#putting them on the same wavelength so to speak
*accidentally spread misinformation voice* I just want to clarify, as unfortunate as it is, Jedikiah and Irene do not actually brain meld in canon. He does drug her unconscious and steal her powers, but the timeline in which he both gifts her someones else’s powers so she gets them back and gives himself brain damage so his own brain radio-signal thing is rewritten into hers & links them irrevocably only exists in my brain.
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dystopyx-blog · 2 months
While Leona and Malleus bicker about which uniform darling should wear rook snatches them up and delivers them to Vil
No because literally yes.
You thought you had escaped this dumbass argument, until Rook appears from nowhere and drags you to his dorm.
It's not even something Rook has to fully process, his brain is working super sonic putting the puzzle pieces together.
Darling want dorm uniform? Pomefiore obviously has the most beautiful dorm uniform. Darling will look most beautiful in Pomefiore dorm inform. I must take you to Vil.
All that in like a second or less, he's already in motion.
Vil is in a similar vein. Rook and Vil on that same makeover wavelength. Like they don't even need to speak, it's almost scary, Rook just stands behind you, smiling with his eyes closed, so proud of himself, and Vil just nods.
He's thinking about damn time they got you outta those ugly ass rags.
Of course, in Pomefiore uniform, it's not just the clothes. Vil expects you to let him do your makeup (because obviously you can't do it yourself, you'd mess it up potato), which leaves you thinking this uniform feels rather impractical for just hanging around the dorm???
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saylessastrology · 6 months
Astrology Notes!💫💅🏾
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💫These Observations are from MY OPINION & Knowledge💫 Follow my Patreon for more💜💅🏾
Jupiter in 2nd,4th,10th - these people usually end up successful through finacial/career endevours as well as homes and physical property. usually comes into effect after your saturn returm
Aries Mars/Mars in 1st house - people with these placements express thier anger openly and loudly. Both my parents had Mars in Aries and it was a war zone when they were arguing.
Cancer Moons- This placement can create a very moody individual. While they are SUPER sweet and caring, they also have quick tempers when triggered
Aquarius Personal Planet Placements - I know aqua's get dragged for being emotionless BUT that is only on the outside! Internally, Aqua's feel EVERYTHING. They just have a very detached way of expressing thier emotions.
Grand Trines - Most people don't activily use thier GT to their benefit. Having 1 or more GT's can make the areas of your life that are connected in the GT TOO EASY. Almsot so easy that we forget to put in the extra work to get the best out of the aspect!
Chart Rulers - The rular of your chart can show how you are naturally suppose to navigate through life.
Ex: Ruler -Sun
You are meant to use your creative and expressive personality to navigate through life. When you do, you will stand out tramendously in the world and forward moving energy will be consistant.
South Node House Placement - The traits associated with the house your sn is in can show your secret traits from your past life that your can use sparingly in your current journey tword your North Node
EX: south node in 10th house/NN in 4th
You are blessed with so many benefical go getter career traits! You were the big boss in your past and shoud Incorporate these traits with your north node in the 4th house placement.
Feel like you don't have what it takes to run your own household?
Use your Multitasking, Athoritative and Business skills to care for your househouse
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1. Sun-Sun Conjunction: Shared Identity
Observation: When one person's Sun is conjunct (in the same place as) the other person's Sun, they often share similar core identities and life goals.
Explanation: This aspect can create a strong sense of understanding and identification with each other. It’s like looking into a mirror; these individuals often feel a deep connection and mutual respect.
2. Moon-Moon Harmony: Emotional Understanding
Observation: Harmonious aspects (like trines or sextiles) between two people's Moons suggest a deep emotional understanding and comfort.
Explanation: Their emotional rhythms and needs align well, making it easier for them to empathize with and nurture each other. It's akin to speaking the same emotional language.
3. Venus-Mars Aspect: Attraction Dynamics
Observation: When someone’s Venus (planet of love) forms an aspect with another person's Mars (planet of desire), it indicates a strong physical and romantic attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can spark instant chemistry, creating a dynamic and exciting interaction. The Venus person is drawn to the Mars person’s assertiveness, while the Mars person appreciates the Venus person’s aesthetic and charm.
4. Mercury Conjunct Mercury: Intellectual Bond
Observation: A conjunction between two people's Mercuries suggests a meeting of the minds.
Explanation: This aspect fosters open communication, mutual understanding, and shared interests. It’s like being on the same wavelength intellectually, making conversations flow easily and enjoyably.
5. Moon Opposite Saturn: Emotional Responsibility
Observation: When one person's Moon opposes another's Saturn, it can indicate a relationship where emotional support meets responsibility and structure.
Explanation: The Moon person provides warmth and emotional understanding, while the Saturn person offers stability and teaches valuable life lessons. However, if not balanced, it could lead to feelings of coldness or emotional distance.
6. Sun Square Pluto: Transformative Challenges
Observation: A square between one person's Sun and another's Pluto often brings intense, transformative challenges to the relationship.
Explanation: This aspect can create power struggles or deep psychological confrontations. However, if navigated wisely, it can lead to profound personal growth and transformation for both individuals.
7. Jupiter Trine Venus: Shared Joy and Growth
Observation: A trine between one person’s Jupiter and another’s Venus indicates a joyful, growth-oriented relationship.
Explanation: There's an abundance of warmth, generosity, and shared values. This aspect enhances mutual appreciation and can bring luck and prosperity to the relationship.
8. Saturn Sextile Pluto: Building Together
Observation: When one person's Saturn forms a sextile with another's Pluto, it suggests the ability to build something enduring together.
Explanation: This aspect offers a blend of discipline (Saturn) and transformation (Pluto), enabling the couple to work through obstacles and effect substantial changes together. It’s about resilience and mutual empowerment.
9. Uranus Opposite Venus: Unpredictable Attractions
Observation: An opposition between one person's Uranus and another's Venus can create an unpredictable, electric attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can bring excitement and spontaneity but also instability to the relationship. The Uranus person shakes up the Venus person’s concept of love and beauty, while the Venus person may seek more stability and commitment.
10. Neptune Trine Mars: Inspired Actions
Observation: A trine between one person’s Neptune and another’s Mars indicates a relationship where dreams inspire action.
Explanation: The Mars person’s drive and ambition are creatively inspired by the Neptune person's ideals and imagination. Together, they can turn visions into reality, combining passion with compassion.
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onlyhereforthestories · 7 months
Bumpy History - Part 3 (Aitana x Reader)
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And here you have it. Little bit of a shorter part but I builds up nicely to the final part which will be out later this week!
The next morning, you and Aitana arrived at the training ground early. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm, golden hue over the field. The rest of your teammates were slowly trickling in, chatting and stretching as they prepared for the day's training session. You and Aitana had been messaging a little the previous evening about what you were going to do today so you couldn’t help but exchange a mischievous glance with the midfielder as Jona explained the drill. The smirk you received in return let you know Aitana was thinking the same thing, it was time to surprise your teammates.
They drill started off as simple back and forth ground passes in a small area to move around, the two of you knocked the ball back and forth to each other effortlessly catching the eye of some of your teammates already. As you moved around the crowded area, your movements were synchronised and you always knew where each other would be, like you could read each other’s minds. You chanced a glance up at some of your teammates around you and caught Pina with her mouth wide open staring at the two of you as her ball zipped past her foot.
Jona called time on the drill, but you and your new passing partner had other ideas, instead of following the rest of the girls for a drinks break, you two decided to start pinging the ball back and forth in the air. "Nice one, partner!" you exclaimed, sending the ball back to her with a dink in the air. Aitana deftly controlled the ball with her chest and volleyed it back to you. "You're not too bad yourself," she replied with a wink.
All your teammates were baffled by the change, it was strange to see you two even work together let alone getting alone so well. They had never seen Aitana interact like this with anyone, let alone with someone she had seemingly avoided for so long. The fact that you were both laughing and joking during training left them in a state of pure shock.
As training continued, you and Aitana kept up the playful banter. You pulled off a fancy flick pass, and Aitana pretended to be utterly impressed, clapping her hands dramatically as she ran passed you onto the end of the ball you just flicked. Your teammates were now openly staring at you both.
At the end of the training session, Jona approached the two of you as you grabbed a drink and giggled about the shock you had caused. "You two seem to be having fun out there," he remarked with a raised eyebrow.
Aitana and you exchanged knowing glances before breaking into grins. "Just trying to keep things interesting, coach," you replied.
Jona chuckled and nodded. "Well, keep it up. It's good to see you both working well together. It makes my life easier when two of my best players are on the same wavelength." You both exchanged as little glance before grinning at the man who patted you both on the shoulder as he walked away.
As you packed up your stuff in the changing room, you couldn't help but giggle at the still shocked expressions on your teammates' faces. You and Aitana weren’t even trying to shock them anymore, neither of you speaking as you put your boots away, but they were all still watching you and mumbling to one another. You took no notice and said your goodbyes as you went to walk out the room, Aitana hot on your heals.
With every passing day, it felt like you and Aitana were breaking down the barriers between you, building not just a partnership on the field but a genuine friendship off of it. And the shocked reactions from your teammates? Well, that was just a bonus.
The game you had just finished had been a tense one, it took your team a while to find their feet but you had managed to get the job done thanks to a beautiful goal from Aitana. As you headed back in through the tunnel and into the locker room, it was quickly filled with a mix of jubilation and exhaustion as your teammates celebrated the hard-fought win. You quickly showered and changed into more comfortable clothes, knowing that you needed to head home soon.
As you exited the locker room, kit bag slung over your shoulder, you were surprised to see Aitana waiting in the hallway. She looked slightly nervous, fidgeting with her phone and glancing your way every so often. You approached her with a smile. "Hey, Aitana. Great game today, thank god for you. We needed that wondergoal today their defence was just so frustrating to try and break down."
Aitana's eyes lit up as she saw you approaching, something you weren’t sure you were actually seeing or imagining. "Yeah, it was a team effort though couldn’t have scored without the amazing ball through. You played really well too, Y/n."
You blushed, the compliment catching you off guard. "Thank you. But as you said, it was a team effort."
Aitana cleared her throat, her nervousness returning. "Listen, I was wondering if, I mean would you like to grab a coffee or something? Only, if you're not too busy that is." She stuttered her way though the question which you couldn’t tell her but you found incredibly endearing.
You were a little taken aback though by the invitation. It was the first time Aitana had made such an effort to spend time with you outside of football. "Coffee sounds great," you replied with a warm smile. "I'm not busy at all."
Aitana visibly relaxed, relieved that you had accepted her offer. "Awesome! There's a café not far from here. We can walk there if you're up for it." You agreed, and together you made your way to the café. The walk was filled with easy conversation, a far cry from the tension that had once defined your interactions.
The café had a cosy atmosphere, and you both settled into a corner booth with your coffee orders. As you sipped your drinks and chatted, you noticed that Aitana seemed more open and relaxed than you'd ever seen her before. It was a pleasant surprise, and you realized that perhaps the walls that once stopped any positive interaction between you two were finally coming down. The conversation flowed and neither of you spoke more than the other, there was equal back and forth and everything was easy to speak about. You had just calmed down from the giggle fit Aitana had sent you in after she told you about her mishap in the kitchen a couple days prior, when she excused herself to use the bathroom.
This gave you a few minutes to think about what was happening and to you it felt like the start of something new and exciting, a real genuine connection and possible friendship with the Spanish midfielder was blooming in your eyes and it had been a long time coming really.
After your coffee date, you both left the café with smiles on your faces. Aitana walked you back to your car, and as you said your goodbyes, she hesitated for a moment. "Y/n, I had a really great time today," she said, looking into your eyes with a warm sincerity. "I hope we can do this again sometime."
You nodded, your heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. "I'd love that, Aitana. Let's make it a regular thing." With a grin and a brief hug goodbye, you both went your separate ways, looking forward to more coffee dates and exploring the growing connection between the two of you.
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nayatarot777 · 2 years
💗 how do you make them feel? 💗 ~ pac
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• pile 1 • 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
your person feels conflicted. they feel as though they need to be in control of themselves and what they allow themselves to think about because if they leave their mind to it’s own rulership, fears and anxieties will set in. they release these anxieties by allowing their ego to control them instead.
this person feels like they’re not good enough. like they’re not even one of your options anyway. this person could think that you’re not even attracted to their gender, so they either think that you’re gay when you’re actually bi, pan, etc. or they think that you’re straight when you’re actually not.
you guys could also be a different race or from a different culture than this person, and i feel like they’re the type of person who has either been conditioned to only seek partners within their own race/culture or that was always just an expectation of them that they were happy to fulfil.
this person could even be in a relationship of some sort, already. or in an arranged situation if they’re from a culture that participates in that (i feel like that’s for someone specific). they could even have a child already. if not then i feel like i’m picking up on the type of future that they dream of, regarding having a family. you don’t fit into that image for them though. and it’s not because they don’t want you to, it’s because of some sort of differences between you two. physically. identity wise. something about this person feeling like there’s no way that you two could make a relationship of any sort work, due to the criticism and judgement that would come from others around them about you and your differences.
i’m also seeing that they may feel as though you’re not even interested in a person like them. they feel like you’ve completely released them for some reason. like they were never that important to you. i feel like you guys didn’t even get to know each other that well, because i’m picking up on a separation. a disconnect.
this person still thinks about you, but it feels like they don’t want to. it makes them uncomfortable because the feelings that they had towards you before are still there. when they think of you, they still feel the way that they did when they could actually see you and be around you. i don’t think that this person is used to not being able to control their feelings for people. they seem very in control of themselves and a very typical, emotionally cold and distant masculine.
they haven’t been able to be their usual selves when it comes to you though. they can’t just tell themselves that you were just another person that they met because the connection that you both had was very apparent. very different for this person. if you guys are opposite genders, this person doesn’t usually connect to your gender group for anything other than superficial reasons (could be sex, money, power and influence. anything.) but with you, they felt like you guys were just naturally on the same wavelength. like you saw each other clearly and just understood each other. they don’t find that often in people who they have feelings for (surface level feelings at least). i feel like they genuinely feel like you’re a soulmate basically. i don’t think this person speaks in “soulmate” terms though, so they can’t even put it into words.
i just heard “she’s different”. switch the pronoun if you need to, but that’s what this person would say to describe what they think of you and why they feel this way. because you’re different. in a great way. i’m feeling like you were a shock to their system. are y’all aquarius/uranus/11th house dominant? 👀🤔
they’re still keeping hope alive that you’ll meet each other again. but that triggers their fear of disappointment. they might even feel goofy af for staying stuck on you for so long, but they don’t want to release the idea that meeting you again is a possibility. because that’s what they’re hoping for. at the same time though, they don’t want this to happen because what could they do if they’re so worried about the opinions of other people? they feel as though being able to see you again would be futile because they feel like they wouldn’t be able to get the outcome that they want with you anyway. the feelings for you are persistent within this person because they feel like you’re someone significant and special in their life (even if you only knew each other for a short while), but ego-wise, they’re ignoring them. this person is so conflicted. their mind without the distractions is a mess.
• pile 2 • 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼
ngl, you guys trigger this person. but not purposefully. this person knows that the abundance and wealth that they have in the materialistic or physical sense isn’t good enough for you. i feel like this person could be a part of hustle culture, or they’re just extremely hard workers. workaholics even. they might think that physical appearance, money, and materialism were all that they needed to be wanted by anyone that they wanted, but it’s not the same with you.
i’m also seeing that this person feels ridiculed by you? again, i don’t think you’re actually doing this, but they feel as though they’re under criticism or scrutiny. you could’ve put this person in check? 👀
actually, they could be projecting right now. i feel like they could be a very insecure person, but they secure their persona and physical appearance to make themselves seem confident. you don’t give af about any of that though, so you see right through it, triggering tf out of them. you’re seeing the most vulnerable sides of them without them even lowering their guards. this person knows that you’re intuitive af. i don’t think they’d use that word, but they know that you just know shit about people 😂
you make them feel as though there’s value in them. damn. i felt a pang in my stomach as i typed that. you might’ve been able to tell that this person was seeking your attention in small ways but talked yourself out of believing it. they were. you validate them. your attention and their interactions with you both validate but scare them.
this is someone who wants to portray themselves as a big, strong, powerful, emperor type of person, but they feel the complete opposite around you. they feel powerless around you. this person might clearly be scorpionic, plutonian, or an 8th house person in nature. they could have a very intense, fixed, heavy, stable, but maybe unnerving energy to them. very intoxicating in a way? there’s something about them that just seems dark. but intriguing. yeah, they’re probably scorpionic/plutonic af. but you see through the outer shell that they navigate this world in. they have no idea how you do it, but they like it although they’re not used to it.
you also make them feel nervous when speaking. this person might feel like they don’t communicate “properly” or sound intelligent enough in general day to day conversation. they don’t usually care though (it seems on the surface anyway. this is actually quite a deep insecurity of theirs too) and it gives them a bit of anxiety when wanting to speak to you. it’s like they clam up or shut down. they might even ruminate about all of the conversations you guys have had, knit picking at everything that they think made them sound “stupid”, or at their tone of voice, etc.
i think you guys actually planted the seed of introspection into this person. they’re not often in situations where they feel “below” someone else in some way, so feeling like that around you was uncomfortable but also rewarding for them. i feel like this person is either stoic af or egotistical af but in a quiet way. the type of person to “humble brag” 😂. i really believe that you kickstarted this person’s soul searching journey by exposing a bunch of insecurities to them that they themselves never really paid attention to.
you make them want to improve and be a better person. thoroughly from the inside out. not the outside in.
you know what i’m seeing rn that sums up this person’s feelings perfectly? i’m seeing a king who gives orders and controls everything - all day, everyday. nobody can get him to do something that he doesn’t want to do, or to feel any other way about himself other than prideful.
his queen though? she keeps him in check. without even having to say anything. her presence alone makes him want to act right, but the pressure that he feels to be better in her presence also causes him to start searching for anything and everything that he needs to improve. and when he receives confirmation that he has made his queen happy/proud (she compliments him, laughs at his weak ass joke, gives him words of encouragement), he becomes happier. he feels as though his queen’s happiness is his reward for his improvement. but he still suffers from major anxiety about “failing”. so much to the point where sometimes, he has to take space away from her because he’s dug himself into a hole full of self deprecation and self criticism. some of you guys might notice that this person is hot and then cold with communication. or that they hesitate around you. aw, bless 🥺
this is so fucking cute, pile 2. your person is a secret simp for you lmaooo.
• pile 3 • 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀
the first thing that i’m hearing is “proud”. you make them feel so proud of themselves. you’ve taught them how to be self sufficient in some way and only rely on themselves for something. i feel like this has something to do with being stable within themselves enough to give up caring about other people’s judgements. you could have this type of energy. very much a mix of aquarian and piscean energy. the type of person who doesn’t care enough to try to fit in with people unless you want to, and because of that you fit in with everyone. you’re multifaceted, and this person may have felt the need to be one type of way when around others. until they met you. then you cracked their stoic, emperor-like demeanour and you influenced them to just let go of control over their self image for a few moments.
damn. i just heard that they feel like no other woman compares to you. deadass. the image on this card is a woman on her knees, crying, but being ignored by the person next to her due to them looking elsewhere. this woman feels ignored in this card. they don’t care about any other person as much as they cared about you. you’re the full package for them. specific for some of you guys: you could be black women and have short afro hair. this person thinks that you embody both masculine and feminine energy in the most divine way in your physical appearance. they also love the fact that your hair is natural and short. they like the fact that you can pull off a “masculine” hairstyle and still look divinely feminine and adorable. i just heard “infatuated”.
i feel like there may be a disconnect between you two. distance? and/or a change between them and their viewpoint on what they find attractive thanks to you. you’re the biggest “temptation” that they’ve ever met, but you’re not someone who they would’ve ever thought that they’d be this attracted to physically. but you are. you’re not their usual type. they may have thought before that they could never find someone who isn’t typically masculine or typically feminine attractive. you guys are this person’s idea of what a perfect mix between masculinity and femininity looks like and feels like. because this is even expressed through your personality.
but, back to the type. they don’t know wtf their type is anymore. not really. you have a very unique beauty. again, aquarius and neptune energy heavyyyy. i heard “fuck the type” lmaoooo. you destroyed this person’s idea of a type. damn, pile 3. you are a bad bitch. don’t fucking second guess that shit ever again in your LIFE. i don’t usually interpret readings that are centred around someone’s looks but your looks are emphasised here. you are a damn temptation to them. i’m seeing that this may be because you look like the type of person who they’d assume would be scared of them but you’re not. if anything, you’re bold af towards them at times. lightly roasting them, calling them out for something, or putting them in their place when they crossed a line switched something in their head about you. that doesn’t have to resonate but they find your attitude paired with your physical appearance intoxicating af. gworl 👀
if you’re a woman, they can tell that you’re for women. they may have seen you defend a woman on her behalf. you may have stepped into your lilith energy. but at the same time, you’re like “one of the boys” without being a pick me bitch and feeding into things that you’re not okay with. you will call men out, but again, you’re like “one of the boys”. they didn’t think that a woman could hold men accountable while not hating them at the same time 😭 your person may be quite close minded. i feel like that’s why i’m picking up on that you could’ve called them out for something. you’ve expanded their mind a lil though.
you make them feel as though they’re attracting good luck and abundance to themselves because of you. i’m literally seeing that they see you as a good luck charm. they may have realised that their life started to become way better after meeting you.
they’re very protective over you because they see you as a rare type of person. they could be quite “possessive?” naturally but they’re not the type to control you. they have a very stable self esteem around you it seems. although they do shy away or become bashful when you know the right thing to say.
they want to share their abundance with you. you’re the type of person that they literally want to spoil. you guys could have lilith in 2nd house/taurus and this person could have scorpio/8th house placements. i’m picking up on placements and synastry that indicates that they just want to give and give gifts and materialism to you. maybe this is their love language. i feel like they’re very much a materialistic person so it makes sense 😂 they really like how natural you are though. i feel like that’s the difference between you and the people that they usually go for. and your naturalism doesn’t just apply to your physical appearance. it also applies to your behaviour and attitude. you don’t force anything. you don’t try to change yourself for anyone.
there’s a longing energy that i pick up from them. again, you guys could have distance between you and you’re in separation. but this person daydreams about you a lot. they’re not anxious during this separation though because they’re convinced that they’ll meet you again. i’m hearing that they’re daydreaming of things that they (hope) they’ll say the next time they see you. they’re not stressing about this distance at all. i heard “i’ve got you already”. 👀👀👀👀 this person’s self assurance is definitely in abundance right now 😭 they’re convinced of this.
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oh-theatre · 1 year
I wamna hear about timbart
Why thank u I have so much about them I love them bart is my blorbo
Tim always notices when Bart is getting quiet or overstimulated in conversation or other such situations. He offers comfort or grounding, whether it’s a distraction, fidget or removing him from the conversation
Tim is Barts lightning rod, when part gets really in his head and is speeding around or talking too fast or blurring and he’s not really there Tim can ground him (he offers physical touch, if Bart needs/wants it)
Counter: sometimes bart needs to run or pace around and just exhaust himself but tim never leaves, he will sit and watch and wait he’s there for bart
Tim calls Bart goose and lightning bug and Bart calls him Timmy
Bart has a lot of nicknames for Tim actually, most of them funny (Timtam, Timbit, Timothy Chalamet)
Bart is just about the only person who can get tim away from his work, and he’s got a sense for it.
Every time they get spotted in public they make up a different role for Bart in Tim’s life.
personal assistant, chauffeur (does not have a car, should not drive), his chef, bag carrier, etc.
Bart mindlessly fidgets with Tim’s hands and fingers, Tim let’s him
Tim frequently falls asleep on Bart and he does not move, he also makes a point to make sure no one else disturbs Tim
Tim stocks his utility belt with new snacks for Bart every week
Tim will flirt incessantly with Bart on missions and he just short circuits
They!! Wear !! Each others!! clothes!! “Isn’t that Tim’s hoodie?” “Not anymore”
Bart will go all around the world to bring Tim food and when asked about it he lies and says it was just a restaurant in central, Tim knows he’s lying
Bart thinks alot more then he says things out loud, Tim notices this and coaxes his thoughts out
Tim loves Barts hair, he will consistently put his hands in Barts hair sometimes without knowing and Bart just lets him, sometimes he’ll find tiny braids that must have come from tim
Tim gets really quiet after a mission gone badly, he’ll isolate himself or pour himself into work. Bart will sit in silence with him, he can sit still for this, for tim. He waits as long as he needs until Tim reaches out he always doea
They are so smart and often on the same wavelength and on missions rarely do they need to talk they just know what the other is thinking.
Bart is one of the few people who can boss tim around or challenge him without fallout
They listen to eachother ramble and rant fully invested and offering questions. They are autistic and adhd <3
I think it takes a really long time before they kiss. It’s a lot of “we don’t like each other we’re just really close besties, pals even” but then they almost lose each other on a mission or one gets badly hurt and oh no they are so much more then best friends, this is their person, the mere thought of losing the other person makes them completely break
Bart is the type of person to come up with a wild solution to something and Tim lets him try it
They like to be in each other’s presence even if they aren’t talking, sometimes they can’t talk but they want to be in eachothers space. Tim will be reading or studying while Bart lays on him playing a video game
Bart has a warped sense of life and death, and he doesn’t see death as a bad thing but more of an escape (he has trauma from his past (time in the future)) but the thought of losing Tim will send him into a spiral
whenever Tim gets sick or injured (like needs bed rest) bart will stay with him at the manor or in his room at the tower the entire time
bart speaks so many languages and loves to call tim petnames in other languages, tim melts everytime.
they love to cook for eachother and together, alfred has banned them both from the kitchen however
bart loves forehead kisses tim wil cradle his face and its so gentle, tim can feel when bart speeds by him and gives him a kiss it tickles but hes gotten used to the feeling and loves it
Tim hates when Bart gets stuck in the speedforce but hes always the one to bring him back (lightning rod!!!!!!!)
Bart, on multiple occasions, has stood up to Bruce after him and tim have a confrontation.
With that, hes always there to combat everything Bruce has said and uplift tim and reassure him in very plain blunt words that he is enough, and he is a person worth the world
i have so much please keep talking to me about bart allen, timbart, bart allen **bart allen**
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hockybish · 9 months
Online Sibling Night
l hughes!sister au l lola hughes l masterlist l
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Once or twice a month the three of them tried to some sort video call. Since it was the night before the game between the Ducks and Canucks in Vancouver, Lola got hang out with Quinn while Luke called in from New Jersey. Tonight it was Lola's choice on what they did, and she chose Spa Night.
"Which one?" Lola held two different face masks out for Quinn to choose from.
Quinn, not really caring which one she put on his face, picked the one in the blue package. Lola handed it to him. He was about to open the thing and apply it to his face, but Lola stopped him, insisting that he needed to pin his hair back with a plush headband that she had just flung at him.
"Are you two ready yet? I feel like I've been waiting for forever!" Luke piped up, tired of watching and waiting for his sibling to be ready. He already had his hair pushed back and a face mask on.
"Hush you, it's not my fault Quintin has issues"
"I don't have issues!"
"Yes you do." The two younger siblings chimed in at the same time. Quinn glared at them, threatening to call Ellen for ganging up on him, because it's not fair.
Once they all had their masks on Lola set the timer for 20 minutes and they got to catching up on what's been going on with them. Lola talked about a boy named Robbie, who was news to both her brothers, and Quinn informed them about a teacher he was seeing.
Lola was going to ask Luke about that one girl he had feelings for, but they got interrupted by Jack coming home, so Luke had to scurry off to his room. Quinn and Lola took the opportunity to quick make a noodle dish for dinner.
"Lukey, what about that one girl? What's her name? Did she like the new camera?" Lola took a big bite of noodles. She was the one to give Luke the idea to get her a new one.
"Who Maisie?" The thought of the cute photographer who worked for the Devils brought small smile to his face. Luke forgot he had told Bah about her and what he did "No, she gave it back. She uh told me that I can't buy her forgiveness"
Jack had notice Luke acting weird since he had gotten home. He had ran off to his room as soon as Jack got home and had been in there pretty much ever since, aside from the few times he's come out to get snacks.
He was curious to say the least. At some point in time he went to Luke's room and held his ear to door, trying to hear anything. Only thing he could really make out was a laugh he didn't recognize.
"Never have I ever slept with a siblings friends or teammates" Quinn smirked knowing he was about to get Luke because of that one time he dated Lola's bestie/teammate, to his surprise Lola put down a finger as well.
"Okay Lu, your turn." She wanted the game to move along, before either one of them could comment on what she just did.
"Wait a minute Luke" Quinn stopped Luke from speaking and addressed the girl sitting next to him. "Clem, who did you sleep with."
"No one. No one. I didn't sleep with anyone" She played it off by trying to put her ring finger back up. "I just put it down for funsies."
"No. You slept with someone, tell us who or at least which one of us is friends with the guy" Lola was still quiet, how do you say you slept with least favorite brother's best friend.
"Oh god not him" Quinn groaned "anybody but him"
"Who?" Luke still confused.
She spilled the name just as the door to Luke's room opened and Jack appeared in the door frame. Lola was completely embarrassed when she heard Jack talking as Luke was pushing him out and locking the door.
"I think I'm gonna go now. I should get back to the hotel and get some sleep." She looked around for her things she brought over.
"No Bah, I'm sorry, I thought I had locked the door. Don't go! We can play another game or something. Please."
"Yeah I think I have that one game Wavelength? We can play that."
Lola agreed to stay for a while longer, after Luke reassured Jack wasn't going to be popping up anymore.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
Hi! I loved your fic about niko with the widow reader with three kids. I was wondering how do you think Rocky would be if he was in that position?(I can already imagine the chaos)
I just had to get these brain bunnies out bc I love Rocky and I love kiddo HC's!!! This is a long one bc yall know me.
It's very possible that someone mentioned your children to Rocky, at some point. Probably? He gets a start when you mention you have children at home, but it only deters him for maybe twenty seconds. If anything, he has an even higher opinion basically, he sees you as needing help and greatly sympathizes with you, similar to how he sees Mitzi as a "damsel in distress" ... Though he's not all aware of these feelings.
He's surprisingly good with children for a variety of reasons - he's willing to play their games and pretend, he can think of new ones on the fly, he speaks to them like people, and he's good at making each one feel included. He's still kind of a kid himself so he doesn't mind all the chattering and questions during the first few visits. Even if you apologize for your kittens' curiosity, he's charmed by them. Actually, Rocky can't remember the last time he interacted with children this much ... Hmm, probably back when he was a circus barker and they threw food at him. That wasn't so pleasant.
They call him "Mister Rocky" at your insistence, though the politeness kind if goes out the window when they're clawing up his leg or dragging him off for a game. Rocky is kind of delighted by it though, whenever he walks through the door the outgoing ones are already running toward him and tackling.
Often when you're in a rush to wash up and get ready for a date, Rocky will come by earlier to keep the kids occupied. Though ... usually he ends up getting dirty because they want to play outside. When it comes to more hyperactive children, he has a lot more patience because they're kind of on the same wavelength as him. He probably "gets" a neuroatypical child better than most adults would, or at least, he's more willing to be patient and indulge them, especially considering the time period.
If you have a more shy child, it's very likely that his big grin and gregarious personality will frighten them. They'll watch him nervously from behind your legs, or want to hold your hand while he gets on his knees to talk to them. Rocky starts tucking candies and pennies in his pockets for such an occasion, and eventually the nervous kiddo will start to give him smiles. Progress!
While most prospective beaus would be put-off by all this activity, Rocky adapts to it quickly. He's already high energy, and besides, he wants to please you. Being so indulgent to your children, rather than ignoring them or being put off, definitely sets him apart from other men who may try to woo you. And it's not like he's doing it just to impress you, he genuinely has a good time with them. The first time you invited him to a family dinner? The memory is going to be seared into his brain forever. Sitting at a table with a good meal and lots of happy faces, then helping you with the dishes while the kids get ready for bed, then helping you tuck them in? And they ask him for the bedtime story? It almost doesn't feel real. This is some kind of strange dream-world he's dropped into, and when he leaves your house and goes back to his car, it's like he stepped out of that dream into cold reality.
(If he was ever wounded or was beginning to feel anxious and down, and he's alone in the car or at the bar, I think Rocky would really fixate on how warm and safe your home is and wanting to just. Show up there. Obviously he can't just waltz up in the middle of the night when he's covered in blood or shivering from cold, but he very, very much wants to. He wants you to 'keep' him, in a way, and has worries about you leaving once you figure out his real job.)
It both gives him intense feelings of sentiment, and also a weird longing for something that could have been. I feel Rocky would have an intense sympathy if the children's father walked out on them, like his did, especially if the older children still remember him and wonder when he'll come back. When they tell him, it brings sharp pains that Rocky thought he'd "gotten over". True to his nature, he'll want to change the subject and distract them with something cheerier. Honestly, the kid's father being a deadbeat probably affects him harder than if the man died. Rocky wouldn't bring it up with you, but the children would confide in him now and again. Oh, and if the husband died doing the same line of work he was doing ... well ... that's some layers of complication.
(Also most men would be aghast at the innocent question 'are you marrying mommy now?' but Rocky's immediate response is 'why has she said anything ....')
You might have rules on showing too much affection in front of the children. You don't want to confuse them or think you're "replacing" their father, and Rocky respects this, even if he's very clingy. Though eventually you two start to hear giggling whenever you kiss or hug in the house (little spying rascals), and when you're both out with the kiddos, obviously you want to hold hands or hold his arm. So that rule just kind of gets forgotten, which doesn't bother Rocky a bit. He's also the type to pat the kittens on the head and can't refuse a hug if they ask with big, pleading eyes.
Mentioned in my previous HC's, he wants to be useful and you can direct that energy to something simple like errands and grocery shopping. With all the kittens dressed and in tow, you all set off to main street. Rocky takes the older ones, while you take the younger. And yes, they'll get into all sorts of mischief. He probably loses one of them at some point, and they may have been chased out of a store or two, and somehow there's a missing shoe but lots of candy because he couldn't say no - don't worry about it!
(Many a stranger has complimented him on his 'lovely children', and he doesn't have the heart to correct them, especially if the kids don't.)
Though when you and Rocky are standing next to each other, trying to figure where a store is while three or four kiddos are clinging off you and a stroller, you can't blame them for assuming. Sometimes it hits Rocky how you all appear to the public and he just beams. His face is gonna get stuck like that one day.
This also means that instead of traditional two-person dates, you two will end up doing things that lets you take the kids along, like picnics and a baseball game. When strangers stop to coo about what a cute family you are, and isn't it nice that their father is here too, and you don't correct the person - Rocky notices immediately!! It only has to happen ONCE and he's just delighted, he's in so deep. Even if you're flustered and afterward explain it's just easier to accept a compliment than correct a stranger, he's still buzzing with happiness.
There's a good chance that your extended family (if you still speak with them) disapprove a lot, especially your former husband's side. Even some well-meaning friends might have doubts. Whose this beanpole hanging around your house lately? He looks strange, doesn't he? What did you say he does for a living? Why does a musician have bullet holes in his car? Isn't he too young for you? And so on. Even if you don't explicitly tell Rocky about this, he picks up on the animosity when you drop off the children or pick them up from a relative's. Lord forbid he offers to do it; that relative will make it very clear they don't approve and he isn't a "good influence" on the children.
Rocky takes it in stride. He's had that sort of dislike aimed at him his whole life, and it's hard to take it seriously when the kids are shrieking and jumping on him.
Now, as far as the Lackadaisy staff goes, they weren't so sure this girlfriend of his was real, anyway. She's older, too? And has kids? Come on - more likely Rocky is just bothering some poor woman. That all gets blown out of the water when he has to bring the kiddos to the cafe - you suddenly had to cover a coworker's shift, and you were so distraught that Rocky just had to step in and offer to watch them. He really didn't think it through. But hey! The cafe has pancakes, and the bar is a big cave! Kids like those things!
Ivy is cooing about how adorable they are, Mitzi really doesn't want them down in the bar but well it's not like anyone else is here and it's midday so I suppose it's fine, Zib can't believe the older girlfriend story was true and there's suddenly kids running around, Freckle is shocked but pleasantly surprised his cousin is doing such a good job with tem. Well, wait, the children shouldn't climb on the bar, no no don't let them bang the pots and cups together, Rocky no do NOT toss them around--
The kids endear themselves to (most) of the staff by the end of it, full of pancakes and syrup and milk and very sleepy. When you get home after a long shift, Rocky's passed out on the floor with them.
He'd probably be in near tears if you asked him to spend a holiday with your little family. Like Christmas? Just having a nice modest Christmas dinner, then all the kids piling in the living room to open presents. They hand him a lumpy one they insisted on wrapping themselves, and it's something so simple like a new tie or a notebook to write music in, and it comes with a little Christmas card they made and signed themselves ... It's just. So many feelings at once. He's having a lot of them.
(And yes he will keep every single drawing and card the kids give him, he'll fold them up and tuck them in his violin case or in the car's glovebox so they stay safe).
Rocky never ever pictured himself in this situation - he never thought ahead that far, the idea of parenthood being so far away and serious that it was basically an impossibility. If anyone floated the idea, he'd probably think he wasn't deserving or capable of such a role. Rocky's father left when he was young, then his mother died shortly after, and while he had normalcy and stability with his aunt and cousin, that wasn't forever either. Being with you and your small family and getting to be a part of that just makes him so happy and content, he will do absolutely anything to keep it safe. Literally nothing will hurt these children or their mama as long as he's still breathing, Rocky will go absolutely postal.
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xopinkroses · 1 year
Big brain Nero head cannon time!
I loved the "Can I spend my life with you?" fic and it got me thinking... Nero would be so soft around little kids! 🤧 Chaotic but soft! Like playful and fully engaged with whatever they are doing and 1000% down to play with dolls or putting on makeup or a full on nerf war or a foam sword fight or even just chasing the kid around, cackling like a gremlin while the kid screams and giggles! 😭
It would be so precious to watch and my heart can't handle how cute it is!!!
Playtime (Nero x Reader & Their Child)♥
(Dad Nero has my heart💖💖😭 Both baby and Reader are gender neutral for maximum self insertion haha~ I based this on my younger family members and how I mess around with them! (◠‿◠✿) Thank you for the request!! xo)
Summary; Nero playing with your toddler! Word Count; 575 Warnings; None! :)
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From the second your child was born, Nero’s ‘dad mode’ was unlocked and he hasn't looked back since. Dad jokes, tea parties and telling stories with dramatic voices to make an actor jealous– Nero gladly let go of any pride he had before in order to see his baby smile. That gummy smile and the tiny, cooing giggles when he would make faces and animatedly speak to the tiny baby in his arms… It just made everything worth it. 
“I’m gonna get youuu∼!” 
“No you won’t–!”
You watch on as the two most important people in your life cause absolute chaos in your living  room, couch cushions and toys strewn over the floor and the sound of delighted squealing and giggling warming your heart. Nero is pretending to chase after your toddler, dramatically parkouring over furniture, pretending to be some kind of monster… or maybe a dinosaur? You can’t really be sure, the game changes every few minutes and you’ve given up trying to keep up with the switch ups. He always makes sure to be just unable to reach your child, who squeals and yells for the monster to go away as they run a few feet away– but you know Nero is as eagle eyed as ever, subtly herding them away from potential dangers without pausing the game.
Nero takes playtime very seriously. Sometimes you have to ask yourself whether you have one baby or two– because father and child are on the exact same wavelength when it comes to playing. This is a game of life or death!
“I’m gonna steal all your hugs– give them to meeee∼!” Nero rushes towards your child, hands outstretched in a tickling motion. They scream and run behind the couch, peeking over it with sparkling eyes.
“Nuh-uh! None for youuuu–!” They declare, giggling and waiting for their daddy’s next move. “Monsters don’t get hugs!”
Nero gasps in offence, “What do you mean monsters don’t get hugs?”
“No hugs for monsters!” The child doubles down, grinning as Nero puts a hand to his chest and puts on an indignant expression.
“But what if I’m a nice monster?” Nero challenges, creeping closer to the couch.
“Nope, nuh-uh– no hugs for you!” They see Nero’s approach and starts mirroring his actions so that the two of them are circling the couch. 
“Is that so?” Nero grins mischievously.
They giggle, “Mm-hmm! My hugs, you can’t have them!” 
You already know what's coming before it even happens, having seen this scenario play out many times before. Nero nods sadly, looking thoughtful. “Hmm, okay… I guess I’ll just have to go without then….” 
And then he lunges– vaulting over the couch and capturing the toddler in his arms, lifting them into the air like a trophy. They squeal and kick their arms and legs out in an attempt to ‘free themself’, their cheeks flushed and white hair a mess. 
“Gotcha–!” He tosses them into the air before hugging them tightly to his chest. His arms are strong and protective around your child, and they lean into his embrace despite still screaming out in defeat at having been caught by the monster. “All your hugs are mine!”
That's when you decide to make your presence known, wrapping your arms around the two of them and nuzzling your cheek against the soft white hair of your baby’s head. A sneak attack to win you the game!
“-- And now both of your hugs are mine!”
~ 🖤
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annoyingblondebracket · 9 months
Round 1 | Poll 1
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~ Note: This poll is being done out of a genuine love and affection for these types of characters! Please keep that in mind when adding commentary. Propaganda under the cut!
Tsukasa Tenma:
~ hes very loud and eccentric and multiple characters say he is annoying
~ He's an extremely loud theater kid who wants to be a world famous star. Anytime he's on screen he'll yell very loudly at least once. Most other characters have an 'oh... it's him.." moment whenever they see him. Others try (and fail) to avoid him so they don't get caught in his antics. He's a loser and the fandom loves him for it.
~ he's a theater kid who is 100% determined to become the Number 1 World Future Star!!! with absolutely zero volume control who is constantly screaming and laughing at the top of his lungs, to the point where you can hear him from pretty much anywhere in the school. several of his friends (who still love him) and random background characters talk about finding him annoying and intrusive at several points in the story. he's a genuinely really sweet guy who is mainly just putting up a front to hide his insecurities but also the man is constantly reciting a mantra that's just him telling you what his name means. also one time he tried to comfort a crying kid at a theme park by screaming his name at her in english (which he does not speak) and just wound up making her cry harder which tells you pretty much all you need to know
~ He is canonically so loud, like helicopter blades whirling levels of loud. He does not know when to shut up, and is just all around, annoying!!
~ generally very loud, overconfident, little self awareness of how silly he is. consistently found annoying by some characters (ie akito, nene, shiho) and can overwhelm others with his intensity at times
~ he is a very loud and slightly obnoxious theatre kid!! although he is a good person deep down, he's constantly bragging about becoming the world's greatest star. one of his close friends, kamishiro rui (not blonde), makes a lot of drones and robots and often brings them to school, causing quite a bit of chaos that tsukasa inevitably gets roped into. the two of them are referred to as the "weirdo wombo combo" (among other names, depending on the translation) and are found particularly annoying by the character shinonome akito, who mostly tolerates him just because they have a close mutual friend. outside of school, tsukasa works part time as a performer in a theme park, along with characters otori emu, kusanagi nene, and the aforementioned kamishiro rui. nene finds his antics very annoying, and regularly wears noise-canceling headphones just to drown out his voice. she also makes fun of him a lot, but it's all in good fun; they're actually very good friends. tsukasa can sometimes be annoyingly overprotective over his younger sister, saki, mostly because she has had health issues all her life and spent years in and out of the hospital. so although he means well, even she finds him annoying on occasion. not to mention he talks to himself, rehearses monologues, and paces around his room quite a lot. i love the guy but i'd hate to live in the same house as him too. most of this can be summed up by saying that he just gives off immense amounts of theatre kid energy, and if you've ever known a theatre kid during tech week or right after a show, you get somewhat of an idea of what tsukasa's peers have to deal with on a regular basis. and i love him dearly
~ He’s so loud and boisterous and cocky and dramatic that a decent chunk of the other characters actively describe him as annoying or loud. He’s a really good guy, he really is, he’s a great big brother and a nice dude, but unless you’re on his wavelength or a compatible wavelength, he’s completely fucking insufferable.
~ He is LOUD. SO VERY LOUD. The entire school he goes to knows who he is (maybe not by name, but as that-one-guy-who-never-stops-screaming) and will roll their eyes when they see him approach. He's a theater kid also if that wasn't bad enough. And stupid as hell. Ridiculous. I love him so much
~ He's extremely confident and almost always posing and/or screaming. Characters frequently comment on how loud or over the top he is and several characters make a point to try to avoid him when they see him out in public.
~ he's a loud, exuberant, overdramatic theater kid!!! 90% of the time he is shouting and loves to just strike poses whenever he can! tends to overreact and many many characters regard him as loud and annoying but he also has a really big heart and cares a lot about his loved ones and he also expresses that fact very VERY loudly. he's so STUPID (affectionate)
~ Fucking malewife. Horrid little man.
~ He simps so hard for literally every single women
~ everything about him [ is annoying ] pretty much (endearing)
~ be normal about women for once in your life king please
~ he swoons over every woman he sees and it annoys everyone around him (he is very stupid and i love him)
~ Creepy abt women
~ Obsessed with women to an insane level; he'd do anything for women including getting in their bed first because he "thought they didn't want to be alone"; also he's a better cook than me
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enam3l · 2 years
Hey, I hope you're okay
I read your post about rockstar! Eddie who hates Tommy Lee, and that made me wonder, which bands do you think Eddie (and the whole corroded coffin) would be friends, like, going to parties, and talking and meeting sometimes
You can ignore this if you want, but I was curious and your writing is so good
Thank you so much! I fuckin love this concept and had a tonne of fun thinking about it. Basically Eddie Munson just loves music and people who love music too. And fyi, he does love Lana. PS: all rockstar eddie munson content can be found under this hashtag if you want to only view that and not just all my eddie munson stuff on the #enam3l x eddie tag
The big one of course is Metallica. The Corroded Coffin boys were never subtle about how much they loved Metallica and how they'd been their teen idols. At Corroded Coffin’s first awards show where enemies were made with Motley Crue, a friendship was also made. Having heard the kind words said about them so often by Eddie and the gang, Metallica made it their mission for the night to introduce themselves. Feeling totally out of place and laughing at how surreal this was, Corroded Coffin were interrupted by a waiter bringing over a bottle of whiskey, a gift from Metallica. The boys were stunned silent. To this day Eddie’s wife says she's never seen him so speechless. The waiter pointed over to a table closer to the stage where Metallica sat and waved. Later, they came over and introduced themselves, complimenting Corroded Coffin for making it in such a difficult scene and without help. From then on a bond existed between the two bands. Metallica acting as mentors for Corroded Coffin and being their support act on multiple occasions. Eddie couldn't believe he had James fucking Hetfield’s number and would often speak to him when things got a bit much and the industry felt like it was crushing him.
Eddie definitely had a kinship with Alice Cooper, the two sitting back and laughing at the madness surrounding them. Both having the same approach to their careers, loving the music and playing up the image but not the gross antics. They both had normal family lives. They were definitely on the same wavelength and stuck with each other at any events and caught up about their wives and kids.
They all enjoyed going to parties with KISS, appreciating the bands theatrics. KISS’s face paint just spoke to their routes in Hellfire.
Mostly Eddie liked hanging with the alternative and indie bands, they weren't as intense and outlandish as the rock scene. Less publicity stunts and sleaze which is what Eddie despised about Motley Crue. Eddie appreciated their musical skill as well as their theatrics and style. Bands like Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus and David Byrne. He admired them from afar and eventually grew to know them and just enjoyed talking about their art together.
And Eddie didn't believe in guilty pleasures. There were plenty of artists you'd never expect him to love and respect. He always thought George Michael was kind and interesting, originally approaching him by mistake at a show thinking he was Steve. Eddie was bummed when George Michael died. Also The B-52s, Eddie loved getting drunk and putting them on. You'd definitely go and see them together and get silly drunk and dance around like teenagers. One of your favourite date nights would be to go to soul or jazz clubs, he liked listening to those kind of records whilst cooking or cleaning.
He was definitely intrigued by the grunge scene in the nineties and helped promote and support it. He thought the guys from Nirvana were the coolest he's ever met and attended Kurt’s funeral. Foo Fighters drummer passed away this year and the rest of the band did a memorial gig with friends from the industry, Eddie would've absolutely been there.
But honestly, one of Eddie’s favourite parts of being famous would be getting to use his connections to introduce you to your favourite musicians and bands. Eddie is absolutely no music snob, open and interested in anything especially when he can see the craft that went into it.
Whatever you or his daughters liked he'd be there front row with them. Maeve his youngest would definitely love Ariana Grande or Lady Gaga and Eddie would take her to every gig, wearing merch too. Eddie Munson would be famously quoted for saying there's nothing more metal than having pipes like Mariah or Ariana. And he fucking clapped like hell at Gaga’s meat dress, he thinks she's fucking cool as shit.
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mouwrites · 10 months
uh hello- I'm nervous as I'm not used to this since I usually just read your stuff without suggesting things! Congrats on 100 followers, you deserve more tbh. I saw your matchup post! For the fandom it's ninjago, my gender preferance is uh... idk? I use she/them pronouns tho. Idm if it's platonic or romantic but I'm lonely irl so I would prefer romantic! I like kids cartoons and I'm pretty energetic and bubbly but uh- very shy and I get nervous very easily (if this wasn't an indicator) okay tysm! congrats on the followers (again lol)
Thank you for your kind words!! Now onto the matchmaking… I match you (romantically) with:
Jay Walker!!
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Some headcanons!
You guys totally geek out together all the time
He loves being able to talk about his interests with you
And he loves hearing about your interests
He also appreciates that you can match his energy level with your bubbly personality
Most people have trouble keeping up with you guys
You’re just on your own wavelength
On that note, you guys have SO MANY inside jokes and little references
Sometimes it’s like you’re speaking a different language
You both enjoy the confused looks you get almost as much as you enjoy making the references
You just get each other so perfectly,, you definitely call each other “my other half”
You can frequently be found just talking to each other, all alone, in your own little world
He totally relates to your anxiety; though his is less social, so he has no problem fronting for you in public
Actually, he enjoys it
He gets to be your knight in shining armor :)
He’s very protective of you because of your shyness
It makes him anxious to see you alone in a crowd, so he always tries to keep physical contact in public
Hand holding or pinky locking are his go-tos, but he’s not against putting an arm around your shoulder or waist
This is also how he shows that you’re together
It’s less of a gesture he does out of jealousy, more of something he does to say “hey, I’m with her”
He doesn’t really get jealous over you
He knows that you’re his and he’s yours, that’s all he needs
A little Drabble!
You perked up when Jay walked in, sending a beaming smile his way.
“Hi!! And what are you up to, beautiful?”
You felt your cheeks go a little pink. “Uh, nothing.”
“Are you watching something?”
“Yeah… it’s a kids show,” you said quickly, trying to dismiss him as you half-closed your computer on your lap.
“Yes. But how was your d—”
Before you could finish your statement, Jay dived onto the bed and propped himself up on his elbows next to you. He looked up at you with sparkling eyes; it was a look that he always got when he was excited about something. “Can I watch too?”
You blinked at him, your own eyes wide as an owl’s. “Do you really want to?”
“Obviously!! I freaking love cartoons. And what better way to watch than with my other half?”
A rosy-cheeked smile found your face. “Okay then.”
Jay scooted closer, draping an arm around you and bringing your head against his chest. You nuzzled into him, pressing play on your laptop and watching the cartoon with a newfound giddiness.
And a song!
Meteor Shower (Cavetown)
meteor shower! quick, take cover
But the hues in our hair compliment one another
I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones
'Cause blue's your favorite color
My heart and the earth share the same rule
It starts with love and it ends with you
But don't go outside, it's dangerous tonight
Without me right here by your side
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I hope you like this!! This is my first ever matchup hehe ^^ but thank you for your support, I can’t tell you how much you mean to me!
(divider by saradika)
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rking200 · 3 months
DBH Rarepairs Week Day 4: Road Trip
Love's Trail Josh/Markus/North/Simon (Polycho) -Foundational Markus/Simon, focusing on Josh/Markus and North/Simon, but Polycho nonetheless Slice of Life, Fluff T-Rating 8.9k Words AO3 Link
Markus and Simon agree to open their relationship to two others, and while group dates and one-on-one hangouts are nice, they decide to put their new partners to the test with a lengthy road trip. There's a lot they need to learn about one another, but by the time they reach their destination they have grown much closer already. With the rare appearance of the Northern Lights, the four of them have a magical evening.
It had been a few months since they had all met each other, and while the four of them had shared a few dates, they really hadn't been prepared for something of this caliber. Their road trip was not only a bonding experience, but a final test to see if this was really going to work out for them.
Simon and Markus opening up their relationship hadn't been something they had openly talked about before it happened; Markus was so content in his relationship with Simon that falling in love with someone else completely blindsided him. To make matters worse, when Markus had approached Simon to let him know about the feelings he was having towards someone else, Simon had agreed and told him about this other teacher that he had gotten close to. Markus had met North at the gym, under unfortunate circumstances revolving around the locker rooms. She had walked in on him changing and proceeded to tease him about it every time they crossed paths, which seemed to happen every day. Apparently a lot of women only go to the gym at certain times so they feel safer around less men, at least according to North. Having previously gone whenever he had the time, Markus changed his days to match North's out of a want to make her feel safer. Markus can only assume that it had worked, because he was very much caught off guard when she made her first move on him. He wasn't the best with women, so he was sure that she had made other moves that went unnoticed. How could he be blind to a kiss, though, as she leaned down to hand him his water bottle?
Markus would have been fine explaining the situation outright to her: that he was already taken and very much in love, but he had never found the right moment to bring it up. It was stupid on his part, but the whole situation was just so foreign to him. Simon's boy was a guy named Josh. They both worked as teachers together. Markus wasn't sure if Simon had always worked with him, or if he had been a new hire, but Simon made it sound like they had an innocent friendship until Josh had expressed interest of his own. But Simon hadn't known how to bring the question up to Markus.
He talked like this was something that had weighed on his mind for a while; Markus could just imagine poor Josh, practically left on read after confessing his feelings. Brutal.
Markus had thought twice about bringing the question of an open relationship up to Simon. He regretted it the second the words left his mouth, as Simon's eyes had been cast with what he had mistaken as hurt or fear. Within the few seconds of silence that followed, as Simon regained his composure to speak, Markus had to deal with the heartache of potentially losing the love of his life, his thoughts spiraling out of control until Simon spoke. No, it turned out that Simon had wanted to ask Markus the same thing. Their souls were so tightly entwined that they were on the same wavelength, no matter what, it seemed.
Their first meeting had been utterly awkward. Markus wasn't always good with details, so when he had explained to North that he was dating 'a really hot blonde', she had assumed that she was going to be meeting another woman. It was his bad for not specifying that it was a hot blonde boy, but North seemed fine with either. Josh seemed equally shocked at meeting Markus, and Markus hadn't been prepared for how tall he was. He wasn't the jealous type, really, but there was something about seeing Josh leaning on Simon that just set him off. He was envious that Josh got to do things he didn't with Simon, but on the other side, North was much shorter than all of them. In the end, Markus supposed, they were all even in one way or another.
They had a few group dates that went well enough. North and Simon hit it off really well, but Josh didn't seem to wholly vibe with her. He gave Markus the feeling that he wasn't really used to being around women, which Markus definitely understood.
For the most part, though, all of them got along. North was short with Markus and Josh more often, with Josh quick to bounce her words back at her. Markus tried to stay out of whatever quarrels they had, but always ended up being dragged in one way or another. They had a few dinners together, watched some movies and hung out separately, as well. It was time to move things along further, as they all got used to each other's quirks. The summer was calling, and with Simon and Josh out from teaching, it was feasible to plan a road trip. Simon and Markus had talked about it in the past, and while they should have started small and went alone, just the two of them, they both agreed that it would be nice to spend the trip with their whole group.
Markus had to work with getting a replacement caretaker for the time he was gone, but the old man he took care of was happy to hear he was planning a vacation. He happened to let it slip that he was going with 'his boyfriend and their partners', which enticed a hearty fit of laughter from Carl and an afternoon of being called 'tiger' and 'Casanova'. Markus hadn't wished to hear about Carl's 'swinging days', but suffice to say Markus had gotten to know him a lot better that day. When approached about taking time off from work for a silly road trip, North claimed that she worked from home. She had deadlines she had to keep, but she thought she could fit it into her schedule. Markus didn't know why she was so secretive about her job, but he got the feeling that something about it embarrassed her. He'd attempt to pry later, he thought. Markus felt the stinging of unease as everything started to come together. They managed to find a good price on a 4-person tent, as well as a bundle of sleeping bags. Carl's son was going to be visiting, so Markus was going to be leaving him in good hands. North doubled down and met her next few deadlines in advance so that she'd be able to 'disconnect from work' during their trip. It seemed like it would be too perfect, like something was going to come out of nowhere and ruin everything before they even left their driveway.
Seeing Simon walking around their apartment with a permanent but very gentle smile on his face was almost enough to make Markus forget any potential what-ifs. Even if this didn't work out in the end, it was worth it to see how happy it all made Simon.
Markus knew he was supposed to feel jealous, to not want to share Simon with anyone else. He'd be lying if he didn't feel it sometimes, like when Josh came over to drop something off and greeted Simon with a kiss. The gut-reaction was there, really, but it faded very quickly. He understood, really. Simon was great, and nobody was perfect but he was perfect in his own ways. How could he keep him to himself, in the end? He wanted other people to see Simon how he did, even intimately, and as long as there were people Simon loved, Markus was happy to hear him out. The morning they left went by in a blur. They were taking Markus' new car because it was the only one big enough to comfortably hold all of them and their camping supplies.North and Josh were set to show up before the sun even rose, and while Markus knew he needed the sleep for the drive, the excitement and anticipation kept him up the whole night before. Simon seemed restless, but he managed to get to sleep without too much trouble.
They ate breakfast at an ungodly hour together, silent anticipation hanging low in the air. Josh showed up first, then North not ten minutes later. It was really happening.
Markus loaded everything in the back of his van, making sure that they had everything they needed for the twelfth time. The sun wasn't up and Markus was already sweating, and he knew that he would be in an endless torture of soaking in his own sweat every step of the way in the road trip, but he thought that if this was the only hurdle he'd have to overcome, they'd be set.
Before long, it was time to lock up and pile into the car. Markus was mindful of Simon's comfort and immediately called dibs on North sitting up front with him. He veiled the notion as him wanting to push Josh and Simon together--which was a half truth--so that he wasn't pointing out something Simon saw as a flaw in himself.
Their first point of contention came before he had even put the car in reverse. North tapped a few of the buttons on Markus' center console and connected her phone to the radio. Markus just watched her do it, feeling both happy she felt so comfortable, yet also shocked at the pure audacity. She just looked at him, smiled, and got comfortable in her seat.
"Shouldn't the driver get the choice of music?" Josh spoke from behind Markus' seat, causing Markus to swiftly turn his head and peer at him over his shoulder.
"Yeah, thank you, Josh. Isn't this my car?" Markus looked at North who had her face turned to look outside her window, pretending not to hear them. Markus sighed, rolling his eyes in jest as he pulled out of the driveway. North finally acknowledged the others in the car, looking back at Simon and smiling. "You like this song, don't you?" Markus watched Simon nod through the rearview mirror, wondering how she could have possibly known that. She shifted in her seat, looking wholly proud of herself. "I made this playlist for Simon and me. There's some new ones on here I think you'll like, Si." "Thank you, North." Simon reached and placed his hand on top of North's seat, by her headrest. She was quick to reach and put her hand atop his, holding it there. North warmed up to Simon rapidly after their first meeting. At this point, after a few triple dates that ended in her kissing Simon on the cheek or her holding his hand, Markus was beginning to forget that he was the one that had brought North into the relationship. It wasn't like she ignored him completely, but like a cat choosing its owner, she was swayed by Simon's hand. Maybe he shouldn't be thinking of women--especially her--like cats, though, he was sure that'd get him in trouble.
The music was fine, really. Markus was too focused on getting out of the city to register the conversation going on around him, but the music he could tune in and out to. The sunlight was creeping out, the sky shimmering a light pink, and he needed to be on the highway before the traffic picked up.
"--right, Markus?" North turned away from Simon and Josh to look at him expectantly. "Uh, yeah. Right." He did a double take into the rearview mirror on hearing Simon's sweet chuckle, realizing everyone in the car was laughing. North had brought him into a conversation without any warning, what was he supposed to do? Say he wasn't listening? "Anyway, bad fashion aside..." North continued with the group chat he wasn't invited to, but Markus was lost on the beginning of her words. Bad fashion--was she talking about him? He glanced down at himself to see what he had on and, yeah, maybe she had a point. He had meant to change his undershirt before North and Josh had arrived, but it seemed now he was stuck with his paint-covered tank for at least a portion of the trip. His brown plaid over-shirt could cover it, sure, but he was already feeling the heat. Soon it'd be discarded and he'd be left looking like an unfinished abstract painting next to three of the prettiest people he had ever seen. North had recently dyed her hair; when Markus first met her it was definitely brown but now shown a red hue in the filtering sunlight. She was fashion-forward, with gaudy sunglasses that would look horrible on most people but that she wholly pulled off. Her shirt was cropped and tied in the front, and her pants were such a flattering cut on her legs. Markus thought about it for a moment, glancing down at his own pants. He was positive they were wearing the same type, but hers looked so much better on her. Honestly, their outfits were pretty similar if you ignored the paint. Was this the power of a crop top and femininity?
Simon had a crop top on, too, but he was always way too cold to wear it how it was meant to be worn. He had layered one of Markus' warmest flannels over it, the kind Markus would only put on during a raging snowstorm. The flannel obscured most of the print on it, but it was one of Simon's favorites: a detailed gothic cross with filigree and feathers around it. A goth staple. Josh was probably the most put together of the whole group, wearing the attire one would associate with his profession. His argyle vest and collared shirt screamed teacher, but the charm that dangled from the hinge of his glasses gave the impression of the friendly queer guy you'd run into in the LGBTQIA+ section of the library, all too eager to point you in the direction of their books on sexual health. Or something like that. Markus relaxed in his seat as they made it to the main highway of their drive, having beat the start of the morning rush hour. He wiped his brow, reaching instinctively to turn up the cold air. He stopped, glancing back at Simon through the rearview mirror before rolling his window down every so slightly and leaning his head on it.
"Markus, if you're too hot--" Simon leaned forward so that Markus could hear him over the music. "No! No, I'm fine." Markus spoke quickly, glancing back at him and offering a smile that he knew Simon didn't believe. He leaned his head back on the window, enjoying the cool glass against his temple. "Just wanted some fresh air." Simon lingered before sitting back in his seat. He said something to Josh that Markus couldn't hear, but he tried to think nothing of it. Simon's comfort was more important than his own, Markus thought. They all chatted about nothing in particular, Markus included on the conversation as his focus allowed. A song came onto the playlist that Markus did know, and he couldn't help but laugh at the quick glance North shot him as he started to sing along. He glanced at her in return, smiling as he continued singing. There was a fondness in her eyes that seemed to be reserved for Simon most of the time, so Markus couldn't help but take advantage of it. He reached over, holding his outstretched hand to her as if to ask for a high-five. She read the motion correctly and reached back, allowing Markus to intertwine their fingers. He rested his arm on the center console, glancing out his window before settling his eyes back on the road, smiling as he felt utterly engulfed in love. In the backseat, Simon shifted. His legs must have been uncomfortable already, and Markus was glad he had forced him into the backseat. Josh coaxed Simon to lay down and Simon eventually listened, laying his head on Josh's lap. Markus kept glancing at their reflection, joy rising through his chest and onto his face. This was going to work out, he could tell. They were already so comfortable with one another, and even though North seemed short (in temperament) with him and Josh sometimes, he had seen them share a tender moment on one of their group outings. They all just needed time. Maybe by the time the trip was over, they'd all be ready to talk about moving in together, or whatever the next step would be. Josh and Simon napped, and the music got turned down. North removed her hand from Markus, causing him to scowl at the car ahead of them. He glanced at her, meeting her eyes before glancing away and back again. "You're so wet looking, Markus." Her voice was above a whisper as she wiped her hand off of on his shoulder. "Your hand is burning up." Markus frowned, bringing his hand to himself to wipe the sweat off. "Simon'll freeze if I turn the air up." He whispered, hoping the words wouldn't reach Simon just in case he was only resting his eyes. "He's got some layers on, he'll be fine." North turned in her seat to smile at Simon and Josh, pointing at Markus as she turned back. "Plus, don't we have blanket we can give him?" "Yeah, but..." Markus sighed, allowing North to grab his arm and pull his hand back to hold. "His joints ache when the air's cold. And he won't tell me if he's hurting, at least most of the time." He squeezed her hand, glancing over at her. "This trip's only just started. I don't want to push him too far already."North squeezed back, staying silent for a moment as she watched the scenery pass by outside her window. "You're a sweet guy, Markus. Really care about others."
"Shouldn't you have already known that?" Markus mused, a smile playing on his lips. "I changed my gym schedule for you, you know."
Maybe he had said something wrong, as North quickly took her hand away. She eyed him carefully, as if waiting for some kind of punchline. "What?"
"You said you didn't feel safe at the gym."
"Yeah, because of the men there." North pulled his legs up in what Markus initially assumed was an attempt to close her body language, but she shifted them under her as if in excitement. "And you thought the best way to make me feel safer was to--as a man--make sure to be there every time I worked out?"
Markus paused for a moment, considering her words. He glanced at her, shaking his head. "It was to protect you." He had held no ill-intent in his actions.
 "Because you were attracted to me." North smirked, Markus not understanding the harshness of her words mixed with the fond look. "No." He spoke slowly, quick to defend himself but needing to choose his words carefully. "That happened after you kissed me." North was quiet and after a moment, she removed her hand from within his. He tired to protest but she shifted in her seat, pouting out the window. What had she wanted, for him to lie? With the only awake traveler now irritated at him and giving him the cold shoulder, Markus was once again left in silence. The music played gently, and the songs melded together much like the fields they passed by. They hadn't been driving for too long, but his lack of sleep was catching up to him. Simon stirred in the backseat, sitting up slowly and stretching. Markus met his eyes in the mirror, nodding. "Yeah, let's take a breather." The next exit with a good gas station was a few miles up. They could stop and top up on gas, get some snacks and let Simon stretch his legs. They were making good time already; they still had a full day ahead of them but there was plenty of time to goof off.
Josh had to be woken up with Simon's gentle hands and sweet words as they took the exit. The way Josh slumped in his seat upon awaking seemed so out-of-character for him, like he was a child pouting over some lost sleep. It was extremely cute of him, really.
Ch2:  North’s Betrayal
North practically jumped out of the car, her seatbelt discarded before he had even parked by the gas pump. Markus watched, confused, as she moved to Simon's door to help him out. She opened it and placed her hands on his, gently pulling him in some semblance of assistance. Markus smiled, wishing she wouldn't be so pushy with Simon but loving that they got along so well. Him and Josh got out of the car, as well, Markus paying for the gas at the pump. Josh walked over to Simon and they chatted for a moment, meandering behind North as they walked towards the convenience store. "Simon!" Markus called out to him, holding his wallet up in the air. He tossed it--probably not his best idea--surprised to watch Simon catch it against his chest. "Don't let them pay, use my card!"
As Simon looked down at the wallet and peered into it, noting that the card was indeed inside, Markus' eyes shifted to North. She stood at the doors of the store, but they hadn't opened. She looked upset and it made Markus wonder if the inside had been closed. Simon exchanged glances with Markus, following his gaze to North's predicament. Simon nodded, turning on his heel and pocketing Markus' wallet. He walked up to the door and it opened. North looked up in irritation, walking ahead as Simon laughed. Josh glanced back at Markus, holding his hand up to him in a wave before ducking inside the store.
Markus fueled up the car, stretching his legs by jogging into the store to use the bathroom. He met his group up at the counter, and he had every intention of going and leaning on Simon but North was already there, pressed up against his back with her arms draped over his shoulders. They were talking to each other in quiet voices, Simon looking over his shoulder to smile at North. Markus cautiously walked up next to Josh instead, frowning at the two and crossing his arms to mimic Josh's posture. "You ever feel..." "Like it's just the two of them? Yeah." Josh was quick to reply, and Markus felt the jealousy radiating off of him. "Guess that means we've got to leave them out, sometimes." Markus winked at Josh, reaching up to place his hand on his shoulder. He patted him, feeling a lot better at Josh's smile back at him. "Yeah, okay." Josh reached and patted Markus' back in return. Not very romantic, but Markus would let it slide this time. He slid his hand from Josh's shoulder, lingering the touch down his arm. He stopped at his hand, taking it within his own. Markus bumped their shoulders together as Josh gripped him back, releasing only because Simon had let North pay for their treats. He moved away quickly, trying to intervene, but it was too late. As they headed back out to the car, Markus vowed revenge on North. He wasn't sure how, yet, but he had plenty of time to stew it over. He followed Simon to the backseat, helping him in before stripping himself of his slightly damp plaid shirt. Simon happily took it, and they shared no words on the matter, moving on as if it had never happened. Markus was feeling refreshed and ready to drive for a few more hours, when he was sure they'd stop again. He remembered seeing a nice gas station on the map, one that sat in the middle of nowhere with a few places to eat attached. That'd be their next stop, as long as nobody needed to stop before that. The car was once again lively, with Simon cozy and warm wearing Markus' discarded shirt as a blanket. North put her music back on, picking and choosing new songs to show the whole group. Even Josh got in on it, giving her a music request that she ended up vibing with. Markus was silent for most of it, grinning ear to ear and wondering how he had gotten this lucky. He felt like he was in paradise.Idly and without thought, Markus took one hand off the steering wheel, reaching behind his seat at Josh. North and Simon's conversation trailed off as Josh placed his hand in Markus'. He squeezed his hand, glancing at Josh in the mirror and petting the side of it.
North laughed, then Simon. Markus quickly looked at her in betrayal, tightening his grip on Josh as he did so.
"What? What're you laughing about?"
North put her hand over her mouth, shaking her head as she giggled into it. Markus couldn't help but chuckle along with the two of them, feeling left out of the joke altogether but happy that they were happy.
"Josh just looks so--so, scared." North turned in her seat, facing the road straight on. She took a sip of her freshly-bought soda before laughing some more. "Like a cornered animal or something."
Markus slowly let go of Josh's hand at her words, attempting to let it fall back into Josh's lap. Josh gripped him as he tried to move away, opening his mouth to defend himself.
"No I don't! I was just taken aback, I thought maybe you wanted something, or something!" His words were quick, causing Markus to sputter his own laughter in return.
"Whoah there, Josh, no reason to get so defensive." At Markus' teasing words, Josh let go of him, crossing his arms and brooding towards his window.
North shared a look with Markus, who stifled any more of his laughter. He reached his hand back and across to Simon, this time, holding his palm up.
"Simon, didn't you--" He stopped as Simon leaned and placed his chin in his hand.
"Yes, Markus?"
Markus petted his jawline very gently, mindful of the pressure he was placing on him. Simon had some kind of issue with his jaw, it had only come up a few times but he seemed sensitive to foods of certain temperatures. He knew it ached sometimes and caused Simon issues with opening his mouth all the way.
"Think you broke him. Shouldn't be so cute." North looked back at Simon, who rolled his eyes in embarrassment. "Please." Simon hadn't finished the sentence, but Markus knew the last words of it: 'I'm shy'. Simon's code to warn someone to stop being nice or lovely to him because he will become a blushing mess. "Didn't you get a drink for me to try?" Markus patted Simon's cheek as he moved away to search through one of the few bags of goodies North had so sneakily paid for. "Oh, right. This is an iced tea I wanted to try. Let me know if it's any good, I've never seen it back at home." Simon placed the heavenly, freezing drink within Markus' hand. He contemplated not opening it and instead using it to cool himself down, but he decided he should probably try it for Simon.
He placed it between his legs to safely open with one hand, then brought it to his lips without so much of a glance at the label. It was tea alright, with a horribly synthetic sweetness to it. He looked at the side of the bottle, frowning at the words 'passion fruit'. "Yeah, it's no good." He raised his eyebrows to the mirror, eyeing Simon through it as he took another sip. He scrunched his face at the aftertaste that settled on his tongue, reaching the bottle back to offer to Simon. "Give it a taste." Simon placed his hands on Markus', his fingerless gloves warm against his skin. "No thanks, actually, I think I'm good." Markus laughed, taking the drink back and holding it to up to his neck. The cold was short lived against his higher-than-average body temperature, but it was nice to enjoy while it lasted. He did sip it periodically, and while he didn't enjoy a single sip of it he wasn't about to let it go to waste. The roads were starting to get a little more crowded, taking most of Markus' attention. His mind wandered as he drove, mostly ignoring the music and the conversations happening around him. "Oh!" He glanced at North, who gave him a look filled with irritation. He was sure she had been speaking, but she pursed her lips to allow him to interrupt. "What happened at the last stop?" "Uhh, we got drinks?" North looked at Markus like he was crazy. "No, I mean--" Markus shifted in his seat, embarrassed that his words weren't clear enough. "With you and the door. It didn't open at first." North huffed, turning in her seat to look out her window. "Nothing happened." Markus looked up in the rearview mirror, meeting eyes with Simon. He leaned forward to speak clearly to Markus. "She was too short to set off the automatic door." North was angry, but because it was Simon, she seemed to bite her tongue. She merely looked out the window, brooding in silence. But Markus chuckled at the situation and made himself the new target, inciting a glare over her hitched shoulder.
"Wouldn't be so funny if it happened to you." Markus thought on this for a moment. "And I'm not sure it will, North." He was tall enough, he thought, for most sensors to catch him. North rolled her eyes at him, groaning at his words. Simon patted Markus' seat, leaning back to talk quietly with Josh. They spoke together for a little bit, Josh saying something that erupted Simon into stifled laughter. North might've thought they were laughing about her, by the look she turned to give them, but she didn't have a chance to ask. "Okay, Josh." Markus raised his eyebrows to his reflection, very serious but also completely joking. "That's not the first time you've done that. Simon never laughs at my jokes like that. I'm going to have to demand your secrets." Josh looked troubled for a second, shrugging his shoulders as he avoided Markus' glancing gaze. "I don't know what to tell you. My jokes are just funny." The audacity. Josh and North were more alike than they even knew. Simon was attacked by another laughing fit, holding his stomach and leaning to the side, resting one palm onto his face. "I will stop this car right now." Markus' words trembled as he held back laughter of his own. He watched as Josh leaned to Simon, begging him quietly to stop laughing, that he was getting him in trouble.
He grinned over at North, who returned the gesture. He allowed them to have their fun in the backseat, ignoring Simon's pleas for help as Josh wouldn't stop making him laugh. It was good for Simon, he thought, to feel so overcome with joy and laughter. Even if he was suffering because of it, maybe it was for the best.
Ch3: The Halfway Oasis
The sun was reaching its peak in the sky, and Markus almost missed the exit for their next stop. Their oasis, halfway to their destination and the last stop for miles, was almost passed without a second thought. He huffed and had to coax other cars to let him into the exit lane upon spotting the sign for the exit. They managed to exit, but Markus was a little frustrated that he had almost stranded them on the highway for god knows how many miles and no gas station. 
“Markus, you okay?” Josh placed his hand on Markus’ seat, leaning to speak closer to him. Markus glanced back at him and nodded, offering a half-hearted smile. “Yeah, yeah, no problem. Just got a little hypnotized by the road.” He didn’t want to worry Josh, nor anyone else. “I need a cold coffee, though.” “And I’m starving.” North chimed in, smiling over at the boys. “It’ll be nice to take a little break from the car.” “How much longer do we have?” Simon’s voice was gentle but he already sounded completely exhausted. Markus pulled into the gas station, opting to park and go in with them for food and drinks. He’d get them gas on the way out. “We should reach the camping area before the evening rush hour.” Satisfied with his answer, the crew piled out of the car and simultaneously stretched. Markus felt a dull pain within his hip, knowing he wasn’t paying attention to how he was sitting. He’d have to work on that for the rest of the drive in an attempt to not wake up with a worse pain tomorrow. “I’ll order for you if you tell me what you want,” North offered, smiling at Simon and holding his hand in hers. Their nail polish, white and black respectively, matched in a charming way. Markus glanced down at his own hands, having forgotten that Simon had painted his nails alongside his own. The unrelenting sun brought out the rainbow sparkles that Markus had so happily asked for, unaware at the time that Simon hadn’t used any on his own. “You sure you’re okay?” Josh placed his hand on Markus’ shoulder, tilting his head down to check on him. Markus paused as he noted Josh’s nails were unpainted, and that it wasn’t very group-orientated of him. He hadn’t got the memo, so he was off the hook this trip. “Markus?” “Yeah, Josh, I’m okay.” Markus shook his head, his completely unserious thoughts had gotten the best of him. “Sorry. Please don’t worry.” Josh wasn’t very good at following instructions, at least not based on the worried look in his eyes. But he moved away, dropping the subject. They followed Simon and North into the store, noting that it was less a store with a fast food joint tacked on and more like an entire complex. The inside was freezing cold; good for Markus but horrible for Simon. The main room contained a sizeable gift shop with various knick-knacks and oddities on one side, with rows of snacks and a wall full of fridges stocked with drinks on the other. Hallways led back further into the building, leading to an area to sit and eat whatever fast food was offered. There was an abundance of choices, with frozen drinks and hot coffees drawing Markus’ eye. They piled into the bathrooms, North for some unknown reason trying to take Simon with her into the ladies’. He refused and she brooded, but they all did their business and met back outside. The three of them chatted for a moment, while Markus looked over the store, weighing his options.
North pulled Simon away to check out the fast food at the back of the building, and Markus made a bee-line for the frozen drink machine. He chose one that was soda flavored, grabbing the biggest cup they offered and filling it up. Josh stood beside him, tilting his head and watching with minor disgust. “You want me to make you one?” Markus said, placing the straw into the cold, icy goodness. “Uh, no thank you. Do you know how much sugar is in that?” Markus tilted the drink in his hand before shrugging, walking with Josh to the counter. “Sorry, you’d have to look it up.” He misinterpreted Josh’s worry for his health as a genuine question, but Josh wasn’t about to correct him. Markus paid, enjoying the frozen treat immediately. He offered it to Josh, who refused a second time, before going to peruse what they had to offer in terms of sandwiches and other, non-fast food options. Josh followed him, but didn’t seem like he was looking for something to eat. “You don’t want fast food?” Markus glanced back at Josh, who looked confused for a moment before explaining. “I asked North to grab something for me.” Markus smiled as he found a sandwich that didn’t look completely horrible. They really were all getting along. “That’s good.” The line must not have been long, as Simon and North returned with bags of fast food in their hands. Markus noted Simon’s hitched shoulders, knowing that he was already too cold. Before he could say anything on the matter, North spoke up. “We’re just gonna grab some drinks and we’ll meet you outside.” She looked at Simon, beaming at him in excitement. Did she not eat out often, or was she just happy in the moment like Markus was?
“Sounds good. There’s some tables out there you guys can eat on.” Markus nodded at SImon, who smiled gently and went to go find a new–hopefully tasty this time–drink to try. Markus looked to Josh and hitched his shoulders, glancing back at Simon and North as they compared bottled drinks and their flavors. “Girls gotta stick together, I guess.” Josh was silent for a moment, then laughed. “That’s exactly what they’re doing. They���re like a little clique.” He chuckled along with Josh, imagining them as two high-school girls gossiping over some boys. “You laugh at my jokes. Simon never does, I think he takes them too seriously.” Markus bumped shoulders with Josh as he walked away, grinning ear-to-ear. He grabbed a few bags of snacks with the intent of saving them for later that night, but who knows what would happen to them between now and then. He held his drink in the crook of his arm as his hands got full, frowning and looking to Josh for help. Josh obliged, becoming the pack mule of Markus’ shopping trip. Markus made sure Josh grabbed a drink of his own while he made a very sweet coffee from the cappuccino machine. He added some extra cream and sugar to it, watching Josh’s judgmental eyes. “It’s how Simon likes it.” Markus mumbled as he stirred it up quickly, applying the lid with his palm. “Still a lot of sugar.” Josh smiled as Markus rolled his eyes at him. “It’s just not good for either of you!” Markus pointed at him as he turned, an empty threat. He led Josh up to the counter, waiting in line to check out. “Hey, Markus?” Markus leaned his shoulder into Josh’ chest, giving him his full attention as he continued to stare at the sparrows pecking the ground outside the front doors. “Hmm?” “I can take over the rest of the drive. Simon knows where we’re going, right? He can keep me on track and you can rest.” Josh had that worried look in his eyes again. Markus glanced up at him, smiling and shaking his head. “Thanks, Josh, I’m okay.” “But I insist.” Josh was persistent, so Markus had to at least consider it. He was silent as they paid, Markus making sure he grabbed Josh’s drink from his hands, as well. He handed Josh a few of the bags, suddenly hit with the memory of North paying for the treats at the last stop. She had done it again by sneaking off with Simon, and he wasn’t going to forget so easily this time. On the way back, he was going to watch her like a hawk. As they left the store and he was hit by the overwhelming heat of the sun, Markus nodded his head at Josh. “Okay.” The word was spoken just barely, a mere whisper. Josh nodded in return, leading Markus to the table with ‘the girls’.
Markus sat, any comfort he had amassed from the cool store immediately drained from his body. He placed Simon’s hot coffee on the table before him, winking as he sipped on his frozen drink. “For the car.” Simon nodded, offering Markus a fry in return. Markus, fumbling with the plastic wrapping on his sandwich, leaned and stole the fry from his hand, biting down and pulling away. He chewed it like a cow might chew a sprig of hay. North stared at him before chuckling, leaning to gossip some more with Simon. About him, if their glances had anything to say about it. They bantered against each other lovingly, Markus stealing any fry left unattended–or given–in his leaning range. When they finished their meals, they stood and took their turns stretching. Markus caught Josh’s eye and tossed him the keys to his van. Josh missed the catch, but Markus was sure he just hadn’t thrown it well. “We need some gas. Pull up to a pump and I’ll pay for it inside.” Josh nodded, giving him a thumbs up in return. Markus watched Simon take his large coffee within both of his hands, looking rather content. They all made it to the car, and Markus was quick to get back inside the cold building. He enjoyed every step towards the frozen drink machine, choosing to refill his now-emptied cup with the same cola flavor. He paid for it and what should have been a tank-full of gas, regretting stepping out into the heat the moment he did. The back of his van was opened, with North digging through things in the back. He walked up next to her, resisting the masculine urge to slap her straight on her ass. That’d be so inappropriate and extremely rude of him, so he gripped the cup in his hand tightly. “What’re we looking for?” North glanced over her shoulder, huffing. “SImon’s coat? I found this, but he said it wasn’t his.” Markus glanced at Simon, who was chatting with Josh as he pumped the gas. Markus looked back at the black-and-white plaid shirt in her hand, tilting his head. “No, that’s mine. I think I packed his coat in that bag, over there.” He pointed, wanting to reach and help her but knowing she probably didn’t want it. Instead, he walked over to speak with Josh and Simon. “Hey, Josh?” He gathered his words, chewing on the bit of straw in his mouth. “Promise me you’ll drive safely. I kinda just go this car, and–” Josh held his hands up to coax Markus to calm down. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll drive safe.” Markus paused, shifting his weight. “Promise?” North brushed past Markus, holding Simon’s leather jacket out to him. “Found it!” Markus frowned, watching as Josh was distracted from his promise. Instead of waiting for it, he took Josh’s words to heart and went to shut the trunk. He opened the back door on the driver side, standing and glaring into his car, fully hating the heat of midday. He watched as Simon walked to the front passenger seat, confused to see him getting into it. He leaned his head into the car, waiting for Simon to get in fully before speaking. “You’re sure?” Simon glanced at him, offering a smile and a nod.
“Yeah. I shouldn’t be too cold.” 
“And your legs?” Simon looked down, reaching under his seat and pushing it back. Markus watched as he left plenty of room for someone smaller, like North, nodding as Simon stretched his legs out. “Okay, okay. You’ve got it all figured out.” Markus hopped into the backseat as North and Josh climbed in, as well, offering his fist for North to bump. She stared at him like he was crazy until he lowered his hand, sighing at being neglected. North took her phone out as Josh started the car, and Markus watched as Josh took his own phone out and connected it to the radio. “Excuse me?” North leaned forward, trying to coax Josh to look her in the eye, to intimidate him, perhaps. “Sorry, North.” There was no hint of apology in Josh’s voice. “My turn, now.” North turned to Markus quickly. “You’re just going to let him?” Markus shrugged, attempting to hide his smile by leaning his forehead on the window. “I couldn’t stop you.” North groaned, leaning back in her seat, defeated. Markus caught a chuckle from Simon and leaned back in his seat, focusing on nothing as he closed his eyes. He felt the cold cup leave his hand, picked up by someone and put somewhere safer. He felt it but didn’t register it, crossing his arms and getting more comfortable in his seat. Markus drifted off to sleep, vaguely aware of the whispered voices around him and the gentle rocking of the car. 
Ch4: An Unplanned Attraction
Markus was stirred by the way the car was slowing down, as if they were turning onto an exit. He was fearful at first, his mind immediately running to the thought of them being pulled over, but calmed his quickened breaths as quick as they started. Josh had gotten them to their destination, and Markus knew he owed him big time. He felt rested and rejuvenated thanks to him. 
“I am so ready to get out of this car.” Markus stretched as he spoke, afterwards moving his hand to wipe the sweat from his brow. Simon looked back at him and nodded with a smile. The next few minutes, as Josh pulled the car off of the main road and towards the campsite, went by in silent agony. Markus was the first out of the car this time, mimicking North during their first stop and jumping out before it was even fully stopped. He waited a moment, stretching his legs and looking around. The sun was still in the sky, but it wouldn’t be for long. 
He started the long process of unpacking and getting the tent set up. Josh attempted to help, but Markus asked if he could focus on getting a fire started, instead. Josh did as he was told, leaving Markus alone to fiddle with the complexities of a new tent and its instructions. Simon and North watched him from a lone, wooden picnic table, egging him on and cheering as Josh built their little firepit in an area that seemed frequently used for one. Building the tent only made him sweat more, but the air was cooling as the sun drifted closer and closer to the horizon. Josh retrieved the sleeping bags for him as the tent stood tall, taking control of spreading them out within the tent as Markus took a breather. Simon held out a drink for him, coaxing him to come sit by them. “There’s something going on tonight.” Simon seemed proud of himself, like a cat showing off a trophy mouse. “Oh yeah?” Markus sat next to them, opening the cool, bottled coffee and taking a big swig of it. The caffeine would do him well. “I’ll bite. What’s going on? Besides us camping, of course.” Simon leaned closer to Markus, showing him his phone. Markus bumped their shoulders, squinting at the news article Simon wanted him to read. They were in a prime location for an abnormal showing of the Northern Lights. He looked from the phone to Simon, pointing to the screen as Simon nodded. “This is real?” “Yep, seems like it.” Josh came over to join them, leaning to look over Markus at Simon’s phone. “Wow.” He said nothing more, but Markus fully understood. Something off-the-wall was happening, and they just so happened to take their trip to be able to experience it together. Markus leaned back, taking a deep breath and looking up at the fading sunlight in the sky. The stars were already starting to peak out through the last of the sun’s rays, a bunch of pinholes that shimmered in curious ways. Markus had looked up to control his emotions from getting the better of him but he was now focused in on the stars, the tears of happiness that had invaded his eyes calming on their own with this overhead distraction. 
They all sat in silence, watching the night sky shimmer forth. They were far from any pollution of light, so the stars shone brighter than any one of them was used to. The fire flickered close by, casting light over their little camp. Shadows of blades of grass danced in the warm light, the wind calm but ever-present.  There was a better way to enjoy this, Markus thought. He stood without warning, opening the trunk of his van and hopping in. He found one of the bags of extra blankets he had packed, pulling one out. It was fluffy and soft, perfect for Simon. With just the one in his hand he backed out of the car, smiling over at his group. “Let’s sit! Better for our necks.” He went over to a nice spot of grass, placing the blanket down for Simon. Simon came over with North, nodding at Markus in thanks before sitting down. North sat next to him, then Josh next to her. 
“No blankets for us?” North looked up at Markus, teasing him over his attention to Simon. Markus gestured towards his van, the back left open. “You’re able-bodied.” He smiled as he said it, holding no ill intent towards his gym buddy. She huffed, laying back in the grass before turning her head to Simon and smiling at him. Markus sat in between Josh and Simon, completing their circle. They gazed up at the stars with one another. Simon and Josh, true to their profession, shared a lot of information regarding star composition and color, along with pointing out visible constellations. North kept talking about their colors, about the aesthetics of the constellations. She was really giving Markus the impression that she was an artist, at least in her free time. Maybe a photographer, by the way she framed the sky with her fingers. Now wasn’t the time to bother her about her profession, especially since she seemed to be giving off plenty of hints, so Markus kept his mouth shut even while his curiosity was eating away at him. 
North gasped and pointed towards the horizon. “Wait–what’s that?” The sky shimmered, calm waves of green washing into the dark navy blue. “Looks like it’s starting.” Simon’s voice could hardly hold his excitement. They all sat up, as their current positions didn’t facilitate a good view of the horizon. They sat for a moment, North leaning her head on Simon’s shoulder. Markus smiled, bumping his shoulder into Josh’s chest to make him look. “Maybe we should give them some space.” Josh glanced at Markus, nodding but looking very reluctant in agreeing. Markus stood, helping Josh up and looking around. Sure, they could go sit back on the splintering wood of the picnic table, but where was the romance in that? He ushered Josh to follow him to the car, hopping in the back to retrieve another blanket. He made sure to shut the back of his van this time, in an attempt to not obscure the night sky.
Markus handed the blanket off to Josh and opened one of the back doors. He stepped up into the car before turning around and hoisting himself up onto the roof. He pushed himself out of Josh's way, reaching to take the blanket from him. Josh hoisted himself up, following Markus’ example.  The view was beautiful from the top of the car. Streaks of green turned to purple, shifting and changing like some foam on a wave. Markus pulled the blanket over their shoulders, feeling comfortable without it but enjoying the notion of a shared blanket in an already romantic atmosphere. Markus’ eyes wandered to North and Simon, watching North shift closer and lean into him more. They were talking gently to one another; Markus strained his ears but couldn’t catch their words. Simon looked at her, and she leaned in and gave him a kiss. Markus chuckled under his breath, unable to keep the smile from his lips. He leaned into Josh, closing his eyes to focus on the bubbling emotions rising from his chest. He took a deep breath to steady himself, before opening his eyes and looking back to the two he loved, further leaning into the third. He watched their chaste kisses, the red of Simon’s ears not from the natural lightshow overhead. It came to his attention, in this moment, that his first kisses with both North and Simon had taken him off-guard. They were nice kisses, but in the end they weren’t dramatic nor romantic. He looked up at Josh, tilting his head back into him. He had a chance to make his first kiss with Josh exceptionally special. “Hey.” The words were barely spoken, but they prompted Josh to tilt his head down to look at him. Markus reached up, pressing the crook of his arm into the back of Josh’s neck, pulling him down to kiss him. The butterflies in his stomach left through his lips with a gentle sigh as Josh moved away. Markus gripped him with his arm before putting it back down, allowing Josh the chance to move away. But Josh leaned again, pressing his lips against Markus so kindly, so gently. Markus kissed him a few times, before pressing on his chest playfully. “Josh, careful.” “Sorry.” Josh moved away, clearing his throat gently and tilting his head up to watch the billowing ribbons of color that lit the night sky. Markus looked up with him and watched the colors, feeling happier than he ever thought he could. He was content with his new life, surrounded by the three his heart called out to so loudly.
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yourpalmickeymouse · 4 months
Hey, again Mickey! I looked at your response and I get what you are saying but doesn't explain why it took hours for them to get a criminal off my chimney... Anyway on to my question, I've been seeing the blot the news lately and the thing that caught my attention is that the plans that he makes are so... impossible to solve! How are you able to solve them, are you on the same IQ length, are you two related like he is your secret father and you are his abandoned son in some way but don't know it yet because your family never told you, or are you a wizard, or making stuff with the police for publicity... Thank you and please tell the chief about his police members to STOP GIVING ME TICKETS I've been driving the speed limit omg...
Hiya Asritca,
I'm sorry that happened. I would like to think the Mouseton police were probably tryin' their best. But I guess they aren't as effective as they could be. I'll try to talk to Chief O'Hara about this. I'll also talk to him 'bout the tickets.
As for your question...
I honestly have no idea.
I mean when I heard about how He has puzzled law enforcement and government agencies all over the world for so long, I was unsure what would be able to stop him. But yet somehow I did. I honestly have a hard time believin' it. It doesn't feel real.
I dunno if it's anything related to IQ. I mean I guess I've been told that I'm pretty smart. But I dunno if I'm that smart. I did pretty well in school, but I wasn't the valedictorian or anything. I also don't think we're related. My dad is currently in Florida with my mom... Unless if there is something about myself that I don't know about, I doubt that's the case. I think they would've told me something as important as that. Also I'm also not a Wizard and I haven't faked any crimes with the police. I would NEVER do that.
Hm... I guess Minnie has told me that I have a hard time lettin' things go. Sometimes she calls it "Dedication", but she usually calls it "Stubbornness", ha ha. But that might be part of it? I guess? But that doesn't seem right. Now that I think 'bout it, I do feel like when I solve his puzzles or figure out his plans... Well... it kinda feels like they were made just for me. If that makes sense.
I know that sounds real weird. But I guess it does feel like the Phantom Blot and I are on the same wavelength at times. Like he is playin' a song, only I could hear. Like we are speaking a language that only we can understand. Like we are playing a game that only we know the rules to. A game that I can't resist.
I always thought it was silly when books, or shows, or comics or whatever would try to have the hero and their villain have this bond that kinda made 'em obsessed with each other... But I think I get it now... He does kinda feels like the Moriarty to my Sherlock. (Metaphorically speaking, I'm in no way Sherlock). I definitely feel drawn to him in a way I haven't felt before. Like he is my main archenemy and I need to be the one to take him down.
It's definitely a big and terrifying responsibility, but I was raised to step up whenever duty calls.
You can count on me to do everything I can to put him away for good. No matter what it takes.
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lady-ashfade · 22 days
To be fair to that anon with a great request idea.
They probably sent it to a few as not all write the requests. Which is fair. You guys are the writers you guys get to chose what the hell you want to write.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with sending it to a few so long as you can link it to the request. That then shows how you were sent it if another writes their own idea for it too.
Plus being able to compare and see how different or how each writer might have been on the same wavelength for ideas is cool.
The only ones in the wrong are the muppets who think it is okay to send threats to people. They are the pricks. Not you, the writers or the anon, the person who wants an idea wrote out by multiple awesome writers.
You are valid in what you said but at the same time don’t take it out on request blogs/anons who just want to see their fave writers write what they thought of and see it brought to life by your awesome writing. Plus like I said above some ignore requests and some just don’t want to write that request which is fine. But that is why they send it to more than one.
I don’t mean to be a bad person here. Or a prick. I am going to be a prick to the jackarses though who think sending threats is something that should be done. You lot can feck write off. Let people enjoy writing what they want, let writers write a request that was sent to many and see how different but wonderful they could all be.
Anyway I am sorry this is so long. I hope it makes sense. You and anon = good, pricks who send threats which is why you wrote what you did = shitheads.
I hope you have a nice day and I look forward to reading more of your awesome fics. (I do hope one day you may decide to write what the anon wrote as it sounds like a wicked idea and with your amazing writing it would be so so so damn good, again it’s up to you. I understand if you don’t want to).
Have a good Sunday 😁
No I get where you’re coming from for sure. I hope one day we can all do the same requests.
But if I had wrote the request and didn’t see that someone else with a bigger platform did it- I’d most likely getting threats.
This is not mine, but a lovely person @starless-nightz
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I am really upset that people do this is, which is why I put it in my rules. Which someone should always read. I was completely upset. I am valid in my feelings because I know first hand what things like this can do.
Link here for the post of someone doing something similar to someone else.
The problem with sending it to a few writers, it doesn’t go over well. If I didn’t see my FRIEND make it then who knows if someone else got it and they got hate, or me, or someone else.
And I already have a idea similar to that. But I will never write that request to show peoples that it’s completely wrong. I’m not mad at you lovely Anon! But theses things can’t be easily fixed. People need to learn. Also I’m not okay with writing what someone else has done for this reason. That’s a big no no in this community and I, and others feel strongly.
Anon might not have meant harm. But they could cause harm. And it’s in my rules-
Anyone sorry if I came off as a asshole but this really needs to be said. I’m so tired of seeing people get hate. It makes me really upset. But you’re lovely, and I also hope to do what you said in the future and get your point of view and wish- that we all can do asks. I just find it disrespectful.
Also if they weren’t Anon i would have messaged them privately instead of what I made.
I’m sorry to the person who sent that request, but it’s not something to do when many others with the same rules for requesting get ignored. I’m happy to talk to them privately and explain. But I will never, and I mean never be afraid to speak my mind.
Sorry if I seem like a asshole again, this message has made me cry and feel overwhelmed.
Edit: I am over having a panic attack- anon I love you and you’re really nice. I will try and be a better person
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dalchiid · 1 year
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 38
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 6,970
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 38 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession, Mutual Masturbation, Squirting, Handjob, Biting, Blood
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A few days pass with you learning more about Taehyung. He has you listen to his favorite genres of music and you listen attentively. He doesn't show it but he likes the way you're open to checking out other people's interests. You manage to play a few games with him as well. You didn't actually want to but he managed to rope you in and had you playing with both him and Jungkook.
Despite almost always seeing them together, Jimin hasn't been around. Not even for the meals you share. You asked Taehyung where his other brother has been and he told you he's been staying at a "friend's" house. He quoted the word friend's with his fingers. You don't know what that means but he told you not to worry about it so you try your best not to. At least he hasn't been around. You can relax for once.
Hoseok has been extremely gleeful over the fact that you and Taehyung have been bonding. He loves the idea of you and his brothers getting along well. He obviously doesn't know that you and Namjoon have been getting along too well but that's a secret you'll die with.
If there's one thing that's been bumming you out it's that Taehyung has been cutting into your time with Namjoon. The vampire has been sniffing you out. Whenever Hoseok is busy he comes and takes you. If you're with Namjoon he'll join you two. Your crush in annoyance once asked his brother if he had anything better to do. That didn't he have work that should be taken care of. Taehyung with a smile told him he can put it off for the time being but he's been putting it off for a while now.
Today though Seokjin had to intervene. Taehyung has been slacking off. Apparently there was some business that needed taking care of but ever since the two of you started hanging out he hasn't been doing what needed to be done. You don't know what that's about. It's not like you guys are best friends or anything. You actually feel kind of bad over the fact that he stopped working because of you.
Seokjin said not to worry about it as Taehyung went to go handle whatever business it was that needed handling. It leaves you alone with Namjoon again and as if the two of you were on the same wavelength you both sigh in relief. It makes the two of you laugh in the library before Namjoon chooses to speak.
"I love my brother - don't get me wrong. I just would like some alone time with you."
Your cheeks warm as you smile. "Well we're alone. Finally."
Namjoon looks down at the closed book on the table. He hardly had a chance to read it because of Taehyung but now that he's gone he doesn't know what to do with it.
Your brow furrows at the thought of his brother. You don't know why he's been so attached to the hip to you. You still don't believe it's because he likes you and so you ask Namjoon about it.
"Why do you think Taehyung has been hanging out with me so much?"
The vampire before you hums as he looks at you.
"My guess I would say he's keeping an eye on you. I mean it could easily be that he's warming up to you but don't let your guard down around him."
His words make you frown and he notices.
"I'm sorry. I wish I could say you can trust him but Taehyung is unpredictable."
"It's okay." You shake your head. "I'd rather you be up front with me."
Namjoon gives you a sorry smile before reaching his hand out towards you on the table. You grab it and he tightens his hand over yours in a comforting manner.
"How are you by the way? We haven't really had the chance to talk more because of my brother."
Your brows raise slightly. "What do you want to know?"
"How are things with Hoseok."
You purse your lips and shrug. "He's been... manageable. He hasn't been worrying over me as much. I think it's because of Taehyung."
"And me."
Namjoon lets go of your hand to lean back. "I think he feels comforted with the fact that there's more than one of us watching over you."
"Oh," you mumble.
"Yeah. Also, Jimin hasn't been home so that's a plus for him."
You nod your head.
Even you have been comforted with the fact that Jimin hasn't been home but you know he'll come around sooner or later. It's his house after all.
Resting his elbow on the table Namjoon leans his head onto his fist. "You know," he starts. "We haven't had alone time in a while."
You smile. "True."
Namjoon chuckles. "I mean a different type of alone time."
Your eyes widen a bit before your cheeks and ears grow warm. "Yeah?"
He nods his head with a hum. "Do you want to rectify that?"
The edges of your lips curl up into a barely contained smile. "You mean that?"
"Of course," he says before standing. "Come with me."
Without question you stand as well.
Your initial instict is to hold his hand when he presents it but then you realize it's there for him to place on your lower back you retract your hand and keep it by your side. He doesn't say anything about it but you know he knows what you wanted to do. Still you stay quiet about it to avoid further embarrassment.
"Where are we going," you ask.
Namjoon continues to lead you down the hall until you reach the foot of the stairs.
"My room," he says.
Your heart rate accelerates a little and he takes note of it because he chuckles.
You're quick to look around you and spy servants to and fro. They say nothing as you pass them by. If anything they keep their eyes to themselves, but that doesn't mean they won't talk about this behind closed doors. It makes you feel the slightest bit antsy. Though Namjoon makes you feel comforted with his presence. Being next to him helps just the slightest bit as you reach his bedroom door.
He gives you one look before he opens his door and lets you into his room. The first thing you're hit with is his soft scent. The next is how clean everything looks despite the array of books and plants he has lying around. His blankets are a combination of deep and sky blues and his curtains that are spread open are also made up of dark blue. His furniture, like in his study, is made of wood. They provide a nice touch as well as the few pieces of art he has on his walls. His room is slightly smaller than Yoongi's and just a tad bigger than Hoseok's. It looks lived in and the sight of it all makes you smile.
Namjoon closes the door behind you and invites you to sit on his bed with a pat of his hand.
"It's not much," he says. "But it's my room."
"It's nice. I like it."
For some reason that brings a blush to his dimpled cheeks that you find endearing.
He comes to sit down next to you and laces his fingers with yours before bringing your hand to his lips.
"We have privacy now."
You smile. "We do."
"That means I can kiss you, right?"
Biting your lip you lean into him. "You don't even have to ask."
He hums. "It means I can do whatever I want to you, yeah?"
"Whatever you want. You can have me."
Before you can finish speaking you're cut off by Namjoon's lips. He kisses you with a fierceness you can barely keep up with as his arms go to wrap around your middle. He lifts you up to pull you higher onto the bed where you rest your back upon it with your head on the pillows. You moan into his mouth as your tongues meet and pleasure consumes you whole. He situates himself between your legs that wrap around him tightly. Your arms cling onto him and keep him close as he completely ravishes you.
When he goes to bite your bottom lip his fang nicks you and draws from you the tiniest bit of blood. His tongue laves over the wound where he groans at the taste. Your lips tingle from the way he heals you with his saliva and you wish you could have him bite you. Actually bite you so he can feed but you know you're asking for too much. Your desires cloud your mind though especially when his hips begin to rock into your core.
You moan laciviously and slip your hands down to cup his ass and force him to hump into you faster and harder.
"Fuck Y/N." He grits his teeth in pleasure.
In your high state you just moan louder to the point that he has to silence you with his mouth. It doesn't stop the whimpers that come from deep within your chest.
When you pull back for air you gasp. "Namjoon I need you."
He pries your legs off to keep you spread open for him.
"I know, princess. I know."
It's not enough though. You want him in a way you know you can't have and it brings a tear to your eye.
"I need you so bad," you cry.
He grunts as he goes to tug on your pants.
"Take this off. Now."
Without hesitation you unbutton your bottoms and pull them down along with your underwear. You know he's hit with the smell of your arousal because he groans. He's quick to help you tug your pants and underwear down past your thighs and from there he has access to do with you what he wants.
His fingers find your center where he runs through your lips. He gives a choked out moan at the feel of you.
"You're so wet, princess. Is this all for me?"
Through your hazy mind you think you nod. Without being entirely sure you speak the words "All for you" out loud.
In a quick snap of his hand two of his fingers slip in and start a powerful pace inside of you. You gasp and whine at the feel of him filling you up as you wish it were something else inside of you. You wish you could feel his hard cock and in a quick attempt to relieve him your hand slips down to cup him.
His hips jolt at your touch. His fingers freeze for a moment and he goes to calm you as you whine by kissing you deeply again. Anything to keep you tethered to him.
Slowly his fingers begin to slip in and out of you before they start that punishing pace again. You cry into his mouth until you can't anymore. Until all that's left of you is a wound up body that gasps over and over again.
Tears flood your eyes and they pool down past your hairline as your walls begin to flutter around Namjoon's fingers.
"I'm close," you say. "So close!"
Namjoon grunts as your hand squeezes his cock through his clothes. When your eyes open to meet his own you see the way the brown of his irises are changing into blue. He's slowly reaching his frenzy and though you should be worried about it all it does is make you clench around him as you finally come undone.
The hand that isn't cupping him nearly tears into his shirt as you cling onto him tightly. A cry comes from deep within you as Namjoon helps you ride both your high and your orgasm out.
You feel total and utter bliss. Like you're on top of the world. A feeling of pure euphoria that you don't want to come down from. At some point though you whine in discomfort the more his fingers pump into you due to sensitivity. He keeps going and it feels like you're close to squirting and despite how absolutely for it you are you know you'd only make a mess and it's already bad enough you came messily for him once.
"Ah, Namjoon." You push down on his wrist. "Can't keep going."
Something akin to a growl forms in his chest. "Yes you can."
Tears prick your eyes at the overwhelming feeling between your legs.
"No I can't!"
"Don't deny me this."
You cry out loud when his palm brushes against your clit. "Please!"
"I can't fuck you. At least let me have this."
A high pitched whine escapes you the moment it hits. Your second orgasm though more tamed and out squirts a bit of your arousal. Your body trembles from the feeling that encompasses you. It feels almost too much and with a strength you didn't realize you had you force his hand out of you. He lets you push him away as you whimper from the over stimulation that still pulses through you. Kissing the stray tears that leave you he helps you slowly come down from your high so you can relax into the bed.
"Shh," he shushes you gently. "It's okay. You did good for me. You did so good."
Your legs try to press together but you cringe at the wet feeling between them.
"I made a mess," you whimper.
"That's okay. We'll get you cleaned up."
Your eyes that you hadn't realized had been closed slowly opens to stare into Namjoon's eyes. He smiles down at you and it brings you to smile back.
"We're going to need to shower."
You nod your head. He's right. After the mess you made there's no doubt about that.
You weren't expecting the two of you to go this far. It's a bit shocking to you but you don't regret it. Not at all. If anything you wish you could have taken it a step further with him but you know you can't. Not with Hoseok around.
Namjoon sits up on his knees as he looks down at you. You're starting to feel a little shy and it shows. You reach for your underwear and pants and go to tug them upwards to try and cover yourself. It makes Namjoon chuckle but he helps you in making you look more decent.
You go to sit up on your knees like him and do your best to avoid the wet spot you left behind when you squirted.
"Sorry," you say.
He would ask what for if it weren't because you were staring at the mess you made.
"Don't be." He leans in to kiss you. "If anything I love it. It's fucking sexy."
Your cheeks warm as you go to bite your bottom lip. He's never talked to you in such a crude way before but you find that you like it. You find you like a lot of things about Namjoon. Even the way his eyes still shine blue due to his oncoming frenzy.
About that...
Your eyes draw down to his crotch where his bulge remains prominent. He's in need of relief and the idea of it just makes you bite your lip even harder.
"Something caught your attention?" Namjoon questions.
You know he knows why you're staring and it makes you blush harder.
"You need help." You offer lamely.
Namjoon cups his hard on before adjusting himself with a sigh. "I'll be fine."
Raising a brow his way your expression turns mischievous.
"I can help you with that."
He grins in response. "I bet you can but I think it's best you don't."
"Why not?" Your frown is evident on your face.
Namjoon gives you a pained smile. "Let's not start something we can't finish, princess."
"I don't understand."
You look utterly confused and it takes all of Namjoon not to coo at you due to your facial expression.
"What I mean is that if you go out of your way to help me I can't promise that I won't want more from you."
A pout forms on your lips after he speaks.
You get where he's coming from but you're also a little frustrated. He says things like this and expects you to listen to him but all you know and want is to reciprocate his feelings. To help make him feel good. To feel wanted. There's only so much you can do but when he makes you feel as good as he did - as he does - how can you not find the desire to return the favor?
You voice this out loud and it makes his expression change. Eyes wide by the slightest bit as a heat runs beneath his skin that flushes his complexion. Full lips parted in surprise. He looks so adorable like this even though the topic of conversation goes beyond the words adorable and cute.
Namjoon seems to get an idea of where you're coming from and you see his resolve beginning to crack. Even more so when you crawl over to him and rest your hands onto his knees.
"Let me make you feel good." Your words are barely above a whisper but he hears you all the same.
He brings a hand up to cup the side of your face. His thumb reaches out to press against your lips that kisses the digit where he sighs at the contact.
"You really want this, huh?"
His question goes verbally unanswered but the way your lips part to take in his thumb to lightly suck on it is a good enough response for him.
"Fine," he says. "You can have me."
You know that doesn't mean you can have all of him but enough where you can make him feel just as good as he made you feel.
With somewhat hesitant hands you reach for the button of his jeans. Despite all the things you and Hoseok have done this is the first time you take things into your own hands. Hoseok is usually the one who takes action and you follow along blindly due to the high. Now it's you making the move and it's not with your captor but with his brother. You know how wrong this is but you don't seem to care because all you want right now is to make the man before you feel as good as he made you feel. It's risky what with the only bit of privacy you have is behind a closed door that isn't even locked. And to know you'll have to wash up after this to avoid detection.
What will you tell Hoseok? Maybe you'll say you had to shower because you sweated after being out in the Summer heat. Yeah you think. That's what you will say.
Namjoon makes no move to help you as you slowly free his hardened cock from its confines. You swallow deeply when his weeping manhood slips free from his underwear when you pull both his undergarments and jeans down to his mid thighs. He's thick and long and just the slightest bit darker than the rest of his skin tone. The tip is an angry red and it throbs when you grab it with your one hand. He sighs at the contact before leaning back on his hands.
"Whenever you're ready, princess."
You tug on him tentatively as you look up at him.
"Do you want me to use my hand or my mouth?"
His hand wraps around your own and squeezes so that you hold him more tightly.
"Whatever you want. I'm fine with anything."
With the new pressure you're applying to him he groans.
"Just whatever you do don't stop."
The pleasurable sounds he does encourages you to continue.
You're not confident in giving him a blowjob so you stick with your hand. You pump him up and down slowly with a tight grip that forces him to buck his hips.
"You can go faster," he says.
His brow raises in question. "What for?"
You continue touching him but with a slightly faster pace.
"I've never done this before so I'm not any good with this stuff."
Namjoon's head tilts as he looks at you.
"You've never done any of this with Hoseok?"
You shake your head no.
At this Namjoon's hand comes to still you from pleasuring him.
"So wait. Am I your fist when it comes to this stuff?"
You suddenly feel embarrassed and look down at your lap. You can't even begin to think of answering him. Is that a turn off for him? Knowing you can't even pleasure him right? Your lips purse as you try to pull back but Namjoon reaches out for you to keep you in place.
"I didn't mean to make you feel bad if that's the case. I'm just a little surprised that my brother wouldn't have taught you how to pleasure him."
You shrug. "He's mostly interested in doing things to me than the other way around."
Namjoon hums. "That's fine then."
You look up at him confused. "What's fine?"
His lips split into a mischievous smile. "That I'm your first when it comes to pleasuring other people. I'll teach you." He grabs your hand and wraps it around his cock again. "First things first, tighten your grasp."
When you do he hisses and you're quick to release him in panic.
"Did I hurt you?"
He chuckles a little and encourages you to squeeze hard again.
"No I like it like that. Everyone is different but I prefer it that way. Don't be afraid to ask though what the person's preference is." He begins to move your hand over him in small quick movements where your hand twists on every upstroke. "It helps to moisten it too. Some like it dry. Others when it's messy and wet."
Messy and wet, you think. All you can think of is your spit so without hesitation you lean over him and let your saliva dribble out of your mouth in one fat wad. It lands on his tip and you watch as it slides down his cock and mixes between your fingers until he's lathered up.
He gives a choked moan at the sight. "Just like that. Keep going."
He releases his hold on your hand and lets you take complete control over the situation. Your hand continues to pump him as he goes to grip the sheets instead.
He feels so heavy in your hand. So thick and hard. You can't help but compare him to Hoseok. Both brothers are well endowed but Namjoon's a bit thicker. If Hoseok has to stretch you out before he can fuck you you know Namjoon has to as well. Not like that's what you're about to do but you'd like to think that you are. The thought of it makes arousal pool from deep inside you. You know he can smell you because he moans from the mix of that and the pleasure you're providing him. His eyes are screwed shut from it all and he gives a gasp on one particular hard upstroke.
"Don't stop. I think I'm going to come."
"Yeah," you ask.
He opens his eyes and you see the way the blue starts to take over. It makes you pause in your movements to which Namjoon bares his clenched teeth.
"Why did you stop? Keep going."
Your heart begins to race. You didn't think this through. The man is close to having a frenzy and you know he'll need to feed.
"Your frenzy," you say. "You'll need to bite me."
He shakes his head no vehemently. "I'll be fine." He bucks his hips. "Just let me fuck your hand."
You loosen your hold on him as you frown. It makes him growl before he grips your hand with his own to tighten it again.
"I'll be fine, Y/N. Trust me," he grunts as he begins to buck into your hand in a fast and hard pace. "Don't stop please. I'm going to come."
He slowly releases your hand to which you maintain the grip on him. He squeezes his eyes shut as his mouth hangs open. Through it all it doesn't change the fact that you're worried. How is he going to deal with his frenzy? You have no problem with him biting you but how can you hide that from Hoseok? You can assume that his saliva will heal you just as fast as his brother's but you're not entirely sure about that.
His condition starts to worry you as he clenches his teeth and his jaw flexes. He's so close and you have nothing to give him. You can't imagine the pain he must be in. It's overshadowed by the pleasure he's feeling no doubt but it's not enough. You have to give him your blood. You just have to.
His legs spread further apart as his fingers grip his covers even tighter. A deep moan escapes him and it's without a second thought do you present your arm by placing it against his lips and squeeze him tight with the hand that's pleasuring him.
"Bite me. Don't hesitate. Just do it."
A relieved groan leaves him and as if those were the words he was waiting to hear Namjoon comes undone. You watch as ropes of his cum shoots out and covers both your hand and his shirt. It's messy as it paints everything in white. His gasps are sharp as his hips stutter over and over. He's overwhelmed with an infinite amount of pleasure and without thinking his teeth clench around your forearm where he breaks the skin and drinks from you.
You wince from the pain but you wouldn't have it any other way. You needed to do this for him.
When he takes in your blood he pants against you. From being enraptured by your body without even having to have sex to the taste of you, Namjoon is filled with ecstasy. Almost similar to when you reach your high.
When he's done he pulls back to lick your wound where you feel your skin tingle as his saliva works to heal you. You bring your arm down to your side and worry starts to prick your mind and skin. You hope the bite will heal fast. It has to. No matter what.
Namjoon slowly opens his eyes and takes in his surroundings before he looks at you. A smile graces his lips that you can't help but to mirror one back to him. He moves his hips and looks down at the mess he made before huffing a laugh.
"Fuck," he says. "I came a lot."
You pull your hand back and stare at your messy hand. His cum coats your fingers entirely and you sit awkwardly unsure of what to do with it.
He lightly grabs your wrist and grabs the untainted part of his shirt so he can wipe your hand clean. The shirt has to go into the hamper anyway so it doesn't bother him that he's dirtiering it further.
"We need to clean up," he says. "Before Hoseok comes looking for you."
Your heart beat accelerates at the mention of his brother.
Parting your lips to speak - there's a small tremble in your voice. "The bite. It'll heal fast, right?"
Namjoon gives you a look that's worry free. "Yeah. You don't have to worry about that."
Breathing a sigh of relief you look down at it. The wound stares back at you but you'll trust in Namjoon. You have to.
Namjoon pulls back so he can remove his shirt and reveals his body to you. He's fit and the sight of him makes you blush despite the fact that you've already seen his cock that begins to soften.
"We should hurry and wash up."
His words bring you out of your thoughts. He goes to stand up and you follow him right after.
He's right. Now wasn't the time to just sit around. You're on a time limit. Hoseok can come looking for you at any moment. You needed to hurry and leave the room to go shower.
"The bite should be healed by the time you're done showering. I promise you that," he says.
"Okay," you whisper.
Your meek attitude catches his attention and he looks at you in worry.
"Hey." He comes around the bed to pull you close to him. "Do you - are you okay?"
You nod your head.
"You don't regret this, right?"
Quickly you shake your head no. "No! No of course not. I'm just worried."
His thumbs come to caress your cheeks as he cups your face.
"Things will be okay. We just need to shower and get dressed quick. Treat this like it never happened. Okay?"
You nod your head. "Okay."
He smiles before releasing you.
"Go quick. I'll see you afterwards."
You nod your head again and head out of the room to leave him alone.
When you slip out you're quick to look around you. No one is in the halls as you power walk to Hoseok's bedroom. Your heart is going a mile a minute but you try your best to remain calm. You can't lose your cool now. Once you're in the room you begin to strip your shoes and clothes. You know you must smell like Namjoon but that's not your worry. It's the smell of your arousal that you're worried about. It's the smell of Namjoon's saliva. Your arm itches and you know it's due to the fact that the wound is healing. Namjoon said it'll be healed by the time that you're done washing up. It makes you wonder how strong his saliva must be. The vampires of Bangtan are something else...
You're stripped out of your clothes in record time and you take the chance to brush your teeth in the shower. Everything you do is fast, fast, fast but they're not half assed. You have to be good at what you do to make sure Hoseok isn't suspicious of you. By the time you're done you're shocked to see that Namjoon was right. The bite mark is healed and it's astonishing to see. You can't help but marvel at your skin.
You're wasting time though because while you're standing in the middle of the bathroom with a towel around your form your phone starts to ring. It makes you jump and freeze in your spot.
Who could it be? It's not like you have a variety of people you talk to. It had to be Hoseok or one of the brothers.
You snatch it off of the counter and check the caller ID to see it's Hoseok. Your heart beats against your chest hard. Of course it's him.
You will yourself to calm down before picking up. It doesn't stop the way your voice trembles a little when you answer.
"Hey baby. Where are you?"
He doesn't sound the least bit worried about your whereabouts. Clearly he's confident that Namjoon wouldn't take you off somewhere Hoseok wouldn't want you to be.
"Oh," you start off. "I'm in the bedroom."
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah I just needed to shower." Awkward pause.
What if he asks you why you had to shower? Think Y/N think. Say something quick!
"We were outside for a bit and I sweated so I needed to wash up."
He gives a surprised "Oh" before humming. "I wanted to give you something so I guess I'll head upstairs then."
"Okay." Your voice still trembles but you hope he doesn't notice.
He's quick to hang up and you take that chance to do your skin care routine and get dressed. You're trying not to sweat from nerves. Pacing back and forth in the bedroom after you're done - you're sure if it were possible you would form a dent into the floor with how much pacing you do. Your hands clasp together as you worry them between each other.
Another thing you note is that Namjoon hasn't texted you. He did say to pretend like what you guys did never happened. He's right but you're also a little bummed out. It's only natural. Now you're left to face Hoseok alone who when he enters the room without you noticing startles you when he speaks.
"Are you okay?"
He doesn't sound accusatory towards you he just sounds concerned. Actually concerned. You still jump in surprise and whatever words that were in your mind disappear at the sight of your captor.
"Y/N?" He tries again.
Like a generator trying to start you stutter. "Oh uh - um yeah. Y-Yeah. Yeah I'm okay."
Hoseok's eyes grow into slits as he takes you in.
"Don't stare at me like that." You pout. "I'm fine I just - I'm really anxious and I don't know why."
He continues to stare at you in question but he doesn't say anything else. You don't think you can handle anymore of his eyes plastered upon you so you look away with a nervous hum. You steeple your fingers and bring them to your lips where you tap your bottom one a few times. This seems to catch more of Hoseok's attention because he slowly begins to creep up on you until the two of you are facing each other head on.
His hands come up to rest on your arms where he squeezes them lightly.
"Do you want to talk about it," he asks but you shake your head no.
"There isn't anything to talk about I'm just feeling out of it. It happens sometimes."
You never did think you could sound so persuasive but you do and it's enough to seemingly convince Hoseok.
He hums and purses his lips. "If you say so."
There's a small pause but you nod his way.
Hoseok releases you before looking down at the small box in his hand. You didn't notice it before as you were too caught up in your nerves.
You point your finger towards it. "What's that?"
His expression brightens up until he's smiling. "It's what I wanted to give you."
Your brow raises in question but you say nothing.
It's a small blue box that fits in the palm of his hand. You figure it must be housing some sort of jewelry and the image of what it might be makes it hard to swallow. You don't think it's a ring. No, it couldn't be. He wouldn't do that would he? Your tongue feels like it's swelling and it makes it hard to talk.
Hoseok wouldn't put you in a situation where he'd propose to you would he? Then again look at where you are in life. It's because of him why you're trapped here. Goosebumps raise all across your arms and you rub them to calm yourself down. He just wouldn't do that to you, right?
"W-What is it? What's inside?"
Hoseok locks eyes with you and he has that dreamy look about him. His smile settles for something more calm as he angles the box towards you and opens it up.
"I ordered this a while back but it took some time for it to get done."
When the box opens what's revealed is a dainty chain with a small lock in the shape of a padlock hanging off of it. It's all silver and you take note of the writing engraved on it. H & Y/I.
"It's our initials," he says.
He noticed your attention on it and how it made you draw still, but not for the right reasons.
"Do you like it?"
How could you? How could you like something like this? And a padlock of all things. It just reiterates how trapped you are. There was no way Hoseok didn't know what he was doing when he ordered this.
It's hard for you to answer so you don't. It doesn't seem to bother him because he pulls the necklace out and has you hold the box as he comes around behind you.
You feel the cool touch of the necklace slip around your neck as he fastens it into place. It tickles your skin as your heart feels like it's plummeting down into your stomach. You feel sick but you have to remind yourself to play it cool. You don't want this and Hoseok knows this very much but you remember the promise that you made and how much it's going to affect you in the long run.
Once it's on his hands come to rest on your shoulders. He pulls you into him so he can lean over and kiss your cheek. They're all gentle touches but you feel like a weight has been fastened onto your person with this necklace.
"Well," he starts. "What do you think?"
Your hand comes up so you can touch the lock. It feels light as you toy with it while your mind goes blank.
Despite feeling lost Hoseok keeps you grounded and so you answer with a whisper.
"I love it."
You feel him sigh in relief. Or at least you think it's in relief. You're not so sure to be honest.
He comes around you to stand face to face and cups your cheeks. His smile grows into that heart shaped you're so used to seeing. It tries to warm your frigid self but it can barely penetrate into your heart. His sweetness tastes bitter on your tongue and you don't know what to do with it but to fake a smile of your own.
Hoseok leans in to give you a chaste kiss on the lips.
"I'm glad," he says. "To be honest I was a little nervous you wouldn't like it but I'm happy you do."
He bites his bottom lip to try and contain his smile. It's a little endearing to see him this way but that's all. Nothing else.
He releases you and claps his hands. The sound is loud and catches you by surprise.
"So how were things with Namjoon?"
Your eyes widen a fraction and it takes everything within you to not choke on your spit.
How were things with Namjoon? The salacious actions you two did races across your mind. It makes you run hot beneath the collar of your shirt and you take a minute longer of silence before you speak.
"O-Oh. Things went okay."
You nod. "Yeah. Just did the usual and read."
"You said you both went outside, right? For what?"
Crap you forgot about that.
Shrugging you point off towards the window. "To sit in the garden for a bit. I really like being out there."
Hoseok smiles. "You really do. If you want we can get some flowers you're interested in planted. This is your house as much as it mine and my brothers. I want you to turn this place into however you'd like - however to your liking."
You pass on that idea. No matter how many changes you'd be allowed to do it doesn't change the fact that you want to leave this place. You don't voice this out loud of course because it's a fact.
Another thought that comes to mind is that you think you succeeded in getting Namjoon's scent off of you. Hoseok doesn't suspect a thing. It makes any tension you felt before melt off of you. It's such a relief and it makes you feel just a tad bit more confident in being able to do what you want with Namjoon. The only thing of course would be that you would have to shower and brush your teeth every time. That doesn't sound too appealing and Hoseok will become suspicious over time. For now you know what to do after your time together with the man.
Thinking about Namjoon and what you two can do behind Hoseok's back makes you smile but it's a tentative one. Things are dangerous with Hoseok around. Way too dangerous. Not just with Hoseok but with the others around too. Taehyung is glued to your hip and so is Jungkook. Technically Jungkook is glued to Taehyung but whenever you're around the one the other follows after. Jimin absolutely despises you and you know he wants to see your downfall. There isn't a lot of private time with Namjoon but you'll cherish the bit that you have. Only the gods know when you'll have times like today happen again.
Never did you think you'd have to balance your time with a bunch of vampires. Especially ones that are nothing like the Baeks. These brothers are close with each other. It makes you feel bad sometimes knowing Namjoon and Hoseok are so close because of all the things you and him do behind the latter's back. Not because you care for Hoseok but because you care for his brother.
Namjoon would never betray your trust, right? You don't think so. He's too sweet and caring. He's nearly perfect in your eyes. You wonder how he truly sees you. He clearly must like you for him to do what he does with you. He loves his brother but he cares a lot for you too. You'll wait for the day he completely switches over and holds you in higher regards than his brother so both of you can escape this stupid business. It'll take time, you know and you don't have that time. You'll escape first then talk to Namjoon over time to see if he'll leave the family business for you. If he does great. If not, you mentally shrug. It's no skin off your bones but you hope so because you really like Namjoon. You really do. So you hope for the best. The very very best.
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