This art is a bit older, and also part of the Purgatory AU i previously posted about, Devin and Ritchie from it! Devin's an angel and Ritchie's an Incubus. Ash's design of Ritchie actually had less clothing, having a leotard with a swimsuit-like bottom rather than the short-shorts-like bottom that i drew and just generally having skimpier clothing, but also i drew this while i was in school and was not comfortable with drawing him with that little clothing so he got this
Designs are again by @/0n-th3-fl1p-s1d3!
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(from here i am just talking about drawing struggles) Also fun fact i foRGOT HIS TAIL until the lineart stage so it got sketched and lined at the same time. Also his wing lineart got copypasted bc no way was i drawing it again! Took like an entire class (50 minutes) just to line one i'm p sure!
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koraesdoodles · 10 months
Sketching and doodles of my dudes.
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(Second pic I referenced pinkiemachine's amazing fanart because their expressions and poses are everything to me. Not gonna tag them bc I don't want to annoy but I'll link their blog: https://www.tumblr.com/pinkiemachine.)
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megsiepoo · 2 months
Spoilers below cut
So admittedly I haven't been able to pay coop yet so my thoughts are purely from a single player standpoint and stem mostly around new additions to preexisting mechanics and the storyline of the game.
The final touches they placed on the bishop storyline brought them to what I consider a satisfying conclusion. I appreciate that while the Lamb healed the bishops, it wasn't in a way that removed their injuries and in the process the consequences of their actions. It felt like a peaceful conclusion when the Lamb was gathered with the bishops and Narinder and that while the whole cast had their differences, everyone was able to accept what happened in the past and find peace in the present. I especially love that Narinder got a special bishop trait at the conclusion. While it doesn't seem to affect his actual in-game character, it feels a bit like an ode to his role as the Lamb's devine the Lamb became the last god in the lands of the Old Faith. Also the small design touches to the healed bishops were very nice.
Obviously I also haven't been able to actually use all the new tarot cards/relics yet, but they seem like great additions based on description alone and the few that I have used were very fun. My biggest complaint is that outside of the coop unlocks, everything that's new from relics to tarot cards to decorations has to be unlocked through the Mystic Seller. Frankly, I hate that so much of the post game is based around a glorified slot machine, and not everyone is going to go into the update with 70 god tears because they were previously trying to complete Purgatory. It's a small annoyance, but I feel like they could have found a better way for players to access these things. If it had only been the decorations, I don't think I'd personally find it as annoying.
Onto the new buildings, there are two! The nursery is rather self explanatory, though the baby will leave it at a certain point before reaching adulthood. The knucklebones table is very neat though! I don't use it a ton just because it's not a huge appeal to me, but I love that your followers will play against each other. The Narinder in my save seems to have a bit of a gambling addiction lol
The new fleeces are cute! One is purely decorative. The cowboy fleece is very fun though. And I've definitely developed more appreciation for the blunderbuss after Purgatory kept throwing them at me.
Lastly the Goat! It took me a minute to unlock them just because it didn't register at first that I'd have to commit die during a crusade to access them without coop. The cuts cutscene for it was very cool though and leans a lot into the energy of the initial teaser trailer. I was kind of hoping they might have some sort of special ability once unlocked, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose of them essentially being a dark doppelganger. Regardless, I can't be mad because they're just so gosh darn cute.
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Overall, I'm enjoying this new update! I'm excited to eventually drag someone into coop with me. The new mechanics look very fun. Would love to hear everyone else's thoughts as well!
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hannah cole - table
carol ades - late start
juliet ivy - sweet dreams
annie dirusso - legs
illuminati hotties - throw (life raft)
daffo - good god
smol fish - get over it
asha jefferies - crumble
why bonnie - rhyme or reason
beeson - just for now
niki - buzz
nilüfer yanya - mutations
liam benzvi - dust
toro y moi - hollywood
amy shark - gone
hazel english - goner
pronoun - together or separately
luna li - fantasy
julia wolf - life is a storm
ivri - planets and faith
isabel pless - the bite
mori calliope - through the blue
fuvk - amateur hour
dounia - easier in concept
sad alex - cranberry
that woman - i was aching
l devine - miscommunikaty - jc's 2008 mix
godly the ruler - melodramatic
beabadoobee - post
tiffi - beach house
lilyisthatyou - halo
maude latour - too slow
aziya - party's over
mothica - oblivion for two
porches - crying at the end
clayekea - author
brothertiger - stained glass
meishi smile - strawberry wrist
snail mail - tonight, tonight
hozier - abstract (psychopomp)
dsps - 在意與默契
adrianne lenker - once a bunch
madilyn mei - tho i'm a tortoise
iron & wine - never meant
oso oso - seesaw
spirit of the beehive - i've been evil
charly bliss - i don't know anything
balance and composure - believe the hype
sweet pill - there, there
oceanator - cut string
uri gagarn - bug
cursive - imposturing
leoniden - you > you
blink-182 - all in my head
flor - painted
magdalena bay - tunnel vision
sabrina carpenter - espresso
fromis_9 - supersonic
oh my girl - la la la la (mimi, seunghee)
dee holt - pick up your shoes
ethan tomas - keep me waiting
wafia - sad shit
solace - resolve
coco & clair clair - graceland
jpegmafia - new black history (feat. vince staples)
logic - teleport
chance the rapper - 3333
namebuddha - fragile
tinashe - when i get you alone
olivia prado - ginger tea
khalid - everything we see
teen daze - fade away
sophia stel - static
rosario - puppet
mili - duetting solo
hololive english - breaking dimensions
hakos baelz - gekirin
sophie cates - rotation
chanpan - air ride
baobei - don't think about it
piao - tap my foot (ฅ'ω'ฅ)
mallrat - ray of light
txzz - 22k
piri & tommy - 99%
maisi - not my type
vi0let - the way
tiffany day - far away
sycco - i'd love to tell you
slumberjunkie - teach me how to fly
neggy gemmy - gemmy juice
パソコン音楽クラブ - child replay
leanys - me tienes tan mal
rubii - art of getting by
llll - see u
giga - beyond the way
madge - frat
mitaya - i just wanna dance :/
senses - let go of me
kruu - what to do about you
ryan leahan - sevenpence
tracey brakes - purgatory pony
falinee - judas
channie - piece by piece
2adore - fragments
munzi - blame 0
miraie - lost my connections with you so now it's all tethered
c2d - piercings
loje - anything4u
429 - suicide angel
emorave - sour diesel
ryan leahan - glitter
sullii - back for the summer
0 notes
bristolianbackpacker · 5 months
Day 8 - Buenos Aires
Today is Labor Day (May 1st) so most things will be closed. We get up and realise that we hardly have any pesos left oops! Cash is still king in Argentina - we can pay by card for most things but we will still need some cash for our remaining days. I go hunting for a Western Union and am delighted when I find one open but soon find out they have no cash. It’s apparently quite a common issue here that places will run out of notes. After trying a few I give up - we have a US$20 note to last us today.
We go to Recoleta cemetery where we have a guided tour prearranged with Simon. He is a British expat and has been living in Argentina for 27 years. He originally came here backpacking - that sounds familiar!
The tour is good - Simon is very quirky and explains all about how the bodies would have been treated before. He also explains stories about some of the many mausoleums. Some are very extravagant and would have cost the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of US dollars to build. Of course the most famous mausoleum is that housing the body of Eva Perón.
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During the tour the group are get annoyed by mosquitos - apparently BA has been really bad this summer for Mozzies but luckily this is our first encounter with them but they are so vicious!
We tip Simon the last of our cash and go and grab some pasta at a nearby restaurant for lunch. Unfortunately it’s not good - never mind you can’t win them all. All of the food we’ve had to far in Argentina has been great.
Now that we have some energy we walk to The Rose Garden - Floralis Genérica. This is a huge metal sculpture of a rose that originally opened and closed. However we realise when we get there we find it is broken - damaged by a recent storm.
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We aren’t having much luck today so grab an Uber back to the Airbnb for a cuppa.
The plan for this afternoon was to checkout Puerto Madero - it’s a docklands area of the city that has been revived with lots of waterfront bars and restaurants. However we are running out of time as we have another tour of Palacio Borolo booked for 5pm. We get an Uber there instead and use our free time to have a coffee. Palacio Borolo was built in the 1920s and is built using “new money”. The building is inspired by Dante’s Devine Comedy poem. The first floor represent hell, floors 1-14 represent purgatory and floors 15-22 of the building represents heaven. Our tour guide is so enthusiastic and we learn a bit more about how the representations work e.g. hell is decorated with dragons, purgatory has less decorations which at first appear as flowers but in actual fact are animals of some kind when you look closer. From purgatory you can throw your sins over the balcony down into hell (there are two floors per sin). Heaven has barely any decoration because this is seen as materialistic, plus there is lots of natural light. The highlight is getting to go to the lighthouse at the very summit of the building - the views of BA were great.
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After the tour we get the Subte to Puerto Madero where we walk along the waterfront and stop in one of the restaurants. It’s our last night in BA so we go all out and order the 1.5kg tomahawk steak and a bottle of Malbec. We spend half of the meal fretting that we won’t be able to tip the waiter due to our cash situation (tips always seem to be done in cash here). In the end he was able to add it to the bill so we needn’t have worried!
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I had wanted to visit the suburb of San Telmo but we are yet again exhausted, my cold is getting worse and we need to pack our bags ready for an early flight tomorrow so we head home. On the way we find a McDonalds that is selling Dulce De Leche soft serve cones and of course Jack has to try this so we order one each.
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pinkletterday · 6 years
Watching Titans, where Bruce Wayne is an emotionally abusive asshole to his kids worse than he ever was in the comics, side by side with Young Justice, where Bruce is the best Dad ever, is giving me whiplash.
Dick and Bruce have always had a very fraught and dysfunctional relationship but there's always been an unshakeable love and trust and respect between them. The lack of that foundation, more than anything else, is what makes Titans feel so dystopian.
I hate Bruce Wayne in the comics and he's a shitty Dad, but Dick? Is his pride and joy. The only thing in his life he feels he did right. And Dick knows Bruce in his bones. When the entire world gives up on Batman, Dick stands by him. Idc what interpretation of the characters you're going with, you don't mess with that.
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mikl4545 · 3 years
Sun, Nov 7 - Chaplet of the Divine Mercy from the National Shrine - I offer my Prayer for all those suffering physically, mentally & emotionally. I also offer prayers for the suffering souls. Mother Mary, Angels & Saints please intercede, Amen!🤕😢💙🤲🙏👣🐾🌹⛪📿✝🛐❤ #HeavenDependsOnHowWeLiveNow  #PurgatorypreparesthesinnerforHeaven  #PrayforMercy  #PraytheHolyHourofDevineMercy  #PraytheRosary
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
4x10: Heaven and Hell
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TFW needed a little work before they got it right
We start off right where we left off in the last episode. The angels are here for Anna. She has to die.
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Uriel attacks Ruby and Dean tries to stop it. Cas starts walking towards Sam, and despite Sam’s pleas, he boops him into unconsciousness. Suddenly there’s lights and Uriel and Cas are zapped to places unknown. (Cas’s wings in the flash...emotion hearts). They find Anna with a ridiculously severe wrist wound and a mysterious sigil on the mirror written in her blood. She sent them away. 
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They hide Anna away at Bobby’s. Dean and Ruby bond over hex bags. It’s almost cute.
Um, Bobby’s not home because he’s in the Dominican (and I just Googled “Hedonism and Dominican” ... probably shouldn’t have). Anyway, Sam’s got exposition on Anna. This bought of psychosis isn’t her first. When she was a toddler, she was convinced her real father was “very mad -- like wanted-to-kill-her mad.” Anna interrupts their little chat. 
Sam asks her why the angels want her. She has no clue. She’s upset that her parents are dead and her life has been turned upside-down. They need to find out what her deal is. 
Enter PAM! 
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(I know I’m technically not supposed to like that bit of sexual harassment but her exchange with Sam is SO funny and cute. He’s so earnest and they play the victim card with her, but she ain’t having it and she’s going to have some fun at Sam’s expense.  And Dean’s smile at the end, JOY.) 
Pam introduces herself to Anna and sets to hypnotizing her. She asks about Anna’s father and Anna freaks out. Dean tries intervening and gets knocked out. Pam wakes her and Anna remembers who she is. “I’m an angel.” 
Pam and Ruby are side-eyeing this “friendly” angel. Turns out Anna was Cas and Uriel’s boss in angel-land. She disobeyed, which is the worst thing an angel can do (WEEPS for future Cas.) She ripped out her grace and fell to Earth. Now Heaven and Hell want her. She’s determined to get her grace back. 
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“So you’e just going to take some devine bong hit, and shazam, you’re Roma Downey?” Ah, Dean, you do have a way with words (Also, dude loves pop culture SO much that Touched By an Angel is on his radar. BLESS THIS BOY.) 
Sam remembers reading about a meteor about 9 months before Anna was born and Ruby responds, “You’re pretty buff for a nerd.” Get a room, you two.) 
For Real Life Jesus They’re Cute Science:
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Ruby apologizes for getting Sam involved with this war. She’s afraid of Alistair too. He’s no joke in Hell. She tells Sam he should send Alistair back to Hell, but he’s got to practice to do it. Sam refuses. 
Anna’s star gazing when Dean returns from taking Pamela home. Dean asks Anna why the angels saved him. Dean then asks why she would want to be human. He lists all the bad things about the human condition, and she lists all the good. 
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Ultimately, it’s the emotions of being human that matter so much to her. Obedience and emotionless faith is overrated. Only 4 angels have ever laid eyes on God (Well...five now!) Anna complains about watching over Earth, waiting for order from a father who might never return, and Dean laughs and laughs. I really love how Anna’s story shifted to Cas. Dean and Anna give each other looks, but Sam, in all his glory, interrupts. He’s found something!
They head off for a tree in Kentucky that is probably the place where Anna’s grace fell. 
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They get to the tree and Anna can sense that it’s not there anymore. Someone took it. 
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Later, Anna’s listening to Angel Radio and hears the angels say that if the Winchesters don’t turn over Anna, they’ll throw Dean back in Hell. Dean is speechless, but Sam wants to know what kind of weapon works on an angel. Dean’s in freak out mode --they need to find an answer. 
Later, Dean’s reading a book by flashlight and Anna approaches him to thank him for all that they’ve done. He brushes her sentiment aside. She ponders the thought that she doesn’t deserve to be saved (AND I need to stop and talk about how this parallels Cas in Purgatory...he thanks Dean for everything, he believed he didn’t deserve to be saved. BLAF. And Dean and Anna are more canon than Dean and Cas? I think not.)
Dean lets slip that there’s something he deeply regrets as well, and Anna takes the opportunity to reveal that she knows what he did last summer - er, in Hell. He crumbles when she tells him to forgive himself. (Narrator voice: and then he spent ten more years failing to do exactly that.) 
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“You are not alone,” she tells him and I remember why I like her (before a later plot twist scrubs her away). Anna MAKES A MOVE and kisses him. It IS their last night on Earth, after all. (I quietly eat the script pages for “Free to be you and me” while simultaneously high-fiving Anna for her excellent taste.) 
Cut to a montage of Impala sex which cuts out all the bits of sex in a car where you’re crammed in a corner awkwardly trying to get off your clothes without kicking the other person. Anna touches Castiel’s handprint, laying her own over the lines of his fingerprints. And I know that it was likely just a way to set up the Dean-is-connected-to-Heaven parallels in this brief shining moment when both boys actually had non-dead love interests at the same time. But MAN it sure cuts me open now. 
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Ruby watches Sam sleep, then heads out to a crossroads. She burns her protective hex bag and Alistair appears. 
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Ruby offers to give up Anna in return for her and the Winchesters’ safety. Alistair has another proposal…
Uriel greets Dean back in the barn. Dean looks confused for a moment before he realizes that Uriel has invaded his dream so they can have a little chat. Commander Cas isn’t around - “You see, he has this weakness. He likes you.” Uriel reveals that he has Anna’s grace. But nya nya nya he won’t give it back. 
We cut to Ruby, naked and strapped down as this show is wont to do with its demon women. Alistair tortures her with the demon knife. She refuses to tell him where Anna is...but she will show him.
Back in the barn during waking hours, Dean drinks his feelings until the doors burst open and Uriel and Castiel arrive.
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Sam demands to know how the angels found them, and Castiel glances meaningfully at Dean. 
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Anna realizes the deal that must have been brokered: herself in exchange for Sam’s safety. We experience many sad close-ups of Dean’s self-hatred and it HURTSSSS. Anna kisses Dean and assures him that he’s forgiven.
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Anna’s ready to face the angels at last. Cas apologizes, but she brushes it aside. “You don’t know the feeling.” First of all, Anna, rude.
For This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us Science:
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Alistair shows up in the barn with his demon goons. The Winchesters, Anna, and Ruby skedaddle to the fringes of the barn, leaving the angels and demons to posture toxically at each other. 
Fisticuffs ensue! Alistair pins Cas, growling Latin at him until Dean whacks him in the head. Anna takes advantage of the fight to have her Ariel moment.
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She orders everyone to close their eyes as her own fire consumes her. It blasts Alistair away, and Castiel gently pulls Uriel away as well. Everyone congratulates themselves for their excellent plan to pit the demons and angels against each other. 
Later, Sam and Dean recap their feelings at the Impala. 
For Rural Roads Science:
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Dean brings up something Alistair said during the fight - that he “had promise.” I finally remember during this rewatch that Dean’s been denying what happened in Hell all along. Dean starts to talk. “It wasn’t four months,” he begins. “It was more like forty years. They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that you-- Until there was nothing left. And then suddenly I would be whole again. Like magic. Alistair at the end of every day - every one - he would come over . He would make me an offer to take me off the rack if I put souls on. If I started to torture. And every day I told him to stick it where the sun shines. For thirty years, I told him. But then I couldn’t do it anymore, Sammy.”
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“I got off that rack - god help me I got right off it - and I started ripping ‘em apart.” The weight of the torture he inflicted presses down on him. Sam tries to reassure him, but Dean continues to rip out our hearts and leave them cold and gathering refuse in the gutter. “How I feel? This inside me. I wish I couldn’t feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.”
Dean Quotechester Deserved Better:
Any chance I can dick over an angel, I'm taking it
What do they want me for? Why did they save me? 
Feelings are overrated, if you ask me
When you got Godzilla and Mothra on your ass, best to get out of their way and let them fight
I wish I couldn't feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn't feel a damn thing
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Drawing of Kayper from @/0n-th3-fl1p-s1d3's Purgatory AU! Kay's a unicorn, Viper's a cockatrice. I love them, so much. Also Viper's chest markings did not take nearly as long as they look like they would. Next up is purgatory!Ritchie and Devin! (post may be edited if ash tells me i messed something on one of the designs up, wants me to change tags, or wants me to actually @ them)
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koraesdoodles · 10 months
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Losers (affectionate)
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m-a-k-k-u · 3 years
I love the devine comedy! Did you read the purgatory and paradiso too?
Che cazzo hai detto? Si, ho letto Purgatorio e Paradiso.
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halfelfschollar · 4 years
Somebody’s probably already though of this but...
Hazbin Hotel right? Is the hotel purgatory? 
I was thinking about it all and it makes sense. I mean if we’re going off Dante’s Divine Comedy where there are nine circles/layers of hell, which is mentioned breifly in Hazbin, heaven is in the sky, which is sort of implied by Charlie’s drawings and you can see what I assume to be it in the sky. In the Devine Comedy purgetory is a mountain where you face your sins and work towards getting into heaven, aka the hotel.
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destieldisaster · 4 years
08x08 - Hunteri Heroici
MotW: doctor robbing banks by using the cartoon effect one of his patients accidentally has on the world around him
Any Cas? Yesssss
His heart literally jumped out of his chest
Of course Garth has a safe-house boat 😊
"What's the word, Cas?" "It's a shortened version of my name." Cas you make me so damn happy
The smile on his face when he says he's gonna become a hunter 💙💙💙
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Of course he can't sit in the front
"There are no narcotics in that man's system. His molecules are all wrong."
He can smell that he had a bladder infection :')
Be nice to Cas, he's new to this, you can't expect him to scope out the specifics of a whole-ass affair on his first case as a hunter
"So we're looking for some sort of insect-rabbit hybrid?" CAS :')
"The bird represents God and coyote is man, endlessly chasing the devine yet never able to catch him. It's hilarious." :')
Cas going through Dean's stuff!
Dean, you KNOW Cas doesn't sleep
"I'll watch over you" i'm just remembering that meta about how Cas did watch over Dean in purgatory and he doesn't understand why Dean is pretending like that's not okay now and that is honestly exactly how the scene reads and I am losing my miiiind
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An actual anvil :')
Cas lifting the anvil
"Your father.. beautiful handwriting" and again thinking of the meta because that's the only nice thing he can say about J*hn!!!! Because he's on team Fuck J*hn Winchester!!!!
He's "friggin' thrilled" that Cas is back 😊
Oh damn, that's a pretty heavy 'no'
"Talk to me" 😭😭😭
"I'm afraid I might kill myself" i'm sobbing sweetheart nooo
God and Dean's look. He understands and I hate it
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OKAY, enough pain, back to plot
It's an AoE spell :')
"Wabbit season." "I don't think you pronounced that correctly." 💙💙💙
The woman isn't wrong, Cas is very pretty
"I'll interrogate the cat"
Heyyyy, it's Don E from iZombie! Except with hair!
Cas had almost cracked the cat! I do believe he can talk to cats honestly
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Yeah, I can't watch that scene without thinking of the blooper where he's just lying on the ground it's too funny
Damn, that's a lot of cake splatter
Good job Cas!
"Guy eats his Wheaties" :')
The 'BANG' gun :')
"And you idiot bring a gun to a gag fight" this shooooow
Oh no, Cas hearing Sam's speech about how running away will destroy everything 😭
Damn, dude's seriously powerful
Cas being allowed to ride shotgun!
Oh god, more Naomi
Cas staying there to watch over him because he doesn't know what to do..
Wait what? Amelia's husband wasn't dead? But he got out of her bed when he went to Dean in 8x01, right?
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syruppawnao · 4 years
Anniversaire Simeon 1-1 à 1-9
Demande d’anniversaire de Simeon
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Luke – MC, j'ai besoin de te demander quelque chose ! Tu sais que l’anniversaire de Simeon approche à grands pas, non ? Il, euh… m'aide toujours, alors j'aimerais lui organiser une fête… pour lui dire merci. Est-ce que tu souhaites en faire partie ? MC - Je serais ravi d’aider ! / Est-ce une fête surprise ? Luke - Merci ! Je sais que nous pouvons réussir ensemble ! Cela doit rester entre nous, d'accord- Aah! Asmo – MC ! Pour dîner ce soir… Oh, bonjour Luke. Luke - Les démons ne frappent jamais ?! J’ai presque fait une crise cardiaque ... Asmo – Tu tombe à pic. Joins-toi à nous pour le dîner ! Luke - Hein ? Asmo - Tada ! Le fabuleux menu de ce soir se compose de concombre de mer d'ombre géant dans un ragoût de lait ! Mammon - Mec, ça a l'air génial ! Luke - La-La-La chose bouge toujours ! Asmo - Mange de tout ton cœur ♥ Luke - Ugh… Mammon – Tu fais quoi ici tfaçon, Luke ? Asmo - À ce sujet, vous ne le croirez jamais ! Luke et MC avaient une réunion secrète derrière notre dos ! Mammon – Quoi ? T’es un ange. Qu'est-ce que tu complotes ? Luke - Je ne suis pas comme vous les démons ! Je suis juste en train de préparer un anniversaire surp-… Oups. Lucifer - Ah, oui. L’anniversaire de Simeon approche. Luke -… !
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Lucifer -… je vois. Tu souhaites donc remercier Simeon pour sa gentillesse ? Luke - Oui, mais ne lui parle pas de ça ! Simeon – Ne lui parle pas de quoi ? Luke - DAAAH ! Simeon ? Simeon - Bonjour, Luke. Satan m'a dit que tu étais ici, alors je suis venu te chercher. Ta réunion secrète avec MC, est-elle terminée ? Luke - Comment est ce que tu peux être au courant ? Simeon - Hehe. Je peux généralement deviner ce que tu penses, Luke. MC - Qu'allons-nous faire, Luke ? / Il n'y a pas eu de réunion secrète. Luke - Merci, MC. Mais ça va. Je vais lui dire. Ton anniversaire approche, non, Simeon ? Je parlais à MC d'organiser une fête pour toi. Je voulais que ce soit une surprise, mais… Simeon - Vraiment… ? C’est tellement attentionné de ta part, Luke. Merci. Satan - Puisque tu a perdu l’élément de surprise, pourquoi ne fait tu pas un anniversaire de demande à la place ? Luke - Qu'est-ce qu'un anniversaire de demande ? Satan - C’est assez simple. Simeon fait des demandes… et nous les remplissons le jour de la fête. Belphie - Gotcha. Cela me semble bien. Lucifer - Simeon, tu as aussi fait beaucoup pour mes frères. Ce serait une excellente occasion pour nous de démontrer notre gratitude. Simeon - Demandes… ? Je ne sais pas quoi dire. Luke - Je… je sais déjà ce que tu veux ! Tu n’as pas à me le dire ! Je vais te concocter quelque chose de très spécial, prépare toi bien !
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Simeon -… Alors, c’est ce qui s’est passé. Tout le monde est si attentionné que je commence à me réjouir de mon anniversaire. Barb – Un anniversaire de demande, dis tu ? Quelle magnifique idée. Diavolo – Tu va, bien sûr, nous faire des demandes aussi, je présume ? Simeon - Pardon ? Barb - Nous souhaitons également célébrer avec toi. Nous sommes camarades de classe, n'est-ce pas ? Simeon – Vous aussi les amis… Merci. Je vous en suis reconnaissant. MC - Quelle est ta demande pour Diavolo ? / Quelle est ta demande pour Barbatos ? Simeon - A propos de ça… J'ai une idée, mais je te le ferai savoir un peu plus tard. Diavolo - Très bien. Je serai patient. As-tu déjà fait des demandes aux autres ? Simeon - Pas encore. Je devrais probablement me dépêcher, mais rien ne me vient à l'esprit. Diavolo - Il n'y a pas de précipitation. Prends le temps de réfléchir à ce que tu veux vraiment. Barb - L'important n'est pas la demande elle-même, mais de savoir si elle te fait sourire. Simeon - Hmmm… Vous avez raison. Mais que demander ? Héhé, j'ai tellement d'options.
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Simeon - Je dois dire que le thé et le gâteau de Barbatos ne déçoivent jamais. Cependant, je suis surpris que lui et Diavolo aient accepté de participer à la fête. MC – Tu peux leur demander n'importe quoi. / La fête devrait être animée avec eux en plus. Simeon - Oui. C'est un honneur. Et tout cela grâce à Luke… Oh, tu veux bien regarder ça. Un nouveau magasin de variétés a ouvert ici. Il y a une paire d'animaux en peluche dans la fenêtre. Leurs pulls à carreaux assortis sont adorables, non ? C’est ça. MC, de ta part, je voudrais quelque chose qui forme une paire. MC - Une paire ? / C'est parfait ! Simeon - N’est-ce pas ? En prime, Ça me dira comment tu aimerais passer du temps avec moi. Je peux difficilement attendre. MC - C’est beaucoup de pression. / Je ferai de mon mieux ! Simeon - Hehe. C'est bon. Tu peux y aller doucement… Hmm ? Qui vient par ici ? Belphie - Oh ? MC. Simeon aussi. Beel - Est-ce que vous êtes sortis quelque part ? Simeon - Nous avons été invités au château du seigneur démon pour prendre le thé. Je suppose que vous êtes sur le chemin du retour du RAD ?
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Belphie - Ouais. J'attendais la fin du cours supplémentaire de botanique du Devildom de Beel. Il a fini par finir assez tard. Simeon - Botanique du Devildom… Je pense que j’ai décidé ce que j’aimerais de vous deux. Belphie - Oh, pour la fête, hm ? Quoi ? Simeon - Connaissez-vous les fruits du crimson dogwood ? Beel - Je n'en ai jamais entendu parler. Belphie - Moi non plus. Simeon - C’est un fruit rouge avec des bosses noires qui brillent comme l’obsidienne. La rumeur veut qu'il pousse dans la forêt du sud. C’est soi-disant l’un des fruits les plus délicieux du Devildom, alors j’ai toujours voulu en essayer un. Je voudrais que vous en preniez pour le dessert à la fête. Beel - Allons-y, Belphie. Belphie - Hein ? Beel - Si c'est aussi bon, alors nous devons le trouver tout de suite. Belphie - H-Hey, attends ! Beeeeeeeeel! Simeon - Beelzebub est partie en portant Belphegor… Est-ce que ça ira ? MC - Ça arrive tout le temps. / Je suis un peu inquiet. Simeon – Vraiment ? Bon, je considère ma demande pour eux comme complète. Au fait, es-tu disposé à t’arrêter au Purgatory Hall ? J'ai une faveur à demander.
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terrorhqs · 4 years
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                                            THE WOLFHOUND.
— AGE: 38.
— GENDER: cis male, he/his.
— ROLE: military, bounty hunter..
— FACE: none, original art.
Blood is thicker than water but coin thicker than blood. You’ve seen the very same shade on the scabbed knees of bairns as that on the grinning teeth and fingernails of Europe’s basest; winking on ghetto cobblestones the same way it did anointing blades wielded in the Queen’s name. It’s the stench that gives them away - and you’ve always had a good nose. When you became too big for the chimneys and the tenters, you took to earning your keep as a hired scourge. Debtors burrowed into the East End like worms into woodwork, but you knew that cesspool stench too well for it to mask them. The dues of the destitute were your only leverage until you downed a sheep and found a wolf in its skin - for which you were bestowed a steelier and sharper foundation to stake into those more deserving, for bounty you’d much more deserve. You expanded your hunting ground from London across Europe, and your prey from worms to wolves. You’d never known silver before you’d licked that platter clean, but forbidden fruit surely smacked the same. Had the same bitter aftertaste preceded exile from Eden? Did justice come from the intention or the enactment? Certainty, then- The remedial sweet to the sour. Wolf after proven wolf shackled and caged. At the back of the throat, still it persists. So still you’ll persist. Bloodless or bloodied, coin still tastes the same.
✹ THE PROGENITOR — You never took too kindly to the leash, but their hold of you was so extensive and winding you oft-forgot it was there. It was lengthy, not boundless as you once thought - the sort that pulled taut around stakes you’d been heedless to their planting until they were realised as foundations for a web. It was folly of youth for you to come gallivanting for their first paycheck, but you can hardly plead such excuses now. All these years later, you know to step carefully. You forget whether they still have that phantom cord in hand - but you brace for its pull all the same.
✹ THE SERAPH — It was neither a miracle of God nor oversight of the Devil that saw you back to life - although the haze of red on white always did make you wonder. No empyrean chorus or wails of the damned, but a tone so soft, so distinct, so close - but impossibly distant all the same. Incising through the shrill echo in your skull that deafened all else, blotting a storm into a sonorous fog. You followed it once into waking and it stuck as a half-remembered dream; a resonant echo in essence, with no worldly detail. Either it followed you back to the land of the living or it’s you tailing it to a boreal purgatory. If you are the supposed dead, why is it you who feels haunted? 
✹ THE CHAPLAIN — One who found their calling in redemption of sin and one in seeing to the condemnation of them. You imagined they’d take to you as affably as any dog - and with their restive air, you assume the ice you’re on is thinner than any for miles. That mellow benignity is all you’ve seen but you doubt it’s God that makes up the rest; there’s been something unplaceable stuck in your nose since setting sail and it’s nothing like frankincense. There’s no divinity to this magnetism, but there’s a science - and as with like poles you’ve made a stalemate of this head-on evasion. With science, there’s explanation. This ice you’re on could just as surely accommodate a meeting in the middle as a damning plunge along the way. You suppose there’s one way to find out.
                                                   This skeleton is TAKEN by Silvali.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
Hello, I absolutely enjoy reading your stories! You are so talented and I hope you have a fantastic day/evening! For the Fanfic Ask Game: A [agents and asphodel], C [criminal minds], and M.
oh, my god, this is so sweet!! 🥺 thank you so much, friend. so glad to know that they bring you joy! <3 you’re so kind. smiling so big!!
going to add a cut because my answer so, so long. i’m so sorry. i geeked out. eep, i’ve wanted to rave about this one for so long but haven’t because i wanted to spare y’all, lol. 
(edited: fuck it. i took out the cut. i want all of y’all to read this. i’m so proud of this, and you might not care, but i just... ahhhhhh! it’s my crowning achievement. agents and asphodel was one of the hardest things i’ve ever done and the fact that people read it and liked it - i’ll ALWAYS talk about it.) 
a: how did you come up with the title agents and asphodel (SPOILERS for the story)?
well, first of all, i love flower imagery. like, no joke. i don’t know if i’ve talked about this on here, but some of the things that give me the most motivation/inspiration for my work is the idea of flowers and what they mean and how i can incorporate that into a story. the meanings of flowers and what each individual type of rose or color of chrysanthemum means is just so incredible to me, and that people used to know this and use it to give backhanded compliments or confess their undying love? incredible. 
asphodel is a type of flower - seen here - that when presented to someone in a floral arrangement, means “regrets follow you to the grave.” it is also, in greek mythology, the flowers that grow in the Elysian fields in Hades, also called the Fields of Asphodel - it is where shades who were neither good nor bad lingered in death, when they couldn’t go to eternal glorious afterlife or condemned to eternal punishment - a purgatory. when i wrote agents of asphodel, i considered this flower, because the reader in that story is almost in a purgatory - she has not left behind her old life completely nor completely entered her new one. she has a lot of regrets in that story, so much that she changes her name to escape the life she lived, and almost carries that to the grave. but also, what she doesn’t want to do is continue regretting, which is why she almost admits her love to aaron about midway through after devin almost kills her. and why, ultimately, she doesn’t regret her choices or her decision to go with devin to protect her family. she will NOT let that regret follow her toe the grave. 
can you tell i’ve been sitting on this for so long? i’m so glad you asked, it’s one of the parts i’m proudest of! also, in the story, if you read the last chapter when she’s before the hearing, she sees little white flowers in a vase that she counts the petals on - when i wrote that i had asphodel in mind! 
so, yes. tl;dr - agents and asphodel is a reference to the floral meaning of asphodel and how regrets can follow you to the grave, and how the reader ultimately overcomes any regrets and end up all the happier for it. 
c: which member of the BAU do you identify with the most? 
identify with... hmmm... 
this one is hard, mainly because i see all of them as so different from me. but if i had to pick someone, honestly it would be garcia. a lot of my outlook on life goes toward my desire to help people, and penelope so sincerely sees the good in people, and that’s what i try to do. i see her as me, someone whose abilities sometimes fade into the background but who is honestly vital and sometimes doesn’t see it. i don’t usually see myself as powerful or as fierce as other people, but penelope helps me recognize that my abilities, no matter where they are or placed, are there to help others. i hope that makes sense. 
i also love blake, mainly because i love her cool demeanor and analytical mind and i love linguistics and accents and that kind of thing, but that’s more superficial. 
m: i answered m here! thank you so much for asking! i hope the rest of your day/evening/week is so swell!
but, just as a peek, to go along with flower imagery, i have a story called lawyers and lavender, and i’ll give you a guess as to what that premise in my head is about (and who). 
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