dapper-lil-arts · 4 months
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I'm not the kind of person that's like "Here let me fix the canon" usually but like holy crap gen 5 implied a lot of messed up shit about our hero Twilight Sparkle lmao
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huginsmemory · 1 year
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Aaaaaand clicking the spam button again.
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cicerobussytransplant · 3 months
sofihandwriting from the sofimind pleaseee
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blue-rhapsody · 10 months
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This trend is so dead, but they’re not
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not-souleaterpost · 9 months
10 thousand years of heaven
Actually wrote another fic (well started as an unrelated short-story idea in my head before falling asleep but then I realised that I can actually connect it quite well) Still posting it here cause I'm not sure if people who only care about the comic feel about these. Anyways, back to work on the iceberg, just neated a little creative break.
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great news everyone!! i'm not just a weirdo who got somehow passed over when people skills were handed out! there's a reason i never learned them and assorted thought patterns!!!
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anywhore · 1 year
I love ikemen prince but there’s that one suitor when he shows up I get irrationally angry and just speed click through it until he’s gone.
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hopeheartfilia · 2 years
idk seeing people whos kink is stuffing helps and doesnt help when youre feeling insecure about your body weight, i have no clue how to explain this
it IS better then ruminating over a comment your parent made about your weight
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frogchiro · 9 months
The sleazy neighbours ghost storys are so good, what happens after the snow storm do things go back to normal or is there more tension between the two??? Please I've been thinking about for daysss lol
Thank you love!!
I'm imagining that after that sleazy neighbour!Simon would be much more bold and brazen with his advances for you! In his mind you basically gave him the green light to go to town and so he did :((
But we need to remember that this is still sleazy Si so his advances would definitely **not** be as chivalrous and gentelmanly as some would think; in reality it would consist of being more pushy with his touches, even bullying you 'playfully' into corners and crooning at you with that low, raspy voice of his and his cock would twitch in his sweats at the soght of you not pushing him away or even trying to, instead you just whine at him, all bashful and blushy :(
Speaking of sweatpants, yes sleazy Simon is that guy that wears gray sweats CONCIOUSLY bc he knows his dick is huge and is so stupidly proud of it :( Now that the initial 'ice' is broken he will crank it up to 11, always going around in those damn sweats and showing off to you. Totally gets off and smirks like a nasty, hungry wolf, all teath when he sees how you stutter over your words and fluster when he's in his gray sweats and he purposefull manspreads, his huge powerful thighs open and the print of his dick shows right up, not even trying to hide the facts that he's getting hard </3
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 years
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happy birthday do my friend @hippiejunk​
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samberrybay · 1 year
On has suprisingly a lot of similarities with Cale and this is some of my thinking about it.
Beforehand wanna make it clear that i don't say that Raon or Hong doesn't! Raon is literally the small version of Cale and Hong smiles and picks more and more talking habits from him as well.
But i want to especially emphasize the similarities On had with Cale even without his influence on her life. Or would be better to say with Kim Rok Soo.
Unlike the other two kids, On is much calmer, collected and rational. She is still a kid, but just the one that had to mature much earlier.
It is also always implied that she understands Cale's intentions or thoughts faster and better than any other people and On, as Cale usually does, doesn't correct them if they are wrong.
Besides everything above, On also lost her parents at a young age and then was neglected or abused by other tribe members until she ran away and began to live on her own.
Does it maybe reminds you of a certain someone?
Kim Rok Soo also lost his parents very young, was neglected and abused by his uncle, lived for a bit in orphanage and then started to live on his own, studying and working part time job.
Both On and KRS wary of people at first and they both had quite a lot on their plates for such a young age.
The biggest difference is in Hong.
KRS never had anyone close enough to him because of the WS's curse. They wouldn't usually die, but there was always something that kept him apart from people. And even when, after a long time, he did, finally, found very dear to his heart people (aka LSH and CJS)... KRS eventually lost them as well.
This created a big wall for all the future relationships in Rok Soo's life plus gave him massive PTSD.
On's situation is a bit different because she had never parted with her younger brother ever since she was three. There was always someone at her side.
Someone to protect, to take care of and to fight for.
And trefore that, their motivation differ.
If Kim Rok Soo matured faster for his age because he felt like he can't rely on anyone but himself.
On matured faster because she is the older sister that Hong is relying on a lot.
Was it made on purpose? Do i look too much into this?
No matter what the answer is, i really love this purposefull-or-not parallel between the two.
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
Wanted to talk about q!Forever and his presidency seen from the pov of someone who mostly experience it from outside percepctive as I'm incapable of understanding Brazilian. SAYING IT RIGHT NOW I'm not here to say q!Forever is wrong or evil (as I'm convinced he is not, no need to come and tell me), this is not what's it's about, this is about how lost he seems when you are looking from the exterior.
So I know drama is brewing because people are fighting over who's right and who's an evil virus of satan, and I don't care, I'm not interested in this. I want to talk about the characters I love, because I love q!Forever, and his story makes me so sad.
I want to explain to those who wouldn't know, I'm a mostly french viewers, I follow Etoiles, Baghz, Antoine, Aypierre and Phil (mostly, I try to follow everyone's storyline and povs), the last two are not important here as Philza doesn't interact with the president storyline at all and Aypierre's involvement can be resumed to "I don't care who's in power and what they do, I'll be nice to them because I want power". But basically what the Forever Presidency feels like is not evil, or corrupted, it feels WEIRD :
Because obviously he is kindhearted, he has saved the eggs multiple times, he has done a lot for the island, and has said multiple times he wants to help everyone, and I believe that. But then in some of his actions and speeches, there is so much stuff that we are weirded out about. First how he told Baghera how he wanted to make everyone vote etc. That's okay, but like she said herself "Well that was my campaign idea..." And that's true, and that was also a thing Him and Cellbit used as way to descend her campaign, so that felt like a light knife in the back. But that's the least worrying thing.
There was then the whole deal where from what I understood he felt betrayed by Baghera and Bad as they didn't share everything and witheld information. And from Baghz pov that felt like it came out of nowhere because... Well she didn't ! That was simply miscommunication. And ensued the whole deal where he talked about how he felt about the arrival of the new people, and how he didn't trust them and didn't want to help them unless they had an egg. That was a weird thing in itself, he is supposed to be the president of the island and he is the one least willing to welcome new people.
There was also the nerfing armor stuff. At first we thought he said that as a joke you know, he is just not saying no to Quackity because that'd be rude. But who in their right mind would do that right ? Right... ? And then yestedray he asks Etoiles to do a debate with Quackity to discuss it and everyone went "Wait, he's actually considering it ?" And that was weird because... Well Forever spends most of his time in his base. Isolated. And when you watch Etoiles you know that even with the strongest suit of armor in the game you CAN die everyday. Is... Is Forever asking for a death sentence ? Has he been living under a rock ?
The last thing was yesterday, when Etoiles wanted to ask him a few things, he arrived when Forever was having a secret discussion with Cucurucho, and he ordered the construction of a prison he would have access to. And THAT was so WEIRD, everyone in chat and in reaction were like "WHAT !!??? WH... WHY ??", and then followed by "could I have a gun to defend myself ?" and everyone went "Oh. He... He doesn't trust us !!!", Etoiles himself went *raises eyebrow*. There is something REALLY going bad with q!Forever. And then he immediatly follows by taking in consideration Etoiles' request to allow Dark Metal for his fight against the code, so he's not evil, he's not corrupted... And that's where I realised what it felt like, it feels like he is lost.
It seems he want to do good, but takes weird unnecessary decisions after weird unnecessary decisions that in most cases fucks over other islanders more than it helps, and the important thing to remember is that he is not doing that purposefully, again it seems he is lost, it feels like he doesn't know what he is doing, because of that people are more wary of him, and it leads him to become more paranoïd and he makes even more bad decisions, wich leads to more people being wary of him and it creates a vicious feedback loop that constantly raises the tension. (also having the big PRESIDENT sign next to his name creates an epidermic reaction in every french that makes us want a revolution /j) And it's so sad because the only exit I can see is for the tension to be released in an explosion, a revolution, and THAT could be interesting because for once neither side is truly evil per say. They can be misguided, but not outright evil. Like Baghera said herself "I... I don't understand where he is going."
What's terrifying is what we foresaw with the election is happening, the islanders are driving themselves apart and turning against each other. I don't think the Federation wants to avoid a revolution, I'm pretty sure they would be rooting for it.
(HOWEVER next time I see someone saying q!Forever is this perfect little guy that did nothing wrong... PLEASE. The guy was vicious during the election arc. With how much misinformation he spread on Etoiles most notably.)
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aleloo · 4 months
idk if were supposed to be figuring it out as we go along but if not
is the magnus protocol like a complete au of tma or like what? idk what sidequel means and ive seen things about gertrude succeeding in burning it all down? idk i just feel like im missing some big context and idk if thats purposefull or not
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streets-in-paradise · 2 months
Actually, some uses of repetition on the Troy (2004) script regarding the familiar relation aren't useless, or just there to "no homo" Achilles and Patroclus.
Best example is this one :
"Odysseus: Even if your cousin doesn't come, I hope you'll join us, Patroclus. We could use a strong arm like yours.
Achilles: Play your tricks on me, but not on my cousin. "
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Odysseus is trying to persuade Patroclus because he guessed Achilles would do as he wants if he convinces the boy. For this, the discursive use is very clever.
He sees already that Patroclus has his head full of epic tales and craves so badly to live his own adventure. The lad wants to follow the footsteps of his teacher, making a name for himself. Noticing he is used to be " the cousin of Achilles", Odysseus sweet talks him doing an inversion of this logic where he remains at the shadow. He could have said " Even if Achilles doesn't come", but instead cleverly chose to adress the famous hero as " your cousin". The cousin of Patroclus, sentence where Achilles is the relative behind the name.
Again, feeding the crave for glory of the young boy.
The reply of Achilles reestablishes the order in the dynamic while warning the king of ithaca that he is crossing dangerous territory. " Play your tricks on me, but not on my cousin " implies once more that he is the name of the duo. In this case not out of protagonism seeking, but protectiveness.
Phrasing has a purposefull meaning, the intentionality shows things about the characters. There are a few other moments where the placing of "cousin" says more than what people want to read, but I will get in another topic.
One can also argue the script keeps a similar insistence in pointing out Hector and Paris are brothers. The repetition is as constant as in the case of Achilles and Patroclus, yet it never gets scrutinized (for obvious reasons).
Countless examples show this, so I'll list only a few:
" Paris: Do you love me, brother? Would you protect me against any enemy?"
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" Paris: I have no trouble sleeping on the seas, brother. Athena sings lullabies to me. "
" Hector * grabbing Paris' face* : Paris, you are my brother and i love you, but if you do anything to endanger Troy I will rip your pretty face from your pretty skull. "
" Achilles *to Hector, about the widows in Troy*: Perhaps your brother can comfort them. I heard he is good at charming other men's wives. "
And perhaps the most important
" Menelaus*threatening a trembling Paris who is embracing his brother's knees*: Stand back, Prince Hector! I will kill him at your feet, I don't care!
Hector: He is my brother."
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Because it creates a devastating contrast with this
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"They were cousins " and " they were brothers" work as parallels, fixation on remarking it goes both ways and it serves the story.
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they-didnt-last · 1 year
how i feel coming back to the stranger things fandom after nearly two years only to find that mike is now a commonly hated character, there are people actively sending hate to mileven shipers when that was the ship of the show and their tag is mostly purposefull crosstagging.
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karaokebearwithal · 8 months
More things I made with the lovely Asheera (@optiwashere's Tav)
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Based off the Blades in the Night fic!!!
I really like the visuals of her going into that elusive "Calm state of violence" when she was defending Shadowheart! Well it's not calm persay but it makes more sense if you read the fic yourself. It's like....driven? Single minded?! Purposefull? Ruthless?!?!? umm...
Also her divine? Oath? The magic that Gond gave her is red and I wanted it to be like the spell Thaumaturgy but i also don't know if she has that. ANywho, She's very gorgeous to me and fun to draw Asheera is cool B3
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