#put ur eyelids down sir
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mightytato · 5 months ago
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wyd when he stares at you this hard
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jungshookz · 4 years ago
omg mean mr. park trying so hard not to give ballet!y/n special treatment that he goes too hard in the other direction and makes her cry!!!! and he’s like well i can’t fix it here in front of all these people what do i do what do i do
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!!! except uhhhhhh jimin’s a little scary in this one not going to lie <3 
➺ wordcount: 3.6k
➺ what to expect; “and take those goddamn leg warmers off.”
➺ optional readings: one; two; three; four
➺ note; this has been one of the hoTTest requests for a long time which doesn’t make any sense to me because whenever i get asked to write about this specific scenario i’m like?? you?? you WANT me to make y/n cry???? also i hope u don’t mind but i changed ur original request just a teensy bit because i didn’t want y/n to have to cry in front of everyone again otherwise she’s just going to be known as the class cry-baby and we should at least give her a tiny crumb of dignity 
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
jimin… is getting soft.
which isn’t super great because he feels like his reputation as scary strict ballet instructor is going to go down the drain and disappear forever if he keeps going on like this
it’s not like he can help himself when his girlfriend is one of his students
(which… is still a secret, by the way. the two of you are surprisingly very good at keeping things somewhat professional. teamwork makes the dream work, right?)
the other day in class he literally had to pinch his arm to remind himself to stOP looking at you so fondly
he caught himself in the mirror with this dumb little smile on his face and his eyes all bright and twinkly as he watched you dance
and it certainly didn’t help that you smiled back at him before wiggling your brows knowingly
he can’t do things like that!
he has to be more careful!!
he has to toughen up!
he has to take a stand!
he’s going to have to pull out the big guns to prove to everyone that no, i don’t have any favourites, and no, i’m certainly not romantically attracted and in a very real relationship with one of you, not at all!
it just feels like no one really takes him seriously anymore??
especially after he gave all of you guys individual roses on valentine’s day
sometimes he thinks that maybe that was a little extra of him but he did genuinely feel bad about keeping you guys here when you could’ve been out spending the night with your significant others
his point is
he thinks that everyone is starting to fear him less and less with every passing day and he just can’t have that
and it doesn’t help that yoU very openly don’t take him that seriously in class because then everyone sees that as their opportunity to not take him seriously as well
it’s like suddenly you’ve labeled yourself as the ringleader of this circus and now he’s just one of your clowns
that’s not the way things should be!!!
hE’S the ringleader of this stupid ballet circus!!!!
the other week when he announced that your guys’ break would be over in approximately thirty seconds, you just turned around to look at him with big, pleading eyes and: “can’t we have five extra minutes of break time, mr. park? please?” and obviously he couldn’t say no to that because of your dumb stupid pretty googly eyes
and he thought that that would be the worst of it but nO
he was very wrong
because it got worse
people are starting to show up in sweatpants and hoodies instead of leotards and chiffon skirts and if there’s anything he hates the moSt on this planet, it’s people who don’t dress for the part
he hated watching all of you prancing around the room wearing grubby HOODIES
you can wear whatever you want outside of class, but he likes to think that he’s made it relatively clear that once you are in the confines of his classroom, the standards are higher than the heavens above
so, yes
he’s decided that today is going to be the day he grabs the reins and takes control once more
today’s break will be ten minutes and ten minutes only - with no extensions!
if he has to yell at someone today for messing up a move, you bet your ass he’s going to do just that - show no mercy!
he’s mr. park!
he’s in charge!
“i’m in charge.” jimin mutters to himself as he stands outside the classroom door
he nods firmly to himself before pushing the door open
“alright, ladies! let’s get ready to do some warm up exercises…” jimin announces loudly as soon as he steps into the classroom, a couple of the girls rushing to get up from the ground (it’s nice to see that some of you are still scared of him)
he pushes his sunglasses up to the top of his head when he notices that you’re continuing to gab away in the corner with lisa and the others
“uh, hello?” he clears his throat and you turn to look over your shoulder
“oh! hold up, mr. park, i’m almost done telling my story. so as i was saying-“ you turn back to the girls and jimin frowns
this is exactly what he was talking about
when he used to walk into the classroom everyone would immediately get into neat rows of four
and now?
there are five girls who are lined up
five girls out of TWENTY
jimin pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he approaches you slowly, “miss y/l/n, i mean it.“ he warns, his grip tightening around his iced coffee, “finish your conversation now, please.”
he raises a brow when you flat out ignore him and he notices lisa reaching over to smack your kneecap before subtly gesturing upwards to him
he doesn’t know if you’re doing it on purpose but you’re really starting to push it
your shoulders drop as you let out a sigh and you turn around to look at him
you frown and your lips twist  
“yeah, whatever- just gimme one more second, okay?“ you dismiss him with a flick of your wrist anD a roll of your eyes and his jaw drops in surprise
did you just-
did you-
did you just… flick your wrist at him?
and roll your eyes?
who exactly do you think you are?
jimin turns on his heel to go over to the cabinets that he usually puts his bag and his jacket in
he shakes his head and chuckles darkly to himself as the image of you flicking your wrist and rolling your eyes at him plays over and over again in his mind
are you serious?
did you actually do that to him?
in front of everyone?
you really grew a pair since your ‘i’m 100% attracted to park jimin and i would love to sit on his face’ days, no?
what, you think that just because he’s your boyfriend that you get to get away with stunts like that?
how dare you!
outside of the classroom, yes, he’s your boyfriend, and yes, you can flick your wrist and roll your eyes at him all you want
but inside of the classroom?
jimin’s grip tightens around the edge of the cabinet door
absolutely fucking not.
the cabinet doors slam shut with a loud bang! and a couple of girls let out yelps of surprise at the sudden noise, “everyone get in line right now!”
your neck nearly snaps off from how quickly you turn to look and your eyes widen when you suddenly see everyone scrambling to get off the ground and to get in line
you were almost done with your story :-//
you frown to yourself before getting up off the ground (and taking your time in doing so, because your knees are a little creaky this morning)
((you chose to snack on some crackers and dip instead of stretching before class because as far as you’re concerned, snacking is way more fun than stretching))
“y/n, let’s go-!“ lisa hisses and grabs your arm before dragging you up towards the front where you guys usually stand
“oh, would you relax?” you snort as you make your way to the front before moving into first position
you turn your head to let out a quiet yawn before turning back to face the front to see jimin looking directly at you
“am i boring you this afternoon, miss y/l/n?” he crosses his arms and you shrug sloppily in response  
jimin tilts his head, “can you use your words like a normal human being, please?”
you let out a sigh and resist the urge to roll your eyes at him again
he’s so uptight today!!
he was fine this morning before you left to go to class
what’s his problem??
“no, sir.” you raise a brow, “you’re not boring me. are you going to spend the rest of the class asking me questions or are we actually going to learn something today?”
in your peripheral vision you see lisa’s eyelids flutter shut and her head lower a little bit
that was a genuine question!
it was supposed to be a joke???
tough crowd today lol
everyone can practically feel the tension in the air when jimin doesn’t immediately respond and instead glares at you with nothing but pure rage behind his brown eyes
“would you like to say that again, miss y/l/n?”
“oh, would you look at that? another question for me.” you chuckle lightly and look around at your peers to see if anyone else is cracking a smile
but everyone’s looking at you with wide eyes filled with what you can only make out to be complete and utter… is that fear?
even seulgi shakes her head no when the two of you lock gazes
what is going on today???
you turn back around and jump in surprise when you realize that jimin is now standing directly in front of you
and for the first time in a long time, you’re starting to feel a little nervous
you shift uncomfortably in your position and make an effort to stand up a little straighter
maybe you should-
“get out of my classroom.” jimin speaks lowly and your eyes widen in surprise
“i-i’m sorry, sir?” you stammer before shaking your head, “i don’t unders-“
“get the hell out of my classroom, miss y/l/n!” he snaps before taking a step back and tilting his head at you, “and take those goddamn leg warmers off. do you think anyone at the academy is going to take you seriously if you show up to an audition with bright blue, fuzzy leg warmers with sheep all over them?”
oh god
he’s not kidding
this isn’t funny anymore
“n-no sir, of course not-!” you shake your head quickly before bending down to yank your leg warmers off, “i-i’m not- i would never show up to an audition wearing these-”
you stumble over a little as you struggle to pull them off and lisa quickly reaches out to help you stay balanced
“can’t even keep yourself up on one foot without falling over, huh?” jimin scoffs before crossing his arms, “what, did you just sit on your ass for the entirety of quarantine?”
“of course not, mr. park.” you swallow thickly and shake your head again as you get back up onto your feet, tossing the leg warmers to the side, “i’m so sorry, sir.”
and just when you think you’re in the clear-
“don’t be sorry, just be ready.” jimin snaps and you feel your entire face flush bright red, “now get out. miss kang, can you move up to the front please?”
you’re not even bothered by the fact that you’ve just been replaced by seulgi
you’re more bothered by the fact that he just used his phrase on you
don’t be sorry
just be ready
don’t be sorry, just be ready  
that’s his phrase and he’s never once used it on you in the entire time that he’s taught you
he only uses that phrase when someone messes up really bad
and one thing you can say for sure is you very rarely mess up in class
he only uses that phrase when he’s angry!!!
“by the way, let this be an example to the rest of you, hm?” jimin paces up and down the front of the classroom slowly, everyone standing up as straight as pins as they look ahead, “every single one of you has been slacking immensely as of late and i won’t have it. the next person who shows up to my class wearing sweatpants and a dirty hoodie - well, i’m sure you’ll be comfortable out in the hallway. or maybe you’ll be comfortable not coming back to my class ever again.”
you lean over a little to peek over at jimin but quickly get back in line when he turns around
“miss y/l/n, i think i asked you to leave, did i not? i’m not going to ask you again.”
you jump when you feel seulgi tap on your shoulder from behind and she smirks at you in the mirror
“y-yes, mr. park.” your voice gives out halfway through and you turn on your heel to manoeuvre your way through the other girls to get to the door
“now that that’s been taken care of, this is what we’re going to do today…”
you shut the door behind you quietly
to say the least, that was…
sure, jimin’s always been a little (very) strict, but that was just plain mean
he yelled at you AND he kicked you out!
and you don’t think he’s ever been so harsh with any of the other girls before
you’ve seen him yell at the other girls but this felt more like a personal attack instead of criticism on dancing like it usually is  
and you always thought he liked your leg-warmers
it doesn’t take very long for your nose to prickle and your eyes to start welling up with tears
you sit down on the bench and your chin starts to tremble as you think about what just happened  
oh no
and now you’re going to cry?!
oh god
you can’t cry right now!
what if he comes out??
and sees you crying??
you cannOT cry in front of mr. park right now
the last time you cried in front of him was when you twisted your ankle but at least you had an excuse to cry because you were in physical pAIN
emotional pain is not the same as physical pain and therefore cannot be used as a legitimate excuse to start blubbering
you are not a cry-baby!!
your nose scrunches as you try your best not to let out a whimper and you blink quickly in an effort to make the tears go away but one single tear ends up rolling down your cheek
you reach up to swipe the back of your hand against your chin before putting your arms back down  
what are you supposed to do now?
you sniffle before leaning your head against the wall and crossing your arms
if you have to stay out here for the rest of class, you’re just going to take a nap and try noT to think about mean mr. park
“y/n… you feel someone shaking you gently and you shoot up from where you’re leaning against the wall
“wh- what-“ your voice is a little raspy from your sad-nap, “i wasn’t asleep-!”  
you relax a little when you see that it’s just lisa
you take a quick glance around to see that everyone’s packing their bags, so it’s safe to assume that class is done for the day
“mr. park wants to talk to you.” lisa whispers and glances back towards the classroom door, “by the way- you were a real idiot in there, you know that?”
“oh, god.” you reach up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “i know, i know! i don’t- i mean, i didn’t think he was going to kick me out-“
“hey, y/n! smooth move today-“ you’re cut off when suddenly seulgi pops up behind lisa and you can’t help but frown at how pleased she looks with these conditions, “thanks for handing your status as favourite student over to me on a silver platter!”
“can it, seulgi.” lisa scowls before shoving her gently
“the view was super great from the front.” she whistles, “mr. park is a lot hotter up close.”
you’ve never considered yourself to be a violent person, but…
you would give an arm and a leg just to strangle seulgi for a good five minutes <3  
lisa rolls her eyes and turns back to look at you, “good luck in there though, for real. you… you were real ballsy today.”
it takes you approximately one minute to muster up the courage to knock on the classroom door
you press your lips together tightly as your fist hovers over the surface of the door
just knock!
it’s not hard
just move your hand
you squeeze your eyes shut before tapping your knuckles against the door in three short beats
“come in.”
you swallow your nerves before pushing the handle down and opening the door slowly with a creak
it’s fine!
you’re fine
class is over, which means mean mr. park is gone and nice boyfriend jimin is here, right?
you cautiously poke your head into the room
jimin’s busy packing up as well but his back is facing you which makes you feel a little better because if you’d opened the door and he was standing there staring directly at you, you probably would’ve immediately burst into tears
your poor sheep leg warmers are crumpled pathetically in the same spot where you tossed them
maybe you should just grab your leg warmers and run for the hills
“you… wanted to… see me?” you clear your throat and freeze when jimin turns his head to look over his shoulder
“yes, i did. shut the door and come here.”
okay, well
there goes your chance to run for the hills
you’re basically traPPEd in here now
you hesitantly shut the door behind you and you feel your heart starting to beat a little harder in your chest as you make your way over to the middle of the room
you keep your gaze downwards as jimin stands in front of you and you clasp your hands in front of you, twiddling your thumbs nervously
a moment of silence ticks by and you want nothing more than for the ground to cave and just swallow you up entirely
“you know why i had to do that, right?”
“because we’re… da…ting?” you offer weekly before lifting your head up to look at him
jimin scoffs before shaking his head, “no. you blatantly disrespected me in front of your peers, that’s why i kicked you out. your attitude today was completely unacceptable. completely.”
it appears that your theory about mean mr. park disappearing as soon as class ended was incorrect
to be fair… he is right
you have to admit that maybe you let the fact that you guys are dating cloud your judgement a little
obviously he’s not going to show you special treatment in class just because of that
you feel your insides twist when the realization sinks in that you were… kind of an asshole today
and you pride yourself on being a good student!
you immediately drop your head once more as your cheeks flush in shame, “yes, mr. park. i’m… i’m sorry for my poor behaviour today, sir. i disrespected you in your classroom and it won’t happen again.”
“it better not.” jimin nods, “apology accepted, miss y/l/n.”
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously
you’re not… too sure what you’re supposed to say now
you hear jimin let out a sigh before he speaks up again, “i’m… your boyfriend, which i know makes things a little confusing, but… you can’t act like that when we’re in class, y/n.” he hooks a finger under your chin before tilting your head up, “just because we’re dating doesn’t give you an excuse to act like a prick, baby.”
“i know. i’m sorry.” you respond meekly and nod in understanding
jimin’s eyes soften when he notices you starting to get teary-eyed
now he’s starting to feel bad!!!
he’ll admit that maybe he was a little harsher than usual and it was probably a little more than embarrassing being called out like that in front of your peers, but he had to what he had to do!
you flicked your wrist at him!
and rolled your eyes!
double whammy!
“i thought you liked my leg warmers.” you whimper quietly and jimin snorts in response
that’s what you’re getting upset about??
your leg warmers??
“why are you- why are you laughing??” you whine when he begins to giggle softly and you reach up to wipe at your falling tears (though now you can’t tell if they’re tears of sadness anymore because the sound of jimin’s giggling never fails to put you in a better mood), “you were the ones who chose these dumb sheep ones for me to wear today so h-how am i supposed to feel when you-“
“oh my god, you moron-” jimin immediately tugs you in for a hug and props his chin up on the top of your head, “i do like your leg warmers! they’re really cute!”
“that’s not how it seemed-” you sniffle as you bury your face into the crook of his neck and wrap your arms around him
“it was the only way i knew to show you that i was being serious!”
“you know how i feel about my leg warmers-!” you pull away with a pout and jimin quickly leans down to plant his lips against yours (mainly to shut you up about your leg warmers, but also to make u feel a little better)
he gives you a couple of sweet pecks before reaching up to cup your cheeks in his hands, “will pizza for dinner tonight make you forgive me for insulting your precious leg warmers, silly girl?” jimin hums as he wipes your tears away with his thumbs before leaning down to nudge his nose against yours affectionately
“…throw in some dessert and i’ll think about it.”
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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milkacchan · 5 years ago
Request for anon: Ah!! My bad!! Didn't know you couldn't write controversial stuff!! I'll be happy to resend the ask!))May I have Enji, Bakugo, and Deku with a very punk S/O?-Anarchy anon
• He thinks its very entertaining.
• V e r y
• He likes what you wear 🥺🥺
• He thinks they suit you
• they match your skin
• and your body
• thigh highs?? Yes.
• skirts??? He loves it
• tight jeans?? Baby pop the duck off
• studded collar? Y e s
• all your bracelets? Shits dope as duck
• Listen I know his parents literally work in fashion- but he did not inherit the genes needed to be good at it
• so you're gonna have to help hi
• and your make up blows him away
• You teach him how to do eyeliner
• bc we all know he abuses the power
• so you sit him down and you show him how you do yours
• and then you give him an extra eyeliner pen and he copies each step
• Now his eyeliner is sharp as fuck
• its great
• he'll help you dye your hair
• which you love because the feeling of him playing with you hair or running his fingers through it to even out the dyed strands feels like heaven
• you've fallen asleep from it before
• he thinks its funny
• bc here you are
• big scary punk babe
• falling asleep bc he's playing w your fucking hair
• There just this ion give a fuck attitude that punks have
• and he lives for it
• except when it comes to school
• or anything else productive
• so basically just when you're dealing with other people
• bc he's absolutely on your ass about grades
• he'll come w you to get new piercings
• stick n pokes are a no go tho
• seriously he'll flip lmaoo
• Bro you and Dekj are literally the opposite
• he's ✨🧚‍♀️🥰😍💋💫❣❣
• a fucking bottom
• and youre 🤬👺😈💢♠️⛓💉🩸🗡
• its very amusing to see a babey decked out in black and blue and purple with crazy fucking hair, screamjng profanities at some bitch who had the misfortune of messing w ur bf
• and then a broccoli boy w green hair panicked and trying to pull you away from the fight
• :)
• he's enamored with your makeup tho
• heavy eyeliner?? Yes
• blush??? Yes.
• eyeliner in places thats not your fucking eye? Yes.
• Black lipstick? Yes.
• Babey wants to try and to it 🥺
• its harder than he thinks
• he's looking at the best he just made on your eyelids and he's like 😓
• he likes to try on your jewelry too!!
• just chill with it throughout the day
• like he'll walk into class one day wearing your spiked choker and no one bats an eye
• bc they just know
• its a deku thing
• or he'll come in wearing your cool hand chain things on days they don't have to train
• or your bracelets!
• also?? He sees your coping method of piercings
• and that you do them yourself
• and he'll watch as you do it like 🥰🥰
• he'll make sure its all safe tho!!!
• just because you're punk doesn't mean you can't be safe!!!!
• he likes to see all your cool pins :(
• he'll steal those too
• @ arthur making a fist meme pin
• your favorite one
• n your like sir??????
• whomst??
• you can't take it from him tho 😔
• he's just too cute and he'd be sad if you took it
• he'll sometimes pick your outfit to go out
• or he'll have you style something he can wear so he looks 😤😤 too
• and its a vibe
• You'd never think
• THE Enji Todoroki
• would end up
• w someone
• like
• you
• He's a very composed man
• He dresses well, expensive designer brands
• he's always put together and well-mannered (for the most part)
• and then there's you
• the fucking gremlin from hell that runs on caffeine and energy drinks that looks like a hottopic advertisement
• Its awesome tbh
• Shouto LOVES you
• Bc you're in your late 20's- Early 30's and you fr just living not giving a shit
• Not acting like his mother
• knowing you have like 0 authority over him
• just fucking vibing
• And somehow you managed to snag his dad??
• youre the embodiment of ill marry your date and make you my stepson bitch
• he's like yo, I see you
• Enji lowkey (highkey he just doesn't think its obvious) finds it hot
• that you dress the way you too
• and your attitude
• it just does things to him
• he just really really likes the vibe
• theres an excitement of finally just letting go and saying fuck it after a long day of being composed
• and it appeals to him
• I feel like lowkey part of the punk vibe is making/thrifting/mismatching clothes and just good hard as fuck
• like
• I got these pants from Walmart, this shirt from 7/11 that I cut up and I found these shoes behind the dumpster of an Arby's so here we fucking go
• so when he buys you fancy and expensive punk shit you're like 😤😤😤
• but also like 👁👁
• bc get that bread sis
• mans just watches you kill your hair with bleach and hair dye
• "Would you like me to call and schedule and appointment with Fuyumis hair stylist?" He asks with confusion
"No!! We're fucking shit up is what we're doing. We HAVE to do it this way!!!!"
"Okay, would you like help? I can try the best I'm able to,"
"Aw bby, help is for the week."
• you end up needing help to get the back lmaoooo
• you do your own haircuts
• bc like I said
• fucking shit up
• thats the vibe
• m u l l e t
• or you know the girls that cut lil bits of their hair so short it looks like lil horns??
• please do that
• I promise he'll get rlly soft about it
• "I believe it suits you," he'll say softly, running his fingers through the ends of your hair
"Thanks, I fucked it up and went for it."
• he tends not to curse as much
• so
• :)
• you'll curse for him
• some shit goes wrong? You're right next to him?
• get ready for the storm bb
• "oh you mother fucking cu-"
• he honestly doesn't mind the mouth
• bc like I said before
• its refreshing for him to know he can come home and not be expected to be composed
• He will absolutely be willing to pay for whatever tattoos you want
• and honestly just take him up on it bc tattoos are expensive like
• 3 letters is like 150 bruh
• but!! Piercings are done at home!
• unless they're in your mouth :)
• tongue piercing or that peircing above your teeth
• he won't let you do shit like that at home
• when you did get them he helped you take care of them
• but esr piercings are free game
• overall he's very very supportive in the way you dress and act all around• he really doesn't mind at all
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gkingoffez · 4 years ago
2020 RvB Valentines Exchange uwu
My partner was MentalMaterial but I think they’ve changed their name to @linklebard ?
Anyway, here’s ur Tuckington mutual pining bed sharing as requested. Enjoy!
Words: 1833
Pairing: Tuckington
Tucker was fucked. He had to be- fucked in the head or the heart or the mostly healed stab wound in his side from that fucker Felix. Something had to be wrong, despite the fortified walls of Armonia around him, the Chorus truce, the energy sword in his bag and especially the ex-Freelancer standing beside him in the confined corridor who he hadn’t expected to be there.
“I’m sorry, sirs!” squeaked the young woman in front of them, a civilian wearing a military lanyard, pulling at her frazzled hair with one hand and frantically scrolling on her data-pad with the other. “There must have been a glitch in the program- you should have been assigned your own private rooms. I’m so sorry, our equipment is so outdated and it does stuff like this sometimes-”
“Please stop apologising, it’s not your fault,” Wash insisted gently. “We understand that this was just a mistake, but we’re tired and just want to go to bed?”
“Are you sure there’s no more spare rooms on this floor? A secret penthouse with a jacuzzi maybe? I’ll take it if there is.” asked Tucker.
The woman shook her head, frowning and tapping away. “I’m sor- I mean, no, not here, in fact there’s nothing else on this floor. “This hotel was only converted into officer accommodation a few days ago, and Locus was confirmed to have stayed here while in the city,” she explained.
“There are empty rooms further along that way, but we haven’t had time to do the same level of security sweeps on them.”
The woman gestured at the plain black door behind her, completely identical to the myriad of other ones lining the narrow corridor.
“This room does have a queen bed, sirs. The easiest solution might be that you can share it for the night and one of you can move tomorrow? I know it’s not ideal, but it’s better than a possible security risk.”
“What?” spluttered Tucker. “Why aren’t there enough rooms? And What happened to all of us getting private-?”
“Thank you, that’ll do us fine for tonight,” interjected Wash loudly, glaring at him. “We don’t want to cause too much fuss this late in the evening, and definitely don’t want to stay somewhere that’s not secure. Don’t you agree, Captain Tucker.”
Tucker gaped, words escaping him under Wash’s gaze.
He was fucked. Because once the adrenaline had worn off discovering a manufactured civil war, transmitting that info globally, being betrayed and stabbed by Felix, confronting Hargrove and whatever else happened in the less than a week since he’d snuck off the New Republic base, Tucker suddenly had time and space for… thoughts.
Thoughts like how much he’d truly missed the man standing beside him.
Wash, who’d been a hardass in the canyon like he was being fucking paid for it, who’d kept them all fed and alive and together, and then he’d gone and done the heroic sacrifice play, like an idiot, and suddenly he was gone. It felt like all Tucker had thought about for the last several months was whether Wash was okay, whether he was in pain or alone or dead. At points he’d almost wished they’d swapped places, that he was taking the (in hindsight, non-existent) punishment from the Federal Army, and Wash was the one training the Lieutenants.
Then out of the blue, Wash was back. Wash was fine. Everyone was fine, and like a circle, the whirlwind of betrayal, civil war, stabbing yada-yada unfolded. Tucker had only just caught his breath again and was looking forward to actually relaxing for once, only to end up in this corridor, standing awkwardly in front of a room they’d both been assigned to.
Wash was staring pointedly at him with those stupid clear blue eyes that made Tucker’s heart jump, and it was clear something must have been wrong, because that wasn’t right. It was physical and mental exhaustion, not love. He wasn’t some hormonal teenager, he was a grown man who wanted to go to fucking bed and not have to deal with his fucking feelings.
“Yeah, whatever, let’s just go then,” Tucker said offhandedly, adjusting his sack over his shoulder and stomping into the room without another word.
It was small but glamourous compared to normal military quarters- the hiss of the sliding door muffled against thick looking carpet, one door presumably leading to a bathroom, a single kitchen cabinet with a sink and a lowboy with a television mounted to the wall above it.
The bed took up the bulk of the space in the far end of the room. Behind it hung thick mustard coloured curtains, although Tucker knew even without having to move them that they’d been covered barred with a bullet proof covering as part of the security sweep. What was the point of being a heroes of Chorus, after all, if a well-placed sniper could take them out through a hotel window?
“Home sweet home, I guess,” Tucker shrugged, ignoring his jumping heart as he unceremoniously dumped his stuff on the ground near the kitchen space.
“Thank you for stopping to help us. We’ll be fine.” Wash was saying as he backed into the room. “Good night.”
“Good night sirs!” the woman said, “And again, I’m so-!”
The door hissed shut, Wash’s hand on the button.
“What the fuck, dude,” cried Tucker, rounding on him. “You didn’t have to immediately say yes. I could have pawned Caboose onto someone else and taken his room or something.”
“Oh don’t bother Caboose, he’s probably already asleep and you’ll never wake him. It’s late. All we need is a bed and everything will be else sorted in the morning. One night in the same bed won’t kill us.”
Wash crossed the room and carefully deposited his own knapsack on the lowboy.
“Besides, I wanted us to stay together a little bit longer. To be safe, you know,” he added quietly, glancing Tucker’s way.
Now, of course, Tucker’s eyes had also joined the ‘fucked party’. Was it a trick of the LED lights, or was that a blush on Wash’s cheeks? There was no way to double check, as Wash quickly turned his back on him.
Tucker crossed his arms haughtily, huffing and shaking his head to reset it.“Whatever. I’ll take the right side.”
“Fine by me,” replied Wash, unzipping his bag and rustling around in it, still turned away. “I’m going to change in the bathroom. Oh, and Tucker?”
“I swear to god if you sleep naked, I’m going to suffocate you with a pillow.”
“Not if I suffocate you first, asshole.”
Maybe ten minutes of bathroom time, brushing teeth and other general night activities later (Tucker was fully clothed in loose borrowed sweats), they were both lying in bed back to back in the queen bed.
“Well,” said Wash. “Good night.”
“Yeah, night.”
As soon as the light turned off, Tucker’s brain switched on like a fucking Christmas tree.
He was not in love with Wash. Love was for girls and people who hadn’t spent literal years on the shittiest military posting ever, then got knocked up, then spent years in the desert, then got dragged on a mission to kill the Freelancer Director, then crashed landed on a planet- well, anyone would get the point. Sure, he acted like a stud and a lady’s man, but truthfully, it had been a long, long time since he’d really loved anyone like that.
Wash had been a fucking Freelancer. Caboose and the Reds talked about him like he was the most capable, badass guy around (barring the time he’d apparently gone evil and shot Donut, of course). Not to mention, he was kinda hot. Sandy hair with streaks of grey, blue eyes, even the criss-cross of scars across his pale skin did things for Tucker. Like he was this put-together, experienced and handsome man next to Tucker’s immaturity and recklessness.
The sheets were feeling too tight and stuffy for his brain, and the slow pattern of Wash’s breathing next to him was not helping. He flipped over onto his back, pulling and rearranging them, staring up at the shadowed ceiling.
“Hey Wash, you asleep yet?” he asked quietly
There was a beat.
“If I was, how would you expect me to answer that?” came the annoyed reply
“I dunno. Snoring?”
Wash snorted. “Just go to sleep, Tucker.”
They were in the same bed. They were in the same bed. Wash was inches away, the kind of distance where Tucker could touch him and then easily brush it off as an accident of movement. Wash’s hand was right there, he’d only need to reach- but no. He couldn’t do that, it wasn’t right.
When Caboose first suggested putting the ex-Freelancer in Church’s empty armour, it hadn’t really mattered to Tucker that much. He was just a guy who’d been an asshole but switched sides in time to help them take out the Meta, may as help him not go back to jail after all. Months in the crash had changed that, and all that time of training and bickering and surviving together had made them friends. He’d bitched and bitched and then watchedWash sacrifice himself as a rockfall separated them had been devastating, throwing into perspective just how goddamn much he cared about all of them despite the fact that they were a bunch of Red and Blue idiots.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder or however the shit went. And Tucker had spent months wishing Wash was ok, wishing he was there, wishing a lot of things.
Maybe he had fallen in love with the man in that time. Maybe it wasn’t as fucked up as he was making it out to be, he’d always been pretty dramatic, after all. Dudes fell in love with dudes all the time, especially when they’d been through a lot together.
Oh for fuck’s sake, none of this matters! There’s no way in hell that he likes me too. Just go to sleep, idiot.
Tomorrow, Tucker could wake up and blame it all on stress, exhaustion and the computer system that had fucked up room assignments. For that moment, however, he felt himself drift off, eyelids heavy and breath evening out.
They had work to do tomorrow rebuilding Chorus and tracking down mercenaries, and the more sleep he got, the better.
The last thing he registered that night was the vibration and rustling sound of Wash twisting in place. However, he must have dreamed about the gentle, tender touch he felt on his face as he was just on the precipice of sleep.
That couldn’t be right.
A snapshot of the future- tangled limbs in a queen bed, dark on pale and scattered scars. A data-pad hanging limply in a man’s hand, the other gazing at him with an adoring expression. The first glances at the rapture in his lover’s face, and snorts.
“You’re fucked,” he says, jokingly.
“No, you fucked me,” replies Tucker. They laugh.
Ya’ll let me tell you about the absolute stress rollercoaster I’ve had these past few months. So first up, I completely forgot I’d signed up for this exchange, and was surprised when I got the message. Then I proceeded to have a family death, my birthday and the stress of having to search for a new place to live and start packing up my stuff, all while working my shitty full time job and being exhausted from it.
So to my exchange partner, I’m sorry for not reaching out at all, but my anxiety levels are pretty high these days. This was written pretty quickly, at the last minute and after not writing for probably a year, but I hope you enjoy.
I might have another editing run through it before posting elsewhere but it’s done somewhat on time so I’m happy (Valentine’s was actually yesterday for me and I have to leave for work in like five minutes.)
Anyway, happy love and bed sharing and mutual pining guys. Love ya.
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shoulda-been-a-redhead · 4 years ago
Chapter 1!!! Ava+Mason
Hi!! I’m so excited to finally put forward a real sequential storyline! I hope you enjoy!! 
Note** these are my OC’s, so ur not just like, missing a whole fandom or anything. I just got tired of dehumanizing my Characters, so now they have names. I will most likely not keep these names for all my posts ever, but ill keep them for this whole series. That being said: 
Cast list: Supervillain (thus far unnamed, maybe always) ;  Villain: Ava (she/they) ;  Hero: Mason (he/him)
________ _____ ____ 
A hand grabbed around the forehead of the merchandise, squeezing its temples, then tracing over its forehead and the veins popping out from anger, and maybe a migraine too. 
“How much for this?” Supervillain asked the seller. 
“I’m willing to negotiate.” The seller jerked his head towards a doorway and the two left ot discuss money. 
Villain (Ava) stood off to the side, across the room from hero. She tilted her head back against the wall, watching the normally strong and even more strong-willed hero (Mason) kneel, restrained by his wrists, locked to his ankles, locked to the floor. The position allowed him almost no movement and forced him to look down in order to obtain any kind of comfort, or alternatively lean back and look up, risking exposing his neck. 
Ava didn’t know whether to let him know she was there, or continue melting into the shadows between the two Schwinn bicycles hanging from the wall of the cycle-shop-by-day-evil-market-by-night and never let him know she was part of this humiliating treachery. 
She had watched when Supervillain had inspected Mason, and oddly enough, and to Supervillain’s delight, Mason had not shown any signs of recognition. His head was heavy and his eyelids even more so. He was tired, hurt, drugged. 
Ava wondered how Mason, from the time she had last seen him, maybe eight months ago, had gotten degraded to nothing but a slave. I mean, she knew there were powerful people, but she had seen Mason in action, and no petty-ass kidnapper would be able to wrestle him down fairly. 
“Mason,” her voice spoke without her permission and she sunk further into the shadows, cursing herself for the slip up. Mason slowly looked up, squinting in the fluorescents. He did not move his hazy eyes her way, luckily, and just bowed his head again. 
Mason’s hair was longer now, the bronzey curls falling in front of his dirty face. He was shirtless, allowing his incredible physique to show; corded muscles tensed as anger circulated through his bloodstream. Ava watched impassively. 
Supervillain and the seller exited the back room, both looking pleased, but the seller downright grinning. He jangled some keys and crouched next to Mason, unlocking the chains that tethered him to the floor, but leaving the ones that attached his hands to his ankles. 
“You’ll have to pay a little extra to keep the cuffs.” The seller smirked at Supervillain, still unable to wipe the grin off his face. 
Supervillain handed the seller a hundred without a care. “That’s your tip, too.” 
Mason didn’t even open his mouth the whole time this transfer was going on. He couldn’t move still, and now that Ava looked more attentively at his restraints, she could see why. His hands weren’t just tied to the ankles on their side. They were cuffed to the foot on the other side. Mason’s limbs were forced to be criss-crossed behind him. 
Ava was one moment away from coming over to “help” get Mason contained and ready for transport, when Supervillain called her over. 
It was like Ava could see Mason’s ears perk up like a dogs at her name, but just a small change. His expression changed from impassive to confused, like he was trying to figure out where he knew that name from. 
Ava remembered that she had cut and dyed her hair since she last saw the hero, so the chances of him recognizing her with his dim vision were close to nil. Ava emerged from the shadows and walked to where her boss stood over her lover from ancient history. “Sir?” 
“We should probably knock it out, don’t you think? It will make transport easier.” 
“Is that not what the sedative in your pocket is for?” Ava asked, fully knowing. 
“You don’t want some fun?” Supervillain scowled. 
“Come on, Supervillain, I wore a nice outfit today. What if… it… bleeds?” Ava gestured to her rather snazzy skirt and ankle boot heels. 
“Fine. I forgot we were supposed to be going to dinner.” Supervillain rolled his eyes. 
Ava thought she had won until Supervillain brought his foot smashing down into Mason’s head. His skull hit the ground with a thud and her heart did a flip, although she didn’t flinch on the exterior. She had learned that flinching was never a good thing. Mason let out a small groan, and Ava took her chance to take the syringe of ketamine from Supervillain’s pocket and stab Mason in the shoulder with it. 
“We wouldn’t want him—it— damaged before transportation even begins, much less whatever we are using him for. What were you thinking?” Ava acted like she was mad about the practicality of smashing Mason’s skull, and in reality she was mad about several other things. 
“You may be right.” Supervillain looked down at the now unconscious Mason with almost no care in his eyes. Ava was beginning to wonder whether Supervillain even knew that this was the hero they had fought last year. He didn’t seem to care as much as she figured he would “Pack it up for me, dear.” Supervillain strolled easily out the back door of the shop. 
“Get me a crate.” Ava said to the seller. His smile faded at the fact that someone who looked like a girl was giving him such harsh orders. He replaced it with a look of contempt but went into the back room anyway. 
“Oh, hero of mine. How am I going to fix this?” Ava bent down and ran a hand along his back, over risen scars and fresher lash marks. He was a mess. And soon he’d be the center of a much, much bigger mess she would have to clean up. 
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ughseoks · 5 years ago
elephant friends
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» 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠; seokjin x reader 
» 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞/𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠; crack / 18+
» 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 800+
» 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; thongs, seokjin gets his dick out, swearing, lots of crack
» 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲; you’re wearing a strapless elephant patterned thong on the red carpet, and when it falls out of your dress, seokjin picks it up for you.
thank you to @rkivenamu​ for supportng me on my  journey, i appreciat it. this is dedicated to u and all of bhq
「 masterlist 」
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"_____! Over here!"
"Show us the back of your dress, _____!"
"Look over here!"
"Can we get a smile, _____?"
"You look stunning, _____!"
At this point, you're nearly immune to the blinding flashes of red carpet cameras. The voices of all the photographers blend together as you pose, one hand on your hip as the other lightly grasps a slightly muddy clutch. You're wearing a moss colored dress, the disgustingly green fabric clinging to your skin as you shift your weight between your feet. Two strips of green mesh fabric run down the sides of the dress, exposing the skin underneath for everyone to see.
Because of the revealing nature of the dress, your stylist, Park Jimin, instructed you to wear a c-string (aka a strapless thong. google it). Initially, you'd been against it-- after all, what the hell? But after you'd actually tried one on, you immediately saw the appeal. The skin beneath the mesh was no longer obstructed by a pesky thong strap, and although your friend Cal insisted that you should fuck the patriarchy and wear whatever underwear you wanted, you explained that you were wearing this for you. You wanted to look aesthetically pleasing for yourself.
And aesthetically pleasing you were. Your ass clenched around the small strip of fabric in order to keep it between your cheeks, the elephant patterned thong giving you the ass workout of a lifetime. Large yellow chicken earrings hunt from your earlobes, and two beautiful shades of poop brown and pee yellow were smeared across your eyelids haphazardly for makeup. You looked ugly, but so, so unique.
When the photographers were finally done taking photos, you began to move on to the interview portion of the red carpet. Your green Crocs High Heels squished against the soft material as you moved from interview to interview, and your green fishnet knee-length socks popped against the red background.
You were almost done with your last interview when tragedy struck.
Because you were so enamored with your own beautifully ugly appearance, you'd instructed a minion of yours to follow you around with a full-length mirror, just so you could stare at yourself all night. However, you became too obsessed with the way you looked, forgetting the most important rule of the night:
Never. Unclench. Your. Ass. Cheeks.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were fawning over your own reflection, and the next, someone was tapping your shoulder.
"Ma'am..... I think you dropped this?"
A tall man with jet black hair who you faintly recognized as Kim Seokjin stood looking down at you, his tongue sticking out to wet his plump lips when he took in your appearance. You looked so unique, he couldn't look away.
When you looked down at his hand, you realized what he was holding-- your beloved elephant patterned c-string. Gasping, you felt a breeze run up your dress, cold against your commando core.
"Thank you sir," you hastily replied, taking it out of his grasp. "That's my..... um...... my sleeping mask."
"But it can only cover one eye--"
"It's my eyepatch." You slapped it over your eye, giving him a big grin that he returned with a confused smile. Nodding in acknowledgement, you began to walk away, but before you could turn away, however, he began to speak.
"Wanna see something cool?" He asked, shooting you super awesome finger guns. You cursed internally-- you could never say no to finger guns. They were your only weakness.
"Fine, but it'd better be worth my time," you huff, following the mysterious Kim Seokjin into the building. He led you to a far off hallway before stopping at a green door.
"Welcome to the jungle!" he announced, throwing open the door. All four walls of the room had tropical murals on them, paintings of waterfalls and trees and trees and even more trees decorating the flat surfaces. Four humidifiers stood in each corner, and fake vines and branches hung from the ceiling. The floor was covered in fake grass.
"Impressive," you shrugged. It was cool, but not as cool as you. You began to leave, but he started yelling.
"Wait!" Seokjin called out, "Wanna see the animals?"
You simply nodded yes, and he began to undo his dress pants before dropping them to the floor. Your mouth opened in shock when you noticed the thong he was wearing. It was a pink elephant, and his dick was the trunk.
"Look, he can even spray water!"
A small tube at the end of the thong squirted out water, getting your Green Crocs High Heels wet. But you didn't mind. "How does that work?" you asked, thoroughly impressed. You basically had matching thongs!
"There's a little squeezy thing on the end. I put it between my asscheeks, and when i clench, water comes out!"
"Wanna get married?" you asked, dropping down onto one knee. You grabbed your c-string and tied it into a loop, forming a makeshift ring.
"Of course. It is only proper that we marry. We have matchings thongs. You know the saying: matching thongs, gonna be together for long."
You slid the makeshift ring around his elephant dick and stood up to lace your hand through his, ready to announce your engagement to the world.
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a/n; ur welcme
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stormtrprinstilettos · 6 years ago
hi love !! i was wondering if u could do a one shot for rog getting a suspicion that reader LOVES being choked ?? maybe like ... he’s putting a neckelace on and she’s really reactive, or bri is taking a pic of them and he’s like “pose!” and so rog just puts his hand around readers neck and she MOANS ... then some good old smut maybe where he uses it to his advantage ?? thank u !!! ur writing is fucking amazing
Ok here we go, Anon. (And if there’s been more than one of you nagging me for this 😚 then this is for all of you.) Hope this is what you needed.
I don’t like doing silly warnings, but...
⚠️ This quickie involves a sex act that is not safe unless your partner knows what they’re doing, so if you read this and think, “Yeah, I want to try that,” PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FREDDIE, make sure you both know what you’re doing. ⚠️
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You’re trying to get ready as fast as you can, but it’s a lost cause. You’re already 10 minutes late leaving and you can’t be any later. “Come on, Y/N!” Roger yells from the other side of the door. “We’re already going to be late!” You’re trying so hard to clasp the choker around your neck and it’s just not cooperating. Probably because you’re trying to rush. It took you too long to finally settle on your black skirt and green shirt to wear, and now you’re in a rush. Typical.
You throw the door open and see him standing there, clearly frustrated. “I’m sorry. I can’t hook this,” you say as you hand it to him. “Can you? Please?”
You turn around so he can hook it for you, and when he puts it around your neck he squeezes just a little too tight, and you gasp before involuntarily letting out a soft moan. “I’m sorry, babe. Too tight?”
“Mmm, no,” you groan before turning to face him. “Perfect.” You smile softly, and he’s looking at you a little confused, but he smiles and leads you out the door.
Dinner. At Brian’s house. You love Brian to death, but you hate coming here because he’s always fiddling around with his camera. One or two pictures are fine, but it’s like he has the thing glued to his side whenever everyone is over. But you don’t complain. Ever. You smile and pose for any picture he asks for, just like everyone else does. But tonight, everyone is in an unusually silly mood, and no one is taking Brian’s pictures seriously, deciding to make stupid faces and poses for the camera.
Roger’s being quieter than usual tonight. Usually he’s the most rambunctious at these gatherings, but he’s been sitting off to the side pretty much all night. It’s annoying you, really, because you’re only here since he wants to be – or at least he wanted to be. As the evening goes on he’s being less and less social. He keeps watching you, though. He watches you as you laugh, and as you dance around like an idiot because you’re actually having fun. You know what this means. You’ve been a bad girl. And now you have to figure out what you’ve done wrong.
He waves you over to where he’s sitting, so you go take a seat and put a hand on his thigh. “Enjoying yourself?” he grumbles in your ear, wrapping his arm around you and tapping on your shoulder with his fingertips. “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.” His tone is almost monotonous. Deep and gruff. He sounds… forceful. “That skirt is too short,” he offers. You don’t know why he said that. He loves when you wear that skirt. You cross your legs and look at him, but he doesn’t look at you – only your legs. “You know I don’t like to be teased when we’re around people, Y/N.”
“I’m not teasing…”
“Yes you are,” he snaps. “Put your leg down.” You slowly uncross your leg, still looking at him trying to figure out what’s going on with him. He finally turns and looks at you and smiles. “Naughty girl.”
Brian walks over to you and holds up his camera. To keep the trend of ridiculous photos going, Roger wraps his hands around your neck pretending like he’s choking you, but instead of just pretending to apply pressure, he does, and your face drops and you gasp, this time louder than you did earlier when he was hooking your choker. Brian starts to laugh. “This one is going to come out great. It looked so realistic.”
When he walks away you groan. “Fuck, Roger. What are you doing?”
“Hmm,” he chuckles. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Yes…” You timidly look at him, your mouth dropped open and he raises a brow. “Yes, sir.”
When you get in the car, you say nothing. You’ve been a bad girl but you still don’t know what you’ve done wrong. You don’t look at him. You sit with your hands on your lap, looking straight ahead. “Those panties better not be wet, Y/N,” he says. But they are. You love when he acts like this with you.
You also love to disobey. It makes it better when you do. “They are wet, sir,” you tell him. “I’m sorry.”
When you get in the house he grabs your arm and drags you to the bedroom, where he stands you in front of the bed. You can feel his hot breath on the back of your neck as he stands behind you. “Sit down,” he tells you, his gruff voice coming out in a harsh whisper. You comply without a second thought. Only two words were spoken, but you feel your thighs already slick. You’ve heard this voice before, so commanding, and it’s turning you on with such force you are total putty in his hands. You start to rub your thighs together slowly, hoping he won't notice your small act of disobedience. His hand quickly grabs a tuft of your hair and he pulls your head back, pulling a small yelp out of your mouth. "That’s two times you haven’t followed the rules tonight, Y/N." His hand loosens from your hair and you bite your lip, knowing he’s going to find a way to punish you. You can feel his disappointed gaze burn through your skin. “And you’ve been keeping a secret from me, haven’t you?”
Your eyelids grow heavy and you clench and unclench your jaw, awaiting his punishment. His eyes narrow, taking in how nervous you are. He knows that if he says nothing, your anxiety will be a far greater punishment than any physical pain. He knows this because of how you act during arguments. You argue and he stays quiet and you beg him to talk to you again. He fucking loves when you beg. His lack of response makes your heart start to race as your chest rises and falls quickly. You want to speak, but if you speak now? You’re not sure what will happen. You could be subject to an even greater punishment than what he’s already intending. You close your eyes and count the seconds. Any minute now… He can possibly keep you waiting too much longer. But he stays quiet, and you fight to keep your composure.
Finally, he speaks. "Stand." That’s all he says, but he says it with that same authoritarian voice and you quickly jump to your feet, feeling light headed and the room starts to spin. He lets you take a steadying breath to ease your nerves and the pounding in your head before he grabs your sides and pushes you to the side. He gently lowers himself down on the bed, ignoring the wet spot you left behind. He glances at you with a devilish smirk before issuing his next order. "Strip." He doesn’t want to be teased tonight, so you don’t put on a show. You peel your suffocating clothes away from your body. “Sit down,” he commands and points to the bed. You don’t look at him. You’re not allowed to look at him until he says you can. “Eyes.” That’s your signal that you can look at him.
You raise your head, still dazed with lust. He motions for you to lay back on the bed, and he slowly hovers over you. “Maybe what you need, is a good fucking. To feel yourself filled up, to feel my cock pounding your pussy. Do you think that's what you need?” he growls at you. Every word increases your heart rate, each one making you feel hotter, sending sparks through your body. His hand wraps tightly around your neck, your eyes widening as your body adjusts to taking shallow breaths. Your chest rises and falls quickly as panic starts to set in. You see a small smirk begin to form on his face knowing that at this very moment he completely dominates your entire body. He lets his hand slack, and you quickly take in deep, rattling breaths that reverberate throughout your entire being as your eyes glass over with tears. Your mind is muddled from the lack of oxygen, each breath becoming a small victory.
“Y-yes please,” you whimper. He traces his other hand down your body, stopping to pinch your nipple hard before resting his hand at your waist.
“Are you wet for me?” he asks, his breathing getting heavy.
“Mmm,” you moan, unconsciously grinding against him. He pulls his body back and you let out a little whimper.
“Use your words,” he says with a smirk, his tone turning soft and gentle. “And look at me when you tell me how wet your cunt is for me.”
You moan again and open your eyes. “I am soaking wet for you right now.”
“Sir,” he says, sliding his hand down your thigh.
“Yes, sir,” you say, gasping as he drags his slightly callused fingertips up the inside of your thigh. “You touching me makes my pussy get really wet for you, sir.��� His fingers reach your pussy and lightly push between the lips.
“Hmm,” he says with a husky tone. “Someone really is wet.” He pushes one finger into your dripping cunt and your back arches. You bite your lip hard and your eyes squeeze shut as your head rolls to the side. He pulls his finger out and brings your head back to the center. “Look at me,” he commands. You open your eyes and swallow hard as he brings his finger, coated in your juices, to your lips. “Lick it off and tell me how you taste.” You take his finger in your mouth, stroking it with your tongue. He groans softly before pulling his hand away. “That's enough,” he says. “How do you taste?”
“Good," you murmur. He raises an eyebrow and you quickly catch yourself. “Good, sir,” you say demurely.
“That’s better,” he says approvingly. “Now, if you're good, I’m going to fuck you.” You feel your thighs start to tremble. “But you have to convince me that you really want it. Tell me how much you want me.” He removes his hand from your neck and you gasp at the sudden freedom. He pinches your nipple, hard, pulling up and twisting. “I can't hear you.”
“I- I want you to fuck me. Sir. My pussy feels so empty and I want to have your cock fill it. I want you to fuck me hard and fast. I want to be screaming out for you, sir.” You’re so caught up in your fantasies that you don't realize his hands left your body. With his pants pushed down around his thighs, he’s kneeling in front of you, slowly stroking his hard cock.
He lays down on top of you, his cock pinned between your bodies, and he grabs your hair and holds your head tight. “Beg me for it,” he sneers, roughly pushing your legs farther apart.
“I need you, sir,” you whimper, lust and need coating your voice with desperation. “I need you to fill me. I need you to fuck me into oblivion, sir.”
“I don't think you've earned anything yet,” he chuffs. “I want to hear you beg like a good girl.”
“Please baby!” you beg, staring at him, your face full of lust. “Please baby, please sir, fuck me. Fuck your little slut, I need it so bad.”
“Oh do you?” he asks, kneeling back up to take off his shirt.
“Yes!” Your eyes are locked on him, watching him undo every button on his shirt agonizingly slow.
“You think you deserve my cock?” he teases, sliding his shirt off his shoulders.
“Please, yes, sir I do,” you pant. Instinctively, you start to play with your own nipples, teasing them between your fingers as you watch him bend down to remove his shoes.
“Hands off!” he barks when he sees what you’re doing. “Those belong to me. Your whole body belongs to me. You belong to me. Did I say you could touch my slut?”
“No, I'm sorry,” you sigh.
He leans over and grabs your neck again, squeezing again, not as hard as before. “Sorry?”
“Sir,” you struggle to say. “I’m sorry, sir.”
He smirks and releases his grip. He drops his weight onto you, letting the tip of his dick graze at the entrance of your sopping wet lips. He slowly slides it up and over your clit a few times, teasing you. You try to thrust your hips forward to bring him into you, but he pulls back. “Say please,” he whispers in your ear, pushing forward just a fraction of an inch so that you can feel the very tip of his head in you.
“Oh shit,” you moan. “Please, please, please, sir, please fuck me! Please, plea–" You choke on you words as he finally drives his cock into you with the precision of a well-oiled piston. The feeling of his dick finally fucking you, the sound and feeling of his balls slapping into your ass made every nerve in your body come alive. He reaches his arm up and over you, grabbing both of your wrists and holding them with one hand, never disturbing his stroke, pinning your arms above your head as he continues to fuck you senseless.
“You’re being such a good girl now,” he groans. “My good little slut.”
Suddenly he stops, pulls out, and flips you over, pulling you up on your knees. You’re breathing hard, eagerly waiting for him to continue his pounding. He grabs your ass cheeks and plunges back into your depths, fucking you without caution. Fucking you relentlessly, like he can’t get enough. You start to scream through gritted teeth. You can’t help it anymore. "Shit! Oh my God. Yes! That's it baby. Oh fuck!”
Never pausing, Roger leans over you and grabs a handful of your hair, yanking your head back. While his left hand holds you in place by your hair, his right hand comes in front of you and holds you by your throat, and he pulls you further onto his dick. Holding you there, grinding into you, fucking you with long, slow, torturous strokes, forcing you to feel every since inch of his dick.
"Oh God, Roger… sir. I'm gonna cum,” you groan as your body starts to tense up.
“Scream my name when you cum,” he whispers in your ear. “Do you hear me? When you cum all over my dick you better scream my fucking name. And scream it like you mean it. Like it's the last word that will ever cross your lips. Do you fucking hear me?”
“Oh my God, yes, sir,” you coo.
It’s too much. Your breathing is rapid and shallow, your mouth hangs open, eyes rolling, your walls contracting on his cock like a vise. He feels the intensity of his own orgasm building up. His pace quickens and he let go of his grip on your throat, placing that hand on your waist, pulling you hard against him as he thrust upward into you. He’s groaning loudly, his breathing short and ragged. You try to scream but no sound escapes. The headboard bangs into the wall loudly as you both reach that pinnacle together. He thrusts a few more times into you hard and fast, holding still at the deepest point as your juices mix together. You collapse onto bed in a tangled, sweaty heap, laying there completely spent.
“That was fucking amazing, baby,” he says breathily. You giggle, watching Roger jump up and disappear into the bathroom. You hear the shower come on and he reappears in the doorway. "Care to join me for a shower?" You bite your bottom lip and slowly get up, legs still wobbly.
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nothesc · 8 years ago
Moments. Chapter 20: Finally
Idea explained here
You can read all the parts here
(I’ve decided to put the prompts in the end from now on so it’s not like a spoiler or anything)
Chapter 20: Finally
“Yousef…” she whispered as she kept brushing his hair with her fingers.
Sana had been awake for almost an hour now. She couldn’t sleep, she was too excited about that day even if she couldn’t say why yet. The first thing she had done when she woke up was look at the alarm clock. Once she realized that there was another hour until Yousef had to wake up and since she wasn’t going to sleep anyway she turned the alarm off, there was no need for him to wake up like that, she could be a better alarm.
At first she had been lying on the bed facing him, admiring him, watching him peacefully sleeping. It was amazing how her heart still felt warm every time she looked at him, how she felt happy just hearing his calm breathing, feeling the heat that came from his body. After awhile she had sat down on the bed, her back leaning against the headboard. Sometime after that Yousef had moved closer to her, still sleeping, and had rested his head on her lap. Since that moment she had been looking at him with a fond smile on her face, brushing his hair with her fingers.
Now it was time for him to wake up or he would be late for work
“Yousef, wake up” she said in a soothing voice
“Hmm” he complained
“You’re going to be late for work, come on”
He took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes, looking up at her.
“Hi” he said in a husky voice that made Sana’s heart skip a beat
Yousef, who until now was lying on his stomach, turned around to lay on his back, his head still resting on Sana’s lap.
“How long have you been awake?” he asked
“Hmm…for about an hour more or less”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” he said frowning
“Because you need to sleep before going to work” she said as she bent down to give him a soft kiss on his lips “Besides, you look cute when you are sleeping”
Yousef laughed as she went back to her initial position. Hearing Yousef’s laugh was probably Sana’s favorite thing in the world.
“You’re becoming a softie”
“Okay” she said as she tried to stand up
Yousef sat up on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist so she couldn’t leave
“Stay with me” he said in a childish voice
“It’s getting late and you have to go to work”
She tried to get up again but he still refused to let her go. With a sigh she sat down and leaned her head on his shoulder. He moved his arms away from her waist and put it around her shoulders instead.
“At what time do you have to work today?” he asked moving his hand up and down her arm
“Uh…I don’t work today” she said “One of my colleagues asked me to change their shift”
“Why didn’t you tell me” he asked looking at her “I would’ve asked for a free day and we could spend the day together”
“It’s fine, I have to run some errands anyway, and you, sir, have to go to work”
She gave him a quick peck on his lips and finally got out of the bed
“Come on, or your kids will be sad that you’re not there” she said with her arms akimbo and smiling
“I love you” he said looking at her with a huge smile on his face
“And I love you, but come on!”
Sana kept pacing around the kitchen, looking at the clock every minute. Yousef should’ve been at home already, what was taking him so long? Well, maybe he wasn’t  that late, but Sana wanted him to arrive already. She was about have a heart attack, she couldn’t wait any longer.
Her heart started to beat faster and faster as she heard the front door being opened.
“Yousef?” she called him “Can you come to the kitchen?”
“Coming!” she heard him saying
He entered the room a few seconds later, a smile on his face. He approached her and kissed her cheek.
“Hi, how was your day?” he asked
“It was good, what about yours?”
“I missed you, but it was fine” he said
“I…I went shopping today and I bought you something” she pointed at a box that was on the table
“Awww, why would you do that?”
“I don’t know if you’ll like it but…open it”
“Of course I’ll like it” Yousef said
“Just open it”
Yousef frowned at her but then shook his head. He looked down at the box and opened the present. He took the jersey and left the box on the table again. Yousef looked carefully at the gift in his hands and then he looked up at Sana, a confused look on his face.
“Sana…what is this?”
“Well, if we’re going to have a basketball team, we need equipment” she said smiling nervously
He looked down again. In his hands he was holding a tiny basketball jersey with the name ‘Acar’ on the back. That jersey wasn’t for him, it was for a kid, for a baby.
“What…what does this mean?” he whispered
“I went to the doctor” she said biting her lip
He looked up at her processing her words, his heart beating fast in anticipation.
“Are you…?” he started but he was too emotional to finish the question
“I’m pregnant” she said nodding, a huge smile on her face
“You’re pregnant?” he repeated out of breath
“I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a dad Yousef” she said as tears filled her eyes
“You’re pregnant!!!!” he yelled wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her off the floor twirling her around.
She held onto his neck and laughed out loud, her whole body filled with happiness.
“I’m going to be a dad” he said excited as he left her on the floor and cupped her face with his hands “And you’re going to be a mom”
By now both of them were crying happy tears. Sana just nodded laughing. Yousef kissed her lips and then moved on to her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks and her chin only to go back to her lips again.
“We’re going to have a baby” he said
“We’re going to have a baby” she repeated nodding
He kneeled to the floor and placed his hand on Sana’s stomach.
“Hi baby, I’m your dad” he whispered
“Honey, I don’t think they can hear you yet”
“This baby is going to be genius just like their mom” he said looking up at her “Of course they can hear me”
“Okay” she laughed
“You’re going to have the best mom ever” he said to her stomach again
“And the best dad, come here” she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled her up for a kiss.
The same word came to their minds as they shared the kiss: finally.
Prompt: Hey! I have a prompt for you but I'm in no rush, so take all the time you need... could you write a future married Yousana fic about Sana finding out she's pregnant and how she breaks the good news to Yousef. Thanks in advance!!!
And I also think @ur-nitemare asked me once for this too
I really hope you’ve liked it!!
Thank you so much for reading!!♥♥
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