cardgamez-blog · 7 years
Im on mobile but disgusting ship and unpopular ship u like
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💩   ship that you find disgusting   :   anything involving g.ozaburo.   hands down,   without a doubt.   this is an actual series of ships that i’ve had the misfortune to stumble upon more times that i’d like to admit,   tbh.   i don’t want to go into detail because it’ll just be a rambling mess on why that’s wrong on so many different levels   (   it goes without saying,   really   )   but yeah,   it’s disgusting  💘    ship that is unpopular but you still like   :   m.isty   /   a.ki   !!   it’s such a smALL SHIP in the 5d’s fandom and,   in total,   i can find maybe about two   ??   pieces of art and one gifset for it.   it makes me so sad.   they’re such an interesting dynamic,   especially after the events of season 2   /   the dark signer arc and it makes my heart flutter knowing that m.isty made an effort to stay in contact w/ the smol rose bean   !!
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starpraised-blog · 7 years
Tbhh...... idk whwt to say anymore abt ur writing ive scremed abt it a lot.......... how do u say perfect in 818282929192921010 ways bcos tbh ......... ur writing is beyond perfection its like a lively storytelling and u just transport me to a new dimension when i read ur portrayal / writing...... idk 5ds that much bc im a fake ygo fan but hhhhhhhhh u make me love yusei smh im dead inside......... hobbit ur a blessing............ i mlOV UR BLOG AND EVRYRTHIGN SM....... 🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙👀👀👀👀👀
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hobbit.        i  am   deceased… !      moony ,    omg !      screams  in  japanese !     seriously   tho ,    you   light   of   my   life   and   the   little   sister   i’ve   always   wanted   …  this   made  me   tear   up   a   bit ?   it   means   hecking   much   tbh    &     i   feel   blessed   by   knowing   you     &     having   you   around   wtf.    you’re   such   an   amazing   and   talented   writer ,   okay ?   i   dearly   admire   and   respect   you !   i’m   love  you   very   much ,    my   dear !       one   day  i’ll   come   back   to   you   on   my   shinichi ,    promise ! 
                         roast  me.   validate   me.      /     always   acc.     /     @puritybled
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duelhearted · 7 years
🔖 yAS !!
For every 🔖 I will draw my muse 
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remember when mokuba used to wear a cape? im sure his big bro wore one too at some point
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shadowchosen-a · 7 years
i just saw it on my dash and iM GONNA ROAST U with lov, from moony :~ ). bUT ANYNYA, can i just say how much i lov mimi ??? as a person ??? ik we dont talk a lot but ur so fun and kind and nyall, ur such a good?? i cant evn,,, i enjoy reading ur threads lIKE dont even throw the 'im often inactive' card on me, whenever ur online my kokoro goes like !!!!! bCOS!!! MIMI'S BACK !!! like idc if its an ooc post or ic post, all ur posts are amazing and honestly, mokuba and i adore your yuugi sm ok (1/?)
the way you write him, the way you put sO MUCH EFFORT AND LOVE AND GENUINE INTEREST FOR THIS AMAZING BOY like u make me so happy ok, u make me wanna push harder for my mokuba and i mso glad 2 be able 2 write with such ana amazing person an talented writer. you push the lengths and limits of itnrospectio nand character relationships like ???? yuugi ???? mokuba ??? friends ???? what a good but other than that, all ur threads are so good ,,, i read them when i have time tbh (2/?)
but my goodness, idk what the meme is abt but i lov u anyways ksjdhfgdhsj ur writing, the way you portray ur characters, BEING MIMI !!!! im lov i hope u have a good day nya also im srry if i have so mcuh typos im like typing fast on w/o proper spellchecker laughs anyways im excited 4 the day im not lazy s we get to write mor bcOS BOi jfhryguyurhedj (3/3)
Fucking Roast Me ( but also please don’t ) // @puritybled
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I’M A FUCKING HORRIBLE STRATEGIST. st ar ts  m o THER UF CKI NG CR YING ??????? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS TBH WHAT THE FUCK HOW ARE YOU SO SWEET I’M JUST GONNA lay tf down and wonder at the universe and how i’ve ended up here, staring at this ridiculously long message that’s making my goddamn heart go doki doki of all things. FUCKING DOKI DOKI. i’m gonna fucking die. i’m gonna eat my arm. goodbye world, GOODBYE. one of the few things the universe has done right was bring moony into existence tbh. bring moony and all of her amazingness into existence. like. i can’t fucking believe this. are you literally made out of stardust or some shit ????? or like. were you crafted from the tears of a fucking unicorn?????????? DID HIPPOLYTA CRAFT YOU FROM CLAY AND THE GODS BREATHED LIFE INTO YOU ??????? i’m. i love moony i’m gonna go eat my arm now moony is so good and her writing is so good and her mokuba is so good i’m gonna fuckin. i don’t even know.
tl;dr i’m emo af, moony is perfection personified, and her mokuba is so fucking good. i’ve also typed fuck a lot in this response.
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duelingprcdigy-blog · 7 years
puritybled liked for a starter!
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“Hey, do you know where the nearest cafe is from here? I could really go for some coffee.” Hey, wait a minute. He looked a little familiar. 
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whitevvings · 8 years
i aM FUUISD FUCK ING SHITTING ON THAT REBLOG OH MY FUCKing g o d !!! (mokuba voice) do it ,,,,,,,,,, jUST DO I T jdiufghjsdk
yo mokie got a light? o‿o✿
LOL NO JK THO he’d never win a fight with her like–“well at least ive never torn your f*ckin soul in half”
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shinido-blog · 8 years
✂ ?? ☣ ???
         ♔ ▐ SALTY  HOBBIT  MEME     /     NOT  ACCEPTING.     /     @puritybled
                              ✂      A  fandom   that   you    feel   isn’t    open    and    accepting   ?
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GOOD  QUESTION  TBH  !   There  are  a    few     !   But ,   I  don’t  wanna  draw  eternal  hate  on  me  lmfao   (   some  people  in  there  are  like  this ,  trust  me    )     &    will  stick  to   one   like  the  meme  asks  of  me !       Well ,     the  MCU  fandom !   I’ve  had   a   deadpool  once   and   a  friend  was  a   Tony   &    let  me  tell  you ..     It’s   hard   there.       People  are  so  wrong      &     elite       &      selfish...      It  made  me  sick.      They  started  drama  everyday  and  new  people  had  to  summon  satan  or  something  to  be  noticed.   And  if  you  wrote  a   muse  many  hated  because  of  the  actor     you  got  hate  from  non  rpers   on  top  of   it             It   was  so  ugly   omg.  
                       ☣    Have   you     ever     rp’d   with   someone   you   knew   for   a   fact   was   abusive   but   tried   to   give   them   a   chance  /  to   make   up   your   own   opinion   on   the   roleplayer  ?   Did   they     change     or   did  you    understand    what   people   were     talking   about  ?   
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YEAH ,   I  TRIED  IT   TBH.   It   was  okayish  at  first       &        I  tried  to  make  them  understand  what  they  did  wrong  and  apologize  for  it.   I  really  thought     I’d  make  a   difference            but   in   the  end  I  got  used ,      manipulated   and      abused  myself.   I  got  drama  from  said  person  for  shipping  with  others ,    for  writing  with  people  they  once  had  beef  with  which  was  totally    uncalled      for  drama  etc.       It  was  awful.      It     changed     me  a  lot.     I  got  trust  issues  from  it ??        &      tbh ,    the  second  I  see  someone  being  abusive  I  block  their  ass.     I  understood  that     not  everyone  wants  to   and  can  change   on  this   world.  
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wealthcreed-blog · 8 years
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       downward  tug  of  lips  becomes  the  familiar  sprawl  of  a  frown.  ❛  mr.  kaiba         ❜  and  how  STRANGE  it  is,  still,  to  think  of  him  as  her  employer.  ❛  i  insist  you  eat  something.  while  it  is  well  past  dinner  time,  it  won’t  be  good  for  your  HEALTH  if  you  go  without.  ❜   /   @puritybled  ♥’d
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shadowchosen-a · 7 years
@puritybled​ // sc.
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             ❝ ——— You almost beat me that time! You’re getting better, that’s for sure, ❞ he’s relaxed and smiling and means it, only partly for the sake of suspending an ELATED MOOD. ( he did genuinely feel happy, after all ) It isn’t horribly often that he was able to see Mokuba, after all, and he has to make the most of it. For multiple reasons, but the first and foremost one is purely because he cares about him, and wants to see a smile on his face. And he wants to KEEP IT THERE, for as long as humanly possible.  ❝ What do you want to do next? More arcade games? It’s up to you. ❞ It’s, Mokuba’s day, after all. Essentially.
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wdarchives · 8 years
im lov u and u cant be replaced ,,,,,, i believe in u ,,,, u can push thru this ,,, i hope things get better ,,, im cheeriNG FOR U FAM !!! THINGS WILL GET BETTER !!! gives u tea and soft blankets
thank u bb ;A;
bless u
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mightblessed-blog · 8 years
@puritybled.  STARTER CALL. 
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                                            ‘                          HONEY ,   HOW    does  shopping  and  getting     unhealthy     pizza  with  me  sound  to  you ,   hm ?    Seto  dear  surely    agrees    when  you  ask  him.   We  can  look  for  a    normal    jacket  for  him.   Your    poor    brother     really  needs     to  grow  out  of  his  edgy  teen  phase.           ’      A  SOFT  SMILE  PLAYED  AROUND  CRIMSON  COLORED  LIPS  /    PERFECTY  WHITE  TEETH FLASHED  IN  THE  LIGHT   /    MANICURED  NAILS  PLAYED  CAREFULLY  WITH  A  LONG  EBONY  LOCK.      Shooting  Mokuba  a  soft  gaze ,     her  crimson  hues     lingering   warmly     on   his  smaller  frame ,   the  CO  couldn’t  help  but  let  one  of  her  palms  run  into   his  hair  and  play  with  it.   
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shadowchosen-a · 8 years
puritybled replied to your post: PAPER SKIN. still 100000000% here, i’ve just been...
i hate coding issues especially the little ones that are so evident on ur blog and u just cant find it in the code when it’s lit i nfront of u but u blind af but anYWYAS I HOPE UR DOING OK THERE !! GIVES U TEA !!!! AND SOF PILLOWS !!!
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vicepresidenttoyou · 8 years
puritybled replied to your post “((yall know setos not dead right))”
well, there's no canon proof that he's dead / alive. GX is , from what i know sicne i haven't watch it , is a spin off to the original series AND is not written by the original creator of yu - gi - oh ??? so whEEZES idk
((I mean the creator has drawn kaiba like 4 yrs in the future and it’s not really implied that he’s dead anyway
it would be kind of a weird way to end a movie based on a franchise that isn’t getting any more content after this point))
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