#puppies and nightlock
Masterpost ig!
i cant believe i forgot: My name is harley my friends call me har ^^
Fandoms: Sonic, TMNT, Sing, basically anthing i'm into at the moment, DC (i have feelings on this many many feelings)
Ships: Look, I'll ship anything as long as its well written and looks good to be. i will not ship it if its incest, a huge age gap, doesnt make sense, or is mostly gross.
Me: Fangirl, genderfluid, Pansexual, I am in the USA :P, freshman in high school.
Requests of any kind: Beware im kinda a procrastinator but i'll get it done eventually lmao, i'm learning so my art is shit but my writing's much better. *PLS SEND ANY REQESTS TO MY ASK BOX* Dont put them in my comments and pls be *specific* if its an oc request i will pm u
Fanfic reviews: Send me the link to a fanfic you want to have reviewed (Yes it can b ur own, i encourage it!!!! ig it could b one of mine too lmao) and have it one fanfic per message so i can answer them one at a time. yes, you can put multiple. ii promise my grammer is much better when i review then this post XD)
Fics i will NOT review: incest. please do NOT send me incest. huge age gaps, and like super super dark fics where like its using smut as a weapon or a method of control. or fics that you know are stupid and make no sense.
My Fics: I have accs on Ao3, FF.N nd here obvs. they are all Puppies and Nightlock lol
OCs you will c on this blog: Roxanne Prower ( My sonic/Sing?literally everything oc), Periwinkle Hope(my first oc ever, she is now a sing OC), Harley Rox (MY everythng Oc, also used for the choas family on yt), Hayden my DC OC and last but not least Sirani(my TMNT OC, she's been sitting inmy notebook for the last year, so ig i should post her. remind me.)
anyways this is my insane blog, welcome, please dont die ^^
and yes i like talking to people so send me asks and shit, i like making friends too.
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sonicheysister · 2 years
Welcome to My AU!
Hey hey! Most of y'all know me as puppies and nightlock, this is a space to organize my au stuff lol. the characters will include my own OCs and the original cast, as well as my ideas for other charecters entrances like Amy Rose.
My Ocs + the Cast (so far):
Roxanne "Spark" Prower Wachowski: She's a few months old and dumped on planet earth by her parents, THE PROWERS?? Her first entrance is in my fanfic, Hey, Sister
Alia Barlowe: a just turned 20 college student, working five jobs and is the Wachowskis babysitter(or super cool adult friend who shows up to make sure they don't burn the house down). She almost runs over a lil pink hedgie and it goes from there hehehe. Her first apperance is also in Hey, Sister.
Sonic, Miles, and Knuckles Wachowski: The Wachowski brothers. they get their own profiles later XD
Maddie and Tom Wachowski: the poor, poor parents lmao
MORE COMING SOON (I need to finish writing the fic first lol)
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justthehopeleft · 5 years
Nightlocke- An Introduction
There are two things you need to know about me. I mean, technically there are more, but these are the basics.
1. I am broken. Everybody is. It's non-arguable.
2. I have no name.
Debate that one all you like, but it's true. Yes, I've been given names, and yes, I've chosen names, but I have no name.
What is a name? A name is what you call yourself, really. Occasionally I'll refer to myself as Ari, but only because that's what everybody knows me as.
Ari Nightlocke.
Don't flinch when you hear my name. Given that this is a story, and I'm fictional (or so you think), you have no reason to fear me. Yet.
Those who know me do tend to flinch. Excluding my personal friends, everybody in this universe fears me.
Allow me to introduce myself. Ari Nightlocke.
I've killed approximately 23 billion people and counting. There are many more in the universe, don't worry. Your precious little Earth is relatively unscathed. I said relatively.
All those mysterious deaths, unexplainable, unsolved? Me. All those disappearances? Me. That feeling you get that someone is watching you? Me.
I'm an assassin. I kill because people pay me to kill. And so I'm watching everybody, all the time.
Don't be scared. You're human. You're on Earth. You're reading this on Tumblr. It's going to be a book, called Nightlocke. Written by me, of course.
I know more about you, but of course personal details vary from reader to reader. I could say that you're gay, and it might be right, but you also might be one of those obnoxious straight people and take offense. (Not to say that all straight people are obnoxious, or that all obnoxious people are straight. Just a coincidence that some straight people happen to be obnoxious, and some obnoxious people happen to be straight.)
Also, sexuality can be fluid. Can be. It doesn't have to be. I'm very confident in my sexuality. But you never know. There's always tomorrow.
I could tell you my sexuality. But that'd be boring. However, let me get this straight: I am not straight.
Also I kill people for a living. That too. Also important.
And I tend to destroy worlds. Almost destroyed Earth, but puppies are hard to find elsewhere. Or, at the very least, puppies that aren't part wolf.
I guess you could be afraid of me. But please don't judge me based on one chapter. It's annoying.
Don't be afraid. At least, don't be afraid yet. There's worse stuff to come.
And I know this is messy, disorganized, cluttered. So's my brain.
And this is my story.
English can't tell me how to write it.
After all, I've never listened to anybody's advice before.
Why start now?
Anyways, enough about me. I'm sure you'd love to hear more, given that you've read this far, but you're human. Your cute little minds aren't really made to comprehend everything at once. So pause right here, please. And if you're being rebellious and don't want to pause
I told you to pause. So take a deep breath, or I will repeat myself. Have you understood everything so far? If you haven't, it's okay. Not everybody understands everything at once. Not even me. It's okay if you want to stop reading now or go grab a snack or take a nap. It's okay to reread until you can kinda understand me. I struggle too. Now please take a deep breath and remember something very important.
I care about you.
Want me to say it again?
I care about you.
You're reading this story, which lets me know that people don't absolutely despise me. Which is good.
But you're also alive.
And so I care about you, because nobody else will ever be exactly the same.
I would also appreciate it if you waited until after the book is finished and completed and you've read it all to die.
And so it's okay if you don't understand me. You don't have to. I don't understand myself sometimes.
Let's start over.
I'm Ari Nightlocke, professional killer, assassin, and sorceress. I kill for money, I can destroy worlds, I'm not straight.
One more thing.
I'm not human.
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Worlds do not align. (First fanfic review!!)
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this was one of the fics asked to be reviewed by @the-chozo-lord
*spoiler-free* *sort of*
tell me how i did on reviews!
So, i love sonic verse crossover fics and I was like hell yeah, sounds great lmao
Worlds do not align is truly a piece of work. It's unfinished but I know i will be following this to the end. This story begins with our dearly beloved (ha.ha.) X! Eggman yelling at his robots(the poor things) per usual. This time, the chaos energy was screwed with, and it cuts to our lovely SCU! boys, who are basically getting their souls wrenched out, their chaos energy being drained. Each wakes up in a different spot of the Sonic X world. SCU! Sonic ends up with X! Knuckles, SCU! Tails with the Rabbit family, and Knuckles in the woods. I am trying to make this as spoiler-free as possible, so i'll go off some of the points i really enjoyed.
Lady Rouge. The backstory that is given to Champion (SCU! Knuckles) is something that is extremely interesting, as well as horribly sad. The way they play Rouge in this is quite possibly one of the best ways I've seen her being put in the SCU. She is portrayed as the daughter of a noble, and met Champion when he was eight and she was nine. An incident occurred to them never meeting again, but i still think that it's worth being talked about.
The Tails backstory. We all know that when it comes to our boy Tails, he has one of the worst tales imaginable. I wanted to point this out because this whole time talking about it, he downplays everything, and that in itself is so insanely tails like i just wanted to applaud for the characterization of this. This leads me to my next point.
Therapy. Thank you. Thank you so much for giving the boys therapy. i have seen this in so many amazing SCU fics, and every time it just gives me gratitude. It's also mentioned that Tails has an inferiority complex, which is why he tends to downplay everything.
The Rabbits. Okay, this was once again an amazing take of Cream and Vanilla for the SCU. They took in Knuckles for a bit, until something happened and Cream's father died. Knuckles left, for their safety. I legit love this.
Tails' biplane. its mentioned that Tails came in rescuing his brothers from the island, from the second movie. And yet, it seems they still haven found where he got it from. When asked, Tails gives a look of innocence that, in the story's words, rivals Cream's. My guess is he stole it XD.
The end where it left off, where they reconvened with their parents, gave me a smile that lasted even when i began to write this. My favorite line was when it was stated that they had found a new tribe, a family that always had each other's backs. This fanfic was so much fun to read, and if you actually read this review, thanks! Check here for guidelines on sending fics in. Link for this lovely fic is here.
Happy reading! ~ Puppies and Nightlock
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i keep putting off my homework and im so antsy rn pls someone talk to me idk send me an ask idfk urgghhhhhhhhhh
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puppiesandnightlock · 2 years
Hey!  It’s Puppies and Nightlock, I’ve been going thru a lot of shit recently and my mental health has been dropping a LOT. I’ll still kinda be on here but not much, and if there’s been anything I haven’t done it probably won’t be done for awhile so I apologize for that. If u seem to require a dose of crappy fandom shit, here are some of my other accounts down below XD
FF.N(mostly for Sing stuff): https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15204692/Puppies-and-Nightlock
Ao3(mostly for Sonic): https://archiveofourown.org/users/Puppies_and_Nightlock/pseuds/Puppies_and_Nightlock
DeviantArt(both Sing and Sonic): https://www.deviantart.com/puppiesandnightlock
YouTube(both!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU8_Tp5UYy8bNK39bcmeAMg
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