and Joey nodded adamantly. “You best not spread any gossip about this.”
“My lips are sealed!”
“Anna kissed me today,” he announced and then shook his head. “Or I did first. One of us or both of us…”
“You finally realised it?!”
Taeyong looked between Joey and the cook who was now laughing with glee. “Realised what?”
“You like each other! Goodness, is that all.”
“What, no, we despise each other! She drives me insane. What woman has the right to make me this wound up? The other day she purposely ruined my cleaning of the windows!”
“Uh-huh,” Joey murmured, still smiling to herself. “And yet you don’t seem repulsed by kissing her.”
“No… I don’t.” Taeyong groaned. “That’s why I am frustrated. I should, shouldn’t I?”
Joey shook her head. “Why, you like her so it should make your heart soar not shudder.”
“It’s about time too. I wonder who will win the wager set on this once it’s out in the open?”
“Did you choose a date too, Maggie? I sure had it pegged for after Christmas but with the rush maybe it’s brought them together.”
“You made a wager on us?!”
“Sometimes life is boring in this house,” Joey admitted with a giggle. She took his hand in hers and then patted it softly. “You really had no idea what your heart wanted, huh?”
“The bigger question is, what will you do now that you know?” Maggie asked and both women looked at him expectedly.
Taeyong sighed. “I … well, what should I do?”
After the advice of those in the kitchen, the following morning and the day of the Winter Festival, Taeyong had been tasked to finish off the dining hall before all staff could enjoy the evening off. He was anxious standing at the door to the room, and when Anna sped by without so much of a morning greeting, he questioned if Josephine’s advice had been proper.
Especially when Anna squealed from within the room.
“Look at this mess! There are petals all over the floor! We’ll be here cleaning all day long!” she exclaimed and turned as Taeyong came inside. “Did you do this on purpose?!”
“Yes -- I mean, no.”
“It is winter, where did this even come from?!”
“Well, I was permitted to take it from the indoor garden,” he mentioned softly, Anna’s brows now knitting together.
“You did this?” He nodded. “Why?”
“It’s supposed to be romantic.”
“It’s a mess on the floor, Taeyong! As a maid, I have to clean things like this up!” she complained and he nodded a little too much. Coming over to place the small bouquet he had been holding down on the table, he crouched to start scooping the petals up.
“Wait, you did this for me?” Anna asked as she picked up the flowers, and he glanced at her before straightening up again.
“After our kiss yesterday, I felt that there’s been a reason for our endless bickering.”
“What reason?”
He smiled; relieved to know she wasn’t aware of it either. “I believe I may have feelings for you.”
“For me?”
“Who else puts up with me as well as you?” he offered and she blinked a few times before smiling.
“You do have a point.”
“And whilst you’re the most intolerable woman I have ever met-”
“I know you’ll be the only woman I ever want to meet.”
Anna eased, smiling shyly as she took in her flowers. “You did this too?”
“Is it too much?”
“No, it exactly what I expect from you. Messy yet charming. Come, we better clean up in here if we want to make it to the festival in time.”
Part 5
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
#kwritersworldnet#pwyl; mistletoe manor#pwyl; christmas#kpop christmas#nct imagines#nct scenarios#nct fiction#nct fanfic#nct fluff#nct au#lee taeyong#taeyong imagines#taeyong scenarios#taeyong fiction#taeyong fanfic#taeyong fluff#taeyong au#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#park seo joon fiction#daehyun fiction#yongguk fiction#young k fiction#jaehyun fiction
65 notes
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Mistletoe Manor - Part 5

Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
For such an ordeal that it had been to get to this night, the opening of the Winter Festival had gone off without a single issue. And as Cassie walked around with Evie and Joey, she couldn’t stop smiling.
Everyone looked so happy.
This was what Christmas was all about for the Hawthorne’s. All the long hours had paid off to see those who made this area of land prosperous laughing and enjoying themselves. From ice-skating to hot cocoa and sitting on Santa’s knee, the market had something for everyone. It renewed hope that whatever hardships people faced could be overcome with the magic this season possessed.
Cassie was hopeful that even if she had to spend this Christmas without Daehyun, she would continue to smile just like this.
“Is that Anna and Taeyong holding hands over there?” Evie questioned and Cassie grinned as Joey clapped her own hands together.
“It’s truly about time they realised there was more to their arguing.”
“Do you think they won’t bicker so much anymore then?” Cassie wondered and the sisters watched on as Taeyong attempted to show Anna how to skate. She was soon frustrated and pushed him away. They couldn’t help but chuckle, some things never changed.
Cassie then spotted Jaehyun and Grace trying out handmade treats together and not far behind them was Lydia and Seo Joon. Her smile grew as their hands inched closer to one another inconspicuously. She hoped that in the New Year these couples – or those not yet together – would be proudly showing off their affections for one another.
“Do you think there is any hope for me to find love this Christmas?” Evie suddenly asked, and each sister on her side turned to look at her curiously. Evie blushed. “Just a thought!”
“I hope you both get what you want this Christmas,” Cassie encouraged and Joey let out a snort.
“It would take a special type of man to match me. I don’t have a desirable disposition.”
“Nonsense, someone will rise to the challenge!”
“Or die trying,” Evie added on, laughing with her older sister as Joey pouted.
“I pray Daehyun is back in time too,” Joey mentioned a moment later, eyeing Cassie cautiously.
Cassie waved her hands around herself. “I’m fine; please do not look at me waiting to see if I will cry again. I am done crying over it. I am his wife and he has to come back at some point.”
“Yes, but you love Christmas.”
“And he loves you.”
“How do you know that he does?” she questioned the pair and Evie shrugged whilst Joey inspected her nails. “Say, even if he loves me most ardently, it doesn’t mean he will magically appear for Christmas. He is serving our King and that has to come first.”
“Well, he has twenty-nine days to make it back in time and finally put you first. Anything could happen between now and then.”

December began and the manor was livelier than ever. Grace’s parents had arrived, much had other relatives. Cassie spent her days trying to get her own pursuits fulfilled or spent time with her sisters and Grace, before taking part in fancy dinners and get-togethers in the evening. There was an element to every Christmas she always seemed to forget until the jolly season was upon them.
It was utterly exhausting.
Still, on the fifth day of December, she rose to the sound of hooves upon the driveway. With the five inches of snow already settled upon the ground outside, using cars had been suspended until the roads were clear. And knowing all the expected guests, bar Daehyun and his company, were already lodged here at the manor, she sprung from her bed, dashing over to shift the drapes aside anxiously.
Her hopes were dashed when it was just the Vicar from the village stopping by to meet with her father.
Climbing back into her bed, Cassie thumped at the bedding in a very unladylike manner. A brief giggle from the doorway alerted her that this moment had not gone unwitnessed. Lydia grinned as she made her way to the bed. “My Lady, are we feeling alright?”
“Well then, shall we prepare for your day? I am afraid it is another one that will keep you busy.”
“I shall rest for a month after December leaves us,” Cassie offered dramatically, heaving herself up and preparing for the day ahead.
She spent time reading with Evie and Grace in the library, sewing with her Mother and Joey in the parlour and played a game of cards with Lydia and Seo Joon when she was meant to be upstairs attending another dreadfully boring family meeting.
Seo Joon shot her a look. “This headache you claim to have is not preventing you from winning yet again, My Lady.”
“Perhaps it improves my skills greatly.”
“Actually Seo Joon, you’re just not the best at card games.��
“What?” the man questioned Lydia’s admission, his mouth falling apart incredulously. “Must I show you of my worth?”
“Will you be able to beat Cassie at all today?” Lydia wondered with an airy laugh.
“Just you wait; I will ensure you never utter such words about me again!”
“But not right now, I’m afraid.” Glancing up at Taeyong’s stricken expression, he came over to Cassie’s side. “Your mother just came to check on you and found you were not in your bed resting as you proclaimed. I told her that I saw you walking down to the conservatory, and so-”
“Of course, I must go.” Standing up, Cassie then smiled at her friends. “I task Lydia with the opportunity to challenge you instead, Seo Joon.”
“I accept!” Seo Joon replied heartedly, sweeping the cards up as his mood increased.
Whilst Cassie’s decreased. Thanking Taeyong for his help, she slipped into the main room, weakly taking hold of Grace’s hand. “Did I miss anything?”
“Nothing of importance. Aunt Jane has been projecting something of a song for about twenty minutes now.”
“That long?!” Cassie whispered, aghast. “Last year someone stopped her after ten.”
“It appears she is quite the force this year, sister,” Evie lamented and the girls all sighed in unison.
After another hour of family time, Cassie was released to freshen up for dinner, frowning when she heard a carriage out on the driveway again. She chastised her need to check out the window and yet she made her way there, realising guests from within town would be arriving for dinner.
She told herself to stop hoping her Christmas miracle would come true tonight.

Cassie focused on smiling more. She didn’t wish for the questions to come from nosy relatives of why she felt particularly disheartened today and so she put on a brave face and actively threw herself into conversation with her cousin Severus about his recent purchase of some run-down estate up north. She nodded when she needed to and she laughed at the right times, Severus none the wiser that Cassie was completely bored.
And thankfully, Grace came to her aid, rescuing her with an excuse to need to stretch her legs with a companion.
“You miss him tonight, don’t you?”
“How do you miss someone you barely spent time with?” Cassie wondered, still nodding in answer. “It is odd, today I felt as if he would arrive.”
“Maybe he will, there is still time, the night is young,” her cousin encouraged and Cassie smiled at Grace.
“Where will I be in this world if I did not have you to make me hopeful?”
“Perhaps in the arms of a man who has waited almost a year to take you back within them?”
Turning hastily, Cassie gasped, her knees growing weak at the person before her. He caught her just in time and smiled broadly. “Why, you even fall at my feet! I did not expect that until some time into our relationship, Cassandra.”
“Oh you have other companions with you,” Grace announced, moving away from the pair staring at one another longingly. “Earl Yongguk is it? And who might you be? Come with me, surely you must be famished from your travels.”
Cassie slowly smiled, lifting a hand up to his face. Daehyun grinned when she became delighted, laughing with her. “I am here.”
“I half expect this to be a dream, I’ll have you know.”
“Shall I go back out the door and then come in again?” he suggested and she shook her head, gripping him tighter.
“I fear if you go out again, I will have to wait another year to see you.”
“So you did miss me!” Her cheeks coloured and Daehyun caressed them tenderly. “So beautiful.”
“What is?”
“I was concerned that your words would just be that, words,” she admitted, taking his hand and leading him over to the library, shutting the door behind them. Once seated on a chaise, she soaked him in quietly. “It feels those words make this moment easier for us both.”
“I did worry you would be less inclined to take my hand once I was back,” Daehyun told her and she instantly took it in hers, making him laugh, his smile brighter than any she had ever seen. “It appears my wife is just as enchanted as I.”
“We do have a lot to learn about each other,” Cassie pointed out and Daehyun nodded. “However, I am all too pleased to see you.”
“Not as much as I am.”
“You made it back in time for Christmas,” she murmured, taking his cheek in her hand again. It amazed her by how natural this felt to do. And she giggled when he nuzzled into her hand affectionately. “Thank you.”
“You waited so long for me; I was not prepared to miss spending this time of year with you.”
“Just like last year?” Daehyun chuckled, taking her hand from his cheek and burying it into his chest. “Last year, we barely spoke to one another. Did you not wish to marry me?”
“No, I did not,” she answered and his hand faltered on hers. Cassie then smiled. “But I am relieved I did.”
“I wanted to marry you as soon as I saw you,” Daehyun expressed, surprising his wife. “You were exactly who I dreamed of marrying. Someone who had a mind of her own, who was intelligent and caring. You were so selfless whenever I watched over you. I wanted to offer you the world.”
“I never knew you felt this way.”
Daehyun nodded. “Because you would barely stop to have time for me. I did not wish to intrude.”
“I thought you were standoffish because of the arrangement.”
“I was enamoured by your beauty.”
Cassie attempted to settle her emotions, her lip wobbling as she asked, “And now?”
“Now I want to kiss my wife that I have missed since the day I left her behind. May I?”
“Will you ask every time?” she wondered, her mouth now hovering around his.
“I hope in time, I can just kiss you without my heart thudding and giving me away like this.”
“Are you nervous?”
“Don’t be, I already gave you my heart,” she told him as she pressed her lips to his, her mind and soul soaring. This is what she had always dreamed of. The prince of her fairytales was right before her, holding onto her as he kissed her passionately, months lost between them to establish such a physical love.
And yet, had it not been for their separation, for all the letters, Cassie was unsure if she would have reached such an easy conclusion that she loved Daehyun as much as she already did. She was grateful for the lessons she learned, and the time to grow and fall in love with the man she had married at the start of the year. She was also excited for where their future would carry them, and what her life could amount to. Until then, it was Christmas time and she had received her present early. Cassie was certain this year the festive season would be her favourite so far.
“I am sorry I was late, I wanted to be here for your festival,” Daehyun murmured when he pulled back and Cassie shook her head, dismissing his claim with a smile.
“You were right on time, my love.”
Part 6
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
#pwyl; mistletoe manor#pwyl; christmas#kpop christmas#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#b.a.p#b.a.p imagines#b.a.p scenarios#b.a.p fiction#b.a.p fanfic#b.a.p fluff#b.a.p au#jung daehyun#daehyun imagines#daehyun scenarios#daehyun fiction#daehyun fanfic#daehyun fluff#daehyun au#park seo joon fiction#yongguk fiction#young k imagines#taeyong fiction#jaehyun fiction
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Mistletoe Manor - Part 3

Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Activity within the manor had increased with the countdown to the opening of the Winter Festival. It was rather chaotic at times and as Cassie made her way downstairs, she almost knocked into Anna carrying a large pile of linen up them.
“Careful, Anna!” she exclaimed and the housemaid sidestepped immediately, balancing the load within her arms precariously. Cassie held out a prepared hand in case the pile began to fall. “Do you need a hand?”
“I’ve got two to spare,” a voice called and Cassie grinned as Taeyong jogged up the stairs to take half of the pile away from the maid.
“What would we do without you, Taeyong?”
“I was doing just fine, My Lady,” Anna mentioned gruffly, shooting the footman a brief glare that made Cassie chuckle as she continued down the stairs. Tensions were heightened because of the flurry in events, though today Cassie’s mood was rather jubilant. Even if she had to step around a stack of deliveries in the foyer, Percy promptly informing her that the back entry was entirely full.
“And you have another letter from the Earl,” the old butler announced, pulling it out from within his breast pocket and handing it over.
“Thank you, Percy. I’ll see to it when I have some time. Is the car ready for our trip to the market setup?”
“It is, My Lady.”
“I’m coming also, sister!” Josephine called from the other end of the foyer, placing on a hat along with her gloves. She came to a hasty stop at Cassie’s side before she grinned. “You cannot leave without me.”
“Why, I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing! What of Evie?”
“Something about a critical moment in a book. I swear, she will never see much of the world if she keeps searching for it within the pages written by others!”
“Perhaps she’s well-versed more than we are, cousin,” Grace mentioned, appearing from the library with a warm smile, reaching out fondly to take Cassie’s hand. “You needn’t worry. Evie has been working on the final touches to the lineup for the festival opening.”
“I never worry when it comes to Evie.”
“Just me?!” Joey concluded and the other two laughed, stepping out into the brisk morning. Winter felt as if it would come early this year, and as Cassie looked to the skies, she was certain it wouldn’t be long until snow was upon the ground.
It made her grip at the letter within her gloved hand more tightly.
“Good morning,” Seo Joon, the family’s chauffeur greeted, opening the back door to the car. Joey got in first and Cassie hesitated, her eyes returning to the front door of the house.
“Is Lydia coming as well?”
“She is just finishing up on a task asked of her, she told me to send her apologies for making our journey to the town delayed,” Seo Joon mentioned and Cassie smiled at him.
“It is no problem to wait. Grace, why don’t you get in next?”
“I have another ride of my own.”
“You do?”
Seo Joon nodded, gesturing to down the drive. “Jaehyun has the cart hooked up with supplies and is waiting not far from here. Safe travels, Miss Grace.”
As Cassie watched her cousin almost run down the driveway to where Jaehyun had indeed been waiting, she couldn’t help but let out a hollow laugh. Directing her gaze back to their chauffeur, she raised an eyebrow at him.
“Why, I feel you know a great more than I do right now.”
“I am not privy to all knowledge but I do feel Miss Grace enjoys sitting up front in that cart with Jaehyun these days.”
Joey laughed, shaking her head. “It would be such a bumpy ride compared to your smooth driving, Seo Joon.”
“I’ll accept your compliment,” Seo Joon answered with a grin and then gestured for Cassie to climb into the car. She did, and before she could ponder in wonderment over the progression of Grace and Jaehyun’s budding romance, Lydia came rushing through the front door, out of breath.
“I am truly sorry I was so late.”
“Shut the door, Seo Joon,” Cassie instructed and he frowned, looking at Lydia waiting to get in.
“Cassie! Lydia has to get in and with Grace not riding with us she can sit in the back.”
“Nonsense, I need this space here for my uh – my gloves.”
Taking them off immediately, everyone stared at her irrational movement.
“Shall I travel in the front with Seo Joon, My Lady?” Lydia implored, clicking onto Cassie’s mannerisms. Her cheeks were still flushed, though Cassie was certain it was now because of her generous offer.
It wasn’t just Jaehyun and Grace who were feeling things that hadn’t quite been spoken into public knowledge as of yet.
With Lydia in the front and Cassie’s gloves safely on the seat beside her, they started off to the village, both sisters discussing plans in the back seat whilst subtle advances happened in the front. Everyone seemed to be full of spirit once they arrived at the market site, and there was much to go through. Cassie checked the layout of the stalls, the setup up of the lanterns and even spoke with the labourer who had built the stage for the Christmas carollers to stand upon.
“Are you certain it is stable enough? It will hold thirty people most nights,” Lydia, who had spent the majority of her time at Cassie’s side, inquired, her brows knitting together with doubt.
“It does look rather thin in the base, you are right.”
“My Lady, do not fear. The wood I have sourced is incredibly sturdy!” And to make his point, the man climbed onto the stage, welcoming others to join him. Several workers stopped to assist him in his plight and Grace and Jaehyun came over to where they stood.
“I fear it’s not safe wood, if I may speak up about it,” Jaehyun murmured and Cassie glanced up at him, her eyes widening.
“Are you certain? It seems to be holding them well.”
“If we get snow or rain before the cover is erected, it will soften. It’s been cut against the grain.”
“You can tell that from one look?” Seo Joon asked and the gardener nodded. Cassie grew concerned; they had already paid for these materials weeks ago.
“My Lady, it is holding up,” Lydia attempted to console her right when there was a deafening crack. There were several gasps and shrieks as the stage collapsed into its base, cries of pain emanating from several of those within it.
Racing forward, Cassie helped a man out and then looked at the disaster before her. “The festival starts in five days. What will we do?”
It was a nightmare no one had expected so close to the big day. And with the accident, several of the workers were injured, mostly the man who was behind it all.
“I got a good deal on these supplies,” he exclaimed woefully and Josephine patted his lower arm gently before looking to her sister.
“Cassie, I’ll go with the injured to the physician. I know you’ll find a solution whilst I am gone.”
“We have one already,” Seo Joon announced when Cassie moved back to the group from the manor house, pointing at Jaehyun working with a sheet of paper from Grace’s journal. He was sketching out a new stage, and as Cassie looked at his design, she was amazed.
“Are you a carpenter?” Jaehyun glanced up at her and then shook his head. “No, My Lady, but my father is. I learned a lot of his trade when I was still at home.”
“Is there anything you cannot do?” Grace breathed and Cassie smiled momentarily.
Only for her hopes to fall short. “This is wonderful but where will we source materials from and have everything done within five days?”
“Now stop your worrying, My Lady,” Lydia replied firmly, taking Cassie’s hand in hers. “If there’s one thing I know about the staff at Mistletoe Manor is that we rise to the challenge. It will be done.”
Seo Joon had already loosened off a few buttons to his shirt and rolled up his sleeves once his coat was off, conversing with Jaehyun over how to start the structure first. Even Grace had begun helping with the planning; pointing out where she felt the stage would need extra reinforcement. Sharing a somewhat troubled smile with Lydia, Cassie stepped forward to assist as much as she could as well.
By the time they returned home, everyone was exhausted and hungry. Dinner was sombre, Lord Hawthorne making new arrangements to assist Jaehyun and Seo Joon with the project. Their mother had retired early over concerns that the festival may not start on time and Cassie was subdued, forgoing the evening meeting with her sisters and Grace in the drawing room.
It was when she was removing her clothing that she felt the letter she had carried around all day, hesitating to sit down and open it. She craved promising news and with Daehyun’s last letter, Cassie feared it would only bring forth more troubles for her to make her way through.
Still, she needed comfort right now and Daehyun’s letters had become an incredible source of that for her. Just seeing her name scrawled at the top of the letter made her feel some ease from the familiarity of his handwriting. She read through the first two pages that documented his journey of late, and of his questions for her, laughing when he told a tale of how the King had fallen into a mud patch and he hadn’t been able to hold his tongue conservatively. She had discovered her husband was easily amused and could just imagine Daehyun’s improper conduct and his sleepless night before meeting with the King the following day to apologise.
There was no news whether his schedule had changed yet, though he did speak of another Earl, one she had heard of when researching Daehyun. It appeared Yongguk had no plans after the expedition and would accompany him back to the manor.
Still, Cassie didn’t know when that would be and her smile soon faded with his final words.
I do not know when I will see you next but know my heart is with you this season. As it always will be,
The tears soon began to fall, Cassie overcome with the emotions of everything lately. She had held it together for as long as she could, knowing so many relied on her to be strong and lead the way. It was a curse; she had always been headstrong in a way that made even Josephine turn to her for the right direction whenever she was lost.
But she had no idea which direction she was meant to be going in and it was maddening. Cassie needed someone who would just come in and support her, to allow her to be weak for once. She knew Grace would be there, and yet with her relationship with Jaehyun forming, Cassie didn’t wish to burden her cousin when she was experiencing such joy. And she didn’t want to turn to her parents either. Her father had already been disappointed tonight and he had tasked Cassie with this to do herself. She was prideful, wanting to be successful even if she was exhausted from trying so hard.
Cassie didn’t hear the door open; however, she felt the arms that wrapped around her, gazing through her tears at Lydia before burying herself into the woman. If there was anyone who had seen Cassie at her absolute worst, it was her. They were close and the lines often blurred between their roles and friendship. Breaking down further, Cassie didn’t wish to imagine life when she left the manor.
Even if she was eager to start her married life with Daehyun now, she didn’t wish to lose the strongest ally she had at her side either.
“Let us get up from the floor, hm?” Lydia coaxed, helping Cassie to her feet and over to her bed. She remained in a daze and Lydia removed her stockings, patting her knees gently when she was done. “Is it not good news with your husband?”
“I…” Cassie started, knowing there had been so much she had kept within. She had spoken of her concerns with Daehyun’s delay to Grace and felt much better after doing so. There was so much more troubling her though and Lydia’s gentle encouragement opened the floodgates. It took her some time to explain all her worries, with some breaks needed as the fresh tears fell and soaked into her nightgown. Lydia hadn’t said much; in fact, the only constant was her hand in Cassie’s, prompting her words out until there were no more to give.
Hugging her, Lydia finally took in a breath before speaking. “For this moment in time, I will speak to you as a friend and not someone who serves this family, okay? Cassie, you are placing too much onto your shoulders. We are all here for you and this festival will go off without a hitch. You have worked too hard for it not to. I know the setback startled you but you are surrounded by so many people who wish to help you. And they will if you just ask that of them.”
“I feel so lost, I-I don’t even know who to talk to or who to ask what of.”
Lydia smiled, brushing the remnants of her tears away. “So tell them. Tomorrow at the meeting, tell everyone. Allow others to lead until you are ready to do so again.”
“Oh, I couldn’t burden-”
“When is it ever a burden when it comes to you, Cassandra Hawthorne? You have given up so much of yourself for everyone else. Let us carry you just this once.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
#kwritersworldnet#pwyl; mistletoe manor#pwyl; christmas#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fiction#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#kpop angst#daehyun fiction#park seo joon fiction#taeyong fiction#jaehyun fiction#yongguk fiction#young k fiction
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Mistletoe Manor Read-Along!
Come journey to Mistletoe Manor with me this weekend! Because I’m not doing Idol Advent this year, I’ve not known how Christmassy to make the blog, but I’m itching to reread this series between @noona-clock and I another time!
I’ll be reblogging all 10 parts and 4 parts of Epilogue from Friday 6pm to Sunday 10pm NZST at every 4 hours. I welcome you to read ahead or as it’s reposted. Whilst I’m not hosting Chelle Chats this weekend, I’ll be around to discuss this series, any of my other Christmas fics, or just to chat!
Feel free to scoot up your favourite comfy chair/reading spot, make yourself a hot chocolate and grab some cookies, and turn on your Christmas lights! It’s time to enjoy Christmas, Mistletoe Manor style!
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PWYL’s 2019 Masterlist!
We’re a few days out from the end of the year, with two stories to post, but since everything is ready to go, it’s time to share this post with you all! It’s crazy how much I’ve written this year! I’ve made this list for those who wish to browse it and organised it so that some things will be linked and others will take you to the group masterlist (because if I linked everything, the links wouldn’t all work).
Thank you for everyone who has supported my stories this year!

Series: (12)
King of Demons (2018-2019 series) - Got7
Beyond the Palace Walls (2018-2019 series) - Jung Jaehyun
Destined (To Love You Forever) - Park Jinyoung
Too Good To Be Wrong - Park Chanyeol
Through His Eyes - Im Jaebum
Could You Marry Me? - Son Hyunwoo / Shownu
The Right Choice - Mark Tuan
Spiritual Connection - Brian Kang / Day6
You Didn’t Let Me! - Yoo Kihyun / Park Jinyoung / Lee Seunggi
The Spirit(s) of Christmas - Day6
Idol Advent - various idols

Collaborations: (6)
An Easter Collab to Dye For - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you
Christmas in July 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you
Puppy Week - with @goodnightkisseu + @this-song-thats-only-for-you
Frightful October 2019 - with @this-song-thats-only-for-you
Mistletoe Manor - with @noona-clock
All I Want For Christmas - with 6 other GOT7 writers (listed in collab masterlist!)

Oneshot/scenarios: (170)
Ab6ix (masterlist HERE)
Rite of Passage - Youngmin
Spark - Woong
Scented - Donghyun
Love Error - Woong
Astro (masterlist HERE)
Sanctuary - Moonbin
Manipulated - Moonbin
BAP (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Himchan
Home - Youngjae
Compassion - Yongguk
Kiss Me Again - Youngjae
Getaway - Daehyun
Uninvited - Himchan
Lit - Daehyun
BTS (masterlist HERE)
Boyfriend Taehyung
Love Sick - Namjoon
What Happens Next - Namjoon
CNBlue (masterlist HERE)
It’s In The Books - Jungshin
After Party - Jungshin
A Christmas Date - Minhyuk
Day6 (masterlist HERE)
Neighbourly - Jae
The Handsome Stranger - Brian
Existence - Sungjin
Too Early - Sungjin
Her Name - Jae
Join Forces - Brian
His Voice - Jae
That Good - Jae
Just Rest - Brian
Exo (masterlist HERE)
Back for Good - Chanyeol
Different Kisses with Kyungsoo
Be Okay - Kyungsoo
Remind Me - Minseok
Consolation Prize - Sehun
Lip Treatment - Sehun
Be Mine - Minseok
Challenging Silence - Sehun
Fool of Compromise - Sehun
The Only Choice - Jongdae
Nap Time - Jongin
Destination - Jongin
Buttoned Up - Jongin
Power Suit - Sehun
The Special Outfit - Sehun
Who’s Surprised? - Baekhyun
Perception - Kyungsoo
Clueless - Chanyeol
Puppy Love - Suho
Sage - Chanyeol
Do It All - Minseok
High Notes - Jongdae
Plan B - Kyungsoo
Got7 (masterlist HERE)
Drunken Confession - Jaebum
Intrigued - Mark
The Morning After - Jaebum
Your Neighbour - Jaebum
Shower Again - Jaebum
Hidden Confessions - Jackson
Renewed - Yugyeom
Exposed - Jinyoung
Hasty Assumptions - Jinyoung
Biased - BamBam
Chosen - Jackson
Well Played - BamBam
Stubborn - Jinyoung
Mixed Signals - Jinyoung
An Exception - Jinyoung
The Favour - Mark
Tell Me More - Mark
Clarity - Jinyoung
Unplanned - Mark
Under The Stars - BamBam
Revelations - Yugyeom
Relax - Mark
Premature - Jackson
Petulant - Jinyoung
Your Turn - Jinyoung
Take A Break - Jinyoung
Past and Present - Jinyoung
Touch - Jaebum
Not Just A Wallflower - Yugyeom
As Long As It Takes - Jaebum
Made With Love - Mark
Mistaken - Mark
This Seat’s Taken - Jackson
Hair Attack - Jinyoung
Change of Plans - Jinyoung
Cloudy With A Chance of Sunshine - Youngjae
The Perfect Match - Jinyoung
Melt - Jinyoung
The Right Sort - Jinyoung
No Spell Needed - Jinyoung
Back Again - Mark
Three Whole Days - Jaebum
Spotless - Jinyoung
A New Spring - Jaebum
Head First - Jinyoung
Combined - Effort - Yugyeom
Even If I Tried - Jinyoung
Fan Encounter - Jaebum
All I Want For Christmas Is: Chocolate - Jackson
New Predictions - Mark
Ikon (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Chanwoo
Treasure of the Sea - Hanbin
No More Goodbyes - Donghyuk
K-Actors (masterlist HERE)
Still Constant - Hyungsik
Are You Annoyed? - Ahn Hyoseop
Written In The Books - Jung Haein
Monsta X (masterlist HERE)
Everyone Has a Weakness - Kihyun
Romantic Notions - Shownu
Wrong Number - Changkyun
First Kiss - Wonho
A New Formula - Changkyun
A Role To Play - Kihyun
Reap The Rewards - Wonho
A Kissing Game - Wonho
Pawsed - Shownu
Until You’re Better - Kihyun
Worthy - Kihyun
Walk With Me - Minhyuk
Well Trained - Kihyun
Added Extras - Changkyun
Heartless - Hyungwon
What A Dream - Kihyun
Experimental - Changkyun
Could You Remember Me? - Shownu
What Happens After Midnight - Kihyun
NCT (masterlist HERE)
Out of Time - Kun
Valentine’s Couple - Jaehyun
Game Night - Doyoung
Body Conscious - Jaehyun
Who Told You To Protect Me? - Haechan
Sophie’s Moving This Castle - Taeyong
Old Maple - Mark
Put Together - Doyoung
A Not So Simple Answer - Johnny
Nu’Est (masterlist HERE)
We Got Married with Minhyun
Different Kisses with Minki
Change The Date - Minhyun
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Flutter - Baekho
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Seventeen (masterlist HERE)
The Best Easter Ever - Hoshi
Human Nature - Jeonghan
Kiss It Better - Jun
Shinee (masterlist HERE)
Just Smile! - Onew
Stray Kids (masterlist HERE)
Within - Felix
Guilty As Charged - Chan
TVXQ (masterlist HERE)
Birthday Cheese - Changmin
Vixx (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Hyuk
Different Kisses with Ken
Excessive - Taekwoon
Overheard - Taekwoon
Dance Sessions - Hakyeon
Reconnected - Taekwoon
Legend - Taekwoon
Wanna One (masterlist HERE)
Alliance - Seongwoo
We Got Married with Minhyun
Boyfriend Jaehwan
Different Kisses with Jaehwan
Call The Shots - Seongwoo
Different Kisses with Bae Jinyoung
Warming Up - Jaehwan
Change The Date - Minhyun
Dream Girl - Minhyun
Best Seat In The House - Daniel
Life Lessons - Minhyun
A Dramatic Start - Minhyun
Test of Love - Daniel
Defining Roles - Minhyun
Winner (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Mino
With A Bow On Top - Seunghoon
Various Artists (masterlist HERE)
Different Kisses with Zico
Reassurance - Hyunsik (BTOB)
Universe - Hyunsik (BTOB)

Got7 as Airforce7 reaction
Chelle Chats Drabbles: (377)
Jan - Jun // Jul - Dec
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The snow has melted away but there are still festivities to be had at Mistletoe Manor! On behalf of the Hawthornes, Becky and I welcome you to revisit our beloved manor home for a final four parts in this world!
Posting will begin on @noona-clock and complete on @prettywordsyouleft next week!
In the meantime, if you aren’t yet acquainted with this world, you can find our Christmas series here: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 // 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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