#putting all my op fics into one folder (for reasons you will see) and i was like: oh well hello i did not expect THIS here lmao
nanamis-bigtie · 3 months
i somehow managed to erase it from my memory (khem weird people khem) but i did write two dark content fics, one with incest (well, sort-of, those aren't biological brothers) and one dipping very hard into dub/non-con
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Tropical Paradise
Pairing: Scott Lang x Reader
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ only, NSFW, unprotected sex, angst
Word Count: 5,336 
A/N: So I’m super new and I’m a Stucky girl but this just came to me and then the characters just took control. This is my first fic and really my first contrib to the community so, enjoy!
Credits: Thank you to @dan-vers for letting me use the Scott Lang gifs. 😊😊
This story is mine so please no copying without permission.
You silently padded your way along the carpeted hall. The world is still; the New York skyline still waiting for its tinge of orange glow. Early as it seems, you’re already high from your morning workout. You chose to hit the gym while the rest of the Tower was still asleep because you were feeling stressed lately, and you didn’t need the extra drama from Scott today.
His breakup with Hope two months ago hit him hard but you and the team were there. You, above all, was his strongest rock. As he healed, your friendship grew deeper. It was all innocent, until that vacay to the Philippines.
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“Doctor Banner, I’ve backed up all the data to one of the hard drives,” Leopold Fitz called out to your mentor across the makeshift operation center. You were a small research team under Banner’s wing: you, Fitz and Jemma Simmons.
This operation in Taiwan was simply research and intel gathering, but Tony wanted to be on the safe side and sent Scott and Natasha along in case anything came up.
“Thanks, Leopold. Jemma and Y/N?” Banner turned to you as you were just wrapping up the hard files into the last of the boxes.
“Collated my report with Y/N’s, doc. And she’s just about done with the hard files,” Simmons answered.
“Yep, all done doc,” you add and stretch your arms above your head as you finish storing the last box.  
“Okay, good. Then I guess that’s a wrap.” Banner sounds both tired and relieved.
“Wooot! About damn time.” Scott whistles as he entered the op center.
Fitz eyes him suspiciously. “Have you been waiting right outside for Dr. Banner to say that?” Scott smirks at him as Nat follows closely behind. You catch the lingering glance she gives Banner before turning to the rest of the group.
“How are you kids holding up?” This earns a collective groan from you and FitzSimmons. “What?”
Exchanging glances with your friends, you squeak a “Nothing!” before pretending to be busy with some stray folders.
“Hey!” Banner, picks up on the exchange.
“What did I miss?” Nat inquires, finally and actually looking at Banner.
“Apparently, Scott here thinks it’s a good idea to make a little side trip before we head back to New York and these kids agree.” Nat’s face brightens up a little, but her expression changes immediately. “BUT. I said no and now we ought to be heading home.”
“No fair! With the quinjet, the Philippines is just 45 minutes away. Hellooo, tropicsss.” Scott pleads. You try to put on a poker face, but you can’t help but be giddy. FitzSimmons were on the same high.
“We’re here to gather intel and now that we’re done, we go.” Banner’s voice is unwavering.
Nat steps in. “Did you ask Tony?” She takes a step towards Banner and you see his face slightly redden.
“Wh—No.” For the first time in the whole exchange, Banner sounds unsure.
A twinkle dances in Nat’s eyes. “Let’s ask him then. If he says no, then we go back to HQ. Otherwise...” She trails off, beginning to dial her cell. Scott does a little dance and you smack him playfully.
“What?!” He whispers. “You know Stark’s gonna be okay with it.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help smiling at him. FitzSimmons look like they’re going to launch in a little dance themselves.
“Yeah. The team’s just wrapped their work here,” you hear Nat say. “But this gang wants to make a side trip to the Philippines. That okay?”
You all try to listen in, but the person on the other line is inaudible.
“Uh-huh.” Nat purses her lips as she continues to listen. “Yeah, I get it.” She turns to look at you and the others. “Okay thanks, bye.”
The room is still and you can feel yourself holding your breath. “So…” Nat begins.
Banner sighs. “Tony agreed right away, didn’t he? And told you to mess with me a little.”
Nat chuckles. “Wow. You really know each other.” She turns to the group and grins. “C’mon, kids. Let’s get us some sun.”
The sunset was beautiful in this part of the world. Dark was swallowing the last of the sun’s glow and you found yourself sprawled on the white sand beach.
Your friends were off in their own activities somewhere and you didn’t care. You were content with just laying here, the sound of distant laughter and waves crashing your only playlist.
“Y/N,” you hear him before you feel him sit beside you on the sand.
You peek with your one eye open. “Scotty.” He scoffs at your lame nickname. You sit up on your elbows and look at him. “What’s up?”
“Couldn’t help but be drawn here with the way you’re looking right now.” He has a boyish smile you’re only seeing now.
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It’s your turn to scoff. “I’m wearing sarong pants and a white t-shirt.” You raise your right leg emphasizing the baggy fit of the pants.
“Yeah… the way that shirt fits you isn’t helping though.”
You feel goosebumps—it starts in your neck and spreads through your body; it’s unexpected. “What?”
He doesn’t answer but looks you in the eye and what you see hits you hard. He’s not the same Scott anymore. Something burns in his eyes, a challenge. If you could hear his thoughts you’d guess he’s saying You heard me.
You feel like a thousand thoughts run through your mind but you can’t think of anything to say. “Scott, why?”
He seemed to expect a different answer because he is taken by surprise. “Why what?”
“This. Be straight with me, what is this? If this is flirting, fine. That I can handle. But if you’re trying something more here… I don’t think I can.” You don’t know where it came from, but you sure are glad you were able to say something coherently. Your newfound bravery fuels you and you don’t break eye contact.
He’s stunned. He tries to speak, but you can see it’s a struggle. There must be a thousand thoughts in there too.
You sigh and lightly touch his arm, “I think I’ll take a walk and be alone for a while. Bye, Scott.”
The moon is big yellow ball when you make your way back. After contemplating what you called The Scott Encounter, you felt drained. When the panic toned down, you questioned yourself whether you have overreacted. Then you went all defensive and tried to reason out your reaction.
Of course I reacted the way I did, Scott and I are good friends—even flirting is alien territory. Then to hear something so… suggestive? You feel another chill in your extremities, but something warms at the pit of your stomach and somewhere lower… You’ve got to be kidding —This is not happening!
Then came the cycle of being pissed at yourself for thinking of Scott that way. It was so good, the friendship between you two. Where did that come from?
It wasn’t long before another realization crept in. Of course. I was so busy thinking about me that I didn’t see the reason behind it. He’s still getting over Hope. Urgh. As if you’ve said your thoughts out loud, you smack your forehead. Right. After the initial step towards healing is the phase of recklessness. And I was the obvious choice, given our closeness. There’s a ringing in your ears and you feel the nerve in your forehead throb. The thought got you pissed again.
But other than this emotion is something else. Wait, am I… disappointed? No, that can’t be it. Of course I only see Scott as a friend. Maybe I’m just pissed he thought he could use me to get over his heartbreak. You nod your head. That must be it. How dare he.
It was during this train of thought that you emerge from the coconut trees towards the rest house’s beach front.  The house—more of a mansion, really—is a twinkling gem in the darkness. You got to give it to Tony’s insanely rich connections. You can see through the massive windows into the dining hall—you make out Fitz, Banner and Nat. Huh, maybe I’ll get to eat a quick dinner while Scott’s not around.
You’re walking towards the side entrance when you hear him. “Y/N!” He’s farther down the beach but he’s jogging towards you. Your heart hammers in your chest. You summon all your maturity and will yourself to stay put.  
He’s almost breathless when he’s in front of you. You stare at him.
“Where were you? I’ve been looking for you.” His expression is unreadable.
“I was walking around. I kinda told you that.”
“Yeah… I didn’t want to end that conversation that way earlier. Please, can we talk? I mean, about it?
“I don’t know, Scott. My head is…” you mime a head explosion.
“I know and I’m sorry. But that’s why we should talk. Please, Y/N.” His voice croaks.
You sigh. He’s got a point, and might as well get over it. “Okay. But let’s do it later. I don’t want the others…” you trail off.
“Yeah. Later tonight then.”
You give him a small nod before heading inside.
You rushed through your dinner and made small talk with the rest of the team. You wondered where Scott was, but grateful that you didn’t have to bear the awkwardness at the table. Emotionally drained, you went upstairs to lie down for a bit.
Later, you startle awake. The clock on the bedside table read 2:53 a.m. Shit! Scott. Bolting from the bed makes your head spin but you try to rush downstairs. Crap, where do I even meet him?
It’s dark out on the second floor hall; only a faint light comes from where the stairs is. You make your way down and see that the glow is from a night light at the kitchen counter. "Scott?"
Your eyes adjust as you scan the expanse of the first floor. No Scott. Shit. Why did I have to lie down? He may think I ignored him. You head towards the cupboards and find yourself a glass. After pouring yourself some water, your stomach growls. Wow, I really did rush that dinner. You begin to scan the rest of the cupboards for a quick snack but it looked like the goods were at the topmost tier. If Tony was here I'd think this was intentional to keep tiny me away from the treats. Hmph.
You spot sour cream and cheese chips at the next cupboard, but they're way up there so you hoist yourself up, one knee on the counter as you try to reach out.
Caught off guard, you kick your hanging foot only to realize too late that this will throw you off balance. You try to grip the open cupboard, but your knee is already off the counter--you're falling. You brace yourself for the pain but it doesn't come.
"Careful there," Scott whispers in your ear, his stubble barely brushing the side of your face.
You're confused for a moment until you feel strong arms wrap around your waist.
"Sorry," your apology comes out the faintest whisper. You're still hovering above the floor, your body pressed up against Scott's. He sets you down but not before you feel him press his lips on your hair. Was I imagining that?
You look up his face and he's looking right at you. Your bodies are still so close, his hands still on your waist. You feel your cheeks burn at his gaze.
"I-- I'm sorry I missed the time, I fell asleep."
"That's alright. I'm just glad you're here."
Why is his voice so husky? Why am I feeling this... tingly feeling?  "R-r-right."
He tilts your chin up and looks at you. "Listen, Y/N. I don't want you running off again so just let me say this: I am insanely attracted to you. I don't know when it happened--it wasn't a snap moment. But you were there when someone broke my heart and I was an unbearable person. You stayed. You held my hand and the pain didn't go away but I made it through it. And your presence was more than enough until it wasn't anymore. I kept thinking about holding your hand not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. And there's a new pain right here," he clutches his chest as if it's physically hurting him, "knowing that you don't see me the way I see you."
Suddenly your heart hammers so hard you can almost hear it; you feel it in your ears.  "Scott..."
"Shh, it's okay Y/N," he cups your face softly. He steps back but doesn't let go. "You don't have to say anything, do anything. I just thought you should know." It's so dark in the kitchen but his eyes are fire burning and you can't look away.
Damn it, I like you too. A lot. But I just can't say that out loud, can I? Shit. I'm gonna hate myself for this, but to hell with it.
You grab his waist with both hands and pull him close. You press your body to him, but he freezes. "Y/N..." you feel his breath on your face and you're no longer thinking. You just want to feel.
"It's okay, I want this." You stand on tiptoe and seize his lips in yours. The roughness of his stubble and the softness of his lips is an intoxicating contrast but he's frozen still; you feel like you're pressing your lips to an inanimate object.
You softly bite his lower lip and he growls. It's this time that he gives your tongue access but not before he explores your own. Something in him loosens and he grips your lower back pushing you towards the counter. Your hands travel to his hair and he leaves your lips to trail kisses down your neck, to your throat. "Scott..." you moan. He sucks at the spot just bellow your collarbone. "Oh!" you can't help but squeal at the sensation.
His hands travel up your back and inside your shirt, his fingertips tracing small circles in your bare skin. His hands travel further up until he finds your bra and unclasps it. He slowly removes.your shirt above your head and your bra falls off, leaving your chest naked.
"Fuck, baby girl. You're so beautiful," his voice is just a whisper, but full of lust. Your knees weaken at the endearment, your clit throbbing and wet. It's too much.
You bring him closer to you and feel his hardness in your belly. "Scott, I... Please..." You remove his shirt and cup the hardness through his pants. He lets out a guttural moan. You can feel your panties soaked  and the thin fabric of your sarong pants doesn't offer much to hide it. Impatient, you hump his hard-on. You feel his cock twitch at the movement.
"Not yet, baby girl." His grip is firm as he stills your waist. He returns to kissing you and traces your bare shoulder until he brushes his lips over your left nipple. He starts to suck on it--softly at first, but it's not long before he grows wild and devours it. His right hand flicks your other nipple and plays with it. You sigh and moan and moan some more. At this point, words evade you.
"Baby girl, you taste so good," he moans as he sucks on your tits.
"You're making me wait too long," you whine and hiss at the same time. You reach for the waistband of his pants and work on his belt. He gently swats at your hands but you grip his other wrist to hold it in place. "My turn." You growl. You're not taking no for an answer. It seems to take forever, but eventually you are able to unzip and slide down his pants, his erection freed.
You curse under your breath and grip his cock. You bring your lips to his neck and suck as he did. His head tilts back giving you more access. You pump him as you trail kisses down his body.
"Baby girl..."
You shower more kisses to his happy trail until you're kneeling in front of him. Your lips is a mere inch from his cock; you take a breath and he shudders. You look up at him and he looks at you too, but he's caught off guard when you take him in your mouth.
He groans and moans at the same time and you hum in appreciation. He's so huge, so full and he tastes like salt and coconut combined. "You," you push his length til the back of your throat and release ever so slowly, "taste," you suck at the tip, his precum velvety in your tongue before swallowing, "like tropical paradise."
"No... Ohhh... Fuck baby girl, I'm not gonna la--"
"Hmm?" You continue to stroke his shaft as you take the rest of him in your mouth.
"Baby girl, Y/N..." You feel him tense as his hands tug at your hair. You know he's holding back.
You moan as you continue to suck and pump him and you feel it's taking him all his willpower. "Let go, love. Come for me."
"But... Y/N...."
"I want to taste all of you," you moan and increase your pace. His grip on you hair tighten, and soon he's thrusting in your mouth in sync as you stroke him. "Now."
He gives up all control, his knees buckle as he pours all of him in your mouth. You lick him a last time before swallowing everything.
"Baby, that was..." Scott was saying this when the sound of a door opening from the second floor startles you both.
"Shit!" You hiss. You scramble for your top and bra and duck.
"What are you doing?!" Scott whispers.
"No one can see us! I'll go out the kitchen side door and wait before whoever that is goes back to bed." Without waiting for a response, you crawl towards the exit and don't bother closing the door behind you. The last thing you hear are footsteps coming down the stairs before you step into the night.
Last week's encounter is what you think of as you make your way down the Common Area. You cringe at yourself for ditching Scott the way you did that night, but more so for pretending like nothing happened the next day as you headed back to New York.
You were pretty proud of yourself that day--not making eye contact with Scott at all and sticking with FitzSimmons through the entire trip. You braced yourself for anyone who might ask why you and Scott weren't talking, but thankfully no one did.
However, when you were alone in your apartment at the Tower that night, all the guilt and the feelings came bursting out. You didn't regret what you did; you felt betrayed by your self for not having enough control to avoid the situation in the first place. You hated that you gave in to the temptation of having a taste--wow--of what it's like to be with Scott Lang.
It's almost officially morning out there so you hurry to grab yourself a coffee and some breakfast to pair it with before heading back to your floor. No workload today. Must hole up in my apartment the whole day and avoid Scott at all costs. You're repeating this mantra in your head when Banner appears out of nowhere.
"Hey, kid."
"Shit!" You slap your hand over your mouth when you realize who it is. "Sorry, doc!"
"Well, I'm not Cap so.." Banner makes a hands off gesture.
You chuckle. "You almost gave me a heart attack there."
"Oh yeah? What are you doing up so early anyway?"
"Wanted to start early for the peace and quiet."
"What about you, doc?"
"I'm yet to sleep, I've been up all night reading."
You nod appreciatively. "Nice." He's just finishing preparing a cup when you get your own.
He smiles and yawns. "I was ready to hear that staying up til dawn is frowned upon for older guys like me. I almost forgot who I was talking to."
You mimic his earlier gesture, "Well, I'm not Tony, so..."
This makes you both laugh. You sit beside him on the bar stool and you drink your coffee in silence. You're lost in your mini reflections when he takes a deep breath.
"Y/N, I know it's not my place to meddle at all but, is everything okay between you and Scott? I thought I was just imagining it when we came back from our trip but these past few days... I don't know. I'm sorry if I'm prying."
Wow, of course it was so obvious. Who was I kidding? You groan. Might as well talk to one of your most trusted friends. "Oh, doc. This past week has been awful!" You cover your face with your hands. You didn't want to bare your little secret but you've also been dying to just talk to someone about it. Banner just nods and squeezes your shoulder.
"When we were in the Philippines, Scott and I had a little, errr, moment...?"
"Uh-huh," Banner continues to nod but he also looks confused.
"A sexually-related moment," you clarify.
"Oh!" His eyes widen--the widest you've seen them. You almost regret revealing too much but he recovers himself and breathes slowly. "Okayyy.. so I'm guessing now that's what's making things weird?"
"Yes! But it's also way more than that," you sigh in exasperation. "You see, doc, if it was just some random guy, there wouldn't have been any problem. I can take casual," Banner is about to say something but you add quickly, "not that casual is my style but I'm saying that if it were a nobody it wouldn't have to be so complicated."
"Hey! I'm old, not narrow-minded."
"I know. Urgh. I'm sorry, doc. My head's a mess."
"Okay, so I think that staying up late is catching up to me and the tea's just making me more sleepy but let me get this straight: you and Scott are not talking because of the incident."
"Which made things weird because you two are good friends."
"Yes, exactly."
"So the ignoring each other is mutual?"
"Ye-- I don't know."
"What? What do you mean you don't know?"
"Well, after... Right after the incident, we heard someone approaching, so I panicked and ditched him."
Banner narrows his eyes. "Wait. Did this ‘incident’ happen in the rest house's kitchen at around 3 in the morning?"
It's your eyes' turn to widen.
"That someone was me!"
"Oh, God " you cover your eyes. "Why don't just the floor swallow me or something."
Banner runs a hand over his face. "That's why Scott was topless..." You see him cringe. "Okay, let's not mind that. Back to the matter at hand. So the next morning when we're headed home you just decided you'd stop talking to him."
"But that's so mean!"
"Hey!" You look at him defensively, but realize he's right. "Okay. I know it is. But can you blame me? I like him."
"You mean you like like him?"
This is it. Saying it out loud means it'll be out there, I can't take it back. "I do."
You look away, feeling vulnerable all of a sudden. Banner touches your hand. "Then kid, I guess it isn't that complicated "
"But it is," you say stubbornly. "I know deep inside he's still getting over Hope. And I won't let myself be some rebound just because I'm convenient."
"Who said anything about a rebound?" You stiffen. It's him. Banner looks up behind you and then to you. He stands up and takes his mug.
"I guess it's time you two talk." He places his mug on the sink and heads out.
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It's silent for a moment before he speaks, "Y/N..."
Irritation boils inside you. "How long have you been eavesdropping, Scott?!"
"I wasn't eavesdropping!"
You whip your head to look at him. "How long?!"
"I said, I wasn't." He says through controlled breaths. "But I happen to walk in with enough time to hear that you like like me."
"URGHHH!" Your irritation is just fueled by this so you stand up and storm as fast as you can out of there.
"Hey!" Scott follows you and walks briskly. "Stop running away from me!"
You ignore him and head for the stairs. Your apartment is just a floor above and it's been a habit of yours to climb instead of using the elevator. Scott is matching your steps as you head up, the noise echoing in the enclosed space.
"Y/N, please listen to me." You push past the stairwell door to your floor. Just a few more steps and you'll be in the safety of your own space.
"You've been listening to the conversation, Scott. I guess I don't need to repeat myself to you." You choose this moment to open your door and get inside. You're about to slam the door in his face but he grabs a hold of your wrist and follows you in.
"Y/N please, just stop!"
You look at where he's holding you. "Let. Go. Of. Me."
He drops your hand. "I'm sorry."
You're staring daggers at him. "Now will you get out of my apartment?"
"No," he says calmly. He steps back and closes the door. "I really think we should talk."
"I've said what I thought and it just so happens that you were there to hear it. No need for me to explain it. I guess it's enough."
"Stop... just stop," he pleads.
You just stand there, staring at him.
"What happened that night at the rest house--between us--it was very special to me. I didn't expect for it to happen, but it did and it was more than any dream I've imagined. It made me so happy thinking you felt the same way about me. Then you ran off and just.. ignored me." His face contorts and you see he's hurt.
"It felt like being handed something so beautiful, only for it to be ripped away from me," he continues.
You don't notice tears beginning to stream down your cheeks.
"I gave you a week. I told myself maybe you just needed to sort things out; I needed that too. But I woke up today thinking enough is enough and I'd finally tell you everything--tell you that I liked you, how that night meant to me, tell you I can't get enough of you, that I'd like to get to know you more--because you're no longer just a friend."
The world is a blur as tears pool in your eyes. Scott closes the distance between you two, cups your face and wipes at the tears.
"And now I know your thoughts and I get it. I understand your fear, but you're wrong. You're not some convenient rebound. You're my sun and I want you shining in my life constantly."
It's too much. You sob uncontrollably and your knees buckle but Scott is there. He's holding you against his chest and you melt into him.
"Oh my sweet baby girl," he whispers in your ear and kisses the top of your head. Your moment of weakness turns to hunger and he sees it in your eyes. He closes the distance and kisses you hard.
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You moan in his mouth and he carries you to the bed. He lays you down gently and showers kisses all over your face. "This okay?"
You nod. You bring his hovering body down and feel his hardness press into you. "Scott..."
"You're not gonna run away from me this time, are you?" he whispers, lips in your ear.
"No..." you moan.
He lifts your shirt and your sports bra over your head and once again you're exposed in front of him. Your nipples harden at his look and he gives each one a peck. But he kisses you further south--he trails wet kisses to your navel and the remaining exposed skin right above your shorts. Scott slowly removes it and kisses every exposed skin revealed, until his breath is just an inch away from your core.
"Fuck, baby girl. You're dripping wet," he licks his lips at the sight.
"Yes, love. I've been aching too long for you."
This drives him wild and without warning, brings his tongue to your clit. He laps at it and licks wildly, finding a delicious rhythm. "You taste like cream and honey, princess." As he licks, he dips a finger inside you.
"Oh, Scott!"
He thrusts in and out--his fingers coated with your arousal, freely exploring. You're feeling lightheaded but feel your core burning as he adds another one. This makes you scream, and his licks intensifies. You feel something build up at the pit of your stomach--you're so close. "Love, I'm..." you pant as you savor every sensation.
"Hmmm, baby girl. Sooooo good." Your fingers tangle in his hair as you thrust a little to match him. Disrupting the rhythm, he sucks at your clit, hard
"Come for me, baby girl."
and it sends you over the edge--your orgasm spreading all over your body--like dipping your fingertips and your toes in warm milk. You scream his name as you come and the high releases all of the week's stress away. You hear him lick his fingers clean and you shudder. He comes up and kisses your jaw, playing with your hair.
"You okay, baby girl?"
"Hmm-mm." You nod. Your pussy is still throbbing from the orgasm as he asks, "Got one more in you baby?"
"Oh, yes Scott, I need you inside me," you beg, both a whine and a moan.
He quickly discards his lower clothing and frees his cock. The memory of him in your mouth is more than enough to get you wet again.
"Come on, love," you groan.
He pumps his cock twice before aligning with your entrance. He dips the tip slowly and you can't wait to take in the rest of him. You grab his ass and meet him with an upward thrust, his cock burying deep inside you. "Scott!" The feeling of him inside is incomparable. You've never been so full.
"Fuck baby girl, I'm not gonna last if you call the shots."
You giggle but you still under him, letting him take control. He thrusts in, slowly at first then picks up his pace. He buries his face in your neck giving you access to his ear.
"You're so fucking tight for me."
You hum in agreement and bite softly at his ear. This interrupts his pace and he grunts.
His hands travel at your waist, then up your chest. He cups one of your breasts and plays with your nipple.
"Oh!" The sensation goes straight to your clit and you feel another orgasm building. He feels it too, your walls tightening around him.
His thrusts quicken and you loose yourself in it. Then you're there, higher and higher until you break your grip to the solid world; you are floating.
You call out his name as you come and he rams into you as he follows suit. He pours everything unto you, in you, and you take it all in, the warmth of his cum so comforting.
He catches his breath before rolling to your side, one arm still draped around you.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N."
You look at him through sleepy eyes. "You're beautiful too, Scott Lang."
This makes him smile his goofy smile and you know you two are gonna be okay.
"So, would you care to go out on a date with me?"
You giggle. "You know, I don't do dates on the first sex. But I'll guess for you I'll make an exception."
This makes him laugh and you stay there, entwined, the sunlight making its way to your room.
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peonies-and-swords · 6 years
Thunderstruck- Thor x reader oneshot!
Hello Hello guys! New fic ! it’s just fluff and fun ! 
Plot: the reader keeps playing « thunderstruck » by AC/DC whenever she sees Thor . That’s it. That’s the plot. ( no in fact from there begins an exchange of AC/DC songs but it’s way funnier to have just the sentences before as the plot ops)
Link to thunderstruck (x)
Link to the lyrics (x) 
Warnings: swearing / slight sexual content (AC/DC’s lyrics are quite… sexual)/ alcohol ( nobody gets drunk) 
Words: 5380
Author’s note: So I linked every song used when they appear in the story (the links are marked with (x) )… But you can also just read the story without listening to the songs, they’re just a plus. Also this one is FRICKING long. Like grab a snack. Settle down. Buckle up. It was really fun to write and I hope you’ll like it even if it’s like way too long. 
Vocabulary: Y/N = Your Name Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Thor was leaning against the wall when Y/N entered the room. She didn’t pay attention to him at first as she was bopping her head to the music coming out of her headphones.
« Lady Y/N ?
- Oh hi thor ! She said removing the headphones. I didn’t see you here! What are you doing?
- We just got back from mission, from Texas if I remember correctly.
- Texas? She started smiling. Did you met some girls? Some dancers who gave a good time? She was now fully laughing saying these words.
- I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying … As I said we were on mission… 
- No, don’t worry Thor I’m just joking! There is this song by the group AC/DC, it’s called thunderstruck. I thought it was funny to quote its lyrics to the god of thunder. Do you want to hear it? 
- Well, I guess it’s my duty to listen to it now ! »
She put all the folders she had been carrying on a table near by. Unplugged the headset and put the song on. Tony passed in front of the room and shouted « I see what you’re doing here, funny, but get back to work , I need you in the lab asap »
She just mumbled and got her attention back on the song. 
Not even a minute in, she was already lip syncing the words. Thor looked at her with a smile on his face. By the end of the song she was fully shouting, accompanied by Thor’s laugh.
« Thunderstruck, baby, baby
Thunderstruck, you've been Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
You've been Thunderstruck »
« So ? You liked it ? 
- I did enjoy the song, Lady Y/N. I think I’ve heard this voice before … Maybe passing in front of Tony’s lab. 
- It’s possible! One of the main reasons Tony and I can work together is our similar tastes in music. Also the fact that I am literally irreplaceable and the best in his team… But let’s just say it’s because of AC/DC , she said laughing. 
- Oh you’re the best ? 
- Well certainly, Sir. Did you doubt that? 
- Not for one second, he replied leaning a bit toward Y/N  »   
She quickly grabbed the folders on the table, cursed the clock and waved Thor goodbye. She joined the lab where Tony and Bruce were waiting for her. 
« Ah! Brian Johnson has finally decided to show up ! 
- Very funny Tony, I would laugh if I wasn’t extremely disappointed in you. How is it even possible that you have never shown Thunderstruck to the god of thunder ? I’m not even sure I know you … Are you the real Tony ? 
- Well, I’m busy not being late and actually doing my job, what about you ? 
- Don’t come with that bullshit! You were late just yester-
- Ok, ok , guys.. what about we actually get to work now? Said bruce trying to cut the bickering. »
They worked on this new suit, able to heal the user if an injury occurred while wearing it. It was Tony’s idea, who was still traumatized by Rhodey’s fall in Germany. He had recruited Y/N few month ago. He had heard of her researches on new healing compounds and it was just what he was looking for. She first started to work for Stark industries from her lab and then joined the team to have more resources and a better understanding of the needs of the possible users. 
The two scientists and the engineer decided to join the rest of the team that was surely gathered in the common room to share dinner. When she entered the room, Y/N waved at the Avengers she hadn’t seen during the day, like Sam , Peter and Vision. She spotted Thor, took her phone and before he could say anything to her, she blasted Thunderstruck and began to dance. Everyone looked at her as she pointed at Thor each time she sang the word « thunderstruck ». Everyone was laughing or at least smiling at her. The day had been long, and to see someone let go of the pressure like that seemed to ease out the whole team. After the meal everyone got back to their room. Except Tony and Y/N who worked a little longer, discussing new methods and what they needed to improve. 
By the time Y/N reached her room it was very late at night, she passed in front of Thor’s room which was still lit and had a really childish idea. She knocked on the door and entered when she heard his voice. She once again blasted Thunderstruck but only for a few seconds, Thor throwing a pillow at her. She made a quick escape, running to her room. And so let the god finish the book he was reading when she interrupted him.
The morning after, Y/N woke up and had a quick shower before joining the team for breakfast. On her way to the dinning room, she stumbled upon Thor who was heading towards the showers. The opportunity was too good, she quickly wiped out her phone and began singing once again the song. Thor just rolled his eyes and smiled. 
« So that’s how it’s going to be from now on? 
- I don’t know… You tell me , said Y/N.
- Please Ms. Y/L/N, could you lower the volume? said Peter. I’d like to sleep a little more, and with this noise… 
- First it’s not noise, but I’ll just go then, go back to sleep, little one. »
Thor looked at her with a soft smile on his lips, and resumed his walk towards the showers. 
When she saw him next, the song was already playing as he entered the room. 
« Again? Really ? 
- Did you really think I was going to stop that easily ? 
- Well, I did hope that , as young Peter said, this noise would stop yes. 
- I’m sorry what did you just say? Replied Y/N typing on her phone like a fury.
- I said- »
Thor didn’t even have the time to finish his sentence as Y/N’s phone blasted another song (x) from the band. She got up from hear chair and got really close to Thor. While looking directly in his eyes, she began singing 
« Rock 'n' roll ain't noise pollution
Rock 'n' roll ain't gonna die
Rock 'n' roll ain't noise pollution
Rock 'n' roll it will survive (yes it will) »
Thor began to laugh, seeing Y/N who was way smaller, shout those words as if she was shouting revolutionary song.
« I like this song, last night I listen to some of the songs of the band. Since you seem to like them so much and they sort of did a song about me.
- Wow and I thought Loki was the egocentric of the two of you… 
- I can hear you, you know , shouted Loki from across the room, he had been staying at the facility with his brother since Ragnarok. 
- Well anyway, you should listen some more during your free time, I have to actually go to work, and try to prevent you from getting too injured. »
With that said, she left the room without realizing Thor was smiling while watching her leave. 
The two had been pretty close. They both liked to joke around and even if Y/N had tried to flirt a few times, Thor didn’t seem to take the hint and just continued joking. 
She liked him, he made her feel safe. With all that was going on outside the facility, it wasn’t an easy task. They shared the same impulse to help around, to think about others before thinking about themselves. To be honest it had been a long time since Y/N had found someone with whom she was this comfortable. She wasn’t even sure she had known someone who was that much in sync with her. Of course they didn’t agree on some things, mainly the little things like how they liked their tea or if a full armor could be considered as formal wear. But when they were together the time seemed to stop. Nothing else mattered to Y/N. She felt like she could talk about the most trivial things like the most intimate with him. And she loved to hear his stories about battle, and Asgard. How he talk about it such passion and yet such pain. She was beginning to think that she was falling for him, even if she first tried to see it only as friendship. But she had other things to think about, like the new suits. And even if she had the time to think about all that, he didn’t even get her flirting, or didn’t react to it… 
The day got by, she missed dinner to do a little more work. She was finally distracted by Thor trying to get in the lab, with a sandwich on a plate in one hand, and two glasses and a bottle of wine in the other. She opened the door and said: 
« Thor? What are you doing here? 
- Stark told me you stayed to work a little more, but I have been waiting for you for 3 hours and I’m not sure it is really healthy for you to stay alone here … without any food…
- Oh! Thanks that is really sweet! Do you want to see the prototypes?
- I would really enjoy that indeed. » 
She gave him the tour. Few suits were laying around, the newest version was on a table. They stopped longer around the table. She explained everything she was trying to put together. A suit that could not only cure but also anticipate the injuries. She said that if the injury was so bad that the suit couldn’t help, the plan was to secure the injury and reduce its scale. She stopped when she realized Thor wasn’t looking at the suit anymore but at her.
« I’m sorry that must have been really boring, I don’t realize if I’m talking too much when I talk about this project …
- Oh no don’t worry I could clearly see that you are passionate. It was really interesting to observe. 
- Well... We should open that bottle, and I should eat the sandwich you made.
- Great plan! »
The talked and drank, the time passed without them even realizing it. 
« Wow , is it really that late ? 
- I guess it is, replied Thor.
- Well we should get to sleep but I wanted to shown you this song, since you seem to enjoy AC/DC. The first part kinda remind me of you…
- Is it thunderstruck again? 
- Wow, you really think that little of me ? She said faking a shocked expression. »
They laughed a little, she put on the song « all screwed up » (x) and began to sing the first part while looking directly into Thor’s blue eyes, well eye and patch but still…
« You think you're kinda tough
You're walking kinda rough
When you want any more
You go fast whoa, whoa, whoa
Things go tough
And you strut your stuff
And I want your thing
Then you're out of luck
Yes, you are »
Thor bopped his head lightly to the rhythm. He seemed to enjoy everything she showed him.
They listened till the end of the song and then decided to get back to their rooms. On their way they were joined by Sam that seemed to get back to his room from the showers. 
« Thor. Y/N. What are you doing up this late 
- We could literally ask you the same question.
- I was on duty call. Someone has to watch the facility, even at night. We cannot all hide in labs. 
- Wow that’s a kind of a douche thing to say…
- I hope that It’s the lack of sleep that is talking my friend, because I will not tolerate such lack of respect towards someone that spends all their time trying to make yours easier, said Thor quite obviously angry.
- Tell me Thor, don’t you find that our little friend Y/N can be a pain in the ass sometimes? 
- Watch your words. » 
Y/N didn’t listen to the rest of the argument she just left the two, not wanting to get angry over some sleep deprived guy. 
Thor joined her quickly, he came running after her. 
«  Y/N wait! Sam can be inexplicably harsh sometimes…
- Yeah I know, I’m just going to bed now… Goodn-
- Wait! Friday resume the song I was listening please. »
Y/N recognized immediately Shake a leg (x), another song from AC/DC 
« Keeping out of trouble with eyes in the back of my face
Kicking ass in the class and they tell me you're a damn disgrace
They tell me what they think but they stink and I really don't care
Got a mind of my own, move on, get out of my hair
Shake a leg, shake your head
Shake a leg, wake the dead
Shake a leg, get stuck in
Shake a leg, shake a leg yeah »
« Y/N, I don’t care what Sam says, you’re not a pain in the ass to me, and you shouldn’t listen to what Sam says anyway.
- That’s sweet Thor, thanks. Also… Are you getting into AC/DC ? Not that I’m complaining…
- Maybe , he said winking » 
They talked a little more, Thor had accompanied Y/N to her door. They said goodbye and just before she entered her room she looked back at him and softly began to sing with a smile on her face « You’ve been Thunderstruck » he joined her for a few more notes, as softly as she was singing.  She finally entered her room, still feeling Thor looking at her as she closed the door. 
When she woke up, she heard Loki and Thor talking near her room and a little later she heard the latter head towards the showers. Once again, a pretty childish idea came to her. She headed also towards the shower, still in her pajamas, and waited for the god to get out. 
She heard the water stop, someone walking and when Thor passed in front of where she was hiding, she jumped out of her hiding spot. Not even letting him say a word, she blasted the song « meltdown » (x). 
« I can feel it in my bones 
I been rackin' my brains out 
All night long
Stokin' up the fire
Take it right up to the wire
Burnin on and on
Burnin' on
Man it's gettin hot, hot, hot
I said man it's getting hot, hot, hot
It's getting hotter
And hotter »
« Oh hi Thor! I didn’t see you there, she said smirking when the song ended. 
- Oh we are playing this game now? 
- Well.. I don’t know… »
They returned to their rooms and joined again around breakfast. They were joking around when Tony began to talk.
« Attention please! So this morning I got an important call from a lab in Seoul. They too are working on a healing compound. They just lost their financial support and won’t accept mine. So with the science team we’re going to go there and try to persuade them to work with us. Or buy their results if they won’t. 
- We’re going to Seoul ? When ? Said Y/N 
- Well… To be honest we’re already 10 minutes late, so … Chop chop we need to go! 
- Let me just grab some things and I’ll meet you outside, replied Y/N already heading towards the lab »
She was quickly followed by Thor who joined her in the lab.
« Y/N! You didn’t even eat breakfast ! 
- Yeah no time for that right now… 
- You can at least grab something to eat on the plane! 
- What is it with you trying to feed me ?
- I just care about you! Listen: »
Thor asked FRIDAY to put on « baby, please don’t go » (x) , the song came softly out of the speakers of the lab.
« Baby please don't go
Baby please don't go
Baby please don't go down to New Orleans
You know I love you so
Baby please don't go »
She smiled softly.
« I know you have to go but… I-
- I know Thor, I feel the same when you go on mission … But don’t worry I‘ll be back soon. I don’t want to leave you alone here for too long, she said joking. » 
They said their goodbyes and Y/N kissed his cheek softly before hurrying to join Bruce and Tony. 
The trip in Seoul was short but interesting. They stayed there only 3 days but Y/N leaned so much. The team was working on a totally different compound, using quantum energy. It was fascinating to see this different perspective. After the days of negotiation, Tony was able to buy their results for a fair price and the team headed back to the Avenger’s facility only few hours after the contract was signed. 
Y/N was relieved to go back. Not only she would be able work on new prototypes but she also got to see Thor again. 
When they arrived, It was late at night. She headed directly towards her room after waving her two partners goodnight. She passed in front of Thor’s room, and seeing light she decided to knock and at least tell him she was back. The door opened few seconds after.
« Y/N ? You’re back ? I’m so happy! 
- Yes, we just arrived, I wanted to get to bed as soon as possible but … Are those AC/DC posters ? 
- Ah, well … 
- Oh my god! I created a monster! 
- They made me think about you when you were gone. So I put them up. 
- Well I see you’ve been busy, she said opening the door a little more to see CDs and books scattered all over the floor 
- Well as the song goes : »
He began singing the song «  can’t stand still » (x) very softly not wanting to wake up anybody. 
« You know I can't stand still
I can't stand still
You know I can't stand still
I can't stand still
From morning 'till midnight
You know I can't stand still, oh yeah »
They laughed a little and Y/N returned to her room, feeling exhausted by this trip. She didn’t know if it was only because she talked to Thor, or because she felt like he was flirting with her, but that night she fell asleep still smiling. 
The morning after, she joined the team for their usual shared breakfast. Some of the avengers were on mission that day so at the table was just Peter, Tony and the two Asgardian. 
She said hello to Tony and Loki, and ruffled Peter’s hair. She got near Thor and went on her knees.
« Oh my god Y/N, there are children in the room ! Peter cover your eyes! 
- Calm down Tony! She said giggling. I just came to me that Thor here is a god. Isn’t it right? And that I, as a mortal, am expected to worship him. She still looked Thor directly in the eyes and heard Loki choking a little. So , if I’m right, I should what ? Believe in you ? Praise you ? But I’m not sure it is going to happen… ‘Cause… »
She stopped right when she hit the play button on her phone and « Rock or Bust » (x) filled the room. 
« In rock we trust, it's rock or bust
In rock we trust, it's rock or bust
In rock we trust, it's rock or bust
In rock n' roll we trust, it's rock or bust »
She stood up, sang a little, still near Thor. She then proceeded to go out of the room the song still blasting loudly out of her phone. She didn’t pay attention to Thor glance still fixed on her back as she was dancing in the hallway going to her lab. 
« Oh brother… said Loki 
- For once I agree with horny boy there, added Tony, she is gonna be the death of you. 
- No, we’re only friends! I just like her! 
- Oh pal… replied Tony typing on his phone, I’m sorry to say that to you but… »
« She got you by the balls
(Kiss your balls goodbye)
Hang it left, hang it right,
Got you by the balls
Got your shorts, got your curlies
Got you by the balls
She got you by the balls » 
Tony was lip syncing the lyrics of « got you by the balls » (x) , Thor only shook his head as Peter was laughing looking at the scene. 
A few hours after, Y/N saw Thor trying to open the door of the lab with again too many things in his hands. She smiled at this sight and hurried to put « shot of love » (x) on so that when he joined her he would hear : 
« Come on honey, take a trip with me
We'll take a double shot of ecstasy
I'll drink some water from a wooden cup
And keep a rocking until the sun comes up
And I warn you
It's the best shot of your life
And I warn you
It's the best shot of your life
Shot of love
Shot of love »
« Oh I love this song, he said.
- I bet you do, she responded smirking. So… came back with *more* food? 
- The others are on mission, Sam came back but insisted on taking my place on the surveillance mission. I came here so we could share lunch together. 
- That’s a great idea. 
- Do you mind if I put some other song on ? As I said I love this one but …
- Oh, go for it !
- FRIDAY , could you please put on « love hungry man » (x) by AC/DC »
The music began and Thor looked right in Y/N’s eyes as they listened to the first words: 
« You're the one I’ve waited for
I need your love
More and more
I don't know what your name is
I don't know what your game is
I wanna take you tonight
Animal appetite
'Cause I’m a love
Hungry man
Yeah I'm the love
Hungry man »
He just smiled and waited for the song to end. 
« So what did you have in plan for this afternoon?
- Well I have to work on these new informations we found in Seoul.
- Do you mind if I stay here ? I don’t have anywhere to be. 
- No but… Aren’t you gonna get bored? I’m just gonna run tests and read papers for most of the time
- I like watching you work, actually. And I brought a book with me. So we’re all good. »
They finished their lunch and Y/N set herself in front of a computer, going through the files from Seoul. The time passed rather quickly because she had a lot of things to do. Thor was calmly reading on a chair, a few times Y/N had just lifted her head from her work and just looked at him. She had stopped when he too had looked at her and simply smiled. Everything was so peacefully even if she was going crazy over the new material. 
She lifted her head and looked at the clock, 8 pm. She decided it was time for them to leave the lab at last. 
« Thor? 
- Mhm? He groaned still focused on his book. 
- What are you reading anyway ? 
- Natasha said it was one of Russia’s most famous novel, it’s called Anna Karenina, I quite like it and she kindly lended it to me. I wanted to finish it as soon as possible, to give it back to her. 
- So you like sad love stories? 
- I prefer happy ones, to be honest , he said softly looking at her.
- Well, I think I’m going to stop here for the night … we should celebrate this very productive day with some music! I just need to move, dance a little! 
- Yes! Let’s ! »
She put on « let me put my love into you » (x), took Thor hands and began to dance awkwardly before he got up too and danced with her. 
« Don't you struggle
Don't you fight
Don't you worry
'Cause it's your turn tonight
Let me put my love into you, babe
Let me put my love on the line
Let me put my love into you, babe
Let me cut your cake with my knife »
They began to laugh, she was singing and he quickly joined her and air drummed to the tune. When the song ended, Y/N was almost out of breath. They gathered their things and went to the common room. Sam was waiting there, watching some videos on his phone. He seemed way calmer than the night he had been rude to Y/N. 
« Hi Sam! Back from your mission ? Asked Y/N sitting in front of him, Thor was standing behind her, arms crossed. 
- Hi! Yes, and vision said he wanted to take a turn for the surveillance of the facility. So I’m just here watching some stupid vines…
- Hum … Thor faked a cough. 
- Ah yes, Y/N I’m sorry for how I acted the other day. I know your job is as important as mine. Sometimes I’m just stupid and I say stupid shit when I’m tired… 
- And? Added Thor.
- You’re not a pain in the ass. I am. 
- Well thanks Sam, I appreciate this, coming clearly only and entirely from you, she said tuning on her chair to face Thor. Really appreciate the sentiment. » 
They chatted a bit, and Thor and Y/N decided to eat some leftover pizza. They stayed with Sam a little more. When Thor noticed that Y/N’s eyes were getting sleepier, he said that himself was feeling tired and headed with her to the rooms. 
« Thanks for Sam, Y/N said when they arrived to her room. 
- Oh it’s nothing really, he just needed a little push to actually say it. But he was conscious he did something wrong
- Yes but you insisted that he apologized. You’re really nice to me Thor. »
He just smiled and asked FRIDAY to put on « love bomb » (x), Y/N looked at him smiling too.
« Love bomb, love bomber
It's a-comin' on strong
I can't take it any longer
Come a-rockin' through your door »
He lowered himself and placed a light kiss on Y/N cheek before taking few steps back 
« Thor? You said earlier, you didn’t have anywhere to be. I think that was a lie, you needed to be with me in the lab. 
- Ah! I like it so when you use your head Y/N. 
- Oh you do ? She said giggling a little and typing on her phone before pressing play. »
Before the music began, she got closer to him. And when the firsts notes of « givin the dog a bone » (x) where played, she put an hand on his torso and started singing the words. 
« She take you down easy
Going down to her knees
Going down to the devil
Down down to ninety degrees
Oh, she's blowing me crazy
Till my ammunition is dry
Oh, she's using her head again
She's using her head
Oh, she's using her head again »
« Oh… Y/N… don’t tease me like that, he groaned while she was turning and dancing around him. 
- I’m not doing anything, love. » 
She giggled a few more times and got inside her room, before Thor could say anything. She just heard a soft « goodnight lady Y/N » and went to sleep. 
She woke up in the morning because someone was knocking on her door. When she got out she just saw Thor. Before she could speak, she heard the beginning of the song « squealer » (x) and started grinning. With the first lyrics, Thor began to slowly dance, moving mostly his hips to the beat. Then he began to sing in a low voice : 
« (Squealer) when I held her hand
(Squealer) I made her understand
(Squealer) when I kissed her lips
(Squealer) sucked her finger tips, hey
(Squealer) oohh started getting hot
(Squealer) oohh made it hard to stop
(Squealer) got too much
(Squealer) I think I've got the magic touch, aaah »
She bit her lower lip while grinning and watching this absurd scene. A god was dancing sensually outside her room but all she could think was « what a dork ». The music stopped , Thor bowed and just said « I hope you feel as I felt yesterday » winking before leaving. 
She couldn’t stop smiling. This was it. For weeks she had tried to flirt with him without any response and now… She mentally thanked AC/DC for blessing her life that way. After a quick shower, she rushed to the common room, her next song already planned in her head. 
When she entered the room, nobody was there, she rushed to the planning. Everyone was on mission, except her who was marked as « in the lab, trying not to fuck up Tony’s work », and Thor as « surveillance team ». 
If they were alone, and he was nowhere to be seen, she would just blast her song all day long. Until he made a move, or someone came back. I was possibly the most childish thing she had done. But she had still work to do and she couldn’t just waste a day of research trying to find Thor to make him listen to that one song. She asked FRIDAY to put « come and get it » (x) very loudly in the whole facility. She liked that song so she didn’t mind listening to it the whole day if she had to. 
« Come and get it
Said if you want it come and get it
If you want it come and get it, yeah
Now listen (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
If you want it come and get it (come and get it)
I said if you want it (come and get it)
If you want it (come and get it)
If you want it
If you want it
If you want it come and get it
Come and get it right here »
During the day she began running tests for the suit. It was really frustrating, she felt so close to finding a solution. Yet every time something else seemed to stop working. The only solution was waiting for Tony and Bruce to get back, and try together to find something that would work. 
She was getting out of her lab, when she came face to face with Thor. 
« Lady Y/N.
- Thor.
- Nice song.
- Yeah, I like it. 
- So that’s why you have been playing it for the entire day, not only in your lab but everywhere in the building ? 
- Did I ? I didn’t even realize! Must have been too busy trying to save all of you to actually pay attention. 
- Is that so? FRIDAY stop the song. Resume what I was listening please. » 
She immediately recognized the first notes of « love song » (x) , she opened her mouth a little. Thor began to sing in his soft low voice. When the first chord came, Thor changed the words and sang louder to silence the original lyrics. 
« I can tell by the look in your eye
I can tell by the way you sigh
That you know I've been thinking of you
And you know what I want to do
Oh Y/N
When you smile I see stars in the sky
When you smile I see sunrise
And I know you've been thinking of me
And I know how you want it to be
Oh Y/N
I can tell by the things you say
I can tell that you know the way
And I know what you want me to do
Oh, I've got hearts and flowers for you
If you leave me you'll make me cry
When I think of you saying good bye
Oh the sky turns to a deeper blue
That's - that's how I'd feel if I lost you
Oh Y/N »
She felt tears fall down her cheek, this was just perfect. Thor looked so vulnerable and sweet. He lifted his hand and cupped her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumb. And slowly kissed her. She could feel his rough stubble on her skin but he was so delicate and soft that everything around felt like clouds. 
« Ah finally! Even I was getting borderline fed up of AC/DC, exclaimed Tony obviously just returning from the latest mission. You owe me five bucks Reindeer Games.
- If he had just waited one more day … said Loki already searching in his pockets. »  
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etraytin · 8 years
Emergency Backup Fic of the Day
I am finally home from my protracted holiday travel (Since December 16, for those of you playing along at home), after ten hours in the car and a morning full of packing before that. I am still sick. I am completely and utterly exhausted and there is no fic in me today. Blargh. 
Luckily, Past Etraytin, in all her wisdom, foresaw such a moment might occur sometime before the the end of the Fic A Day! Way back in October, I wrote an extra fic and saved it back against the day that something bad happened or writer’s block hit or I was just too damn tired. Now, with one day left in the 100-Day Fic-a-Day, I am pulling the cord and deploying the Emergency Fic. 
Today’s fic is actually the start of a multipart story (the other reason I held off on posting it!) that focuses on the East Wing during the Santos Administration. How does Donna adjust to being Chief of Staff? More importantly, how does Helen Santos adjust to being First Lady? What has to get lost or adjusted along the way? Here’s Chapter One. 
“Okay, so Annabeth will be coordinating with Lou in the Communications Office to come up with a joint strategy for publicizing the youth music initiative, but right now we've got feelers out to symphony orchestras in DC, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles to expand their field trip programs with underserved youths and to promote instrumental music in schools.” Donna checked off that item on her list and glanced around at the other staffers in the East Wing sitting room. “I think that's all on the agenda right now. Has anybody got anything else?”
Sandy, the First Lady's personal secretary, opened her mouth to add something. She was preempted by Helen Santos herself, who'd been watching the entire meeting in near silence from her perch in one of the uncomfortable wingback chairs. “So what y'all are telling me,” Helen drawled, “is that my agenda this week consists of dinner with the prime minister of Belgium and his wife, six appearances for photo-ops at various school summer programs, a really horrible party in Chicago to help Matt talk up the budget bill, three dressy luncheons to do the same thing, and a visit to church on Sunday where we're the last ones in and the first ones out?”
“Miranda also has a dentist appointment on Tuesday,” Sandy said in a small voice, “and you're meeting with the historic preservation office on Friday morning to get an update on mold remediation efforts under the press room and the third floor bedroom rehab project.”
“Of course,” Helen said crisply, “I wouldn't want to forget any of that. Good job everybody, keep on truckin'!”
“Thank you, Mrs. Santos,” Donna said as all the staffers rose to their feet. Helen gave her a somewhat cool look, then swept out towards the living quarters. Donna frowned for just a second, then turned to her team. Besides Sandy, there was Otto, the gifted young speechwriter she'd shamelessly poached from Josh during transition, Miri, who'd been Donna's favorite assistant deputy chief of staff in the last administration, and Annabeth, who'd been offered Deputy Press Secretary but didn't want that side of the building anymore. Not exactly the most experienced team, but running the East Wing was a lot different than running the West Wing. They'd made it through the first six months in office with no major disasters, knock on wood.
“All right everybody, we've got plenty of work to do this week. Otto, get me drafts on the school speeches by the end of the day, then start working ahead for the Congressional Women's Dinner in two weeks,” she instructed crisply. “Annabeth, you're with Lou, Miri, you're harassing Sam and/or Congress till they give that extra ten million for music programs.” She thought a second. “Sandy, can you see about freeing up another two or three days for the Santos' trip to Houston next month? Even if the President can't come, maybe we can get the family a few extra days.” They all walked out of the sitting room together, heading back to the East Wing office block. Normally Donna held staff meetings in her office, which was more than big enough, but it got awkward trying to sit at her desk with the First Lady sitting in.
As everyone broke off to their various jobs, Annabeth followed Donna into her office and sat down neatly on the edge of her chair, looking like a pixie in squared-off glasses and a neatly pressed business suit. “Something's wrong with the First Lady,” she announced without preamble.
Donna took her own seat and began looking through a pile of folders. Her own assistant, Jacelyn, still had a long way to go in terms of mastering index cards and post-it notes. “It's allergies,” she agreed without looking up. “The White House doctor prescribed Claritin and silk flowers.”
“That's not what I meant,” Annabeth countered, “though my sinuses are already singing a tiny little hallelujah chorus about the flowers.” She side-eyed the large bouquet on Donna's side table, one of dozens in the East Wing at any given time. “I think she's about to start a prison riot.”
“Do what?” Donna looked up, furrowed her brow. “We're not going to any prisons, and we haven't got anything on our agenda.” Her eyes widened a little. “You don't think she's going to want to go after sufferage for felons again, do you?”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “There was a time,” she told Donna, “long, long ago in the days when you got enough sleep, that you were able to understand figurative language.”
Donna glared at her without any real anger. “That's a lie. I've never gotten enough sleep.” She considered Annabeth's words a little harder, finally putting down the pile of folders. “You think she's feeling trapped in the White House,” she surmised. “And that's what the little thing in staff today was about.”
“I think she's ready to find herself a tin cup and start banging it against the windows,” Annabeth said dryly. “And I don't really blame her. She had a life back in Houston. She had friends and she was on the PTA, and she probably had a book club or one of those groups where they pretend to sew or knit and just drink wine and gossip all evening. What's she got now? This place is just a big ol' white cage for the First Family, and she hasn't even got days at school or the weight of the free world to distract her. Not everyone's built for the monklike lives of austerity that staff members around here seem to prefer. Present company excepted,” she added, tongue-in-cheek.
Donna flushed, her alabaster skin going pink all the way down her neck. “I wouldn't exactly call it monastic,” she said with great delicacy.
“You had a hickey last week,” Annabeth reminded her gleefully.
Donna gave Annabeth a slightly more pointed glare, but inwardly she was feeling rather pleased. Not just because of the hickey thing, which had been fun enough to make the embarrassment nearly worth it, but because Annabeth was joking about relationships again. Optics were Annabeth's stock in trade and she covered her emotions very well most of the time, but Donna had seen how undone she'd been after Leo's death. It hadn't taken too long to suss out why. At this point there was nothing to be said about whether a relationship would've been wise or appropriate, what did it even matter?  
Annabeth was completely unwilling to talk about it, so all Donna had was her own speculation, but if she and Leo had been a thing, it couldn't have been for very long. That really didn't matter either, she supposed. She wondered, when she could bear to think about it, what she herself might have done if something had happened to Josh at the end of the campaign trail, back in late 1998. She'd have been devastated by the loss, of course, but not completely destroyed the way she would've been a few years later at Rosslyn, or any time after that. Today seemed like a good sign that maybe Annabeth was starting to bounce back. “Aren't we talking about the First Lady here?”
“She hasn't had many hickies lately,” Annabeth commented, raising a quelling hand at Donna's sputter. “What I mean to say, she doesn't seem very satisfied on any level lately, and that's not usual for her. And you know what they say, if Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. If the President's not happy, the entire country suffers. We have an obligation.”
Donna massaged her temples delicately, suspecting she was about to have a headache. “I'm not sure there's anything we can do about the fact that her friends and her life are all back in Houston and this place is secured like a bunker most of the time. But at least she's got the trip coming up.”
“Which will probably make things worse,” Annabeth pointed out, swinging her legs idly off the edge of the desk. “She's just starting to get strung out now, craving her old life. Let her go to Houston and give her a quick hit of what she's missing, then send her back to the methadone clinic of blue-hair luncheons and boring fundraisers with professional brown-nosers, all she's going to be thinking about is what she doesn't have.”
“I think you rode that metaphor way out of the pasture there, but I see what you mean.” Donna replied dryly. “What do you suggest we do about it?”
“She needs friends here. People, ideally women, close to her own age, who she doesn't have to be so formal with all the time,” Annabeth said decisively.
Donna cocked her head. “Are you suggesting we set up a playdate for the First Lady?”
“If by playdate you mean 'you and I take her a bottle of wine and try to remember to call her Helen for a couple of hours,' it's not a bad place to start,” Annabeth offered. “I don't know about you, but I don't have any friends in DC who don't work here. And vetting anybody is going to be a serious hassle. At least if we can get her to open up a little, maybe we can find out some of what she'd like to do.”
“That could work,” Donna agreed, resting her chin on her fist thoughtfully. “The president is out of town Thursday night and the nanny's on duty. I'll ask her about it tomorrow and see if she's interested.”
“DAR's Thurday lunch,” Annabeth pointed out. “We might need a couple bottles.”
(This fic is also archived, along with any new chapters I may write, at AO3, same author name, under the title “Iron Bars A Cage.” 
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