#purchasing bathroom heaters
kkongdakz · 11 months
“ ONE BED. ” ft. park gunwook
gunwook x gn!reader, genre : enemies to potential something, neutral but kind of fluff, warning : use of the word die once, wc : 1k>
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« this can't happen. » you say defeatistly, letting your bag fall to the floor and staring at the room's only double bed. why the bus driver had to decide to stop for the night, letting you run around in the downpour turning into a flood to this shabby little hotel. only to discover that the hotel has fewer rooms available than expected, and on top of that, you end up sharing a room with the one person you can't stand.
and obviously, this room has only one bed.
not wanting to deal with your bad temper, your teachers quickly slipped away to their respective rooms, locking their doors, leaving you soaked to the bone, staring at the bed in front of you.
« there is no way i'm getting in a bed with you. » you declared, pointing a finger at the mattress, your gaze pivoting towards gunwook, who rolled his eyes and sighed. the boy didn't care about your reaction, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder as he walked around you, infiltrating the bathroom, « you're welcome to the floor. »
with a fake, provocative smile, he finally slammed the door of bathroom, locking it, only for you to hear the shower running a few minutes later. a long sigh left your lips as you decided to leave the room to find something to munch on until you can warm up with a nice hot shower. wandering around the motel, you finally came across a vending machine, taking the time to observe what it was offering. after a few moments of reflection, you simply took a packet of bear jellies and a can of coke, before dragging your feet back to your hotel room.
opening the door, you came face to face with gunwook, who had just come out of the shower room. as he wiped his hair with his towel, you placed your purchases on the bedside table before grabbing your bag to take his place. there's no feeling more satisfying than throwing off your wet clothes for a hot shower — which you did without further ado.
after long minutes of enjoying the warmth, you put on your pyjamas and made your way to the main bedroom. unsurprisingly, gunwook was on the bed, scrolling through his phone, completely ignoring you. you didn't wait long before sitting down at the end of the bed, looking around you — there was really nothing to do. on top of that, it probably didn't have a heater because of the way the hairs on your arms stood up from the cold. « woah, it's really cold. » you whispered, pulling your legs up to your chest.
until something hits you square in the back.
ready to turn around and howl at him like a ferocious beast, your fingers came into contact with the object he had thrown at you : a sweatshirt. probably his sweatshirt. frowning, gunwook gestured to you to put it on silently, just then returning to his own business on his phone. without bothering to thank him verbally, you slipped it on without further ado, enjoying the softness and warmth of the fabric against your skin.
not mentioning the fact that his scent on it appealed to your nostrils.
swivel for crawling on the mattress to get under the blanket, your gaze landed on him, attracting his attention. lying down as far away from him as possible, you put on a falsely threatening face before speaking : « touch me and die. »
a scoff leave his lips, probably due to the nerve you showed, when he had just sacrificed the warmth of his sweatshirt for you. paying no further attention to him, you turned your back on him and closed your eyes, praying that sleep would come to you as soon as possible.
which obviously didn't happen.
a long sigh left your lips as you didn't dare turn over in bed, pulling as hard as you could on the blanket to cover your frozen body. which drew yet another long annoyed sigh from the boy next to you. moving slightly to stare at the dark ceiling, you nibbled your lower lip as you pondered. should you talk? perhaps the best idea for you both is to have as few altercations as possible, but it was going to be a long night if you kept getting cold like that.
so you decided to talk, « you're not sleeping? » you asked, trying not to turn your gaze to gunwook, but simply glancing out of the corner of your eye, « nope. »
his voice seemed to fade into a sigh, though his answer was short. « why? » you continued, wrapping your body a little more tightly in the warmth of the blanket. « don't want you to stab me the second i close my eyes. » he declared in an amused tone, which gave way to a small smile at the corner of your lips, as you rolled your eyes. so you decided to look in his direction, just for a few seconds, without thinking that your pupils would be planted in his.
« i won't. » you finally whispered, trying to ignore the cute smile that had just appeared on his lips when you said those words. the moonlight passing through the thin curtains of the motel room illuminated his face, which you noticed had just softened.
suddenly, gunwook's hand came out of the blanket and slipped around your waist, drawing your body closer to his. you looked at him incredulously, unsure of how to react — but the warmth of his hand against your back made you want to snuggle up to him. « you're cold right? » he said in a whisper, pulling you completely against him, and in an instant your body felt warm again. nodding slightly and muttering an inaudible reply, you pulled yourself up against him, keeping your arms against your chest. finding a comfortable position, you ignored the acceleration of your heartbeat as you closed your eyes, praying that the sandman would pass quickly to put you to sleep.
« this never happened? » you say softly, camouflaging yourself a little more against him, seeking the slightest ounce of warmth from his body. « deal. » he replied, tightening his arms around you, placing his cheek against the top of your head while closing his eyes, ready to fall from exhaustion.
maybe in the end, this night wasn't going to be the worst of all.
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stealanity · 11 months
“ ONE BED. ” ft. eric sohn
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genre & warnings : cliché one bed trope, classmate ! au, kind of enemies to temporary heating, fluff, one die joke
word count : 1k>
author's note : THIS ISN'T STEALING. i already posted this writing on my zb1 blog, but decided to write it for eric as well. hope you'll enjoy my new work !
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« this can't happen. » you say defeatistly, letting your bag fall to the floor and staring at the room's only double bed. why the bus driver had to decide to stop for the night, letting you run around in the downpour turning into a flood to this shabby little hotel. only to discover that the hotel has fewer rooms available than expected, and on top of that, you end up sharing a room with the one person you can't stand.
and obviously, this room has only one bed.
not wanting to deal with your bad temper, your teachers quickly slipped away to their respective rooms, locking their doors, leaving you soaked to the bone, staring at the bed in front of you.
« there is no way i'm getting in a bed with you. » you declared, pointing a finger at the mattress, your gaze pivoting towards the one and only eric sohn, who rolled his eyes and sighed. the boy didn't care about your reaction, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder as he walked around you, infiltrating the bathroom, « you're welcome to the floor. »
with a fake, provocative smile, he finally slammed the door of bathroom, locking it, only for you to hear the shower running a few minutes later. a long sigh left your lips as you decided to leave the room to find something to munch on until you can warm up with a nice hot shower. wandering around the motel, you finally came across a vending machine, taking the time to observe what it was offering. after a few moments of reflection, you simply took a packet of bear jellies and a can of coke, before dragging your feet back to your hotel room.
opening the door, you came face to face with eric, who had just come out of the shower room. as he wiped his hair with his towel, you placed your purchases on the bedside table before grabbing your bag to take his place. there's no feeling more satisfying than throwing off your wet clothes for a hot shower — which you did without further ado.
after long minutes of enjoying the warmth, you put on your pyjamas and made your way to the main bedroom. unsurprisingly, eric was on the bed, scrolling through his phone, completely ignoring you. you didn't wait long before sitting down at the end of the bed, looking around you — there was really nothing to do. on top of that, it probably didn't have a heater because of the way the hairs on your arms stood up from the cold. « woah, it's really cold. » you whispered, pulling your legs up to your chest.
until something hits you square in the back.
ready to turn around and howl at him like a ferocious beast, your fingers came into contact with the object he had thrown at you : a sweatshirt. probably his sweatshirt. surely his sweatshirt. frowning, eric gestured to you to put it on silently, just then returning to his own business on his phone. without bothering to thank him verbally, you slipped it on without further ado, enjoying the softness and warmth of the fabric against your skin.
not mentioning the fact that his scent on it appealed to your nostrils.
swivel for crawling on the mattress to get under the blanket, your gaze landed on him, attracting his attention. lying down as far away from him as possible, you put on a falsely threatening face before speaking : « touch me and die. »
a scoff leave his lips, probably due to the nerve you showed, when he had just sacrificed the warmth of his sweatshirt for you. paying no further attention to him, you turned your back on him and closed your eyes, praying that sleep would come to you as soon as possible.
which obviously didn't happen.
a long sigh left your lips as you didn't dare turn over in bed, pulling as hard as you could on the blanket to cover your frozen body. which drew yet another long annoyed sigh from the boy next to you. moving slightly to stare at the dark ceiling, you nibbled your lower lip as you pondered. should you talk? perhaps the best idea for you both is to have as few altercations as possible, but it was going to be a long night if you kept getting cold like that.
so you decided to talk, « you're not sleeping? » you asked, trying not to turn your gaze to eric, but simply glancing out of the corner of your eye, « nope. »
his voice seemed to fade into a sigh, though his answer was short. « why? » you continued, wrapping your body a little more tightly in the warmth of the blanket. « don't want you to stab me the second i close my eyes. » he declared in an amused tone, which gave way to a small smile at the corner of your lips, as you rolled your eyes. so you decided to look in his direction, just for a few seconds, without thinking that your pupils would be planted in his.
« i won't. » you finally whispered, trying to ignore the cute smile that had just appeared on his lips when you said those words. the moonlight passing through the thin curtains of the motel room illuminated his face, which you noticed had just softened.
suddenly, eric's hand came out of the blanket and slipped around your waist, drawing your body closer to his. you looked at him incredulously, unsure of how to react — but the warmth of his hand against your back made you want to snuggle up to him. « you're cold right? » he said in a whisper, pulling you completely against him, and in an instant your body felt warm again. nodding slightly and muttering an inaudible reply, you pulled yourself up against him, keeping your arms against your chest. finding a comfortable position, you ignored the acceleration of your heartbeat as you closed your eyes, praying that the sandman would pass quickly to put you to sleep.
« this never happened? » you say softly, camouflaging yourself a little more against him, seeking the slightest ounce of warmth from his body. « deal. » he replied, tightening his arms around you, placing his cheek against the top of your head while closing his eyes, ready to fall from exhaustion.
maybe in the end, this night wasn't going to be the worst of all.
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taglist ( fill out this form if you want to be added ! ) : @invuwrld @kimsohn @kyusqult
networks : @deoboyznet @kflixnet @bluesia
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fanficimagery · 1 year
La Reina del Inframundo
When your neighbor goes missing, you call upon your seven deadly sins to help get him back.
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Words: 8.6K Author's Note: SURPRISE! Finally have something to post, so here it is a day earlier than normal. This imagine is probably ridiculous, but you know what? Blame the Kingdom of the Wicked series. I wanted my own seven deadly sins lol even if they don't make much of an appearance in here. Sons of Anarchy AU. Title translation: The Queen of the Underworld.
When you were little, you were probably the most spoiled girl you'd ever known. Anything you needed or wanted was yours and you ended up quite ignorant of everything going on around you. You didn't know anything about the family business, only that your daddy was an important man and you had numerous uncles who looked after you. And then you became a teenager, and you understood that not only was your daddy important but he was also dangerous too. Your parents did everything to shield you from the life, but when you and your mother were kidnapped and she was killed, you wanted to know the ins and outs of everything.
Your uncles, only a couple by blood, made sure you knew how to take care of yourself. You learned to fight and how to handle weapons, and learned about other families that were nearly as important as yours. You learned who your allies were and who your enemies were, and far sooner than you had anticipated, you were upgraded from Princess to Queen.
Losing your father made you bitter and you held no remorse for sending your men after those who had a hand in his death. It was your turn to lead the family business as your father's only child, and your father's brothers happily let everyone think they were in charge while you watched everyone and everything from the shadows.
Everyone learned to fear your family name since you were quite bloodthirsty, but as the years slowly passed you learned to take it down a notch. Eventually, you grew tired of having no privacy and decided to move out on your own since no one outside of the men you grew up with knew you were the head of the family business.
You chose Charming since it was quite the picturesque little town, but those who served under you didn't like you being so far away. So, to keep them from dropping by or watching you from afar, you anonymously purchased a large plot of land and let them build another compound and warehouse nearby.
The construction of the compound and warehouse gave you more than enough time to find a suitable house for yourself, and have it remodeled and furnished before you moved in. There was lots of talk around Charming about who was disrupting their usual routine, but no one ever found out anything of importance.
When you finally move into your house, it takes some getting used to. There's no noise, and no men lurking around corners or men coming up to you every half hour to see if you need anything. It feels good to make your own food and have a peaceful meal, and to just laze around to watch some television, but you're still the woman behind the curtain, taking phone calls and attending meetings and making sure everything is on the up and up.
You've been in your new house for a couple of weeks now and there's not been a single problem. At least not until you're in the middle of your shower and your scalding hot water turns unbearably cold. With a shout, you hop on out to try and catch your breath. You give it a few seconds before testing the water with your hand and quickly yank back when it's still cold.
You test the hot water in the bathroom sink, but that too is cold. Pulling on a robe, you head to your kitchen and test the hot water there. Cold. All cold.
With a sigh, you head towards the laundry room where the water heater resides. There's a little blinking light at the bottom that should signify the water heater is working properly, but unfortunately it isn't blinking.
"Son of a-"
You've learned a lot of things, but lighting the pilot light was not one of them. So uncaring for the fact that you're merely in a robe with shampoo still in your hair, you slip your feet into a pair of house slippers and head outside. You look around your neighbors' driveways and find a motorcycle parked at the house next to yours.
Scurrying next door, you knock on the front door. It doesn't take long at all for the door to be opened and you give yourself a moment to take in the tall specimen standing in front of you. Wet hair hangs down past the man's shoulders, water droplets clinging to a full beard, and a towel is wrapped tightly around his waist. Water droplets glisten down a tattooed torso and you have to quickly shake your head clear when you realize you're ogling. "Uh, sorry." You glance up to meet his amused gaze. "I, uh, I live next door. I really hope it's not a bad time, besides the obvious nakedness going on, but I could really use your help if you're not in a time crunch."
He arches an eyebrow at you. "What seems to be the problem?"
"I was in the middle of my own shower when my water heater went out. I checked it and there are no leaks which leads me to believe the pilot light went out. I have no clue how to light it and I'm hoping you do."
"Sure. Let me just…" He trails off as he glances down his body. "Let me get dressed and I'll help you out."
You sag in relief. "Thank you so much."
"You can use my kitchen sink if you wanna rinse your hair. You know, just in case the problem is something else."
"Oh. Yeah, thanks. I would rather rinse with hot water than cold."
The man opens his door further and you step in. "I'm Opie."
"YN. Nice to finally meet one of my neighbors."
He chuckles. "Yeah? Everyone 'round here steers clear."
"Motorcycle that off putting?"
"That and the MC." Walking into the kitchen, he points to a kutte hanging off the back of a chair. Sons of Anarchy. And huh. You've heard of them- heard all about the power struggle within the club, but they stayed off your radar and you theirs.
"What a bunch of pussies," you mumble. But Opie still hears you and he grins some more.
"Sink is clean. There's even a hose you can use. I'll be right back."
"Mhm. Thanks again."
Opie turns to walk away, and you tilt your head to admire his back muscles and tattoos. You bite your bottom lip at what you see, but quickly turn to the kitchen sink less you're busted ogling him again.
Turning on the sink's hot water, you grab the little hose and test it out. When the water is hot, you bend over the sink and flip your hair into it.
It takes you longer than anticipated to rinse out the shampoo in your hair and when you do, you're quick to turn off the water and then wring out as much water from your hair as you can. Letting your hair hang in front of your shoulder and over your chest so the front of the robe soaks up any other water, you find paper towels close by and take one to clean up the sides of the sink and counter where water splashed.
"All good to go?" You startle at the words and whirl around, finding Opie leaning against the doorway as he grins at you. His hair has been pulled back into a knot and a black shirt hugs his torso sinfully tight.
You gulp. "Y-Yeah."
"After you then."
You stumble and mutter a quick, shut up, when he laughs at you. He follows you all the way to your house, shutting the front door behind him and then stepping into your laundry room. "This is it. There's a light that's supposed to be blinking-"
"Yeah. I know. I actually have this same water heater."
"Oh, thank god."
Opie squats down and you watch him hold a knob down while clicking another button. It clicks about fifteen times before the light blinks, and you exhale in relief. "That should do it. If it goes out again on its own, just go ahead and come get me. It'll probably need to be cleaned and I can help with that also."
"Thank you! I really didn't want to have to call my uncles. They didn't want me living on my own and they would have teased me mercilessly if I had to call them so soon."
"I bet." Opie looks you up and down in your robe and your shift nervously. "Well, I'll go ahead and get out of your hair so you can finish your shower or whatever. If you ever need help, you know where to find me now. As long as my bike is out front, I'm home."
You smile as you walk him towards the door. "Thank you so much, Opie. I definitely owe you one."
You watch him until he's halfway between your houses and then shut the door before hurrying back to your bathroom.
And hallelujah! You have hot water once again.
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After your first meeting with Opie, you seem to see him all the time when you're out and about. You have a smile and wave for him every time you make eye contact, laughing when his club brothers eye you up and down or whistle appreciatively until Opie shoves them hard enough to shut them up.
The next time you have face to face time with him, however, is when you're on the side of the road trying to replace a flat tire.
"Come. On. You. Sonnuvabitch," you grunt as you try to twist the lug wrench to loosen a lug nut. You've managed to get one off, but the others are proving to be a bitch.
The sound of motorcycle engines approaching has you looking up and down the side of the stretch of road you're on, and you spot two individuals riding closer and closer. Only needing their muscle to loosen the lug nuts since you know how to do the rest, you stand up and wave them down. And when you see them slowing down, angling their bikes to you, you sigh in relief.
One of the men has a very familiar beard and you can't help but smile as they stop right behind your car. "Hey neighbor," you muse when they cut their engines.
Opie pulls off his riding glasses and helmet, settling everything on his handlebars. His friend does the same before they both stand, and Opie offers you a small smile. "What trouble are you in now?"
"I just need your muscles, I swear." You chuckle, nodding at his friend and his too charming grin he throws your way. "The last place I got my car a tune-up at, they tightened the lug nuts too tight. I just need someone to loosen them up really quick and then I can take care of the rest."
"No need to worry that pretty little head of yours, darlin'," Opie's friend says. "I'm sure my boy Ope can take care of it for you." He claps Opie on the shoulders, squeezing and nudging him forward.
Opie's eyes roll. "YN, this is Jax. Jax, this is my neighbor YN."
You and Jax exchange greetings as Opie gets to work on changing your tire for you.
"So, how's that water heater treating you?" Opie asks. "No more naked knocks on other people's doors?"
"Naked knocks?" Jax arches an eyebrow at you.
"First of all, shut up," you tell Jax. And then looking at Opie, you say, "It's working fine. Haven't had a problem since you helped me."
"Good. That's good."
"So where did you come from?" Jax asks.
"From Salinas."
"Yeah? Why Charming?"
You shrug. "When my mom passed, my dad and his brothers raised me. And then my dad passed, and my uncles took my wellbeing a little too seriously. I needed some space from them."
"Pretty sure they're expecting her to throw in the towel any moment now and go crawling back to them," Opie says.
"Exactly." You grin at the biker that's nearly finished with changing your tire for you. "They know I know how to take care of myself, but they're still hoping I fail and call them up. Can you imagine how put out they're going to be when they realize I have a perfectly friendly biker living next door who doesn't mind lending me a hand every once in a while?"
Opie laughs as he lowers your car from the small car jack. He then grabs up the flat tire and carries it to the trunk of your car while Jax grabs up the jack and the lug wrench. Once everything is put away, the men face you as Opie says, "You're all set. If you stop by Teller Automotive, we can get the tire fixed for you and put the spare back in the trunk."
You arch an eyebrow at him. "You work at an auto garage?"
"Try own it," Jax muses. "It's mine. The club runs it," he says while pointing to the President patch on his own kutte.
"Huh. Nice." Then glancing back at Opie, you say, "Well I guess I owe you. Again."
"I'm just racking up those favors, aren't I?"
"Yeah, yeah." You smile as you pull open the driver's side door. "Thank you. I'll, uh, I'll see you around."
The men make their way back to their bikes, but they wait until you drive off before taking their leave as well.
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As music blares throughout your room, you mouth along to the lyrics as you ready yourself for a party with the Sons of Anarchy. You had taken your tire to Teller Automotive when you found the time and Opie fixed it up for you like he said he would. Then after putting it back on your car, he made sure your spare was okay before putting it away back in the trunk. Jax tried to refuse payment by saying you get a freebie for being new to Charming, but you weren't having it and bullied the man in his office to take your money.
Needless to say, the Sons were impressed with how you didn't back down.
Jax then extended an invite to their party, and you agreed since you didn't have any plans. Opie tried to tell you that you didn't have to attend because their type of parties usually got out of hand, but you assured him you could handle your own with an all-knowing grin. Jax whooped and Opie looked a little apprehensive but still told you what time to be there.
So here you are, in a backless black bandana tank top and a pair of faded skinny jeans with rips along your thighs and knees. Your makeup has already been applied and your hair straightened, and you readily slip your feet into a pair of chunky heeled Doc Martens. And instead of taking a purse or wallet, you decide to slip your ID and Driver's License into the back of your phone case before slipping it into one pocket while shoving several twenties in the other.
Then after making sure everything is turned off, with the exception of two small lamps in the living room, you lock up your house and head out for the night.
The drive to Teller Automotive isn't that far and you get there fairly quickly. The entire lot is enclosed with a tall chain link fence that has some form of material draped on the inside so you can't see through, so you're not sure where to park, but one of the Sons who's speaking with a woman outside the fence spots you and tells you where to go. After following his directions, you park and get out of your car. Then pocketing your keys, you turn around and take in your surroundings.
There are barrels of fire scattered around the lot, as well as numerous picnic tables and a single boxing ring that has two men going toe to toe inside of it as many spectators cheer on the violence. The auto garage portion of the building is shut down, but the club portion has its bay doors rolled up. As you make your way towards it, you can see a bar and numerous tables scattered about the room. There are a couple of couches and even a pool table, and many scantily clad women working the room.
Chuckling, you enter the club with all the confidence in the world. Immediately you can feel the stares on you- both lecherous and envious- and you make your way towards the bar.
Sitting on the stool across from the bartender, you smile at him. "Can I have a beer? Whatever you have is fine." As the bartender grabs you a beer, you pull a twenty from your pocket and hand it over.
"It's only six bucks."
"Then I'll grab another two throughout the night. Don't worry about any change."
The bartender nods and puts the money away under the counter, and you turn around on your stool. Crossing one knee over the other, you lean back against the bar while taking your first sip of your drink.
"Hey. When'd you get in?" Jax takes the stool next to you and you grin at him.
"Just now. Was taking in the scene before I went looking for familiar faces."
"Ope would have greeted 'ya, but he's currently trying to fend off a couple of sweetbutts."
"Women who want to fuck a Son in hopes of him giving her his crow."
You frown. "How does one give someone a crow?"
Jax chuckles. "You know, it's kind of refreshing that you don't know anything about the MC life."
"Yeah, well…" You shrug, trailing off as you take another sip of your beer.
"It can be a good thing or a bad thing," he continues. "Good because we know you ain't looking at Ope just because of his kutte and bad because this life is tough. Especially for the women."
You flash him a grin. "Who said I was lookin' at Opie?"
"Please." Jax huffs. "I put on my best smile for you when he was changing your tire and you only had eyes for him."
"It's the height. And the muscle definition in his back." You sigh wistfully, sipping your beer. "God, his back."
Jax laughs as he grabs himself another beer and you gesture the bartender to give you another. "Well, Ope can use a saving grace whenever you're ready. Don't let anyone push you around."
"Trust me. I won't."
As Jax takes his leave, you meet every woman's glare that had been directed at you because he had chosen to spend a few minutes of his time on you. You give them the most deadpan stare ever until they look away and then smirk as you start in on your second beer. A couple men try their luck with you, but you're quick to reject them before they can get too comfortable. Your gaze occasionally falls back on Opie, and you make your move when you see him drain his beer and the so-called sweetbutts on either side of him lean further into his personal space.
Rolling your eyes, you grab a fresh beer from the bartender and start towards your neighbor. The gathered Sons seem to perk up, making the women on their laps pout, but you only have eyes for Opie.
Coming to a stop in front of him, you smirk as he looks up and the women vying for his attention glare at you. Holding out the new beer to him, you say, "Come on. Let's go get some fresh air."
His lips twitch as he accepts the beer and the woman on his left scoffs. "Excuse me!"
"You're excused."
Opie and his brothers all laugh and then the woman on his right gets bold. "Back off, bitch. Seniority rules here. If you're gonna be a regular, you start at the bottom of the totem pole. Now go clean the toilets or something."
Opie looks offended on your behalf, but you merely laugh as you step so you're directly standing in front of her. "Oh honey, I'm way too pretty to do the toilets. You, on the other hand…" She gasps and leans forward to stand, but you're quick to lift a foot and plant your boot in the middle of her chest. Her eyes widen as you shove her back into her seat and you lean forward as much as you can with your foot pressing against her. "Trust me, you don't wanna go down this road. You think I'm easy prey because this is my first time here but let me assure you that they will not find your body if you decide to piss me off."
"And that's our cue to go." Opie is quick to stand, gently grabbing you by the wrist to tug you away. His brothers all whoop and laugh as the one woman tries to console her friend who had balked at your words. You follow after him as he leads you outside, walking up to a picnic table that he ends up stepping up onto the bench to sit atop the table. You do the same and as you settle side by side, he asks, "So we wouldn't find her body, huh?"
You snort, covering your mouth where beer had dribbled out since he asked the question when you were mid-sip. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises."
"I'll say." Opie takes a pull from his own beer bottle. "So how are you liking the party?"
You shrug. "It's decent." Then you point towards the boxing ring with the neck of your bottle. "You ever get in there?"
"If I ever have any aggression to work out, yeah."
"Most people fuck their aggression out; you fight it out." This time it's Opie's turn to snort his beer and you smirk. "So how are you liking tonight's party? Are the women always so…"
"I was gonna say bold."
Opie shakes his head as he chuckles. "Yeah. It's their life's mission to either get knocked up by someone in a kutte or get a crow or a ring."
"That's the second time I heard something about a crow. What is that?" You ask.
Opie looks at you, seeing that you're honestly curious. "In our MC, a crow is a big deal. Bigger than a ring."
"No shit?"
"It's basically the men branding their women as their property."
"Wow," you drawl, completely unimpressed. "The women around here really need to rethink their priorities."
Opie chuckles some more. "So, you're saying you wouldn't get a tattoo for your man?"
"I mean…" You trail off, shrugging. "It all depends on the situation."
"Take me and you for example," you say and roll your eyes when Opie smirks. "If we started hooking up and a month or two from now you asked me to get a tattoo personalized for you, I'd say you were out of your damn mind. I'd have to be with someone for years before getting a tattoo dedicated to my partner."
"That's fair." He takes a moment to watch you, watching you take in your surroundings and be at ease in this new environment. "So how was your day?"
"So-so," you say, watching the men duke it out in the ring. "It was a bit of a bore if I'm being honest."
"No work?"
"I work from home." You turn to face him, grinning softly. "I, uh, I have a family-owned private security schtick going on. My uncles work from the office, but I take calls and answer emails at home."
"Does working from home turn a decent profit?"
"I'm living pretty comfortably, so I'd say it does."
Opie doesn't question your answer and then turns back to the fight himself.
For the rest of the night, the two of you keep one another company outside by the fire. You switch to water so you're able to drive home and you learn a little bit more about how the MC handles themselves and the people milling about their territory.
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Over the next couple of weeks, you find Opie hanging out at your place more and more. After the faucet at your kitchen sink had deteriorated and leaked beneath the cabinets, Opie installed the new one for you after you bought everything you needed. You repaid him with dinner and a beer, and he just kept showing up after that. Sometimes with Jax or Juice or even Happy who reminded you of some of your uncles.
You've gotten to know each other really well that you have a date-slash-not date planned with him, so you're a little surprised when he doesn't show.
Or answer your call.
Or your text.
You keep listening for a motorcycle, but two days go by and nothing.
On the third day there's a pounding on your front door that immediately has you agitated. You march over to it, yank it open to give whoever it is a piece of your mind, only to gape as Jax marches in.
"Have you heard from Ope?"
"Well hello to you too," you deadpan as you swing the door shut. Sighing, you follow him to the living room where he's pacing.
"I'm being serious here, YN. Have you heard from Ope?"
His worry and tone give you pause, and then immediately sets you on edge. "No. We had plans two days ago, but he never showed up." You frown when you realize how exhausted Jax seems. "What's going on?"
Jax sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "Nothing. Don't-"
"Don't tell me not to worry about it," you say. You step in front of him, arms crossed. "I was ready to bitch out Opie the next time I saw him, but then you marched in here all worried and now I'm worried. If he left town on his own, then fine. But if he was taken because of the club-"
"What the hell would you know about club life?" He scoffs.
"Don't get pissy with me, presidente." You snap back at him. "You'd be surprised at what I know."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes." You lightly glare at him, but then the glare softens as you smirk at him. "Weren't you a little bit skeptical at how easily I made myself comfortable at your parties? How I didn't cower to your women or how I stood up to the men who tried their luck?"
Jax tenses. "Who are you?"
"A friend, I hope." Jax frowns and you sigh. "Look. I didn't come to Charming looking for trouble. I didn't plan on Opie being my neighbor or getting to know you guys. In fact, I just wanted to fly under the radar, but you guys… you guys threw a wrench into everything."
"Who do you work for?"
You scoff. "I don't work for anyone."
"What the hell is going on here, YN?" Jax wonders, getting annoyed. "I'm confused as shit right now and my brother is missing and-"
"Hey." You step right into his space, reaching up to lightly pat the side of his face as you stare up at him. "I can help you look for him, but you're gonna need to trust me. I know this is MC business, but if you want Opie found then you're gonna have to spill."
"This isn't going to bite me on the ass?"
"Nope. In fact, I'm pretty sure you'll benefit from it. Now what do you say?" You hold a hand out to him. "If you say you trust me, you have to tell me exactly what's going on. The nitty gritty details won't ever be repeated from my lips."
Jax takes a moment to think about it before throwing caution to the wind and grasping your hand. "Fine. We have a deal."
"Good." Pulling out your phone with your other hand, you press on the name that's saved in your first favorite slot. It rings twice before the call is answered. "Gather my favorite sins and send them to my house. Discreetly. Someone important to me was taken and I am not happy."
You disconnect the call and Jax just stares at you. "Your favorite sins? What the fuck was that about?"
But you merely smile at him. "Congratulations, Mr. Teller. Sons of Anarchy are now under my protection so long as you don't do stupid shit."
"Your protection?"
"You'll see. Now talk. I need to figure out an abbreviated version to tell my sins when they get here."
Jax arches an eyebrow. "Your sins?"
"Yes. Now speak."
Jax huffs but takes a seat on the edge of your couch, spilling everything. You're familiar with turf wars and kidnappings and torture, and the more Jax speaks the more unsettled you are for Opie. The issue, however, is an old grievance another MC has with the Sons. They'd been spotted around town for the past week, keeping the Sons on their toes and making the Sons chase them out of town. But the Sons were split in all sorts of directions and Opie never came back.
Jax is in the middle of telling you possible locations of where Opie might be when the back door to your house opens. He pauses and immediately reaches for his gun, but you put a hand on his wrist and put a finger to your mouth to tell him to be quiet. "Let me do the talking. It'll be fine."
Jax hesitantly relaxes, but then he tenses right back up when man after man files into your living room. Each one is wearing dark jeans and a dark jacket with its hood pulled up, but when the hoods fall, he's treated to every man's face tattooed to look skeletal. "What the…"
Each man takes a stand around the room, only having eyes for you as they completely ignore Jax. "Listen up. Opie Winston is the man that was taken." You pull out your phone, pulling up a picture you snapped of him before holding your phone up- screen out- so your men can see. "He's my neighbor and has been nothing but kind to me. I've grown very fond of him."
One of your men (Pride) quietly huffs but you still hear him as he mutters, "Seems like our queen has found herself a king."
"¡Cállate!" You snap at him. "His club president has kindly offered up who took him and possible locations of where they might be keeping him, but they can't get close. I need you to find Opie and bring him back safely. Anyone involved in his kidnapping is to be brought in as well. I want them to see what happens when you take something or someone I deem important from me." After telling them what they need to know, your men all nod and you smirk before letting them go. "Now that you're caught up, you're dismissed. Happy hunting."
The men take their leave from the same door they walked in through and then you turn to Jax who has an eyebrow arched at you in amusement. "Queen, huh? And let me guess, those were the seven deadly sins?"
"Yes. Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth are my best crew. Now call off your boys and have them go back to the club. The last thing we need is them shooting at my sins."
"Fuck. You're right." Jax pulls out his own phone to call his boys off. You watch him as he sends out the text and then he stands as if ready to leave.
"Sorry if I overstepped by calling dibs on the men who took Opie."
"Don't be." He smirks at you now. "I'm kind of curious to see what you're capable of. And I totally called it. You have the hots for Opie. Happy's gonna be so disappointed."
You roll your eyes a little and you hand Jax your phone. "Put your number in. I'll call you when we have your boy back."
"Don't you mean our boy?"
"Shut up." You laugh and then reclaim your phone after he's done what you asked. "And just so you know, if there's more than one man they bring in, only one of them gets to walk so he's able to warn his club that Sons of Anarchy are now under my protection."
"You're that confident, huh?"
"You have no idea. Now get outta here, but don't tell your other boys about me."
"Why not?"
"Because I enjoy making an entrance."
Jax laughs as he walks out of your house. "If you manage to find Ope, you'll be my new favorite person."
"Yeah, yeah."
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For the past day and a half, you've reclaimed your throne at the compound and established with your tios that you were coming out of the shadows. They didn't fight you on the decision and, in fact, they might have even encouraged you to see where things went with the missing Son since you needed someone by your side.
You've been in contact with Jax, keeping him updated, but you've yet to update him of the latest development.
Opie was found along with four bikers who'd been guarding him.
You're anxious to tell Jax, but you want to get Opie settled and cleaned up before calling in his brothers. So, to kill time, you go ahead and get dressed.
You strip down to your panties right there in your room, pulling on a blazer and buttoning it closed beneath your bust so your cleavage is on display. You even have to place some double-sided sticky tape so there are no nip slips while you put on a show. Then you find yourself a pair of leather pants that you manage to wiggle into and a pair of stilettos that make you feel powerful as you walk around in a room full of men.
You're adding a couple pieces of jewelry here and there when you get the text that Opie is there. You finish getting ready and then walk out to where you know they're holding him, and grin when you hear him cursing up a storm.
"Who the fuck even are you guys? If you really are my rescuers, why can't I leave?"
"That… would be because of me," you muse as you step into the room.
Opie's head whips in your direction and your smile drops when you see the black eye, the gash above his eyebrow and on the bridge of his nose, and the busted lip. Even his hands look like they have some damage, and his clothes are bloodied.
"In the flesh." You walk closer to him, hesitantly reaching out to him in case he balks from your touch, but he doesn't. You touch his hair, frowning to find crusted blood clumping the strands together. "And to think I thought you stood me up."
"Nope. I was just being held hostage. Still am."
You offer him a grin. "You're not a hostage here, Opie. I swear. Now come on." You offer him a hand. "Come with me so you can get cleaned up and changed. I'll call Jax and the others, and then I'll deal with those assholes who had you."
"You? You're gonna deal with them?"
"Yep. Got Jax's blessing and everything. Now let's go. I had to sneak into your house to grab you some clothes, so you might as well put them to use."
Opie laughs and then groans, clutching at his ribs. You rub his shoulder until the pain passes and when he stands you grab his hand. Mentally cheering when he doesn't pull away, you lead him back to your bedroom so he can use your private shower.
Opie looks around your room while you grab his bag from the closet and then show him to the bathroom. You try not to grin when you see him taking it all in and then leave him be. You pull out your phone to text Jax the directions to the compound and that they'd be let in upon arrival, and then settle in front of your vanity.
Whenever you've done business with those who opposed what you and your family have done or tried to claim your notoriety for themselves, you've always presented yourself a certain way. Your makeup was half and half, half normal and half skeletal, which is why your favorite sins have tattooed themselves that way. So as Opie showers, you get started on wiping off half your makeup before blending white and black face paint along your features.
It surprisingly doesn't take you long to get your makeup done, so you take a seat on the edge of your bed to wait for Opie to be done. A handful of minutes later, the bathroom door opens and Opie steps out. He freezes when he sees you and you smirk at him. "Come take a seat. We need to talk."
Rubbing the towel over his hair one last time, Opie tosses it back into your bathroom before padding barefoot towards you. As he sits, he asks, "Who are you?"
"I'm YN. You know that."
"You're clearly a very important person to have so many men working under you."
Grinning at him, you shrug. "I was my father's only heir. His business became my business."
"You said you worked in private security."
"Yeah. We do that too, but in the underground- in the underworld- we do so much more. They call me La Reina de Inframundo."
"Which means?"
"Queen of the Underworld."
Opie huffs and you hesitantly reach for his hand, clasping it between two of your own. "Why'd you go through so much trouble for me?"
"Because you were kind to me." He scoffs this time, and you angle your body towards him. "I'm serious. You had no idea about my reputation and treated me like any other woman that wasn't actively trying to get into your pants. You were kind and you became my friend, and I- I might have grown overly fond of you."
"Only might?" You roll your eyes with a slight huff and stand, but Opie is quick to catch you by the wrist and pull you in so you're standing between his parted knees. "Oh, I think you're pretty fond of me if you went through all this trouble."
"Fine. I like you, but I'm also aware about how the men of MC's work. And I just want to assure you right now, no matter what happens between you and me, I will have the Sons' back. I've never had a sibling, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want one if they're anything like Jax or Juice."
Opie grins at your joke. "Been keeping in contact with them?"
"Jax, yes. Juice just thought I needed to be checked up on for some reason. I guess he assumed I'd be a sobbing mess without you around or something."
"...thank you."
"You don't need to thank me, Ope." You reach for his face, gently cradling it in the palms of your hands before smoothing his hair back as his arms wrap around the small of your back. "You'd have done the same for me if I'd gone missing."
His smile immediately vanishes as his gaze darkens and his arms squeeze you tighter which brings you closer to him. And honestly, you quite like the feeling of being in his arms. "They'd be dead if they'd taken you."
"Likewise." His brow furrows and you wrinkle your nose at him. "Look at you all adorable and clueless," you coo. You lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. "Those men outside signed their own death certificates the moment they kidnapped you. They just don't know it yet."
"You're gonna kill them?"
"You'll see. Now put your shoes on. Your boys should be here by now and they're probably itching to pull a gun. Go keep them calm."
As Opie looks for socks and shoes, you walk over to your bedside table and pull open the drawer. Pulling out your gun, you make sure it's loaded before sliding into your waistband at the small of your back and then situating the back of your blazer over it. When you turn back around, Opie's staring at you with an arched eyebrow. You merely grin and shoo him out the door, telling him you'd be out there soon.
You give him a minute to find his way and then head out yourself, keeping to the shadows. Then when you get to the main room, you move to the darkest corner and watch everyone. The Sons of Anarchy stand off to one side as they look over Opie with your sins and tios on the other, and in the middle are the four bikers the sins had taken and bound to chairs.
"What the fuck is this?" One of the bound bikers scoffs. "Have the Sons turned into pussies that let a new crew handle their business?"
All the Sons, with the exception of Jax and Opie, bristle at the insult. Happy and Tig look like they're on a very short leash and would like nothing more than to tear apart the men limb by limb, but Jax keeps them in line.
"That's what I thought. Pussies."
Happy and Tig lunge, but Jax and Juice keep their brothers back. Opie mutters about it not being worth it and once it quiet, you take that as your cue.
Walking forward, you keep your head held high and let the click!, click!, click!, of your heels put the room on edge. The men part and it takes a moment for a majority of the Sons to recognize you. Jax gapes and then smirks, nudging Opie who shakes his head at his brother.
"What the fuck is this?" Tig asks.
"Our new ally," Jax muses.
Walking up to the bound four men, you arch an eyebrow at them. The mouthy one scoffs yet again as he takes you in. "You idiots made a mistake," you say. "You took someone I care about and I don't take that lightly." Reaching for the small of your back, you pull free your gun and grip it tight.
"Ha. I'm sure under that stupid makeup you're nothing but a pretty face, so why don't you strut that perky ass of yours back out of the room and let the grown men talk."
His companions all chuckle and you allow yourself to sarcastically laugh with them before aiming your gun and pulling the trigger. The laughing immediately ceases, and their expressions all morph into shock as their mouthy companion's head slumps backwards. You smirk. "Only one of you will walk out of here, so the more you mouth off the faster you will die."
The remaining three men struggle against their binds, and you giggle at their fear.
"Holy shit," Happy utters. Your gaze darts to him and you smirk as you watch him take in your tios and your sins. When his gaze darts back to you, he says, "La Reina del Inframundo."
You bend at the waist, arms sweeping out to the side as you mockingly bow. "At your service."
"What the fuck is that?" Tig asks, glancing between his brother and you. "Not all of us speak spanish, Hap."
"Queen of the Underworld," Jax answers. He saunters up to your side, nudging your elbow with his own. "Isn't that right?"
"Sí." Then losing your smile, you walk closer to the bound men, pacing back and forth in front of them. "So, this is what's going to happen. One of you is going back to your president and letting him know that the Sons are under La Reina's protection."
"Who is going back?" Another bound individual asks. He looks between his other bound brothers, throwing them under the bus. "I'll tell you whatever it is you want to know."
You slowly grin at him and then raise your gun, putting a bullet between his eyes. "No me gustan las ratas (I don't like rats)." One of the remaining two flinches and whimpers, and you put a bullet in his head too. The last remaining individual keeps his gaze straight ahead and though you see his bottom lip tremble, you let him live. "And it looks like we have a winner."
Your men and the Sons all chuckle.
"Untie him, Envy. Greed and Wrath, I need you two to drive him out to the middle of nowhere. Let him find his own way back home."
As the man is untied, he hesitantly stands while rubbing his wrist. "So, I'm free to go? Just like that?"
"Just a little like that." Before he can question you, you put a bullet in his right knee. He shouts in both pain and surprise, and you grin. "Now you're free to go."
Greed and Wrath stalk forward, grabbing the guy's arms and dragging him out of the room. You don't need to utter a word as other men under your rule step forward, untying the dead bodies and getting them out of there as well.
Looking towards the Sons, you gesture for them to follow. "I have a bar upstairs. It's about to smell like bleach down here, so unless you're into that…"
As you start walking, you grab Opie's hand and tug him after you. You hear Jax chuckle, but soon enough they all start to follow.
Upstairs sits one of your favorite rooms. A sleek mahogany bar runs the length of the side wall, the wall behind it lit up and showcasing every bottle of liquor in stock. There's a clear refrigerator that's stocked with several brands of beer and you even have a few on tap. There are a cluster of couches for those decompressing talks, as well as round tables and chairs for the rowdier gatherings. And for entertainment, there are two dart boards and a pool table.
"Pick your poison, boys. Pride will get you whatever you want so long as we have it."
As the Sons gladly make their way to the bar, Opie stays by your side. He tugs you closer, tucking you into his side and he presses his lips to your temple as your arm wraps around the small of his back. "What is it with naming your men after the seven deadly sins?"
"When I took over, I needed a crew of my very own who would be loyal to me and me only. All my men are obviously loyal, but some have a family of their own who will always be number one to them," you say as you glance up at him. "I get it, I do, but I wanted those who would put me first. My seven deadly sins do that."
As Opie stares down at you, you feel the tension between the two of you amping up. It's always been there, ever since the two of you started hanging out, but neither of you ever acted on it. But as his eyes dart to your lips and your hand finds its way under his shirt so you can stroke the skin of his hip, you know it's inevitable that this friendship is destined to be something more.
"I hate to be a cockblock," you hear Jax muse, "but how exactly is all this going to work out?" You and Opie both exhale in annoyance, glancing at his club president who's smirking between the two of you. "Not that I'm not grateful for the Queen's protection, but we can't be seen as pussies."
"And you won't be," you say. "The Sons of Anarchy will still operate as you have been. I don't care about your club business. But seeing as I've unfortunately grown fond of a few members, I will be on the sidelines waiting to put a bitch in a ditch should they cross a line."
"And what do you consider crossing a line?" Jax asks.
"Any unprovoked kidnappings and/or torture. If you're doing business and you piss someone off, that's on you. But if anyone comes around sniffing around Charming, pushing buttons to see what the response will be, I will set my sins loose."
Jax looks around at his men, gauging their reactions. No one seems to have a word to argue against you and he comes to a conclusion pretty fast. "I can work with that."
"That's what I like to hear." You slowly smile and then smother a laugh when Juice raises a hand. "Yes?"
"What exactly does the queen of the underworld do?"
"Now that's a secret, Mr. Ortiz." You wink at him. "All the prominent families of the underworld are interconnected in a way that I can't explain to you. As of right now, I keep the peace. Or force it if need be." As you smirk, you see Juice shrink down onto a bar stool. "I also make sure the most prominent families aren't murdering anyone without cause."
"When you first came into power, you were the most feared," Happy says. "Why?"
As you look at the man, your smirk slowly vanishes. "Some of the low-class families were looking to make a name for themselves. They waited until my father was at his most vulnerable and killed him in cold blood. They ripped my heart out that day. So, when I took my father's place, I hunted each and every one of them down, and did to them what they did to me."
"Which was?" Juice asks, hanging off your every word.
"I carved their hearts and delivered them to their head of house."
"Holy shit."
No one knows what to say to that, so Jax makes use of the pool table. They crowd around the pool table and dart boards, laughing and enjoying the beer you've offered them. Some of your men even come on up, grabbing themselves a beer and mingling with the Sons.
You feel yourself being led to one of the couches by Opie and then tugged down on his lap. Sitting sideways, you cross one knee over the other and wrap your arms loosely around his neck. "Well, aren't you being a little bold tonight."
Arms around your waist, Opie tugs you closer and lightly drags his nose along your jawline to your ear. "I just watched a beautiful woman avenge my kidnapping and beating." As he moves lower, you tilt your head to give him more access to your neck, shivering when his beard tickles the area. "I think it's time we stop tiptoeing around each other and just take what we want."
"Hmm. And what do you want, Ope?"
His teeth nip at your neck, and you quietly groan, moving to capture his lips with your own. Opie gives you a moment- a moment!- to control the kiss and then he's manhandling you on his lap so you're straddling him. As your hands delve into his hair to get a good grip on, his hands slide down your ass until he grasps the back of your thighs to hitch you right where he wants you.
The wolf whistles hardly faze you and you take your time enjoying what Opie's offering you.
It isn't until you hear the chanting of, "El rey, el rey, el rey (king, king, king)," that you pull yourself back from Opie's mouth and glance at your men who stop chanting and immediately explode into cheers and whistles.
"Uhh.. what's going on?"
You glance back at Opie, taking a moment to laugh at your skeleton makeup that's smeared onto half his face, before wiping it off and explaining, "They've been patiently waiting for their reina to find her rey. Outside this compound you might be a Son, but within this compound you're about to become King." Opie slightly gapes and you wiggle your eyebrows at him. "Congratulations, Mr. Winston. Life is about to become a lot more interesting."
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I’m here for Jake and “What are you doing up?” “My personal heater went away.” 🫠🫠
Cassie! Thanks for your congratulations! Here is your cute and fluffy Jake blurb for “What are you doing up?”, “My personal heater went away.” I hope you like it! 🥰😁
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I Wouldn't Want This Without You
In hindsight, you should've known that you could take the Texan out of Texas, but he'd never really like the snow. Jake was so fond of you that when you'd suggested spending two weeks skiing in Colorado over Christmas and New Year's, he'd agreed almost immediately. He'd gone all out. He'd booked an apartment with a fireplace and views of the slopes, purchased ski gear and premium passes for the slopes, and done everything. And his excitement was catching. You'd been starry-eyed, dreaming of the trip for the entire month before you were due to leave.
The two of you had driven up to your AirBnB in the middle of a snowstorm the night before. Seeing the fat flakes drift lazily down from the sky, glistening in the late afternoon light, was intoxicating. While Jake had checked you in, you'd hopped out of the passenger seat, your head upturned, letting the flakes dust across your cheeks and catch in your hair and eyelashes. Jake had twirled you about in the snow, a childlike gleam in his eyes at the sight. Of course, the cold had set in later that night, and you’d walked out of the bathroom in a t-shirt and sweats to find the fireplace roaring and Jake wearing flannel-lined pants, thick socks, a long-sleeve t-shirt, and a sweater over it. He’d complained that he was cold until he fell asleep.
On your first day on the mountain, you’d been up with the birds, excitement flowing through your veins at the thought of the crisp, clean powder that had been falling from the sky all night. Jake, on the other hand, had reached for you, grumbled under his breath while still asleep, and rucked all the blankets around his body until all you could see was the top of his head. It made you giggle, looking at him as you got ready to hit the ski lifts.
Jake finally left the bed 45 minutes later when the scent of coffee yanked him out of his dreams. That was pretty much what the rest of the day had been like. You'd had a blast coursing down the slopes, rejoicing in the perfect snow and conditions. Jake spent most of the day falling on his ass. You should probably correct yourself in your earlier statements. Jake had thought of everything on your trip except ski lessons for himself.
"Sweets, I'm going to have a bruise the size of Texas on my ass when we get to the apartment." He'd groused on more than one occasion before he sidled up to you and murmured, "You're going to kiss it better, right?"
And you’d brushed the snow out of his parka each time, kissed his cold-bitten pink lips, and told him to try again. As the day progressed, you’d seen how the cold had sapped his good mood and how he struggled to stay cheerful for you. He’d nearly fallen asleep into his food when you ate dinner at the lodge. When Jake had face flopped onto the bed exhausted, you’d undressed him and tucked the blankets around his shoulders before curling into his arms. You’d fallen asleep soon after him, your body and mind just as exhausted after the relentless onslaught of the weak winter sun and biting cold.
Everything is dark when you wake up. The bedroom is illuminated only by the glowing embers of the fire and the blue glow from the snow piled up on the mountain town. The alarm clock glowing on the coffee table tells you it is just past 3AM. You’re still exhausted, but your mind won’t let you sleep, no matter how you curl into Jake’s arms. Fifteen minutes of tossing and turning later, you carefully slip out of his arms, padding silently out to sit on the sofa in front of the colossal windows in the living room. It’s started snowing again since the two of you had turned in for the night, and you’re content to sit and just observe the snow as it falls.
As you do, your mind turns to Jake. Things hadn’t always been smooth between you.  In fact, he’d hated your guts when you were first introduced to each other. You were a friend of Natasha’s, Phoenix, as her squadron knew her, and she’d wanted you to meet the people she trusted her life with every day. You thought you’d been nice when you met him, introducing yourself and striking up a conversation with him like you would have anyone else. Phoenix had told you he flirted with everyone under the sun, so that’s what you’d expected. But what you got instead was a stand-offish rude man who’d greeted you perfunctorily and then walked away. Your rampant lack of self-esteem had taken it to mean that you were too ugly to flirt with. The more you saw Jake, the more you hated yourself. Everything had reached a fever pitch the day you’d been stood up at the Hard Deck on a blind date. You’d walked up to the pool table, handed Tasha your bag, and locked yourself in the bathroom.
Jake had been the person to get you out of there a couple of hours later. He’d wheedled and charmed until you giggled on the other side of the door and hugged you tight when you finally stepped out. The rest, as they say, was history. Of course, he’d gotten the shovel talk of all shovel talks from Natasha, but you adored him. It’s been nearly a year since that fateful night, and you couldn’t imagine your life as it was before Jake. You love Jake. You love him with all your heart. So how are you going to tell him? You’re not a nun. Far from it. Your sex life with Jake has been mind-blowing. Every time you’re intimate with him, your orgasms take your breath away. And you know he loves you too. So why can’t you tell him?
You’re startled out of your thoughts when an arm wraps around your shoulder.
“Jake, what are you doing up?” You nuzzle into his chest as he drapes the blankets he’s carried from the bed around you.
“My personal heater went away, sweets.” He presses a kiss against your temple before tugging you into his lap. “The real question is, what are you doing up?”
“I just woke up, and my mind wouldn’t quiet down enough to let me get back to sleep.” You shrug, playing with one of the tassels on the blanket’s edge as you stare out over the snowy vista.
“What’s on your mind, darlin’?” His arms are so warm as you cuddle closer to him. “Please tell me, beautiful, especially if I did something wrong. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what I did. C’mon, sweetheart.”
Your resulting sigh is shuddery as you play with his fingers. “It’s not anything you did, Jake. Not intentionally, anyhow.” You turn in his arms and straddle his lap. His hands rest on your waist as you cup his face in your hands. 
“So, what is it, gorgeous?” You can see something way too close to resignation on his face as you peer into his eyes in the half-light. “If you want to break up with me 'cause I can’t ski to save my life, can it wait until we’re home?”
“I’m not breaking up with you, Jake.” You swallow, trying to collect the words. “I love you. So, so much. But what’s happened, I don’t know if we’re, if you’re ready for.”
You can’t see his face when you say the next words, so you snap your eyes closed before finally spitting the words out. “I’m pregnant. 10 weeks. I found out a week ago. And I know I should’ve told you sooner. But you’re away so much, and while you love being an uncle, that’s different than being a dad. I didn’t want this to be the reason why we fell apart. M’so”
You’re cut off by the sweetest kiss Jake has ever pressed against your lips. His tongue slides soothingly across your bottom lip, pressing into the seam of your mouth until you’re kissing him with all the passion he’s kissing you. You’re breathing raggedly when he pulls away, and you open your eyes. This is a look on Jake’s face you’ve never seen before. 
“I love you, gorgeous. You make me the happiest man in the world every day I wake up by your side. And now you’re giving me a family? I never thought I’d have that happy home to return to before you. I’m going to take care of you and this baby. I promise.” 
You kiss him wrapping your arms around his neck before fishing your phone out of the pile of blankets around you both.
“Want to see the pregnancy test and come to my 12-week scan when we get back home?” 
“Yeah, sweets.” His voice sounds so fond as the two of you go through the pictures.
“Merry Christmas, Jake.” He presses a kiss against your jaw before setting his palm against your lower stomach. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart. I love you both. We’ll figure out all of the rest of this together.”
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kyleraynermybeloved · 10 months
Blanket Fort 🎄-Day One
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Pairing: Kyle Rayner x GN!Reader Summary: What's the best way to spend a cold and tiring day? Building a blanket fort of course!. Warnings: Christmas mention but not focused, fluff. Word Count: 1,153 A/N: The first fic of the 25 Holiday Event is here!!! 25 Day Holiday Event Masterlist | Masterlist
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The sound of the small space heater filled the air as you sat curled up on the couch with a book, bundled in blankets to fight off the cold air.
The furnace had broken days earlier, a call to the H-VAC company told you they wouldn’t be able to get anyone out until the end of the weekend, they were having some maintenance problems that had them closed for the week. So you had Kyle purchase some electric space heaters that rotated around the home to keep most areas warm.
The two of you found the living room stayed the warmest and had nestled up there every night. It was a good thing Kyle had talked you into purchasing the more expensive couch because it was definitely worth the money spent.
The front door opened with a chilling breeze, grabbing your attention as you watched Kyle shut it quickly behind him, face rosy and hair disheveled from the cold wind. You felt your cheeks heat up as he spotted you from the doorway, instantly giving you a loving smile, one that you returned after a moment to take in his appearance.
“Was your day alright?” You asked, setting down your book which was long forgotten.
“Yeah, it would have been better if I had brought more layers. The studio was colder than outside, I don’t even know how that was possible.” He shrugged off his coat that was almost soaked through from the slushy snow. The idea of having to traverse outside made you inwardly cringe, you knew he had to be freezing and uncomfortable.
“Why don’t you take a warm shower and I’ll put on a movie for us when you get out.” You suggested.
He kicked off his shoes by the entrance and walked to you, leaning over the couch to give you a kiss. “That sounds like a great idea, I won’t be too long then.”
You hummed happily as he walked towards the bedroom. Hearing the bathroom door close and the water turn on, you came up with an idea that would help him relax. That idea required lots and lots of blankets and pillows, you knew your large blanket collection would come in handy one day.
You walked to where you had stashed your blanket hoard and grabbed everything you needed, setting them on the couch. You stood with your hands on your hips, glancing around to figure out where it would be best to start.
It would make sense if the large couch was the main structure but you wondered if it would be better to use the floor and have the couch serve as extra back support instead. After a few more moments of contemplating you decided on abandoning your thoughts and began on setting up the fort.
If you couldn’t choose between the two, why not just do both? That way you’d have more space to use when you would start feeling too cramped in one area.
You didn’t hear Kyle come back to the living room when you were halfway done, freshly showered and bundled up in warm pajamas.
“Woah! This is incredible!” Kyle expressed in wonder, his hands found their way around your waist pulling you in a hug. You turned in his arms so you were facing him, tightening your own hold.
“You weren’t supposed to be out yet, it’s not done.” You said with a pout. He laughed before giving a peck on your nose.
“You’ve already done an impressive job, it looks amazing. But now that I’m here I can help.” Kyle replied.
The floor was covered with thick blankets, each strategically placed to provide more cushion. The pillows were arranged as a makeshift border surrounding the area; larger and thinner blankets had been used as the fort’s canopy.
“The only thing left to do is to bring more space heaters and get the thicker blankets and we’re all set.” You said with a nod. “Would you mind doing that while I change into my pajamas? I don’t want to be left out of the comfy train, not while you’re leading it.”
You felt more than heard the deep hearty chuckle Kyle let out. “Yeah, of course. Go change party pooper.”
By the time you changed and came back Kyle had turned off all the lights, save for the ones on the Christmas tree, and had chosen a movie to put on.
It was honestly a breathtaking sight to see. Kyle had been laid out on the couch, one arm positioned behind his head in support while the other lay over his midsection. The dim glow of the lights on the tree had painted Kyle in a radiant light that you swore rivaled that of one of the wonders of the world, it made your heart beat faster seeing him like this.
“Don’t you look comfortable.” You cleared your throat.
“I will be once you’re curled up next to me.” He moved farther back into the couch to give you room in front of him. You rolled your eyes in mock annoyance, smiling to yourself.
You crouched down to walk into the blanket fort, settling into the spot next to him. Kyle pulled one of the many blankets over the both of you, wrapping his free arm around you, pressing play on the movie.
The tv light brightened up the blanket fort around you, creating a soft atmosphere that made you drowsy. It felt like the world had been cut off and the only thing that existed was this little bubble you created.
“Thank you for this, I really needed it.” Kyle whispered. You would have missed it if he wasn’t right next to you.
“For you, anything.” You replied sleepily, it was getting harder to keep your eyes open. If it were even possible he pulled you closer against his chest, lazily tracing shapes on your arm. “Plus it beats sleeping in the cold, it’s doing a good job at keeping us warm.”
He let out a yawn, slumber calling to him as well. “I really hope we get the furnace fixed soon, otherwise I might just have to take things into my own hands.”
That would not end well. Kyle is not the best guy for maintenance, last time he tried to fix something it had been the stove, and the place nearly went up in flames.
“Kyle, I love you but there is no way I’m letting you touch that thing.” You said through your own yawn. You did not have to look at him to know he rolled his eyes, you could practically feel him doing it.
“Go to sleep you big meany,” He huffed out. “And I love you too.”
The two of you stayed like that, making comments on the movie that was nearly forgotten, wrapped up in each other's presence that was amplified in the small fort. Whispering until eventually sleep took hold.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 7 months
I had intended to toss the entire tax return onto the current goal, but split it with the other one. I couldn't toss the entire rest of it onto the current one, just most of it, because we need to get our backdoor completely replaced.
The ice storm from last month resulted in a tree using the roof as a resting place when it's limbs broke off. Their weight caused the walls to shift just enough that the poorly fitted door no longer closed right. We though we had repaired it, but a week later, the door is no longer closing. Thankfully, this roof isn't directly part of the house. That section was a cement patio space that had walls and a flat roof erected over it behind what was the garage. It's not a fully enclosed patio/deck. It has two very small windows, a few outlets, and a storage room attached to it.
The previous homeowner was a landlord who did things poorly and illegally. No permits, no licenses, no professional help. The backdoor frame isn't a real door frame. It's some wood boards with guessing and lots of cutting. There's evidence of the door being raised and lowered repeatedly...and cut to fit the "door frame." We have professional help, and he's checking out Habitat For Humanity's supply yard for doors and door frames, as well as a place called Bring where I found those antique sewing machines. Bring is where people bring items leftover from construction and remodeling, like windows, doors, appliances, tools, parts, tubs, sinks, jars, and random furniture. Both these places have massive discounted prices because everything is secondhand. Bring's philosophy is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink, and it shows. That's why we go there before we go any other hardware stores.
Yes, I'm frustrated, and have a special depth of loathing for landlords, especially the sort who do this weekend warrior nonsense. It's why we need to get the plumbing replaced; they connected the house illegally to the city sewage line. There had been a septic tank in use, but they decided rather than hiring a professional to connect the house to the city, they would do it themselves or pay someone who doesn't know what they're doing. We were quoted $12k USD last year because the current plumbing needs to be dug up (it's buried about six to eight inches deep and needs to be four FEET deep), proper plumbing installed, a proper connection to the bathroom, and then it needs to be properly buried. We don't have $12k, and if we were to do monthly payments, they require 50% upfront first.
All the more reason we're paying off our debts now. We'll then be able to save money for this very necessary work. Once the current goals are reached, $1283 for the water heater, just under $5k for the debt transfer, we'll be able to save nearly $300/month, plus whatever I make from my quilts. Our savings were blown last year due to my husband's medical emergency and corresponding bills. With your help, and some good luck, we'll have these two goals met and be better able to save money for a very necessary plumbing job.
If you wish to help and make a massive difference in our life, and lower my stress by leagues (stress and anxiety lower my already low seizure threshold, resulting in more seizures), consider either purchasing my listed work or hiring me for a quilt commission. I have flat prices on my commission page, and lower than what the more accurate shop listing price would be. Rag quilts are now an option, and they're less expensive than their counterpart of equal size. A rag quilt baby size is $450 whereas the traditionally pieced quilt of that same size is $650. A queen size rag quilt is $1450 whereas a traditionally pieced queen size quilt is $3800.
I'm having giveaways for every goal too, as a way to celebrate reaching it by a certain date. If we reach that goal before the deadline I set, I giveaway a quilt of some kind. The first one was a baby size rag quilt for the funds to cover our insurance deductible, the second a table runner and four placemats for Jasper's (RIP) final vet bill and it's collecting interest, the next is a miniquilt for the water heater, and the last will be something big because the goal is nearly $5k, so perhaps a twin size rag quilt ($1100 value). I will absolutely have a giveaway for the new plumbing, and it's gonna be a doozy. I'm thinking a prize of a traditionally pieced queen size quilt (starting price of $3800) for the winner. If I get the Cutie Breeze quilting frame (second item on my Throne list), I'll be able to make more quilts faster, and list them in my shop for significantly lower prices because they'll be machine quilted by me. At least, after I get a lot of practice with free motion quilting using a standard sewing machine like a longarm machine.
This has turned into a bit of a ramble, but I wanted to make each of you aware of what's going on regarding all this. Right now, the priority is home repairs and meeting goals. My husband's income is covering monthly bills, home repairs, food, and fuel. All the money I earn from shop sales, commissions, and receive from donations are going towards paying off debts, and later it'll be applied to new plumbing with a $10k goal. Once we meet that goal, I'll call around to other plumbing companies, and get quotes/bids from them. Whatever has the highest ratings and better price will be who we hire.
Now, I'm gonna see about breakfast.
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You probably consider yourself a hard working Texan, we respect the fact that you hold yourself to a high standard. If this sounds like the way you look at yourself, we think you should also be able to enjoy hot showers and cold cups of hydration at your control. If you’re not getting this, let us know so we can dispatch a specialist.
We have got all the knowledge you need to make the right decision; that way, you’ll have hot and cold waters when you need and want them. Nice, right? Are you ready to make some immediate improvements in the [water heater] department? Perhaps you’re not sure what needs to be happening with this fixture, and you’re running out of options as time goes on. If this sounds like your problem.
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cathartidae · 8 months
okay youve heard of a home with virus what about an office with virus? the idea basically writes itself. cmon an office which gives you diseases that's basically like a normal office. it may be TOO obvious actually
it's like on one hand you have the Home. it's sickening, and sickened. but it's warm. there are memories there, in the walls, in the layout, in - everything. you couldn't survive without it. it makes sense a Home has purchase to do what it will with you because like. it's your home. you live there. what are you going to do? maybe you'll die but it won't be cold. maybe it's killing you but it Loves you, so much, horribly, so much it's killing you but like what more could you want?
where as you have an office with sickness . does that even have any memories attached? people probably wouldn't even notice it's just like oh i'm cold. which makes sense. they didn't bother to turn the fucking heater on. oh i'm slowly being cursed with lethargy. oh every time i walk into this building i feel more and more weak. this is the normal working experience or so i'm told
anyway applying this concept onto other buildings that aren't just a home makes sense and sounds cool like what about a garden? it's supposed to be a salvation yet it does the opposite. a little place where you can relax, a pocket of nature in a land seeming more and more inhuman. but it turns out - you die. it'd be kind of the same as predators - it's killing you, but it has no malice or benevolence in it, it just needs to do so to survive. it might even be a better fate than what lies outside. you have some of the oasis traits with say - a lighthouse. a lighthouse is very isolated, not exactly warm, but not cold in a Bad way either. you taste the salty air, freedom. the lights might be blinding you, but you're stuck here, so you can't do anything about it. besides, it's the only kind of comfort you'd get in this place. you're alone. when the light sears into your vision, you have the impulse to touch it, to feel its warmth on your skin, uncaring of what it will do to you. because - what if you just want to feel warm again? what if you miss the sun on your skin? what if you regret this decision a little? your hand strays to the light, unbidden, and you can't bring yourself to stop, it may be your own destruction but - maybe you don't care about that right now . so a lighthouse. maybe it doesn't even have to be malevolent or benevolent or such. maybe you can do the job for it. why not?
also. what if. a bathroom. i mean it's one of the most intimate places besides your own bedroom. even if it doesn't tell AS MUCH about who lives there there's still something to be gained. look at the floor, the cleanliness, what type of shower there is, the towels maybe. is there any kind of decoration? also that's where people keep their medicine and bandages and first-aid stuff if they have any. well at least that's where i keep it. so like it sees you when you're bleeding. maybe your blood spills red onto the tiles. you know?
you can extend the concept even further. such as windows! windows are so beautiful. they show you the outside world, which can be a good or bad thing depending on what that outside is and who you are, they're made of glass and i LOVE glass as a metaphor there's just so much there, and like you can watch the sun slowly rise and blue light spill from them. what's not to love? also stained windows. i'm just saying we need to explore the implications of every piece of furniture. no i'm not objectum why are you asking /joke
ALSO ROOFTOPS! DO I EVEN HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS TO YOU!!!!!!! ROOFTOPS!!!!!!!!!!! they are roof and on top. you can go up there. see the clouds look at the stars do something scenic all while playing hawaii part ii (/fic reference). it's cool :)
also while we are here. pianos. i love pianos. why did they make pianos so cool. like the black on white, the sound, pianos are so cold but they can also be so beautiful. pianos have a sense of detachment to them. if i had to phrase it it's basically like cold winter air but sometimes you like going outside, in the winter, savoring the crisp fresh air, you know! also pianos are not sharp, at least not like a knife, but they are not round either. square. i guess that makes sense but. do you see it
holy shit this is so good what the fuck. eating you alive . i just woke up and i am Bombarded oh good lird. inspiration.... oargh
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Blog Post 2: Camping and S'mores
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Camping and S’mores
We were headed to South Georgia for some family camping. The car was cramped, and the kids were tucked safety inside their car seats with sleeping bags packed as unwanted cushions all around them. As it turns out, a Camry is a good family car, but it is not large enough for those families who desire to go camping in the middle of the woods. Honestly, primitive camping is something I would much rather go without. Perhaps I could fast from primitive camping? That would be a fast I would greatly enjoy.
Even so, we were headed to camp in the middle of the woods that my husband’s side of the family’s owned. It was a great and beautiful expanse of acreage smack dab in center of nowhere. The truth is I’m not accustomed to glamping, but I do believe that women need a bathroom. With men it’s quite a different story, but me, bring on the community bathrooms in the middle of the state parks and well-known campgrounds. This is my cup of tea.
            We stopped by my husband’s grandmother’s house to use the bathroom before we drove into the woods where we would be staying for the next few days. I thanked God for the indoor plumbing and then headed out into the cold night with my family. The tent was simple to put together, but we had a little trouble starting the fire. The temperature had already plummeted substantially. It was supposed to be in the thirties at night all weekend. Thankfully, we purchased the 30 degree sleeping bags and had the space heater so that none of ended up sick by the end of the weekend.
            By the second night we all had our share of fun, but my oldest son especially was ready to get inside the house. “I’m ready to leave and go up to Memomma’s house but I don’t want to spoil Dad’s fun” he said. I truly do love camping. I have nostalgic memories of family camping on Jekyll Island and eating shrimp and grits for days because my dad always got a bargain on local shrimp. There were always delicious dinners, and smores. Once we even roasted them in the tent with a lighter, but Mom thought they tasted like lighter fluid, so we only had one.
            “I’m going to the store to get food,” my husband said that morning. So, me and my sons went and took a hot bath indoors at Memomma’s house to warm us up after the long night. By the time we got back to the campsite it was lunch time. We had just finished shooting practice (our boys have Red Rider BB guns) and my husband said, “Who’s ready for lunch.” We had pretzels and hotdogs. I noticed the bags in the back of the car. Haribo gummy bears and even a plethora of delicious s'mores ingredients. I thought about having one s'more and ten gummy bears.
“Mom, can my make my s'more,” said my youngest son. So, I did. I sat patiently by the fire laboring for a hot and delicious smore that I wanted to eat so badly because really, what is camping without smores? I mean really, is it even possible to go camping without smores? It’s unamerican I tell you. But, I made my youngest son His smore and watched the white turn to golden brown. Then I grabbed the s'more maker and assembled the graham cracker, marshmallow, and chocolate as is custom, then watched the chocolate melt off the sides.
Honestly, I wouldn’t suggest camping without s'mores, but as it turns out, you can camp without s'mores. We walked through the woods, shot BB guns, played soccer, ate snacks, made mac and cheese, and looked at stars. The s'mores and gummy bears were eaten but I ate none. That second night I had a banana and some sleepy time tea without honey. And even though I prefer camping with s'mores, as it turns out, you can go camping without them. I know, I didn’t think it was possible either.
When we got back to our house my mom made some cakes to share with us. A strawberry cake, and a strawberry cheesecake. Both are my favorite. And she never bakes like this except on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then, when I got to school this morning there was a table of free delicious Dunkin Donuts with sugar laden Sunny D juice. I passed the table to write to you. Apparently, the world is trying to trip me up. But I have seen that my self-control has grown tenfold over these past couple of weeks. Where I wouldn’t have hesitated to eat at least one of each of these things, I abstained. So, I’d say that’s progress.
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serveantage · 2 years
How to Choose a Good Bathtub or Shower for Your Home?
If you're undecided about which type of bathtub or shower to choose, there are a few things to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to think about how often you plan on using it. Do you prefer a bathtub or shower with a deep bathing area? Or would you rather have something more compact and fit in smaller spaces?
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Consider all these factors into account before making your purchase. Other factors include the size of the water heater, whether or not there is enough space under the sink for storage baskets and plumbing fittings, and whether there's room for fixtures such as rain faucets and towel bars.
Understand the different types of baths and showers
Several different baths and showers are available today, each with unique benefits. Here is a quick overview of the three most common bath types:
- Hot Tub Baths - A hot tub bath is perfect for people who want to relax after a long day. The heated water and jets provide soothing relief from aches and tensions, while the spa-like atmosphere offers an idyllic oasis to relax.
- Shower Spa Baths - These types of baths combine features from both shower heads and spas into one unit. They offer all the benefits of a traditional shower head, such as relaxing rainfall or pulsating jets. They also include added features like aromatherapy massage systems or heating pads that can be used during your soak.
- Full Body Showers - Full body showers are the perfect solution for those who want nothing less than total cleansing and relaxation. This type offers deep soaking combined with powerful massaging jets that thoroughly clean every inch of your skin.
Size and shape of a bathtub or shower
When choosing the perfect size of bathtub or shower for your home, remember a few things.
First, ensure the space is sufficient - Most standard baths and showers measure approximately 60 inches wide by 80 inches long by 32 inches high.
Second, think about your needs - Do you want a traditional tub, or do you prefer an open shower with multiple spray options? Is extra storage space necessary for you?
Third, consider the price - Bathtubs can be expensive, but they come in many styles and sizes. Showers can cost less than $200 but may not have as many features or choices as more expensive models.
The materials used in a bathtub or shower
Some common materials used in baths and showers include rubberized vinyl, acrylics, granite tiles, cast iron grilles, and porcelain tile backsplashes. When it comes to choosing the materials used in a bathtub or shower, there are a few things that you'll need to consider.
- Vinyl tiles: These tiles are cheap, versatile, and easy to clean. They also have a neutral color palette that works well with most bathroom designs.
- Stone tile: This type of tile is natural and looks high-end. It's durable and highly resistant to water damage, so that it will last longer than other tiles. However, it may require more maintenance than vinyl or concrete tiles.
- Concrete tile: This is the most expensive option, but it's also the wisest choice if you want your bathroom to last for years. It's extreme and doesn't suffer from water damage like other types of tile do.
Installation of a bathtub or shower
If you own a home and have been planning to install a new bathtub or shower in your bathroom, then these tips will be of great use.
Our Installation expert at Serveantage can take your installation journey from ordinary to extraordinary! So if you want to get such an expert for your bathroom remodeling project, just call us today.
To conclude, we can say that having a new bathtub or shower installed by the experts will be such a rewarding experience. It looks beautiful and provides you with an unmatched level of comfort. Then sit back and enjoy its luxury!
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kanewilliamsonpn · 23 days
How to Store Perfume: Ensuring Your Fragrance Stays Fresh and Potent
Perfume is more than just a personal accessory; it’s an investment in how you present yourself to the world. A carefully chosen fragrance can evoke emotions, trigger memories, and enhance your overall aura. However, improper storage of perfume can lead to a decline in its quality, causing the scent to degrade or fade over time. Whether you’re dealing with a classic fragrance or a modern pheromones for men cologne designed to enhance attraction, storing your perfume properly ensures it remains fresh, potent, and long-lasting.
Here are essential tips on how to store your perfume correctly to preserve its longevity and keep the fragrance as captivating as the day you bought it.
Avoid Direct Sunlight One of the biggest enemies of perfume is direct sunlight. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can break down the delicate molecules in the fragrance, altering its scent and reducing its strength over time. Perfumes exposed to light for extended periods may smell "off" or lose their top notes more quickly. To protect your fragrance from light damage, store your bottles in a cool, dark place, such as a drawer, closet, or a shaded corner of your vanity. If the perfume bottle itself is transparent or lightly tinted, the risk of sunlight damage is even higher, so it’s essential to keep those bottles away from windows or other sources of natural light.
Store in a Cool Environment Heat can cause perfume to evaporate faster, which can impact both the fragrance and its overall longevity. High temperatures may also affect the chemical composition of the perfume, making it smell different from when you first purchased it. Ideally, perfumes should be stored at a consistent temperature, preferably around 15-20°C (59-68°F).
Avoid placing your perfume near heat sources such as radiators, heaters, or even warm bathroom environments where hot showers can increase the room's temperature. Storing perfume in the bathroom, despite being a convenient spot, is not ideal due to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, both of which can degrade the fragrance over time.
Keep the Bottle Tightly Sealed Perfume evaporates when exposed to air, so always ensure the bottle is tightly sealed after each use. Oxygen can interact with the fragrance's ingredients, leading to oxidation, which can change the scent profile and weaken the overall fragrance. A properly sealed bottle ensures that the perfume remains potent for a longer period.
If you use pheromones for men cologne, it’s particularly important to keep the bottle sealed tightly. Pheromone-enhanced colognes are designed to evoke a subtle yet powerful influence on social interactions. Improper storage and exposure to air can diminish the potency of these pheromones, reducing the cologne’s effectiveness.
Store Perfume in its Original Box Perfume bottles are often beautifully designed, but displaying them on your vanity may not be the best option for longevity. The original box provides an extra layer of protection from light, air, and temperature fluctuations. Keeping your perfume in its box helps maintain the integrity of the fragrance and ensures it stays fresh for as long as possible.
While it might be tempting to display luxurious bottles, especially for those with stunning packaging, storing them in their box can extend their shelf life significantly.
Avoid Shaking the Bottle Shaking the perfume bottle can cause air bubbles to form, which may introduce unwanted oxygen into the liquid. This can accelerate the oxidation process and degrade the fragrance. Perfume should be handled gently, and you should avoid shaking or excessively moving the bottle if possible.
Do Not Store Perfume in the Fridge A common misconception is that storing perfume in the refrigerator extends its shelf life. While the fridge offers a cool environment, the consistent opening and closing of the door cause temperature fluctuations that can affect the perfume’s composition. Additionally, perfumes stored in the fridge can absorb odors from food, which may alter their scent. Instead of the fridge, opt for a cool, dry place away from any source of heat.
Consider the Shelf Life Most perfumes have a shelf life of about 3 to 5 years when stored properly. Over time, even the most well-preserved perfumes may begin to change, developing slightly different notes as the ingredients age. If you notice that your perfume has started to smell different or weaker, it may be reaching the end of its shelf life. To maximize the usage of your fragrance, be mindful of how much you're using and consider rotating between scents based on season and occasion.
Final Thoughts Proper perfume storage is essential for preserving the integrity of your favorite scents, whether you're using a classic fragrance or a modern pheromones for men cologne. By keeping your perfumes away from sunlight, heat, and air exposure, you can ensure that they remain as fresh and powerful as the day you bought them. Taking a little extra care with your fragrance storage will allow you to enjoy your signature scent for years to come, ensuring that every spritz leaves a lasting impression.
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When it comes to ensuring comfort and convenience in your bathroom, an instant water geyser is an essential appliance. Not only does it provide hot water on demand, but it also enhances the overall bathing experience, especially during chilly mornings or after a long day. At Dynamic Electric World, we understand the importance of having reliable and efficient bathroom appliances, and that’s why we offer the best instant water geyser for bathrooms in the market.
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Why Choose an Instant Water Geyser for Your Bathroom?
Immediate Hot Water: Unlike traditional water heaters that take time to heat up, an instant water geyser provides hot water the moment you turn on the tap. This means no more waiting in the cold while the water heats up. It’s a perfect solution for busy households where time is of the essence. “instant water geyser for bathroom”
Energy Efficiency: Instant water geysers only heat the amount of water you need, when you need it. This reduces energy consumption and lowers your utility bills. Our geysers at Dynamic Electric World are designed with the latest technology to maximize energy efficiency, making them an environmentally friendly choice.
Compact Design: Space is often a constraint in modern bathrooms. The sleek and compact design of our instant water geysers ensures they fit seamlessly into any bathroom without taking up too much space. Their stylish appearance also adds a modern touch to your bathroom decor.
Safety Features: Safety is a priority when it comes to electrical appliances, especially those used in bathrooms. Our instant water geysers are equipped with advanced safety features such as automatic shut-off, overheat protection, and pressure control. This ensures a safe and worry-free experience every time you use it.
Long-lasting Durability: At Dynamic Electric World, we pride ourselves on the durability of our products. Our instant water geysers are built to last, with high-quality materials that resist corrosion and wear. You can trust our geysers to provide reliable performance for years to come.
How to Choose the Right Instant Water Geyser for Your Bathroom
When selecting an instant water geyser, there are a few factors to consider to ensure you get the best product for your needs:
Water Usage: Consider the number of people in your household and the amount of hot water needed at peak times. A higher capacity geyser might be necessary for larger families.
Power Rating: The power rating of the geyser determines how quickly it can heat water. Higher wattage models heat water faster but may consume more electricity. Our experts at Dynamic Electric World can help you choose the right balance between power and efficiency. “instant water geyser for bathroom”
Installation Space: Measure the available space in your bathroom to ensure the geyser you choose will fit comfortably. Our compact designs are ideal for small spaces, but it’s still important to check dimensions before making a purchase.
Budget: While instant water geysers are generally more affordable than traditional water heaters, prices can vary based on features and capacity. We offer a range of models at Dynamic Electric World to suit different budgets without compromising on quality.
Brand Reputation: Trusting a reputable brand like Dynamic Electric World ensures you get a high-quality product backed by excellent customer service and a solid warranty.
Why Buy from Dynamic Electric World?
At b, we’re committed to providing top-notch electrical appliances that enhance your home’s comfort and functionality. When you choose our instant water geyser for your bathroom, you’re not just buying a product; you’re investing in a hassle-free and efficient bathing experience.
Our extensive range of instant water geysers is designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers, whether you’re looking for a basic model or one with advanced features. Plus, our customer support team is always ready to assist with any queries or concerns, ensuring a smooth and satisfying purchase process. “instant water geyser for bathroom”
An instant water geyser for your bathroom is a smart investment that adds convenience, efficiency, and luxury to your daily routine. With Dynamic Electric World, you can be confident that you’re choosing a product that combines cutting-edge technology, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Explore our range today and find the perfect instant water geyser to transform your bathroom experience.
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The Ultimate Checklist for Your Next Home Inspection
Buying a home is an exciting milestone, but it can also be a daunting process. One of the most critical steps before finalizing your purchase is the home inspection. A thorough inspection can reveal potential issues with the property, saving you from costly repairs and headaches down the road. To help you through this process, we've created the ultimate checklist for your next home inspection. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned property owner, this guide will ensure you know what to look for.
Foundation and Structure
Foundation The foundation is the backbone of any home. During the inspection, look for cracks, signs of settling, or water damage. Even minor cracks can be a sign of significant issues down the line, so take note of anything unusual.
Walls and Ceilings Check the walls and ceilings for cracks, stains, or any signs of movement. Bulging or sagging walls may indicate structural problems, while stains could point to water leaks.
Roof A solid roof is crucial for protecting your home. Inspect the roof for missing or damaged shingles, sagging areas, and signs of water damage. Don’t forget to check the gutters and downspouts to ensure they are functioning properly.
Pipes and Faucets Inspect all visible pipes for leaks, corrosion, or outdated materials like lead. Test faucets for water pressure and make sure there are no slow drains or strange noises when the water is running.
Water Heater Check the age and condition of the water heater. Look for any rust, leaks, or signs of wear. A well-maintained water heater should last around 10-15 years.
Sewage and Septic System If the home has a septic system, ask for maintenance records and check for any signs of leakage or failure. For homes connected to the municipal sewer system, ensure there are no signs of backups or slow drains.
Electrical Systems
Wiring Ensure that the home’s wiring meets current safety standards. Look for outdated or damaged wiring, which can be a fire hazard. Knob-and-tube wiring, for example, is a common issue in older homes.
Outlets and Switches Test all electrical outlets and switches to ensure they work properly. GFCI outlets should be installed in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas with water exposure to prevent electrical shocks.
Breaker Panel Inspect the breaker panel for any signs of overheating, improper labeling, or outdated circuits. The panel should have sufficient capacity to handle the home’s electrical needs.
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Furnace and Air Conditioning Check the age and condition of the furnace and air conditioning units. Regular maintenance is key to the longevity of these systems, so ask for service records. Test the heating and cooling functions to ensure they operate efficiently.
Ductwork Inspect the ductwork for leaks, insulation, and overall condition. Leaky ducts can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system, leading to higher energy bills.
Ventilation Proper ventilation is essential for preventing moisture buildup and maintaining indoor air quality. Ensure that all bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms have adequate exhaust fans.
Interior Features
Windows and Doors Check all windows and doors to ensure they open and close smoothly. Look for drafts, broken seals, or signs of water damage around the frames. Double-pane windows should be free of condensation between the panes.
Floors Inspect the floors for any signs of damage, such as warping, cracking, or uneven surfaces. These could indicate moisture issues or foundation problems.
Attic and Basement The attic should be well-insulated and free of signs of pests or water damage. In the basement, look for dampness, cracks in the walls, or signs of mold, all of which can indicate serious problems.
Exterior Features
Siding and Paint Examine the exterior siding and paint for cracks, rot, or peeling. Well-maintained siding protects the home from weather-related damage, while fresh paint can indicate recent repairs.
Driveway and Walkways Check the condition of the driveway and walkways for cracks, settling, or drainage issues. These surfaces should be level and in good repair to prevent tripping hazards.
Landscaping and Drainage The landscaping should slope away from the foundation to prevent water from pooling near the house. Look for any areas where water might collect, as poor drainage can lead to foundation issues.
Pest Inspection
Termites and Other Wood-Destroying Insects Look for signs of termites, such as mud tubes, hollow-sounding wood, or discarded wings. These pests can cause significant structural damage if left untreated.
Rodents and Other Pests Inspect for signs of rodents, such as droppings, nests, or gnaw marks. Check attics, basements, and crawl spaces for evidence of other pests like ants, bees, or wasps.
Safety Features
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Ensure that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are installed in key areas and are functioning properly. These devices are essential for the safety of your home and family.
Fire Extinguishers There should be at least one fire extinguisher in the kitchen and another in the garage. Check the expiration date and ensure they are easily accessible.
Railings and Stairs All railings should be secure, and stairs should be in good condition. Loose railings or damaged stairs can be a significant safety hazard.
Kitchen Appliances Test all kitchen appliances, including the stove, oven, dishwasher, and refrigerator. Make sure they are in working order and free of any obvious defects.
Laundry Appliances Check the washer and dryer for any signs of wear, leaks, or improper installation. Ensure that the dryer vent is clean and unobstructed.
HVAC Filters Inspect and replace HVAC filters if necessary. Clean filters help maintain the efficiency of the heating and cooling systems and improve indoor air quality.
Final Walkthrough
Review the Inspection Report After the inspection, carefully review the report with your inspector. Take note of any significant issues and discuss possible solutions or repair options.
Negotiate Repairs Based on the inspection findings, you may need to negotiate with the seller for repairs or a reduction in the sale price. Be sure to get any agreements in writing.
Plan for Future Maintenance Use the inspection report as a guide for future maintenance. Knowing what areas might need attention down the road can help you budget for repairs and avoid surprises.
A thorough home inspection is your best tool for making an informed decision when buying a property. By following this ultimate checklist, you can ensure that your new home is not only beautiful but also safe, sound, and ready for years of enjoyment. Don’t rush this process—take the time to address any concerns and make sure you’re fully confident in your investment. Happy house hunting!
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acsbathrooms · 1 month
Choosing The Perfect Freestanding Bath For Your Home
When creating a luxurious and relaxing bathroom space, nothing compares to the elegance of freestanding baths.
These standalone pieces serve as the focal point of your bathroom and offer unparalleled comfort and style.
However, choosing the perfect freestanding bath for your home can be overwhelming with so many options. Don’t worry! We’re here to help you choose with a few easy tips.
Understanding Your Space
Before you even start browsing for freestanding baths, it's essential to consider the size and layout of your bathroom.
Measure your space carefully to ensure that the bath will fit comfortably without making the room feel cramped. A freestanding bath is meant to be the show’s star, so it must have enough space to shine.
Pro Tip: Consider the Placement
Where you place your freestanding bath can make all the difference. Consider placing it near a window for a serene bathing experience with a view or in the centre of the room for a dramatic statement. Just ensure enough space around the bath for easy access and cleaning.
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Choosing the Right Style
Freestanding baths come in various styles, from modern minimalist designs to classic clawfoot tubs. The style you choose should complement the overall aesthetic of your bathroom. Here’s a quick rundown of some popular styles:
Modern: Sleek lines, smooth surfaces, and minimal detailing. Perfect for a contemporary bathroom.
Traditional: Classic designs like clawfoot tubs add a touch of vintage charm to your space.
Transitional: A blend of modern and traditional elements for a timeless look.
Pro Tip: Think About the Material
The material of your freestanding bath is just as important as its style. Common materials include:
Acrylic: Lightweight, affordable, and available in various styles. Acrylic baths retain heat well, making them a popular choice.
Cast Iron: Durable and traditional, cast iron baths are heavy and require a strong floor. They also retain heat for longer bathing sessions.
Stone Resin: Luxurious and sturdy stone resin baths have a natural look and feel, adding an earthy elegance to your bathroom.
Comfort Is Key
While aesthetics are important, comfort should be a top priority when choosing a freestanding bath. Consider the depth and angle of the bath to ensure it offers a comfortable and relaxing experience.
Some baths are designed for soaking, while others might be more shallow and better suited for quick baths.
Pro Tip: Test Before You Buy
Visit a showroom and try out a few freestanding baths to see how they feel. You want to ensure your bath is comfortable for everyone in your household.
Don’t Forget About the Plumbing
When choosing a freestanding bath, it’s easy to overlook the plumbing requirements. You’ll need to ensure that your bathroom’s plumbing can accommodate the bath’s location. This may involve additional costs if you need to move plumbing fixtures or upgrade your water heater.
Pro Tip: Consult a Professional
Always consult with a plumber or bathroom designer before finalising your purchase. They can help you understand what’s possible within your space and budget.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the perfect freestanding bath for your home is all about finding the right balance between style, comfort, and practicality.
Take your time to explore your options, and don't be afraid to splurge a little on a bath that will transform your bathroom into a relaxing oasis.
With the right choice, your freestanding bath will elevate the look of your bathroom and provide you with years of luxurious bathing experiences.
Source From: Choosing The Perfect Freestanding Bath For Your Home
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waterheaterblog · 2 months
Instant Geysers: Hot Water on Demand
Instant geysers, also known as electric point-of-use water heaters, have revolutionized the way we access hot water. Unlike traditional storage water heaters, these compact units provide hot water instantly when you turn on the tap.
How Do Instant Geysers Work?
Instant geysers operate on a simple principle: cold water passes through a heating element, getting heated instantly before it reaches the tap. This means you don't have to wait for a tank to fill up with hot water.
Advantages of Instant Geysers
Energy Efficiency: As they only heat water when needed, they consume less electricity compared to storage water heaters.
Space Saving: Compact size makes them ideal for smaller spaces or apartments.
Continuous Hot Water: No shortage of hot water, even during peak usage times.
Safety: Most modern instant geysers come with safety features like overheat protection and pressure relief valves.
Ideal for:
Small families or individuals
Kitchens and bathrooms
Areas with limited space
Those looking to reduce energy consumption
While instant geysers offer numerous benefits, it's essential to consider your specific needs. For larger families with high hot water demand, a storage water heater might be a better option. Additionally, the water pressure should be adequate for optimal performance.
In conclusion, instant geysers are a practical and efficient choice for many households. Their ability to provide instant hot water, coupled with energy savings, makes them a popular option. However, it's crucial to assess your specific requirements before making a purchase. Visit Poorvika for the Best Offers!
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custombuildershouston · 2 months
Benefits / Cost vs. Value Impact / Tax Break Factors of Remodeling Your Home
There are many benefits to remodeling your home; at the top of the list is pride of homeownership. For so many of us, we have to remodel our home in stages or as various home products reach obsolescence or disrepair. If you do not have an urgent need to remodel due to unexpected events (ie. leaking roof, structural damage, etc.), how do you decide what takes priority? Lets review some of the relevant factors to consider when evaluating renovation needs.
Benefits of Remodeling
Increasing the Value of Your Home 
Reduce Utility Cost by Increasing Your Homes Energy Efficiency
Make Your Home More Comfortable
Reduce Maintenance Repair Cost
More Effective Use of Space and Storage
Correct Obsolete Products or Home Disrepair
Correct Poor or Ineffective Home Design
Create a Safer Environment for Aging Members
Fit Your Lifestyle Better
Greater Homeowner Pride
Cost v Value Relationship on Major Remodeling
According to REMODELING magazine, the following home improvement areas were measured to reflect the cost vs value relationship within the same year of completing. These pricing matrix were measured for the national housing remodeling market and the Houston housing remodeling market analyzing both midrange projects and upscale projects. The national average for payback for a composite of renovation projects range was 64% - 74% in the same year.
Project Improvements Cost Recouped (same year)
Window Replacement (vinyl or wood)   74%
Bathroom Remodel   60%
Major Kitchen Remodel   66%
Two Story Addition   71%
Master Suite Addition   60%
Family Room Addition   69%
Marwood Construction cost vs value advise for their clients, based on these results, that it is best if you are planning a major remodeling project that you consider living in your home for at least 5 years after your remodel. Beyond 5 years the effects of inflation on new construction cost and the rising cost of land in most metro areas, remodeling can show an attractive return on investment.
There are many other cost factors to consider as part of the home remodeling investment equation when assessing your renovation needs. This is such a case when you are considering alternatives such as moving instead of remaining in your home and remodeling. The cost associated with placing your home for sale on the market include sales commissions, closing cost and moving expenses should be weighed as part of the entire financial picture.
Another major financial disadvantage of selling your existing home is that the accumulated capital gains you experience from your existing home are lost in the transaction of buying a new home. Whereas if you were to remain in your home and remodel or build on an addition, your existing homes appreciated value would increase at a greater rate amount.
Other considerations of remodeling are the current tax breaks that should be considered when evaluating financial considerations of different renovation project needs.
Current Tax Breaks
Cash for Clunker Appliances
Starting this fall, as part of the economic stimulus plan under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the “Cash for Clunkers” extends to Appliances. Basically, purchase a new energy efficient appliance and get a tax credit of $200. Just like the “Cash for Clunker Automobiles” there is a set dollar amount set aside for this program and once the money is gone, the program is over.
Appliance companies should have available to you the list of products they carry that qualify. You may have to surrender your existing appliance in order to receive the benefit.
Energy Efficiency Tax Break
Install a solar panel to provide your home energy and not only will you see a substantial tax credit and your electric usage drop, but you may even be able to sell energy back to the electric company.
For those of us who are less adventurous – upgrade your boiler, heater, furnace, air conditioner, windows, roof, or insulation and you will not only see savings on your gas and electric bills.
The credit covers 30% of the energy saving improvements, capping at $1,500 for 2009 and 2010. The credit may no longer be available after 2010. When you complete your tax return be sure to include Form 5695. The IRS website gives more information.
Potential Future Tax Breaks (Pending Extension 2017)
The Home Improvements Revitalize the Economy (HIRE) Act of 2009
Provides a tax deduction of up to $2,000 per family, or a tax credit of $500, for the purchase of certain materials and home furnishings. If you use green products that meet LEED (or other recognized standards) the tax deduction would actually double. Purchases excluded from the HIRE Act are major appliances, house wares and electronics.
Source URL. https://www.marwoodconstruction.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Benefits-of-Remodeling-Your.pdf
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