#push in wire terminal block
gaaye-2010 · 2 years
push in terminal block 4 to 4 wire connector
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Divine Powers
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Redstonia, bright, chaotic, noisy, and ridden with the stench of Redstone. Not one of the places Wheatley expected to be spending their days since Jesse sent them away to befriend the Old Order. They hated it here, not as much as they hated Boomtown of course, but the constant noise and nagging for materials always had them slumping into the Terminal Zone at the end of each day to recharge. Ellegaard requested them this time, even though Jesse had pushed for them to go visit Redstonia and mingle they were thoroughly surprised to receieve a letter from the redstone engineer only days later. She needed help with a ‘secret project’ in her laboratory, and with their interest piqued here they were.     Wheatley watched as Ellegaard ran about her laboratory, the admin standing in the middle of the room with a mostly confused expression. They tried to get her attention multiple times, when that didn’t seem to work they decided to have a seat, finding themselves sitting in a line of redstone lamps that, though unpowered, began to glow with energy. Ellegaard seemed too busy to notice this strange phenomenon however, gathering materials from a hopper and item sorter system.. At least thats what Wheatley could guess, all their redstone knowledge went away.. Ellegaard would like Xara, they had alot in common, even if Ellegaard seemed rather high strung at times. “You’re probably wondering why I called you here! Well, since admins are ‘all knowing and all powerful’ I figured you’d be the best option for one of my latest projects. Since the witherstorm incident, people have grown weary of Command Blocks, but I can just-- Oh!” Wheatley jumped, flicking their ears forward towards Ellegaard, staring her down with widened eyes. They hadn’t expected her sudden outburst, and followed her gaze down to the redstone lamps beneath him, illuminated in a bright green light that pulsated like a heart beat. “Oh my, seems I underestimated just how powerful you are. Sure Jesse told stories of The Admin, but I never studied one up close, no books to read from either... Maybe visiting Ivor will do some good, but until then this will do wonderfully! Just lay there, I need to get my materials.”
Wheatley stared, not even getting a chance to get a word in before Ellegaard was off again. They sigh, flopping back onto the redstone lamps and lighting the rest of them up in that same glow, their pulse synching up with their heart beat.     Their attention turned to the strange machine stationed in the corner of the room, pupils expanding curiosly as they shift onto their stomach to look at it closer. five crafting tables in a star shape, precious materials lining the inside. They squint, tilting their head. Command Block... She was trying to craft a command block, their gaze narrows on Ellegaard who’s approaching them with a couple wires and other redstone materials. Their ears pin back, tail curling anxiously around the lamps.    “I’m uncertain about your... decisions, command blocks were never meant to fall in mortal hands, how Ivor got access to the first one was a mystery in and of itself. I cannot allow you to create another, if it leaves this place who knows what would happen.”    The engineer seemed almost surprised, staring at the admin with raised brows. She looks away, considering her options. “You raise a fair point, but this is a lifetime of work. Imagine what new information we could learn from studying such a powerful object? Besides, you’re ‘all powerful’, let me study it, even for a day! And after you can whisk it away, off to the void with it. I need to do this, I spent so long trying to understand Soren’s big discovery and now is finally my chance.”     The admin made a face, lowering their head slightly with a defeated sigh as they sat up. What harm could be done? They’d be there to monitor the entire process, make sure it stayed within this building. “I suppose, but it must stay here. It can never leave this building, in addition, no one will come in. What is the process to creating it?”     Wheatley could summon one in, with ease really, it was as simple as conjuring dirt in their palm at a moment’s notice. But they opted to not tell Ellegaard that, they were curious of her methods, years of study and work had to have some sort of success. Mixed with their own power who knows what could come from this, their agreement immediately had Ellegaard’s tired eyes lit up like a flame as she began hooking up the admin to the machine. “This should be painless, of course I never tested it before but that’s the fun of it. You... Can’t feel pain, right?” Ellegaard glances to Wheatley who just shrugs in response, a bored expression dawning on their face while they observe the engineer’s activities. Ellegaard hummed, dropping his goggles onto the bridge of her nose as he slipped the connected tubes into the strange machine. “Months of my genius, planning, and sweat. This has to work now that you’re here to power the machine, so many secrets will be unlocked if this works!” Wheatley listened to her rants about the command block, her years of studies that lead to this moment, and every little thing she had to say. It was nice, she was noisy and talkative but the gentle pulse of the lamps lulled him into a relaxed state as the machine clicked and whirred to life with energy. The redstone ignited, pistons thrusting the tables forward and mashing together the materials.     It was loud, they found themselves burying their head beneath their arms and cupping their ears asan influx of energy began to build between the spaces of the tables. For a moment they see a command block, or at least the outline of it. It’s bright, Ellegaard stumbling backwards and covering her eyes. Wheatley squints through the light, the command block wasn’t going to form, they could see it now how unstable the structure was. Ellegaard would be destroyed, their gazed quickly moves to the engineer temporarily blinded by the light and they sigh. A snap of their fingures cut the machines in and instant, a command block resting in the space between the crafting tables. Their eyes landing on Ellegaard who removed her goggles and rubbed her eyes, disbelief strewn all across her face. “It... it worked... it worked!”   The admin slowly stands from the redstone lamp bed they’d gotten cozy on, they moved away from the command block, removing the wires and other connected items carefully while Ellegaard was pulling the artificial block from her machine. They make a face, the command block energy was always so nausiating... But the overjoyed look on Ellegaard’s face brought a matching one to their own, even if a growing tiredness began to form. They approach the redstoner, inspecting the command block closely lit with a pulsating hum as its dotted patterns flash a wide array of colours. They exchange looks, Ellegard giving them a genuine grin that they couldn’t help but mimic.     “I underestimated you, Mr Admin.”     “You can call me Lu-... Wheatley.” This couldn’t possibly go wrong. ============================================================ They’re so silly I love Ellie so much, she’s so rude for no reason in the game and while I’m not good at capturing personalities right I hope I did her the same justice here. This was definitely a longer one which I wasn’t expecting, but I hope it’s a fun read regardless. pacing is a bit off Who should I do next? I’m quite enjoying these little short stories, I had a few planned for the next three. I also thought about sketching a sort of height comparison for these, admins are naturally just very large and I figured comparing Wheatley’s height (7′3) to what I headcanon Magnus and Ellie would be nice. I could probably do this for each of the old order. Ellie looks a lil funky don’t mind her
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20 notes · View notes
fcble · 8 months
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In which Eunsu receives a visitor.
FEATURING: Baek Eunsu, Yoon Mingeun WORD COUNT: 4.1k SETTING: November 2023 NOTES: Welcome (finally) to the transitional period between Fable Season 1 (2023) and Fable Season 2 (2024?)! Or something like that. This is just an excuse to experiment with characters who would otherwise have nothing to say.
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“Can you pick me up? I’m at the train station,” Mingeun says when Eunsu picks up the phone. He doesn’t say hi. He also never told Eunsu he was coming to visit.
All of their other meetings have been very carefully planned outings, the two of them juggling their schedules and their obligations and their differences in locations. Sometimes Eunsu visits Seoul. He’ll take the subway to the station a few blocks away from the Zenith Entertainment, and walk the familiar streets. He could never forget that walk, and each time he does it, he’s filled with pangs of regret. At other times, Mingeun takes the train out to Taebaek. In the beginning, right after he left, Eunsu refused to let him see him like this. It wasn’t until nearly a year had passed, as he had settled back into a life he thought he would never return to, that he let Mingeun visit his home. 
He had shown him through the small, cramped streets and the single highway, apologizing for its shabbiness and its rural-ness compared to Seoul’s opulence, until Mingeun gave him a strange look and asked what he was apologizing for.
Now, he’s a bit more used to it. He’s still not proud of his hometown—he doesn’t think he ever will be. But when Mingeun asks for a ride, Eunsu says yes.
He’s not a good driver. More accurately, he isn’t a confident driver. Each time he sits behind the wheel, he thinks about Yonggeum and feels a sharp, stabbing pain through his chest, a feeling that will never go away and has only slightly softened over time. Instead, Eunsu is a very precise driver. He places both hands on the steering wheel, left hand at ten, right hand at two. He slows to a stop at every yellow light. He always uses his turn signal. He refuses to drive if he’s tired or drunk or otherwise inebriated.
He picks Mingeun up at the bus terminal. Mingeun is wearing his characteristic scowl, a pair of wired earbuds connected to his phone.
“Thanks,” he says gruffly as he slides into the passenger seat, tossing his backpack into the backseat. He leaves one earbud in.
Eunsu is unbearably nosey, so he has to ask, “What happened? Is this an impulsive vacation?”
He spares the slightest glance away from the road in front of him to see Mingeun lean his head against the window.
“I had a fight,” Mingeun says. “With Haksu and Intak-hyung and Jaeseop-hyung.”
Eunsu wonders what they could have disagreed about, that would set Mingeun opposite the three of them. He never would have imagined Mingeun and Jaeseop disagreeing. He doesn’t push further. Mingeun will talk about it when he wants to talk about it. If he ever wants to talk about it.
At home, Mingeun fits in like he lives there. Eunsu leaves him in the kitchen, charming Eomma as he usually does, and heads off to clean his room.
Mingeun is messier than he is, so he doesn’t try too hard: clothes in a pile in his closet, papers straightened on his desk, swipes his hand through the layer of dust on his nightstand then wipes it on his pants. He tries not to hear Mingeun talk about life in Seoul. He fills his ears with the screech of the rusted hinges of the hallway closet, followed by the scraping sounds of the floor mattress against the hardwood floor instead. Mingeun always stays in his room, because the other bedroom is still Yonggeum’s, kept perfectly preserved the way it was, like he'll come home and head off to his room any day now.
He surveys his handiwork: the mattress pressed up alongside the base of his bed, the only somewhat cleaner room, and knows Mingeun has survived worse.
As he emerges from his bedroom and inserts himself back into the conversation, Mingeun asks almost immediately, “How long can I stay?” His gaze darts furtively between Eunsu and Eomma.  
The bits of conversation Eunsu blocked out from his mind must have worked some magic on Eomma, because she gives Mingeun a tender, loving look. He can’t remember the last time she looked at him like that.
“As long as you’d like,” she says, and that’s the end of that discussion.
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In the morning, Mingeun slips back into Eunsu’s life like he never left. The house is livelier with him around, even if it’s because he misjudged the doorway of the bedroom in the dark after a bathroom trip and stubbed his toe on the doorframe then woke Eunsu up with his swearing. Sometimes Eunsu thinks he should ask Mingeun to tone it down in front of his parents. And yet he knows that it’s exactly the kind of request Mingeun would ignore. He can only hope Eomma and Appa are unaware of this side of Mingeun, because he’s polite and charming at all times other than three in the morning.
Morning car rides to the temple are usually somber experiences. Eunsu will sit in the passenger seat and stare out the window while the radio alternates between static and snippets of a news broadcast. Neither he nor Appa speak.
With Mingeun around, it’s different. Eunsu gives up his shotgun seat for Mingeun, who starts fiddling with the dials as soon as they pull out of the driveway. 
“How can you not have Bluetooth?” Mingeun grumbles, as if he hasn't ridden in Appa’s ancient Toyota multiple times before. “It's a basic feature.”
He complains, but he clearly knows better now. The CD player whirs as it accepts his offering, and something bass-heavy begins to play.
Eunsu doesn't recognize it. His silence is an affront, apparently, because Mingeun turns around as much as he can in his seat. 
“Nu’est?” he asks. “Re:BIRTH?” 
Given the name of the album, it sounds slightly more familiar. “Did you choose this one specifically? Or do you normally travel with a CD from ten years ago?”
“Nine years. I might meet Minhyun-sunbaenim somewhere someday,” Mingeun says seriously. He disappears from Eunsu's field of vision, and reappears holding the entire album.
Eunsu can't help but laugh, a bright sound that sounds entirely foreign coming from him. He's lived in the same state of permanent dreariness for years. Such a light-hearted feeling of happiness is unfamiliar. 
They listen to a little more than two songs when they arrive at the temple—his second home for the past two years. Eunsu tries to see it from an outsider’s perspective, with some difficulty. There’s the small parking lot that Appa pulls easily into, where the faded paint lines of the stalls have disappeared into the asphalt.
They walk up the five stairs to the entrance, the wood creaking and bending under their combined weight. The building’s paint is peeling in long strips, exposing the wood underneath. Eunsu shoves down the inexplicable urge to defend all of it to Mingeun.
Appa unlocks the door, and the two of them fall into their normal, silent routine. He disappears down the center aisle to the private storage room in the back of the building. Eunsu props open the doors, the pervasive smell of incense already surrounding him. It never fades, despite his best attempts to air out the room. He opens the only two windows near the entrance anyway.
Mingeun seems rooted in the entryway. Eunsu gives him a questioning glance.
“When we lived in Seoul, I never thought I’d ever see for myself all of this,” Mingeun says, spinning in a slow circle.
He’s over-dramatic.
“You’ve visited me before,” Eunsu says.
“And you never let me see anything except your house.”
There’s no one to blame except Eunsu for that one. He did it on purpose—never taking Mingeun anywhere except his house, a few of his favorite restaurants, and once, the base of the mountains.
“This is cooler than the time I went to Mass with Haksu-hyung,” Mingeun continues.
That’s a good thing, Eunsu supposes. He knows Mingeun’s church experience was horrific enough to never go back. 
“The service hasn’t started yet,” he says, logical as always. It’s unfair for Mingeun to say that before he’s fully experienced it.
Mingeun shrugs. “It can’t be worse,” he says, almost uncharacteristically optimistic.
To Eunsu’s surprise, Mingeun survives almost the entire service. Eunsu knows meditation isn’t for him, so he isn’t surprised to hear the pew creak next to him almost as soon as the small congregation closes their eyes and breathes deeply. A slight breeze enters the room as he exits.
Eunsu has had the time to make peace with his responsibilities. And really, keeping track of Sunja’s dog and how Kanghee’s kids are doing isn’t too much of a leap from remembering repeat fansign attendees. So he clears his mind of thoughts of Mingeun for the next twenty minutes, listening instead to the quiet rustle of the wind in the trees overhead.
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When he judges his part is done—by the much smaller crowd and Appa’s blessing—Eunsu heads out the back and finds Mingeun immediately. His bag is leaning against the side of the building while he sits under the shade of the largest tree, earbuds in. A small pile of stones is built almost into a pyramid in front of him.  
“You're done,” he says. “Finally.”
“Not yet,” Eunsu says. “Appa's still inside.”
Mingeun practically wilts. 
“You’ve never come out here with me before.” Eunsu crouches on the ground so that he can be at eye-level with Mingeun, though he refuses to sit. 
Mingeun adds another rock to his pile. It balances precariously on top. “This time is different,” he says. “I thought I should try to understand how you live. And I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
Eunsu wants to unpack that. He wants to ask why. He wants to know what Mingeun ran away from this time, because he’s always running from something. So he approaches it carefully, cautiously, and asks, simply, “What do you mean?”
His question is ignored. Instead, Mingeun looks him in the eye, and in his careless, blunt way, asks, “Do you want to be here?”
Eunsu's thighs are starting to kill him, so he stands up. 
“It doesn't matter what I want,” he says.
Mingeun glares up at him. “That's not what I asked.”
They've had this conversation before, and time and time again, Eunsu gives the same answer. It doesn't matter what he wants, because what he wants has absolutely no bearing on what he does. It's the complete opposite of Mingeun, who's constantly driven by his desires.
“Yes,” he answers, just to shut Mingeun up. He doesn't know what he wants. He hasn't given it much thought in the past two years.
Mingeun has no response. He scatters his rock pile into its individual pieces and stands up. Then he says, “Haksu-hyung was mad at me first. Said I was selfish and a hypocrite for taking all the opportunities I had. He pretended he doesn't do that. Of course I was mad at him.”
He pauses in his recollection for a moment. None of that seems like an issue to Eunsu. It's a small disagreement, not something that should have caused so much discord. He stays quiet, and Mingeun continues.
“I never expected Jaeseop-hyung to take his side. He's never been mad at me like that before.” Mingeun sounds small and unlike himself. “I know he’s been stressed lately—”
“About what?” Eunsu asks, interrupting him. He's momentarily more interested in potential Fable drama than Mingeun's woes.
“Me. Andrew-hyung. The new album. Taein-nim. Our tour. His girlfriend. The list of what he isn't stressed about is shorter.”
It's all so ordinary and typical of him. Eunsu's hopes are dampened. He doesn't know what he thought had changed in his absence. They're celebrities, sure, but they're also normal people. He was one of them, once. He should know better. He’s not sure why he doesn’t.
Mingeun continues his tirade of his own personal issues and his current disagreements, but by then, Eunsu has already partially tuned him out.
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The days with Mingeun pass more or less the same as the days without him have. Sometimes he follows Eunsu to the temple. Other times he helps Eomma with the household chores. Eunsu hears this from both of them—his mother praises Mingeun’s willingness to help and then bemoans his absolute lack of homemaking skills. Mingeun, on the other hand, gains an entire repertoire of Eunsu’s embarrassing childhood stories.
Then, there are the times where Eunsu returns to Mingeun sitting on or in front of the living room couch, speaking English in a quick, low tone to his computer. The WiFi is best there. It took him less than a week to figure that out.
On one of those days, Eunsu is passing by on his way out when Mingeun waves him down. He sits cross-legged on the floor, laptop open in front of him, right AirPod in his ear, left AirPod in his left hand, the white G-shock Eunsu gifted to him years ago on the same wrist.
“This is my therapist,” Mingeun says softly, and Eunsu looks at his computer screen, where he’s currently in a video call with a middle-aged woman. He scoots over so Eunsu can sit next to him, so Eunsu has a seat.
Mingeun introduces him in Korean, in simple, formal sentences. “This is my friend. His name is Eunsu.”
The woman says back in similarly stilted and proper Korean, “Nice to meet you. I am Stephanie.” Then she bows to her web camera.
“Do you speak Korean?” Eunsu asks, just as grammatically correct. He’s struck by an incredible sense of deja vu, of having said almost the same thing to an obviously not quite fluent Mingeun so many years ago when they first met.
“A little.” Stephanie pinches her thumb and forefinger a mere centimeter apart.
Mingeun speaks to her again in English, presumably explaining something else. Eunsu has always admired the way he could seemingly slip so flawlessly between the languages, like he’s shedding one identity for another. He’s tried learning English, or any other foreign language, for that matter, on his own. He’s never progressed very far, because the longer he spends with his family in his hometown, knowing his future will never eclipse the borders of the same area he grew up in, it feels less and less important. Mingeun, on the other hand, has the world in his palms. 
Eunsu does his best to tamp down the tendrils of jealousy. He never quite succeeds at that either.
“I have to show her I’m doing well,” Mingeun mutters softly, snapping Eunsu out of his thoughts. “I’m getting better.”
He can say that as much as he wants. As far as Eunsu can tell, running away from Seoul the same way he runs from all his other problems is not a sign of recovery.
He nods along silently and leaves Mingeun alone as the conversation slips back into English.
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The days continue to pass without incident. Considering Mingeun’s track record, it comes as a surprise. He shows no sign of wanting to return to Seoul.
Then, in the afternoon following a service, Eunsu finds his phone vibrating incessantly. He picks it up to see Haksu calling him, for what appears to be the fourth or fifth time.
“Hello?” he asks hesitantly, finally answering the call. They’ve barely spoken to each other since he left. He hears about Haksu through Mingeun, though of course that’s colored by the lens Mingeun sees him through.
“Where’s Mingeun?” Haksu demands.
“At my house,” he responds. 
“He’s not. He’s out somewhere. Check Instagram. There was this video, and you know him. He always thinks he needs to—”
“Slow down, hyung. You’re not making any sense,” Eunsu interrupts. But he opens Instagram anyway. He also sees he’s been added back into the Fable group chat, and now he has over a hundred unread messages.
“Fuck,” Haksu swears. It’s the first time Eunsu has ever heard him curse. Whatever Mingeun is doing must be bad. To him, at least.
The livestream finally loads. “Jaeseop-hyung is in it too,” he says in surprise. “What’s the big deal?”
“Are you listening to them?” Haksu demands again.
“No. I’m talking to you.”
“Find him. Call me or Intak-hyung or Byeonghwi when you do.” He hangs up.
Eunsu doesn’t do that. He sits on the steps of the temple and calls the one person Haksu neglected to mention.
“Eunsu?” On the other end of the line, Andrew sounds surprised.
“Yes. Hi. It’s been a while.”
“It has.” He sounds guarded. “I don't know what Haksu asked you to ask me, but the answer is no.”
“He didn't ask me for anything from you.” Eunsu missed something. He puts Andrew on speaker and starts skimming through his texts. “He asked me to find Mingeun.”
“Are you looking for him?”
He’s reading over Haksu’s twenty-plus message rant about how Mingeun needs constant supervision and can’t be left to his own devices and how Jaeseop is just as bad if not worse for enabling him when he’s alerted with another incoming call. 
The other members, he can understand, but this one is coming from Daewoong. Eunsu hasn’t talked to his former manager since he left. 
“Daewoong-hyung’s calling me,” he says.
He’s about to answer when Andrew speaks first. “Don’t.” His words are clear and sharp, a command rather than a suggestion.
So Eunsu doesn't. He lets the call ring and ring.
“He's on his way to pick up Mingeun,” Andrew explains. “He left not too long ago.”
“He’s driving here?” Eunsu is surprised. Mingeun is in more trouble than he thought. “That’s far.”
“So it’ll take him some time. They're right, but they're going to be in trouble,” Andrew says, voicing Eunsu’s very thoughts. “Taein-nim told them not to say anything. Mingeun insisted. You know how he gets.”
Of the two of them, Eunsu thinks Jaeseop is more concerned with morals, but Andrew is right on one point. If Mingeun wants something, he'll stop at nothing to get it.
“Why aren't you in the live with them?” Eunsu asks as soon as the thought occurs. He can picture the battle lines in his head: Mingeun and Jaeseop on one side; Haksu, Intak, and Byeonghwi on the other; Andrew somewhere in the middle; and Kiyoung’s blissful enlistment ignorance.
“I haven't had access to my account for months. Talked shit one too many times in the comments of my own posts,” Andrew says, almost wistfully.
“I could join,” Eunsu says.
“You don’t have to be part of this. You can live your own private life now. Haksu never should have involved you in the first place.”
He doesn’t want to ruin Andrew’s perception of post-idol life, so he says nothing about how they’ve both passed the point of no return to a normal life. He thinks about the fans that used to visit Taebaek and his father’s services in the months immediately following his departure, and decides Andrew doesn’t need to know that.
He changes the subject as best as he can, which isn't very well.  “What time did Daewoong-hyung leave?”
Andrew takes a few moments to respond. “A bit after the live started. He’s probably speeding.”
There isn’t much speeding to be done in Seoul traffic. There’s a lot of speeding to be done on the long, empty roads out to Taebaek. All things considered, Eunsu estimates his trip to be somewhere around two hours.
“I assume Taein-nim gave him your address,” Andrew continues, interrupting Eunsu’s train of thought.
Eunsu sighs. He isn’t looking forward to Daewoong at his front door in the slightest. He opens Mingeun’s Instagram again. He appears to have propped his phone up somewhere and is standing far off in the distance, knee deep in water. Eunsu can’t imagine what the topic of their livestream is. Jaeseop is still speaking, poised and composed. Their viewers have crossed into the quintuple digits, a feat Eunsu is, despite the situation surrounding it, slightly impressed with.
“Thanks for letting me know,” he says, already typing out a warning text to Mingeun. “I’ll look for him.”
“Not too hard,” Andrew says, almost in warning.
“Not too hard,” Eunsu agrees. He makes no move to leave his suddenly very comfortable seat.
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Two and a half hours later, Daewoong appears on Eunsu’s doorstep. He parks his car, a shiny black Lexus, right in front of Eunsu’s house. It’s the newest, cleanest, and most expensive car on the block.
Against his better judgement, Eunsu invites his former manager into his home. 
“Where’s Mingeun?” Daewoong asks, all business from the start. He stands awkwardly in the kitchen, like he’s never seen one before. Eomma, almost as awkwardly, sits at the kitchen table, not quite looking at either Eunsu or Daewoong.
“Packing,” Eunsu says. “Would you like something to drink?”
Somehow, he manages to coax Daewoong into having a seat. It’s an almost comical tableau—Eomma and Daewoong on their very best silent behavior. He leaves them to it, apologizing in his head to his mother for leaving her with him.
Eunsu finds Mingeun in his room, packing, just as he told Daewoong. It’s obvious that Mingeun is trying to drag it out as long as possible. The few contents of his backpack and suitcase are spread all around the floor. Eunsu sidesteps it all easily and closes his bedroom door behind him. 
“I’m not ready to go back yet,” Mingeun says without looking up.
“Daewoong-hyung is in my fucking kitchen,” Eunsu says. He doesn’t want to be unsympathetic, but Daewoong is in his fucking kitchen. He can only imagine the conversations out there, the collision of his two worlds he fought so hard to keep separate.
“He can sleep in his car tonight,” Mingeun says, just as unsympathetic to Eunsu’s plight.
“I think he’d rather sleep in his bed in Seoul.”
“Your bed.”
 Eunsu doesn’t know what he means by that, so he stays silent until Mingeun elaborates.
Still staring down at his belongings, Mingeun speaks again. “Daewoong-hyung moved into your room after you left. He still stays there sometimes.”
Eunsu is about to ask why when Mingeun predicts his question.
“He hasn't said why, but I know it's to keep an eye on me.”
That doesn't sound right, but Mingeun sounds so certain in his beliefs that Eunsu doesn't want to argue. Not when he's leaving so soon.
Mingeun closes his suitcase, having seemingly given up the illusion of packing. It was half empty anyway—just a few changes of clothes that wouldn't fit in his backpack. 
“If you come back to Seoul, you can get your room back.”
Eunsu takes that to mean he should visit, not move permanently. Sometimes it’s hard to tell with Mingeun. He knows he can’t go back. Even a visit is hard to plan—he has an increasing number of responsibilities here, and he can’t go running off whenever he feels like it like Mingeun does.
“I will,” he says, although he doesn’t know if it’s a promise he can keep.
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The scene in the kitchen is opposite the one Eunsu left. Eomma is leaning across the table, showing Daewoong something on her phone. He presumes it's embarrassing pictures of him, accompanied by stories of his childhood: the time he ate an ant on purpose, or the time he insisted on going down the playground slide headfirst and ate shit, or maybe that one really embarassing faux music video he and his friends filmed when they were twelve and thought they could start a band. At this rate, everyone at Zenith Entertainment will know the minute details of his life.
When Mingeun steps into the kitchen, suitcase wheels loud on the tiled floor, Daewoong seems to snap back to himself. He stands up and jerks his head towards the door. “Let’s go, Mingeun.”
“Fine,” Mingeun says, but from his tone of voice, he’s anything but fine. 
Daewoong either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care, because all he does is thank Eomma—and not Eunsu—for her hospitality, and lead Mingeun outside.
From the comfort of his home, Eunsu watches them leave: Mingeun’s bags in the trunk, Daewoong in the driver’s seat, the rumble of the engine, Mingeun in the passenger seat with his earbuds in. Then they’re pulling away from the curb, and before he knows it, they’re receding away in the distance. Andrew was right. Daewoong speeds.
“What happened?” Eomma asks, following Eunsu’s gaze out the window.
“He made a mistake.” Eunsu doesn’t want to explain it all. He’s not even sure if he knows the whole story. Besides, she’s never really understod what being an idol entails, and how precariously their careers balance on their words and actions and appearances. “It happens to him a lot.”
Eomma looks like she doesn’t know what to make of that. Eunsu doesn’t blame her. He’d like to say, or even think, that it won’t happen again. With Mingeun, it’s a matter of time. He wonders how long he’ll have to wait for Mingeun’s return.
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Chapter 5: Red Moon.
M/R’S POV: I heard explosions from outside I ran to the door asking a passing guard “What’s going on?!” “We’re under attack, get back in your cell & stay put!” I then heard him run away & I did exactly what he said sitting in the corner repeatingly telling myself “Everything’s going to okay, everything’s going to be okay, everything will be fine, I’m gonna be fine..” hoping that I would get through this..
Rick’s POV:
The Prison started exploding all around us as the fire alarms triggered I then metalbended a switch on the terminal in the room below to send an SOS Signal to Republic City. Then Old Gary says “It’s too late by the time your backup arrives me & Master Zaheer will be long gone, & you all will be dead!-” I threw a brick at his face leaving a massive scratch on his face as it shattered on impact (smash) He furiously looks at me I smirk then earthbended chunks of the stone roof & threw them at Old Gary who dodged them with ease & waterbended a water whip from his water skin pouch & attacked me, i blocked it with a roof panel & launched it at him. Counters with another Water Whip shattering the stone roof panel creating a puff of dust blocking Gary’s Vision. I quickly earthbended beneath my feet to launch myself towards him entering the cloud of smoke then at the height of my jump I swiftly used my metalbending cable to wrap a wire around & pull his right foot to trip him over, as he’s falling backwards I finally reached out the other side of the smoke fall into Gary tackling him off the roof of the tower falling down in the burning buildings below from floor to floor until we fell into the Break Room that currently burning down all around us, we get up & I bend parts of the floor up in front of me & he waterbends leaking water from the ceiling pipes then forms them into ice shards “You getting slow old man.” I remarked then we then shoot them at each other while taking cover behind tables & makeshift earthbended wall barricades, exchanging blows until we ran out of projectiles & as a last ditch effort to throw something at him I picked up an old rotten apple from the floor & threw it straight into his face splattering all over his face “ARGH, SON OF A-!” then I charged at him pushing us both through the window behind him falling down to the balcony below landing right in front of Zaheer’s cell. “Ugh, I guess Old Gary isn’t as old as I thought..” then Old Gary gets up first then heads to Zaheer’s Cell as sits in his cell smirking at his opportunity to finally escape I then metalbended the metal blast door down locking down the cell stopping Gary’s attempt to free his master, “NOOOOOooo!…” he then turns around to finish me off as he about to strike the final blow a metal wraps around his wrist then pulls him back away from me & I managed to earthbend his feet to the ground & he was surrounded by the remaining White Lotus guards who were still standing. I get up & tell him Old Gary, you’re under arrest it’s over.” Old Gary looks up to the sky as it’s full moon shines bright & he started laughing “Hahahaha HAAA!..” “What’s soo funny?” “THIS!..” he shouts as he lifts his arms up starts Bloodbending everyone still in their tracks & he breaks out of his leg restraints & lifted us up into the air I barely managed to use my metalbending cables to whip him forcing him to release us & he started running away into the prison halls we all were on dropped onto the ground knocking out the other guards I ran after Old Gary chasing him down to M/R’s prison cell.
I’m still sitting in a corner waiting for the guards to either let me know that they put out the fires that have spread all through out the Prison Temple or to let me know that they’re evacuating the Temple although they could also simply just leave me here for dead then I started hear loud noises, bangs & screams outside of my cell door, I then braced myself when my cell door came crashing down with the nice Guard that stopped that mean man from torturing me & gave me water earlier all beaten up on top of the rubble barely conscience. Then the mean man came into the cell looking at me with that Montrose grin & he extended his arm out towards me & started blood bending me! I couldn’t move at all, he pain was constant & unbearable, my blood vessels had felt like they’d been set on fire then he lifted me up into the air I started shouting out in pain “HHHHAAAEEELP …AAAAME! PLEASE STOPP!..” I started getting delirious as the man slowly morphed into the woman with glowing eyes like before & she says “Just close your eyes it’ll all be over soon..” then the guard woke up rasply shouting “NO! LEAVE THE KID ALONE!..” as he metal bended a cable straight through ghost woman’s left knee forcing her to drop me then the illusion faded back into the monster that was just holding me up in the air & he started blood bending the guard slamming him against the wall suspended in the air, all I could do was watch as he limped over to the guard & says “Tell me Rick, have you ever danced with the devil in crimson moonlight?!..” then the guard just looked & said “Survive!” (SNAP!) “NOOOOOOOOOooooo!…” I shouted as that monster just snapped his neck! Then he’d been encased in earthbent restraints then his lifeless body collapsed to the floor as the rest of the guards came in a new found rage full fury brewed up inside me without any hesitation picked up a huge stone & charged at him shouting “DIIIE BASTARD!…” & I started repeatedly slamming the stone against his head as the guards were trying to tell me to stop “STAND DOWN KID!” “DON’T DO IT!” I kept slamming him until his head split open against the stone & his blood splattered into my face killing him & I just froze, dropped the bloodied stone & blankly stared at what was left of the man who’s life I just took before I turned to look at the one man who’d shown me kindness since I was thrown in here, then I dropped to my knees as single strand of tears slowly slid down my face. All the Guards could do at this point was just stand there completely speechless..
Hours later-
A bunch of people from Republic City & the Southern Water Tribe kept on coming in & out of the cell as I just blankly stare at nothing sitting there with a blank expression under armed guard they soon cleared out & repaired the cell & removed the restraints & sealed the cell door & everything was back to normal pitch black void of nothingness like nothing had ever happened.. I was too tired to cry anymore & just went back to sleep silently telling myself “Survive..”
Chapter End..
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teardownit · 2 months
Review, teardown, and testing of RSP-150-24 Mean Well power supply
General description
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A short description
The RSP-150-24 is a universal input power supply with a constant output voltage of 24 volts and a current of up to 6.3 amperes. According to the specification, it has an operating AC input voltage range of 85 to 370 volts without manual switching. The supply measures close to 7.8 × 3.9 × 1.2 inches (199 × 99 × 30 millimeters) and is made on a printed circuit board fixed to the base of the metal case, designed to operate with passive cooling. The top lid covering the case is perforated.
The power supply has an LED indication for the output voltage and allows one to adjust it within -5 to +10%. This unit does not have either PFC or thermal protection.
Design description
The input and output circuits of the power supply are connected to a common screw block (1). From left to right, there are three terminals for the input line, neutral, and ground wires, and two parallel blocks of two terminals for the outputs: ground and +24V.
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The input voltage from the screw terminals is supplied to the RF interference filter (2) and through the fuse (3) to the diode bridge (5). Next, the rectified voltage is supplied to the active PFC, controlled by the PFC+PWM controller FAN4800 (4). The power part of the PFC is assembled using a MOSFET 19NM50N (6) and an 8A 600V ultrafast diode STTH8S06D (7). The output voltage from the PFC is supplied to the two-transistor forward converter, whose transistors, 14NM50N (9), are controlled by the same controller, FAN4800. The converter voltage from the transformer (10) is supplied to the rectifier and to the LC filter (13, 14). The output rectifier is made using MBR20150 diodes (12). The filter output capacitance is 470 uF, 35 V, designed for operating temperatures up to 220F (105C) (14).
General stabilization control is performed by the AP4310 chip. The control signal is transmitted from it to the high-voltage part of the circuit through a transistor optocoupler (15). One optocoupler serves as the main regulation channel, the second forms a backup channel for overvoltage protection (OVP), and the third provides reception of a remote control signal.
To limit the inrush current, there is an NTC (18) connected to the output stage of the rectifier bridge (5) near the boost inductor PFC.
The rectifier bridge (5), transistors, and diodes (6, 7, 9, and 12) are pushed against the housing with screws using overhead metal strips. Between the aluminum case and the board (from the solder side), there is an extra insulation layer, a thin sheet of fiberglass. All bulky components are additionally fixed using compound.
Build quality is good.
Test conditions
Most tests are performed using Metering Setup #1 (see appendices) at 80F (27C), 70% humidity, and 29.8 inHg pressure.
The measurements were performed without preheating the power supply with a short-term load, unless mentioned otherwise.
The following values were used to determine the load level:
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Output voltage under a constant load
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The high stability of the output voltage should be noted.
Power-on parameters
Powering on at 100% load
Before testing, the power supply is turned off for at least 5 minutes with a 100% load connected.
The oscillogram of switching to a 100% load is shown below (channel 1 is the output voltage, and channel 2 is the current consumption from the grid):
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The picture shows three distinguishable phases of the power-on process:
1. The pulse of the input current charging the input capacitors when connected to the grid has an amplitude of about 4.5 A and a duration of about 5 ms.
2. Waiting for the power supply control circuit to start for about 50 ms.
3. (Output Voltage Rise Time) Output voltage rise takes 6 ms.
(Turn On Delay Time) The entire process of entering the operating mode from the moment of powering on is 61 ms.
(Output Voltage Overshoot) The switching process is aperiodic; there is no overshoot.
Powering on at 0% load
The power supply is turned off for at least 5 minutes before the test, with a 100% load connected. Then the load is disconnected and the power supply is switched on.
The oscillogram of switching to a 0% load is shown below:
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The picture shows three distinguishable phases of the power-on process:
1. Charging the input capacitors when connected to the grid has an amplitude of about 1.5 A.
2. Waiting for the power supply control circuit to start for about 27 ms.
3. (Output Voltage Rise Time) Starting the converter, increasing the output voltage, and entering the operating mode take 4 ms.
(Turn On Delay Time) The entire process of entering the operating mode from the moment of powering on is 31 ms.
(Output Voltage Overshoot) The switching process is aperiodic; there is no overshoot.
Power-off parameters
The power supply was turned off at 100% load, and the input voltage at the moment of powering off was nominal. The oscillogram of the shutdown process is shown below:
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The oscillogram shows two phases of the shutdown process:
1. (Shutdown Hold-Up Time) The power supply continues to operate due to the input capacitors holding charge until the voltage across them drops to a certain critical level, at which maintaining the output voltage at the nominal level becomes impossible. The phase takes 20 ms.
2. (Output Voltage Fall Time) Reduction of the output voltage, stopping voltage conversion, and accelerating the voltage drop take 6 ms.
(Output Voltage Undershoot) The shutdown process is aperiodic; there is no undershoot.
The current waveform at 100% load right before shutdown is close to sinusoidal with an amplitude of 2 A.
Output voltage ripple
100% load
At 100% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 15 mV.
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At 100% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 50 mVp-p, and the noise is 70 mVp-p.
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75% load
At 75% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 10 mV.
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At 75% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 20 mVp-p, and the noise is 30 mVp-p.
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50% load
At a 50% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 6 mV.
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At 50% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 30 mVp-p, and the noise is 50 mVp-p.
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10% load
At a 10% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 10 mV.
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At a 10% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 30 mVp-p, and the noise is 50 mVp-p.
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0% load
No-load current consumption measured with a multimeter: 29 mA.
(Power Consumption) The first assumption of excessive standby power draw of more than 6.5 watts is wrong, since the current in this mode is predominantly reactive. Indeed, the input filter in the circuit contains two capacitors with a combined capacitance of 1.5 μF.
Measuring the exact active power consumption at a 0% load with a basic set of instruments (oscilloscope, multimeter, etc.) is not possible.
At 0% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 2 mV.
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At 0% load, ripples at the converter frequency are masked by the 80 mVp-p noise.
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Dynamic characteristics
To evaluate the dynamic characteristics, a mode with periodic switching between 50% and 100% load was used. The oscillogram of the process is shown below:
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It is clear that the power supply, when the load changes abruptly, allows for a slight dampening overshoot; the magnitude of the response to load changes is about 260 mV.
Overload protection
The claimed protection type is "constant current limiting, recovers automatically after the fault condition is removed." This was confirmed during testing. When the output is overloaded or shorted, the unit goes into current stabilization mode and automatically restores operation when the overload goes away.
The output current for the overload protection to kick in is 7.9 A.
Input circuit safety assessment
(Input discharge) Safety assessment is based on the discharge time constant of the input circuits when disconnected from the grid; the value is 0.126 s. This means that when operating on a 120 V input voltage, the time required to discharge the input circuits to safe values (<42 V) will be 0.2 s:
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Important: The result is valid for this particular power supply unit; it was obtained for testing purposes and should not be taken as a safety guarantee.
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The leakage current at the ground pin is 24 µA.
Thermal conditions
When operating with no load connected, no component overheating had been noticed.
Thermograms were captured at three power levels: 80, 90, and 100%, fully assembled and with the lid removed. Thermal images show that the most loaded element of the block is the input thermistor (NTC), and its heating seriously stands out against the background of all the other components. At 80% load, it heats up to 220F (104CC, 140F above ambient temperature). At 90%, it's 221F (105C, 141F above ambient), and at 100%, it reaches 236F (108C, 156F above ambient).
80% load
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90% load
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100% load
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RSP-150-24 generally has little noise and ripple, the output voltage is maintained accurately, and the build quality is solid.
The dynamic characteristics of this unit aren't great; when the load pulses, the power supply can't adjust itself in time. This results in quite noticeable spikes and overshoots.
For long-term operation, the load should be limited to 70–80% of the nominal one., especially during the hot season when ambient temperatures reach 95F (35C) or more.
Important: The results are valid for this particular power supply unit; they were obtained for testing purposes and should not be used to evaluate all the units of the same type.
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samirtrading · 2 months
Control Panel Accessories Supplier in Ahmedabad - Samir Trading
Electrical Control Panel Accessories Wholesalers in Ahmedabad - Samir Trading
Samir Trading stands as a premier wholesaler in Ahmedabad, specialising in Electrical Control Panel Accessories. We take pride in offering a comprehensive range of high-quality products that cater to the diverse needs of panel assembly across various industries.
As a reliable supplier, we understand the critical role that control panel accessories play in ensuring the functionality and safety of electrical systems. Our inventory includes a wide selection of accessories such as cable glands, terminal blocks, indicators, push buttons, enclosures, and more. Each product is sourced from reputable manufacturers known for their commitment to excellence and adherence to industry standards.
1.Cable Ties:
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2. Control Panel Accessories
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3. Cooling Solution:
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4.Copper lugs:
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5.Heat Shrinkable sleeves:
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6.Wiring accessories :
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What sets Samir Trading apart is our dedication to customer satisfaction. We strive to provide not only top-notch products but also personalised service and support. Our knowledgeable team is ready to assist you in selecting the right accessories that best suit your specific requirements, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance of your electrical control panels.
Whether you are involved in industrial automation, manufacturing, construction, or any sector that relies on efficient electrical systems, we have the expertise and resources to meet your needs effectively. Our competitive pricing and commitment to timely delivery further reinforce our reputation as a preferred supplier in Ahmedabad.
At Samir Trading, we prioritise building long-term relationships with our clients based on trust, reliability, and mutual success. We continually update our product offerings to keep pace with technological advancements and industry trends, ensuring that you have access to the latest innovations in control panel accessories.
Partner with Samir Trading for your electrical control panel accessory needs and experience firsthand our dedication to quality, service, and satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your projects with our extensive range of products and expertise in Ahmedabad and beyond.
For More Information:
666/5A, Mamunayak's Pole, Nr. Jagat Agencies, Gandhi Road, Ahmedabad - 380001.
792217 0118
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ecswire · 3 months
Connecting the Dots: Exploring Different Types of Wire Terminal Connectors
Wire terminal connectors are essential components in electrical and electronic systems, providing secure and reliable connections between wires and devices. With a variety of types available, each designed for specific applications and environments, understanding the different wire terminal connector types is crucial for efficient wiring and connectivity. Let's delve into the various types of wire terminal connectors and their unique characteristics.
1. Ring Terminals
Ring terminals, also known as ring connectors or eyelet terminals, are one of the most common types of wire terminal connectors. They feature a ring-shaped metal terminal that is crimped or soldered onto the stripped end of a wire. Ring terminals are used for securing wires to terminal blocks, studs, or screws, providing a secure and durable connection that can withstand vibrations and mechanical stress.
2. Spade Terminals
Spade terminals, also called fork terminals or blade terminals, have a flat, spade-shaped metal terminal that is crimped onto a wire. They are designed to be inserted into terminal blocks, connectors, or screw terminals for quick and easy connections. Spade terminals are available in various sizes and styles, including insulated and non-insulated versions, to accommodate different wire gauges and applications.
3. Bullet Connectors
Bullet connectors, also known as bullet terminals or barrel connectors, feature cylindrical metal terminals that are crimped onto wires. They are commonly used for quick and reliable connections in automotive wiring, electrical appliances, and low-voltage applications. Bullet connectors come in male and female pairs, allowing for easy mating and disconnection of wires.
4. Quick-Disconnect Terminals
Quick-disconnect terminals, also called quick-connect terminals or push-on terminals, are designed for rapid and tool-free wire connections and disconnections. They feature a male or female terminal that can be easily pushed onto a corresponding terminal or stud. Quick-disconnect terminals are commonly used in automotive wiring, electrical appliances, and industrial equipment for fast and convenient installations and repairs.
5. Butt Connectors
Butt connectors, also known as splice connectors or wire joiners, are used to join two wires end-to-end. They feature a cylindrical metal tube with insulation and crimping ends that securely hold the wires together. Butt connectors are available in insulated and non-insulated versions, with heat-shrinkable options for added protection and durability in harsh environments.
6. Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks are modular connectors that provide a convenient way to connect multiple wires or components. They consist of insulated blocks with metal terminals or screws where wires can be attached. Terminal blocks come in various configurations, including barrier strips, DIN rail-mounted blocks, and PCB-mounted blocks, making them versatile for different wiring applications in control panels, machinery, and electrical enclosures.
7. Pin Terminals
Pin terminals, also called male disconnect terminals, feature a pin-shaped metal terminal that is crimped onto a wire. They are designed to be inserted into female disconnect terminals or receptacles for electrical connections. Pin terminals are commonly used in automotive wiring, electrical appliances, and industrial equipment for secure and reliable connections that can be easily disconnected for maintenance or repairs.
8. Ferrule Terminals
Ferrule terminals, also known as wire ferrules or cord end terminals, are used to terminate stranded wires before insertion into terminal blocks or connectors. They feature a metal sleeve that is crimped onto the stripped end of a wire, providing a secure connection and preventing wire strands from fraying or coming loose. Ferrule terminals are available in insulated and non-insulated versions for different applications.
Wire terminal connectors are essential components in electrical and electronic systems, providing reliable connections that are crucial for proper functionality and safety. From ring terminals for secure wire attachments to quick-disconnect terminals for fast and tool-free connections, the variety of wire terminal connector types allows for efficient wiring and connectivity in various applications. Understanding the characteristics and applications of these connectors is essential for technicians, engineers, and DIY enthusiasts to ensure proper installations, repairs, and maintenance of electrical and electronic systems.
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alexbrownes · 9 months
7 Steps for Efficient and Precise Installation of Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks play a crucial role in electrical installations, providing a secure and organized way to connect and manage wires. Proper installation of terminal block is paramount to ensure the safety, reliability, and efficiency of an electrical system. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a DIY enthusiast, following these seven steps will help you achieve an efficient and precise installation of terminal blocks.
Step 1: Plan and Design Your Wiring Layout
Before diving into the installation process, take the time to plan and design your wiring layout. Consider the electrical requirements, the types of wires involved, and the overall organization of the system. A well-thought-out plan will not only make the installation process smoother but also contribute to a neater and more manageable setup.
Step 2: Choose the Right Terminal Blocks
Selecting the appropriate terminal blocks for your application is crucial. Consider factors such as voltage ratings, current-carrying capacity, wire size compatibility, and environmental conditions. Different terminal blocks cater to specific needs, so make sure to choose ones that align with your project requirements. This step is fundamental to ensuring the safety and optimal performance of your electrical connections.
Step 3: Gather the Necessary Tools and Equipment
Having the right tools on hand is essential for a precise and efficient installation. Common tools for terminal block installation include wire strippers, screwdrivers, and a torque wrench. Ensure that your tools are in good condition and suitable for the type of terminal blocks you are working with. Using the correct tools will help prevent damage to the terminal blocks and ensure secure connections.
Step 4: Prepare the Wires
Properly preparing the wires is a critical step in achieving precise installations. Use wire strippers to remove the insulation from the ends of the wires, exposing the appropriate length for insertion into the terminal blocks. Ensure that there is no fraying or damage to the wire strands. Well-prepared wires contribute to secure and reliable connections, minimizing the risk of electrical issues.
Step 5: Insert Wires Into the Terminal Blocks
Carefully insert the prepared wires into the terminal blocks according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Follow any specific instructions for the type of terminal block you are using, whether it's a push-in type or requires screw tightening. Ensure that the wires are securely held in place, and there is proper contact with the conductive elements within the terminal block. This step requires precision to prevent loose connections, which can lead to overheating and other safety concerns.
Step 6: Tighten Screws to the Recommended Torque
For terminal blocks with screw terminals, it's crucial to tighten the screws to the recommended torque. Over-tightening can damage the terminal block or lead to wire breakage, while under-tightening may result in loose connections. Refer to the manufacturer's specifications or guidelines for the correct torque values and use a torque wrench to achieve the desired tightness. This step ensures that the terminal blocks maintain a secure grip on the wires, promoting stability and longevity.
Step 7: Organize and Label the Connections
Once all the wires are securely connected, take the time to organize and label the terminal block connections. Proper organization simplifies troubleshooting, maintenance, and future modifications. Labeling each terminal block with the corresponding circuit or function enhances clarity and reduces the likelihood of errors during inspections or repairs. Neatly organizing your terminal blocks contributes to a professional-looking and easily maintainable electrical system.
Efficient and precise installation of terminal blocks is fundamental to the safety and reliability of electrical systems. By following these seven steps—planning your wiring layout, choosing the right terminal blocks, gathering the necessary tools, preparing the wires, inserting wires carefully, tightening screws to the recommended torque, and organizing and labeling connections—you can ensure that your terminal block installations are not only efficient but also built to last.
Whether you're working on a small DIY project or a complex industrial installation, taking the time to follow these steps will pay off in the form of a well-organized, safe, and reliable electrical system. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines and industry standards to ensure that your terminal block installations meet the required specifications. With precision as your guiding principle, you can confidently tackle UK terminal block installations and contribute to the overall success of your electrical projects.
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electronalytics · 1 year
Barrier Strips Market Latest Trends and Analysis, Future Growth Study by 2032
The barrier strips market refers to the industry that produces and sells barrier strips, also known as terminal blocks or connection strips. These are electrical connectors used to connect and secure wires and cables in various applications. Here is a brief overview of the barrier strips market:
Market Definition: Barrier strips are essential components in electrical and electronic systems, facilitating secure connections, organization, and distribution of wires and cables.
Applications: Barrier strips are used in a wide range of applications, including industrial machinery, control panels, power distribution, telecommunications, automotive, and more.
Types: Barrier strips come in various types, including single-row, double-row, and triple-row configurations, as well as different wire connection methods such as screw-clamp, spring-clamp, and push-in.
Materials: They are typically made from materials like plastic, ceramic, or metal, with metal versions offering enhanced durability and conductivity.
Market Drivers:
Automation and Industry 4.0: Increasing automation in industries drives the demand for reliable electrical connections, boosting the barrier strips market.
Renewable Energy: The growing renewable energy sector requires robust electrical connections, stimulating the market for barrier strips.
Rapid Urbanization: Urban development and infrastructure projects contribute to the demand for electrical distribution solutions.
Market Trends:
Miniaturization: Smaller, more compact barrier strips are becoming popular, especially in consumer electronics and automotive applications.
Smart Connectivity: Integration of smart features, such as IoT compatibility and monitoring capabilities, is a rising trend.
Environmental Concerns: Eco-friendly materials and designs are gaining traction in line with sustainability efforts.
Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the Barrier Strips Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
Receive the FREE Sample Report of Barrier Strips Market Research Insights @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/sample-request/barrier-strips-market/2128/
Market Segmentations:
Global Barrier Strips Market: By Company • TE Connectivity • WECO • Eaton • Curtis Industries • Bulgin • GC Electronics • Molex • Altech • Cinch Connectors • Phoenix Contact • Schneider Electric Global Barrier Strips Market: By Type • Dual Barrier • Tri-Barrier • Double Row Global Barrier Strips Market: By Application • PCB • Machine Controls • Power Supplies • Test and Measurement • Automation Equipment • Security/Alarm Devices • HVAC Controls 
Regional Analysis of Global Barrier Strips Market
All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Barrier Strips market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
Click to Purchase Barrier Strips Market Research Report @ https://stringentdatalytics.com/purchase/barrier-strips-market/2128/
Key Report Trends:
Data-Driven Insights: Reports across industries were increasingly relying on data analysis and visualization to support their findings. Data-driven insights were considered more credible and persuasive.
Automation and AI: Many reports discussed the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on industries and the workforce. This included both the potential benefits and challenges.
Sustainability: Sustainability was a growing concern, with many reports discussing environmental issues, renewable energy, and sustainable business practices.
Digital Transformation: Reports often explored the process of digital transformation and how organizations were adapting to the digital age. This included discussions on cloud computing, IoT, and digital marketing.
Globalization: Globalization trends were examined in reports, including the effects of international trade, supply chain disruptions, and global economic shifts.
Cyber security: The increasing frequency of cyberattacks and data breaches led to more reports focusing on cyber security measures and best practices.
Healthcare Innovation: In healthcare, reports often delved into innovations such as telemedicine, electronic health records, and pharmaceutical developments.
Diversity and Inclusion: Many reports discussed diversity and inclusion in the workplace, analyzing the benefits and challenges of creating more diverse and inclusive organizations.
Economic Outlook: Economic reports provided insights into the state of the economy, including GDP growth, employment trends, and inflation rates.
Education Trends: Reports in the education sector often covered topics like online learning, the digital divide, and the impact of COVID-19 on education.
Geopolitical Analysis: Reports frequently analyzed geopolitical events and their implications on global stability, trade, and international relations.
Public Health: Especially after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, reports on public health measures, vaccine distribution, and healthcare preparedness became prominent.
Consumer Behaviour: In the marketing and retail sectors, reports often examined changing consumer behaviour, including e-commerce trends and shifts in purchasing habits.
Renewable Energy: Reports highlighted the growth of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, as well as discussions about transitioning to a more sustainable energy landscape.
Remote Work: Due to the pandemic, reports discussed the challenges and opportunities associated with remote work, including its long-term impact on work culture.
Report includes Competitor's Landscape:
➊ Major trends and growth projections by region and country ➋ Key winning strategies followed by the competitors ➌ Who are the key competitors in this industry? ➍ What shall be the potential of this industry over the forecast tenure? ➎ What are the factors propelling the demand for the Barrier Strips? ➏ What are the opportunities that shall aid in significant proliferation of the market growth? ➐ What are the regional and country wise regulations that shall either hamper or boost the demand for Barrier Strips? ➑ How has the covid-19 impacted the growth of the market? ➒ Has the supply chain disruption caused changes in the entire value chain?
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cpluselectronics · 1 year
Get the best Electronic components from us.
C Plus Electronics, has mastered "The art of Procuring Electronic components" by gaining access to millions of inventory files from all major OEMs, and EMS manufacturing plants around the world. Our "State of the Art" procurement software program has been designed to link your specific requests to qualified sources with the stock on hand, avoiding price increases and product mishandling storage issues.We provide services in many industries including "Electric & Electronic, Automotive, Military, Aerospace, Medical, Appliances, Industrial and Commercial.
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We are a "One Stop Shop" operation providing 24/7 support for OEMs and CMs around the world, now operating "Globally" with procurement and sales offices located in USA, Panama,Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, Philippines, and South Korea.We are the top Electronic components Distributors USA.C Plus is an authorized dealer for dozens of "High-Quality" "Top-Tear" OEM brands.We are a WOSB, SDB, and MBE certified supplier.C Plus has been a trustworthy Army SNAP supplier and BPA contract holder for many years.The expertise, procurement experience, quality, great customer service and other value added services have enabled C Plus to be one of the leading procurement companies in the world.
We specialize in the following categories: Semiconductors- like ICs, LEDs, Transducers,development boards.Passives-like capacitors, resistors,coils, relays.Electromechanical components- like  fans, switches, motors.Connectors- like terminal blocks, USB/HDMI/DVI, jumpers,memory, filters.Cables- like fiber optic, wire wrap, coaxial.Industrial Automation- like antennas, sensors,industrial computers & displays, push buttons.Check out our one-stop platform to review materials, capabilities, and pricing.If you have any queries regarding our services please feel free to ask us, we will provide our best service to you.
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wagoindia · 1 year
Wire Connectors and Installation Terminal Blocks | WAGO India
Welcome to the world of seamless connections and efficient installations! In today's fast-paced, technologically-driven society, it has become increasingly essential for industries and individuals alike to ensure reliable electrical connectivity. The key lies in using high-quality wire connectors and installation terminal blocks like those offered by WAGO India. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of these innovative solutions that are designed to make your life easier while ensuring safety, reliability, and enhanced performance. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee (or tea), as we dive into the fascinating realm of wire connectors and installation terminal blocks – an integral part of our connected world!
WAGO India's Wire Connectors and Installation Terminal Blocks
WAGO India, a leading provider of electrical interconnection solutions, has developed an impressive range of wire connectors and installation terminal blocks that cater to various industries and applications. This renowned company is dedicated to ensuring optimum safety and reliability in their products while meeting the highest quality standards. One of the remarkable product lines from WAGO India includes its cutting-edge PUSH WIRE® Connectors. These connectors are known for their ease of use, compact design, and secure connections even under extreme conditions. They are available in different sizes catering to diverse wire gauges, making them suitable for multiple purposes. Another standout offering from WAGO India is their versatile TOPJOB® S Installation Terminal Blocks. With a wide array of configurations including feed-through terminals, fuse terminals, disconnect/test terminals or diode terminals among others – these installation terminal blocks provide flexibility in addressing various wiring requirements. In addition to these innovative products, WAGO India also offers an extensive selection of accessories such as marking systems or operating tools which further enhance user experience while working with wire connectors and terminal blocks. So whether you're handling residential wiring projects or large-scale industrial installations - look no further than WAGO India's top-notch offerings!
How to Use Wire Connectors and Installation Terminal Blocks
Using wire connectors and installation terminal blocks is a simple process that can be done by anyone. First, make sure to strip the insulation from the wires you want to connect. This will expose the metal core of the wire, which is what will be inserted into the connector or block. Next, insert each stripped wire into its corresponding port in the connector or block. Make sure each wire is fully inserted and secure before moving on to the next one. If using a connector, use pliers or a crimping tool to squeeze down on any metal tabs or sleeves around the body of the connector. This will ensure a tight and reliable connection between your wires. If using an installation terminal block, tighten down any screws holding each wire in place with a screwdriver. Again, make sure each connection feels firm and secure before proceeding. Using wire connectors and installation terminal blocks is a straightforward process that can help keep your electrical connections safe and reliable over time.
Why Use Wire Connectors and Installation Terminal Blocks?
Wire connectors and installation terminal blocks are essential components for any electrical wiring project. These small but powerful devices provide a reliable connection between wires, ensuring that electricity flows safely and efficiently through your circuit. One of the main reasons to use wire connectors and installation terminal blocks is their ability to simplify the wiring process. Instead of having to manually splice each wire together, these devices allow you to quickly connect multiple wires with minimal effort. Another advantage of using wire connectors and installation terminal blocks is their versatility. They can be used in a variety of different settings, from industrial applications to home DIY projects. Whether you're working on an automotive repair or installing new lighting fixtures in your home, these devices can help streamline the wiring process. Additionally, wire connectors and installation terminal blocks offer superior electrical performance compared to traditional splicing methods. By providing a secure connection between wires without exposed metal surfaces, they reduce the risk of short circuits or other electrical malfunctions. There are numerous benefits to using wire connectors and installation terminal blocks for your next wiring project. From simplifying the process to improving safety and reliability, these versatile devices are an excellent investment for any DIY enthusiast or professional electrician alike.
Advantages of Using Wire Connectors and Installation Terminal Blocks
Using wire connectors and installation terminal blocks have several advantages in electrical installations. One of the main benefits is their ability to provide a secure and reliable connection between wires, ensuring that they stay connected even under extreme conditions. Another advantage of using wire connectors is that they come in different sizes and shapes, making them suitable for various types of wiring applications. This versatility ensures that electricians can find the right connector for any task, whether it's connecting two or more wires together or splicing a wire with another one. Wire connectors also make it easier to maintain an electrical system as they simplify troubleshooting and repair work. They allow technicians to quickly identify which wires are connected where, reducing downtime during maintenance operations. Furthermore, using installation terminal blocks helps keep wiring organized by allowing multiple connections within a single block. It eliminates the need for additional junction boxes and reduces clutter in an enclosure or panel board. These components save time during installations since they don't require stripping insulation off wires before making connections. This feature makes them ideal for use when working with thin gauge conductors or stranded cables. Wire connectors and installation terminal blocks provide numerous benefits over traditional wiring methods while increasing safety levels on job sites at all times.
Disadvantages of Using Wire Connectors and Installation Terminal Blocks
While wire connectors and installation terminal blocks have their advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using them. One of the main drawbacks is that they can be more expensive than other types of wiring connections. Additionally, if not properly installed or maintained, wire connectors and installation terminal blocks may come loose over time which could cause electrical malfunctions or even safety hazards. It’s important to ensure that all connections are tightened securely and checked periodically. Another potential disadvantage is that these types of connectors take up more space than other options like crimping or soldering. This may become an issue in crowded electrical boxes where space is at a premium. For those who prefer a sleeker look for their finished projects, wire connectors and installation terminal blocks can appear bulky and unappealing compared to other connection methods. While there are some downsides to using these products, it's important to weigh the benefits against the drawbacks before making any decisions on how best to connect your wires.
Wire connectors and installation terminal blocks are essential components for electrical connections. They provide a safe, reliable, and efficient way to connect wires without the need for soldering or crimping. WAGO India offers an extensive range of wire connectors and installation terminal blocks that cater to various applications. Whether you're dealing with low-voltage or high-voltage installations, WAGO has got you covered. When it comes to using wire connectors and installation terminal blocks, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Proper use ensures that your connections will be secure, durable, and long-lasting. The advantages of using wire connectors outweigh their disadvantages. They offer a quick and easy way to make electrical connections without compromising safety or reliability. However, when used incorrectly or improperly installed, they can cause problems like loose connections or even short circuits. If you want a hassle-free way to make electrical connections in your home or workplace while ensuring safety and durability look no further than WAGO India's Wire Connectors & Installation Terminal Blocks!
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frances-glenn · 1 year
DIY for AC: A Homeowners Guide to AC Repair Tips
DIY for AC: A Homeowner’s Guide to AC Repair Tips A typical single-family house currently has an annual energy expense of $2,060, of which 42% goes to cooling and heating. Sadly, problems with your air conditioner might increase your energy costs.  Avoid letting frequent HVAC system issues take money from your pocket. Instead, resolve the problem with these eight AC repair suggestions. You may prevent your energy costs from rising further by following these tips.  Refrigerant Leaks Your air conditioner’s Freon, or AC refrigerant, keeps the air cool. Your air conditioner will attempt to circulate warm air if it lacks refrigerant. Is the air coming out of your air conditioner warm? Look for any possible refrigerant leaks in your appliance. The device might not operate effectively if there is insufficient Freon in it. Your air conditioner will lose efficiency as soon as refrigerant leaks begin. Air conditioner repair is something you should think about right immediately. Your energy cost will increase when the unit works harder to pump air through. Freon is also bad for the environment. Electric Failure Verify that your air conditioner turns on and off correctly. If your appliance doesn’t shut off, you could have an electrical problem. Compression and the system fan of your equipment may eventually wear down. There are cables connecting the blower, condenser, and compression motors. The motor and compressor cannot function if a wire or termination corrodes. In American households, 44% of energy was used for electrical power.  Your energy consumption may rise if these parts aren’t functioning properly. Instead, put this repair advice for air conditioners to work before your costs climb. Verify the electrical connection first. Examine the terminals and the cables as well. Water Leaks Your appliance could leak more than just freon. Moreover, water may begin to leak. Often, a clogged condensate drain can cause a leak to form. A blockage in the system might be brought on by fungus or algae. As a result, water will start to accumulate. The condensate pump may need to be changed to stop the leak. Next, use a wet or dry vacuum to clear the blockage in the pip. Six ounces of vinegar should then be poured down the drain. The vinegar can eliminate any fungus or algae that are obstructing the drain. Clean Coils Regular maintenance may cut energy expenditures for HVAC systems by 5 to 40%. Following this guide to AC repair will assist you in spotting problems before they worsen. For instance, you may have noticed that your coils have become dusty. Make sure your condenser coils are free of filth and debris by inspecting them. They may perform poorly if they are unclean. High levels of air pollution are a common cause of this issue. Heat will transmit more effectively once you’ve cleaned the coils. The AC unit will have to work twice as hard otherwise. As a result, components can start displaying signs of wear and tear. Plugged Filters Before they can contaminate the pure air in your house, dust and pet, dander are caught by the AC unit’s filter. Sadly, after time, the filters may clog. A blocked filter may hamper airflow. As a result, the device will try to work twice as hard to push air through the filter. The procedure can result in a decrease in the unit’s energy efficiency. Maintain a three-month interval between filter changes. Make more frequent changes if you have a pet. Be sure to turn off the electricity first. Next, discard the previous filter. A new filter of the same size and rating should be found. Tags and categories: News via WordPress https://ift.tt/ZE16mXV April 06, 2023 at 02:01AM
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industrial-iep · 2 years
Data Cable Installation Guide
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Data cables are an essential part of most technology systems. They provide a secure and reliable connection to transfer data between different devices or networks. Installing data cables can be a complex process, as there are many important considerations when choosing the right type of cable for your application, as well as properly routing the cable for optimal performance and longevity. In this guide, we will discuss the basics of data cable installation, from selecting the best type of cable for your needs to properly fitting it into place.
When choosing what type of data cable, you need for your project, consider factors such as how long the cable must be, if it needs to be shielded from outside interference, and what kind of connector is required at either end. For example, if you are connecting two computers together with an Ethernet cable, you would need a Cat-5 or Cat-6 Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors on both ends. It is also important to make sure that all connections are properly secured with strain relief clamps or other secure wiring practices.
The installation process for data cables requires attention to detail and accurate execution. To ensure proper installation, follow these steps:
1. Lay out the cable run from the point of origin to the termination location. It is important that all bends are kept as tight as possible with no kinks or sharp angles in order to minimize signal losses.
2. Use a level and measuring tape to ensure that all conduits and pathways are straight, level, and appropriately measured so that the cable will fit properly.
3. Follow manufacturer-recommended guidelines when drilling holes or installing conduit boxes in walls or floors. Be sure to place conduit boxes securely in walls and floors before threading any cables through them.
4. Make sure to leave enough slack for the cable at each end of the run so that it can be properly connected to the devices and patch panels.
5. Connect any applicable cables connectors or splice blocks, following manufacturer guidelines and relevant building codes. Be sure to use appropriate tools when stripping, cutting, or connecting cables in order to minimize damage and ensure a secure connection.
6. Test all connections with an ohmmeter or continuity tester before attaching them to patch panels or other devices. This is especially important if you are using shielded cables as poor connections may result in interference issues due to lack of proper shielding.
7. Use appropriate fixing methods such as grommets, clips, or ties to secure the cable along its run. This will help reduce the risk of damage due to abrasion, vibration, and other environmental factors.
8. Label all cables in accordance with industry standards and manufacturer guidelines so that they can be easily identified and understood by future users.
Once you have determined the type of data cable needed for your project and have purchased it along with any necessary connectors and accessories, you can begin running it through the desired space needed for installation. When running a cable through walls or between floors in a building, make sure to use UL listed conduit suitable for low voltage applications like data cabling. This will ensure that the cables are protected from physical damage while keeping them safe from electromagnetic interference (EMI). Additionally, any outlets used should be specifically labeled as “data” instead of “power” in order to avoid confusion in case maintenance is ever needed in the future.
Once all cables are run into their designated locations and securely fastened in place using zip ties or other appropriate fasteners, connect them to their respective devices using compatible connectors and wall plates/patch panels when applicable. When plugging in any plugs/connectors make sure they are fully seated by gently pushing them into place until they click; never force them into place as this can damage both the connector and mating port. Once all connections are made test each one individually before powering on any connected device(s). With these simple tips installing data cables will be easier than ever!
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teardownit · 4 months
Review, teardown, and testing of LRS-75-24 Mean Well power supply
General description
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LRS-75-24 is a 24-volt power supply with a maximum current of 3.2 amperes. According to the manufacturer, the unit operates at a mains voltage of 100 to 240 volts without an additional switch. It has no PFC function. The supply measures approximately 4 × 4 × 1 1/5 inches (99 × 97 × 30 millimeters) and is made on a printed circuit board fixed to the base of the metal case. The top cover is perforated, and the holes are meant for passive cooling.
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The input and output circuits are connected to a common screw block (1). From right to left, there are 3 terminals for the input line, neutral, and ground wires, and terminals 4 and 5 are the outputs: ground and +24V. The input voltage goes to the fuse and inrush current limiter (2), then to the RF interference filter (3), and finally, to the diode bridge (4). The inrush current limiter has no markings; apparently, it is just an NTC. The rectified mains voltage is supplied to the 150 uF, 400V capacitor (5) and then to the flyback converter built on an MW03A controller (located on the back side of the PCB), a TK750A60F transistor (6), and a transformer (7). The voltage from the secondary winding of the transformer is rectified by a Schottky diode HBR20150 (8) and supplied to storage capacitors 2×470uF 35V, and, through an additional LC filter (10) (11), goes to the output. The feedback circuit is classic; with TL431 (on the other side of the board), the feedback signal is transmitted to the PWM controller through one of the optocouplers (12); the second optocoupler forms a backup channel for overvoltage protection at the OVP output. The installed electrolytic capacitors are designed for operating temperatures up to 220F (105C). The bulkiest of them, the input one, is held on the board with compound.
Build quality is good.
The power transistor (6) and diode (8) are pushed against the metal case using spring brackets to dissipate heat. Their own housings are insulated using special shells.
Test conditions
Most tests are performed using Metering Setup #1 (https://teardownit.com/posts/power-control-unit-for-testing) at 80F (27C), 70% humidity, and 29.8 inHg pressure. The measurements were performed without preheating the power supply with a short-term load unless mentioned otherwise. The following values were used to determine the load level:
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It should be noted that there is a slight overshoot; increasing the load slightly increases the output voltage.
Power-on parameters
Powering on at 100% load
Before testing, the power supply is turned off for at least 5 minutes with a 100% load connected. The oscillogram of switching to a 100% load is shown below (channel 1 is the output voltage, and channel 2 is the current consumption from the grid):
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The picture shows three distinguishable phases of the power-on process:
When connected to the grid, the pulse of the input current charging the input capacitors has an amplitude of about 5.7 A and a duration of 6 ms.
Waiting for the power supply control circuit to start for about 117 ms.
(Output Voltage Rise Time) Starting the converter, increasing the output voltage, and entering the operating mode takes 6 ms.
(Turn On Delay Time) The entire process of entering the operating mode from the moment the device powers on is 123 ms.
(Output Voltage Overshoot) The switching process is aperiodic; there is no overshoot.
Power-off parameters
The power supply was turned off at 100% load, and the input voltage was nominal at the moment of powering off. The oscillogram of the shutdown process is shown below:
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The oscillogram shows two phases of the shutdown process:
(Shutdown Hold-Up Time) The power supply continues to operate because the input capacitors hold charge until the voltage across them drops to a certain critical level, at which point maintaining the output voltage at the nominal level becomes impossible. The phase takes 16 ms.
(Output Voltage Fall Time) Reduction of the output voltage, stopping voltage conversion, and accelerating the voltage drop takes 19 ms.
(Output Voltage Undershoot) The shutdown process is aperiodic; there is no undershoot.
The amplitude of the current at 100% load before shutting down is approximately 3 A.
Output voltage ripple
100% load
At 100% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 20 mV.
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At 100% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 50 mVp-p.
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75% load
At 75% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 40 mV.
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At 75% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 35 mVp-p.
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50% load
At 50% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 20 mV.
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At 50% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 40 mVp-p.
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10% load
At 10% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 10 mV.
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At 10% load, the ripple at the converter frequency is approximately 20 mVp-p, and the noise is 80 mVp-p.
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0% load
The no-load current consumption measured with a multimeter is 18 mA. The current consumption in this mode is predominantly reactive. In the supply circuit, the input filter contains a 0.47 uF capacitor.
(Power Consumption) It is not possible to measure the exact active power consumption at a 0% load with a basic set of instruments (oscilloscope, multimeter, etc.).
At 0% load, the low-frequency ripple is approximately 10 mV.
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At 10% load, ripples at the converter frequency are masked by the 90 mVp-p noise.
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Dynamic characteristics
A mode with periodic switching between 50% and 100% load was used to evaluate the dynamic characteristics. The oscillogram of the process is shown below:
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The supply’s response to load changes is a bit shaky. The magnitude of the response to load changes reaches 200 mV.
Overload protection
The claimed protection type is "hiccup mode, which recovers automatically after the fault condition is removed." This was confirmed during testing. When a short circuit occurs, the power supply periodically tries to turn back on and, if the overload is still present, turns off again until the next attempt. This operating mode reduces energy losses and heating during overload. Still, it does not allow the parallel connection of multiple power supplies with a common output.
The output current for the overload protection to kick in is 5 A.
Input circuit safety assessment
(Input discharge) Safety assessment is based on the discharge time constant of the input circuits when disconnected from the grid; the value is 0.234 s. This means that when operating on a 120 V input voltage, the time required to discharge the input circuits to safe values (<42 V) will be 0.37 s:
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Important: The result is valid for this particular power supply unit; it was obtained for testing purposes and should not be taken as a safety guarantee.
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The leakage current at the ground pin is about 11 µA.
Thermal conditions
When operating with no load connected, no component overheating had been noticed. Thermograms were captured at three power levels: 80, 90, and 100%, fully assembled and with the lid removed. Thermal images show that the most loaded element of the block is the input thermistor (NTC), and its heating seriously stands out against the background of all the other components. At 80% load, it heats up to 197F (92C, 117F above ambient temperature). At 90%, it's 214F (101C, 134F above ambient), and at 100%, it reaches 227F (108C, 147F above ambient).
80% load
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90% load
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100% load
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Overall, the LRS-75-24 is a solid unit. It's noise and ripple are acceptable for many applications, the output voltage is maintained accurately, and the build quality is decent. However, the dynamic characteristics of this power supply are not that good. When load pulses, one can notice large surges and quite some ripple, indicating some circuit design downsides in terms of its frequency characteristics. For long-term operation, the load should be limited to 80–90% of the nominal one, especially during the hot season when ambient temperatures reach 95F (35C) or more.
Important: The results are valid for this particular power supply unit; they were obtained for testing purposes and should not be used to evaluate all the units of the same type.
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machineplatesonline · 2 years
What Is The Key Components of Electrical Control Panels?
Electrical control panels have many components and features. Some of these include power supplies, Terminal blocks, Circuit breakers, and Push buttons. Learn what they are and how they are used in an electrical control panel labels.
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These components can be tricky to identify, so it's important to know what to look for:
Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks connect receptacles together. These connectors are commonly designed with push-in or push-fit contact mechanisms. Push-in contacts have a spring-loaded mechanism embedded at the root of each receptacle that bites into the cable, securing it in place with a mechanical wedge action. These terminals also have release plungers, which are depressed by a flat head screw driver.
Terminal blocks come in a variety of styles. The most common is the push-in style, which is commonly used for residential electrical wiring. The push-in style uses a multi-core wire. Both screw terminals and push-in terminal blocks have different contact pitches, which are important match up with wires needed for a given project. Contact pitch refers to the distance between the holes. Contact pitch is typically measured in millimeters, and the number of contacts on each block is proportional to this measurement.
Power Supplies
In electrical control panels, power supplies provide a continuous source of electrical energy to load circuits. These supplies may include a voltage multiplier or a high-voltage transformer. These supplies may also condition the input voltage to prevent electronic noise and voltage surges. They may also store energy to power a load in the event of interruption.
Electrical control panels include power supplies to provide power for programmable logic controllers, interposing relays, and safety relays. They also use specialty power supplies that can operate at a wide range of AC voltages, and some may even be battery-backed. After the power supplies are installed, the system will require a distribution system to distribute power to all devices. The power distribution system must be configured with the proper grounding systems.
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Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers in electrical control panels are installed to control the power supplied to various circuits in a building. These circuits include lighting, outlets, and special appliances. Some panels contain multiple circuit breakers, which are controlled by a single main breaker. These breakers can be upgraded or replaced when the number of circuits increases or when the current breaker panel reaches a capacity limit.
There are a number of common problems with electrical control panels, including faulty installation and circuit breakers. Some common issues include over sized breakers on 15-amp circuits, double-pole breakers on single-circuits, and wires crossing over the center of the panel. These problems can cause major problems, but most of them are preventable.
Push Buttons
Push buttons are used to control electrical devices in a variety of applications, such as computer systems, telephones, and crosswalks. They are also found in industrial machinery, security systems, ATMs, and military equipment. You can find them in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Besides being used in industrial applications, push buttons are also used in home appliances, computer peripherals, and fitness equipment.
The primary advantage of push button panels is their simplicity, but there are drawbacks. For example, troubleshooting can be complicated if you have more than a few pieces of equipment. This can also be a problem when new employees are hired for a plant and aren't familiar with the operating system. Additionally, if a panel is not powered, opening it can expose live voltage.
Grounding Panel
A grounding panel is an important component of an electrical control panel. It ensures that excess current will not flow to undesirable locations. This function is vital to prevent electrocution in case of electrical faults or damaged wiring. A good grounding system will also protect against tripping circuit breakers and damage to appliances.
The Grounding panel is a vital component of an electrical control panel and is an integral part of any electrical automation system. Its use ranges from personnel and equipment safety to signal conditioning and protection. While there are many different grounding systems, a grounding panel is generally used for incoming power feeds.
Reference url, https://bit.ly/3h6trBI
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ecswire · 3 months
Connecting the Dots: Exploring the Types of Wire Connectors in Electronics
Wire connectors play a crucial role in the world of electronics, facilitating secure and reliable connections between wires and components. With a variety of types available, each designed for specific purposes, understanding the different wire connectors is essential for efficient electronic assembly and maintenance. Let's delve into the various types of wire connectors in electronics and their unique characteristics.
1. Crimp Connectors
Crimp connectors are widely used in electronics for creating permanent electrical connections. They consist of a metal sleeve that is crimped onto a wire using a specialized tool, creating a strong and secure bond. Crimp connectors come in various types, including ring terminals, spade terminals, butt connectors, and quick-connect terminals, each suited for different wire gauges and applications.
2. Screw Terminals
Screw terminals are another common type of wire connector used in electronics. They feature a screw mechanism that clamps down on stripped wire ends, creating a reliable electrical connection. Screw terminals are often found in terminal blocks, electrical switches, and power distribution panels, providing a convenient and adjustable way to connect and disconnect wires.
3. Wire Nuts
Wire nuts, also known as twist-on connectors, are used to join multiple wires together securely. They feature a threaded cap that twists onto the stripped ends of wires, creating a tight and insulated connection. Wire nuts are commonly used in residential and commercial electrical wiring for connecting wires within junction boxes, light fixtures, and electrical outlets.
4. Push-In Connectors
Push-in connectors, also referred to as push-in wire connectors or push-in terminals, offer a quick and tool-free way to connect wires. These connectors feature spring-loaded slots where stripped wire ends can be inserted, creating a secure connection without the need for twisting or crimping. Push-in connectors are often used in lighting fixtures, switches, and electrical appliances for easy installation and maintenance.
5. Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks are modular connectors that provide a convenient way to connect multiple wires or components. They consist of insulated blocks with metal terminals or screws where wires can be attached. Terminal blocks come in various configurations, including barrier strips, DIN rail-mounted blocks, and PCB-mounted blocks, making them versatile for different electronic applications.
6. D-sub Connectors
D-sub connectors, named for their D-shaped metal shell, are commonly used for data and signal connections in electronics. They feature multiple pins arranged in rows, with different configurations such as DB9, DB15, and DB25. D-sub connectors are used in computer peripherals, audio/video equipment, and industrial automation systems for reliable data transmission.
7. JST Connectors
JST connectors, manufactured by Japan Solderless Terminal (JST) Corporation, are compact and reliable connectors commonly used in electronic devices and appliances. They come in various series and styles, including wire-to-board connectors, wire-to-wire connectors, and board-to-board connectors. JST connectors are known for their low profile, high current capacity, and secure locking mechanisms.
8. RJ Connectors
RJ connectors, short for Registered Jack connectors, are widely used in telecommunications and networking applications. They include RJ45 connectors for Ethernet connections, RJ11 connectors for telephone lines, and RJ12 connectors for data transmission. RJ connectors feature multiple contacts that align with corresponding pins in jacks or sockets, providing a standardized and reliable interface for data and voice communication.
The types of wire connectors in electronics are diverse and specialized, each serving a specific purpose in creating and maintaining electrical connections. From crimp connectors for secure terminations to push-in connectors for easy installations, the variety of connectors available allows for efficient and reliable electronic assembly. Understanding the characteristics and applications of these connectors is essential for electronics engineers, technicians, and hobbyists to ensure proper connectivity and functionality in electronic devices and systems.
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