#purple boys wildin
accirax · 26 days
Nick, Will & Alec are standing in an elevator. Will stands in between the other two, nervously fiddling with his thumbs while Alec and Nick are arguing brainstorming ideas for their break in. After some silence, Nick speaks up again.
Nick: Hey, let's do "Get Help".
Alec: ... What?
Nick: Get Help~ 😏
Alec: No! 😠
Nick: C'mooon, you'll love it.
Alec: No, I hate it.
Nick: It's fun!
Alec: It's humiliating.
Nick: Do you have a better idea?
Alec: ... No.
Nick: Then we're doing it. 😊
Alec: We are *not* doing "Get Help"!
Once they reach their designated floor, the trio is seen rushing out the elevator with Alec hanging limply and draped over Will's large shoulders, and Nick yelling frantically.
With a mighty grunt, Will launches Alec across the room over at the three guards who were lined up at the entrance, knocking them all out when they make a collision. Afterwards, Will runs over to check on Alec & help him up while Nick just observes the situation and laughs to himself, feeling pleased with the success of his plan.
Will: Uh, sorry if I threw you too hard.. 😅
Nick: Ahh, classic~ 😁
Alec: *glaring right at Nick while he fixes his clothes* Still hate it! It's humiliating. 😡
Nick: *chuckling* Not for me it's not. 😏
More Incorrect Quotes! I've never watched the Thor movie but I know that this particular scene was a bit of a meme for a while, so... Here's this.
did you add a third person (Will) into this scene just because you thought that Nick wasn't strong enough to pick up Alec? that's almost funnier to me than the original scene lmao
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uwuwriting · 4 years
So I've seen this future kids prompt pop up everywhere and I love it. Maybe Shouto, Shinsou, Iida and Dabi with their future kids ????
Ooooh I’ve read them as well! They’re so wholesome. I’m happy to oblige dear anon. Love ya. 💖💖💖
Todoroki Shouto
-He was on patrol with his father when someone bumped into him.
-When he looked down he saw a little girl with snow white hair, laying on the pavement.
-The little girl was crying, her hiccups echoing in his ears.
-His father had stopped a few paces in front of them, watching the scene unfold.
-Shouto knelt down, gently grabbing the girl by her elbows, steadying her as he looked at her.
-She looked...oddly familiar.
- “Are you okay?” he asked.
-At the sound of his voice the little girl snapped her head up, her dual-colored eyes meeting his own and she shot herself onto him, wrapping her little arms around his neck while continuing to whimper.
-Shouto was taken aback by the action, but what had him almost shaking was her eye colors.
-One grey and one e/c.
- “W-we n-need to f-f-find h-her!” she said between sobs. “S-she wasn’t w-w-with m-me when I-I-I woke up!!”
-Shouto wrapped his own arms around her small frame, trying to calm her down.
-Once she stopped sobbing, he untangled her from him.
- “Where are your parents, snowflake?” he couldn’t recognize his own voice due to the softness.
- “W-what do you mean, daddy??” long awkward pause. “And w-why are do you look so y-young?”
-This boy malfunctioned at the word ‘daddy’.
-What does she mean daddy? He’s a virgin for crying out loud!
-And above that he couldn’t bring himself to talk to his crush, aka you, without messing something up!
-How could he have a kid!?
-The little girl was looking at him with wide eyes, his eyes, like she was waiting for him to remember her.
- “What in the world are you talking about, girl?”
-Oh he had forgotten about his father being here.
-Without a word, Shouto scooped her up in his arms and told his father that he was going to take her somewhere safe.
-He was going to take her to you.
-An awkward silence enveloped them as the girl clutched his hero costume in her little fists.
- “So what’s your name?”
- “Ren...”
- “That’s a nice name.... And how old are you Ren?”
-”I’m four.”
-And so Shouto asked her question after question.
-Apparently, a kid at her school got his quirk and it went haywire, sending both her and her twin sister Rei here.
-Ren explained to him that she woke up without her twin which send her into a panic because they had never been apart before. 
-Shouto asked who her parents were and if she had any siblings. 
-He already had an idea about who her parents were, but he needed to be sure.
-Ren told him that you were her mother and that they had recently welcomed another mini Todoroki to the family, a little girl named Ru.
-Shouto was ecstatic but of course he didn’t show it.
-Once at the school, he went on a mad hunt searching for you.
-He may not have an explanation and he may not have told you about his feeling but you need to see her.
-See the future.
-He was getting desperate until he heard your laughter coming from somewhere behind him.
-Just as he turned his head, he was tackled to the floor by a ball of vibrant red hair.
-The girl in his arms started to giggle and both of the little humans on top of him were bouncing up and down from excitement. 
- “Todoroki there you are!! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
-You crouched down next to him, pulling the two little girls off of him and placing the on the floor beside you.
-You gave him an apologetic smile before turning back to the girls.
- “I’m assuming that you are Ren?”
-The little girls both nodded in response, too busy hugging each other to really care. 
-The rest of the day was spent with the four of you watching Disney movies and having some quality family time.
-When they disappeared at midnight, you both were exhausted beyond belief. 
- “Why did we name the red head Rei?”
-You laughed at his question, admitting that you had the same question when you first saw the little girl. 
-Rei thankfully had explained that once they got their quirks, their hair colors changed/switched, so now the white haired one was Ren while she was Rei.
- “So I’m guessing that this is a good time to ask you on a date.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
-When Shinsou saw the five year old girl sitting on his bed when he returned to his dorm after training, he knew something was up.
-The little girl had her head bowed as she sat on his bed, her lilac locks framing her little face but he could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.
-She wouldn’t look at him and he could tell she was terrified by the slight tremble of her shoulders. 
-Moving to stand in front of her, Hitoshi knelt down and moved some stray locks from her eyes, revealing the purple orbs. 
-Okay now he definitely knew that something wonky was going on here.
-She was a perfect mix of you and him and it made his heart flatter.
-He was positive that you were the love of his life and having it confirmed had him WILDIN.
-He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that he married you and you had a kid!
-Best day of his life so far!
-A sniffle coming from the little girl in front of him snapped him out of his daze.
-Stretching his arms out towards her, he motioned for her to come closer and she leaped at him.
-Her small fists balled up his shirt as she buried her little head in his chest, her cries becoming full on sobs at this point. 
-Without a second thought he scooped her up and walked back and forth in his room, holding her close to his chest and stroking her hair. 
- “I-I don’t know what h-h-happened d-daddy! I was just p-petting the k-k-kitty when this m-m-man came up to m-me!”
-He shushed her, telling her that everything was going to be alright and that no one would hurt her as long as he’s here. 
-After calming her down (which was pretty quickly), he took her to the kitchen for a quick snack.
-He watched as the little chipmunk, his little chipmunk, chomped down on the sandwich he had made her, a comfortable silence enveloping them.
- “What’s your name kitty?” 
-On their way to the kitchen he had explained to her what he believed happened and how important it was that she didn’t call you mom.
- “Kei. Kei Shinsou.” she beamed at him. 
-Kei and him talked about the future, Hitoshi wanting to know everything he could about her family life.
-As it turns out Kei was five and a half ,and not five as she clarified quite angrily when he called her a five your old and she was expecting a baby brother soon.  
-Hitoshi was shookth!!
-Was he dead?
-At that moment you walked into the kitchen, you earbuds in your ears while the YouTube video you were watching was being blasted through them.
-You hadn’t noticed them until you bumped into Kei’s chair.
-Your reaction to the whole scene was a “I’m too high for this” as you proceeded to pour yourself a glass of water and walk back out the kitchen.
- “Oooh mommy was doing magic grass!!! That’s bad...” 
-Shinsou made a note to stop smoking weed from now on. 
-They both returned to his dorm room and magically fell asleep. 
-Having her small frame snuggle up to him, did wonders to his insomnia and he was out like a light.
-The next morning he was faced with an empty bed and a very confused you.
-He had to explain everything now...
-Oh boy. 
Iida Tenya
-Iida had the biggest crush on you that was visible to everyone BUT you.
-You were absolutely oblivious but he like the pinning so he didn’t really mind.
-What he did mind however was the little girl clinging to him at the moment going on and on about how someone used their quirk on her and she woke up in the alley.
-Tenya was losing his shit over the whole ordeal and most importantly over the fact that the little girl was a carbon cope of you, with his hair and eye color.
- “Where are your parents?”
- “How did you get into UA?”
- “Why are you calling me daddy?”
-The moment she saw him starting to panic and go into an air chopping frenzy, she climbed on a nearby ledge and grabbed his cheeks, squishing them in between her own small chubby hands.
- “Stop hitting the air! You’ll hurt it!”
-That... wasn’t what he expected but okay.
-After a small interrogation, he found out that her name was Asami and that you were her mother.
-Plus she might have mentioned a baby brother but because of her rapid talking Tenya didn’t get a chance to ask her about him.
 -After she stopped rambling, he decided to take her to Recovery Girl.
-The only reasonable thinker of the four boys tbh.
-On their way to her office they ran into you.
-And when I say ran I mean Asami ramming into you with a loud squeal. 
- “Mommy mommy we found you!!!”
-Tenya was positive that you passed out.  
-You mumbled something before standing up, taking the little girl into your arms.
-Tenya made to explain but you caught him off.
- “After she’s been ... dealt with?”
-For the rest of the way you and Asami conversed about every little thing while Tenya was burning this image in his brain.
-You looked so happy holding her and the little girl in your arms had the largest smile on her face that was identical to yours.
-He always wanted a family and he had pictured starting one with you.
-That is if he ever found the courage to ask you out.
 -Once at Recovery Girl you let little Asami skip into her office for her check up and you two fell into an awkward silence. 
- “So...... we made.... her..”
-You chuckled at his words, not believing them yourself.
- “Yeah, she’s really pretty.”
- “I’d say she gets that from her mother.”
-You both agreed to go on a date after Asami left.
-When she finally did you felt kinda hollow.
-Guess you’ll have to get to work to bring her back then wink wonk.
-He had no idea why this kid was following him but it was starting to get on his nerves. 
-It was like he was a mother goose. 
-He took a sharp turn into an alleyway and waited for the kid to turn as well.
-Once he saw the mess of unruly red hair with some scattered h/c strands, he kinda froze. 
-Snapping out of his initial shock he tapped the kids shoulder. 
-Turquoise eyes looked back at him and he lost it.
- Enter internal screaming affect here.
- “Why are you following me kid?”
-The little boy froze at his words and bowed his head, not meeting Dabi’s gaze.
- “I-I woke up here a-and saw you s-so I followed you.” sniffle “I-I assumed y-you would lead m-me to m-m-mom....” 
-Dabi continued to analyse the kid trying to find more similarities between himself and this kid and he came to the conclusion....
-That he had come face to face with a mini version of himself.
-He heard more sniffles coming from the boy, who was trying to hold back his tears and pull of a brave face.
-He was failing but kudos to him for trying.
-Kneeling down with a sigh Dabi looked at him dead in the eyes, his eyes.
- “What’s you name kid?”
- “Kyro a-and don’t call me kid.”
- “Why so...kid?”
- “Because I am not a kid!!”
-As Kyro balled his fists, Dabi noticed a small blue flame emitting from one of his fists and he lost it...again.
-But this cocky bastard is stubborn.
- “Since you’re not a kid you can find your own way home then.”
-He stood up and went to leave when he felt a tug at his coat. 
- “No dad don’t leave, I-I don’t know w-what to do.”
-Dabi.exe has stopped working.
-There was a long ass pause before Dabi grabbed Kyro’s small hand and led him out the alley. 
- “I’m taking you to someone who might help then...then you are going to tell me who your mom is so I can drop you off.”
-And you can guess who he asked for help.
-Shirakumo Kurogiri the dad villain.
-Once at the hideout, Kyro explained everything to Kurogiri and that he didn’t know how to get back.
-To be honest both father and son were slightly panicking with the whole situation but their damn pride wouldn’t let them express their concerns. 
-And then you walked into the bar.
-Two really loud voices called out to you, one frantic Y/n and one panicked Mommy.
-You had your hands full after that.
-As much as Dabi likes to pretend that he doesn’t give a shit about anything, he really loved you and the fact that in the future you two had a son together got him going all dad mode on both you and Kyro.
-For the remainder of the day you were stuck babysitting an adult Dabi and a four year old version of Dabi. 
-Both father and son knew that you had reached your limit when you called Dabi Touya so they backed off a little bit. 
-Everything came to a halt the moment your heads touched the pillows.
-Kyro and you were out like a light while Dabi managed to stay awake for about five minutes drinking in the image of you holding the little boy tightly close to your chest and interlacing your fingers with his. 
-He could get used to this.
-Kyro didn't seem to hate him so he must be doing a good job.
-As sleep was clouding his mind he wandered when you two actually have him.
-Is it in five years?
-In two?
-Guess he’ll have to wait and see.
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Chapter 6: A Room with a View
Steve Harrington x Reader
Tumblr media
Words: 3,359
Warnings: Swearing, slut shaming, death mention, crying
Author’s Note: So, I already answered this, but just in case anyone missed it: I update this series weekly and I am still editing the vast majority of chapters! Sorry if it’s coming out slower than expected!
Tags: @divinity-deos @wolfish-willow​ @scoopsohboi​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @herre-gud-nej​ @clockworkballerina​ @maddie1504​ @i-am-trash-so-much-its-scary​ @buckysarge​ @wildcvltre​ @stanleyyelnatsiii​ @n3wtscaseofniffler5​ @peterparxour @linkispink1995​ @a-big-ball-of-idk​ @used-avocado​ @mochminnie​ @sledgy14​ @the-creative-lie​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @ggclarissa​ @voidnarnia​ @anonymousonion23 
Steve had no idea what he’d done wrong. Not a clue. But you were ignoring him. You sat farther away from him in English the past two days, and you’d been blowing off plans with him. You’d say that you had other plans, but he’d see you sat on the bleachers after school, watching the girls soccer practise or drawing in that book again. He still didn’t know what you were doing in that book and he was irritated by the fact that he could see you sat in your room some days, caught in a lie without knowing it, your nose caught in the pages in front of you, pencil in between your teeth, focused but unaware of an audience. Steve could see right into your room from his when your curtains were open and you often sat at your desk, working in your pads.
On the day that Mr. Lawrence announced the start for the final essay, Steve had had enough. It had been a week of this behaviour and he felt as though he deserved an answer. And he was sick of watching through the window. Tommy and Carol were busy every damn day chasing Billy Hargrove, Vicki had gone back after him too after their awful date, and Tina wasn’t his friend. Sure, he could bug Dustin, but that made him feel like such a loser. His only friends were a rag tag group of preteens and a weird girl who wouldn’t even talk to him! This was getting pathetic.
The bell rang before Steve could make his move and you were out the door before he could even open his mouth. Tina rolled her eyes as she passed him by, grabbing Tina’s arm to whisper loudly “God, how tragic.” making Vicki cackle loudly.
Steve booked it out the door, scanning the halls for you, but you’d already disappeared from sight. He spotted Samantha, but she was on the retreat. He chose not to chase her down, they’d never even had a conversation before and using her to try to get her to spill on her friend felt a bit shitty. So he decided to just take a walk, no harm in a walk, it was a nice day anyway, out by the field. He wandered out the gym doors by the car park. He shoved his hands into his blue workman’s jacket. The weather was still a bit too chilly to go without a coat, but the sunshine made it easier.
He spotted you and Samantha at the top of the bleachers. You had your hair up that day and your lavender bomber jacket draped around your shoulders. Carol had something similar, or maybe it was Tina, he couldn’t remember which one the pair blurred into one being in his mind.
Samantha caught Steve’s eye before you did. She leaned over to you with a smirk “Lover boy’s watching.” She whispered cheekily, pointing slyly at him.
You turned immediately. Steve was standing in the car park, a few smattering of folks on car hoods, eating packed lunches and watching the scene go down. He waved, taking a step towards you. You turned your attention away.
Samantha was baffled. A week ago, you were telling her all about the weird fun you were having with him, all smiles and laughter, and now you wouldn’t even look at him for more than a second. You wouldn’t admit it, but Samantha knew that he was something more than a friend to you. Nobody was this upset when someone cancelled plans.
Steve turned away without a word. He wanted to scream at you, his mind demanding to know what he had done wrong. He made a plan that afternoon, one he was certain might ruin everything for him.  
As soon as the three o’clock bell rang, Steve made a mad dash for his car. He didn’t leave immediately; instead he waited to see an expected sight. Once he saw you huddled and headed for the bleachers, he was sure that the girl’s team was practising. Then he drove off towards home, parking in his own driveway. His mother was home, a shock to him, but he still headed upstairs. The next part was tricky. He’d time out that practise ended at four thirty, but that you usually left at four since the walk was so long. At four twenty, he headed across the street. As always, the yellow Volkswagen sat in the driveway. He’d rarely ever seen it leave the driveway, but it gave him hope that someone was inside the house. You couldn’t be living alone as a senior. He bounded up the front steps, knocking on the door twice. He was nervous, switching his weight from his toes to his heels in a rocking motion forward and back, forward and back.
An older man opened the door. He had to be in his eighties, with age spots speckling him around his eyes like a second pair of wide frames behind his tortoise shell glasses.  He seemed suspicious of Steve, although that was probably because he was staring.
“Hello,” he stuck out his hand for the man to shake “I’m Steve Harrington, I’m a friend of Y/N.” the man didn’t take his hand, staying silent as he looked him over.
Steve pressed on “I was wondering if she was home, we were supposed to study together today and she said that she’d call when she got home but I haven’t heard from her.” He chuckled awkwardly.
From behind the old man, a woman’s voice called “Harold, who’s there?”
“One of Y/N’s friends, she home yet?” he called back, opening the door wider. Steve could see the pale yellow walls, sun stained from the large three panel window at the front of their house.
Steve watched as an older woman hobbled into the scene, back hunched and skin thin. She looked frail, her hair dyed to what Steve assumed was its original shade, her grey roots visible from the top of her head. She greeted Steve with a warm smile. Steve was quick to offer his hand to shake, which she took carefully. “Hi, Steve Harrington, it’s nice to meet you both.” He said quickly, smiling brightly at the pair.
“Well hello there, I’m Maude and this is Y/N’s grandfather Harold, it’s lovely to meet you.” She said sweetly. “Why don’t you come inside, Y/N should be home any minute.”
Maude hit Harold’s arm roughly and he let go of the door, letting Steve into the house. He quickly kicked off his shoes, noting the pair’s socked feet. He looked around the house. Every house on the street was one of three standard box deals, with specified details. His parents hadn’t paid for the window seat like your family had, but you didn’t have the open kitchen that his did; an extra yellow wall separated the space. He looked to the fireplace, an exact copy of his family’s before their renovation last august. He missed the grey brick they used to have. You had a large family portrait on the mantle. You were sat in the centre in your Sunday best, your grandparents flanking the outside, two other adults stood closest to you. Steve assumed they were your parents. You looked like your father.
“You have a lovely home,” he said, turning his attention to the pair who were watching him intently.
“Thank you.” Maude smiled “Would you like a cup of tea?”
“Sure.” Steve wasn’t much for tea, but he was taught not to refuse something offered by his host. Maude hurried off, leaving him and grumpy old Harold alone.
“Y/N doesn’t bring boys around.” Harold announced when his wife was out of the room. Steve didn’t really know what to say to that, luckily he continued “So what’re you trying to do with my girl?”
“Study,” Steve said with a shrug. The man scoffed, but Steve pressed on. “She’s my partner for our English final, we’re supposed to be working on it today, it’s due soon.”
Harold nodded gruffly “Alright…” he took a seat on the couch, turning the volume back on. The Love Boat was on, a rerun of the episode with guest stars the Captain and Tennille, and Steve was certain that they’d both seen it before.
Maude came in with a tray, handing her husband a mug. It was hand painted, thick script reading ‘Happy Father’s Day’ on the front, the year 1974 written in smaller script underneath in blue paint. She handed him a plain white mug.
“Well, Steve, you’re free to go and wait for Y/N upstairs, her room is two doors to the right of the stairs, you can’t miss it.” She said, gesturing to the stairwell. Steve bid his thanks and headed up the wide carpeted stairwell.
Harold mumbled something to his wife that Steve couldn’t hear, only catching her response. “He’s young, he doesn’t want to sit with us old folks.” She laughed at her own joke and Steve smiled at their friendly banter. They reminded him of his aunt and uncle, they always joked in that sort of way, laughing at themselves before anyone else. It made him feel as if he were at home in the house; he was comforted by the casualness of existence.
Maude was right that the room was impossible to miss. The door was covered in childlike butterflies painted in purple puffy paint. When he opened the bedroom door, he was transported into a small, private art gallery. The room was covered wall to wall in fabric canvases, canvas boards, and paper sketches. Your desk was covered in paint splotches and doodles carved into the wood, there were glow in the dark stars and moons on the blades of your ceiling fan. You’d painted your ceiling into a buttery sunset. It was as if for the first time, Steve was seeing all of you. And you were absolutely incandescent.
His hands went to roam your shelves, filled with sketchbooks and art books and worn copies of the classics. Greedily, he grabbed the first black sketchbook he found its pages heavy and curled. A piece of masking tape on the cover read ‘Still Life, 1980’ in black Sharpie. He flipped over the cover. Every page was the same bowl of fruit, some plain sketches, some painted in acrylics or water colours, but the fruit changed in shape and structure with every flip, rotting more with each sketch until the image switched to a vase of sunflowers, a prim and proper version of the Van Gogh he’d seen a print of in his freshman year art class. He wondered if you’d been there, silently making your own master pieces. He wondered how many masterpieces you had hidden away in your big black book.
The door opened behind him before he could put the sketch book away. “What the fuck are you doing in my house?” you snapped, bounding towards him. When your grandmother told you that your friend from school was upstairs waiting for you, you had a sinking feeling that you knew who it was. And seeing him rifling through your things made your blood boil.
Steve turned slowly, unsure what to say. You snatched the pad out of his hands “And who the fuck gave you permission to look at my stuff, you pervert!” You knew that he hadn’t done anything actually perverted, but you still felt violated.
“I can’t get you to talk to me, I figured coming here would at least make you see me.” Steve laughed a bit, unable to even process what was happening. In the back of his mind, he thought that this would be an effortlessly cool way to go about a solution. Like you’d see him in your room and think ‘wow…what an effort that was…’ Instead, you were furious.
“So, you thought that coming into my house without telling me, lying to my grandparents, and touching my stuff would make it better.” You raised an eyebrow, shoving your sketchbook onto the shelf.
“What was I supposed to do? You won’t answer my calls, you won’t talk to me, I can’t get you to look at me for more than a second and all I want to know is what I did wrong so I can fix it!” Steve cried, words tumbling out of his mouth. You both stared at each other for a moment, surprised by each other, your mouth hanging silently ajar.
You closed it fast, swallowing before speaking “You…you hurt my feelings.” You said softly, pushing past him to put distance between you, standing next to your desk and the window.
“How did I hurt your feelings?” Steve asked quietly, watching you carefully even as you stared defiantly out the window.
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest “You cancelled our plans. For Vicki.”
“So?” Steve asked.
“So, I don’t cancel on you. I never cancel on you, especially not the day of. It hurt my feelings.” You explained, picking at a bit of lint on your sweater.
“Yeah, but I…” he tried to catch himself before he said something terrible, but you already knew what filled in the blank.
“What? You have more friends than me? Is that it?” you snapped. It was Steve’s turn to look away, but you pressed on. “You’re right, you do have more friends than me. But don’t act like I don’t have a social life without you. I do. Do you know how many games of Samantha’s I’ve skipped out on to help you study? How many practises she’s asked me to come and watch that I’ve said no to because I already had plans with you?”
“I don’t know…” Steve muttered. Embarrassment crept up his face. He felt like such a dick. In truth he had forgotten about your plans that day in the excitement of a date with Vicki. With hindsight in full effect he could see that he would’ve had twice as much fun with you eating greasy burgers then he did with Vicki driving around Hawkins.
“Well, it’s been a lot. And it’s not the fact that you went out with Vicki that upset me, you are free to date whoever you want. But can you please at least tell me if you’re cancelling a little sooner than mere minutes before?” you asked, your voice cracking on the end.
“Sure, yeah of course. I should’ve been doing that before.” Steve stumbled over his words to apologize.
“Okay.” You nodded “Now, why are you going through my shit?”
“I wanted to see more. This whole room is incredible.” Steve breathed, plopping down on your mattress.
“You think?” you asked quietly. In truth, you didn’t think that you were that good of an artist. You loved art, but you didn’t think you were exactly talented.
“It’s so cool!” you couldn’t help but laugh, or else you’d cry. Nobody ever talked about your art with such enthusiasm. Teachers only criticized mistakes and your mother and grandparents saw it as clutter. Samantha liked some stuff but she didn’t talk about it much. Even a simple compliment from Steve made you want to cry. You covered your mouth to avoid the tears.
Steve didn’t seem to notice, wandering the room to point out pieces he thought were interesting. He pointed to a canvas depicting the quarry. You’d camped out there one night in the summer; drawing until the sun fades out of the sky and then painting it out once you had it exactly right. “This one is just insane I mean it looks like it’s going to eat you whole, like it has teeth or something.” He exclaimed.
“You can have it.” You replied quickly.
Steve shook his head “No, I couldn’t I mean don’t you want it? For college apps or something?” he couldn’t take it, he’d feel too guilty.
You shrugged “I have enough stuff for at least three portfolios, you should have that one if you like it so much. It’ll make your room cooler.”
“Hey, my room is cool.” Steve pouted, making you laugh harder. He liked your laugh, it split your whole face open into a smile. And your smile looked as if it sat on a bed of clouds. He wanted to float along with it forever.
“Oh yeah, your pee wee t-ball participation trophy is real slick, it gets you all the chicks.” You drawling, bouncing on your mattress.
“Hey, you didn’t run when you saw it.” Steve shrugged, sitting down next to you.
“Eh, your baby sports escapades don’t frighten me. It adds character to know that you suck at something.” You replied. Steve thought briefly of the bat in his trunk and the weight of it mid-swing, connecting with a heavy skull. Better with a bat now then he was as an elementary schooler.
You both lay back on the mattress, staring up at the slowly turning fan. Steve turned to you “What’d you think of Vicki anyway?” he asked.
“Honestly?” Steve nodded “I think she’s a bitch.” Steve laughed loudly but you pressed on “She is! She’s so mean for no reason!”
“Yeah, she’s not cool. She spent our whole date bitching about people, saying a lot of shit about you.” Steve murmured.
“What’d you…” you didn’t know if you could ask how he responded. You bit your tongue before finishing the sentence.
Steve understood anyway “I told her the truth. That you’re a really cool chick and that she shouldn’t be such a bitch about people she doesn’t know.” He said simply, turning his attention back to the slowly moving stars.
You didn’t necessarily believe that he actually defended you. Still, you didn’t feel like arguing. Steve continued on in your silence. “So, do you live with your grandparents’ full time? Or do your parents just work?” he asked.
“Both,” you sighed softly “My mom’s not home very much so they take care of me. She’s a fashion photographer, travels all over the world for different magazines.”
“What about your dad?” Steve asked. He’d seen a younger man in the photo; he assumed that it was some kind of father figure.
“He died.” You muttered.
“Oh…” Steve didn’t know how to react to that. He wasn’t sure if he should apologize.
“She killed him.” You couldn’t help yourself from saying that. Anger still stewed into your bones whenever you thought about your parents.
“What?” Steve to fully look at you, flabbergasted.
“She worked him to death. She always wanted more and farther away from us. Trips to Europe, designer things, this stupid house. She killed him.” You wiped hard at your face, trying to keep the hot tears from streaming down your face. Steve didn’t say anything, he simply pulled you into his chest, holding you tightly into him and letting you cry. He patted your hair gently, trying to soothe you as best he could. He didn’t think he was very good at helping people in their pain. But you grabbed onto his middle and clung to him like a life raft.
“My parents aren’t that great either.” He muttered, unsure if he was helping at all. “They ignore me.”
“I-I’m sorry they do that…” you muttered, looking up at him with wide, wet eyes. Steve melted. He absolutely melted. He was filled with the sudden urge to kiss you, which surprised him. He didn’t follow through with the urge; he didn’t know how you’d take it.
“I’m sorry he’s not here for you…” he replied, petting your hair softly. He stayed with you like that for what felt like hours, letting you cling to him and ruin his shirt with tears. He didn’t care. He needed to be there for you. He promised himself that he wouldn’t hurt you again. That he’d be more careful and pay more attention. He couldn’t bear to see you in this much pain again. He knew that you weren’t crying because of him, but if he could keep you from feeling even an ounce of this sort of pain again, he would.
He cared about you too much to ever let you suffer alone again.
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borathae · 4 years
I literally have so much to say about the past couple of chapters 😭 first off, the intimate and lovely scenes between jk and y/n before everything went downhill again was so cute, seeing them be happy and be at ease with each other made me soo happy. i thought it was interesting how jungkook pointed out that taehyung was “manipulative” so i’m wondering if that detail is gonna be important later on. AND MY BOY JIMIN RETURNS!!! about fuckin’ time but my heart hurts for him :(. And the next couple of scenes, jfc i knew it was too good to be true. My heart breaks so much for jungkook to have been placed in that position in front of so many people, his biggest fear came true and he didn’t even mean for it to happen. So I’m genuinely scared for the next few chapters because we’ve hit the peak of angst again. I went to see the index and WE’RE AT THE HALFWAY POINT OF “PURPLE RAIN”!! I looked at the title of the next chapter “three months”, im gonna actually jump out a window w/ tears falling down my cheeks if that’s how long jungkook is actually gone D: ANYWAYS, this was one of my favorite chapters in the series so far because of the whole 180 that it took. another beautiful piece of work :D!!
This was such a lovely review, gosh I re-read this so many times already 🥺💜 thank you so much for sending this in, this really made my day 💜 I’m really glad that you enjoyed the latest chapter hehe 🤧 
Also omfg no joke now it’s gonna get all juicy and wild hafhdhf, like I am already so excited for you guys to read the next chapters because I was wildin’ when I wrote them. hfhashdfha 👁👁
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itsthisgirlfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 8
I blew the smoke out my mouth, as some bitch kept rubbing her hand up and down my body, pushing the gold chains that hung around my neck. In the V.I.P. section of the club with all my boys, because I was there they were blasting “Purple Swag”.
My phone kept ringing but i ignored it. I was too faded to deal with shit.
“Let’s get out of here…”, she whispered in my ear as her hand then, glided to the zipper of my jeans.
I chuckled.
Then whispered back in her ear, “If you a real bitch, do what you got to do now.”
I licked my lips and gave her a smirk.
She looked at me, one eyebrow cocked up on her light skinned complexion, then she smirked and slowly got down on her knees.
My boys started laughing…me right with them.
Thirsty bitch.
I pulled down my beanie hat, and sat up.
Just as she was legit about suck my shit, right then and there, my boy Laith comes jogging up the stairs to the V.I.P. section.
“Bouncer was trying to hold me back, kept telling him you were my boy.”, he chuckled as he relayed his story. Face flushed.
With a push the girl got off me, I stood to give him dap.
“Nigga be wildin but Whaddup?”, I say.
“Doing shit”, he responds, he sat near me on the red couch. Eyes low like he was already faded hisself. Nigga must have been getting high before he got here.
“No bitches?”, I ask. This nigga always in love with someone. Been my boy since I came to Cali. Took my photos for my album.
“Ha you don’t even know, there this one chick though…”,he shook his head as he thought about it.
“Gorgeous yo…and I’ve been taking pictures of her, she’s an up and coming model.”,he went on.
“That’s what’s up”, I nodded, taking another hit of my blunt. “What’s her name?”
I squinted my eyes when he said that name.
“And she got these green eyes, curly ass hair, body perf-‘
“She from New York?”, I cut him off.
“Yea..beautiful girl, been trying to get with her-“
“Last name?”, I cut him off.
“Damn what you want her too?”, Laith giving me a look.
“Nah nigga, what the fuck is her last name?”, I said annoyed.
“Hayes”, he said.
“Alright nigga, I get it.”, I said.
He shook his head and started laughing.
I can’t believe he’s talking about Stephanie, Stephanie…I don’t give a fuck that’s still my girl. And frankly, we never really “broke up”.
“You feeling salty you aint got no girl right now?”, Laith comes out saying.
“Fuck outta here nigga, that is my girl, stay the fuck away from her”, I get up.
“That’s my girl, been with her since highschool”, I add.
“What the fuck? The way you be with all these hoes tell another story bro.”, Laith gets up too, pulling up his pants.
“That’s none of yo business, and if you still trying with her, trying to get it…don’t be surprised you find yourself 6 deep nigga.”, I said pissed.
His stature changed, his eyes wide, scared.
“Alright calm down….,” he sighed. “Our relationship is strictly business.”,
Everybody in V.I.P. stopped what they were doing, glued in on our conversation.
“It better be”, I said putting out the blunt.
“Yo come on”, I call to the girl from earlier. She jumped when I said ”yo”, but then she smiled and got up.
If I can’t have Stephanie right now, then nobody else can either…
Snuggled next to Tyler, on our backs looking up at the night sky. We laid on my old Barbie blanket I used to use when I was little. He couldnt stop laughing when I put it down.
“The bitch looks like she has aids,” he died laughing.
“What? It’s the only thing eligible to be put on the ground”, I laughed with him.
Put the blanket down anyway, and we both just laid on it.
“Oh a shooting star…,”I pointed to it.
“…wait it’s a airplane”, I laughed realizing it.
The moonlight as bright as it was, being our only light.
“That fucking sucks. Reminds me of that faggot B.o.b’s stupid song.”, he said annoyed.
I started laughing, punching him on the side.
Then we sat in silence, just staring at the sky. Then I felt his hands grab mine.
I smiled.
“Your so crazy with other people, but when it’s just you and me, your so chill.”, I thought aloud.
“Your different,” he said.
“Wait, fuck that sounded so cliche…no your like…fuck nevermind,” he then said.
“Dude, you could of kept the different”, I joked.
“No, I just, shit…really like you, that’s why your my girlfriend.”
I looked at him, and honestly my ovaries exploded. The way he was posted on his elbows, eyes squinted…
I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him on top of me.
Our mouths pressed to each others.
Then he pulled back.
Looked into my eyes, then looked at my lips while smirking and biting his.
Grabbing my face gently, he slowly leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine again.
It drove me crazy.
I helped him take his shirt off, as he slowly rised mine.
His hands tangled in my hair, as we pressed harder on each other, craving each other. He unbuttoned my shorts, and I pulled them down, revealing my purple lace Victorias secret boy shorts.
As we continued to kiss, he slowly glided his hand on my stomach, playing with my innie belly button.
Teasing as fuck.
A sudden breeze from the night air sent chills across my skin. As we continued to kiss, I couldn’t help but stop.
“Wait…”, I said in between kisses.
He was so into it.
“Wait..can we just fuck in my house, it’s freakin cold out here”, I giggled at the brashness.
“Good idea.”, he quickly got up.
It was quite a scene.
Both of us barely having clothes on, running in the night..
Good nobody saw us.
As we made it to the front door of my house, we shared a look with each other. As soon as I opened it, he picked me up.
“Tylerr!”, I laughed.
He used his foot to kick a door open, as he walked in, I started laughing.
“Wrong room.”, I said.
As he was about to kick another, “Bathroom”, I looked at him biting my lip.
“Fuck!”, he screamed in fustration.
Until he reached my room. As soon we got inside he threw me on the bed. As he stood on the edge, I was on my knees on the bed kissing him. He climbed on the bed, my hand still grasping his face as he unbottoned his jean cutoffs. He climbed on top of me. He didn’t hold back this time. Moved the front of my bikini line out the way entering 2 fingers. I moaned as he went faster, rubbing as went. Biting my lip, eyes rolling back…it felt so good. We kept kissing, I bite his lower lip, pulling back. Then whispered in his ear, “I need you now.”
“Fuck”, he whispered low.
I took my boy shorts off, and then looked at him, biting on my nail. He took his boxers off, fully erected. I smirked.
Ty was packing.
He then leaned back over me, this time slowly entering. I drew a breathe, as I tried to get used to him. He went slow.
“Shit, your so tight”, he mumbled.
I leaned toward him and we started kissing again. He went faster, and our lips were still locked until I couldn’t take it no more.
“Uh, Tylerrr babee”, I yelled. Moaning as I was just about to climax he grabbed me by my waist, leaning back and putting me on top of him. His 6 pack under me, felt like 100 degrees.
“Ride for me baby”, I did as I was told, my head falling back as I went up and down, looking Tyler in the eyes as he bit his lip.
With connection, we both climaxed, I started going faster as he grabbed my waist going deeper. My legs quivered in pleasure as let out my final screams, Tyler’s face perfect as he went too.
I fell on him, panting, him underneath doing it also.
As I was on his chest, I looked up at him, we met each others eyes and started laughing like kids. I gave him a big kiss, as he closed his eyes.
Then layed back on his chest closing my eyes falling into a deep sleep…
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dxiiionysus · 6 years
6 verses circa 11-12/2018
Metamoprh a line, Im a solo stagnant period. A dinosuar ,virgin stegosaurus bitch. Patar,that the aggrotato raptar call em Silent bob for and Eerykular spraying limbs ,making streams for teh hell of it. I think think its high time to infiltrate the headlinez, czndfx, Alireza, Airospace ,the holy trinity of the dmv rap bible in my book see. Hallucininja’s ybn lookin like cordae with the juice yung, kill moe sahn. My back is sweatin so I bring in the Bassgawd, not Lil B the one with Danny Seay yah. Pray to Lil B for the blessings with I’m cooking slim, soufeas korean bbq on the menu sahn. Ltq , Ek, Headband, and the fam bruh bruh. Can’t name em all but you know we be the Pantheon.  
Sad gang ,boi &girls suicidal with the ego shit. Premeditated I put the game inna deadpool and phoniex downed the shit.Fillin the spaces for shoutouts in my mind. Dead memories I hear em all the time. Ihearemallatime. God killer in this shit Rico help me on quest, gotta be the very best Jesus had and for 40 days and forty nights, I was searching for some rest missed a show and a half psychward blocked the path. Praying crying day nite Mcscuse me Kudi Jr in the bitch. Birthed onna 30 of the January in the year of the fifth, 41st president.94 for the nigga failing conspiracy, reincaration of the old school metaphysical. Deadly with the silver tongued free pour, prepoured Hasani typo flow. Meant to say dasani but this jawnt filled with shout outs so. I gotta spit it over over since its my revised wirtten verse. Ajax and another aforementioned A be the coach. Guess I’m spittin ever since I pyrolougie. Never seen how a nigga lived with the tooly. Sorry if I’m wildin but  Im just free spirit inna mech. Gundam lookin Jacob Black guess I’m kinda bulterish. Illin with the cutlery lookin kinda occulist, esoteric type of flow I j dilla in the experience.
Spit nostalgic holding in prana, Kill the shit, switch it up for the drama. Kill the crowd rapping peace just to meet the Dali llama, I Am Spark. Humanitarian for profit. Always inna cut nigga dancing got popped,locked and never stopped. Flipping pies in Admo the Edboy fava beaned my wallet. Nibble on awitches so I guess I not gonna be a prophet. Mama raised me right wild boy with knowledge. Super sayain Tarzan lopped off his locs speedin inna jaguar n I can’t cop a car but mama I promise I mma take care of it all in time or my name aint Dxxnysxs. Knocking out the vowels like widow maker and my north east god fist. Orions belt I promise I wont stop til I’m living in my name sake done started channeling my karma.
Ayo bring back the boombap aniiga really felt that, Bars on some stranger things ahegao genesis bitch/ Im talking jv tmnt robbing beetleborgs for they shit. Looking in the mirror tryna transmutate the self . Kamen rider Faix triple digits in my belt , Shouts to Joey badz for the guide to conciousness.47 lines numerology bars for the niggas counting this like me 21 gun saluting from the shores waiting on the kraken to devaste the oars. I prefer the sex so th box is checked nsfw when i tumbld on some x.Been eating roaches so I can assimalite TTC, not a drug but I’m craving Jaden see. Not a drug really innna physisense but I catch them vibes from all the ig pics. Sorry if I’m creepin plottin onna suicide, searching for that ape escape, purple golden monkey in the sky. Cho Ozaro, Sun Wukong I’m the monkey king. No disrepect dont wanna appropriate your culture but, I’m nigga king if usa be sayain, that Donald trump is two terming unless my vision is delayin. Pardon my manners but these niggas looking nannerish, shit is bananas, so I must commit. Mmm as above so below so I guess I’m thrice forgiven, picked up a pen again so I can craft my life within. Meditate on thoughts to manifest the will of the Age of Aquarians. 25, never mind mind 24 inking in the lines slipknot gentle on the floor. Not gonna lie I contemplate every now and then but I want a life with Mistress  Anju  to begin. Hot got damn das my bae jelly fish. But I’m blazed,swervin,tipsy trippy in the this bitch. Blindfolded, speedbombing hills of ice, 13 brick in the pack is how Imgoing out. 27 only if I’m cursed, but I choose life so theres power in these words
Prep the dimmensions for my geometry, chisel minds metaphysic I speak. Equations and scriptures ciphered in my lyrics,see why I can’t be written I revise my visions and references the legions of leaders of media within my generation. I lead through decision. Hug em all, death and precision bitch. Imma fucking walking paradox, not I’m not I’m afully funded pedia. Wiki-wicked nigga spitting like the broken pipes, holding burning bread of the lamb out of breath from the forbidden fruits, nectar gods gift of ambrosia, purple haze cannaball z listing ritualistic inhale to embody higher self again
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newfiesatnasa-fr · 6 years
@turstrigo-fr hmm. good icon. ur approved.
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WHAAAAAAT A CUTIE!! I LOVE THE ACCENT ON HER SM AND THE GEMBOUND!! SHE’S SUCH A LIL CUTIE!! im LOVING the green and blue she’s got going on, and the eyes...... the eyes are so good,,,,, i lov the lil scarf on too, kinda boosting up that blue!! shes just so cute.... lies down.... criens.... please kiss her 69 times for me thank u,,,,,
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THE LITTLE WOOD BOY... .HE’S HERE..... COMIN W/ HIS LEAVES.... WOW i never noticed he had stained until i looked @ the genes and he’s just?? such a lil handsome fellow?? im diggin the apparel u have on him and i LOVE his wings,,,, it’s like the stripes are fading into brown and thats REAL swell!! what a good litte felow........... i hope he reads me a bedtime story
ur lair? cute. its cute asf and theres SO much to choose from omg i was WILDIN lookin @ it!!
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keunakool · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.  tagged by @the-mockingbird-flies !! thank you, thank you! i miss you so much :cc i hope kcon is going to be awesome for you!! 
1. Drink: Sweet tea 2. Phone call: I think it was my Pappaw? 3. Text message: to my friend spence!! 4. Song you listened to: into the Void - Vixx 5. Time you cried: Today because I got overwhelmed by my summer work and like some other stupid things hnng
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Nah. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah. 8. Been cheated on: No. 9. Lost someone special: uuuuh,,, not really. one of my favorite friends on here ended up deactivating tho and i don’t know where to find her :cc 10. Been depressed: nah. i’ve had like intense mood drops, but it’s never been as serious as depression. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah. i don’t really like drinking or being around it.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Black, pink, blue!
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Plenty!! 16. Fallen out of love: Never been in ufufu  17. Laughed until you cried: more often than not ;; 18. Found out someone was talking about you: hmmm,, i think so? it doesn’t happen often though. at least i hope not aghh 19. Met someone who changed you: i don’t think so! 20. Found out who your friends are: ooooooh you bet your ass lmfao may reconsider some yikes 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: uhh technically yeah ig
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: um,, hnng i have a rp blog so only like 7-8?  23. Do you have any pets: 3 cats, 1 dog, and a turtle :o 24. Do you want to change your name: not particularly. i kinda like my name even though no one spells it right 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: probably nothing tbh? like i don’t really celebrate my birthday. i go eat dinner, get money as a gift, and then go home. 26. What time did you wake up: uuuuuh sometime around 3 pm 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing arms!! anyone else a min min main? 28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting my summer work done that’s for sure!! hmm also miitopia! i’ve been excited since the demo dropped
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: uuh just a little bit ago. she came in and took some watermelon out of the kitchen
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: literally every time i fuck up and say something to someone that i didn’t mean at all hnng i do it a lot and then have to pretend i never said it in hopes they forget too 31. What are you listening right now: b-day - ikon 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:  my great uncle’s name was tom! 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my summer work and like some other things  34. Most visited Website: youtube and instagram probably. i come on tumblr a lot but im more likely to look through the other two  
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: i have one on my neck and i hate it tbh i rlly want it removed. i also have on my left titty hnng 36. Mark/s: ACNE SCARS GALORE BOIIS. i also have a deep scar on my knee and a long scar on my arm 37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a photographer and go to london and take pictures with the boy who i thought i was going to marry at the time omfg
38. Haircolor: light brown
39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: hNNG YES aND it;S MEsSING ME UP EVERY DAY BOI HAS BEEN WILDIN’ LATELY IT’S DRIVIN’ ME NUTS
41. What do you like about yourself: i think i’m funny!! and i’m really good at making friends!! 42. Piercings: ears and my nose 43. Bloodtype: B negative i think? 44. Nickname: ash, fish, lyn, uuuh i think that’s it :o @the-mockingbird-flies called me baby for a while 45. Relationship status: single single but ... im workin’ on it 46. Zodiac: scorpio 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Voltron, Death Note, and Weeds! 49. Tattoos: none :cc i’m hoping to get one on my finger eventually 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: never had any! 52. Hair dyed in different color: um like all the time. i’ve had black hair, blonde, purple, red... i think blue for awhile? 53. Sport: //VOMITS 55. Vacation: Japan!! but i also want to go back to NYC 56. Pair of trainers: trainers are sneakers right,,, if so, then one
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: uh nothing rn 58. Drinking: nooothing 59. I’m about to: do my ap summer work even though ive been working on it since 4 and it’s midnight now 61. Waiting for: sleep tbh but also blackpink’s comeback 62. Want: uuuuuuuh to go off but if i do i’ll regret it so im,,, sitting in anger as ya girl does 63. Get married: yES PLEASE UGH I LOVE LOVE I WANT SOMEONE TO LOVE ME ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY WANT TO LOOK AT ME EVERY DAY 64. Career: im...hoping to have one of those
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs!! I feel less awkward and it just feels better anyways 66. Lips or eyes: hmmm,,, i was going to say lips but i rlly do like different eye colors and shapes. like i love bright blues ok 67. Shorter or taller: TALLER 68. Older or younger: i prefer someone older ngl 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: hmm tummy doesn’t bother me but i do love like a rlly good pair of arms (tho tbh im actually a leg girl) 71. Sensitive or loud: hmmm sensitive?
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. i don’t have the patience nor the mind to deal with anybody that’s w1ld
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: Nope and I don’t plan to 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t believe so! 77. Turned someone down: you mean like all the time? 78. Sex on the first date: nah 79. Broken someone’s heart: uuuh possibly yeah 80. Had your heart broken: lol nah 81. Been arrested: nope! 82. Cried when someone died: i cried when my guinea pig died 83. Fallen for a friend: uuuuuh yeeee 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: m...maybe?? 85. Miracles: yeah 86. Love at first sight: nah. you have to work on that shit. 87. Santa Claus: u mean papi 88. Kiss in the first date: depends on the atmosphere and comfort level 89. Angels: nah
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: @the-mockingbird-flies ♥♥♥ || @the-lonely-flute ♥♥♥ || @knkruinedmylife ♥♥♥ || @batl7 ♥♥♥ || @plsinx ♥♥♥ 91. Eyecolor: blue! 92. Favorite movie: Spirited Away
uuuh ill tag the best friends who haven’t done it bc im lazy
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Getting to know some of me
1: Name: Danny 2: Age: 19 3: 3 Fears: Lonliness, Death, Waste 4: 3 things I love: Adventures, Food, Doggiess 5: 4 turns on: Talkative, Compassionate, Different 6: 4 turns off: Close minded, Two-Faced, Selfish 7: My best friend: No one.. 8: Sexual orientation: Tbh, I only fall in love with woman but the pleasure of what a man holds for some reason turns me on 😞 but once it happens at the end i feel disgusted and dont even wanna look at him .-. Nor fall in love. The desire pops up but to love a guy no.. sounds weird but trust, it even confuses me.. 9: My best first date: Honestly wish someone would ask ME out for once ;-; it would be the best just having someone ask me o": 10: How tall am I: 5'1 ;-; 11: What do I miss: Enjoying life 12: What time were I born: What is this 13: Favorite color: Omg 14: Do I have a crush: Yeah.. i guess.. its weird..😞 15: Favorite quote: not sure atm 16: Favorite place: my beddddd or in cuddles 17: Favorite food: ITALIAN 18: Do I use sarcasm: No i rather speak to people in precise terms when they ask “what” to a dumb question. Jk, hell yeah im sarcastic. 19: What am I listening to right now: Empty Camps by Cemeteries 20: First thing I notice in new person: Personality or Smile. 21: Shoe size: 7 22: Eye color: Brown 23: Hair color: Black 24: Favorite style of clothing: My own kind of style 😋 25: Ever done a prank call? Yes 😑 27: Meaning behind my URL: I like psychedelics and weed and i love to love, plus i dont sleep 😂 28: Favorite movie: I dont really watch movies tbh 29: Favorite song: Luna of Claiming 30: Favorite band: Circa Survive 31: How I feel right now: Crazy 32: Someone I love: My dog ;-; 33: My current relationship status: She isn’t my gf and she is straight.. i am in love with her i guess…. i guess.. but she does not feel the same.. but she wouldn’t like it if i saw other people.. 😞im so dumb but its really confusing. 34: My relationship with my parents: My dad was abusive and me and my mom are alright, just not close like some moms and daughters are lol. Its weird. 35: Favorite holiday: Does the Fall count 36: Tattoos and piercing i have: Tattoo on my neck of 3 purple moons, Gages, and i have my mouth and nose pierced many times but i fucked them up or school in the past (bitchass dresscode) 😭 37: Tattoos and piercing i want: Split tongue, eyebrow, cheekbones, Chest piece idea i had since 8th grade, moon and sun on my arms with falling stars ending the shoulders, sunflower on my leg with an eye, many ideas tbh 😂 38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Stop posting my feelings and personal thoughts and agreements on other media with friends who just see me as a depressed whiney little baby so now they think im better cuz i stopped expressing to them how i feel ((: now they complain i dont talk and i need to.. too late. Thought i could trust them and that i would never be a burden how they arent for me .. i was wrong and for that here i am. But god i do love tumblr and i dont regrer it. 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? Yes.. she doesn’t care about me and never did. How she ended it showed that evil shit i didnt want to see. Now idk.. 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? From lucero sometimes.. 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Yeah. 42: When did I last hold hands? I dont know 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? Just to get ready i could get ready in like 5 minutes but if i have all morning ill spend it all changing outfits till my whole closet is rampaged 😭 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Not in MONTHS 😂 45: Where am I right now? My bed 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? Lucero..? My mom..? 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOOOOUUUUD 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Mom and stepdad 49: Am I excited for anything? I guess art if i make it 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? No XD aint no dude wanna hear about my feelings unless he likes me lmfao 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Everyday /: 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Idk 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? Idk… it would break me.. but i should have seen it coming if it did .. 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? No.. idk.. 55: What is something I disliked about today? Everything.. 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? My love. 57: What do I think about most? Being happy 58: What’s my strangest talent? I honestly don’t know lol 59: Do I have any strange phobias? Bugs bugs bugs ugh i reeeeallly hate bugs 😭 im scared a camera watches me idk if thats a phobia. 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Either or 61: What was the last lie I told? Im doing good c: 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Video chatting maybe idk maybe a call tbh idk ill freak out unless i known you foreverrrrr i csnt talk on the phone with anybody tbh. Or even talk idk Dx 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? YESSS 64: Do I believe in magic? YESSS 65: Do I believe in luck? Sometimes 66: What’s the weather like right now? HOTTER THAN SATANS BALLS IN CALI 67: What was the last book I’ve read? Milk and Honey 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? Yesss /.0 69: Do I have any nicknames? Le Dan Dan, Dannehhhh, Mac Daddy Danny, Nena 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Brain 😂 71: Do I spend money or save it? SPEND 😭🔫 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Nah ): 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? No 0.0 74: Favorite animal? PUPPERRRRS 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? I don’t remember 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? Satan Natas 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Capital Cities Safe and Sound 😂 78: How can you win my heart? Be there for me, take me on adventures, love me when i cant and let me love you when you feel you can’t.. be crazy wildin with me lmao. Patience with me. 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? Idk ): 80: What is my favorite word? “Nah” 😂 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: idunno ;^; 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Treat me the same way i treat you, and we will see. 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not that i know of 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Self-trip on my own without needing tabs 😂 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? How do you feel 86: What is my current desktop picture? Ganja girl animation. 87: Had sex? Yes 88: Bought condoms? Yes 89: Gotten pregnant? Noooooo 90: Failed a class? Many 91: Kissed a boy? Yes 92: Kissed a girl? Yessssssss 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yes 😭 94: Had job? Yommmp 95: Left the house without my wallet? Many times 96: Bullied someone on the internet? Fuck no .-. 97: Had sex in public? Yes 😂 98: Played on a sports team? No 99: Smoked weed? ALL DAYY ERRDAYY 100: Did drugs? Why yes 101: Smoked cigarettes? Still do 102: Drank alcohol? Once in a while 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? MEAT LOVERRRR, Althought respect for vegetarians/vegans 104: Been overweight? Yeah. 105: Been underweight? Idk lol 106: Been to a wedding? Noo e.e 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Maybe 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? No 109: Been outside my home country? Once but mexico =.= 110: Gotten my heart broken? Yeah 111: Been to a professional sports game? Yeah i think 112: Broken a bone? Helll nooo 113: Cut myself? Yeah 114: Been to prom? Lol no i didnt go 115: Been in airplane? Fuuuuuuck noo 116: Fly by helicopter? I wishh 117: What concerts have I been to? Too anxious to attend one 😞 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Of course 😂 119: Learned another language? Yeee 120: Wore make up? Yes 😑 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Yeah ); 122: Had oral sex? Yepppp 123: Dyed my hair? Hellll yeeee 124: Voted in a presidential election? Yomp 125: Rode in an ambulance? Many times 126: Had a surgery? Nopee 127: Met someone famous? Nopee 128: Stalked someone on a social network? Yeah xDDx 129: Peed outside? No e.e 130: Been fishing? No ;-; 131: Helped with charity? I am charity jk 132: Been rejected by a crush? Yeahh once xD 133: Broken a mirror? Yes ._. 134: What do I want for birthday? Loveeee Send me some? <3
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